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President Truman did which of the following to bring an end to war with Japan in 1945?

1. Issued an ultimatum to the Japanese government and 2. Used the atomic bomb.

Which of the following sources would be useful in studying social mobility and stratification?

1. Manuscript census returns, 2. City directories, and 3. Tax records

The United States issued a Declaration of Neutrality in 1937 as a result of the

1. outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, 2. Nye Committee's Report on War Profiteering in World War I, and 3. invasion of Ethiopia by Mussolini's

The United States Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) that

1. segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, 2. the schools of Topeka, Kansas must integrate, 3. Plessy v. Ferguson was unconstitutional, and 4. separate was not equal

At the Teheran Conference in 1943, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union declared that

1. the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan when Germany was defeated and 2. the invasion of France would be coordinated with a Soviet offensive in the east

How many times was Franklin Roosevelt elected president?


Which of the following was not a leader of a nation allied with the United States in World War II?

Benito Mussolini

The World War II American cartoonist who created the characters of G.I. Joe and Willie was

Bill Mauldin.

Which of these factors best accounts for the shift of population westward in the 1940's?

Expansion of the aircraft industry

Which answer choice pairs two aspects of United States foreign policy having generally similar purposes?

Fourteen Points-Atlantic Charter

The United States policy of Lend-Lease in 1940 benefited what allied nation the most?

Great Britain

Franklin D. Roosevelt did not strenuously oppose the Soviet Union's control of Poland at the Yalta conference of 1945 for all the following reasons except:

He sympathized with the Soviet Union's desire to have a friendly state on its border.

Which action by the United States showed most clearly its resolution to preserve the political independence and territorial integrity of China?

Intervening in the Korean War (1950)

All of the following statements about the Lend-Lease program during World War II are true except:

It provided for terms of repayment that were similar to those for American loans during the World War I.

Which of the following is in the correct chronological order?

Japan invades Manchuria, Stimson doctrine, Neutrality Acts, Lend-Lease Act, Atlantic Charter

The underlying issue that led to the outbreak of war between the United States and Japan in 1941 was

Japanese desire to annex large portions of China

"The continued presence of a large, unassimilated, tightly knit racial group, bound to an enemy nation by strong ties of race, culture, custom and religion along a frontier vulnerable to attack, constituted a menace which had to be dealt with." This quotation refers to

Japanese-Americans during World War II

During World War II, the ethnic group living in the United States that faced the most difficult test of loyalty was the


The principle of "cash and carry" was included in the

Lend-Lease program

This battle was the turning point in the Pacific war between Japan and the U.S. The Japanese never recovered from the devastating losses they took in this battle. They were forced to go on the defensive from this battle until the end of the war.


The policy of appeasement toward Adolph Hitler in 1938 was most typified in the

Munich conference

The British Prime Minister who stated in 1938 that there would be "peace in our time ..." was

Neville Chamberlain

The largest battle ever fought, which historians consider the turning point of World War II in Europe, was the battle of


Which of the following is true of the forced relocation of Japanese Americans from the West Coast during the Second World War?

President Roosevelt claimed that military necessity justified the action

The peace treaty with Japan following World War II provided for which of the following?

Reparations payment of 10 billion dollars

A pioneer United States space scientist was

Robert H. Goddard

Which of the following was the least important consideration in the United States decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945?

Scientists wished to demonstrate to Congress that the $2 billion spent, after long debate, on the six-year Manhattan Project had not been wasted

The Non-Aggression Pact of 1939 was made between what two leaders?

Stalin, Hitler.

All of the following battles involved American troops except


At which three wartime conferences did the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union meet together?

Teheran Conference, Yalta Conference, Potsdam Conference

What prevented Hitler from defeating the Allied invasion at Normandy in 1944?

The Allies deceived Hitler into believing that the real invasion was to take place at Pas de Calais. When Allied troops landed at Normandy, Hitler thought it was a feint, and kept his best troops at Pas de Calais. He didn't realize his mistake until it was too late

United States policy towards Latin America under Franklin D. Roosevelt can be summarized a

The Good Neighbor Policy

Which of the following statements about the organization of the United Nations is accurate?

The Soviet Union originally had three votes in the general assembly

All but one of the following statements are true about United States difficulties with Mexico over oil in the period of 1920-1945. Identify the exception.

The United States did NOT follow a policy of dollar diplomacy

All of the following arguments have been used by revisionist historians to criticize the United States' use of nuclear weapons against Japan except:

The United States wished to eliminate the political and military leadership of Japan.

Which of the following would not be considered part of the Cold War?

The attempts to impeach Earl Warren

Which of the following made the Soviet Union suspicious of the motives of The United States and Great Britain during World War II?

The delay in opening the second front in Europe

Which of these items departed most markedly from Washington's advice about our conduct in European affairs?

The enunciation of the Monroe Doctrine, 1823

Which of the following statements about the organization of the United Nations is accurate?

The permanent members of the Security Council are the United States, the Soviet Union (Russia), France, and Great Britain

In all but one of the following pairs, the words or phrase in parenthesis helps to bring into effect, to support, or to make more effective the item with which it is paired. Identify the exception.

The right of a state to fix maximum rates for the use of grain storage elevators (Munn v. Illinois).

What do the presidential elections of 1860, 1888, and 1912 have in common?

The winning candidate had a majority of the electoral vote, but did not have a majority of the popular vote

Which of the following is the correct chronological order for the events?

Wilson's 14 Points; rejection of League of Nations by U.S. Senate; Washington Disarmament Conference; Kellogg Briand Pact.

Which American leader during the 20th century would most likely have made the following statement? "We had a chance to gain the leadership of the world. We lost it, and soon we shall be witnessing the tragedy of it all."

Woodrow Wilson

The Manhattan Project was a

World War II program to develop the atomic bomb

The wartime conference in which Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt laid out plans for postwar Europe, allowing Eastern Europe to fall under the Russian "sphere of influence" while Western Europe would be under British and American influence, was the _____ conference.


The Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor succeeded for all of the following reasons except:

a conspiracy by the United States government to let the Japanese attack by surprise so America would have a legitimate excuse to enter World War II

The Battle of Midway resulted in

a defeat for the Japanese and a brake on their control of the Pacific

World War II had all of the following economic consequences for the United States between 1942 and 1945 except:

a redistribution of wealth that favored the upper ranks of the nation's wage earners

The isolationist policies of the United States in the 1930's were broken down by the danger of

a simultaneous two-ocean war against a united Europe and a united Asia

During his presidency, Harry S. Truman did all of the following except:

abolish the Tennessee Valley Authority

Between 1920 and 1939, American foreign policy included all of the following except

active intervention to prevent aggression.

After his reelection in 1940, Franklin Roosevelt's response to the developments in Europe was to

aid the British war effort by supporting the Lend-Lease Act

The United States' involvement in World War II began in 1942 with

an attack on German forces in North Africa

In the Second World War the Allied strategy, agreed upon by the U.S. and Great Britain, was to

concentrate on defeating Germany first before turning on Japan.

When President Harry S. Truman announced on August 6, 1945, "We have spent two billion dollars on the greatest scientific gamble in history and won," he was referring to the

construction of an atomic bomb and its explosion on Hiroshima

President Dwight Eisenhower and most Republicans accepted the basic tenets of the New Deal because they

converted to a liberal philosophy

The British and French policy of appeasement toward Mussolini and Hitler

convinced Hitler that both Britain and France were spineless and led him to accelerate the rate of German expansion

After the United States entered the Second World War, the Soviet Union complained about American

delays in opening a second front in Europe

At the time the Second World War began in Europe, the general mood in the United States with regard to the war was

determination not to become involved

The neutrality legislation of 1935-1937 was based on the contention that one of the chief causes of American involvement in World War I was

economic ties with the belligerents

United States neutrality legislation in the mid 1930s contained all of the following provisions except

enacting an arms embargo

Under the Bracero Program, the United States

encouraged the temporary employment of Mexican nationals as farm workers

In the Destroyer Deal of 1940 the United States

gave Great Britain fifty destroyers in exchange for military bases on British possessions

On the map above, the areas colored black illustrate the

greatest extent of Nazi control in World War II

In order to prevent the effects of inflation during the Second World War, the federal government

imposed wage and price controls

Franklin D. Roosevelt departed from Wilson's wartime practices when he

included members of both political parties in the delegation to the San Francisco Conference

World War II affected American society by

increasing the mobility of the American people

The Atlantic Charter agreement of 1941 included all of the following goals of the Allies except:

international control of nonconventional weapons.

The agreement to exchange fifty American destroyers for British bases in 1940 was criticized in the United States mainly because

it was a violation of international law

The Act of Chapultepec marked a turning point in our Latin American relations because it

made the Monroe Doctrine a responsibility of all the Pan-American republics

Revisionist historians who are critical of Franklin D. Roosevelt's policies in 1941 have accused him of

maintaining an isolationist strategy despite the threat to American security.

The fascist ideology in Italy contained all of the following characteristics except:

many political parties nominated candidates

The so-called "Phony War" of 1939-1940

marked a period of time when nothing seemed to be happening

The United States in the 1920's refused to cancel the war debts of its European allies because the United States

needed the money to help pay for economic development at home

The internment of Japanese-Americans by the United States during World War II was primarily because

of evidence and suspicions that they were involved in treasonous activity

During the Second World War, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin constantly urged that U.S. and British forces should

open a "Second Front" by landing troops in France and driving toward Germany from the west.

At the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States found itself

partially prepared by over a year of the nation's first peacetime draft

In the mid-1930's, the United States responded to the attack of Italy on Ethiopia and the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War by

passing neutrality legislation

"United States foreign policy is often formulated in the belief that an earlier policy was mistaken." All of the following pairs of events support this statement except the

promulgation of President Wilson's neutrality policy in the period 1914-1917 and the passage of the Neutrality Acts of the mid-1930s

The Washington Naval Conference of 1921-1922 had significance over and above the treaties signed by the various conferees in that it

ratified the existing naval balance of power

The thrust of Roosevelt's "Good Neighbor' policy was to

retreat from the military interventionism and blatant economic domination which had characterized previous American policy toward Latin America

The Atlantic Charter

set collective war strategy and long-term war goals for Britain and the United States

Which of the following best characterizes the policy of the United States toward China during World War II ?

support for Chiang-kai-Shek's government but with minimal military intervention against Japanese forces occupying China

"If your neighbor's house was on fire, and he didn't have a garden hose, wouldn't it make sense to let him use your hose to fight the fire so the fire could be put out before it spread to your house?" This question was raised by Franklin Roosevelt to justify

the Lend-Lease Act

The Yalta Conference of February 1945 was a meeting of the leaders of

the U.S., the Soviet Union, and Great Britain.

The 1944 Dumbarton Oaks Conference involved primarily

the formation of the United Nations

All of the following were important social consequences of World War II between 1942 and 1945 except:

the integration of Major League Baseball

The act that proved to be the turning point of World War II was

the invasion of Russia by Germany

the West Coast

the loss of most of Japan's merchant marine

All of the following were steps taken by the United States to aid Great Britain prior to U.S. entry into World War II except

the stationing of U.S. Marines in Scotland to protect it against possible German invasion

For Mexican Americans, World War II created

threat of deportation.

As U.S. troops suffered a series of defeats during the early months of the Second World War in the Pacific, General Douglas MacArthur promised

to return to the Philippines.

During World War II the United States took all of the following military actions in the Asian war except

training Chinese armies to fight the Japanese

During the 1930s isolationists supported the prohibition of all of the following except:

travel by U.S. citizens on belligerent ships

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

united the country behind the war effort

The United States during World War II adopted all of the following strategies except:

use of atomic bombs on Japan and Germany

The United States during World War II adopted all of the following strategies except:

use of atomic weapons on Japan and Germany

The term "Rosie the Riveter" refers to women who

were employed in defense industries during the World War II

During World War II blacks

were integrated into the Armed Forces of the United States

The Stimson doctrine stated that the United States

would not recognize any Japanese violation of the principles of the Open Door

"We shall not realize our objectives, however, unless we are willing to help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against aggressive movements that seek to impose upon them totalitarian regimes." This quotation is a statement of the

Truman Doctrine

During World War II, labor unrest was kept to a minimum with the exception of John L. Lewis

United Mine Workers

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