1858 to 1909

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Indian High Courts Act 1861

1. Each high court to consist of chief justice and not more than 15 judges 2. calcutta is the first high court and one of the chartered high courts of country

Royal Titles Act 1876

1. It was one of Disraeli's famous imperialistic measures 2. The tile empress of India was officially translated as Kaisar-i-Hind and was decorated on her in delhi Durbar.

Suppression of extremists

1. Prevention of seditious meetings act: it was passed in 1907 2. Explosive substance Act: It was passed in 1908 3. The newspaper act 1908: This act was passed and provided to confiscate the press if published against government.

Important works of Lord Mayo

1. Setting up of revenue department 2. Introduction of improved rifle, the snider. 3. Infrastructure development in the country where immense extension of roads, railroads and canals was carried out. 4. he refused loans to public work that is not productive.

Indian Penal Code 1862

1. The initial sketch was drawn by Lord macaulay in 1830 but came into force in 1862. 2. Malimath committee is related to issue of reforms of IPC.

Irrigation Commission 1901

After the famine, there was emphasis for internal administration reforms. Irrigation commission was appointed by Lord Curzon.

Lord Minto

Succeeded Lord Curzon, cracked down on people who made hue and cry. Victims were school boys

Steps by Lord Curzon

Established a police commission in 1902 Established agricultural research institute in Pusa University commission was set up under sir thomas raliegh, universities act 1904 was passed.

east india Association 1867

Established by Dadabhai Naoroji initiated establishment of East India Association at London. Idea was to present correct information about India to british public and voice indian grievances.

Sanyasi Uprising

Forests of jalpaiguri. Sanyasis and Fakirs stood up against the oppressive tax collection post Bengal Famine in 1770. Massacre of 150 fakirs in 1771.

Queen Victoria's proclamation

Grand Durbar was held in Allahabad. Royal proclamation announced that queen had assumed government of India. Its "Magna Carta of the People of India" All treaties with the Indian native princes came under the authority of British Crown.

Birsa Rebellion

Happened in Bihar and Jharkhand. Mundas were tribal who revolted in 1789, 1807, 1812 in Bihar and Jharkhand. Birsa Munda raised voice against transformation of tribal agrarian system into feudal system in Chhotanagpur Plateau. Followers of Birsa were called Birsait.

Lord mayo

He insisted that native princes should not be guilty of misgovernment.He encourage the native rulers in enlightened government. established Mayo college in Ajmer for young Rajput.

Lord North Brook 1872 - 1876

He succeeded Lord Mayo after he was mudered.

British India Society 1839-43

In 1831 Dwarkanath Tagore had established landholder's society which was the first organization of bengal with distinct political object. British India Society was founded by william adam. This started a newspaper "British india Advocate". The idea was to secure the welfare and advance the interests of all classes.

Indigo Revolt 1856-57

Indigo plant started in bengal in 1777. There was high demand of blue die in Europe. peasants were compelled to grow indigo rather than food crops.The peasants were given loans called "dadon" for indigo planting which was at a very high interest rate. The loan made people indebted and resulted in rebellion

Prince of Wales Visit to India 1876

Intent of the visit was to inspire the local princes loyalty to the British empress and affirm their central role in maintenance of empire. He was showered with valuable gifts.

Ilbert Bill 1884

Introduced by Ripon to abolish the racial prejudice from the indian penal code. Allow Indian judges to try british offenders in criminal cases. reintroduction of bill in 1884 where defendant would have right to claim trial by jury where at least half of the members must be European. It deepened antagonism between british and Indians. The result was establishment of Indian national congress.

India's first census

It happened in 1871. Lord mayo conducted in order to secure permanent improvement in finances. It happened under guidance of William Hunter. It was the most exhaustive work done after Ain-i-akbari.

INdian Council Act 1909

It is also known as Minto Morley Reforms. The idea was to give locals more power in legislative affairs. It introduced separate and discriminatory electorate which was representation basis class and community. A provision of three categories was made viz, general, special and chambers of commerce. It introduced communal representation for Muslims.

INdian Councils Act 1861

It restored the powers of Madras and bombay the power or legislation. Governer's general council was restructured to not less than 6 and not more than 12. For the first time portfolio system started. Governer was authorized to exercise veto and issue ordinance in a situation of emergency.

Ahom Revolt 1828

It took place in Assam after the Anglo Burmese War. The rebellion was against the annexation of territories under the british rule.

Khonds Uprising

It took place in Orissa in 1846 and 1855. It was led by Chakra Bisoi.

Paik Rebellion 1803-1806

It took place in Orissa. Paiks are militia class under the zamindars. Bakshi Jagabandhu was the leader.

Santhal Rebellion 1855-56

It was a rebellion of Santhal people led by 4 Murmu brothers against the Zamindari system. They launched the guirilla warfare in Jungles of Jharkhand.

British Indian Association 1851

It was formed by amalgamating Landholder's society and British India society. This was the first political organization that brought the Indian together. This organization sent a delegation to England, Pleading for separation of Judiciary with executive, higher posts and pays for Indians, abolition of salt duty.

Vernacular Press Act 1878

It was passed by Lord Lytton. Later half of 19th century had growth in press and newspapers. They were all in vernacular languages. They made people aware of their political rights. Magistrates of districts were empowered to enter into bond with publisher to not publish anything which might "rouse" feelings of disaffection against government. Magistrate deposit a security which was confiscated if printer violated.

Safety Valve Theory

It was said that INC was started by Viceroy Lord Dufferin with help of ex civil services member as a safety valve against popular discontent. It was thought that educated Indians would become leader of public and organize a rebellion.

Kuka Movement 1872

It was started by Bhahwat Jawar Mal. People used to emit cries while chanting hymns and that is why they were called Kuka. The tenets were there is one true guru "guru gobnd singh", removal of caste distinctions in sikhism and oppose idol worship. the motive was purification of sikhism. The movement became popular under the Namdhari sikhs. The movement became violent under the Ram singh.

Indian Councils Act 1892

It was the begining of parliamentary system in India. This act introduced principle of representation. Universities, district boards, zamindars could send their representative to provincial councils.

Second Anglo Afghan War

Lord Disraeli sent Lord Lytton to INdia to increase influence in Afghanistan. 1855 treaty of peshawar british reopened diplomatic relations. Russia established fixed boundary with Afghanistan. Within 5 years rivalry was back due to an uninvited diplomatic mission from Russians to Kabul. British diplomatic mission was also sent back which triggered the 2nd anglo afghan war.

Indian Evidence Act 1872

Lord Mayo took interest in Prison reforms. In traditional legal system rules differed for persons in different social groups.

Hunter Commission 1882-83

Lord Ripon organised the hunter commission under wiliam hunter. The commission brought out the neglect to the primary and secondary education in country. Government should take special care to extend the primary education. There should be literary and vocational training in secondary education. Commission brought out the inadequate facilities for female education.

Resolution of 1882

Lord Rippon granted Indians first taste of local self government and was known as father of self government.

First secretary of State of India

Lord Stanley, He became the political head of India.

First Viceroy in India

Lord canning 1858 to 1862.

Chuar Rebellion 1799

Midnapore district of West bengal, Durjan singh was the leader. The famine, enhanced taxes, oppressive demands and economic distress caused the revolt.

Lord Lytton

Mohammedan Anglo Oriental college was founded by Sir Syed Ahmed during Lytton. Indian arms act 1878 was legislated during lord lytton. No Indians could keep unlicensed arms however english people could hold arms without license. Lord lytton was responsible for economic distress by abolishing the tax on foreign cotton coming to india. Maximum age of Civil services was reduced from 21 to 19.

Treaty of Gandamak

Much of Afghanistan was occupied by british.Sher Ali's son signed the treaty to prevent british invasion in rest of country.

Birth of Congress 1885

Need for formation of all india political organization had become a necessity. This led to development of some basic needs and objectives before the leaders. Allan Octavian hume published to british electors: 1. Spending Indian tax payers money on british Indian campaigns in Afghanistan 2. Increased pressure on India by annexation of Burma.

Cooperative Credit societies act 1904

Punjab land alienation act stopped money lenders to grant money for keeping land as mortgage. This necessitated the development of rural and agricultural banks. India's first urban cooperative credit society at Kanjivaram.

Early years of congress

Raised demands like 1. Indians get wider powers such as discussion on budget 2. Demand on local self government at a wider level. 3. Simultaneous ICS exam in India and Britain. 4. Separation of judiciary and executive. 5. repeal arms act 6. Higher jobs of Indian in army.

Tribal Uprisings

Revolts were against landlords and feudal lords. The nature of the revolts was agrarian and forest based. Mostly occurred in north and North east India. The movement was against the contemporary measure which compelled them to give up elements of society including bad ones.

BIrth of Durand Line 1884-93

Russians captured Merv Oasis and planned to attack herat. Lord Dufferin managed to secure a settlement. Durand Line carved out a new province called north west frontier province (NWFP) out of annexed areas from Afghanistan.

Indian Civil Services Act 1861

The system for reserving principal posts of covenanted service was introduced in 1858. Any european or Indian can be a part provided he has stayed in India for a minimum of 7 years. The person needs to pass an exam in the vernacular language of the district in which he was deployed.

Lord Rippon 1880-84

The vernacular press act was repealed in 1882. A resolution of 1882 set off for local self government in India.Hunter commission came in 1882 for educational reforms.The first factory act was enacted in 1881. Introduction of Ilbert bill in compromised state. In 1882, he granted freedom to press.

Punjab Land Alienation Act 1900

There was a 15 years limitation placed on all land purchases and mortgages. This bill cancelled Zamindar's right to mortgage the land. The objective of the bill was to impose a check on the alienation of land from agriculture to non agriculture. The idea was to protect zamindars.

Pagal Panthi Revolt 1825-1850

They were a mix of Hinduism, Sufism and animism which became prominent in bengal. they revolted against the oppressive taxes and laws imposed by Zamindars.

Government of India act 1858

This act abolished company rule, abolished board of directors, Crown will govern India directly through a secretary of state of India. This act abolished the dual government introduced by the Pitts India Act. Administration was centralised. All powers were vested in Governer in Council, who was now the viceroy in India.

Lord Curzon

Took office during the Chappania akal. India owed an enormous debt to her colonial masters and this led curzon to remain stringent in his economics. He did not do anything to control the gain in prices.

Orissa Famine 1872

Two great famines took place under Northbrook 1) Bihar Famine 2) Orissa famine. nearly 10 million people perished.

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