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j noun court, justice, decision, state, leader, council, law, commander, appeal, power, authority, being misc •rule, before•, today, •uphold, •decide, •oviet, overturn ● highest, best, ultimate, superlative || sovereign, dominant, uppermost, first


j noun executive, tax, culture, profit, world, sponsor, headquarters, governance, interest, manager, client, office misc vice, private, financial, top•, global, individual, environmental, senior•, •average ● business, company, commercial, trade || communal, shared, group, community


r up, go•, •ahead, •out, look•, •into, your, •down, head•, keep•, set•, stare•, sit• ● as the crow flies, in a straight line, directly, from to || directly, without delay, immediately, at once


v noun model•, year, analyst•, theory•, •behavior, •outcome, expert•, •performance, variable•, level, hypothesis•, regression•, result, effect, weather misc •future, difficult•, hard•, accurately•, significantly•, able• ● forecast, foresee, envisage, expect, guess, calculate


v noun official•, author•, •problem, •role, •importance, •need, •presence, •existence, •contribution, •support, •mistake, •reality, administration, •assistance, failure misc refuse•, gratefully•, fail•, publicly, widely• ● admit, recognize, allow || greet, salute, wave || reply, answer, respond


v noun way, study•, issue, •possibility, student, •relationship, research•, opportunity, article•, idea, •option, area, •difference, theme, experience misc •between, far, •whether, •possible, fully ● travel, discover, see the sights, sightsee || look at, search, study, investigate


v noun •mind, •name, child, •resemblance, •responsibility, •burden, •fruit, •witness, •arm, cost, weight, •brunt, pressure•, market, •relation misc bring•, little, •upon, •striking, heavy, hardly•, •directly, unable• out •by, seem•, fact, observation, prediction, finding, conclusion, claim, expectation down •on, •him, •them, •upon, hurricane•, •hard, weight•, sun• ● tolerate, stand || support, take || assume, take on || show, display || carry, convey || produce, develop


v noun •time, word, process, history•, question, position•, procedure, •mistake, story, pattern, phrase, step, cycle, voice, sequence misc •over, again, same, •remaining, •until, often ● reiterate, recap, go over, echo || do again, replicate, duplicate, show again


j noun area, development, center, school, housing, population, league, life, setting, community, city, environment misc rural, large•, •suburban, poor, major•, especially, industrial, modern• ● city, town, built-up, municipal, inner-city, metropolitan


r as•, photograph•, describe•, note•, color•, •below, mention•, discuss•, •beyond, •right, cite•, outline• ● overhead, above your head, in the air, upstairs, directly above


r say, •let, well, yeah, right, •so, oh•, •thanks, •maybe, yes, fine, nod ● righto, okeydokey, right, sure, all right


[] n adj physical, personal, certain, important, social, different, common, specific, similar, defining noun student, personality•, study, sample, family, teacher, relationship, participant, performance, population verb identify, share•, describe, examine•, base, exhibit•, possess•, consider, affect, influence ● trait, feature, quality, attribute || trait, feature, quality, attribute


d •part, •case, •half, •group, while•, former, during•, •category, choose•, although•, especially, •stage, example, •being


d •side, •way, one, •case, •party, •end, •direction, candidate, •sex, •alone, •gender, •option, •scenario, mile•


d •than, there•, •people, far•, percent, year, mean•, less, minute•, •half, •per, five, job, •employee


c (as long as) as, for•, stay, keep, •remember, live, remain, continue, last, fine•, month, hour, alive, care


j noun revolution, policy, average, country, sector, development, production, park, city, nation, society, area misc commercial, large•, agricultural, major•, military, modern•, urban, economic ● manufacturing, engineering, trade, business || developed, built-up, industrialized, mechanized


j noun service, course, site, discussion, company, information, group, resource, magazine, business, music, community misc available•, offer, such, provide, free, visit•, commercial• ● connected, on, operational, working, available, accessible


j noun site, preservation, district, building, place, city, home, house, landmark, moment, park, event misc national•, preserve, cultural, near, restore•, •downtown, scenic• ● important, significant, momentous, notable || old, ancient, antique, historical


j noun system, issue, problem, process, relationship, structure, task, interaction, set, situation, pattern, carbohydrate misc more•, very•, most•, require, far•, involve, simple, increasingly• ● complicated, difficult, convoluted, involved || multifaceted, compound, composite, multipart


j noun system, law, program, home, structure, research, state, sales, data, technology, literature, service misc new, already•, under•, within, •social, replace•, improve•, •international ● current, present, in effect, prevailing, standing, remaining


n adj abandoned, open-pit, lost, underground, proposed, nearby, dangerous, anti-tank noun land•, gold•, coal•, •worker, •shaft, •field, copper• verb work•, close, step•, hit•, operate, lay, explode, clear, own, •shut ● pit, excavation, coalmine, coalface || source, repository, wealth, fund


n adj bacterial, viral, respiratory, chronic, fungal, common, serious, parasitic, frequent, hospitalacquired noun ear•, risk•, rate, tract•, patient, disease, virus, yeast•, sinus•, sign• verb cause, prevent•, treat, fight•, develop, •occur, spread, associate, die•, result ● contagion, contamination, pollution || disease, illness, virus || corruption, perversion, defilement


n adj bare, upper, broad, flat, wooden, hairy, muscular noun arm, pain, hand, head, shoulder, heart, •drawer, back, knee•, hair verb open, fall, hit•, fold•, lift, clutch•, touch, cross•, beat•, rise ● upper body, torso, rib cage, trunk, ribs


n adj chemical, musical, racial, ethnic, original, overall, similar, demographic noun student, body•, species•, change•, color, music, size•, class, structure, improvisation verb create, determine•, reflect, teach•, alter•, vary, analyze•, relate, improve, paint ● constitution, makeup, structure || work of art, creation, work || arrangement, configuration, conformation


n adj complete, practical, comprehensive, useful, spiritual, reliable, rough, native, blind noun tour•, field•, teacher, dog, shopping•, food•, curriculum•, •detail, buyer• verb provide, serve•, publish, offer, hire•, list, act•, travel, hike, consult• ● leader, director, attendant || leader, escort, director || influence, standard, model || handbook, guidebook, manual


n adj composite, fit, right, economic, glycemic, major, leading, body-mass, various, asdaq noun •finger, •fund, price•, stock, consumer•, body•, mass•, •card verb •rise, measure, •fall, provide, calculate, •close, track, •drop, •indicate, •gain ● directory, catalog, guide, file || indication, indicator, symbol, pointer


i (ahead of) •of, •time, •him, •them, •me, •her, year•, step•, far•, •schedule, stay•, put•, game, •curve


j noun attention, analysis, planning, consideration, study, examination, reading, observation, look, research, scrutiny, monitoring misc •not, very•, •about, more•, must•, need•, require•, •avoid ● cautious, wary, vigilant || thorough, meticulous, painstaking || prudent, sensible, judicious || protective, sympathetic, sensitive


j noun bed, night, wheel, couch, chair, baby, morning, minute, right, class, dinner, dawn misc fall•, she, when, still•, while, sound•, fast•, until• ● sleeping, slumbering, dead to the world, snoozing || numb, benumbed, insensible, dead


j noun change, right, question, problem, principle, issue, difference, value, nature, skill, law, shift misc most•, more•, •between, •human, basic, •economic, raise•, address• ● basic, primary, original, essential || important, central, essential, vital


j noun cow, dog, scientist, hell, dash, magazine, rush, mom, dad, scene, doctor, king misc •at, get•, me, make•, because, really•, drive•, •enough ● angry, furious, livid || wild, uncontrolled, crazy || passionate, wild, crazy


j noun glass, bone, heart, leg, window, promise, piece, arm, home, branch, rib, nose misc suffer•, fix•, •left, repair•, mend, replace•, litter, lay ● wrecked, fragmented, shattered || inoperative, malfunctioning, faulty || beaten, licked, defeated


j noun government, company, border, law, province, policy, minister, society, team, official, industry, culture


j noun hair, eye, suit, sky, area, shade, cloud, face, day, color, beard, stone misc black, white, wear•, dark•, blue, long•, brown, light• ● leaden, steely, ashen, dull, grim, dark


j noun hair, grass, weather, eye, clothes, suit, snow, bar, towel, face, season, sand misc dry, cold, soak•, warm, hot, cool•, dripping•, heavy ● damp, soaked, soaking, drenched || rainy, showery, drizzly, raining


j noun hair, inch, glass, air, layer, wall, smoke, skin, cloud, tree, fog, slice misc through•, •black, too•, •white, until•, dark, cover, wear• ● deep, broad || dense, profuse || viscous, syrupy || filled, full || indistinct, slurred || pronounced, impenetrable


j noun hand, face, audience, scientist, anticipation, politician, customer, investor, crowd, fan, buyer, smile misc seem•, too•, young, •learn, •please, •share, willing• ● keen, enthusiastic, excited, raring to go, ready, willing


j noun health, illness, service, retardation, disorder, state, problem, hospital, professional, care, abuse, note misc physical, national•, emotional, social, severe•, suffer•, serious•, treat ● cerebral, psychological, rational, intellectual, spiritual, emotional


j noun issue, area, information, skin, need, man, subject, topic, material, data, technology, matter misc more•, very•, most•, highly•, environmentally•, particularly•, politically• ● responsive, receptive || thin-skinned, easily upset || precise, exact || subtle, delicate || thoughtful, sympathetic || delicate, irritable || awkward, tricky || secret, confidential


j noun labor, price, shot, stock, oil, land, wine, hotel, energy, plastic, good, import misc buy, easy, relatively•, sell, expensive, plentiful, abundant, quick ● inexpensive, economy, low-priced || shoddy, inferior, second-rate || contemptible, despicable, shameful || stingy, tightfisted, close-fisted


j noun language, war, word, moss, government, conquest, explorer, class, speaker, inquisition


j noun league, injury, change, problem, role, baseball, player, child, planet, party, leaguer, difference misc only•, major, relatively•, play•, few•, •such, •compare, suffer• ● slight, negligible, inconsequential, trivial || lesser, inferior, junior, secondary


j noun life, chair, home, room, place, seat, position, talking, shoe, environment, bed, skin misc •with, feel•, more•, make•, very•, most•, become•, •enough ● cozy, snug, relaxing || at ease, contented, relaxed || well-to-do, well-heeled, rich


j noun life, leader, experience, practice, power, value, world, belief, tradition, journey, dimension, need misc physical, religious, moral, emotional, social, cultural, personal, psychological ● religious, holy, sacred, divine || mystical, divine, unworldly, otherworldly


j noun matter, food, material, compound, soil, farm, farmer, product, carbon, farming, molecule, waste misc volatile•, grow, such, buy•, natural, certified•, produce, inorganic ● carbon-based, biological, living || unprocessed, unrefined, untreated || gradual, natural, spontaneous


j noun matter, purpose, application, way, reason, problem, experience, term, joke, use, implication, solution misc more•, theoretical, provide•, both•, offer•, well, moral, rather, ethical ● applied, real-world, hands-on || realistic, down-toearth, sensible || feasible, sound, useful || everyday, workaday, serviceable


n adj black-and-white, framed, still, digital, historic, detailed, classic, naked, faded, stunning noun page, •author, color•, time, family, collection•, •courtesy, •right, photo, image verb show, pose, feature, display, depict, illustrate, document, accompany, snap, frame ● photo, picture, snap, shot, snapshot, print


j noun number, result, thing, finding, way, fact, amount, news, answer, discovery, strength, degree misc it•, not•, •that, most•, find, hardly•, perhaps•, shall• ● astonishing, astounding, amazing, shocking, startling, unexpected


j noun offering, stage, reaction, investment, study, response, phase, cost, report, step, result, analysis misc after•, during•, •public, follow, despite•, beyond•, minimum• ● first, early, original, preliminary, opening, primary


j noun one, man, day, guy, break, number, strike, star, girl, charm, boy, person misc get, if, •enough, very•, feel•, consider•, •alive, guess ● fortunate, blessed, fluky, auspicious, providential, propitious


j noun page, direction, side, end, sex, effect, wall, way, corner, view, bank, shore misc just•, quite•, exactly•, sit•, •below, exact•, photograph•, •above ● conflicting, contradictory, differing, reverse || far, other, furthest, facing


j noun part, element, component, oil, service, ingredient, skill, acid, role, information, feature, nature misc absolutely•, provide, consider•, understand, human, •fatty, •successful ● vital, indispensable, important, crucial || fundamental, basic, elemental, key


j noun professor, coach, secretary, director, attorney, manager, editor, principal, chief, superintendent, administrator, commissioner misc •general, former•, •managing, clinical, serve•, •vice, head ● associate, subordinate, secondary, junior, sub-, vice-


j noun program, plan, study, approach, health, education, system, care, reform, assessment, service, test misc more•, most•, provide•, develop•, offer•, include, •environmental, require ● complete, inclusive, full, all-inclusive, wide-ranging, broad


j noun punishment, case, thing, way, circumstance, situation, step, behavior, name, event, feature, combination misc not•, very•, most•, cruel•, nothing•, something•, highly• ● rare, uncommon, infrequent, scarce || remarkable, strange, odd, curious


j noun rate, effect, performance, health, score, rating, quality, level, satisfaction, result, cost, market misc improve•, reduce•, increase, low, significant, •economic, contribute• ● general, complete, total, global, inclusive, whole


j noun reaction, expression, smile, glance, observer, joy, onlooker, demonstrator, shout misc , not•, •if, •see, •when, •find, •how, look• ● astonished, astounded, amazed, taken aback, flabbergasted, staggered


j noun reason, heir, difference, lack, contradiction, effect, size, effort, success, suicide, trend, conflict misc become•, no•, more•, readily•, immediately•, without•, despite•, soon• ● obvious, clear, evident, plain || seeming, ostensible, deceptive, outward


n adj electric, initial, total, economic, sudden, electrical, complete, septic, anaphylactic noun •wave, state•, culture•, oil•, •absorber, •therapy, •treatment, •value verb send•, absorb•, cause, stare•, •wear, receive•, express•, experience•, react•, recall ● distress, numbness, devastation, disbelief || surprise, jolt, blow, kick in the teeth


n adj environmental, industrial, light, marine, toxic, global, chemical, atmospheric noun air•, water•, •control, •prevention, source, problem, level, •act, oil•, noise• verb reduce•, cause, prevent•, cut•, contribute, clean•, affect, result, monitor, relate ● contamination, toxic waste, effluence, greenhouse gasses, smog, fumes


n adj famous, double, photographic, formal, intimate, official, detailed, individual, female, frican noun artist, family, •gallery, painting, •painter, oil, group verb paint, hang, draw, create•, include, present, commission, depict, display, line ● picture, representation, portrayal, likeness, photograph, sketch


n adj fat, sexual, specific, academic, emotional, entire, recycled, intellectual noun table•, •issue, course, form, moisture•, curriculum, image(s)•, water, knowledge, heart• verb teach, determine, relate, empty•, examine•, pour•, analyze, vary, focus, reveal ● substance, matter, subject matter, gist, contents, subject


n adj fatal, loud, fiery, frontal, deadly, terrible, spectacular, rear-end noun plane•, car•, •site, •course, market•, stock•, •flight, •test verb die•, kill, cause, hear•, survive•, •involve, •occur, injure•, reduce•, investigate• ● collision, accident, smash || bang, smash, din || failure, breakdown, collapse || bankruptcy, failure, collapse


n adj fine, formal, private, outdoor, elegant, casual noun •room, •table, •area, •hall, kitchen, living, chair, hotel, night, restaurant verb sit•, eat, enter•, seat•, feature, gather•


n adj firm, strong, powerful, tight, tenuous, indefinite, precarious noun hand, •arm, life, cargo•, •power, ship, edge•, choke•, •minute, career• verb take•, get•, put•, grab•, keep•, catch•, let, break•, release•, tighten• ● grip, grasp, clasp || footing, foothold, handhold || power, control, influence || storage space, cargo bay, storeroom


n adj fluent, classic, excellent, broken, passable, impeccable, high-school noun nglish, erman, talian, •subtitle, word, century•, •toast verb speak, learn•, translate•, teach•, study•, fight, open, publish•, lead, attack


n adj fluent, standard, plain, broken, perfect, accented, limited noun language, professor•, school, word, teacher, math, degree• verb speak•, learn•, teach•, write•, translate•, read, understand•, convey


n adj foreign, individual, institutional, small, private, potential, real, long-term, financial, average noun stock, fund, group, •confidence, share, bond, value, interest, investment, estate• verb •buy, sell, attract•, own, seek, protect•, recommend•, advise•, close•, scare• ● saver, depositor, stockholder, nominee || backer, sponsor, patron, guarantor


n adj future, ancient, undisputed, divine, reigning, ersian, gyptian, wise, homecoming, evil noun •queen, burger•, man, lion•, son, father, •mackerel, ord, •pop verb •live, welcome•, kill, crown•, rule, honor•, celebrate, declare, march, •command ● monarch, sovereign, ruler || ruler, chief, head || leader, star, superstar || face card, picture card, playing card


n adj genetic, nuclear, mandatory, standardized, educational, random, extensive, psychological, clinical noun drug•, •program, •, result, •service, •procedure, •ground, laboratory, policy, lab verb require, conduct, undergo•, perform, indicate, •reveal, prove, submit•, participate, resume• ● analysis, examination, assay, assessment


n adj conceptual, theoretical, legal, institutional, political, social, agreed, general, broad, basic noun •convention, policy, •change, model, development, •agreement, analysis, theory, assessment, education verb provide•, develop, establish, create•, •understand, offer•, base, present, build, •guide ● structure, frame, scaffold, skeleton || outline, agenda, basis, context


n adj dark, white, black, low, thick, gray, red, huge, heavy, molecular noun dust, sky, •smoke, gas, storm•, rain, •cover, mushroom•, light verb move, form, rise, •hang, •gather, break, watch•, drift, •roll, blow ● mist, fog, haze, rain cloud, bank of cloud


n adj democratic, provincial, epublican, incumbent, elected, regional, royal, liberal, fellow, territorial noun state, new, lieutenant•, •office, year, race, •mansion, candidate•, campaign verb run•, elect•, appoint, sign, support, •propose, •declare, •announce, veto, endorse ● director, ruler, manager, administrator, chief, head


n adj early, recent, late, upward, immediate, quick, theatrical, current, limited noun press•, hostage, news•, year, prisoner, •date, time, •prison, album, week verb issue, schedule•, secure•, sign•, demand•, send•, negotiate•, gain•, promote, coincide• ● relief, discharge, freedom, liberation || announcement, issue, statement, publication


n adj golden, front, main, wooden, wrought-iron, locked, pearly, rear noun iron•, city, guard, security•, heaven, starting•, garden, fence, entrance, street verb open, close, walk, stand, pass•, swing, lock, enter, reach•, shut ● entrance, entry, door || attendance, crowd, turnout || receipts, take, proceeds


n adj good, bad, national, international, academic, professional, solid, growing noun company, •quality, name, career, •integrity, •reliability verb earn•, build•, gain•, develop•, establish•, damage, ruin, enjoy•, enhance•, acquire• ● standing, status, repute, character, name


n adj good, old, elderly, southern, perfect, fine, nglish, distinguished, sorry, merry noun lady•, •agreement, •jury, •club, officer•, country•, •caller, •farmer, •suit, audience verb thank, welcome, remain•, •name, •appreciate, •prefer, •expire, behave, oblige•, commend• ● man, fellow, guy, male || nobleman, aristocrat, squire, grandee


n adj great, humanitarian, international, comic, federal, injunctive, temporary, welcome, sharp noun tax•, sigh•, •effort, •worker, pain, •agency, disaster• verb provide•, feel, breathe•, bring•, seek•, offer•, express•, •flood, •wash, organize ● respite, release, reprieve, break || assistance, aid, help, reinforcement


n adj great, little, serious, clean, exciting, plain, pure, sheer noun lot•, people, family, kid, game, kind, bit•, sun verb have•, make•, poke•, sound•, join•, miss•, •last, spoil• ● enjoyment, excitement, amusement, pleasure, entertainment, diversion


n adj grand, broad, different, regulatory, various, elaborate, whole, overall, conceptual, defensive noun color•, •thing, pyramid•, classification•, •doctrine, tax, management• verb devise, fit•, •involve, propose, implement, hatch•, participate•, introduce, •defraud, •aim ● arrangement, system, structure || plan, plot, conspiracy || plan, method, stratagem || diagram, plan, schematic


n adj grand, narrow, official, tiny, rough, arched, vaginal noun •statement, •ceremony, day, door, •night, •line, •scene, •weekend, job•, •act verb create, attend•, celebrate•, fill, mark•, announce•, delay, deliver•, block, widen ● gap, breach, aperture || start, beginning, introduction || opportunity, chance, lucky break


n adj grand, open, modern, ritish, utch, apanese, acknowledged, spiritual, certified, panish noun •degree, •bedroom, •plan, •teacher, •program, •suite, •ceremony verb earn•, win•, receive•, serve•, study•, finish, copy•, •swim, appoint•, obey• ● controller, ruler, chief || teacher, tutor, guru || expert, virtuoso, maestro


n adj high, perfect, wild, slow, final, fast, tinnitus noun sales•, fever•, •black, voice, rhythm, ball, tone, •angle, pine, •count verb make•, throw•, hit, reach•, hear•, sing, swing, rise•, match, listen• ● playing field, field, arena, area || tone, highness, lowness, note


n adj high, stiff, soft, jagged, tall, central, sharp, snowy, electric, craggy noun mountain, year, •season, •period, •hour, •demand, •performance verb reach•, •form, •occur, rise, hit•, climb•, scale•, mark, exceed, •vary ● mountain, mountaintop, summit, crest || pinnacle, zenith, top, summit


n adj holy, nglish, atholic, favorite, weekly, illustrated, leather-bound noun •study, story, •school, •belt, verse, reading, •class verb read•, teach, believe, open, quote•, carry•, contain, •forbid, inspire, •condemn


n adj hot, dark, white, bittersweet, rich, melted, unsweetened noun •cake, •chip, milk, •cookie, cream, •bar, cup, butter, ice, •mousse verb melt, eat•, stir, add, pour, buy, drink•, contain, taste, spread


n adj hot, red, mute, wrong, blue, off, left, nuclear noun belly•, shirt, push•, elevator, finger•, door, touch•, •mushroom, call•, panic• verb hit•, punch•, click•, wear•, release, pop, fasten ● key, push button, switch, knob || badge, pin, brooch


n adj hot, single, close, silent, sudden, near, unshed, bitter, angry, salty noun eye, •gas, •cheek, wear•, •joy, verge•, trail•, sweat•, voice, crocodile• verb burst•, wipe•, fill, shed, •stream, •run, feel•, •well, break•, •roll ● slit, rip, slash, scratch, gash, hole


n adj human, living, spiritual, very, natural, rational, divine, well, entire, upreme noun od, nature, animal, earth, creature, dignity, core•, machine, universe, existence verb treat, •possess, clone•, transform, inhabit, deserve, evolve, distinguish, murder, function ● existence, life, actuality || self, soul, essence || life form, organism, creature


n adj human, natural, cultural, social, stellar, biological, arwinian noun theory, year•, life, process, stage•, teaching•, galaxy, species, origin•, selection verb teach, understand•, trace•, explain, study•, •occur, describe•, reflect•, •proceed, shape ● development, fruition, growth, progress, progression, advancement


n adj high, low, large, atmospheric, intense, heavy, total, greatest, increased, average noun •camp, power, level, blood, serum•, carbon, water, ozone, memory, air verb increase, contain•, require, reduce•, measure, lose•, break, exceed, decrease, cause ● attentiveness, attention, absorption, meditation, awareness, focus


n adj high, low, mean, overall, favorable, negative, significant, top, individual, sexual noun approval•, star, •scale, teacher•, percent, •system, credit•, , president•, parent verb base, receive•, determine•, indicate, compare, average•, assign, •drop, earn•, peer• ● score, assessment, evaluation, grade || sailor, seaman, hand


n adj high, low, psychological, demographic, similar, public, typical, unique, genetic, lipid noun type, student, personality•, core•, case, •courage, •, mood, face, risk• verb keep•, fit•, raise•, maintain•, create•, match, develop, reveal, indicate, contain ● outline, side view, shape, silhouette || summary, outline, report, précis


n adj large, independent, senior, leading, associate, foreign, commercial, primary, apanese, organic noun executive•, director, show, film, oil•, television•, writer, •, record• verb compete, benefit, enable•, team, credit, co-write, nominate, subsidize, import, collaborate ● creator, manufacturer, maker, fabricator


n adj light, computer-aided, apanese, advanced, chemical, high-tech, traditional noun company, •job, •process, •sector, •plant, industry, design, technology, •facility, service verb lose, develop, employ, decline, improve, •rise, outsource, •account, own, eliminate ● production, manufacture, making, assembly, construction, building


n adj live, popular, mass, interactive, musical, digital, pure noun •industry, news, company, sport, •center, business, home•, art•, television, form• verb provide, offer, feature, combine, specialize•, host•, devote•, disguise ● entertaining, performing, acting || amusement, fun, diversion || attraction, show, concert


n adj long-term, economic, political, human, very, cultural, essential, necessary, basic, overall noun •rate, chance•, •skill, species, strategy, struggle•, matter•, instinct, patient, •guide verb ensure•, •depend, threaten•, fight•, improve•, increase•, assure•, decrease, •vary, •hinge ● continued existence, existence, endurance, being, subsistence, persistence


n adj luxury, popular, all-inclusive, exclusive, aribbean, western, coastal, contemporary noun ski•, hotel, beach•, mountain•, •town, spa, golf, island, area verb •offer, own, visit, •feature, •cater, •attract, lodge•, •boast, •overlook, rent ● option, recourse, alternative, course of action, possibility, choice


n adj merican, foreign, popular, major, erman, international, western, uropean, main, female noun •attraction, •destination, •industry, town, city, •office, hotel, •season, business, •trade verb •visit, attract•, draw, arrive, •flock, travel, cater•, crowd, pose, •line ● traveler, sightseer, visitor, vacationer, day tripper, holidaymaker


n adj merican, foreign, ritish, investigative, veteran, ussian, prominent, prize-winning, award-winning, liberal noun author, politician, television, group, story, writer, freelance•, news, media, association verb •write, •cover, •report, protect•, interview, visit, •publish, kidnap, invite, pose ● reporter, press officer, correspondent, broadcaster, newscaster, columnist


n adj minced, large, fresh, chopped, roasted, green, crushed noun clove, onion, oil, teaspoon, pepper, salt, tablespoon, •powder, cup, sauce verb •mince, add•, chop, stir, cook, •peel, saute, slice, combine•, taste


n adj miniature, professional, junior, pro, competitive, amateur, ultimate, virtual noun •course, •club, •ball, •tournament, game, •cart, tennis, •magazine verb play•, hit•, build, swing, enjoy, overlook•, rank, host•


n adj minimum, federal, legal, specific, basic, general, environmental, certain, academic, financial noun state, course, education, student, law, graduation, disclosure•, standard, information, eligibility• verb meet•, satisfy•, impose, comply•, set, complete•, reduce, fulfill•, report, apply ● obligation, condition, prerequisite, must || obligation, condition, prerequisite, must


n adj national, international, broad, ruling, provisional, conservative, environmental, governing noun •force, •government, group, member, •partner, party, director•, •authority, rainbow•, leader verb form, build•, lead, join•, support, •include, organize, forge•, oppose, seek ● alliance, union, partnership, combination, league, association


n adj national, interstate, federal, main, two-lane, busy, four-lane, coastal noun •safety, road, •traffic, state•, •administration, •system, •patrol, car, mile, side• verb drive, build, head, cross, travel, connect, hit•, block, roll, •link


n adj national, local, suburban, downtown, regional, antique, nearby noun shopping•, strip•, store, street, center, lot, •parking, outlet•, office, town verb walk, build, visit•, head•, house, own, line•, wander•, •cater, •host ● shopping mall, shopping precinct, shopping centre


n adj political, strong, public, main, organized, growing, direct, serious noun •party, leader, •group, government, force, •war, •movement, •candidate, regime, support verb face•, lead, express•, meet•, voice•, reach•, encounter•, •claim, mount, accuse ● antagonism, hostility, disagreement, obstruction || opponent, challenger, competitor, enemy


n adj popular, famous, female, favorite, professional, legendary, talented, choral noun country•, lead•, opera•, jazz•, blue•, gospel•, •songwriter, folk• verb •sing, •perform, feature•, record, train•, accompany, •entertain, •croon, honor, imitate ● vocalist, songster, lead singer, soloist


n adj round, yellow, remaining, moist, red, fried, cooled, light, miniature, iced noun chocolate•, piece•, •pan, birthday•, wedding•, layer, crab•, pound• verb bake, eat, serve, cut, place, ice•, prepare, cool, cook, order• ● bar, block, slab, lump, cube, loaf


n adj running, static, solar, cheap, renewable, reliable, retail, wind-generated noun water, price, gas, power, percent•, cost, fuel, generation, market, energy verb generate, produce, provide, sell, convert•, restore, •flow ● electrical energy, power, energy, current, voltage


n adj rural, surrounding, neighboring, urban, metropolitan, coastal, elected, historic, populous, fastest-growing noun school, city, •sheriff, district, •office, •official, •commissioner, •board, court, •attorney verb •vote, approve, locate, file, sue, contact•, elect, appoint, reside•, populate• ● region, section, province, district, canton, shire


n adj senior, young, old, little, poor, visiting, postdoctoral, fine, nice, honorary noun •institute, research•, •institution, •center, •name, •enterprise, foundation, craft, kind, sort• verb elect•, pray, marry•, found, •gather, vote, •applaud, nominate, hail, tax• ● member, associate, researcher || companion, colleague, associate || man, guy, boy


n adj septic, sraeli, full, raqi, oviet, heavy, empty, external, holding, ussian noun fuel•, gas, water, think•, •top, storage•, fish• verb fill, •roll, fire, destroy, hit, leak, explode, •contain, attack, replace ● cistern, boiler, reservoir, container, chamber, vat


n adj sexual, social, racial, ethnic, male, female, opposite, masculine, feminine noun •difference, race, age, •role, class, ethnicity, effect, issue, •identity, •gap verb base•, examine•, indicate, relate, suggest, reveal, differ, influence, exist, perform ● sex, sexual category, sexual characteristics, masculinity, femininity, sexual role


n adj sharp, paring, serrated, bloody, thin, dull, tiny, quick, -acto noun hand, fork, blade, kitchen•, edge, pocket, butcher•, army•, •throat, palette• verb use•, cut, hold, pull•, put•, carry•, stick, pick, draw, •slice


n adj social, educational, clinical, introductory, cognitive, human, evolutionary, transpersonal noun school•, professor, student, sport•, department, course, •program, education verb study•, teach, enroll•, relate, publish, major•, earn•, derive•, concern, embrace ● mind, thinking, mindset, makeup, sensibility, consciousness


n adj social, very, soft, synthetic, thin, woven, spacetime, natural, urban, luxurious noun piece•, part•, color, •society, cotton, design, silk, •store, pattern, thread verb weave•, cover, cut, create, choose, tear, buy, pull, stretch, drape ● cloth, material, textile || structure, basics, framework || brickwork, stonework, masonry


n adj public, affordable, new, urban, federal, lowincome, fair, permanent, subsidized noun •development, •project, •market, •authority, unit, city, program, job, •complex, community verb build, provide, live•, construct, afford, subsidize, improve ● lodging, shelter, board, home || cover, covering, case, casing


n adj public, great, full, complete, increased, total, growing noun consumer•, level, •ability, •interval, vote•, lot•, investor•, sense• verb give•, lose•, gain•, build•, express•, restore•, inspire•, lack•, undermine•, share ● sureness, self-assurance, self-confidence || assurance, certainty, conviction || classified information, secret, intimacy


n adj public, happy, traditional, favorite, illegal, excellent, recreational noun fishing, deer, •season, •dog, •ground, area, •rifle, •knife verb go•, allow, offer, enjoy•, ban•, prohibit, bargain• ● blood sport, fox hunting, deer stalking, hare coursing, shooting, stalking


n adj public, regional, federal, local, mass, alternative, personal noun department, •system, •board, •safety, secretary, service, •, cost, communication, mode• verb provide, arrange•, improve, operate, rely•, supply, lack, facilitate ● transport, conveyance, carriage, transference, passage


n adj public, righteous, sudden, growing, intense, popular, pent-up noun frustration, lot•, fear, voice, feeling, •resentment, face, pain, •management, expression verb feel, express•, direct, rise, vent•, control•, deal•, cause, flare, experience ● annoyance, irritation, fury, rage, antagonism, resentment


n adj public, senior, academic, athletic, local, top, assistant, chief, educational, colonial noun school•, teacher, faculty, college•, program, university, hospital•, staff, board, coach verb state, support, hire, train, assist, appoint, select, survey, evaluate, interview ● manager, superintendent, commissioner, overseer, officer, bureaucrat


n adj racial, high, ethnic, social, sexual, growing, inherent, constant, religious, creative noun muscle, source•, lot•, conflict, surface•, stress, level, •headache verb create, feel, ease, reduce•, cause, rise, increase, build, relieve•, •exist ● worry, nervousness, anxiety || tautness, tightness, stiffness || conflict, ill feeling, friction


n adj racial, personal, sexual, strong, individual, different, political, clear, religious, special noun student, style, policy, consumer•, matter•, gender•, learning, food, difference•, music verb give, express•, show•, indicate•, base, reflect, learn, state•, influence, determine ● favorite, first choice, partiality, penchant, predilection, fondness


n adj racial, sexual, religious, reverse, past, ethnic, intentional noun sex•, law, •woman, form•, employment, case, race, age•, gender•, price• verb •base, prohibit•, face, end•, suffer•, experience•, file, fight•, •exist, result ● bias, prejudice, unfairness || taste, good taste, judgment || distinction, difference, differential


n adj random, special, tough, specific, difficult, general, daily, individual, overseas, temporary noun student, homework•, class, work, writing•, committee•, teaching• verb give, include, read, accept•, receive•, require, choose, prepare, hand, determine ● task, job, project || appointment, duty, position || transfer, handing over, consignment


n adj real, commercial, entire, sprawling, taxable, royal, palatial, gated, marital noun •agent, •tax, •market, •investment, •developer, •broker, company, business, •trust, value verb sell, buy, own, invest, settle, manage, handle, repeal, preserve•, acquire ● plantation, land, park || area, zone, business park || assets, property, holdings


n adj real, sexual, lifelong, intense, shared, consuming, wild, secret noun life, love, music, •fruit, •play, crime•, energy, emotion, •commitment verb share•, pursue•, stir, develop•, indulge•, arouse, inflame•, discover•, inspire, reflect• ● fervor, ardor, obsession || desire, hunger, thirst || rage, fury, outburst


n adj recent, late, public, tracking, nationwide, online, informal, scientific, internal, accurate noun opinion•, percent, •number, news•, voter, week, exit•, result, straw•, post• verb •show, •find, •conduct, •indicate, •suggest, •close, •release, lead, vote, base ● election, census, survey, opinion poll, ballot, sample


n adj recent, young, female, high-school, foreign, top, fellow, advanced, prospective, four-year noun school, •student, university, college, program, education, •degree, •study, percent verb teach, attend, earn, prepare, receive, produce•, hire•, recruit, survey, staff ● alumna, former student, ex-student || alumnus, former student, ex-student


n adj red, black, green, hot, white, cracked, grilled, stuffed, talian, tender noun salt•, teaspoon, bell•, cup, onion, ground•, garlic, cayenne, sauce, tablespoon verb •taste, add, chop, dice, sprinkle, roast, crush•, grind•, peel, drain


n adj red, fresh, raw, white, lean, dark, dead noun fish, •poultry, vegetable, piece•, •product, bone, food, •loaf, chicken, milk verb eat•, cook, add, sell, buy, remove, produce, cover, brown, taste ● essence, core, heart, gist, substance, pith


n adj red, loose, soft, bare, brown, packed, fresh noun •road, •floor, •track, •path, dust, rock, foot, pay•, •bike, grass verb dig•, hit•, cover, remove•, kick, brush•, throw, eat•, pull, wash ● grime, filth, mud || soil, earth, clay || gossip, scandal, filth


n adj red, thatched, green, flat, leaky, retractable, sloping, red-tiled noun house, building, wall, tin•, car, tile, window, •mouth, rain•, edge verb fall, climb•, •leak, cover, blow, •collapse, support, hit, install, jump• ● rooftop, top, tiles, slates, gable, ridge


n adj reek, ancient, popular, urban, modern, racial, religious, hristian, frican, classical noun legend, •reality, history, creation•, origin, culture, ritual, version, rape• verb dispel•, perpetuate•, debunk•, base, •surround, explode•, shatter•, destroy•, promote, relate ● legend, fable, saga, fairy story || falsehood, fiction, illusion, invention


n adj registered, social, wet, male, professional, visiting, practical, clinical, licensed, female noun doctor•, hospital, physician, •practitioner, patient, health, care, school•, •aide, association verb train, hire, employ, treat, •administer, attend, assist, dress, •rush, recruit


n adj religious, closing, traditional, annual, private, formal, civil, brief, solemn, ribbon-cutting noun opening•, award•, wedding•, graduation•, day, master•, marriage•, white, signing• verb hold, attend•, perform, open•, conduct, honor, follow, •mark, participate•, •celebrate ● rite, ritual, formality, formal procedure, service, observance


n adj religious, criminal, strong, moral, political, deep, firm, absolute noun court, murder, felony•, courage•, arrest•, •rate, case, sentence, appeal, drug verb overturn, lead•, base, share•, win•, uphold, reverse, result•, express•, strengthen ● belief, opinion, principle || certainty, certitude, confidence || sentence, verdict, condemnation


n adj religious, national, powerful, cultural, potent, visible, universal, ultimate, very, key noun ticker•, status•, sex•, system, sign, set, flag, culture, •hope, peace verb become•, use, represent, •transcribe, serve•, remain•, recognize, display, interpret•, employ ● sign, representation, character, figure || emblem, image, badge, logo


n adj remaining, active, dry, key, essential, main, fresh, large, natural, important noun bowl, food, list, cup, oil, product, dish, mixture, sauce, salad verb combine•, add, stir, mix, use, contain•, blend, place, buy ● element, component, part, constituent, factor, feature


n adj remaining, smooth, hot, complex, liquid, strange, cool, odd, pure, cooked noun flour•, egg, minute, spoon•, bowl, butter•, cheese, cup, milk, oil verb add, stir, pour•, beat, spread•, sprinkle, transfer•, •thicken, bring, •resemble ● combination, mix, blend, assortment, concoction, jumble


n adj retired, top, commanding, marine, raqi, fourstar, ritish, civil, allied, aitian noun attorney•, surgeon•, inspector•, army, , major•, lieutenant•, force, brigadier•, office verb thank, order, •announce, command, agree, appoint, •issue, accuse, •recommend, capture


n adj right, black, left, low, hot, red, three-inch, narrow, snug, short noun toe, boot, shoe, head•, foot, ankle, dress, back, pocket, skirt verb come, wear•, turn•, dig•, kick•, click, follow•, sit•, lift, cool•


n adj right, eclectic, ethnic, odd, racial, diverse, interesting, volatile, rich, complex noun cake•, product, •tape, trail•, package, soup•, salad•, energy, pancake•, pudding• verb add•, combine, include, blend, offer•, contain, stir, throw•, •incorporate ● combination, mixture, blend, assortment, fusion, amalgam


u say•, •hi, yes, •welcome, there, new, phone•, oh ● greetings, hi, good morning, good day, morning, good afternoon


v noun company, state, right•, government, court, lawyer, city, group•, parent, •damage, department, attorney, patient•, law, •employer misc •over, •federal, threaten•, •under, successfully• ● litigate, prosecute, file a suit, charge, indict


v noun eye, police•, house, room, •face, area, home, •answer, nternet, car, •information, database, web, •evidence, •clue misc •for, •through, continue•, frantically, desperately, online, pause• ● examine, rifle, comb, look for, hunt, investigate


v noun factor•, •decision, behavior, •policy, power•, attitude, •development, perception, •outcome, variable•, ability, •choice, •performance, experience, other misc •by, may•, strongly•, heavily•, greatly•, directly• ● sway, manipulate, persuade, induce || affect, motivate, inspire, shape


v noun group, community, conference, party, union, exhibition, event, worker, effort, information, meeting, society, committee, •protest, team misc •by, help•, •around, •themselves, highly•, local, international ● establish, form, shape || systematize, arrange, classify || coordinate, manage, control


v noun group, study, result, approach, opinion•, view, individual, culture, •degree, gender, sample•, age, female, attitude, size misc •from, •significantly, •those, may•, •between, •greatly ● be different, be at variance, be unlike, vary || disagree, argue, quarrel, fall out


v noun growth, economy, rate, pace, car, •process, heart, breathing, progress, development, •progression, population misc •stop, economic, speed, •bit, •considerably, dramatically, significantly, eventually down economy, stop, •process, even, start, growth, sign• ● slow down, decelerate, brake, reduce, slacken


v noun hand, eye, •juice, •shoulder, arm, •trigger, •lemon, finger, water, •blade, profit, •lime, heart, •drop, •shot misc •into, •through, •between, •shut out as, water, •excess, •much, juice, liquid, •last, •every, tear•, •drop ● press, squash || grip, hold on || hug, embrace || crush, crowd || find time for, fit in || extract, wring || put pressure on, lean on


v noun hand, foot, law, wrist, leather, rule, receptor, protein, molecule, arm, tape, ankle, agreement, •wound, contract misc •to, •by, •together, not•, them ● attach, connect, join, combine || oblige, force, require, compel


v noun hand, head, arm, eye, minute, •peace, chin, back, elbow, •second, table, side, body, soul, floor misc •against, put•, •upon, •assured up while, before, week•, need•, •tomorrow, bed, better• ● relax, take it easy, have a rest, take a break || lie, lean, lay, place


v noun hand, •eye, back, •shoulder, •face, head, finger, •nose, skin, •chin, leg, •elbow, •neck, side, body misc •against, •over, •together, •across, •wrong off •on, •me, •him, skin, attitude•, •each, •onto ● massage, stroke, caress || polish, wipe, buff || chafe, hurt, gall


v noun hand, •eye, •tear, •face, •mouth, •sweat, •nose, •forehead, table, finger misc •off, •away, •clean, down, •across, •dry, whole, quickly•, carefully, nearly, virtually•, gently out can•, •by, entire, whole, disease, saving, virtually•, species, nearly•, •dinosaur ● rub, mop, polish || smear, spread, rub || erase, remove, obliterate


v noun life, injury, •growth, damage, relationship, loss, interest, ability•, effort, support, resource, economy, •population, force, environment misc can•, help•, enough•, able•, •itself, create•, difficult•, necessary• ● withstand, bear, tolerate || suffer, incur, contract || maintain, continue, keep up || nourish, keep you going, feed || support, hold up, prop up


v noun life, world, society, process, experience, •economy, landscape, image, space, energy, technology•, culture, industry, •relationship, nature misc •into, •itself, •themselves, radically•, human, completely•, gradually•, cultural ● alter, convert, make over, transmute, renovate, change


v noun liver•, brain, reputation, kidney, system, cell, •credibility, fire, car, lung, •relationship, •environment, relation, tissue, vessel misc •by, badly•, severely•, seriously•, heavily• ● injure, harm, spoil, hurt, smash up, break


n adj southern, quick, northern, anonymous, following, very, helpful, sharp, simple, eastern noun •finger, •iceberg, •tongue, •nose, news•, rod•, •island, •tail, wing, •knife verb offer•, follow•, touch, share•, receive•, act•, press, •ensure ● garbage dump, civic amenity point, landfill || slope, slant, angle || gratuity, gift, reward || warning, tip-off, clue || hint, suggestion, idea


n adj soy, lean, human, dietary, complete, high-quality, viral, low-fat, adequate noun •carbohydrate, fat, gram, •vitamin, sugar•, fiber, sodium, source, gene, animal• verb produce, contain, eat•, bind, encode, form, identify, consume, combine, discover


n adj special, rare, numerous, different, separate, social, certain, festive, various, solemn noun number•, couple•, event, •anniversary, •birthday, experience, celebration, sense, honor•, gift verb rise•, mark•, dress•, celebrate, recall, visit, •arise, refer, •demand, drink ● time, case, juncture || chance, possibility, opportunity || reason, cause, ground


n adj specific, explicit, historical, direct, future, particular, personal, sexual, numerous, passing noun point, frame•, •book, •material, •group, •image(s), case, letter, library verb make, include, provide, contain•, check, cite, incorporate•, define ● allusion, mention, suggestion || orientation, position, situation || recommendation, testimonial, character reference


n adj sraeli, overcrowded, crowded, juvenile, exican, makeshift, audi, cramped noun county•, time, year, day, month, •cell, •sentence verb put•, spend•, serve•, throw•, release•, face•, sit•, end•, land•, •await ● prison, penitentiary, lockup, detention home, secure unit, dungeon


n adj steady, constant, endless, thin, nearby, continuous, main, light, deep noun water, river, lake, revenue•, field•, data, jet• verb •flow, run, cross•, feed, pour, enter, blow•, spit•, trickle, dry ● watercourse, brook, river || jet, spurt, torrent || flood, torrent, barrage


n adj structural, social, psychological, emotional, economic, psychosocial, poor, academic, difficult, personal noun •program, •problem, policy, period, process, school, difficulty, range verb make, require, need, allow, relate, associate, experience, result, force, predict• ● change, alteration, modification, tuning, finetuning, regulation


n adj technical, financial, public, economic, federal, military, foreign, humanitarian, international, legal noun •program, government, development•, , family, research•, support, training, food, security• verb provide•, need, receive•, offer•, seek•, require, request•, state, promise, extend ● help, aid, support, backing, succor, assist


n adj very, human, continued, mere, independent, daily, physical, aware, everyday, earthly noun year, evidence•, reason•, condition•, reality, nature, meaning, proof•, threat•, level verb deny•, acknowledge•, prove•, threaten, justify•, confirm•, owe•, recognize•, reveal•, depend ● being, life, reality, presence, survival, actuality


n adj visual, proportional, political, legal, accurate, social, graphic, equal, adequate noun woman, minority, form, system, •transcription, reality, space, mode•, taxation•, politics verb provide•, create, increase•, ensure•, construct, achieve•, relate, obtain•, entitle•, constitute ● picture, symbol, image || statement, complaint, submission || account, version, portrayal


n adj wanted, displaced, frustrated, deported, embattled, -year-old, charismatic noun sraeli, rab, thousand•, ew, number• verb kill, •live, •agree, accept, represent, claim, negotiate, •remain, insist, deny


n adj weekly, recent, syndicated, white, spinal, regular, monthly, vertebral, huge, tall noun newspaper, water•, week, row•, steering•, magazine, page, post, gossip•, advice• verb write•, read•, •appear, •replace, publish, discuss, form, mention, feature, intend ● pillar, pilaster, post || line, file, string || article, feature, editorial


n adj white, black, long, heavy, red, blue, fresh noun pocket, fur•, lab•, trench•, hat, •paint, winter•, •arm, sport•, suit• verb wear•, take•, put•, hang, pull, apply•, grab•, cover, drape, drop ● fur, wool, fleece, hide || covering, coating, layer, veneer


n adj white, clean, thin, prepared, single, top, blank, baking, folded, soft noun •paper, balance•, cookie•, ice, •music, •metal verb place, cover, pull, lay, wrap, remove•, line, cut, contain, lie ● piece, page, leaf, slip || expanse, mass, area, layer


n adj white, fresh, rench, crusty, homemade, daily, stale noun loaf•, slice, •crumb, •butter, cheese, corn•, piece•, cup, wheat•, •wine verb bake, eat, serve, buy•, cut, break•, toast, •rise, taste ● cash, dough, bucks, funds || food, daily bread, sustenance, nourishment


n adj white, lead-based, fresh, acrylic, black, red, thick, blue, yellow, green noun oil•, •job, coat•, brush, lead•, layer•, color, wall, can, spray• verb use, apply, peel, mix, cover, •dry, remove, match, contain


n adj wooden, double, huge, rifled, recoverable, golden, fluted, octagonal, adjusting noun •oil, •day, gun, pork•, rifle, price, stock, bottom•, shotgun, •chest verb produce•, point, stare•, fill, sell, drop, rise, fire, stick, place ● tub, cask, vat, butt, rain barrel, container


n adj wooden, federal, front, flat, rear, concrete, green, padded noun park•, •press, seat, foot, judge, player, stone•, piano•, coach, lab• verb sit•, stand, lie, face, rest, approach•, step, appoint•, legislate•, lay ● seat, pew, stall, form || worktable, counter, work surface, worktop


r say•, sit•, speak•, stand•, move, door, talk•, slip, walk, watch, listen, close, •behind, wait ● silently, gently, inaudibly || calmly, peacefully, tranquilly || peacefully, tranquilly, pleasantly


r set•, put•, push•, step•, brush•, pull•, leave•, toss•, money, move•, cast•, stand•, bowl•, shove• ● sideways, sidewise, away || notwithstanding, regardless, however || in reserve, separately, away


r so•, need, want, how•, very•, hurt, feel•, •damage, behave•, too•, treat, as•, beat, burn ● poorly, deficiently, faultily || seriously, severely, gravely || naughtily, disobediently, troublesomely


r take•, very•, more•, •consider, too•, •injure, •ill, •hurt, •wound, •damage, threat•, •enough, •wrong, doubt ● badly, dangerously, critically || extremely, very, really || earnestly, truly, sincerely


r who•, use, meet•, attend, exercise•, •scheduled, visit, appear, eat, check, church, meeting ● frequently, often, on a regular basis, habitually || consistently, evenly, smoothly, methodically


r •all, •every, •no, •impossible, •any, •nothing, •same, •identical, •everything, •everyone, •entire, •eliminate, •unknown ● nigh on to, almost, nearly, near || in effect, effectively, essentially, fundamentally


r •although, •suggest, •argue, analysis, •despite, •unlike ● furthermore, what is more, in addition, besides, also, additionally


r •because, focus, consist•, base, •due, occur•, rely•, concerned, compose•, aim, •interested ● mostly, largely, chiefly, for the most part, primarily, principally


r •because, focus•, use, base, concerned, due, consist•, design, serve, •responsible, rely•, interested ● chiefly, mainly, mostly, largely, first and foremost, above all


r •because, least•, due, only•, •result, •responsible, •blame, •explain, base, •response, reason, •cloudy, •reflect ● partially, in part, somewhat, moderately, partway, comparatively


r •because, remain•, •ignore, base, due, result, •responsible, depend•, •determine, thanks, •unknown ● mainly, mostly, for the most part, principally, basically, chiefly


r •believe, •love, •understand, yours•, only•, •remarkable, •amazing, •sorry, •global, •free, •appreciate, •happy, •effective ● sincerely, faithfully, honestly || very, greatly, really || truthfully, really, in fact


r •continue, minute•, •prepare, heat, oven, aside•, •combine, •preheat, boil• ● in the meantime, in the meantime, in the interim, in the intervening time, for now, for the time being


r •correct, more•, •incorrect, economically, •active, become•, socially, •charge, •motivate, •sensitive, •motivated, both•, •powerful ● governmentally, administratively, electorally, diplomatically, constitutionally, doctrinally


r •dangerous, •fatal, •harmful, •important, •effect, •serious, •situation, •deadly, •hazardous, •significant, •lethal, •explosive ● possibly, hypothetically, theoretically, in theory


r •than, •more, •high, •different, •low, increase, •reduce, differ•, group, •relate, score ● appreciably, drastically, notably, radically || meaningfully, knowingly, meaningly, suggestively


r •trade, •company, speak•, nited tates, •own, •hold, •available, never•, president, announce, privately, •funded, acknowledge, criticize ● openly, in public, overtly, widely, freely, visibly


r •use, •as, most•, vary•, •available, more•, •used, •accept, •hold, become•, •recognize, •report, •regard, among ● extensively, broadly, generally, far and wide, commonly, usually


r •well, fit•, •good, •normal, •still, •clear, seem•, •fine, •legal, •safe, suit, •happy, understand• ● flawlessly, faultlessly, effortlessly, seamlessly || completely, entirely, wholly, absolutely


r •what, •because, more•, •same, •why, •where, •kind, •point, •reason, yet•, •moment, •opposite, define, measure ● exactly, just, quite, indeed || accurately, exactly, specifically, correctly


v noun party, vote, •difference, •hair, •middle, wood, stock, •cost, •atom, •faction, pair, profit, sample, voter•, lip misc •into, •two, •between, evenly, •off, •apart, •open, •down, •half, •among, •along, equally, •wide up when, parent•, after, •into, family, then, couple, good, recently•, •search ● go, leave, depart, make yourself scarce || divide, rip, tear, crack


v noun people, worker, strategy, method, technique, study, company, number, measure, technology, industry, firm, force, research, term misc •by, •fulltime, currently•, frequently•, gainfully• ● pay, retain, engage, use || use, utilize, make use of, occupy


v noun reason, police•, scientist•, official•, researcher•, doctor•, murder, crime, investigator•, terrorism, play, expert•, disease, •involvement, agent misc might, begin•, strongly•, highly•, immediately• ● think, believe, suppose, imagine || distrust, mistrust, have doubts, doubt


v noun reason•, •ability, expert•, •sincerity, analyst•, scientist•, •existence, •claim, •wisdom, •intention, observer•, •veracity, critic, •accuracy, •efficacy misc •, •that, •will, there, little•, one•, ever, never•, •whether, begin• ● disbelieve, mistrust, suspect, have reservations, have doubts, distrust


v noun relationship, period, •level, condition, culture, pattern, process, relation, style, approach, situation, conflict, environment, activity, feature misc •by, •as, often•, best•, generally• ● describe, portray, illustrate, depict || typify, set apart, distinguish, differentiate


v noun skill, knowledge, company, year, information, •weapon, land, student•, property, power, right, experience, data, museum, •trade misc •new, •through, •nuclear, recently•, necessary, billion ● obtain, get, get hold of, get your hands on || develop, learn, pick up, take up


v noun slave, hostage, prisoner, •mind, •prison, •fund, soldier, •bail, capital, task, •bond, soul, •shackle, •foreigner misc •from, •himself, last, set•, •themselves, •herself, struggle•, •itself, finally• up •money, •more, •space, •time, •resource, •fund, •cash, •capital, •dollar, •land ● release, let go, set free, liberate || exempt, rid, unhamper, unburden


v noun stock, company, share•, market, •place, player, team, good, security, commodity, price, bond, firm, investor, season misc publicly•, recently•, •away, willing•, actively•, freely ● deal, buy and sell, do business, operate || exchange, swap, barter, dicker


v noun student, court, •authority, •assumption, law, •notion, idea, •view, policy, party, •status, lawsuit•, rule, epublican, practice misc •traditional, directly, physically•, seriously•, successfully• ● confront, defy, brave || dare, defy, throw down the gauntlet || dispute, contest, object to


v noun table, name, book, site, company, species, •order, page, item, category, report, information, ingredient, event, source misc •as, •below, •above, •under, among ● record, catalog, register, itemize || slant, tilt, incline, lean


v noun thing•, issue•, size, race, character•, opinion•, detail•, •me, •whit, •nationality, •advertiser misc do•, it•, what, really•, •much, •how, •whether, no• ● be of importance, be important, count, signify, be significant, carry some weight


v noun ticket, land, home, company, equipment, product, •insurance, property, money, service, item, share, good, •acre, car misc recently•, million, able•, •additional, •separately, afford• ● buy, pay for, acquire, obtain || obtain, win, gain, secure


v noun •cheek, hand, lip, •forehead, neck, •goodbye, girl, night, mother, head, •ass, wife, •top, boy misc her, him, •me, lean•, bend•, gently, •passionately ● osculate, caress, smooch, neck || touch, brush, glance, graze


v noun •country, people•, refugee•, family•, •home, •city, thousand•, •war, •south, other•, •scene, police, resident•, •fighting, village misc after, before, force•, •across, fight, •avoid, attempt•, •hide, eventually, immediately, scream, ewish•, fear, apparently ● run away, escape, fly, take flight, take off, run off


v noun •death, face, •place, asset, ice, water, hand, moment, ground, winter, account, •fear, image, bank, smile misc until, before, •solid, suddenly• over hell•, until•, lake•, before, •winter, bay•, river•, water•, •ice, pond• ● turn to ice, solidify, congeal || immobilize, hold, fix || halt, stop, stop in your tracks || chill, refrigerate, cool || suspend, stop, halt


v noun •director, item, student, participant•, teacher, subject•, respondent•, performance, minute, behavior, parent, peer, •level, •star, quality misc •as, high, highly, low, •significantly ● value, regard, esteem, appraise, evaluate, grade


v noun •dollar, stock, •horse, •farm, investor•, •baseball, race, future, •buck, •ranch, casino, gambler•, trader•, •rent, icrosoft• misc •, you, will, •against, best•, willing•, •heavily on •game, want•, when, just, own, because, any, thing, •whether, about ● gamble, stake, wager, put money on || think, expect, anticipate, consider


v noun •door, head, wall, •ground, wind, floor, window, ball, tooth, back, guy, •wood, knee, •glass, chair misc •on, •off, •him, again, •unconscious, around out power, tooth, storm•, •opponent, •cold, •tank, •electricity, missile down •wall, •door, tree, building, •barrier, •pass, •shot ● bash, hit, bump, bang || criticize, slam, disparage, censure


v noun •ear, voice, word, •name, mother, girl, boy, breath, prayer, wind, secret, sister, mom, mouth, dad misc •something, lean•, hear•, over, softly, smile, •urgently, •hoarsely, stare ● murmur, sigh, mutter, utter, hiss, breathe


v noun •element, system, technology, program, design, model, idea, information, teacher•, material, •feature, research, strategy, process, music misc •into, •both, until•, environmental, fully• ● join, slot in, fit in, add in || merge, combine, feature, contain


v noun •floor, wave•, eye•, •room, arm, hand, •country, wind•, hair, area, •rug, street, •office, fire•, •nation misc •away, •through, •into, •across, •over, •past ● brush, clean up, tidy up || speed, zoom, race || carry, move, take || curve, arc, arch


j noun family, mind, manner, heaven, magic, chocolate, paradise misc feel•, sound•, it•, what•, taste•, know, more•, imagine, hey, wow, •oh, rather• ● similar, comparable, alike, corresponding, identical


j noun food, place, song, book, movie, spot, part, restaurant, show, color, recipe, story misc my•, his•, your•, one•, her•, our•, all-time•, •talian ● chosen, beloved, pet, favored


j noun light, page, flower, eye, jacket, color, pepper, hair, ribbon, leaf, fever, onion misc red, blue, white, green, bright•, black, pale•, wear• ● creamy, beige, buttery, milky || sallow, wan, pale, ashen


j noun room, space, house, bottle, seat, glass, street, chair, lot, table, stomach, box misc sit, •except, nearly•, stand•, fill, almost•, half• ● unfilled, bare, blank, vacant || meaningless, purposeless, pointless, barren


v noun child, policy, state, approach, strategy, resolution, standard, rule, system, government, measure, program, law, •baby, model misc •by, new, •similar, recently•, widely• ● take on, accept, assume, approve || take on, accept, assume, approve


n adj big, huge, two-person, makeshift, light, heavy, nearby, inner, freestanding noun •city, •pole, camp, bag, canvas•, flap, food, wall, circus•, pup• verb pitch•, set, live•, sleep, erect, fold•, enter•, fill, share, house ● shelter, marquee, bivouac, camp, pavilion


n adj black, top, white, hard, red, wide-brimmed, floppy noun straw•, cowboy•, coat, •head, brim, glove, boot, suit•, jacket, fur• verb wear•, take•, put•, tip•, pull, remove•, hang•, throw•, dress, tie


n adj black, white, blue, red, pink, beautiful, green, short, yellow, traditional noun •code, wedding•, •shirt, silk•, •shoe, •rehearsal, cotton•, cocktail• verb wear•, buy, pull, hang, fit, slip, tear, sew•, •drag, smooth• ● clothing, clothes, costume, garb, gear, wear


j noun ability, subject, voice, smile, victory, person, tone, manner, prediction, stride, demeanor, attitude misc •that, feel•, more•, very•, •enough, seem•, less•, pretty• ● self-assured, poised, self-confident, self-possessed || definite, sure, certain, positive


j noun amount, pressure, power, problem, number, cost, impact, money, potential, energy, change, success misc create•, face•, •economic, despite•, under•, •financial, generate• ● huge, vast, massive, giant, mammoth, gigantic


j noun answer, response, number, way, word, position, percentage, decision, interpretation, name, term, sequence misc that•, politically•, yes, absolutely•, prove•, •incorrect, quite•, • ● precise, right, accurate, exact || appropriate, suitable, acceptable, proper


j noun authority, state, leader, people, refugee, territory, official, minister, land, uprising


j noun behavior, program, policy, campaign, child, action, growth, approach, treatment, fund, effort, style misc more•, very•, most•, become•, less•, sexually•, •toward ● violent, hostile, destructive, belligerent || forceful, insistent, assertive, hard-hitting


j noun body, side, class, lip, arm, hand, deck, level, limit, back, floor, part misc low, •left, middle, right, gain•, •respiratory, along•, •elementary ● higher, greater, better, superior


j noun car, system, home, equipment, drug, suit, treatment, item, model, restaurant, option, product misc more•, most•, less•, very•, too•, •than, least•, buy ● luxurious, classy, exclusive, posh || costly, pricey, high-priced, steep


j noun control, area, village, location, place, island, region, sensing, site, corner, possibility, mountain misc most•, seem•, rural, pick•, grab•, •near, •northern, via ● distant, isolated, inaccessible || slight, outside, unlikely || aloof, detached, withdrawn


j noun day, street, schedule, life, man, work, week, night, season, road, weekend, intersection misc too•, keep•, so•, very•, stay•, pretty•, extremely•, •working ● full, eventful, full of activity || engaged, occupied, unavailable || active, on the go, hard-working


j noun day, student, family, school, case, example, home, pattern, response, fashion, behavior misc •merican, fairly•, describe•, pretty•, •male, •suburban, normal ● characteristic, archetypal, distinctive, representative || usual, normal, standard, mainstream


j noun day, thought, hope, war, wish, cause, society, money, business, compensation misc •, •me, more•, maybe, than•, •sort, fair, sorry ● fair, impartial, objective || correct, moral, ethical || reasonable, valid, sensible


j noun end, back, coordinator, player, line, lineman, position, team, posture, linebacker, strategy, system misc offensive, best•, play, former•, •tackle, top•, coach, senior• ● self-justifying, self-protective, apologetic, distrustful || protective, protecting, defending, shielding


j noun minister, government, soldier, force, official, army, troop, occupation, leader, security, defense, settlement


n adj better, final, special, generous, tender, initial, multiple, attractive, online, formal noun job•, company, opportunity, scholarship•, contract•, buyout•, card, settlement• verb make, accept•, reject•, turn•, refuse, receive•, decline• ● proposal, suggestion, bid, proposition, bargain, agreement


n adj big, great, pleasant, full, complete, total, nice, huge noun •attack, element•, •party, •visit, look•, bit•, team, •guest, •announcement, birthday verb come•, take•, catch•, express•, discover, imagine•, blink•, register•, •await, •lurk ● shock, revelation, bolt from the blue, disclosure || astonishment, amazement, wonder, disbelief


j noun peel, bowl, zest, light, rind, grove, tree, slice, glow, blossom, jumpsuit misc bright•, yellow, grate•, wear•, red, blue, black ● carroty, red, ginger, auburn


j noun people, man, child, life, civilian, victim, person, bystander, woman, death, charge, girl misc kill, guilty, until, proven, prove•, believe•, young ● acquitted, blameless, cleared || harmless, unknowing, unintended || pure, virtuous, untouched || naive, harmless, unsophisticated


j noun skin, surface, transition, ride, mixture, face, voice, stone, hair, motion, muscle, sailing misc until•, •add, as•, stir, process•, blend•, white, •pour ● flat, even, level || soft, silky, downy || charming, suave, persuasive || easy, flowing, effortless


j noun smile, increase, difference, movement, change, breeze, variation, edge, chance, angle, accent, improvement misc only•, cause, notice•, detect•, experience•, except•, due, moderate ● small, minor, unimportant, trivial || slim, delicate, thin, feeble


j noun spirit, land, grail, war, place, church, cross, city, day, man, shit, site misc uslim•, •oman, hristian, slamic•, atholic, hiite, ewish, sacred ● consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, blessed || saintly, righteous, devout, godly


j noun standard, door, occupancy, life, digit, play, bed, figure, jeopardy, duty, murder, whammy misc per•, lead, •white, •revised, single, base•, nearly• ● dual, binary, twofold, duple, twin, paired


j noun state, war, world, group, life, tax, expert, program, right, issue, art, drug misc these•, •soft, •smart, •normal, •partial-birth, •golden, scientific, •dirty ● supposed, alleged, ostensible, purported, selfstyled, professed


j noun support, problem, response, state, issue, experience, abuse, reaction, distress, need, development, stress misc physical, very•, social, behavioral, mental, psychological, spiritual ● moving, touching, poignant, affecting || expressive, open, demonstrative, emotive


j noun suspect, place, self, sense, routine, stuff, practice, pattern, manner, hour, response, spot misc more•, instead•, beyond•, little•, early•, than•, rather• ● normal, typical, customary, traditional || regular, habitual, familiar, predictable


j noun tax, surface, rock, land, side, voice, back, fee, face, rate, stone, ground misc fall•, lay•, large•, relatively•, lie•, across, wide, broad• ● level, even, smooth || unexciting, dreary, monotonous || downright, absolute, total || fixed, preset, invariable


j noun thing, star, event, power, story, circumstance, woman, effort, amount, measure, experience, step misc most•, something•, ordinary, such•, four•, quite•, •excellent ● strange, odd, unusual, unexpected || special, particular, exceptional, remarkable


j noun thing, story, grace, experience, amount, ability, number, feat, race, discovery, stuff, sight misc it•, •how, most•, really, pretty•, truly•, absolutely• ● astonishing, astounding, remarkable, wonderful, incredible, startling


j noun time, number, evidence, reason, information, condition, power, resource, data, quantity, amount, force misc not•, provide•, necessary•, lack•, without•, allow, alone• ● adequate, enough, satisfactory, necessary, appropriate, ample


j noun town, school, village, star, park, city, tree, table, building, hospital, area, island misc •where, visit•, locate•, relatively•, •elementary, lots, distant, •rural ● close, near, neighboring, adjacent, adjoining, proximate


j noun trial, study, psychologist, research, professor, practice, patient, experience, depression, psychology, setting, data misc •social, assistant, conduct, base, medical, associate, experimental, randomized• ● scientific, medical, experimental, quantifiable || detached, disinterested, dispassionate, scientific


j noun venture, chief, staff, chairman, committee, effort, project, force, commission, statement, implementation, session misc •between, •several, form•, former•, •military, •economic, international, issue ● combined, dual, cooperative, shared, multiparty, united


j noun way, eye, look, fact, crowd, mind, onlooker, person, phenomenon, glance, visitor, tourist misc •about, just•, •why, kind•, merely•, rather•, naturally•, intellectually• ● inquisitive, inquiring, snooping, interested || peculiar, odd, strange, unusual


j noun way, group, room, state, entity, issue, area, analysis, bowl, occasion, identity, unit misc two•, three•, each, four•, create•, distinct, •equal, maintain• ● unconnected, individual, independent, unattached || distinct, discrete, detached, dispersed


j noun woman, man, alternative, option, place, girl, feature, price, investment, stock, investor, target misc more•, make•, very•, find•, most•, less•, young ● appealing, alluring, charming, pretty, cute, eyecatching


j noun work, secret, trick, word, water, laundry, clothes, bomb, dish, hand, look misc •little, old, wear, clean, dangerous, quick•, •brown, yellow ● unclean, filthy, grimy || dishonest, illegal, corrupt || dull, muted, muddy


j noun year, college, student, officer, team, guard, varsity, league, member, class, championship, player misc •senior, national, elementary•, win, attend•, •secondary, middle ● low-ranking, inferior, lower, low-grade, minor, lesser


j noun year, couple, woman, man, child, life, people, mother, daughter, wife, son, sister misc never•, happily•, •live, single, young, stay•, after•, before ● wedded, matrimonial, nuptial, conjugal, connubial, marital


n adj comparative, electrical, relative, geologic, double, grievous, geological, deepest noun •line, earthquake, •zone, ongress, media, ground•, •divorce, •approach verb find•, •lie, admit, correct, expose, rupture, trigger, forgive, compensate, injure ● responsibility, liability, burden || error, mistake, blunder || defect, flaw, imperfection


n adj free, short, single, perfect, incomplete, backstage, light, deep, narrow, forward noun touchdown•, mountain•, day, •rush, •rusher, season, •defense, play, run verb catch•, throw•, complete•, require, let•, intercept•, drop, cross, •fail, allow ● permit, license, authorization || passage, gap, gorge || throw, toss, lob || plight, predicament, state


n adj clinical, social, developmental, cognitive, educational, forensic, licensed, organizational, female, doctoral noun school•, university, child•, psychiatrist, sport•, •author, role, research, association• verb •study, •specialize, train, develop, argue, note, practice, conduct, •agree, assist


n adj close, cross-sex, personal, social, emotional, civic, lifelong, unlikely, beautiful noun relationship, love, family, •network, quality, group, closeness, treaty, bond•, respect verb develop, form, maintain•, forge, establish, build, strike•, renew•, share, •last ● companionship, amity, comradeship, camaraderie || bond, relationship, alliance, attachment


n adj close, digital, expensive, wiss, terrorist, careful, constant noun pocket, gold•, •list, night•, neighborhood•, wrist, group, •minute, hour, •program verb look•, keep•, check•, glance•, stand•, wear•, set, turn, work, consult• ● guard, lookout, sentry, sentinel, watchdog


n adj frican, black, freed, runaway, female, escaped, male, ritish, civil, domestic noun •trade, •labor, •owner, master, descendant•, •ship, sex•, •trader verb free, become, own•, sell, buy, born, escape, treat•, descend•, •obey


n adj high, great, national, top, military, dubious, greatest, numerous, civilian, selected noun medal•, •student, •society, •roll, guest•, place•, code, badge• verb receive•, name•, win•, graduate•, earn•, bestow, award, defend•, accept, restore• ● integrity, decency || respect, admiration || dignity, distinction || reputation, image || distinction, award || privilege, occasion


n adj large, big, key, retail, fast-food, major, heavy, complex, golden, nuclear noun food•, store, •command, •reaction, link, gold•, restaurant, supply•, •event verb break, set, pull, hang, wear•, own, form, attach, bind, dangle ● cable, hawser, restraint || group, string, franchise || sequence, series, string


n adj large, private, prospective, potential, current, previous, willing, medical, legal, future noun employee, worker, insurance, plan, •mandate, health, company, contribution, benefit, •sanction verb •pay, require, •hire, •provide, offer, allow, sue•, •match, force, •contribute ● boss, company, manager, owner, proprietor, firm


n adj left, pink, right, pale, round, hot, sunken, smooth, full, flushed noun tear•, hand, eye, lip, kiss•, hair, nose, color, tongue•, forehead verb touch•, turn, run•, feel, roll•, press, brush•, stroke•, rub•, puff ● nerve, gall, impertinence, brashness, chutzpah, effrontery


n adj local, healthy, active, trained, medical, male, unpaid, willing, female, global noun •work, group, program, community, student, organization, corps, •fire, member verb •help, recruit, train, serve, organize, seek, staff•, teach, participate, involve• ● helper, candy striper, unpaid worker


n adj long, celestial, light, magnetic, opposite, wooden, top, rish, -foot noun north•, south•, telephone•, totem•, •vault, fishing•, ski• verb hold, win•, reach, hang, plant, carry, support, climb•, fly, attach ● opposite, extreme, extremity, limit || rod, shaft, stick, dowel


n adj long, short, epic, selected, famous, favorite, collected, lyric, autobiographical, complete noun book, story, line, love, collection, song, prose•, title, tone•, subject verb write, read•, recite•, publish, compose, •entitle, quote, illustrate, inspire, collect ● verse, rhyme, ode, sonnet, elegy, limerick


n adj merican, major, big, commercial, eastern, regional, international, domestic, foreign, low-cost noun •flight, •industry, pilot, •ticket, passenger, year, business, employee, security, air verb fly, •offer, buy, operate, check, own, •cancel, cost, force, •announce ● air company, commercial airline, scheduled carrier, carrier, flag


n adj musical, different, scientific, financial, traditional, available, various, blunt, stringed, surgical noun survey•, assessment•, •panel, policy, study, use, validity, measurement, reliability, percussion• verb play, •measure, develop, design, •assess, carry, complete, contain, identify, •detect ● tool, gadget, device, utensil || means, channel, vehicle, method


n adj new, real, symbolic, literal, original, deeper, personal, whole, special, multiple noun word, life, term, •purpose, value, text, context, phrase, search•, understanding verb give•, understand•, lose•, change, convey•, construct, carry•, interpret•, seek•, express ● sense, connotation, denotation, import || significance, importance, implication, value


n adj new, specific, legislative, original, economic, modest, recent, various, controversial, initial noun president, tax, reform, budget•, administration•, marriage, peace•, plan verb reject•, put, include, submit, consider, accept, support•, •allow, present, •require ● suggestion, offer, application, tender, bid, plan


n adj old, dirty, magic, little, cheap, simple, neat, real, favorite, stupid noun bag•, •question, hat•, kind•, dog•, card•, parlor• verb play, use, learn, try, turn, pull, perform•, teach, fool, •lure ● deception, ploy, ruse || joke, prank, stunt || knack, technique, skill || habit, mannerism, trait


n adj other, academic, different, various, social, scientific, fiscal, military, strict, spiritual noun •problem, art, student, school, child, order, lack• verb teach, learn, require, impose, maintain•, develop, enforce•, relate, incorporate, introduce ● punishment, correction, chastisement || regulation, order, control || self-control, selfrestraint, restraint || subject, branch of learning, field


n adj other, close, distant, closest, male, living, female, dead, elderly, visiting noun friend, family, victim, parent, neighbor, blood•, mother, group, patient, sister verb live, visit, •die, stay•, send, care, •gather, interview•, attend, locate• ● family member, relation, next of kin, kin, kith and kin


n adj other, legal, young, national, literary, international, visiting, biblical, religious, constitutional noun study, student, research, number•, •field, association•, art, generation•, history, •enterprise verb •argue, write, •believe, •agree, •suggest, •point, •debate, publish, cite, address ● academic, researcher, professor, doctor, intellectual, specialist


n adj physical, common, severe, similar, menopausal, mild, clinical, early, respiratory, significant noun patient, disease, sign•, problem, level•, onset, treatment, score, withdrawal•, stress verb report, •include, experience, cause, show•, treat•, relieve•, suffer•, •appear, •occur ● indication, sign, warning sign, indicator


n adj sick, empty, full, upset, flat, queasy, weak, nervous, bare noun hand•, pit•, •cancer, pain, acid, knot, muscle, chest, •problem, •ulcer verb feel, turn, lie•, hold, •churn, cause, •hurt, •growl, lay•, tighten ● belly, abdomen, tummy || paunch, belly, gut || tummy, belly, abdomen


n adj significant, continuous, dramatic, environmental, substantial, marked, vast, recent, educational, overall noun home•, quality, school, performance, program, efficiency, room•, system, capital•, plan verb make, show•, need, lead•, report•, result, suggest•, produce•, demonstrate•, represent• ● amendment, correction, development, step-up || recovery, recuperation, progress, advance


n adj small, big, huge, neat, whole, growing, thick, separate, tall noun compost•, •paper, rock, •rubble, •book, •clothes, •stone, wood, leaf, body verb lay, stack, pick, lie, sort•, place, point•, throw, bury•, surround• ● mound, mountain, quantity || big money, fortune, mint || stake, pillar, column || soft surface, down, nap


n adj sous, top, head, rench, personal, local, awardwinning noun executive•, pastry•, restaurant, food, owner, kitchen, recipe, celebrity•, •knife, master• verb cook, prepare, teach, hire•, train, name, feature, •whip, inspire, •mix ● cook, cordon bleu, sous-chef, commis chef


n adj strong, long-term, organizational, political, personal, financial, religious, serious, civil, deep noun time, level, government, family, value, kind•, goal, lack•, policy, resource verb make, require, demonstrate•, maintain, honor•, reaffirm•, increase, fulfill•, involve, •improve ● promise, pledge, vow || dedication, loyalty, devotion || obligation, duty, responsibility


n adj white, black, merican, unidentified, likely, adolescent, significant, gay, dominant, single noun female, adult•, difference•, percent, number•, •athlete, alpha•, gender•, sample, participant verb compare, •tend, mate, differ, dominate, consist•, compete, •participate, attract, observe ● man, guy, fellow, bloke, chap, boy


n adj white, blue, black, organic, thin, soft, gyptian, printed noun •shirt, •field, •candy, •ball, •dress, •bowl, wool, silk, •club, crop verb wear•, pick•, grow, plant, stuff, produce, wrap•, soak, •absorb, stretch ● thread, cord, yarn, strand, fiber, filament


n adj white, blue, red, striped, button-down, clean, awaiian noun pant, •tie, •pocket, flannel•, polo•, collar, cotton•, suit•, sleeve, plaid• verb wear•, pull, tuck, unbutton, hang, buy, lift, lose•, •reveal


n adj white, polar, red, blue, peaked, knitted, flat, bathing noun baseball•, salary•, ice•, bottle, •head, market•, jacket, ball•, hair, price verb wear•, put•, pull, remove•, set, lift•, raise•, unscrew•, melt, fit ● lid, cover, top, stopper || limit, restraint, control, restriction


n adj white, tall, green, yellow, lone, loblolly, towering, knotty noun •tree, •forest, •nut, •needle, oak, •cone, mountain, fir, stand•, wood verb grow, cut, smell•, cover, plant, surround, whisper•, line, sprinkle•, dominate


n adj young, poor, free, southern, frican, likely, racial, middle-class, civil, urban noun white, •hispanics, •sea, percent, woman, south, number•, minority, •sian, pitch• verb •vote, •move, •represent, exclude, hire, compare, •tend, admit, treat, register


r stir•, •until, only•, minute, turn, cook•, heat, though, •add, simmer•, visit, tender, •remove, bowl ● infrequently, irregularly, sporadically, sometimes, intermittently


r will•, go•, change, live•, last•, life•, stay•, seem•, lose•, remain•, •ever, disappear•, alter, memory ● incessantly, persistently, repeatedly, continually || eternally, for all time, evermore, forevermore


r •many, •most, fortunately, •none, •neither, documentation ● unluckily, unhappily, regrettably, sadly || inappropriately, inopportunely, tactlessly, illadvisedly


v noun company, year, organization, school, •employee, city, center, business, nstitute, •principle, community, art, century, bank, colony misc •by, who•, •ago, since•, •upon ● originate, set up, create, start, bring into being, initiate


v noun figure, •point, example, case, story, book, table, problem, study, article, issue, •importance, process, concept, effect misc by, •how, following, clearly•, vividly• ● exemplify, demonstrate, show, point up, prove, explain


v noun arm, leg, hand, •mile, muscle, back, line, •limit, neck, body, bed, minute, field, exercise, floor misc •across, •far, •over, •thin, long, •before, •toward, •beyond out his, her, arm, •hand, leg, long, •before ● extend, elongate, enlarge || spread out, extend, unfold || be elastic, give, expand


p hand, •own, •head, •wife, •eye, father, face, arm, •mother, shake•, •son, •brother, •career, •shoulder


r , •not, most•, yes•, oh•, yeah, something, •worth, •wrong, •interested, trend, weird, sexy, •savor ● certainly, absolutely, positively, unquestionably, without doubt, beyond doubt


v noun od, government, •instinct, •judgment, banker•, bank, voter, •gut, politician, •intuition, •stranger, •secret, physician, investor• misc can•, •me, •him, never•, someone, •anyone, learn•, •other, •each, enough, whom•, •anybody, completely ● have faith in, rely on, believe || hope, believe, expect || entrust, confide, assign


v noun product, company, farmer•, •force, fish•, drug, service, price, •research, food misc bring•, plan•, •themselves, aggressively, •itself, directly, design


v noun man, voice, •name, crowd, door, word, boy, •order, •slogan, driver, ear, •noise, •joy, •encouragement, •warning misc hear, •back, someone•, stop, wave, hey, everyone, suddenly, point out •name, •answer, •window, question, •loud, somebody•, audience•, •comment, •hey, •warning ● yell, cry, scream, bellow, screech, bark


v noun man•, •crime, president, government, •murder, police, official, other, officer•, epublican, critic•, emocrat, •rape, leader, lawsuit• misc •of, •kill, falsely•, •sexual, wrongly• ● blame, lay blame on, indict, point the finger, allege, fault


v noun run, •touchdown, •goal, student•, team•, •victory, player•, •hit, average, second, participant•, record, measure, •success, play misc •high, •low, each, •significantly, lead, •above, •point, •twice ● achieve, notch up, chalk up || keep count, keep a tally, keep score || slash, notch, nick || scratch, etch, carve


v noun •credit, attention, respect, •chance, recognition, •support, •consideration, •treatment, punishment, •mention, •protection, •praise, •blame, honor, reputation misc they•, •better, •die, believe•, •special, certainly•, •serious, probably• ● merit, be worthy, rate, earn, warrant, justify


v noun •state, price•, size, rate•, •country, level, •region, group, type, cost•, age, degree, individual, •function, length misc •from, •widely, may•, •depending, •greatly, •considerably ● change, alter, fluctuate, adjust || differ, diverge, be different, contrast


() n adj annual, high, corporate, future, strong, average, quarterly, net, projected noun •growth, company, year, percent, time•, •share, quarter, stock, rate, analyst verb report, increase, estimate, expect, •grow, •rise, •fall, boost•, base•, •decline ● pay, salary, wages, income || profit, revenue, gain, return


() n adj following, important, specific, different, objective, certain, primary, major, multiple, main noun selection, performance, inclusion, •variable, study, student, •measure, set•, •validity, eligibility• verb meet•, base, include, determine, develop, satisfy•, fit•


j noun atholic, immigrant, people, woman, merican, government, music, pub, family, republic, community, sea


p (plenty of) •of, there•, •time, •room, still•, leave, •water, •money, •opportunity, sure•, offer•, •space, food, drink• ● a lot, many, a large number, loads, tons, heaps


p friend•, hand•, eye•, yours, face•, next•, close•, colleague•, favorite•, lip•, dear•, dream•, buddy•, fault•


p like•, friend•, mine, •truly, his, fan•, choice•, sincerely, similar•, ours, forever, pretty, fault•, girlfriend•


p one, one•, yet•, •person, •reason, •example, •minute, month, •hour, •factor, •round, •option, •edition, •aspect


v noun memory, face, •background, •view, darkness, mind, picture, screen, flower•, summer, shadow, •silence, •obscurity, afternoon•, wind misc •away, •into, •out, then, •black, begin•, quickly, slowly out slowly•, gradually•, instrument•, •approximately, •entirely, •altogether in out, black•, music• ● disappear, weaken, die away || become paler, lighten, become lighter || wilt, wane, wither


v noun •house, room, •air, tooth, street, bathroom, •wound, •toilet, blood, •plate, window, hour misc •after, cook, •off, wash, remove, thoroughly, wipe, properly, feed, easily, dirty, carefully, •contaminated, regularly, paint up •mess, •after, •act, site, help•, try•, •waste, •environment, kitchen, •pollution out •closet, •desk, •locker, •garage, •refrigerator, •attic, •barn, •gutter ● scrub, scour, wipe, cleanse, dust, vacuum


v noun •throat, •way, head, •name, air, table, •mind, area, •path, smoke•, hurdle, sky•, road, tree, dust• misc •away, once, increasingly•, finally•, quickly, immediately•, abundantly•, entirely•, equally•, completely, fairly• up problem, •confusion, try•, •misconception, matter, infection, mystery, •misunderstanding, mess, quickly ● net, earn, gain || evaporate, dissipate, disperse || unblock, free, unclutter || free, vindicate, exonerate || straighten, clear out, empty


v noun •time, money, energy, life, water, resource, hour, minute, effort, •breath, tax, space misc •away, •precious, •little, •valuable, lay•, afford• ● blow, squander, fritter away || ravage, devastate, ruin || atrophy, wither, become emaciated


v noun •war, group•, •abortion, government, president, •bill, •plan, epublican, •idea, policy, right, emocrat•, •tax, party, administration misc to, •any, strongly•, adamantly•, vigorously• ● be against, resist, fight, contest || compete with, face, compete against, do battle with


v noun •war, state, president, •emergency, •independence, court•, •victory, •bankruptcy, government, law, •winner, ongress, republic, judge•, •intention misc •dead, •unconstitutional, officially•, federal, publicly, openly•, oviet, formally• ● state, announce, speak out, assert, affirm, pronounce


v noun •watch, •shoulder, •window, room, •clock, door, eye, •mirror, •direction, •side misc •at, she•, •over, •around, •back, •down, him, then, •toward, away, quickly, •across, behind up •at, down, smile, •toward, •briefly, nurse, barely•, occasionally ● look, peep, peek, glimpse || glint, shine, glimmer, gleam


() n adj special, sincere, heartfelt, generous, deepest, effusive, hearty, profuse noun time, •call, year•, guy, day•, man, pleasure, gentleman, world• verb •join, •watch, appreciate, welcome, express•, nod•, extend, deserve•, owe•, murmur ● gratitude, appreciation, recognition, appreciativeness, thankfulness, obligation


[] n adj black, white, baggy, khaki, long, blue, short, hot, red, gray noun shirt, •leg, pair•, jacket, pocket, leather•, shoe, boot, sweater, -shirt verb wear•, pull, drop, dress•, wet•, unzip•, roll, hang, tuck, fit


[] n adj corporate, national, military, central, regional, global, temporary noun company•, police•, new, party•, world•, building, office, campaign•, city, news• verb move•, send, serve•, build, visit•, establish•, arrive•, house, occupy, •overlook ● head office, .., control center, command center, center of operations, nerve center


[] n adj medical, federal, personal, significant, private, annual, potential, substantial, long-term, total noun •loan, cost•, •account, retirement•, bank, rate, investment, energy•, tax, money verb •account, •plan, achieve, invest, increase, result, realize, cost, encourage, •bond ● economy, reduction, cutback, discount, cut


[] n adj net, valuable, real, greatest, personal, foreign, military, economic, current, natural noun fund, value, •management, company, stock, •allocation verb sell, freeze, buy•, protect•, manage, seize, acquire, hide•, exceed, •total ● advantage, strength, benefit, plus || possession, property, resource, holding


c (as far as) as, •can, •concerned, go, •know, •tell, •eye, least•, stretch•, •anyone, •mile, •aware, extend•, without


c (as soon as) as, •get, start, leave, begin, almost•, •hear, •finish, home, •arrive, •hit, •open, •walk, stop


c (in that) which, year, new, way, place, •world, life, school, country, case, •area, city, •nited tates, •fact


c (now that) •that, right•, no, especially•, realize•, clear•, •mention, •cold, •addam, •retire, dollar•, s•


c (rather than) •than, •than, one, individual, focus, •later, sooner•, •simply, •simply, rule, rely, specific, exception, •risk


c (whether or not) •only, •enough, •yet, •sure, or•, whether•, simply, certainly•, •necessarily, •mention, •anymore, •proofread, •surprising, •merely


c •for, all•, •when, no•, nothing•, everything•, anything•, •few, nothing•, •perhaps, every•, •where, •maybe, everyone•


c •other, percent, male, female, •tend, score, past, participant, •latter, •previous, traditional, positive, sexual•, negative ● while, but, where, however, although, though


c •year, reason, wait•, need•, while, support, •month, •minute, •hour, search•, responsible•, account•, •second, prepare•


i (depending on) •on, or•, •how, vary•, •your, •size, •whether, •where, different•, •type, •level, •condition, per•, •circumstance


i (due to) •to, may•, •fact, •lack, high, change, difference, part•, loss, effect, largely•, partly•, increase, low ● in line for, due for, owed, worthy of, entitled to, in for | o. basketball n adj professional, pro, lympic, greatest, collegiate, high-school, indoor noun •team, •player, •game, college•, •coach, woman•, football, •court, man•, school verb play•, watch, love, shoot, dribble, bounce, dunk•, retire


i (in addition to) •to, •provide, •regular, •traditional, •standard, benefit, •usual, •duty, •basic, function, above, •contribution, •obvious, teaching


i (on top of) •of, on•, her, •other, sit•, place•, •head, stay•, •each, pile, put•, •another, lay•, •everything


i (other than) each•, •than, look•, talk•, against•, love•, anything•, something•, face, no•, none•, any•, stare•, fight•


i (prior to) •to, year•, week•, month•, •war, during, study, period•, •election, interview, immediately•, •start, exist•, hour• | o. intellectual j noun property, life, right, development, ability, history, challenge, capital, tradition, curiosity, capacity, level misc moral, social, political, emotional, cultural, academic, physical ● intelligent, knowledgeable, academic, rational, logical, cerebral


i cup•, year, tablespoon, hour, million, cost, minute, per, •shipping, percent, •additional, tax, four, five ● in addition to, added to, as well as, along with, together with, and also


i her, •surface, •foot, •tree, lie•, water, skin, eye, ground•, hide•, floor, bury•, lay•, earth ● under, underneath, below, lower than, less than | o. beside i •her, sit•, stand•, •me, down•, bed, kneel•, seat•, •point, chair, lay•, table, walk•, lie• ● at the side of, alongside, next to, by, near, nearby


i information•, question•, issue, decision•, policy•, •use, student, concern•, provide•, teacher, data•, research•, knowledge, finding• ● concerning, about, on the subject of, on the topic of, as regards, apropos


i just•, •level, •surface, •average, well•, •line, fall•, foot•, far•, •poverty, above•, percent•, price, rate ● less than, under, beneath, not more than || less than, under, beneath, not more than


i move•, attitude•, walk•, head•, turn•, step•, •end, •door, policy•, point•, direct•, lean•, trend•, push•


i percent, issue, low, per, debate, continued•, oe•, male, difference, nature, private, poor, benefit ● against, contra, in competition with || as opposed to, contrasted with, set against, against


i winner, game, no, next•, nited tates, match, oe•, riday•, central


i •also, •for, •rather, nothing•, necessarily, •nonetheless, •now, •reason, everything•, truth, •moment, wear•, •sake, whole


i •e-mail, •nternet, •satellite, computer, •phone, send•, •telephone, •web, information, •mail, service, •cable, reach•, connect• ● by way of, through, by


j noun art, emocrat, democracy, party, education, college, group, state, media, policy, view, society misc more•, •democratic, conservative, most•, political, social, •economic, traditional• ● open-minded, broad-minded, moderate, noninterventionist || generous, copious, abundant, profuse


j noun assistance, support, skill, problem, information, difficulty, college, expertise, school, training, issue, term misc provide•, scientific, financial, economic, require, highly•, professional, legal ● technological, scientific, industrial || practical, mechanical, procedural || nominal, official, strict || specialized, precise, official


j noun bowl, team, delegate, champion, power, victory, game, season, hero, coach, model, star misc win•, play, four, •rich, superconducting•, ustrian•, host•, straight• ● wonderful, fantastic, great, marvelous || better, enhanced, improved, outstanding


j noun box, spoon, chair, table, door, floor, bench, house misc small•, sit•, old•, large•, until, long•, carved•, heavy• ● timber, woody, ligneous || stilted, inexpressive, stiff || dull, toneless, flat


j noun boy, chance, opportunity, thanks, tiding, dad, sir, folk, excuse, pleasure misc •, •you, •see, so•, •here, very•, •hear, •finally ● delighted, happy, pleased, content || willing, ready, prepared, happy


j noun camera, technology, video, image, system, computer, signal, music, equipment, photo, imaging, age misc use, personal•, •audio, create, convert, electronic, available ● numerical, alphanumeric, numerary, numeral, cardinal, ordinal


j noun candidate, election, campaign, race, year, debate, nomination, nominee, politics, party, palace, primary misc democratic•, during•, epublican•, former•, win, •hopeful, vice• ● high-level, top-level, executive, political || dignified, authoritative, judicious, diplomatic


j noun car, book, oil, equipment, computer, method, condom, technique, bookstore, vehicle, instrument, clothing misc •to, get•, most•, widely•, commonly•, buy•, frequently•, sell• ● rummage-sale, secondhand, castoff, hand-medown || expended, old, worn, worn out


j noun care, effect, goal, interest, rate, relationship, problem, study, investment, contract, health, plan misc short-term, •economic, require, •financial, serious•, •environmental, ensure•, immediate• ● lasting, long-standing, enduring, continuing, durable, abiding


j noun case, condition, example, right, sport, poverty, measure, position, view, event, situation, weather misc most•, more•, such•, less•, left, represent, because• ● great, tremendous, severe || radical, fanatical, immoderate || farthest, furthest, outermost || dangerous, life-threatening, thrilling


j noun case, occasion, species, disease, opportunity, moment, book, event, exception, plant, cancer, bird misc very•, extremely•, such•, relatively•, medium•, quite•, increasingly•, •indeed ● valuable, unique, singular || infrequent, occasional, sporadic || bloody, juicy, red


j noun cause, role, edge, man, candidate, scorer, nation, expert, company, figure, country, lady misc one•, become•, play•, among, •economic, all-time•, •democratic, •industrial ● prominent, foremost, important, principal, chief, top


j noun change, group, reform, slam, idea, movement, departure, transformation, cleric, party, feminist, right misc more•, most•, •slamic, •political, •social, •economic, free•, undergo• ● fundamental, basic, essential || pervasive, sweeping, thorough || extreme, extremist, uncompromising


j noun church, school, bishop, priest, university, teaching, faith, tradition, charity, community, theology, family ● wide-ranging, broad, wide-reaching, all-embracing, extensive, varied


j noun city, circle, life, ear, working, tube, self, voice, thigh, system, strength, door misc outer, own•, •solar, reveal, •spiritual, touch•, explore•, rural ● internal, innermost, inward, inside || private, personal, secret, intimate


j noun class, group, relationship, condition, mother, woman, people, man, day, family, environment, parent misc poor, establish•, environmental•, single, middle, develop, close•, ordinary• ● operational, functioning, effective, running || employed, occupied, at work, in work


j noun collection, member, damage, resident, home, job, status, residence, change, housing, loss, base misc become•, five, temporary, establish•, create•, cause•, build, legal ● enduring, perpetual, lasting, everlasting, eternal, undying


j noun color, light, idea, career, sky, star, mind, sun, student, scientist, performance, flash misc most•, •blue, •young, •white, •red, absolutely•, •yellow, beautiful ● luminous, radiant, dazzling || vivid, bright, clear || excellent, wonderful, marvelous || talented, virtuoso, inspired


j noun community, people, state, settlement, family, woman, center, group, identity, life, settler, population


j noun company, government, market, car, merican, people, woman, firm, garden, economy


j noun condition, environment, family, government, relationship, price, system, life, democracy, population, rate, economy misc more•, remain•, relatively•, less•, provide•, •enough, create•, fairly• ● steady, unchanging, even || secure, fixed, firm || calm, steady, even


j noun condition, place, situation, body, weight, world, person, woman, type, candidate, image, model misc •for, provide•, less•, describe•, current, female, male ● perfect, model, idyllic, supreme, superlative, ultimate


j noun consistency, revenue, affair, control, reliability, medicine, security, conflict, investigation, structure, organ, problem misc external, own•, •political, •within, both•, •bleeding, well, adequate• ● interior, inner, inside, core || in-house, home, intramural, domestic


j noun country, merican, study, nation, word, music, government, name, market, leader, player


j noun country, merican, woman, market, nation, crisis, student, art, immigrant, economy


j noun country, world, nation, program, cancer, skill, child, technology, story, economy, strategy, relationship misc many•, developed, especially, •such, economic, particularly, reduce, rapidly• ● emerging, emergent, evolving, unindustrialized


j noun coverage, health, care, right, studio, declaration, access, language, principle, value, education, law misc •human, almost•, provide•, nearly•, ordinary•, particular, basic, achieve• ● worldwide, widespread, general, common, collective, total


j noun crime, behavior, act, conflict, death, criminal, man, offender, action, incident, protest, attack misc more•, most•, become•, commit, against, often, less•, sometimes• ● pugnacious, aggressive, brutal, cruel || fierce, ferocious, vehement, vicious


j noun criticism, critic, theory, study, history, text, work, works, tradition, world, magazine, character misc merican•, cultural, artistic, historical, contemporary•, traditional•, critical, well ● fictional, mythical, legendary, storybook || bookish, erudite, scholarly, well-read


j noun destruction, media, transit, culture, production, murder, grave, communication, market, movement, murderer, audience misc produce, develop•, critical•, popular, modern, attend•, •nuclear, raqi


j noun deviation, means, procedure, model, practice, score, time, equipment, error, oil, test, feature misc •poor, use, mean, include, available, above, •below, eastern• ● normal, typical, average, usual, ordinary, regular


j noun director, ability, association, department, performance, program, role, conference, coach, team, model, club misc high, national•, academic, collegiate•, western•, intercollegiate•, female•, physical ● fit, sporty, healthy, in good shape, physical, agile


j noun distress, problem, well-being, effect, health, factor, state, service, adjustment, impact, test, need misc physical, social, merican•, emotional, physiological, medical, •such, cultural, spiritual ● mental, emotional, psychosomatic, inner, spiritual


j noun drug, immigration, alien, activity, use, abortion, law, worker, act, trade, border, weapon misc legal•, nothing•, anything•, hire•, declare•, engage•, immoral, •immigrant ● against the law, unlawful, prohibited, banned, illegitimate, illicit


j noun economy, spot, point, link, government, dollar, force, knee, voice, argument, muscle, leg misc too•, strong, very•, feel•, relatively•, remain•, poor, extremely• ● feeble, frail || tired, faint || delicate, insubstantial || vulnerable, defenseless || powerless, ineffectual || cowardly, spineless || faint, feeble || watery, diluted || unconvincing, half-hearted


j noun education, training, room, program, structure, garden, system, dining, process, schooling, rule, complaint misc no•, more•, •informal, less•, without•, receive•, file•, •legal ● stiff, prim, starched, decorous || official, proper, prescribed, recognized


j noun end, budget, control, race, market, jeans, security, circle, spot, space, labor, line misc keep•, very•, wear•, hold•, •little, under•, •black, abs• ● taut, stretched || close-fitting, body-hugging || firm, fixed || strict, stringent || miserly, tightfisted || difficult, problematic


j noun end, hair, cannon, ball, change, skin, woman, rock, soil, shirt, confederation, powder misc break•, let•, cut•, turn•, hang, wear•, shake•, pull• ● movable, slack || irresponsible, lax || floppy, relaxed || baggy, loose-fitting || free, freed || assorted, diverse


j noun engineering, material, code, disease, testing, information, diversity, test, research, disorder, makeup, variation misc human, environmental, cause, identify, carry, develop, rare•, biological ● hereditary, inherited, heritable, inherent, genomic, chromosomal


j noun epublican, party, group, emocrat, estimate, movement, leader, court, member, view, government, voter misc more•, very•, most•, liberal, political, hristian, religious, moderate ● traditional, conventional, conformist, unadventurous || cautious, moderate, careful


j noun eye, voice, face, leg, muscle, smile, excuse, joke misc get•, so•, too•, look, feel•, sick•, very• ● weary, exhausted, worn-out || bored, weary, fed up || overused, hackneyed, clichéd


j noun face, eye, skin, hair, light, color, man, hand, sky, wall, lip, moon misc her, •blue, look, •yellow, •green, •pink, white, beyond• ● light, pastel, soft || pallid, colorless, ashen || faint, dim, feeble


j noun fact, year, percent, presence, mortal, word, existence, mention, month, thought, foot, hour misc than•, more•, beyond•, •million, rather•, reduce•, transcend•, compare ● meager, ordinary, simple, sheer, plain


j noun factor, force, pressure, control, threat, source, environment, affair, canal, debt, validity, influence misc internal, •such, •auditory, both•, •economic, require, domestic ● outside, exterior, outdoor, peripheral, outward, outer


j noun family, future, need, response, problem, action, threat, impact, effect, concern, attention, aftermath misc more•, no•, most•, beyond•, provide•, require•, demand• ● instant, direct, instantaneous || direct, close, near || urgent, current, pressing


j noun finding, result, research, pattern, policy, data, manner, use, behavior, view, approach, theory misc •with, more•, most•, •previous, •across, remain•, fairly•, internally• ● coherent, uniform, even, harmonious || reliable, steady, dependable, constant


j noun fire, way, face, relation, smile, country, service, place, voice, relationship, government, manner misc environmentally•, very•, warm•, •helpful, nice•, everyone, outgoing, familiar ● welcoming, approachable, outgoing, responsive, sociable, open


j noun flower, dress, slip, rose, color, face, shirt, house, shade, skin, cheek, lip misc her, white, blue, wear•, yellow, red, pale•, turn• ● flushed, red, rosy, glowing || undercooked, rare, underdone, raw


j noun food, track, lane, fact, car, pace, break, restaurant, friend, start, growth, speed misc too, real•, •furious, slow, hard•, eat•, •easy, drive• ● ahead, gaining, in advance || debauched, wild, reckless || firm, steadfast, constant || quick, speedy, rapid || sudden, sharp, fleeting


j noun foot, mile, inch, kilometer, area, meter, footage, root, building, block, yard, face misc per•, than, about•, million•, more•, cover•, every•, small•, over• ● four-sided, right-angled, rectangular, quadrangular || fair, honest, genuine, just


j noun force, service, conflict, robbery, guard, man, group, member, struggle, police, soldier, officer misc heavily•, against, serve•, military, oviet•, raqi, •dangerous, •slamic ● equipped, fortified, prepared


j noun form, water, color, joy, pleasure, gold, vanilla, love, heart, extract, science, loss misc •simple, •white, •economic, clean, than•, smooth, •unadulterated, innocent ● unadulterated, uncontaminated || chaste, unsullied || theoretical, abstract || unmixed, one hundred per cent || utter, sheer || clear, vivid


j noun fund, respect, stock, friend, company, understanding, interest, trust, benefit, support, aid, insurance misc •between, invest, •among, buy, base•, other, each, manage ● joint, shared, common, communal, reciprocated, reciprocal


j noun galaxy, past, relative, cousin, future, star, place, voice, light, mountain, memory, object misc more•, seem•, hear•, most•, toward•, grow•, •third, sound• ● faraway, remote, far-off || aloof, cold, unfriendly || vague, faint, indistinct


j noun gate, age, state, globe, bridge, year, retriever, hair, rule, light, eagle, girl misc until•, •brown, bake•, •remove, stir, cook, •delicious, •yellow ● excellent, first-rate, wonderful || gold, gold-plated, gold-leaf || idyllic, ideal, best || privileged, special, superior


j noun girl, woman, face, picture, thing, boy, sight, dress, hair, lady, baby, flower misc she, look, very•, •little, young, much, nice, •pink ● attractive, beautiful, handsome, cute || rather, reasonably, somewhat, moderately


j noun goal, end, test, question, power, reality, authority, responsibility, success, decision, source, purpose misc human, perhaps•, achieve•, divine, retain•, •spiritual, universal, •driving ● final, last, eventual, decisive || fundamental, basic, essential, supreme


j noun government, shepherd, army, company, chancellor, soldier, troop, state, unification, force, society, ew


j noun group, discrimination, minority, preference, difference, identity, issue, tension, profiling, line, diversity, equality misc ethnic, cultural, religious, against, sexual, across•, social, economic ● ethnic, cultural, national, tribal


j noun group, minority, identity, cleansing, background, conflict, community, difference, diversity, study, line, member misc racial, other•, religious, cultural, different•, among, between, political ● cultural, national, traditional, folkloric, racial, indigenous


j noun group, student, population, community, background, culture, need, school, society, country, interest, sample misc more•, as•, culturally•, most•, ethnically•, such•, among•, •cultural ● varied, miscellaneous, assorted, sundry || different, dissimilar, unlike, distinct


j noun group, world, jihad, law, republic, movement, state, revolution, fundamentalism, militant, country, fundamentalist


j noun growth, change, development, rate, expansion, increase, population, pace, response, succession, rise, progress misc more•, •economic, lead, •technological, experience•, cause•, undergo•, because• ● fast, quick, speedy, swift, hasty, express


j noun hair, eye, sugar, paper, rice, bag, skin, dwarf, face, trout, leather, bear misc until•, dark•, golden•, light•, black, white, turn•, wear• ● tanned, sunburned, bronzed


j noun house, home, increase, amount, means, success, proposal, goal, price, gain, growth, apartment misc more•, even•, very•, only•, relatively•, •compare, quite•, fairly• ● self-effacing, humble, discreet || shy, diffident, unsure || unexceptional, ordinary, humble || moderate, reasonable, acceptable


j noun impairment, art, image, field, effect, acuity, information, artist, culture, representation, cue, experience misc provide, auditory, verbal, create•, tactile, •basic, well, aural ● graphic, pictorial, filmic || optical, chromatic, ophthalmic || pictorial, imagistic, graphic


j noun information, description, picture, assessment, data, count, prediction, measurement, estimate, way, diagnosis, representation misc more•, most•, provide•, less•, fair, complete, highly• ● precise, correct, exact, true, truthful, perfect


j noun information, player, resource, lesson, time, tool, experience, asset, insight, contribution, service misc most•, more•, provide•, very•, become•, learn, prove•, extremely• ● precious, expensive, costly || invaluable, valued, helpful || valued, appreciated, respected


j noun information, question, issue, data, study, factor, research, literature, experience, knowledge, variable, material misc more•, most•, particularly•, provide, less•, culturally•, especially• ● pertinent, applicable, germane, related, appropriate, significant


j noun information, tool, way, purpose, life, data, thing, model, feature, product, knowledge, work misc may•, very•, more•, provide•, find•, most•, prove•, might• ● helpful, practical, functional, serviceable || valuable, beneficial, convenient, suitable


j noun ingredient, percent, moment, mixture, oil, salt, sugar, butter, cheese, dough, item, question misc add•, few•, repeat•, last•, sprinkle•, only•, stir, four, serve ● residual, outstanding, left over, lingering, enduring, lasting


j noun instrument, student, performance, experience, theater, style, music, skill, idea, score, sound, comedy misc play, sing, perform, cultural, creative, best•, traditional•, artistic ● melodic, harmonious, melodious, tuneful, easy on the ear, pleasant-sounding


j noun interest, role, part, sign, information, organ, statistics, issue, importance, security, force, component misc play•, most•, •national, provide, remain•, consider•, •economic, protect ● important, fundamental, imperative, essential || energetic, vigorous, vivacious, dynamic


j noun issue, decision, figure, program, topic, book, case, subject, plan, proposal, film, policy misc most•, more•, very•, become•, highly•, remain•, less•, somewhat• ● contentious, provocative, debated, debatable, divisive, hot


j noun issue, thing, system, process, life, situation, problem, case, story, question, relationship, matter misc more•, •than, very•, too•, become•, much•, little• ● complex, difficult, intricate, byzantine, thorny, dense


j noun jury, charge, murder, plea, verdict, crime, defendant, party, court, pleasure, manslaughter, fraud misc not, plead•, feel•, find•, innocent, until, proven, on-line• ● culpable, responsible, at fault, blameworthy || shamefaced, remorseful, embarrassed, mortified


j noun jury, slam, hotel, scale, piano, prize, opening, total, tour, plan, opera, scheme misc before•, federal•, •central, •old, •national, win• ● outstanding, impressive, imposing || ambitious, impressive, far-reaching || distinguished, illustrious, celebrated || wonderful, fantastic, excellent


j noun justice, case, system, charge, court, investigation, law, activity, record, trial, defense, attorney misc •against, international•, civil, face•, federal•, file, involve, possible• ● illegal, wrong, against the law, illicit || scandalous, excessive, iniquitous, senseless


j noun knife, contrast, edge, eye, pain, tooth, turn, increase, decline, drop, focus misc •cut, draw•, clear, short•, bright, quick, pretty•, thin• ● pointed, razor-sharp || quick, intelligent || abrupt, sudden || shrill, piercing || harsh, severe || severe, acute || sour, tangy || clear, well-defined


j noun language, teacher, class, word, literature, translation, department, professor, subtitle, proficiency, muffin


j noun life, other, time, water, air, image, camera, photograph, picture, leaf, photo, video misc there•, stand•, sit•, •, while, paint•, perfectly•, digital• ● motionless, immobile, unmoving, at rest, at a standstill, at a halt


j noun light, eye, sign, star, world, window, part, wavelength, surface, spectrum, sky, presence misc most•, more•, become•, no•, highly•, •through, barely•, clearly• ● noticeable, observable, perceptible, evident, in evidence, discernible


j noun line, coordinator, lineman, tackle, player, coach, weapon, team, force, game, operation, action misc find•, defensive, •against, launch•, military, former•, patently•, deeply• ● unpleasant, nasty, distasteful || insulting, rude, impolite || aggressive, attacking, violent


j noun line, half, bracket, edge, lip, drawer, end, side, row, corner, shelf, panel misc •left, hit•, top, affect•, bite•, hurt•, bet•, boost• ● lowest, bottommost, nethermost, lowermost


j noun line, regression, equation, sclerosis, analysis, time, source, choice, intelligence, level, partner, test misc use, including, across, involve, require, single, perform, simultaneously ● manifold, numerous, many, several, various, compound


j noun majority, amount, number, array, area, expanse, network, space, land, resource, quantity, difference misc across•, •empty, •right-wing, surround, stretch, •complex, •untapped, •underground ● massive, huge, enormous, gigantic, immense, cosmic


j noun man, eye, student, people, child, date, spot, person, faith, boy, vision, woman misc who•, •visually, turn•, deaf, •impaired, •impair, legally•, •low, nearly• ● sightless, unsighted, unseeing, eyeless, visionless


j noun man, father, parent, mother, moment, son, accomplishment, owner, heritage, achievement, dad, daughter misc very•, so•, feel•, too•, •myself, happy, extremely• ● pleased, satisfied || projecting, prominent || independent, self-sufficient || rewarding, satisfying || arrogant, conceited || impressive, stately


j noun man, people, answer, work, broker, person, truth, mistake, opinion, guy, living, discussion misc •about, very•, let•, keep•, open•, perfectly•, completely• ● upright, trustworthy, moral, good || truthful, authentic, true, frank


j noun man, right, marriage, people, community, couple, group, issue, activist, bar, movement, person misc •lesbian, openly•, •bisexual, among•, straight, •male, ban•, civil


j noun man, voice, woman, face, letter, mob, parent, crowd, word, voter, response, look misc get•, very•, feel, frustrate, sad, sometimes, sound•, frustrated ● annoyed, irritated, fuming, mad, livid, irate


j noun man, woman, lady, people, content, cat, guy, intake, cell, body, boy, chance misc big•, sit, too•, low•, saturated, little, less•, eat ● overweight, plump, chubby || fatty, greasy, oily || thick, chunky, big || rich, wealthy, affluent


j noun market, advantage, sport, world, edge, environment, price, industry, company, business, pressure, athlete misc more•, very•, highly•, become•, most•, remain•, less•, stay• ● spirited, bloodthirsty, gung ho, ready for action || modest, good, inexpensive, cheap


j noun material, data, meat, score, sewage, power, food, deal, vegetable, umber, sienna, egg misc eat•, cooked, rub•, red, fresh, burnt, contain, yellow ● uncooked, rare || unprocessed, unrefined || painful, sore || inexperienced, untrained || inclement, chilly || visceral, brutal


j noun mission, task, situation, dream, position, fiction, condition, goal, odds, choice, angle misc it•, make•, almost•, nearly•, find, virtually•, difficult• ● irresolvable, irresoluble, unfeasible, impracticable || unbearable, incredible, terrible, dreadful


j noun moment, room, auction, night, film, prayer, majority, movie, spring, minute, partner, crowd misc fall•, remain•, keep•, stand, sit•, long, stay•, everyone• ● still, hushed, soundless || unspoken, unvoiced, voiceless || mute, tongue-tied, uncommunicative


j noun moment, time, period, history, description, statement, discussion, message, summary, visit, overview, conversation misc during•, after•, provide•, follow, file•, relatively•, •commercial ● short-lived, transitory, fleeting, short-term || short, concise, succinct, to the point


j noun motion, process, growth, pace, progress, start, speed, movement, rate, death, cooker, breath misc too•, very•, •steady, long•, little•, fast, deep ● sluggish, unhurried, measured, deliberate || timeconsuming, long-winded, drawn-out, protracted


j noun music, oak, coverage, show, performance, television, picture, , entertainment, birth, bait, news misc real•, report•, broadcast•, watch•, perform•, feature, dead, tonight ● living, animate, conscious, breathing, aware, sentient


j noun need, people, housewife, attempt, situation, time, measure, effort, search, help, act, hope misc become, increasingly•, sound•, •escape, •save, poor•, pretty•, final ● frantic, anxious, despairing || eager, dying, raring || reckless, careless, rash || hopeless, wretched, irredeemable || serious, grave, extreme


j noun number, amount, change, increase, evidence, portion, difference, investment, effect, reduction, cost, benefit misc there•, require•, provide•, economic, receive•, result•, •financial, quite•, fairly• ● considerable, large, extensive, significant, important, generous


j noun number, behavior, practice, experience, cost, event, performance, world, fact, data, size, work misc between, base•, than, •physical, rather, reflect•, potential ● real, genuine, authentic, concrete, tangible, definite


j noun number, pressure, demand, rate, level, use, amount, population, cost, frequency, tax, interest misc •among, ever•, rapidly•, economic, face•, despite•, because• ● cumulative, snowballing, swelling, growing || rising, growing, going up, mounting


j noun number, resource, time, amount, government, use, partnership, access, space, success, edition, range misc very•, only•, •available, because•, offer•, within, remain•, due•, •nglish ● incomplete, imperfect, partial, inadequate, narrow, restricted


j noun opportunity, right, protection, number, woman, amount, access, part, time, employment, footing, value misc all, create•, great, roughly•, approximately•, less, separate• ● identical, equivalent, like, alike || on a par, even, uniform, on a plane


j noun opportunity, way, experience, feature, need, situation, characteristic, position, history, perspective, style, challenge misc its, each, own•, provide•, offer•, •among, create•, because• ● sole, single, one-off, exclusive, exceptional, inimitable


j noun patient, debt, frustration, gaze, investigator, curiosity, consensus, employee misc find, unwilling, •speak, •move, seem•, themselves, •stop, himself, •reach, •anything, •sleep, •resist ● powerless, incapable, impotent, inept, incompetent


j noun people, child, day, man, stomach, person, kid, patient, leave, hospital, care, baby misc get•, make•, feel•, •tired, too, •die, poor ● ill, unwell, poorly || tasteless, in bad taste, gruesome || nauseous, queasy, bilious || fed up, bored, up to here


j noun people, life, citizen, man, merican, thing, person, matter, folk, language, experience, income misc out•, extraordinary, nothing•, •human, •universal, beyond•, everyday ● normal, commonplace, usual, regular || dull, trite, drab, dreary


j noun people, thing, man, guy, orse, idea, woman, kid, stuff, person, love, quilt misc go•, drive•, think, like•, me, little•, sound• ● foolish, unwise, silly, senseless || fond, keen, passionate, enthusiastic


j noun place, way, name, use, care, role, procedure, behavior, technique, training, balance, perspective misc without•, ensure•, maintain•, necessary, teach•, lack•, determine•, •medical ● good, correct, appropriate || polite, modest, decorous || own, personal, characteristic


j noun planet, step, company, slalom, tree, leap, screen, star, squid, corporation, panda, hand misc like•, red, •forward, form, resemble•, green, •elliptical, pharmaceutical


j noun planning, study, plan, interest, defense, alliance, decision, importance, initiative, weapon, arm, force misc international, •nuclear, political, economic, develop•, military, tactical, major• ● planned, tactical, calculated, deliberate, premeditated, considered


j noun policy, government, language, record, agency, position, report, news, document, statement, church, history misc according•, receive•, despite•, oviet, •unofficial, hinese, •involved, •familiar, •atholic ● authorized, certified, endorsed, sanctioned, allowed, approved


j noun power, mixer, utility, motor, car, gas, company, chair, light, guitar, bill, vehicle misc general•, use, •until, medium, •current, beat, magnetic ● electrically powered, electronic, electrical, battery operated || absorbing, charged, exciting, thrilling


j noun power, value, truth, term, right, number, certainty, difference, necessity, zero, control, authority misc •best, relative, above•, total, than•, moral, rather• ● total, complete, utter || unconditional, unlimited, supreme || conclusive, resolved, firm


j noun pressure, competition, heat, scrutiny, interest, eye, pain, debate, period, experience, color, light misc more•, so•, most•, very•, become•, under•, less• ● penetrating, strong, powerful, forceful, concentrated, deep


j noun process, investigation, part, debate, effort, study, program, research, project, war, relationship, problem misc •between, provide•, require•, because•, •professional, despite•, involve ● continuing, constant, rolling, current, in progress, open-ended


j noun process, respect, date, course, time, diligence, credit, month, tax, payment, clause, baby misc all•, •in, •part, •next, •lack, •large, before, without• ● expected, scheduled, appointed || appropriate, fitting, suitable || owing, unpaid, outstanding


j noun process, thinking, way, writing, people, director, work, activity, artist, idea, art, energy misc more•, most•, teach•, develop, critical, highly•, innovative, productive ● original, imaginative, inspired, artistic, inventive, resourceful


j noun program, system, institution, student, opportunity, service, experience, level, research, reform, need, process misc provide, social, national•, cultural, economic, develop, special, current• ● instructive, enlightening, didactic, edifying, informative, scholastic


j noun reason, number, cause, man, artist, world, person, woman, word, source, origin, quantity misc remain•, still•, previously•, virtually•, largely•, relatively•, yet• ● unidentified, indefinite, mysterious, strange || unfamiliar, strange, foreign, alien


j noun reminder, threat, change, pressure, companion, stream, fear, contact, motion, struggle, source, attention misc remain•, require•, hold•, maintain•, almost•, relatively•, fairly•, cosmological• ● continuous, endless, relentless || frequent, persistent, recurrent || steady, stable, even || faithful, loyal, trustworthy


j noun research, community, evidence, study, knowledge, method, data, information, theory, discovery, journal, inquiry misc technical, •technological, social, base•, cultural, medical, support, international, educational ● technical, methodical, systematic, logical, precise, exact


j noun research, land, production, product, service, sector, area, development, use, practice, system, center misc industrial, such, rural, urban, reduce, increase, environmental, traditional• ● agrarian, farming, agronomic, farmed || unindustrialized, pastoral, rural, bucolic


j noun research, use, experience, study, program, damage, network, system, collection, training, work, review misc more•, most•, require•, conduct•, provide•, include, after• ● big, large, huge, vast || wide, widespread, wideranging, general


j noun right, amendment, law, court, state, issue, government, protection, reform, convention, principle, provision misc violate•, •ban, federal, legal, pass•, political, protect, require ● legitimate, legal, lawful || legitimate, legal, lawful || legitimate, legal, lawful


j noun risk, use, demand, level, cost, pressure, rate, number, competition, activity, production, tax misc lead•, associate•, result, because•, due•, economic, cause


j noun role, question, issue, point, part, time, moment, element, factor, difference, information, step misc play•, most•, understand, consider•, prove•, •determine, absolutely•, miss ● vital, critical, central, decisive, key, essential


j noun school, teacher, student, education, child, level, grade, program, music, principal, classroom, class misc •secondary, •high, •middle, teach•, public•, physical ● basic, straightforward, uncomplicated, plain, simple, fundamental


j noun score, age, difference, time, value, rating, number, response, street, length misc •, between, standard, yeah•, low, significant•, total, significantly ● miserly, stingy, niggardly || nasty, unkind, cruel || middle, mid, average || paltry, measly, derisory || poor, shabby, squalid


j noun service, agent, police, life, weapon, society, place, meeting, code, garden, information misc keep•, top•, reveal, hide, share, oviet, •nuclear, uniformed ● clandestine, underground, top-secret, undisclosed || confidential, surprise, private, classified


j noun statement, alarm, sense, claim, information, hope, security, memory, start, positive misc •tooth, •impression ● fake, bogus, sham || untrue, untruthful, incorrect || misleading, erroneous, fallacious


j noun story, thing, amount, hulk, experience, number, power, speed, job, sense, opportunity, ability misc just•, most•, such•, absolutely•, pretty•, •shrinking, truly• ● unbelievable, implausible, improbable || excellent, superb, tremendous || amazing, astonishing, extraordinary


j noun stream, growth, hand, job, flow, decline, voice, supply, increase, pace, income, work misc hold•, slow•, keep•, remain•, maintain•, strong, fairly•, relatively• ● stable, firm, fixed || continual, constant, perpetual || even, regular, uniform || calm, cool, collected


j noun street, road, eye, path, range, strip, window, room, focus, gap, face, view misc through•, very•, long•, down•, too•, •between, along, lead ● thin, fine, slim, slender, slight, tapered


j noun student, member, citizen, man, officer, traveler, soldier, worker, being, teacher, passenger, countryman misc his•, their•, my•, •human, among•, join, urge•, respect ● sister, parallel, associated, corresponding, equivalent, related


j noun study, time, occasion, award, book, example, article, group, way, problem, case, report misc •other, •including, receive•, include, among, despite•, contain•, well• ● many, frequent, plentiful, abundant, several, copious


j noun system, breakdown, energy, wreck, laugh, laughter, smile, investor, glance, disorder, tension, habit misc •about, make•, get•, very•, little•, central•, feel ● anxious, worried, edgy, jumpy, panicky, tense


j noun system, device, media, equipment, mail, data, computer, communication, information, control, commerce, music misc use, such, send, digital, available, via, mechanical ● electric, microelectronic, electrical, automated, automatic


j noun system, technology, equipment, computer, technique, way, weapon, software, program, analysis, tool, model misc more•, most•, very•, become•, use, increasingly•, highly•, develop• ● urbane, classy, cultured, erudite || complex, highlevel, high-tech, erudite


j noun system, wind, energy, power, panel, cell, planet, eclipse, radiation, mass, flare, technology misc our•, inner•, outer•, total•, •thermal, such•, install•, •electric


j noun table, face, trip, eye, window, rock, head, hole, top, pan, glass, cake misc small•, big•, large•, little•, each, perfectly•, white, smooth ● rotund, overweight, plump, fat || rounded, curved, smoothed, smooth-edged


j noun technology, system, degree, study, student, research, placement, course, program, class, country, age misc more•, most•, technologically•, such, develop•, •industrial, •international, require ● higher, developed, sophisticated || later, far along, well along || progressive, forward-thinking, unconventional


j noun thing, condition, space, room, quarter, will, area, organism, creature, expense misc every•, •dead, •breathing, only•, independent•, southern•, greatest•, improve•, assisted• ● alive, breathing, existing, active, quick, in the flesh


j noun thing, day, story, eye, face, song, part, smile, fact, state, truth, news misc very•, so•, feel•, really•, happy, little•, angry ● unhappy, miserable, depressed, gloomy || depressing, gloomy, miserable, cheerless


j noun thing, job, way, couple, man, angle, moment, place, hour, behavior, number, feeling misc seem•, very•, something•, feel•, sound, •little ● strange, abnormal, unusual, peculiar, anomalous, weird


j noun thing, man, way, place, world, land, woman, voice, feeling, look, creature misc very•, seem, feel•, something•, sound•, •happen, little• ● odd, bizarre, outlandish || unfamiliar, alien, unknown || inexplicable, surprising, funny


j noun thing, mistake, time, tragedy, day, problem, situation, accident, pain, idea, loss, crime misc something•, •happen, feel•, such•, suffer•, sound•, awful, horrible ● extreme, severe, serious || awful, dreadful, rotten || horrible, horrifying, horrific


j noun thing, question, man, kid, idea, girl, mistake, stuff, bitch, joke, boy, game misc so•, something•, too•, really•, feel•, •enough, sound•, anything• ● unintelligent, dull, brainless || unwise, senseless, ill-advised || foolish, fatuous, silly


j noun thing, story, woman, success, achievement, ability, life, change, career, performance, job, feat misc most•, really•, quite•, show•, truly•, perhaps•, pretty•, rather• ● extraordinary, amazing, notable, outstanding, noteworthy, significant


j noun thing, time, life, way, part, opportunity, place, game, story, development, event, experience misc most•, very•, more•, new, really•, as•, something• ● thrilling, exhilarating, stirring, stimulating, electrifying, moving


j noun thing, way, story, guy, man, joke, face, movie, look, girl, name, stuff misc think, very•, so•, really•, something•, •happen, pretty• ● humorous, hilarious, amusing || odd, strange, weird || quaint, unconventional, eccentric || unwell, sick, nauseous


j noun time, amount, attention, effort, number, power, research, evidence, interest, influence, debate, support misc there•, spend•, require•, receive•, •among, •political, cause•, although• ● substantial, significant, large, extensive, sizeable, great


j noun time, cause, child, world, revenue, soul, city, tribe, love, boy, opportunity misc get•, replace•, regain•, recover•, restore•, reclaim•, search• ● misplaced, mislaid, missing || disoriented, adrift, astray || deep in thought, spellbound, entranced || confused, bewildered, bemused || forlorn, vulnerable, abandoned


j noun time, day, moment, year, name, situation, area, period, level, point, night, individual misc any•, at•, within•, determine, particular, •depend, specific, associate• ● assumed, agreed, specified, prearranged, certain, particular


j noun time, history, world, city, tradition, art, culture, civilization, site, forest, tree misc modern, •reek, •hinese, •oman, •gyptian, •ndian, •medieval, study•, contemporary, royal•, •eastern ● antique, early, earliest, olden || old-fashioned, archaic, obsolete, outdated


j noun waste, ground, foundation, line, evidence, rock, management, wall, wood, base, food, gold misc municipal•, build•, freeze•, form•, represent, pretty•, liquid, hazardous ● hard, rock-hard || dense, closed || pure, real || strong, secure || reliable, dependable || unanimous, universal


j noun way, energy, use, system, market, fuel, government, method, service, technology, manner, resource misc more•, most•, •than, effective, less•, become•, highly• ● well-organized, effectual, effective, competent || inexpensive, timesaving, laborsaving, cost-effective


j noun weapon, diversity, parent, science, agent, father, control, mother, system, warfare, research, clock misc chemical, nuclear, physical, social, human, cultural, natural, environmental ● organic, life, living, natural || natal, birth, genetic, true


j noun weapon, reaction, plant, company, agent, industry, composition, warfare, attack, process, fertilizer, engineer misc biological, use, nuclear, against, physical•, produce, cause, toxic• ● biochemical, biological, living, organic, natural


j noun wisdom, force, weapon, treatment, method, system, war, way, medicine, therapy, approach, arm misc than•, more•, use•, •military, nuclear, compare•, challenge•, beyond• ● conservative, conformist, straight, predictable || usual, established, standard, normal


j noun worker, job, order, shelter, program, home, work, measure, housing, relief, visa, basis misc only•, permanent, provide•, •restraining, cause•, issue•, grant•, part-time ● provisional, impermanent, pro tem, momentary, brief, passing


j noun world, challenge, history, player, number, hit, threat, fear, risk, impact, achievement, gift misc one•, •ever, perhaps•, single, among, probably•, face, •possible ● utmost, highest, extreme, chief, supreme, maximum


j noun world, country, state, leader, nation, league, government, society, nationalism, neighbor


j noun world, country, woman, community, leader, group, population, man, nation, brother


j noun world, force, door, help, wall, expert, influence, observer, pressure, source, air, edge misc from•, hire•, rely•, inside, independent, in-house•, dependent• ● outdoor, external, separate || external, unknown, unfamiliar || slight, faint, remote


j noun year, life, date, stage, moment, work, period, generation, use, age, study, hour misc than, sooner•, early, save•, welcome•, store•, till•, schedule• ● advanced, far along, well along || late, delayed, deferred || posterior, latter, subsequent


m •year, hundred•, •dollar, than•, more, about•, •percent, •ago, •thousand, •foot, over•, •mile, •yard, •cent


n adj abdominal, strong, low, smooth, skeletal, lean, tight, pulled, increased, taut noun •group, back, bone, body, heart, strength, •mass, tissue, arm, •cell verb use, build•, flex•, relax, help, stretch, move, strengthen•, cause, contract ● power, influence, force, strength, might, weight


n adj academic, high, individual, low, greatest, significant, educational, personal, standardized, crowning noun student, •test, level, award, school, goal, score, motivation, lifetime• verb measure, improve, relate, recognize•, affect•, assess, promote•, represent, focus, examine ● attainment, accomplishment, success, feat, triumph, realization


n adj active, military, double, civic, moral, heavy, constitutional, patriotic noun tour•, right•, line•, sense•, officer, jury•, guard•, call• verb perform•, report, include, •protect, carry•, assign, assume•, return•, fulfill• ● responsibility, obligation, onus || job, task, function || tax, payment, levy


n adj airborne, armored, marine, racial, central, criminal, deep, eastern, upper, raqi noun infantry•, •labor, team, service, •title, school, director, series, news•, wildlife verb win•, create, reflect, clinch•, overcome•, compete•, heal•, contact, oversee, transfer ● separation, splitting up || sharing out, distribution || split, rift || boundary, partition || category, classification || department, section


n adj alestinian, high, political, aitian, uban, fghan, international, ewish, ietnamese, economic noun •camp, thousand•, problem, number•, country, nation•, status, •crisis verb •flee, return, live, arrive, resettle, settle, accept•, protect•, •cross, •pour ● person in exile, immigrant, migrant, expatriate, exile, evacuee


n adj annual, centennial, religious, traditional, cultural, eucharistic, joyous, musical, bicentennial, inaugural noun day, anniversary, birthday•, hristmas, holiday, family, cause•, victory verb hold, join•, plan, •mark, attend, •feature, organize, honor, host, gather• ● festivity, party, fete, festival || commemoration, remembrance, observance, salutation


n adj annual, monthly, minimum, six-figure, median, modest, decent, corporate, equal, competitive noun •cap, year, player, teacher, •bonus, base•, increase, month verb pay, earn•, receive•, raise, cut, offer, draw•, rise, double, reduce ● pay, income, wages, wage, earnings, money


n adj annual, presidential, democratic, athletic, primary, close, staring noun beauty•, winner, essay•, popularity•, prize, week, entry, costume•, photo•, recipe• verb win•, enter•, plead•, sponsor, judge, compete•, participate•, feature, conduct, announce ● competition, tournament, challenge, race, match, gala


n adj annual, rammy, outstanding, prestigious, numerous, distinguished, top, punitive, literary, coveted noun academy•, year, •winner, book•, achievement, •ceremony, music• verb win•, receive•, present, earn•, accept•, honor, nominate•, •recognize, attend•, hand ● prize, honor, reward, gift || verdict, decision, determination, judgment


n adj armesan, blue, fresh, wiss, grilled, grated, melted noun cup, cream•, goat•, cheddar•, macaroni•, bread, ounce•, •sandwich, cottage•, slice verb grate•, •melt, sprinkle•, serve, add, shred, stir, eat•, •soften, beat


n adj assistant, elementary, vice, professional, retired, female, effective, male, high-school, reactive noun school, teacher, •office, student, counselor, superintendent, interest, role, behavior, relationship• verb report, pay•, perceive, hire, interview, •select, •analyze, evaluate, influence, guarantee ● leader, chief, doyenne, doyen || head of school, superintendent, headmaster, headmistress


n adj assistant, general, interior, foreign, legal, personal, chief, principal, executive noun •state, defense, treasury, press•, deputy•, president, education, commerce, labor verb serve•, •thank, announce, name, appoint•, act, resign, welcome, order, direct ● clerical worker, typist, office assistant, personal assistant, administrator, clerk


n adj assistant, ndian, tribal, senior, paramount, principal, acting noun •staff, police, bureau•, commander•, chairman•, house•, deputy•, editor•, crew•, fire• verb name, appoint•, elect•, hail•, resign, promote•, •oversee, •preside, phone ● ruler, head, boss, captain, commander, supremo


n adj assisted, physician-assisted, attempted, mass, political, apparent, altruistic noun •bomber, •bombing, •attempt, •attack, rate, •note, death, •bomb, •prevention verb commit•, assist•, consider•, contemplate•, die•, prevent•, threaten•, prompt ● recklessness, perversity, rashness, irresponsibility, madness


n adj associate, commercial, academic, traditional, leading, assistant, retired, wealthy, longtime, respected noun editor, book, newspaper, magazine, president•, news, software•, textbook• verb name•, publish, sell, announce, reject, •print, contact, market, sue, resign ● producer, originator, commissioner, editor, issuer


n adj atholic, high, esuit, piscopal, local, religious, orthodox, abusive, nglican, active noun parish, church, bishop, woman, father, abuse, minister, number•, shortage verb become•, ordain•, •accuse, marry, •molest, perform, bless, remove, confess, pray ● minister, pastor, vicar, rector, presbyter, celebrant


n adj atomic, nuclear, dirty, smart, homemade, terrorist, erman, ritish, guided, thermonuclear noun car•, time•, roadside•, •attack, •threat, atom•, hydrogen• verb drop, •explode, kill, use, build•, •fall, detonate, plant, set, hit ● booby trap, mine, tripwire, explosive device || shell, explosive, missile, mortar


n adj available, formal, written, reasonable, simple, unusual, urgent, numerous, associated, strange noun interview, information, president, budget•, price•, administration•, freedom•, •proposal, •assistance, data verb respond•, deny, refuse•, decline•, receive, send, grant, reject•, turn•, reprint• ● appeal, demand, application, entreaty, invitation, wish


n adj available, free, educational, special, commercial, sophisticated, open-source, proprietary noun computer•, company, hardware, •program, system, •package, application, •developer, maker, business verb use, develop, •allow, sell, install, create, write, include, buy•, •enable


n adj available, hot, one-way, democratic, speeding, round-trip, winning, average, presidential, first-class noun price, season•, •sales, airline•, lottery•, plane•, game, lift• verb buy•, sell, call, purchase, pay, write•, •cost, receive•, hand•, •range ● permit, travel document, voucher, receipt || label, tag, tab, marker


n adj available, proposed, average, retail, potential, illegal, quick, initial noun •price, home, garage•, yard•, •sign, stock, item, product, ticket, property verb offer•, approve•, ban•, prohibit•, close, announce, restrict•, generate, •benefit ● transaction, deal, trade, vending || auction, rummage sale, garage sale, jumble sale


n adj available, recent, original, online, foreign, initial, future, minimum, total, outright noun •price, home, stock, land, •order, museum•, money verb make, finance•, pay, complete•, negotiate•, increase, approve•, plan, arrange•, boost ● acquisition, buying, obtaining || buy, acquisition, goods || grip, grasp, hold


n adj bad, cold, hot, national, cool, dry, severe, wet, local, nice noun •condition, •service, •pattern, •report, •forecast, winter•, news•, change, •station verb •turn, predict, •permit, check•, •warm, affect, •clear, •cooperate, fly, control• ● climate, meteorological conditions, elements


n adj bad, old, good, healthy, personal, poor, smoking, nasty, hard, sexual noun eating•, work•, drug•, study•, •mind, health•, spending•, reading•, change•, attitude verb develop•, become, break, kick•, support•, learn, form, •die, acquire ● custom, routine, practice || tendency, leaning, preference || addiction, problem, dependency || uniform, garb, apparel


n adj bad, public, natural, political, common, potential, foreign, mortal, sworn, dangerous noun friend, •combatant, •line, •fire, force, •soldier, •territory, troop verb fight, kill, face, attack, destroy, defeat•, love•, strike, define, hate ● opponent, adversary, foe, rival, competitor, antagonist


n adj ballistic, nuclear, raqi, surface-to-air, long-range, guided, anti-ballistic, military noun •defense, cruise•, •system, •attack, •crisis, patriot• verb fire, launch, hit, destroy, deploy, build•, develop•, •strike, carry, send ● arrow, projectile, dart, barb || projectile, rocket, bullet, shell


n adj basic, simple, advanced, remedial, fuzzy, eighthgrade, applied noun science, •teacher, student, reading, •class, school, •problem, •skill, •test, •score verb read, teach•, learn•, write, study•, solve, improve•, pass•, fail•, •account ● mathematics, calculation, reckoning, sums


n adj basic, underlying, different, fundamental, implicit, common, certain, economic, general, reasonable noun set•, value, question, •nature, belief, •power, data, method, homogeneity, behavior verb make, base•, •underlie, operate•, rest•, support, proceed•, predicate•, imply, undermine• ● supposition, statement, postulation, hypothesis, guess, theory


n adj big, direct, huge, major, current, instant, top, immediate noun •man, show, •innings, song, movie, •list, record, •, •series, game verb take•, get•, allow•, become•, score•, include, produce• ● knock, stroke, blow, shot || success, winner, triumph, sensation


n adj big, long, little, short, wooden, measuring, sharp, digging, crooked, green noun •butter, walking•, cinnamon•, carrot•, end•, •figure, •stone, hockey•, needle• verb use, hold, carry•, throw, pick•, poke, grab•, shake, •soften, swing• ● cane, baton, pole, branch, rod, staff


n adj big, major, smokeless, environmental, smoking, chewing, stale noun •company, •industry, alcohol, use, •firearm, •product, •smoke verb chew•, grow, sell, regulate•, spit, smell•


n adj big, merican, leading, major, foreign, key, independent, chemical, pharmaceutical, uropean noun policy•, decision•, film•, computer, auto•, car•, furniture• verb meet, force, sue•, •announce, enable•, •scramble, •risk, •underestimate ● creator, manufacturer, fabricator, producer, architect, cause


n adj big, net, political, economic, personal, financial, average, short-term, long-term, annual noun weight•, loss, tax, percent, year, efficiency, cut, productivity verb make, show•, achieve, produce•, realize, report, offset, result, post•, cause ● improvement, advance, increase, advantage || profit, reward, advantage, benefit


n adj big, red, bad, green, golden, fresh, wild, sliced, chopped, warm noun •computer, •tree, •pie, •juice, •cider, •orchard, cup, slice, crab• verb eat•, add, peel, pick, compare•, buy, cut, place, combine, fill


n adj big, vertical, sharp, steep, single, significant, dramatic noun •blood, percent, water, foot, •oil, price, •bucket, rate, pressure, temperature verb •fall, add•, cause, •hit, experience•, spill, squeeze•, drink, place•, shake• ● droplet, drip, bead || descent, fall, plunge || reduction, decrease, decline


n adj big, white, outright, future, total, absolute, casual, bald-faced, obvious, secret noun •detector, •test, truth, sex•, kind•, pack• verb tell, believe, live•, catch•, pass•, cover, expose, spread, repeat, detect ● untruth, falsehood, fib, story, tall tale, white lie


n adj big, young, mature, extra, quick, fast, dominant, eight-point, almighty noun couple•, thousand•, bang•, deer, •hour, •month, trophy•, season verb make, pay•, •stop, spend, cost•, pass•, save•, spot•, •travel, rattle ● responsibility, blame, liability, culpability || dollar, money, cash, dough


n adj biological, digital, internal, atomic, antique, astronomical, giant noun alarm•, time, wall, ticking, •radio, grandfather•, hour, tick, •tower verb look•, turn•, run, work•, set, glance•, stop, •read, •strike, watch• ● timepiece, timer, chronometer || regulator, timer, device, control


n adj black, brown, red, soft, white, thick, worn noun •jacket, •chair, shoe, •boot, •glove, •seat, •bag, •belt verb wear•, sit, bind, carry, dress•, hang, smell, lean•, settle•, stretch


n adj black, current, incumbent, elected, vice, longtime, outgoing, unofficial noun city, new, •office, governor, year, deputy•, town, race, candidate•, county verb run•, elect•, appoint, •announce, •declare, •propose, complain, endorse, criticize, invite


n adj black, fat, feral, stray, dead, gray, orange, cool noun dog, •scan, •food, •mouse, house, eye, animal, •hat, owner, •litter verb eat, kill, feed•, •jump, chase, purr, pet•, stroke•, •lick, skin• ● feline, moggy, kitten, mouser || man, guy, dude, fella


n adj black, likely, unidentified, frican-merican, mean, pregnant, frican, similar, average, adult noun male, percent, egg, number•, study, gender, athlete, minority, sample, percentage• verb report, compare, •lay, •tend, mate, indicate, produce, •participate, •appear, attract• ● woman, lady, girl


n adj black, polar, grizzly, brown, stuffed, golden, defensive, super, still, gummi noun •market, •paw, •hug, mountain, season, yard, baby•, defense, animal, tree verb kill, watch, shoot, hunt, feed, beat, chase, photograph, •roam, load•


n adj black, rubber, red, knee-high, brown, muddy, blue, stiff, left, wet noun •camp, cowboy•, pair•, leather•, ski, heel, work•, toe, coat, jacket verb wear•, put, pull•, fit, kick, buy, lace, remove•, crunch, ride•


n adj black, thick, secondhand, white, blue, gray, acrid noun cigarette•, cloud•, fire, tobacco•, air, •detector, puff•, plume•, flame, smell verb blow•, •rise, fill, billow, •clear, •drift, •pour, watch, •hang, •curl


n adj black, white, yellow, green, red, blue, brown, light, smoking noun leather•, pocket, pant, life•, suit•, shirt, tie, sport•, tweed•, denim• verb wear•, put, pull, reach•, hang, remove•, grab, drape ● cover, covering, casing, sheathing, sheath, sleeve


n adj black, wide, equatorial, main, dark, thick, brown, automatic, explosive, tribal noun seat•, conveyor•, •buckle, asteroid•, leather•, sun•, safety•, ible• verb wear•, tighten•, fasten•, hang, pull, reach, tuck•, cinch, •fit, replace ● girdle, tie, sash, cummerbund || band, ring, strip, ribbon


n adj blue, dear, pure, culinary, literal, hillbilly, hightech noun •earth, •sake, •hell, gate, kingdom•, angel, name, star, stairway•, manna• verb go•, thank•, •forbid, die, reach•, create•, ascend•, enter•, rise•, sing ● paradise, bliss, ecstasy, rapture, cloud nine, dreamland


n adj blue, single, hot, baked, integrated, sweet, fried, apanese, crushed, crisp noun potato•, chocolate•, computer•, wood•, •cookie, tortilla•, memory• verb use, •fall, eat•, serve, sell, contain, place, implant, toss, replace ● piece, bit, crumb || mark, damage, imperfection || token, counter, marker


n adj broad, different, clear, operational, legal, very, precise noun •term, problem, •success, dictionary•, art, •giftedness, concept, •identity, •marriage, consensus• verb include, provide, fit•, meet•, change, offer, expand•, •constitute, broaden•, depend ● meaning, description, explanation, classification || clarity, sharpness, distinctness, focus


n adj broad, strong, popular, mass, universal, criminal, emotional, commercial, pending, final noun court, state, sex•, board, right, •process, •panel, trial, •voter, audience verb file, hear, lose•, uphold, overturn, reject, broaden•, limit, issue, respond• ● plea, petition, application, request || charm, attractiveness, attraction, allure


n adj brown, powdered, granulated, dietary, remaining, refined, simple, added, natural, raw noun cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, blood•, salt, fiber•, butter, egg, flour, water verb add, beat, stir, combine•, •dissolve, sprinkle•, mix, melt, sift, reduce ● honey, sweetie, sweetheart, darling, dearest, baby


n adj brown, white, wild, cooked, fried, steamed, sticky noun cup, bean, state•, •vinegar, •field, bowl, •paddy, grain, chicken, vegetable verb serve, cook, add, eat•, stir, combine•, prepare, cover, absorb


n adj burning, unlit, cheap, dangerous, safer, safe, unfiltered, expensive, fire-safe, half-smoked noun •smoke, pack, •smoking, tax, •butt, •lighter, •company verb light•, put, drag•, hold, buy•, pull, stub•, burn, roll, •dangle ● roll-up, roll-your-own, cig, ciggy, hand-rolled cigarette, fag


n adj busy, daily, regular, flexible, full, hectic, tough, tight noun work•, time, year, school, class, week, flight•, month, fall•, interview• verb keep, •include, set, •allow, change, fit•, maintain•, start, check•, begin ● agenda, plan, roster, diary, calendar, timetable


n adj cardiac, sudden, arbitrary, respiratory, cardiopulmonary, immediate, mandatory noun house•, warrant, police, drug, record, month, •conviction, case, charge, officer verb make, lead•, issue, resist•, follow, result•, place•, announce•, report, •occur ● capture, seizure, detention, apprehension, custody


n adj cellular, local, long-distance, mobile, regular, unlisted, cordless, standard noun •number, •company, •interview, •line, •service, •conversation, •pole verb •call, use•, •ring, talk, answer•, pick•, speak•, receive•, return•, disconnect ● phone, touchtone phone, mobile phone, mobile, cell phone, cellular phone


n adj central, dry, green, narrow, fertile, lush, broad, isolated, historic, forested noun river•, mill•, mountain, death•, sun•, hill, •floor, spring•, center, peak• verb overlook•, fill, surround, visit, spread, stretch, flow, descend•, nestle•, climb ● vale, gorge, dale, dell, basin


n adj central, military, high, strategic, unified, simple, joint, single, overall, low-probability noun chain•, •center, •control, •post, force, •structure, second•, •economy verb take•, obey•, send, issue, assume•, respond•, enter, relieve•, execute, •oversee ● directive, order, commandment || knowledge, facility, knack || authority, control, rule


n adj certain, different, normal, difficult, special, similar, best, economic, social, unusual noun life, set•, •death, family, fact, kind, pomp•, victim•, •birth verb •surround, change, depend•, adapt•, face, reflect, •permit, arise, imagine, justify ● condition, situation, state of affairs, status quo || event, occurrence, incident, instance


n adj chain-link, white, barbed, wooden, barbed-wire, electric, tall, wrought-iron, split-rail noun wire, picket•, side•, •post, •line, border, iron•, yard, link•, chain• verb build, surround, climb•, jump•, mend•, stand, sit•, lean•, •separate, enclose ● barrier, boundary, hurdle, hedge, railing, enclosure


n adj chief, senior, political, international, private, agricultural, regional, mainstream, conservative, neoclassical noun university, bank, business, government, policy, health•, labor•, economy, lawyer, home verb •call, •argue, •believe, •predict, •expect, •agree, •estimate, •refer, •question, advocate


n adj civil, international, monetary, same-sex, gay, patriotic, striking, municipal, collective, postal noun state•, labor•, worker, member, trade•, •leader, •address, liberty•, credit•, teacher• verb join, represent, organize, form, fight, oppose, •collapse, negotiate, vote, preserve• ● amalgamation, combination, blending || coalition, alliance, association || agreement, harmony, accord || marriage, matrimony, wedlock


n adj civil, stiff, severe, maximum, tough, financial, anti-death, heavy, ultimate, serious noun death•, •case, tax, marriage•, law, •phase, opponent, •kick verb pay•, face•, impose, seek•, carry•, support•, oppose•, apply, abolish•, commit ● punishment, sentence, penalization, fine || consequence, disadvantage, drawback, forfeit


n adj clear, local, narrow, main, digital, available, official, diplomatic, normal, multiple noun news, cable•, , television, discovery•, communication, •island, weather•, water, •catfish verb change•, watch, open, switch•, carry, flip•, check•, cross•, broadcast, air ● station, network, frequency || canal, conduit, waterway || means, outlet, conduit || ditch, dike, groove


n adj close, strong, black, economic, political, social, diplomatic, red, closer, blue noun shirt•, suit•, family, bow•, jacket, silk•, coat• verb wear•, maintain•, break•, sever•, cut•, loosen, strengthen•, straighten•, knot, match ● bond, link, connection, relation || draw, dead heat, equal finish, stalemate


n adj closing, final, distant, diving, faint, tardy noun •pepper, church•, ring, •whistle, •tower, alarm•, •curve, door, ringing, warning• verb hear•, sound, •toll, set•, jingle, answer, •chime, hang, clang, strike ● hand bell, church bell, ship's bell, sleigh bell || buzzer, doorbell, chime, alarm


n adj coherent, unified, integrated, organic, harmonious, swallowed, cohesive, seamless, meaningful, integral noun society•, part, community•, nation•, economy•, cup•, population•, industry•, •yard, region• verb reproduce•, swallow•, •process, constitute, integrate•, grasp•, function, unite, encompass, •stink ● sum total, aggregate, total, unit || entirety, totality, unity, everything


n adj cold, empty, light, cheap, warm, green, stale noun bottle, wine, can, root•, glass, drink, bar, cigarette, case• verb buy•, sip•, sell, open, order•, finish•, serve, taste, lift•, guzzle•


n adj cold, long-term, underground, temporary, additional, extra, liquid noun •space, •tank, •area, •room, •facility, •system, data•, •capacity, water• verb provide, build, offer, process, rent, design, leak, transfer, double, exceed ● storing, stowage, stowing, packing || storage space, storage capacity, storage area, stowage


n adj comic, thin, narrow, commercial, white, wide, green, magnetic, coastal, blue noun bank•, •mall, •club, •land, center, sunset•, landing•, shopping, •joint, •search verb cut•, place, slice•, lay, tear•, wrap, glue, remove•, attach, apply ● band, sliver, shred, ribbon, bit, stripe


n adj commercial, bass, recreational, offshore, favorite, deep-sea, bottom noun •boat, hunting, •trip, •village, •line, •industry, trout•, water, •gear, •rod verb enjoy•, limit, permit, prohibit, regulate•, decline, restrict, concentrate ● angling, casting, trawling, harpooning, whaling, spinning


n adj common, formal, only, criminal, similar, somatic, legitimate, civilian, frequent, main noun consumer•, number•, customer, citizen, discrimination, office, patient, letter, lot•, official verb file, hear, receive•, investigate•, respond•, lodge, dismiss, voice, deal, answer• ● grievance, criticism, protest, grumble || illness, condition, ailment, disorder


n adj common, major, central, main, recurring, dominant, broad, religious, general, consistent noun •park, •song, variation, •music, year, campaign, book, edition•, category, •restaurant verb •emerge, identify, develop, explore, reflect, consider•, focus, return•, echo, base ● subject, topic, idea, subject matter || melody, music, refrain, leitmotif


n adj complete, conspicuous, total, clear, significant, physical, effective, relative, specific, notable noun presence•, leave•, •evidence, father, •data, •government, •leadership, •light, •threat, •regulation verb note•, explain•, notice, indicate, occur•, reflect•, result, compensate•, signify, stem ● nonappearance, absenteeism, time off || lack, nonexistence, deficiency, want


n adj congressional, sworn, personal, videotaped, oral, written noun jury, expert•, court, trial, day•, case, evidence, week, eyewitness•, committee verb give, hear•, provide, present, base•, offer, listen•, contradict, convict, confirm ● evidence, statement, declaration, deposition || testament, evidence, witness, proof


n adj conservative, high, best, current, rough, accurate, total, early, official, late noun cost, year, intelligence•, population, percent, size, risk, table, government•, analyst• verb base, provide•, •suggest, •range, •indicate, •vary, obtain, produce•, compare, yield• ● approximation, estimation, guess, educated guess || quote, price, estimation, valuation


n adj constitutional, key, environmental, general, basic, statutory, certain, adequate, educational, various noun service, law, act, care, health, tax, enforcement•, citizen, court, convention verb include•, contain•, •allow, •require, apply, add, violate•, enforce•, •protect, implement ● delivery, facility, running || anticipation, prearrangement, forethought || stipulation, rider, condition


n adj continental, full, free, hearty, quick, light, healthy, nglish noun •lunch, morning, bed, •dinner, •table, room, day, •cereal, egg, kitchen verb eat•, serve, include, cook•, sit, finish•, skip•, gather, clean, •consist


n adj continental, top, long, low, bottom, open, short, outer, bare, middle noun book, •life, •space, product, supermarket•, room, closet, ice•, grocery, food verb sit•, line, fill, •hold, pull, hit•, reach, fly•, place, display ● ledge, sill, bookshelf, mantelpiece || layer, ridge, step, rock shelf


n adj conventional, common, human, ancient, prevailing, received, practical, collective, popular, divine noun word•, knowledge, experience, age, •tradition, •tooth, folk•, strength, bit•, wit• verb question•, •hold, share, offer, challenge•, seek•, defy•, possess•, guide, discern ● understanding, knowledge, sense, insight || understanding, knowledge, sense, insight


n adj corporal, cruel, unusual, severe, harsh, physical, appropriate, collective, just noun capital•, crime, reward•, form•, law, attitude•, kind•, death, use•, sin verb receive, inflict, •fit, impose, deserve, escape•, face•, accept•, •violate, •deter ● sentence, penalty, chastisement, castigation || rough treatment, abuse, mistreatment, heavy use


n adj corporate, political, financial, sexual, major, growing, huge, past, steroid, cheating noun sex•, abuse•, corruption•, house, campaign•, accounting•, loan• verb •involve, •break, cause, create, rock, •hit, •surround, •erupt, implicate•, investigate• ● disgrace, shame, dishonor, humiliation || gossip, talk, rumor, rumormongering


n adj cosmetic, major, reconstructive, arthroscopic, open-heart, cardiac, orthopedic noun plastic•, knee, patient, heart•, bypass•, brain•, hospital, cancer, doctor, week verb undergo•, perform, need, recover•, •remove, require, follow•, •repair, treat, •correct


n adj covered, wooden, narrow, flying, key, swinging, downtown, enclosed, burning noun road, river, •nose, street, building, highway, suspension•, railroad•, •club verb build, cross•, play•, •span, •connect, jump•, drive•, burn•, •link, form ● bond, tie, link, connection, conduit, association


n adj critical, solar, dark, total, atholic, solid, rab, huddled, daily, poor noun body•, bone•, muscle•, •index, land•, center•, star, sun, air verb attend•, celebrate, reach•, increase, reveal, form, determine, contain, exceed, decrease ● form, figure, frame || quantity, corpus, amount || bulk, main part, essence


n adj critical, wishful, creative, positive, current, higher-order, divergent, strategic, reflective, independent noun way•, •skill, student, style, kind•, process, type•, ability verb remember•, stop•, change, develop, teach, influence•, promote•, stimulate•, relate, define ● thoughts, philosophy, idea, theory, accepted wisdom, opinion


n adj cross-country, fat, downhill, shaped, all-terrain, outside, alpine, conventional, wide, uphill noun •area, •resort, boot, ski, •mask, •slope, edge, •pole, •season, •trip verb wear•, •resort, ski, race, carve, •lift, •flex, tip, rent, bend


n adj cultural, biological, ethnic, great, genetic, racial, religious, human, rich, increasing noun species, plant, issue, community, program, life, culture, population, unity, •opinion verb reflect•, promote•, represent, celebrate•, increase, •exist, value, appreciate•, respect•, characterize ● variety, assortment, multiplicity, range, mixture


n adj current, recent, growing, general, economic, long-term, social, significant, major, downward noun year, population, industry, •line, analysis, fashion, change, development, use, rate verb continue, reverse•, follow•, reflect, identify, indicate, buck•, •emerge, accelerate ● tendency, drift, leaning, inclination || fashion, style, look, craze


n adj daily, normal, regular, usual, everyday, familiar, stand-up, basic noun part, exercise•, morning, work, activity, •maintenance, matter, practice, •procedure, •use verb become•, follow, perform, change, establish•, settle•, maintain•, break•, vary, consist ● procedure, practice, habit, custom, sequence, schedule


n adj dark, bright, pale, deep, light, mixed, olive, brilliant, wild, sweet noun •leaf, salad•, •mountain, color, red, •fee, shade•, bowling•, baby•, lime• verb mix•, hit, add, dress, cook, toss, reach•, wear, place ● common, park, open space, playing field, playground, recreational area


n adj deep, front, inside, full, left, inner, rear, deeper, outside, secret noun hand•, money, jacket, back•, coat, shirt•, breast•, pant, key, change verb reach•, pull, stuff, dig•, slip•, line•, fill, pat•, empty• ● pouch, compartment, receptacle, sack, bag


n adj deep, long, fresh, short, bad, hot, slow, quick, warm, sharp noun •air, shortness•, life, intake•, •throat, •mint, baby•, •test verb take•, hold•, catch•, draw•, let, gasp•, suck•, smell, blow, mutter• ● inhalation, gulp, gasp, pant || sniff, smell, snort, snuffle


n adj deep, open, blue, vast, warm, ndian, gray, living, nearby noun •floor, water, view, beach, mile, world, wave, bottom, sea, surface verb cross•, overlook•, swim•, sail, protect, form, fly, explore, float•, blow ● water, briny, sea, deep


n adj democratic, senior, junior, conservative, incumbent, bipartisan, vice, moderate, distinguished, influential noun epublican, state•, •, •emocrat, new, president, time, congressmen verb thank, •vote, agree, support, introduce, welcome, elect, •oppose, propose, sponsor ● senate member, politician, representative, legislator, congresswoman, congressman


n adj democratic, smooth, political, difficult, successful, economic, easy, peaceful, seamless noun period, •democracy, phase, •team, time, process, economy, program, •market verb make•, ease•, •occur, mark•, undergo•, facilitate•, experience•, complete•, plan, coincide ● change, evolution, conversion, move, switch, alteration


n adj democratic, wooden, raised, stable, elevated, wide, floating, solid noun party•, epublican•, swim•, train, •shoe, oil•, station, edge•, plank, subway• verb stand, provide, run, build, step, serve, share, campaign•, rest, endorse ● stage, display place, raised area, podium || policy, proposal, manifesto, program


n adj dependent, independent, other, demographic, significant, social, dummy, continuous, key, environmental noun study, analysis, predictor•, •table, outcome•, number, control•, result, criterion•, set• verb include, relate, measure, examine, affect, identify, explain, determine


n adj descriptive, national, vital, available, official, recent, economic, federal, educational noun bureau•, labor•, table, health•, education•, crime•, number, government•, data, analysis verb •show, •indicate, keep, compile, •suggest, report, cite, base, collect, present ● data, figures, numbers, information


n adj detailed, preliminary, original, schematic, initial, finished, accurate, composite, complete, black-andwhite noun painting, •board, •room, line•, child, figure, paper, charcoal, graphite, color verb create, include, produce, •depict, study, enter•, transfer, finish, feature, illustrate ● sketch, picture, illustration, diagram, portrayal, depiction


n adj dietary, optical, soluble, natural, moral, synthetic, insoluble, thin, soft, elastic noun •mg, sodium, •sugar, carbo•, gram, carbohydrate•, •cholesterol, carbon•, protein, •optic verb contain, eat•, increase, weave, pack•, connect, consume, load•, absorb, boost• ● thread, yarn, string || makeup, composition, structure || grit, strength, fortitude


n adj different, right, new, low, wide, -degree, - degree, various noun degree, camera•, head, sun, face, knee, shot, floor, seat, wall verb change, measure, cut, form, bend•, tilt•, shoot, view•, •reveal, adjust• ● point of view, viewpoint, approach, position, slant, perspective


n adj different, similar, foregone, logical, successful, final, obvious, opposite, inescapable, future noun study, result, finding, discussion, summary, •article, student, court, researcher, survey verb come•, draw, reach•, lead•, jump•, support, arrive•, suggest, present, •emerge ● deduction, assumption, inference, supposition || end, close, finish, termination


n adj different, various, narrative, dominant, primary, preferred, normal, automatic, particular, manual noun •transportation, •production, •thought, •expression, •communication, •operation, transmission, •thinking, •presentation, survival• verb use, switch•, operate•, shift•, select, adopt•, define, correspond, •enable, slip• ● style, manner, method, means, approach, type


n adj different, various, possible, right, unique, rare, unusual, perfect, powerful, strange noun •factor, drug, color, •therapy, variable, •lock, method, speed, •element, characteristic verb use•, offer•, involve•, result, contain•, test, consist, employ•, mix, •endanger ● mixture, grouping, blend, amalgamation || arrangement, permutation, code, pattern


n adj digital, clear, strong, electrical, wrong, busy, weak, direct, nonverbal, verbal noun radio•, hand•, traffic•, warning•, •processing, distress• verb send•, give•, use, receive, transmit, pick•, detect, carry, produce, •indicate ● sign, indication, gesture, indicator, motion, warning sign


n adj direct, international, aggressive, mass, corporate, global, green noun director, president•, sales, company, •strategy, •manager, product, •campaign, advertising, •executive verb develop•, focus, target, handle•, •promote, hire, launch, •aim, oversee, approve• ● advertising, promotion, selling, publicizing, presentation


n adj direct, strong, missing, weak, possible, causal, weakest, economic, vital noun chain, web, cuff•, •fence, evidence•, information, •past, cancer, communication•, •topic verb find•, provide•, establish•, create•, suggest•, click•, forge•, maintain•, break, •connect ● connection, relation, association, relationship, linkage, tie


n adj distant, close, female, wild, male, favorite, chemical, uropean, dear, long-lost noun uncle, aunt, brother, friend, sister, father, marriage, wedding verb marry, visit, kiss•, resemble•, murder, free•, •drown, escort•, •descend, joke ● friend, companion, colleague, partner, counterpart


n adj drive-by, final, fatal, three-point, deadly, outside, free-throw, mass, foul noun school, police, percent, •guard, •death, •star, •script, •war, •range, •incident verb start, •occur, stop, kill, investigate•, witness•, improve, charge•, accuse•, injure• ● gunfire, shelling, bombardment, fire || killing, murder, assassination, execution


n adj early, entire, whole, parallel, expanding, physical, observable, dark, moral, known noun center•, expansion, age•, matter, galaxy, structure•, view•, energy, star, miss• verb •expand, create, exist, understand, fill, •evolve, •contain, explore•, discover•, observe ● cosmos, world, creation, life, space, earth


n adj early, final, rough, composite, military, top, second-round, original noun •choice, pick, year, firstround•, player, •report, round•, •constitution, •board verb write, enter•, avoid•, read•, prepare, dodge, review•, circulate, present, comment• ● outline, sketch, summary, plan || current, flow, waft, breeze


n adj early, individual, mandatory, personal, comfortable, phased, normal noun •plan, •age, •account, year, •saving, •benefit, •income, •fund, •community, security verb announce•, save•, reach•, near•, force•, approach•, increase, contribute, •last, •loom ● superannuation, departure, leaving, giving up work || withdrawal, retreat, sequestration, seclusion


n adj early, late, black, pregnant, troubled, gay, likely, active, typical, online noun •pregnancy, •year, parent, child, •mother, girl, kid, rate, age verb teach, enter, smell•, •smoke, attend, encourage, aim•, target•, charge, hire ● teenager, adolescent, young person, youth, youngster, young adult


n adj economic, full, complete, remarkable, speedy, miraculous, jobless noun •plan, time, •program, •effort, process, rate, road•, •period verb speed•, promote•, facilitate•, aid•, slow, assist•, achieve, experience•, wish•, boost ● revival, recuperation, mending, healing || retrieval, salvage, recapture, repossession


n adj economic, international, regional, military, great, full, mutual, environmental, close noun security•, •development, organization•, state, government, agreement, level, competition, lack•, conference• verb require, promote•, seek, facilitate•, encourage•, enhance, foster•, gain•, establish, emphasize ● collaboration, assistance, help, support, teamwork, aid


n adj economic, rapid, major, far, international, future, global, existing, industrial, urban noun •team, universe, plan, program, rate, •franchise, market, trade, growth, period• verb support•, cause, oppose•, finance•, slow, limit•, increase, prevent•, halt•, accelerate ● growth, development, increase, extension, spreading out, opening out


n adj economic, steady, sharp, steep, significant, rapid, gradual, dramatic, general noun percent, rate, year, •number, population, price, market, stock, reason•, •value verb show•, lead•, cause•, experience•, contribute•, suffer•, reverse•, •occur, appear, reveal• ● deterioration, falling-off, falloff, decay, drop, fall


n adj economic, top, long-term, political, better, democratic, financial, poor, dim, bright noun job, growth, •war, company, college, •democracy, employment, career•, economy, marriage verb face•, improve, raise•, offer•, excite•, enhance•, discuss•, thrill•, relish•, worry ● view, scene, vision, outlook || hope, possibility, expectation, outlook


n adj economic, whole, total, comprehensive, statistical, complete, entire, special noun software•, stimulus•, part•, •direction, aid•, tax, reform, benefit verb •include, offer, open, send, pass, sell, buy•, •contain, receive•, •drain ● parcel, file, envelope, wallet || set, bundle, suite, raft


n adj effective, social, traditional, hristian, professional, direct, full-time noun student, •experience, •learning, year•, teacher, method, practice, research, •strategy, job verb improve•, develop, relate, focus, enhance, evaluate•, reflect, emphasize, accept•, enter• ● education, lessons, instruction, coaching || philosophy, ideas, beliefs, thinking


n adj electric, outboard, brushless, sensory, trolling, used, joint, molecular, superconducting, cochlear noun •vehicle, •skill, •company, car, •development, •oil, performance, boat, control, drive verb develop, power, shut, perform, install, replace, own, combine, gun•, engage ● engine, diesel engine, gasoline engine, internal combustion engine || car, vehicle, automobile, wheels


n adj electric, public, local, municipal, private, clinical, practical, potential noun sport•, •vehicle, •company, power, •bill, water, •industry, •district verb pay, require, own, demonstrate•, regulate, reduce, save, state, examine•, limit ● usefulness, helpfulness, practicality, efficiency || value, worth, service, advantage


n adj electronic, direct, daily, regular, certified, overnight, first-class noun voice•, •order, junk•, service, phone, letter, piece•, •fraud, message, hate• verb get, send, receive, deliver, arrive, read•, open•, pick•, contact•, pile ● letters, correspondence, packages, parcels, junk mail, post


n adj empty, little, broken, brown, blue, expensive, dark, rench, unopened, chilled noun wine, water, beer, glass, plastic•, champagne, whiskey, cap verb drink, open•, hold•, fill, throw, buy•, bring•, pick•, grab•, pour ● flask, jug, carafe, flagon || courage, bravery, nerve, guts


n adj empty, rinsed, drained, full, soft, heavy, light, - ounce, fresh, rusty noun beer, garbage•, tomato, trash•, soda, •bean, tin•, aluminum•, •opener verb open•, hold, drain, throw, pick•, buy•, kick•, recycle ● jerry can, container, canister || tin, tin can, canister, container


n adj equal, full, federal, full-time, gainful, future, temporary, paid, permanent noun •opportunity, education, •commission, •status, service, discrimination, program, growth, job, •law verb find•, seek•, provide, create, obtain•, offer, maintain•, •rise, decline, limit ● service, employ, pay, hire, engagement, occupation


n adj ethnic, other, small, racial, national, white, significant, tiny, vocal, underrepresented noun •group, •student, woman, •leader, member, •community, majority, •population, •business verb represent, increase, protect•, hire, recruit•, belong•, affect, constitute, attract•, vote ● section, faction, interest group, subgroup, sector, component


n adj extra, hard, free, cold, ready, petty, quick noun •flow, •register, company, stock, money, •payment, •crop, amount•, •value, dollar• verb pay, raise•, buy, receive•, generate, offer, carry, stash, convert, borrow ● money, hard cash, ready money, coins, currency, notes


n adj facial, cranial, raw, peripheral, cochlear, pinched, laryngeal noun •cell, •gas, •damage, •ending, optic•, •center, •fiber, •agent verb get•, touch•, lose•, strike•, hit•, calm•, cause, control, jangle, connect ● courage, bravery, spirit, audacity || boldness, impudence, insolence, effrontery


n adj familiar, key, common, two-word, famous, short, single, certain, favorite, musical noun word•, catch•, meaning, turn•, sentence, book, noun•, language, sound, list verb use, hear, coin, repeat, borrow•, •describe, contain, sing, utter, •refer ● expression, saying, idiom, axiom, slogan, turn of phrase


n adj favorite, simple, basic, healthy, secret, original, perfect, tasty, rench, vegetarian noun •page, book, sauce•, family, cake, food, chicken, •disaster, ingredient, cup verb follow, serve, adapt, share•, test, create, prepare, add, send, offer ● formula, guidelines, instructions, method, steps, way


n adj federal, bad, small, real, low-interest, homeequity, low, personal, private, foreign noun saving•, bank, student•, home•, •program, percent, •guarantee verb make, pay, repay, provide, offer, receive•, secure, finance, qualify•, default• ● advance, credit, mortgage, finance


n adj federal, civil, class-action, frivolous, pending, similar, environmental, potential, separate, expensive noun court, action•, shareholder•, plaintiff, settlement, class•, harassment•, discrimination•, malpractice•, industry verb file, bring, settle•, •claim, face•, win•, •seek, •accuse, dismiss, •challenge ● court case, proceedings, litigation, process


n adj federal, military, social, public, increased, domestic, discretionary, total noun government•, •money, defense•, tax, cut, consumer•, •bill, •program, increase, percent verb reduce•, •rise, limit, •grow, control•, slash•, slow, boost•, •decline, vote ● expenditure, expenses, costs, payments, outgoings, outlay


n adj federal, new, environmental, strict, proposed, current, public, stringent, international, tough noun government•, state, rule•, law, safety•, industry, cost, effect, use, agency verb require, enforce•, •govern, issue, allow, comply•, impose, implement, violate•, •protect ● rule, directive, guideline, parameter || control, adjustment, adaptation, alteration


n adj federal, new, proposed, national, environmental, civil, major, similar, pending, recent noun piece•, ongress, state, year, reform•, right, law, passage•, crime• verb pass, introduce, enact, •require, support, •allow, propose, sign, consider, push• ● lawmaking, lawgiving, legislature, regulation || legal code, body of law, law, rule


n adj female, high, professional, male, young, lympic, great, black, best, competitive noun sport, coach, student, school, college, team, elite•, woman, study, level verb •compete, indicate, •participate, train, •receive, •perform, identify, examine, influence•, reveal ● sportsperson, contestant, participant, competitor, player, team member


n adj female, male, corporate, immediate, reputed, ultimate, abusive, demanding noun •man, party•, •tweed, mob•, office, union•, crime•, worker, mafia•, pit• verb tell, fire, complain•, impress, hire, please•, convince•, persuade•, sue•, resign ● manager, supervisor, chief, person in charge, superior commander


n adj female, male, white, significant, likely, sexual, hispanic, potential, environmental, total noun percent•, survey, majority•, table, number•, group, percentage•, poll, information, level verb ask, •indicate, •report, •believe, •identify, •agree, •answer, assess, compare, suggest ● defendant, accused, plaintiff


n adj final, late, open, daily, endless, presidential, preliminary, live, initial, round noun •golf, •talk, •playoff, •applause, tournament, •ammunition, •draft, •negotiation, •election, opening• verb fire•, lose•, •coach, draft•, select•, advance•, finish, complete, eliminate•, order• ● circle, disc, slice, ring, band


n adj financial, foreign, federal, military, humanitarian, international, economic, visual, navigational, mechanical noun hearing•, •program, state, •worker, food•, student, •agency, government, •package, development verb give, provide•, receive•, cut•, send, offer, enlist•, reduce, grant, extend ● assistance, help, support, relief, encouragement, service


n adj fine, large, small, environmental, electronic, floral, bold, commercial, final, botanical noun •media, color, •ad, shoe•, television, braille, •shop, •job, •dress, photograph verb read•, appear•, produce, publish, check, match, rush•, select, process, •depict ● pattern, design, motif || reproduction, copy, photograph, photocopy


n adj fine, thick, red, interstellar, cosmic, yellow, gray, artian noun cloud, gas, particle, •storm, air, •bowl, •mite, dirt, wind, grain verb •settle, cover, blow, kick, gather•, •rise, collect, swirl, remove•, bite• ● dirt, sand, earth, soil, filth, grime


n adj finishing, nice, personal, light, final, soft, human, warm, close noun sense•, •screen, •button, •football, finger, taste, sight, healing•, •reality, style verb lose•, add•, keep•, put•, stay•, feel, apply, lend•, promise, •linger ● pat, stroke, fondle || trace, bit, dash || style, facility, gift


n adj following, future, final, strong, current, dietary, consistent, key, appropriate, practical noun commission, report, policy•, committee, letter•, conclusion•, finding•, health, change, practice verb make, base, follow•, include, provide, offer, implement, accept, present, consider ● advice, proposal, suggestion, counsel || reference, endorsement, commendation, approval


n adj forced, late, winning, illegal, limited, easy, temporary, correct noun journal•, point, data•, •level, diary•, •fee, •form verb gain•, receive, write, send•, read, allow, deny•, refuse• ● admission, entrance, access || record, item, note || entrance, doorway, door || application, submission, attempt


n adj foreign, national, top, federal, senior, raqi, principal, associate noun •director, •secretary, sheriff, •minister, •chief, •attorney, •state, •assistant, •editor verb serve•, name, appoint•, arrive, act, •arrest, elect, assign, promote•, hire• ● second-in-command, assistant, agent, delegate, representative


n adj foreign, tactical, advanced, northern, rab, urdish, armed, slamic, fierce, marine noun jet, •pilot, •plane, freedom•, •aircraft, stealth•, fire• verb fly, kill, shoot, train, fight, capture, •attack, scramble, •cross, battle ● boxer, wrestler, pugilist, prize fighter, combatant, warrior


n adj free, empty, underground, handicapped, downtown, nearby, deserted noun •lot, •space, •garage, car, •area, street, •ticket, valet•, •spot verb pull•, walk, drive, accept•, cross•, fill, recommend•, permit, surround, locate ● space, bays, car parks, places, room


n adj free, general, affirmative, financial, selective, special, regular, legal, racial, tacit noun college, •policy, hospital, price, standard, director, museum, •office verb include, gain•, require, deny•, pay•, charge•, offer•, vary, discriminate ● admittance, entrance, right of entry || entrance fee, entry fee, fee || confession, declaration, profession


n adj free, open, light, subsidized, reduced, quick, leisurely, boxed, casual noun •dinner, breakfast•, school, hour, day, time, •break, box verb eat•, serve, meet•, bring, pack•, stop, buy•, arrive, drink, cater•


n adj free, private, black, small, commercial, large, whole, criminal, human, entire noun business, •system, •zone, company, resource, development, scholar•, starship•, •planning, firm verb create, own, state•, operate, promote, privatize, establish, manage, engage, launch ● initiative, innovativeness, creativity || venture, project, endeavor || business, company, firm


n adj free, steady, natural, constant, current, international, financial, normal, continuous, future noun cash•, blood•, water, information, •rate, traffic, air, ebb• verb increase, control•, stop•, reduce, improve•, stem•, regulate•, slow, produce, •occur ● movement, current, stream, drift, tide, course


n adj fresh, chopped, minced, remaining, rounded, scant, generous, heaped noun •oil, •butter, cup, teaspoon, sugar, juice, lemon, salt, water, •olive verb chop, add•, mince, melt, taste•, stir, slice•


n adj fresh, dried, ground, chopped, remaining, divided, rounded, measuring, level noun salt, pepper, cup, tablespoon, powder, sugar, oil, •vanilla, cinnamon, garlic verb chop, grate, mince, add•, crush, divide, sprinkle•, mix, slice•


n adj fresh, green, ripe, red, chopped, sun-dried, medium, small, diced, roasted noun •sauce, cup, cherry•, •juice, •paste, slice, lettuce, plum•, •plant verb add•, dice, chop, stir•, cut, combine•, place, pick, taste, cover


n adj fresh, olive, clear, remaining, frozen, creative, natural, reserved, fresh-squeezed, digestive noun lemon•, orange•, cup, lime•, tablespoon, fruit•, teaspoon, apple•, •salt, glass verb add, squeeze•, drink•, stir, combine•, pour, •run, mix, taste, •flow ● sap, liquid, fluid, liquor, extract, nectar


n adj fresh, tender, grilled, whole, organic, roasted, steamed, canned, hot, dark noun fruit•, •oil, cup, •garden, tablespoon, chicken, •broth, •soup, root•, food verb eat•, grow, add, cook, stir, cut, sell, plant•, toss, place ● potato, tuber, root vegetable, new potato || root vegetable, carrot, turnip, swede


n adj front, fellow, rear, front-seat, female, male, stranded, scheduled noun •seat, •car, •side, •door, airline, crew, train, •window verb carry•, open, fly, kill, board, arrive, pick•, •travel, check, ride ● traveler, customer, fare, commuter, rail user


n adj front, green, manicured, wide, broad, sloping, healthy, rolling, flat noun •mower, •chair, house, garden, oak•, south•, tree, •care, grass, water verb mow•, sit•, cut, walk•, cross•, surround, push, park, spread, stretch ● grass, sward, grassland, meadow || turf, grass, pasture, meadow


n adj front, neat, top, bottom, double, middle, green, orderly, parallel, bright noun death•, year•, •house, back•, seat, •inmate, skid• verb sit•, stand, line, walk•, plant, arrange•, fill, lay, hang, form ● line, chain, string || disagreement, dispute, quarrel || noise, racket, ruckus


n adj front, screened, wooden, wide, screened-in, covered, sleeping, enclosed noun back•, step, house, •light, door, •swing, chair, floor, side, roof verb sit•, stand•, walk, wait, lean, climb, •overlook, hang, cross, paint ● portico, entrance, doorway, entry || veranda, terrace, balcony, loggia


n adj front, thick, heavy, tattered, protective, dense, outer noun •story, magazine, book, album•, cloud•, ground•, •letter, forest•, •girl verb pull, run•, provide•, appear•, feature, remove, blow, dive• ● covering, jacket, shell, case || shelter, concealment, protection, hiding place


n adj front, wooden, empty, cluttered, antique, messy, built-in noun chair, drawer, paper, office, •clerk, computer, phone, reception•, •lamp, wall verb sit•, stand, lean, reach, seat•, cross, return•, place, push, approach•


n adj front, wooden, orian, retail, stainless-steel, cosmetic, fast-food, floured noun kitchen•, lunch•, ticket•, bean•, checkout•, girl, store, glass, sink, stool verb sit•, stand•, lean•, walk, reach, set, sell•, wipe•, head, cross ● pawn, hostage, poker chip || stand, kiosk, tent || worktop, bench, work surface


n adj full, athletic, recent, academic, historical, feminist, modern, legal, biblical, private noun college, student, •program, •fund, year, money, football•, teaching, art, research verb win•, offer•, receive•, award, provide, earn•, establish, accept•, •focus, grant ● grant, studentship, subsidy, allowance || learning, erudition, study, knowledge


n adj full, new, blue, bright, pale, waning, rising noun sun, earth, star, planet, crescent•, night, light, surface, sky, phase verb •rise, •pass, walk•, •shine, •hang, land•, fly•, shoot, orbit, discover


n adj full, quick, final, sudden, complete, dead, fourway noun bus•, •sign, truck•, car•, tour, rest•, pit•, campaign, traffic verb make•, come•, put•, pull•, skid•, include, roll•, slow• ● halt, break, rest, sojourn, stopover, stay


n adj functional, inherent, important, present, certain, major, possible, future, human, potential noun study, statute•, term•, space, effluent•, strength, power, use, result, approach verb impose, overcome•, recognize•, include, understand•, accept•, address•, consider, •apply, face ● drawback, inadequacy, imperfection, weakness, shortcoming, snag


n adj genetic, moral, penal, secret, military, uniform, criminal, internal, civil, cultural noun tax•, zip•, •ethics, •conduct, dress•, building•, area•, •word verb break•, write, require, enter•, violate•, crack•, adopt, develop, enforce, specify ● cipher, cryptogram, encryption || program, programming, data || system, policy, convention


n adj global, political, current, economic, social, motivational, positive, changing, harsh, favorable noun •change, school•, effect•, •system, impact, model, earth•, business•, •control, panel• verb create•, affect, address•, •warm, improve, adapt•, contribute•, influence, alter, establish ● weather, temperature, environment, microclimate || atmosphere, situation, ambiance, surroundings


n adj global, sheer, nuclear, pure, holy, absolute, abject noun war•, •attack, reign•, act•, •group, •network, threat, campaign, •suspect verb fight•, strike, scream•, flee•, fill•, experience, freeze•, grip, inflict, seize ● fear, horror, dread, fright || pest, nuisance, horror, troublemaker


n adj good, bad, negative, depressed, positive, public, somber, foul, festive noun •swing, •state, change, •disorder, music, depression, profile, anxiety, shift, •induction verb set•, improve, create•, reflect•, affect, lighten, capture•, experience•, express, brighten ● frame of mind, disposition, temper || atmosphere, feel, vibes || temper, bad temper, sulk


n adj good, bad, sweet, bitter, personal, poor, acquired noun •mouth, food, smell, texture, matter•, •test, •seasoning, sense•, •salt verb get•, like, develop•, suit•, •adjust, acquire•, reflect•, share• ● sense of taste, palate, discrimination || flavor, tang, savor || try, sample, test || liking, preference, predilection || discrimination, discernment, judgment


n adj good, black, wry, dry, dark, self-deprecating, wicked, wonderful, sly, gentle noun sense•, use•, wit, attempt•, bit•, intelligence, •magazine, gallows•, joke, irony verb enjoy, appreciate, cope, inject•, rely•, combine•, defuse, restore, •deflect, •ease ● funniness, comicality, comicalness || sense of humor, wit, wittiness || comedy, joking, jesting


n adj good, similar, timely, consistent, bad, appropriate, efficient, following, professional, traditional noun table•, bedside•, •death, style, speech, comedy•, custom verb •speak, act•, teach•, behave•, respond•, mind•, proceed•, address, dress, handle ● way, means, method, style || type, kind, sort


n adj good, small, personal, political, vast, considerable, ill, entire, changing noun •company, fame•, family•, wheel•, •cookie, •teller, reversal•, soldier•, editor, executive verb make•, cost•, spend•, seek•, build, amass•, lose, •estimate, accumulate, own ● wealth, riches || luck, chance || destiny, fate || mint, pile || wealth, riches || luck, chance || destiny, fate || mint, pile


n adj good, social, long, legal, political, international, final, moral, academic noun •ovation, •committee, •position, •room, member•, point, •doorway, figure, •order, class• verb see•, remain•, receive•, improve•, maintain•, notice•, enhance•, •qualify ● status, position, reputation, station || duration, existence, continuance, age


n adj gray, blue, darke, different, green, pink, black, deep, partial, various noun •tree, sun, window•, lamp, light, •red, evening•, hair, plant, skin verb sit•, provide•, pull, wear•, paint•, grow, choose, match, fade, cool ● shadow, dark, darkness || blind, screen, awning || hue, tint, tinge || hint, trace, suggestion


n adj great, broken, full, empty, future, unfulfilled, greatest, solemn, considerable noun campaign•, •keeper, president, government, land, lot•, hope, exchange•, kind, politician verb make, keep, hold•, show•, break•, deliver•, offer•, fulfill, live•, •help ● assurance, undertaking, guarantee, agreement || potential, possibilities, capacity, aptitude


n adj great, certain, large, lesser, full, possible, true, limited, considerable, maximum noun nature, •damage, power, •individual, •injury, participant, •involvement, type, •drug, respondent verb determine•, depend•, assess•, examine•, indicate•, measure•, reveal•, realize•, vary, rely ● degree, amount, level, range || size, area, coverage, limit


n adj great, clear, nearby, frozen, shallow, freshwater, man-made, artificial, arctic, sparkling noun salt•, •city, water, river, shore, forest, area, mile, mountain, view verb overlook•, swim, head, surround, fish, flow•, feed, drain, •freeze, •dry ● pond, lagoon, water, sea, mere, tarn


n adj great, cold, close, relative, personal, physical, patient, modern, maximum noun level, •zone, •food, creature•, safety, woman, sense•, convenience, security, source• verb take•, find•, give•, provide•, offer•, bring•, seek•, ease, reassure, •console ● well-being, ease, luxury, coziness || consolation, reassurance, relief, cheer


n adj great, cultural, physical, significant, social, concrete, major, effective, legal, economic noun trade•, language•, •island, •reef, color•, sound•, use, •investment, communication, vapor• verb break•, overcome, remove•, create•, cross•, erect, reduce•, •prevent, form•, act• ● obstacle, difficulty, stumbling block, sticking point || fence, wall, barricade, blockade


n adj great, front, main, empty, future, juvenile, narrow, hallowed, downtown noun •fame, city•, town•, concert•, room, music•, door, end•, dining•, meeting verb walk•, fill, enter•, induct•, head, wander•, cross•, hurry•, ring, honor ● gallery, great hall, room, public room || mansion, manor, tower, castle


n adj great, full, human, economic, enormous, greatest, tremendous, future, commercial, significant noun growth, •conflict, development, technology, market, energy, profit, •abuse, •violence, •success verb realize•, reach•, develop, recognize•, offer•, create, reduce, increase, •exist, maximize• ● ability, capacity, possibility, makings, what it takes, aptitude


n adj great, major, clinical, severe, economic, deep, manic, tropical, mental noun anxiety, symptom, disorder, level, war, stress, postpartum•, •score, treatment•, risk• verb suffer•, treat•, cause, experience, associate, relate, predict•, indicate, affect, result ● unhappiness, despair, sadness || slump, recession, decline || hollow, dip, dent


n adj great, maternal, paternal, great-great, blind, beloved, doting, aging noun father, grandmother, •clock, house, mother, uncle, brother, •farm, •greatgrandfather, •clause verb •die, remember, belong•, •teach, found, born, •own, name•, visit•, sing ● granddad, grandpa, gramps


n adj great, maximum, emotional, psychological, dark, various, murky, average, historical, strategic noun •inch, •foot, width•, water, breadth, •field, ocean, surface, •perception, •chart verb add•, reach•, understand, plumb•, explore•, reveal•, emerge•, vary, extend, descend• ● deepness, profundity, distance || intensity, strength, power || complexity, penetration, profundity


n adj great, national, gay, civic, ethnic, cultural, personal, certain, racial noun sense•, source•, •joy, •place, lot•, point•, •prejudice, matter•, •parade verb take•, feel, swallow•, swell•, beam•, express•, shine, •blind ● arrogance, conceit, smugness || self-respect, dignity, self-esteem || satisfaction, pleasure, delight


n adj great, simple, sexual, real, guilty, pure, greatest, sheer, sensual, intense noun life, pain, business•, •boat, source•, satisfaction, •principle verb take•, give•, •meet, enjoy•, experience, derive, •welcome, deny•, smile, express• ● enjoyment, happiness, delight || desire, preference, wish || gratification, indulgence, hedonism || amusement, recreation, fun


n adj great, strong, special, particular, original, heavy, increased, current, increasing, primary noun education, program, shift•, skill, area, development, family, difference, culture, lot• verb place, put•, •add, reflect•, receive•, lay, differ, repeat•, combine ● stress, importance, weight, prominence, accent


n adj great, technical, financial, economic, social, serious, major, emotional, practical, significant noun student, level, task, learning•, •breathing, language, degree•, relationship, behavior verb have•, face, experience•, encounter, cause•, create, overcome, •arise, report•, •identify ● complexity, complicatedness, intricacy || problem, snag, obstacle || trouble, effort, struggle


n adj great, young, special, musical, artistic, natural, top, local, raw noun •development, ability, •show, pool, •search, lot•, •scout, interest, •agency verb develop, recognize, discover•, display•, possess, attract•, lack•, hide, acquire, encourage ● ability, aptitude, flair, bent, gift, faculty


n adj green, black, white, fresh, drained, whole, sweet, tender, hot, refried noun rice, coffee•, ima•, •soup, vanilla•, kidney•, fava•, •sprout, water, pound• verb add, drain, cook, eat•, stir, spill•, cut, cover, fill•, snap•


n adj green, tall, long, dry, wet, thick, blue, ornamental, sweet noun •root, tree, leaf, blade•, field, •clipping, patch•, sea•, lemon• verb •grow, cut•, sit, eat•, lie•, mow, cover, plant, fall, rise ● lawn, sward, grassland, meadow || informant, informer, traitor, snitch


n adj guilty, high, accurate, total, final, official, wrong, complete, sexual, manual noun hand•, vote, body•, blood•, head•, cell•, felony• verb charge•, lose•, keep•, convict•, face•, indict•, drop, order, •range, •repeat ● calculation, number crunching, reckoning, computation || total, sum total, sum, amount


n adj happy, annual, upcoming, belated, actual, memorable, bicentennial noun •party, •cake, day, year, •present, •celebration, child, •card, week, mother verb celebrate•, sing•, remember, mark•, approach, reach•, share•, plan, near, commemorate• ● date of birth, birthdate, anniversary


n adj happy, national, special, ewish, annual, favorite, oman noun •season, weekend, hristmas, •gift, •shopping, •party, celebration, spirit, sales, card verb celebrate, spend•, enjoy, decorate•, observe•, plan, honor, mark, wish, feature ● day off, break, personal day || vacation, leave, time off || legal holiday, anniversary, festival


n adj hard, free, original, multiple, single, available, exact, signed, additional, perfect noun •book, transcript•, •report, •letter, paper, •editor, •magazine, carbon•, •machine, record verb sell•, make•, send•, give•, buy•, receive•, obtain, pick•, provide• ● reproduction, duplicate, replica || item, book, disk || text, words, manuscript


n adj hard, very, expanded, central, inner, common, urban, solid noun •curriculum, •value, •group, •business, •area, •issue, •course, •subject, •belief verb form•, lie, focus•, identify, remove•, surround, consist, constitute•, shake•, define ● center, heart, hub || essence, spirit, soul || sample, plug, extract


n adj healthy, active, sedentary, alternative, lavish, gay, traditional, simple, homosexual, urban noun change, •choice, diet, •factor, family, kind•, activity, habit, section verb live•, maintain•, lead, adopt•, promote•, enjoy•, support•, fit•, encourage, suit ● way of life, existence, standard of living, routine, life, daily life


n adj healthy, low-fat, total, vegetarian, balanced, rich, steady, daily, high-fat, regular noun fat, exercise, food, value•, •pill, weight, health, protein, change, book verb eat, base•, follow•, include, add, feed•, supplement•, •reduce, •contain, •consist ● food, regime, fare || regime, intake, supply || legislature, assembly, parliament


n adj heavy, current, potential, available, registered, active, likely, average, experienced, industrial noun drug•, nternet•, computer•, •fee, •interface, service, site, end• verb allow•, provide, enable•, require, •choose, •access, •download, design, compare, select ● operator, worker, employer, manipulator, handler, manager


n adj heavy, excessive, moderate, denatured, pure, excess noun drug, use, •abuse, tobacco, •consumption, problem, •firearm, cigarette, level, marijuana verb drink•, consume, rub•, serve, avoid•, reduce, measure, burn, convert•, eliminate• ● liquor, whiskey, spirits, malt


n adj heavy, financial, economic, additional, undue, huge, terrible noun •proof, tax•, debt, care, responsibility, cost, caregiver, taxpayer, share•, beast• verb bear•, carry, place, put•, impose, shift, ease•, reduce•, shoulder•, •fall ● load, weight, cargo || problem, drain, encumbrance, affliction


n adj heavy, full, high, light, viral, total, maximum, cognitive, huge, average noun debt•, •cell, fund, course•, case, work•, teaching•, •capacity verb carry•, reduce, lighten•, handle•, haul•, increase, apply, drop•, dump•, teach• ● weight, cargo, freight, consignment, shipment, burden


n adj heavy, light, whole, empty, crumpled, loaded noun cigarette, ice, rat, wolf, battery•, day, back, dog, leader, •animal verb lead•, carry, pull, buy•, smoke•, drop•, open•, •contain, •weigh ● carton, packet, box || folder, packet, wallet || bunch, group, quantity || rucksack, backpack, daypack || crowd, horde, mob


n adj heavy, oncoming, rush-hour, increased, commercial, vehicular, blocking noun air•, •jam, •light, highway•, •congestion, •control, street, •safety, road, •controller verb stop, stick•, direct•, reduce, cause, slow, close•, handle•, •flow, speed ● road traffic, traffic flow, circulation || transportation, movement, passage || trade, commerce, business


n adj high, big, net, huge, low, annual, gross, fourthquarter, average, quick noun •margin, company, percent, year, loss, growth, •motive, market, oil verb make•, turn•, earn, increase, •rise, sell, report•, share, maximize•, expect ● income, earnings, revenue, proceeds || advantage, gain, use, reward


n adj high, cognitive, somatic, social, competitive, low, general, increased, severe, extreme noun depression, level, state•, •disorder, trait•, fear, stress, performance verb reduce•, cause, experience, suffer•, create, express•, increase, relieve•, decrease, produce ● nervousness, worry, concern, unease, apprehension, disquiet


n adj high, great, economic, improved, low, increased, maximum, improving, thermal noun energy•, fuel•, improvement, gain, cost, percent, •standard, effectiveness, use, speed verb improve•, reduce, achieve, enhance•, promote•, boost•, result, save, decrease, •vary ● competence, efficacy, effectiveness, productivity, proficiency, adeptness


n adj high, great, low, unrealistic, reasonable, social, realistic, different, future, cultural noun student, people, teacher, performance, role, behavior, level, •success, standard, set• verb meet•, exceed•, raise•, live•, create, base, lower•, fall•, fulfill•, establish ● hope, anticipation, belief, expectancy, prospect, probability


n adj high, great, overall, sexual, patient, personal, marital, low, grim noun job•, life, level, customer•, student•, body•, relationship, work, measure, sense• verb give•, relate, express•, report•, derive, indicate, increase, influence, examine•, gain ● contentment, pleasure, happiness || gratification, consummation, fulfillment || approval, pleasure, taste || redress, reparation, compensation


n adj high, human, low, conspicuous, domestic, total, public, increased, mass, personal noun energy•, alcohol•, production, fuel•, food, level, oil, pattern, percent, water verb reduce•, increase, cut•, rise, limit•, encourage, relate, •decline, decrease, lower ● ingesting, feasting, feeding, eating || depletion, use, utilization, spending


n adj high, human, political, creative, modern, real-life, historical noun music, •series, school, comedy, family, •, television, art, actor•, courtroom• verb •unfold, create, add•, watch•, star, direct, •surround, capture, feature, act ● play, stage show, performance, production || excitement, commotion, fuss, performance


n adj high, large, low, sheer, total, huge, full, slim noun water, sales, traffic, trade, •material, space, increase, •control, page, trading• verb turn•, speak•, publish, reduce•, include, produce, contain, handle•, fill, rise ● quantity, amount, degree || capacity, size, dimensions || book, tome, work || part, section, edition


n adj high, large, small, great, significant, total, low, direct, substantial, increasing noun •population, •student, •woman, •child, epidemic•, sense•, •patient, •variance, •minority, increase• verb reach•, blow•, grow, represent•, indicate, rise, assume•, contain•, decline, occur ● amount, quantity, part, share || ratio, comparison, relative amount, relationship


n adj high, low, great, increasing, different, increased, relative, resonant, various, descriptive noun radio•, table, •response, use, •distribution, range, behavior, intensity, •percentage, duration verb increase, report, occur•, reduce•, determine, measure, indicate, shift, vary, decrease ● incidence, occurrence, regularity, rate, rate of recurrence


n adj high, low, signal-to-noise, average, focal, total, student-teacher, energy-output, female, financial noun odds•, expense•, aspect•, percent, sex•, compression•, stock, table, debt, gear• verb increase, calculate, indicate, compare, measure, determine, reduce, decrease, vary, improve• ● relation, relative amount, proportion, percentage, share, fraction


n adj high, low, vaulted, wooden, arched, domed, coffered, soaring noun wall, floor, room, •fan, glass•, light, window, •tile, beam, foot verb stare•, hang•, fall, reach•, suspend•, hit•, dangle•, collapse, bounce•, climb


n adj high, low, warm, cool, average, global, internal, ambient, constant, frigid noun room•, •degree, water, body•, air•, surface•, pressure, change, •humidity, range verb •drop, rise, serve, reach, raise•, increase, maintain•, reduce•, lower•, measure ● fever, infection, disease, illness, malaise


n adj high, post-traumatic, normal, physical, emotional, psychological, posttraumatic, environmental, chronic, acute noun level, •disorder, life, source•, •management, •hormone, job, anxiety, factor, effect• verb reduce•, cause, cope, experience, deal•, relieve•, increase, handle•, affect, result ● strain, anxiety, worry, tension || emphasis, importance, weight, accent


n adj high, small, large, low, total, great, daily, certain, significant, winning noun •point, •student, table, •population, •people, time, •woman, rate, increase, •respondent verb show•, report, win•, represent•, indicate, spend, express•, decline, reflect, •range ● fraction, proportion, ratio, part || proportion, fraction, take, profit


n adj high, vast, dry, audi, hot, open, empty noun •storm, operation•, •shield, mountain, •island, sand, night, middle•, •floor, •sun verb drive•, cross•, wander•, rise, surround, survive, stretch, strand•, bloom ● wasteland, wilderness, barren region, arid region || reward, return, recompense, wages


n adj high-speed, electric, runaway, elevated, express, moving, oncoming noun •station, car, track, freight•, •wreck, •thought, commuter•, •ride verb take, run, stop, •pull, •move, board•, catch•, travel, arrive, wait ● ullman, sleeper, urostar || sequence, chain, succession || procession, file, convoy


n adj historical, open, constitutional, biblical, broad, literal, alternative, correct, multiple, various noun data, •law, result, analysis, text, court, history, •event, •finding, theory verb offer, base, support•, present, argue, involve, influence, accept•, differ, affect• ● clarification, understanding, explanation, reading, construal, elucidation


n adj historical, personal, biblical, traditional, grand, literary, fictional, first-person, dominant, visual noun story, history, master•, captivity•, event, form, character, experience, analysis, text verb write, create, construct, describe, present, suggest, reveal, reflect, •emphasize, shape ● story, tale, account, description || plot, story line, sequence of events


n adj homeless, temporary, safe, makeshift, underground, adequate, permanent, abusive noun food•, woman, tax•, animal•, bomb•, clothing, emergency•, home verb provide•, take•, find•, seek•, live•, build•, offer, feed, house, operate ● protection, cover, refuge, haven || housing, accommodations, living quarters, lodging


n adj hot, thick, cold, homemade, canned, delicious, grilled, primordial, talian noun chicken•, bowl, •kitchen, salad, vegetable•, bean•, cream, tomato•, pot, can verb serve, eat•, add, ladle•, stir, cook, pour, simmer, taste, boil


n adj human, deadly, cold, positive, live, enteric, lethal, specific, known noun •, bacteria, computer•, flu•, influenza•, infection, hepatitis•, cell, immunodeficiency•, disease verb cause, infect, spread, carry, kill, contract•, transmit, attack, •mutate ● illness, infection, sickness, disease || computer program, rojan horse, worm


n adj human, economic, divine, artistic, collective, literary, biblical, artificial, poetic, musical noun job•, story, process, wealth, •myth, act, •science, knowledge, growth, doctrine• verb lead•, allow•, support•, announce•, result•, propose•, contribute•, inspire, enable•, •adorn ● formation, making, conception || nature, cosmos, universe || invention, handiwork, fabrication


n adj human, federal, international, serious, alleged, clear, constitutional, gross, flagrant, major noun right, •law, code, traffic•, safety•, ethics verb commit, •occur, constitute•, involve, cite, allege•, charge•, investigate•, report, result ● infringement, breach, contravention || defilement, desecration, destruction || disruption, intrusion, encroachment


n adj human, poor, lost, very, living, immortal, single, gentle, troubled, lonely noun heart•, body, •mate, •food, man, spirit, mind, music, •singer verb save•, sell•, lose, search, rest, bare•, feed•, bless•, free, •depart ● spirit, consciousness, psyche || depth, personality, atmosphere || individual, person, anyone || & || , soul music, rhythm and blues


n adj human, single, different, specific, particular, defective, certain, individual, similar, common noun •therapy, cell, •pool, protein, mutation, sequence, expression, cancer, disease, number verb find, carry•, identify, turn, cause, insert, pass, discover, contain•, determine ● genetic factor, inheritable factor, protein sequence, segment, component, genetic material


n adj iced, green, hot, herbal, black, sweet, mint noun cup•, coffee, •party, •bag, glass, afternoon•, •leaf, water, •room, table verb drink•, serve, pour•, bring, brew, offer, •contain, fix, cool ● drink, infusion, tisane, brew, decoction


n adj identical, fraternal, iamese, conjoined, evil, single, pregnant, male, living, surviving noun •sister, •brother, •tower, •city, •peak, birth, •bed, set, •boy, •daughter verb •born, separate, •share, deliver, adopt•, dress, conceive, collapse, mistake•, adore ● double, look-alike, doppelgänger, clone, identical twin, iamese twin


n adj illegal, legal, hinese, federal, exican, uropean, ewish noun •law, •policy, •reform, •service, •naturalization, •, issue, •official, history, state verb stop, control, reduce•, deal, restrict, encourage, affect, curb• ● migration, colonization, settlement, arrival, entry


n adj illegal, new, legal, exican, recent, undocumented, uropean, merican, ussian, erman noun child, number•, group, wave•, nation, influx•, generation, citizen, worker, benefit verb arrive, •live, settle, •enter, hire•, •seek, deny, welcome•, deport, absorb• ● settler, émigré, migrant, refugee, colonist, colonizer


n adj important, clear, dubious, sharp, crucial, legal, fundamental, key, basic, critical noun class•, •art, gender, kind, •public, •type, award, honor•, concept verb make, draw, blur•, serve•, maintain•, recognize•, earn•, •belong, exist, argue ● difference, division, dissimilarity || merit, excellence, note || feature, characteristic, idiosyncrasy


n adj important, other, political, serious, economic, special, careful, social, major, financial noun factor, policy, cost, security, design, decision, health, interest, •role, race verb take•, give, require•, base•, deserve•, include, receive•, suggest, involve, withdraw• ● thought, deliberation, reflection || respect, concern, thoughtfulness || matter, factor, point || regard, esteem, importance


n adj important, political, social, practical, profound, significant, economic, clear, serious, broad noun policy, study, finding, •work, •education, health, conclusion, development, change, discussion• verb understand•, discuss, consider•, explore•, carry•, suggest, examine•, realize•, resent•, •arise ● insinuation, inference, suggestion, allegation, consequence, repercussion


n adj inner, feeding, top, fallopian, eustachian, endotracheal, rubber, optical, neural noun test•, plastic•, end, seat•, vacuum•, aluminum•, glass•, toothpaste, •throat, •assembly verb feed, insert, remove, place, attach, connect, pull, contain, squeeze, form ● pipe, cylinder, hose, conduit, duct, spout


n adj interior, graphic, young, industrial, chief, floral, leading, expensive, professional, uropean noun fashion•, architect, costume•, •clothes, landscape•, clothing, system•, garden• verb •create, wear, hire, feature, inspire, enable•, credit, borrow, •experiment, consult ● creator, inventor, originator, engineer, stylist, artist


n adj internal, annual, total, gross, lost, net, additional, increased, significant, current noun tax•, percent, year, •service, company, oil•, •growth, source, advertising•, •stream verb generate, increase, raise•, •rise, share, •grow, lose, expect, •fall, report ● income, proceeds, profits, returns, takings


n adj international, foreign, corporate, domestic, interstellar, online, independent noun •agent, time, air•, •office, •agency, business, space• verb •highlight, reduce•, involve, •cost, specialize, limit, arrange, restrict, facilitate, ease• ● tourism, vacation industry, leisure industry, service sector, holiday business


n adj international, major, recent, annual, traveling, current, retrospective noun art, museum, •game, gallery, work, •space, works, solo•, artist, painting verb include, organize, open, present, feature, mount, •entitle, enter, accompany, represent ● display, show, showing, demonstration, exposition, presentation


n adj international, national, diplomatic, growing, public, official, federal, mutual noun name•, speech•, voice•, word•, system, need, •test, award, pattern•, •role verb receive•, gain•, deserve, win•, achieve•, seek•, earn•, demonstrate, struggle•, nod• ● credit, gratitude, acknowledgment || identification, detection, distinguishing || detection, identification, recall


n adj international, nuclear, comprehensive, strategic, bilateral, formal, binding, environmental, legal, multilateral noun peace•, right, union, test•, ban•, arm•, nonproliferation•, missile•, •organization, nation verb sign, ratify, negotiate, establish, conclude, violate•, •end, support•, •reduce, guarantee ● agreement, accord, contract, pact, truce, settlement


n adj intrinsic, high, academic, political, primary, strong, personal, extrinsic, human, internal noun student, achievement, level, sport, lack•, theory, goal, behavior, skill, factor verb learn, provide, understand•, increase•, relate, enhance•, affect•, identify, focus, predict ● incentive, inspiration, drive, enthusiasm || reason, motive, purpose, cause


n adj involved, international, direct, political, ongoing, serious, final, future, difficult, successful noun peace•, trade•, process, year, contract•, government, issue, party, budget•, week verb lead, continue, enter•, resume, break, conduct, involve, engage•, agree, •fail ● arbitration, mediation, discussion, cooperation, diplomacy, intercession


n adj isolated, critical, involved, terrorist, whole, particular, alleged, international, single, unfortunate noun year, number•, report, police, •place, shooting•, kind, investigation, fire•, response verb •occur, •happen, •involve, describe, remember•, recall•, investigate, relate, •result, discuss• ● event, occurrence, occasion, happening || confrontation, clash, skirmish, fight


n adj judicial, political, special, presidential, federal, scheduled, follow-up, dental, academic, joint noun doctor, court, president, book, •counsel, judge, faculty•, cabinet, recess•, •process verb make•, announce, keep•, schedule•, set•, cancel•, miss•, accept•, arrive, attend ● meeting, date, scheduled time || selection, choice, employment || job, position, opening


n adj key, outer, concentric, polar, golden, inner, nice, familiar, dark noun phone•, wedding•, •finger, diamond•, engagement•, gold•, bell verb wear•, answer, form, remove•, enter•, surround, place, slip, step•, blow• ● circle, loop, hoop || group, band, gang || impression, semblance, appearance


n adj key, potential, credible, hostile, hristian, silent, live, independent noun •stand, expert•, prosecution, testimony, star•, list, evidence, •protection, •program verb call, •testify, bear•, hear, interview, describe, present, question, identify, tamper ● observer, spectator, bystander, onlooker, eyewitness, watcher


n adj large, boiling, medium, heavy, fresh, steaming, ceramic, hanging, glazed, wooden noun •water, coffee, melting•, clay•, •roast, soup, tea, chicken, •pie, oil verb bring, cook, fill, stir, smoke•, cover, place, set, grow, remove ● vessel, container, jar, tub, pan, crock


n adj large, broad, limited, full, narrow, global, wider, geographic noun •article, size•, •study, power, project, rifle, scale, •paper, nature, •sequence verb limit•, expand•, broaden•, define, determine•, extend•, •reveal, widen•, fall•, aim ● possibility, choice, room, opportunity || extent, capacity, span, reach


n adj large, roasting, prepared, hot, medium, shallow, tart, heavy, square noun •heat, frying•, baking•, pot•, cake•, rack, bottom, water, oil, side verb remove•, place, cover, •cook, pour, set, cool, shake


n adj large, small, optical, ground-based, infrared, amateur, binocular, modern, space-based noun space•, radio•, sky•, mirror, image, •science, astronomer, star, mount, optics verb use, build, •show, point, observe, •reveal, operate, •detect, aim, discover


n adj large, small, significant, good, substantial, major, low, upper noun •population, •size, food, tax, •cost, •budget, •income, •proceed, •test, county verb eat, spend•, serve, pay•, represent•, cut•, cover•, devote, insert•, control• ● helping, share, slice, serving || fraction, piece, bit, part


n adj lasting, strong, wrong, general, overall, initial, favorable, distinct noun •management, •formation, artist, task, seal•, sense•, cost verb give•, make•, get•, leave•, create•, convey•, form, confirm, reinforce, correct• ● feeling, idea, notion || imprint, impress, dint || mark, impact, effect || impersonation, imitation, parody


n adj legal, partial-birth, illegal, surgical, poor, spontaneous, legalized, forced, botched, planned noun right, issue, woman, •clinic, law, birth, doctor, ban, decision, debate verb perform, oppose•, support, choose•, legalize•, restrict•, reduce•, prevent, fund•, approve


n adj legal, political, territorial, domestic, bitter, involved, alternative, major, ongoing, long-running noun resolution, settlement, labor•, trade•, border•, contract•, •mechanism verb resolve•, settle•, involve, •arise, mediate•, end, solve•, deal•, adjudicate•, avoid ● argument, disagreement, quarrel, difference, clash, row


n adj legislative, broken, olive, judicial, local, military, dead, bare, various, green noun executive•, tree, •government, bank, •office, library, spring•, •manager verb open, hang, cut, close, remove, snap, bend, swing, establish•, extend ● bough, limb, stem || local office, division, area office || division, department, wing || area, field, topic || sideroad, turnoff, arm


n adj limited, private, public-private, domestic, strategic, public, global, professional, successful, equal noun program, community, business, school, education, development, •peace, •agreement, industry verb form•, develop, create, build, establish, forge•, enter•, require, promote, seek ● company, business, firm, corporation || affiliation, collaboration, companionship, alliance


n adj literary, public, social, harsh, ethical, constructive, recent, cultural, international, sharp noun art•, lot•, theory, history, kind•, administration, media, target•, film•, barrage• verb draw•, respond•, face•, receive, accept•, deflect•, dismiss•, mount, aim, prompt ● censure, disapproval, reproach, disparagement || analysis, appreciation, assessment, evaluation


n adj live, whole, entire, experienced, wrecking, twoman, fellow noun •member, •chief, camera•, passenger, flight•, film•, ship, •, rest• verb send, •arrive, •prepare, cast, hire, gather, clean, head, order, •survive ● team, squad, staff, troop || group, gang, bunch, party


n adj living, scientific, positive, clear, conclusive, final, reasonable, definitive noun burden•, standard•, •pudding, evidence, •existence, kind•, •citizenship, claim, offer•, burglar• verb need, provide•, require, show, •exist, demand•, shift, cite•, rest, bear• ● evidence, testimony, verification, confirmation, attestation, corroboration


n adj local, black, prominent, professional, popular, leading, raqi, atholic, civilian, apanese noun party, state, journalist, bureaucrat, career•, media, businessman, public, opposition•, voter verb elect, •seek, ignore, •promise, trust, debate, criticize, complain, favor, warn ● representative, political figure, candidate, official, legislator, office-bearer


n adj local, federal, environmental, strict, tough, effective, international, criminal, lax, selective noun law•, •agency, •official, •officer, drug•, •administration, state, •authority, •action verb involve, monitor, step•, assist•, strengthen•, rely, permit•, block•, favor• ● implementation, application, execution, putting into practice, administration, prosecution


n adj local, fiber-optic, basic, digital, coaxial, regional, optical, premium, live, thin noun •network, •, •television, •company, •channel, •news, •guy, •system verb connect, carry, attach, own, install, broadcast, lay, plug, •snap, hook ● chain, hawser, restraint || hawser, rope, chain || landline, line, phone line || wire, lead, flex


n adj local, minor, favorite, famous, international, instant, hot, overnight, newfound noun •status, •news, culture, •chef, media, sport, magazine, •guest, •justice, •golf verb become•, feature, enjoy, treat, attract, achieve•, •line, endorse, attain•, pitch ● superstar, star, personality, celeb || fame, renown, notoriety, prominence


n adj local, national, convicted, independent, primary, illegal, reputable, used-car, authorized, hevy noun drug•, car•, art•, arm•, gun•, antique•, auto• verb sell, contact, visit, •operate, •specialize, rob, negotiate, bust, supply, ship ● trader, merchant, seller, broker, supplier, wholesaler


n adj local, social, traditional, religious, ancient, common, tribal, cultural, native, strange noun law, •official, •agent, immigration, •service, border, •officer, design, •union verb build, follow•, create, •fit, adopt, maintain, adapt•, •dictate, specialize•, differ ● tradition, practice, convention || habit, practice, routine || trade, business, patronage


n adj long, awkward, stunned, dead, uncomfortable, sudden, total, complete, eerie, deafening noun moment, minute, sound, code•, second, wall•, conspiracy• verb break, sit•, •follow, fall, fill, stand•, walk•, listen, eat•, drive• ● stillness, peace, hush, calm || muteness, taciturnity, reticence, reserve


n adj long, broken, concrete, exposed, perforated, hot, rusty, galvanized noun water, organ, •bomb, •dream, sewer•, plastic•, •cleaner, length, system verb smoke•, lay, light•, carry, •burst, install, pass, puff•, fill, connect ● tube, cylinder, channel, conduit, pipeline, duct


n adj long, dark, deep, gray, pale, warm, soft, faint, mere, strange noun light, eye, man, sun, •doubt, moon, area, earth, pattern, •death verb cast, move, •fall, stand, live•, watch, throw•, emerge•, hide•, create ● shade, silhouette || ghost, specter || constant companion, alter ego || private investigator, private eye || hint, trace || follower, stalker


n adj long, free, smooth, wild, short, bumpy, rough, comfortable noun bike•, bus•, car, train•, boat•, roller-coaster•, hour, plane•, carriage•, cab• verb take•, give•, hitch•, offer•, enjoy•, catch•, accept•, •last ● trip, outing, jaunt, journey, drive, cycle


n adj long, runny, red, broken, bloody, sharp, straight, stuffy noun eye, mouth, ear, bridge•, face, lip, hair, •throat, tip•, chin verb blow•, wrinkle•, hold•, break, wipe•, turn, thumb•, stick•, touch, •bleed ● muzzle, beak, proboscis, snout, conk, hooter


n adj long, short, brisk, front, random, easy, fiveminute noun •life, day, space•, •street, beach, morning, river, minute, nature•, •wood verb take•, go•, draw•, enjoy•, slow•, resume• ● stroll, saunter, march, amble || gait, pace, tread, stride


n adj long, spiritual, personal, difficult, arduous, final, incredible, safe noun end, life, night, leg•, hero•, train, step•, return•, mile, faith verb make•, begin, start, continue, embark•, complete•, resume•, •last, progress, •span ● trip, voyage, expedition, ride, drive, flight


n adj long, steady, sure, silent, awkward, bass, hip-hop, atin, tense noun heart, •minute, drum, cop, music, rhythm, silence, •generation, reporter, drummer verb miss•, skip•, walk, wait, cover, march•, combine, pause•, sing ● stroke, blow, hit, bang || rhythm, pulse, pulsation, throb


n adj long, white, empty, deserted, nude, tropical, aribbean, clean, coastal, remote noun palm•, house, pebble•, sand, state, island, •boy, mile, •resort, hotel verb walk•, head•, hit•, swim, land, overlook•, stroll•, stretch, line, race ● seashore, seaside, coast, shore, sand, shoreline


n adj low, equal, high, take-home, better, average, extra, annual noun •phone, percent, year, •cut, •benefit, worker, work, teacher, increase, executive• verb •raise, receive•, earn, suspend•, keep, accept• ● wage, salary, recompense, reimbursement, earnings, compensation


n adj low, regular, preventive, proper, deferred, poor, scheduled noun health•, •organization, cost, operation, repair, •worker, •program, system, service, building verb require, perform, reduce•, contribute•, ensure, defer ● repairs, upkeep, looking after || preservation, upholding, protection || allowance, grant, child support


n adj low, upper, full, red, thin, bottom, dry, soft, blue, thick noun eye, •service, •gloss, hand, tooth, nose, word, hair, •balm, color verb bite•, move, purse•, lick•, press, read•, part, curl, pay•, tremble ● edge, rim, brim, brink


n adj lympic, heavy, bright, gleaming, pure, gilded, polished noun gold, •medal, hair, •bronze, •bullet, •lining, •star, •medalist, •screen verb win•, wear, •line, hang, carry, flash, shine, earn•, polish, gleam


n adj mad, sacred, holy, dead, fat, sick, brown, grazing noun milk, •disease, cash•, horse, •pasture, dairy•, •manure, field, •dung verb feed, •graze, eat, kill, produce, sell, drink, •chew, slaughter, wander


n adj magic, stray, single, rubber, speeding, fatal, .- caliber noun •hole, head, silver•, gun, •wound, chest, lead, •train, body, •fragment verb hit, fire, dodge•, put•, shoot, bite•, kill, strike, •fly, riddle• ● shot, cannonball, slug, gunshot || slug, shot, shell, cartridge


n adj main, entire, correct, specific, following, logical, short, historical, chronological noun •event, , gene, genome, action, image, scope•, opening•, step, learning verb follow, repeat, occur, determine, omit, present, compare, identify, end, complete• ● series, succession, run, progression || order, arrangement, classification, categorization


n adj main, front, grand, early, rear, narrow, dramatic noun park, •hall, building, •fee, •exam, side•, college•, door, room, cave verb stand•, block•, walk, pass•, guard•, mark•, gain•, head, •loom ● entry, way in, doorway || arrival, entry, appearance || admission, entry, ticket


n adj main, small, tiny, forward, aft, one-room, firstclass noun log•, door, night, wood, room, passenger, mountain, •fever, window, light verb build, stay, fill, enter•, share, rent, hide, •feature, emerge•, •accommodate ● hut, log cabin, cottage, bungalow || compartment, cubicle, berth, cab


n adj main, sprawling, entire, corporate, diverse, virtual, leafy noun college•, university, student, school, community, center, life, •police, building verb walk•, live•, arrive•, visit•, locate, attend, shut, welcome, participate, surround ● grounds, precincts, site, property, estate


n adj major, big, multinational, merican, international, private, public, federal, nonprofit, giant noun government, development•, business, broadcasting, individual, tax, service, insurance•, money, trust• verb own, •pay, control, operate, form, benefit, •invest, sue, acquire, •announce ● company, business, firm, establishment, concern, organization


n adj major, dramatic, significant, fundamental, cultural, subtle, sudden, radical, seismic, gradual noun night•, policy, day, power, paradigm•, •attitude, •emphasis, •focus verb work•, •occur, represent•, reflect, cause, mark•, require, signal•, •end, result ● move, swing, modification, alteration || stint, spell, scheduled time, period


n adj major, independent, private, organic, ethnic, liberal, negative, familiar, fancy noun record•, food, warning•, product, direction, music, bottle, name, designer•, consumer verb read•, use, check•, apply, list, sign, carry, require, attach, identify ● ticket, sticker, marker || brand, make, brand name || description, classification, characterization


n adj major, strategic, local, faith-based, private, individual, global, public, diplomatic, recent noun ballot, policy•, education, peace•, health•, defense•, reform verb take•, support, launch, announce, •aim, pass, promote, undertake, seize•, •improve ● inventiveness, creativity, wits || plan, proposal, idea || upper hand, edge, advantage


n adj male, likely, deviant, sighted, similar, sexual, female, nondisabled, professional, scientific noun •group, •pressure, teacher, •review, relationship, interaction, child, school, support, influence verb compare•, interact•, accept, perceive, indicate, reject•, associate, involve•, engage, examine ● noble, aristocrat, lord, earl || equal, colleague, contemporary, friend


n adj male, secret, married, jealous, female, lesbian, longtime, atin, star-crossed noun friend, music•, wife, husband, art•, animal•, nature• verb become•, kiss, sing, abandon, murder•, embrace, betray, reunite, dump•, •quarrel ● mistress, paramour, concubine, courtesan, kept woman, lady friend


n adj mandatory, maximum, single, light, minimum, suspended, -year, final, tough, complex noun death•, life•, prison•, year, word, jail•, judge, length, murder, •structure verb serve•, finish•, receive•, read, write, impose, carry, face•, commute, complete• ● judgment, verdict, ruling, decree, condemnation, punishment


n adj mass, environmental, human, total, assured, nuclear, personal, natural, creative, massive noun weapon•, death•, habitat, property, forest, document, ozone, evidence, politics•, violence• verb cause, lead•, result, prevent•, threaten, involve•, •occur, witness•, wreak, possess• ● obliteration, annihilation, devastation, demolition, ruin, damage


n adj maternal, paternal, dead, dear, beloved, elderly, dying, doting noun mother, •house, aunt, grandfather, father, sister, death, daughter, •kitchen, mom verb live, •die, remember, visit, •teach, belong•, inherit•, cook, born, cry ● grandma, nana, gran, granny


n adj mechanical, electrical, chief, civil, chemical, senior, structural, agricultural, retired, aeronautical noun scientist, design, software•, computer, project, society•, architect, flight•, aerospace•, technology verb work, •build, •develop, hire, train, enable•, •test, employ, •estimate, consult


n adj mechanical, genetic, electrical, social, civil, environmental, chemical noun science, professor, design, degree, student, department, technology, •firm, computer, research verb study•, teach•, apply, graduate, major•, solve, combine, hire, integrate, pursue•


n adj medical, commercial, valid, suspended, artistic, personal, poetic, nonresident, professional, issuing noun driver•, •plate, •number, marriage•, •fee, car, pilot•, liquor• verb get•, give, lose•, obtain•, revoke, drive, suspend, require, renew•, apply• ● certificate, authorization, pass || excess, immoderation, abandon || freedom, liberty, carte blanche


n adj medical, federal, national, humanitarian, dire, complex, supplemental, spiritual, life-threatening, cardiac noun •room, state•, •service, •management, hospital, •response, •department, •agency, •care verb declare•, provide•, respond, handle•, prepare•, deal, treat, •arise ● crisis, disaster, tragedy, danger, trauma, predicament


n adj medical, international, scientific, academic, literary, daily, quarterly noun street•, article, new•, •medicine, editor, study, issue•, •entry, research, science verb publish, write, keep, report, read•, appear•, record, edit, •devote, quote ● periodical, paper, weekly, monthly || diary, log, chronicle, record


n adj medical, legal, historical, chosen, entire, various, honorable, specific, allied, noble noun teaching•, education, health•, work, teacher, member•, accounting•, music, business verb enter•, leave•, choose, teach, establish, pursue•, recognize, promote, practice, define ● occupation, line of work, living, vocation, job, career


n adj mental, bipolar, other, psychiatric, genetic, neurological, obsessive-compulsive, rare, affective, statistical noun eating•, personality•, attention•, deficit•, stress•, anxiety•, child, sleep• verb suffer•, treat•, cause, diagnose•, develop, •affect, associate, prevent, relate, identify ● chaos, disarray, confusion, mess || complaint, illness, sickness, ailment


n adj mental, chronic, serious, terminal, foodborne, severe, physical, long, life-threatening noun death, injury, disease, child, treatment, patient, health, symptom, risk•, cause• verb suffer•, treat•, die, diagnose, prevent, deal•, affect, result, •occur, reduce ● disease, infection, sickness, complaint || sickness, ill health, infirmity, disease


n adj merican, antique, fine, painted, outdoor, upholstered, wooden, used noun piece•, room, •store, •maker, office•, wall, art, design, wood, floor verb move, buy, sell, rearrange•, fill, arrange ● fittings, fixtures, tables, chairs, cabinets, beds


n adj merican, apanese, average, uropean, erman, used, antique, talian, ordinary noun •industry, •part, •insurance, •worker, •company, •maker, •accident verb •race, sell, reduce, own, force•, purchase•


n adj merican, average, median, poor, common, typical, total, urban, female-headed, nuclear noun •income, •name, head, family, child, member, •chore, •waste, •product, •item verb become•, live, •own, •receive, represent, maintain, •earn, manage, contribute, consist ● family, home, family circle, family unit, ménage, house


n adj merican, chief, original, legendary, charismatic, retired, visionary, firm, beloved noun president, company, •director, , chairman, •executive, •editor, coalition verb •intend, name•, envision, honor•, regard•, •anticipate, embody, •contemplate, •pledge, echo• ● creator, originator, initiator, organizer, forefather, author


n adj merican, industrial, cultural, rench, sexual, green, social noun war, information•, world, technology, epublican•, computer•, communication, •minute verb •begin, lead, •occur, fight, •transform, launch, •sweep, undergo•, spark•, export• ● rebellion, revolt, uprising || transformation, upheaval, alteration || rotation, turn, spin


n adj merican, lyric, contemporary, modern, romantic, nglish, rabic noun book, •reading, music, prose, fiction, art, collection, volume•, writing, song verb write•, read, publish, recite•, teach, study, sing, express, •evoke ● verse, rhyme, poems, rhymes, poesy, lyrics


n adj merican, medical, disabled, seasoned, decorated, foreign, ndian, -year, -year, swift noun war, •affair, •administration, department•, •memorial, army, •center, woman•, combat•, service verb •serve, honor•, •suffer, treat, •retire, discharge, decorate•, recruit, •deserve, enroll ● expert, past master, trouper, old-timer, old hand


n adj merican, national, pharmaceutical, leading, foreign, retail, domestic, chemical, uropean, various noun product, equipment, car, company, drug, computer•, automobile•, auto•, •instruction verb •offer, •produce, •sell, provide, follow•, recommend, •claim, represent, •design, contact• ● builder, producer, constructor, creator, industrialist, maker


n adj merican, pregnant, typical, normal, sexual, troubled, active, rebellious, innocent, gangly noun child, parent, adult, group•, mother, kid, drug, baby, couple•, summer verb act, dress, attend, smoke, •engage, hire•, aim•, abuse, •dance, behave ● adolescent, young person, youth, youngster, young adult, juvenile


n adj merican, red, white, national, yellow, green, blue, checkered, waving noun onfederate•, state, battle•, •football, symbol, •pole, allegiance•, prayer•, •pin, •imagery verb fly, wave, raise•, burn, carry•, hang, plant, drape, •flutter, wrap• ● ensign, pennant, colors, pennon, banner, standard


n adj military, commercial, civilian, unmanned, allied, tactical, light, flying noun •carrier, air, fighter•, •engine, missile, part, ship, pilot, •industry, jet• verb fly, shoot, land, build, carry, send, drop, operate, involve ● airplane, plane, flying machine


n adj military, general, preemptive, nuclear, lucky, preemptive, joint, terrorist, surgical noun air•, •zone, hunger•, worker, •force, lightning•, baseball•, missile•, player• verb call, begin, launch•, end, throw•, kill, break, •occur, support, •protest ● raid, attack, assault, foray || industrial action, slowdown, walkout, work stoppage


n adj military, medical, armored, trained, key, qualified, administrative noun school•, service, •carrier, security•, director, office, management, emergency•, •decision, force verb train, enlist•, armor•, support, hire, prepare, assist, protect, maintain, employ ● workers, staff, employees, human resources, people, recruits


n adj military, new, communist, authoritarian, political, international, democratic, old, totalitarian, current noun •change, control, support, trade•, opposition, legitimacy, sanction•, apartheid•, inspection• verb overthrow•, topple•, impose, oppose•, force, threaten, •collapse, undermine, survive, challenge ● government, command, rule, administration || routine, system, regimen, treatment


n adj military, nuclear, human, offensive, technological, technical, chemical, full, limited, biological noun weapon, missile, intelligence•, defense•, technology, communication, performance, production•, data, development verb develop•, provide, build, increase, enhance•, improve•, include, add, acquire, demonstrate• ● competence, ability, skill, fitness, aptitude, proficiency


n adj military, political, medical, national, religious, educational, foreign, liberal, scientific, diplomatic noun •clause, state, food•, •religion, party, defense•, law, education•, epublican, policy• verb lead•, violate•, support, require, prohibit, prevent•, announce•, propose•, result•, facilitate• ● founding, formation, creation || organization, institution, business || authorities, powers that be, the ruling classes


n adj military, political, presidential, architectural, cultural, public, ritish, local, future, academic noun art•, author, critic, history, immigration, science, church•, film•, artist, attention verb write, note, •argue, •believe, •describe, •agree, •observe, cite, •record, ignore


n adj military, top, senior, upreme, allied, chief, regimental, naval, overall noun , force, army, field, general, company•, battalion•, police, lieutenant•, air verb order, name, appoint, warn, replace, retire, advise, •complain, inform, urge ● superior, chief, commandant, chief officer, commanding officer, commander in chief


n adj military-industrial, industrial, military, sprawling, huge, whole, vast, entire, retail, nuclear noun apartment•, office•, housing•, sport•, building, center, inferiority•, art•, entertainment• verb build, •include, house, form, •contain, own, surround, •consist, construct, face ● development, center, multiplex, campus || hangup, fixation, psychosis, neurosis


n adj modern, basic, fellow, physical, similar, normal, living, genetic, capable, dangerous noun animal, •right, way, •resource, species, study, environment, relationship, space, service verb •remain, •live, •need, cause, create, eat, evolve, infect, test•, treat ● person, being, human being, individual, creature, homo sapiens


n adj modern, traditional, slow, popular, square, aerobic, creative, contemporary noun •floor, music, song, •company, education, •club, •class, •hall, theater, sun• verb perform, teach, feature, attend•, choreograph, study•, celebrate, accompany, spin, sponsor ● ball, disco, hop, rave


n adj monthly, down, low, social, federal, due, annual, minimum, final, third-party noun mortgage•, interest•, year, debt, cash•, •system, balance•, government, welfare•, percent verb make, receive•, require, pay, reduce•, demand•, miss•, accept•, cut, save ● sum, expense, compensation, recompense, disbursement, fee


n adj moral, good, bad, better, poor, final, best, professional noun value, summary•, day, court, error•, •call, rush•, matter, motion verb make•, base, pass•, trust•, exercise•, sit•, concur•, form•, apply, depend ● ruling, decision, finding || shrewdness, good sense, discernment || opinion, view, considered opinion


n adj moral, legal, ethical, contractual, religious, general, special, constitutional, certain, military noun right•, family, state, sense•, responsibility, duty, law, treaty, debt•, community verb meet•, feel•, fulfill•, •provide, •protect, impose, accept, assume, comply, •ensure ● duty, responsibility, requirement || debt, contract, commitment || indebtedness, gratitude, appreciation


n adj municipal, strong, corporate, common, social, short-term, special, emotional, foreign noun •fund, stock•, •market, junk•, treasury•, government•, •issue verb buy•, sell, form, hold, break, create, •yield, forge, strengthen•, •mature ● tie, link, connection, union || promise, pledge, oath, word


n adj narrow, front, steep, wooden, dark, main, spiral, carpeted, concrete, wide noun flight•, bottom•, room, door, foot•, back•, head•, basement, set•, footstep• verb climb•, come•, walk•, run•, lead, start•, descend•, fall•, carry, reach ● step, tread, rung || staircase, stairway, flight of steps, set of steps


n adj national, clinical, marine, biological, scientific, educational, industrial, living, planetary, academic noun research•, study, •test, •experiment, propulsion•, jet•, science, •animal, scientist, school verb conduct, produce, perform, establish, analyze, measure, design, demonstrate, confirm, investigate ● workroom, workshop, research laboratory, test center, test site, test bed


n adj national, creative, mobile, private, yellow, independent, forensic, corporate, chemical, living noun research•, •test, computer•, crime•, •coat, work, •technician, scientist, animal, media• verb wear•, conduct, analyze, visit•, process, operate, confirm, equip, house, •experiment ● workroom, workshop, test center, laboratory, test bed


n adj national, democratic, international, annual, aptist, constitutional, social noun •center, epublican•, party, •visitor, delegate, framework•, speech, week, climate, nation• verb attend•, ratify, follow•, address•, cover•, sign, nominate, adopt, violate•, define ● gathering, meeting, conference || agreement, pact, resolution || rule, principle, custom


n adj national, ethnic, common, historical, social, uropean, frican, unknown, modern, specific noun country•, family•, •species, place•, •life, point•, theory•, myth, religion, culture verb trace•, explain•, understand•, identify•, determine•, explore•, owe•, reflect, •date ● source, derivation, cause, beginning, basis, foundation


n adj national, foreign, bad, external, federal, longterm, total, public noun credit, card•, interest, payment, •relief, •service, •crisis verb pay•, owe, reduce•, repay•, incur, increase, forgive, carry, rise, accumulate ● arrears, liability, debit, balance || obligation, duty, responsibility, dues


n adj national, foreign, chief, military, official, presidential, leading, corporate, eloquent noun house•, department, state, company, , president, government•, police•, ministry•, army• verb say, •decline, •deny, comment, •confirm, quote, •insist, •acknowledge, press, concede


n adj national, general, academic, regular, integrated, existing, hidden noun school, education•, student, •development, teacher, study, core•, music, part•, art verb develop, teach, include, design, integrate•, focus, implement, emphasize, plan, support ● course, prospectus, program, syllabus, core curriculum, national curriculum


n adj national, local, unsung, super, tragic, unlikely, greatest, romantic, genuine, revolutionary noun war, action•, sport•, folk•, •heroine, role, •journey, •worship, status verb become•, honor, hail•, celebrate, welcome, regard•, rescue, depict•, cheer•, •stride ● superman, champion, conqueror, idol || male lead, leading actor, leading man, star


n adj national, major, annual, regional, consecutive, qualifying, professional, past, nvitational, lympic noun golf•, year, state•, team, game, conference•, basketball•, tennis•, round, week verb win•, play, enter, host, compete•, reach, finish, miss, attend•, •feature ● contest, competition, event, game, playoffs, match


n adj national, major, open, consecutive, uropean, amateur, back-to-back, regional, outdoor, annual noun world•, •game, team, state•, year, series, league•, season, conference• verb win•, play, •finish, compete•, host•, earn, capture•, claim, defend•, contend• ● finals, contest, challenge, title fight, battle, competition


n adj national, medical, international, professional, psychological, athletic, psychiatric, civic, historical noun school, president, bar•, education, trade, industry, member, director, college, health verb represent, form, state, establish, •estimate, examine•, sponsor, •recommend, organize, found ● organization, union, alliance || friendship, relationship, connection || connotation, overtone, suggestion


n adj national, merican, economic, foreign, advisory, governing, international, legislative, upreme, tribal noun security•, city•, member, •resolution, president, research•, nation•, meeting, education, •relation verb •meet, •vote, approve, pass, •decide, elect, •adopt, form, appoint, attend ● assembly, meeting, board, body, convention, association


n adj national, merican, metropolitan, historical, private, maritime, living, native, archaeological noun art, history, collection, new, director, gallery, science, curator, exhibition, exhibit verb open, visit•, house, display, feature, acquire, found, travel, •devote, donate• ● gallery, exhibition hall, arts center, academy, institution


n adj national, merican, minor, little, urban, junior noun •baseball, team, player, major•, football•, game, season, hockey•, record, •championship verb play, lead•, win, join•, sign, coach, name•, form, organize, dominate ● association, group, union, confederation, confederacy, club


n adj national, outdoor, political, negative, online, commercial noun •campaign, •agency, company, •revenue, marketing, television, •executive, product, •promotion, sales verb sell, spend, ban•, increase, accept•, promote, restrict, target, regulate•, feature ● publicity, promotion, marketing, publicizing, public relations, ..


n adj national, political, interreligious, intergroup, ongoing, constructive, genuine, internal noun kind•, scene, policy, •race, line•, character, religion, conversation, partner, cooperation verb engage•, open•, continue, create, promote•, enter•, encourage•, establish, facilitate•, resume ● exchange of ideas, channel of communication, discourse, interchange || conversation, interview, chat, discussion


n adj national, private, solid, nonprofit, legal, international, strong, charitable, educational, very noun science•, research, heritage•, family, grant, president, art, director, community, education verb lay•, provide, build, establish, form•, support, fund, serve, shake•, sponsor ● basis, grounds, substance, groundwork || establishment, institution, charity, organization


n adj national, senior, chief, foreign, medical, political, special, congressional noun news•, house•, war•, new, security•, affair•, business•, science•, consumer•, •dinner verb •report, •join, •cover, •contribute, name•, •examine, •visit, interview, appoint•, compile ● communicator, writer, pen pal, letter writer || foreign correspondent, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, columnist


n adj national, senior, economic, financial, top, political, chief, foreign, legal, presidential noun security•, president, policy•, investment•, council•, campaign, science•, friend•, deputy verb serve•, •recommend, •urge, hire•, consult•, act•, resign, •warn, •insist, •convince ● consultant, counselor, mentor, advice-giver, guru


n adj native, pink, sharp, thick, red, forked, foreign, wet noun mouth, lip, mother•, tip•, tooth, •cheek, slip•, throat, ear, base verb stick•, speak•, bite•, hold•, run•, roll•, touch, cluck•, flick, click• ● language, patois, dialect, speech, idiom


n adj natural, environmental, major, economic, ecological, federal, financial, humanitarian, potential, impending noun •relief, •area, response, •recovery, recipe•, •assistance, •plan, victim, •management verb •strike, •happen, avoid•, lead•, declare•, •occur, cause, avert, prevent•, respond• ● tragedy, ruin, adversity, catastrophe || failure, debacle, fiasco, shambles


n adj natural, sleeping, physical, inner, sheer, feminine, scenic noun •beast, •queen, •pageant, •salon, •shop, •contest, •parlor, truth, nature, •product verb appreciate•, enjoy•, capture•, admire•, celebrate•, reveal, discover•, surround, experience•, inspire ● loveliness, attractiveness, good looks, prettiness || advantage, attraction, plus, upside


n adj natural, small, one-hit, ancient, modern, technological, wide-eyed, gutless, childlike noun world, sense•, boy, •drug, head•, awe, kind, science, beauty, joy verb make•, fill•, stare•, experience, discover•, explore, witness•, •cease ● surprise, astonishment, awe, amazement || miracle, phenomenon, marvel, sensation


n adj natural, strong, general, human, political, central, suicidal, growing, violent, increased noun action, society, measure•, participant, approach•, characteristic, depression, response, •violence, procrastination• verb show•, reflect, •view, avoid, •focus, reinforce, exhibit, demonstrate•, associate, •treat ● propensity, bent, leaning, inclination || trend, drift, movement, shift


n adj natural, wide, random, final, sexual, careful, appropriate, preferential noun •process, jury•, criterion, •committee, group, method, site, •procedure, theory, •bias verb include, offer•, base, choose, •favor, involve, influence•, announce, feature, reflect ● range, assortment, collection, choice, variety, miscellany


n adj naval, broken, ceramic, apanese, empty, foreign, tiny, coronary, rench, ritish noun blood•, pressure•, fishing, •wall, research•, heart, ship, water, size, nerve verb •carry, cause, constrict, sail, operate, dilate, contain, sink, damage, board• ● container, pot, bowl, jug || boat, ship, craft


n adj ndian, full, serious, free, major, military, available, tribal, nuclear, on-site noun card, •credit, dinner•, •system, avajo•, hotel, land, information, •parking, beer• verb make•, •accept, •require, express•, live•, cancel, book, voice•, reside• ● advance booking, booking, registration || condition, proviso, rider || unwillingness, reluctance, hesitation || reserve, protected area, game park


n adj negative, critical, formative, clinical, psychological, initial, psychiatric noun program, student, teacher, process, performance, system, research, assessment, result, •form verb include, conduct, base, require, complete, receive, undergo•, determine, develop, indicate ● assessment, appraisal, estimation, calculation, valuation, estimate


n adj negative, human, strong, raw, intense, powerful, personal, deep, basic, overcome noun feeling, thought, voice, range•, lot•, expression•, control, kind, behavior, display• verb show•, express•, experience, mix•, stir, evoke, deal•, convey, affect, betray• ● feeling, sentiment, reaction, passion, excitement, sensation


n adj negative, political, full-page, personal, classified, local, running, online, effective, help-wanted noun campaign, •, newspaper, television, •agency, radio•, attack•, •revenue verb run, place, show, •feature, appear, answer•, buy•, sell, read, air ● advertisement, public notice, commercial, poster, flier, announcement


n adj negative, unintended, serious, social, economic, political, possible, long-term, environmental, potential noun action, health•, decision, war, use, cause•, act, tax, violence, responsibility• verb suffer•, face•, consider•, understand•, result, deal•, accept•, fear•, evaluate, arise ● importance, significance, value, moment || result, effect, outcome, end result


n adj net, personal, intrinsic, moral, equal, inherent, relative noun dollar•, year•, day•, money•, week• verb sell•, buy•, prove•, estimate, determine•, steal, purchase• ● value, price, cost || value, merit, appeal || wealth, means, assets


n adj new, brief, recent, general, formal, excellent, gentle, gradual noun •page, technology, letter•, species, product, section, reference•, article, disease, •edition verb write•, provide•, include•, follow•, note, mention•, present, delay•, precede, allude ● foreword, opening, preface || outline, overview, primer || institution, presentation, insertion


n adj new, different, popular, particular, major, luxury, favorite, global, unique, available noun •name, product, store, •loyalty, consumer, house, image, •manager, market, price verb sell, buy, build•, include, create, carry, choose, vary, develop•, advertise ● make, product, brand name || type, kind, sort || identifying mark, mark, marker


n adj new, early, initial, final, various, transitional, distinct, acute, sentencing noun study, transition, trial, development, moon, project, treatment, penalty•, stance•, baseline verb enter•, complete, occur, involve, consist, •last, identify, represent, conduct, undergo• ● stage, point, chapter, time, segment, part


n adj new, favorite, stuffed, wooden, expensive, plush, electronic, broken, tiny, popular noun child, •store, •gun, game, •company, •car, plastic•, clothes, •soldier, food verb play, buy•, sell, pick•, fill•, collect, own, toss•, scatter, hand• ● doll, figurine, figure || marble, glass ball, agate || plaything, game, doll || stilt, lifter, pole


n adj new, full, average, medium, afraid, tall, maximum, commanding, varying, mean noun inch, foot, weight, •width, age•, shoulder•, •season, neighborhood, length, seat• verb reach•, rise•, measure, adjust•, scale•, soar•, vary, achieve, climb, range ● tallness, stature, elevation, altitude || pinnacle, summit, peak, top


n adj new, great, outdoor, exciting, military, excellent, wild, grand, romantic, foreign noun story, travel, sense•, space, game, camp, series, tale, spirit•, trip verb offer, seek, share, embark•, enjoy•, experience, recount•, chronicle, •await, boast ● escapade, exploit, quest, venture, exploration, voyage


n adj new, historical, late, recent, best-selling, graphic, literary, autobiographical, previous, later noun story, author, character, romance•, mystery•, detective•, reader, fiction, page, title verb write, read, publish, base, finish•, •feature, adapt•, complete•, inspire, •explore ● work of fiction, narrative, story, tale, book


n adj new, late, live, recent, double, entire, upcoming noun photo•, year, song, debut•, solo•, •cover, record, family•, band, music verb sell, produce, •feature, buy•, promote•, finish, •contain, •chronicle ● book, photograph album, folder, photo album || record, , , tape


n adj new, legal, severe, federal, foreign, political, environmental, certain, dietary, tough noun trade, state, government, import, immigration, law, access, right, activity, •movement verb impose, place, put, lift, ease•, •apply, include, •limit, face, loosen• ● limit, constraint, restraint, control, ceiling, curb


n adj new, local, final, late, entire, short, concluding, sad, regional noun book, •history, •bankruptcy, •protection, •verse, state, society, club, opening•, title verb write, read•, file•, include, devote, open, •entitle, close, present, summarize ● section, part, subdivision, division || period, episode, stage, phase


n adj new, modern, early, colonial, bygone, postwar, progressive noun war•, end•, beginning•, record, reform, •peace, depression•, apartheid•, •globalization, swing• verb usher•, enter•, define, •mark, launch•, emerge, inaugurate•, belong•, evoke• ● age, epoch, eon, period, time, years


n adj new, natural, social, cultural, complex, recent, interesting, common, global, similar noun explanation•, understanding•, example•, culture, weather•, theory, analysis, researcher, investigation, media verb explain•, •occur, describe, understand, study, observe, examine•, •exist, represent, cause ● occurrence, fact, experience || marvel, wonder, singularity || prodigy, genius, bright star


n adj new, old, pregnant, longtime, steady, beautiful, current, serious noun wife, boyfriend, house, son, father, brother, live-in•, college, apartment, actress verb meet, kill, break, marry, visit, dump, propose•, beat•, kiss, murder ● sweetheart, inamorata, fiancée, lover, partner, lady friend


n adj new, other, current, bumper, agricultural, modified, annual, alternative, native, green noun year, food•, farmer, corn, cash•, production, •yield, plant, loss, water verb grow, produce, harvest, sell, •fail, cover, reduce, protect•, feed, tend ● harvest, yield, produce


n adj new, western, eastern, distant, far, blue, southern, northern noun event•, time•, sun, line, cloud•, sky, light, star, sunset, •expectation verb expand•, stretch•, appear, broaden•, loom•, scan•, rise, open, disappear•, glow ● prospect, skyline, distance, vanishing point, vista, limit


n adj no-fault, final, bitter, messy, painful, nasty, parental, ugly, impending, expensive noun marriage•, •rate, child, year, •case, •law, parent, •lawyer, wife, separation verb get•, end•, file•, seek•, grant, sue•, handle•, settle, •proceed ● separation, split, split-up, break up, annulment


n adj no-fly, free, green, dead, economic, red, demilitarized, coastal, hot, special noun war•, end•, time•, comfort•, buffer•, twilight•, strike• verb create, enter•, establish, enforce•, extend, expand, declare•, patrol•, define, cross ● area, region, district, sector, neighborhood, precinct


n adj northern, environmental, human, possible, toxic, chronic, prolonged, , public, repeated noun time, level, risk, sun, effect•, radiation, •violence, film, media, community verb reduce•, cause, increase, limit, result, occur, require, avoid•, die•, receive ● contact, experience, introduction, acquaintance || revelation, disclosure, publicity, revealing


n adj notable, possible, only, rare, major, single, sole, certain noun •rule, norm, •trend, health, couple, data, industry, •rape, handful, abortion verb take•, allow, prove, •exist, grant, carve•, justify, constitute•, regulate•, qualify• ● exclusion, omission, exemption, concession, allowance


n adj nuclear, huge, massive, loud, powerful, sudden, recent, tremendous, atomic, enormous noun population•, supernova•, fire, bomb, sound, •place, series•, gas, information, challenger verb hear, cause, •occur, kill, •rock, set, create, die•, •rip, blow ● bang, blast, detonation || flare-up, fit, outburst || upsurge, flood, outbreak


n adj occupied, new, alestinian, ndian, uncharted, familiar, vast, disputed, hostile, foreign noun state, enemy•, control, country, home•, claim•, mile•, nation, lot•, male verb occupy, defend•, enter•, cover, mark•, explore•, settle•, gain, acquire, belong ● land, terrain, ground || country, land, state || field, subject, specialty || patch, beat, domain


n adj old, inner, usual, physical, whole, authentic noun sense•, •other, •esteem, image, •defense, concept, identity, •confidence, control, •interest verb define, reveal, note•, construct, relate, constitute, hide, express, •emerge, view ● personality, nature, character, identity, person, ego


n adj old, practical, bad, little, funny, cruel, private, running noun kind•, butt•, lot•, sort•, family, •expense, book, comment, standing•, conversation verb make•, tell•, laugh, play, hear, crack•, share, smile, enjoy•, remind ● witticism, shaggy-dog story, pun || prank, trick, practical joke || butt, object of ridicule, laughingstock


n adj oman, rish, devout, conservative, practicing, faithful, lapsed noun rotestant, church, ew, percent, evangelical, number• verb raise•, believe, •attend, •support, marry, claim, teach, •oppose, divide, born•


n adj one-night, strong, tough, thick, firm, principled, courageous, empty noun witness•, •minute, tree, concession•, night•, music•, roadside• verb take•, let•, sit, hit•, •testify, climb•, •accuse, hang•, •guard, approach• ● stop, stay, standstill || attitude, opinion, stance || rack, frame, bracket || platform, rostrum, stage || counter, kiosk, tent


n adj one-stop, online, suburban, busy, downtown, electronic, regional noun •center, •mall, •bag, •cart, •list, home•, grocery•, •trip, holiday•, •guide verb build, buy, carry•, fill, push•, finish•, •cook, enjoy• ● errands, spending, clothes shopping, supermarket run, grocery shopping, bargain hunting


n adj only, sole, long-term, immediate, lone, breastcancer, ewish, ultimate, adult noun •wife, cancer•, child, victim, family, •son, breast•, •benefit, •husband, •daughter verb •include, die•, search•, rescue, interview, •abuse, •flee, treat, •struggle, dig• ● stayer, sticker, fighter, toughie


n adj open, left, sweaty, potted, tall, outstretched, soft, damp, cupped, thick noun hand, •tree, finger, •frond, oil, arm•, coconut•, palm, shoulder, leaf verb •face, hold, press, place•, rub•, rest, slap, fit•, extend, •sweat


n adj oral, close, low, careful, accurate, required, suggested, repeated noun student, skill, book, •program, math, writing, text, test, score, level verb teach•, base, suggest, improve, indicate, enjoy, promote•, encourage, assess, record ● interpretation, understanding, analysis, construing || recitation, recital, rendition, presentation


n adj oral, visual, clinical, formal, dramatic, initial, brief, various, professional, annual noun information, slide•, video, •news, multimedia•, data, order, mode•, •channel, art verb make, give•, follow, prepare•, attend•, feature, deliver, vary, highlight, •differ ● performance, exhibition, demonstration || award, donation, giving || report, talk, lecture


n adj organic, atmospheric, activated, total, pure, excess, stiff, radioactive noun •dioxide, •emission, •monoxide, •fiber, atmosphere, •tax, level, water, nitrogen, oxygen verb reduce•, produce, release, emit, absorb, cut•, contain•, form, rise, burn


n adj organic, rich, fertile, moist, poor, well-drained, foreign noun water, •erosion, plant, surface, moisture, •conservation, nutrient, •sample, •scientist, type verb grow, improve, cover, reduce, •contain, increase, till, enrich, •dry, fill ● earth, dirt, topsoil, loam || territory, land, country, ground


n adj organizational, electronic, following, accompanying, periodic, astrological, genealogical noun •page, billboard•, table, week, pop•, star•, •position, number, pg•, depth• verb see•, •show, top•, list, read, •compare, •omit, check•, indicate, hit ● diagram, plan, graph, table, graphic representation, visual aid


n adj other, bottom, low, upper, remaining, front, forgotten noun year, •century, hour•, •season, week•, •life, minute•, decade, month•, mile• verb cut, place, complete, divide, shape•, fold•, separate, arrange, dominate, wrap


n adj other, large, medical, private, primary, social, leading, preferred, financial, content noun service•, care•, health•, nternet•, healthcare•, abortion•, family, child, company, cable• verb •offer, require, pay, choose, check, •charge, compete, •assess, link, assist ● breadwinner, wage-earner, earner, worker || supplier, source, contributor, donor


n adj other, living, annual, public, administrative, low, total, personal, extra, major noun year, •ratio, time, business, operating•, •account, travel•, taxpayer, company, money verb pay, cover•, incur, reduce, spare, include, operate•, save, deduct, justify• ● expenditure, outlay, disbursement || price, rate, amount || sacrifice, detriment, disadvantage


n adj other, living, small, little, strange, poor, wild, tiny, beautiful, heavenly noun sea•, •comfort, earth, kind•, night, •habit, animal, being, sort•, bird verb •live, inhabit, evolve, •emerge, •crawl, encounter, •stir, transform, •survive, belong ● being, living being, person, man || animal, beast, organism, insect


n adj other, medical, young, black, social, public, military, trained, local, skilled noun health•, care•, student, school, education, •field, service, healthcare•, teacher, worker verb work, help, provide, train, hire, •develop, teach, require, account•, involve ● specialist, expert, authority, pro, maven


n adj other, merican, native, lost, different, local, various, federal, ancient, ioux noun member, nation, ndian, treaty, plain, reservation, chief•, hill•, clan, language verb •live, recognize, belong, •operate, form, force, •inhabit, divide, unite, settle ● family, clan, people, kinfolk || people, ethnic group, community, society


n adj other, only, viable, traditional, better, best, attractive, effective, cheap, healthy noun program, policy, education, energy, treatment, response•, transportation•, •violence, •prison verb offer•, provide•, consider, suggest, develop•, choose, present, propose, •exist, discuss ● replacement, substitute, substitution, change || option, choice, freedom of choice, discretion


n adj other, particular, rare, specific, certain, single, numerous, isolated, individual, mild noun violence, •innuendo, drug, number•, •abuse, behavior, type, sex, couple•, document verb cite, •occur, involve, recall•, identify•, reveal, record, suggest, require, witness• ● example, case in point, occurrence, illustration, occasion, case


n adj other, recent, original, available, scientific, major, official, numerous, scholarly, various noun book, year, article, trade•, journal, research, magazine, date, number, editor verb include, write, accept•, follow, consider•, submit•, consult•, produce, receive, cease• ● book, magazine, newspaper, journal, periodical, pamphlet


n adj other, toxic, hazardous, controlled, illicit, illegal, natural, banned, chemical, various noun •abuse, treatment, problem, health, •abuser, style, disorder, body verb use, contain, release, relate, identify, •cause, occur, reduce, lack•, form ● material, matter, ingredient || core, essence, import || affluence, property, money


n adj outer, empty, hard, tart, soft, hollow, protective, heavy, crushed, nuclear noun artillery•, oyster•, •casing, •game, pie•, mortar•, pastry• verb fill, fire, •explode, hit, remove, •fall, crack•, form, •land, hide ● casing, covering, shield || husk, skeleton, carcass || bomb, explosive, missile


n adj over-the-counter, prescribed, certain, psychotropic, oral, antidepressant, available, common, medical, stimulant noun pain•, prescription•, patient, use, doctor, effect, treatment, blood, side, therapy verb take, prescribe, need, treat, •help, stop, receive•, control, administer, reduce ● medicine, pill, tablet, capsule, suppository, drug


n adj oviet, orthodox, ussian, uropean, religious, erman, ewish, hristian, sraeli, eastern noun hristian, ew, rab, uslim, black, atholic, talian, erman, azi, rotestant verb kill, hate, convert, settle, murder, marry, •flee, blame•, •pray, persecute


n adj pache, military, sraeli, marine, heavy, fixedwing, presidential, flying, light, waiting noun •pilot, army•, attack, •gunship, police•, •crash, cobra• verb fly, use, shoot, land, •hover, drop, send•, arrive, •carry, destroy


n adj paid, annual, two-week, favorite, extended, popular, working noun summer•, family•, time, week, day, •home, •spot verb take•, go•, spend•, plan, return, enjoy, fly, afford• ● break, trip, rest, retreat, leave, escape


n adj parental, active, military, great, merican, political, direct, personal, social, professional noun parent•, community, level, student, family, government, activity, sport, process, teacher verb deny•, increase•, require•, report•, encourage•, promote•, limit, reflect, examine, measure ● participation, connection, contribution, engrossment || attachment, interest, commitment, enthusiasm


n adj part-time, full-time, academic, senior, junior, tenured, diverse, mental, elementary, essential noun •member, student, university, college, •staff, community, administrator, school, education, program verb teach, join•, hire, involve, encourage, participate, evaluate, engage, recruit, conduct ● sense, power, endowment || ability, facility, talent || teaching staff, teaching body, teachers


n adj perfect, good, shouting, better, exact, final, close, waterproof noun winner, wrestling•, soccer•, •play, tennis•, boxing•, cup•, box•, championship verb win•, find, light, strike•, lose, meet•, prove, •burn, •last, touch ● competition, game, bout, contest || equal, counterpart, equivalent, balance


n adj personal, electronic, medical, individual, online, financial, complete noun right, invasion•, issue, •law, •home, information, protection, •policy, security, concern verb protect•, invade•, violate, respect•, provide•, maintain•, ensure•, guarantee, •prevail ● solitude, time alone, space, seclusion || confidentiality, discretion, secrecy, concealment


n adj personal, international, public, corporate, global, shaky, external, behavioral noun campaign•, •reform, •committee, •minister, ministry, chairman, company, •law, family•, director verb help•, manage•, handle•, pass, investigate• ● money, economics, business, investment || money, economics, business, investment


n adj physical, closer, close, medical, careful, thorough, clinical, detailed, comprehensive, direct noun •room, student, •table, history, •data, patient, entrance•, finding, record, college verb •reveal, require, include, pass•, perform, conduct, allow•, undergo•, •identify, test ● inspection, check, scrutiny, checkup || test, assessment, exam, paper


n adj physical, developmental, severe, mental, social, visual, multiple, specific, low, special noun student•, child•, people•, learning•, individual•, •act, •insurance verb serve, identify, cause, suffer, relate, affect, diagnose•, accommodate•, define, overcome• ● incapacity, infirmity, frailty, debility, ill health


n adj physical, occupational, cognitive, effective, medical, behavioral, complementary, natural, available, marital noun gene•, drug•, hormone•, group, patient, replacement•, radiation•, •session verb •help, receive•, undergo•, treat, develop, respond•, seek•, recommend, •involve, •reduce ● treatment, rehabilitation, healing, help, remedy, cure


n adj plain, common, pretty, beautiful, familiar, strange, rare, mere noun •sound, line•, end•, love•, •smell, sense•, land, touch, relief•, •hearing verb lose•, catch•, set, hide•, drop•, disappear•, stay•, •behold, stun, freeze ● view, spectacle, prospect, picture || vision, eyesight, ability to see


n adj political, active, public, full, social, voluntary, athletic, female, popular, civic noun sport, student, activity, level, woman, program, •rate, study, community, process verb encourage•, increase, require, promote•, exclude•, ensure•, facilitate•, enhance, indicate, influence ● contribution, input, sharing, partaking, involvement, membership


n adj political, economic, national, financial, altic, full, judicial, total noun declaration•, •day, war•, •movement, energy•, freedom, struggle• verb declare•, gain•, achieve•, fight•, recognize•, win•, maintain• ● self-sufficiency, self-reliance, self-determination || self-government, sovereignty, autonomy || individuality, freedom, liberation || impartiality, objectivity, disinterest


n adj political, economic, social, financial, regional, long-term, relative, international, emotional noun peace•, security, •region, price•, •control, threat•, growth, •ball, order, prosperity verb provide•, maintain•, bring•, ensure•, threaten•, promote•, achieve•, enhance•, depend, determine ● constancy, steadiness, firmness, solidity, permanence, immovability


n adj political, environmental, gay, social, conservative, democratic, black, longtime, liberal, young noun right•, group, community•, woman, •, animal•, peace•, leader verb organize, support, •seek, •claim, •oppose, •argue, •protest, arrest, •complain, urge ● campaigner, protester, objector, militant, advocate


n adj political, long, armed, civil, internal, constant, ongoing, daily, ideological, violent noun power, class•, year, liberation, •independence, freedom, •survival verb face, engage•, •survive, end, wage, lock•, reflect•, reveal•, intensify, resolve ● effort, exertion, labor, toil || fight, brawl, scrap, scuffle


n adj political, merican, cultural, urban, natural, vast, rural, beautiful, surrounding, changing noun painting, •architect, •painter, feature, •architecture, change, •designer, artist, element, desert verb paint, create, dot, dominate, transform, alter•, design, surround, reveal, define ● scenery, countryside, land, site || background, backdrop, circumstances, situation


n adj political, moral, public, different, natural, educational, personal, western, modern, judicial noun history, science, professor, education, life, religion, art, literature, theology, music verb teach, base, study•, share, develop, reflect, adopt•, embrace, argue, emphasize ● attitude, viewpoint, idea, thinking, way of life, values


n adj political, national, domestic, merican, social, hidden, economic, legislative, conservative noun research•, president, policy•, item, issue, reform, top•, epublican, meeting, security verb set•, push•, •include, pursue•, promote•, advance•, dominate, control, outline, establish ● program, schedule, plan, outline, memo, schema


n adj political, public, current, recent, considerable, major, whole, growing noun year, center•, lot•, subject•, source•, debate, matter•, quarterback•, storm•, kind• verb •surround, stir•, create•, cause•, generate, spark•, •erupt, •involve, •continue, •arise ● disagreement, argument, debate, storm, hullabaloo, dispute


n adj political, raqi, merican, fellow, federal, alestinian, female, rab, condemned, male noun •war, release, abuse, •dilemma, treatment•, prison, camp, woman, exchange verb take, hold, free, treat, kill, torture, execute, •escape, beat, visit• ● convict, inmate, jailbird, political prisoner || captive, hostage, kidnap victim


n adj political, ruling, military, economic, cultural, urban, intellectual, educated, popular, administrative noun group, •athlete, member•, power, •school, business•, •team, media, country, •unit verb join•, control, •seek, dominate, train, •maintain, belong•, compete, favor, educate ● best, cream, cream of the crop, elect, crème de la crème, chosen


n adj political, senior, military, financial, legal, retail, western, foreign, hinese, top noun industry•, news•, policy•, security, research, stock, company, intelligence• verb •believe, •predict, •estimate, •agree, •project, •forecast, •doubt, •cite, •blame, •attribute ● forecaster, predictor, political analyst, market analyst || psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, psychotherapist


n adj political, violent, public, social, peaceful, mass, popular, recent, nonviolent noun student•, •movement, street•, •march, government, form•, •vote, letter, week verb organize•, lead, stage•, join•, spark•, resign•, file•, plan, erupt, lodge• ● complaint, objection, gripe, remonstration || demonstration, march, rally, campaign


n adj popular, human, wild, creative, vivid, literary, active, historical, moral, collective noun stretch•, child, figment•, memory, power•, creativity, lack•, public, product•, reality verb capture•, use•, let•, •run, fire•, limit•, catch•, fill, encourage, •soar ● mind's eye, thoughts, imaginings, dreams || resourcefulness, ingenuity, creativity, powers of invention


n adj possible, simple, alternative, plausible, only, likely, scientific, detailed noun •finding, •difference, error•, •phenomenon, number, word, kind, •event, sense, description verb offer, give, provide•, require, suggest, accept•, demand•, •lie, •account, satisfy ● clarification, description, elucidation, account || reason, justification, rationalization, vindication


n adj potential, first-time, prospective, young, willing, foreign, private, would-be, likely, average noun home•, •seller, car•, market, •guide, product, agent, stock, ticket•, interest verb find, •pay, •beware, sell, attract•, represent•, •purchase, offer, lure•, •choose ● purchaser, consumer, shopper, bargain hunter, customer


n adj primary, medical, merican, primary-care, personal, responsible, individual, willing, reek, practicing noun patient, hospital, family•, nurse, emergency•, •assistant, team• verb treat, prescribe, consult•, refer, train, perform, practice, •recommend, examine, diagnose ● doctor, medical doctor, doctor of medicine, general practitioner, , surgeon


n adj primary, rear-view, full-length, secondary, oneway, two-way, tiny, side-view, outside noun rearview•, •image, face, reflection, bathroom•, wall, side, telescope, view•, glass verb reflect, hold, stare, check, hang, glance•, adjust, place, shatter, flash ● looking glass, glass, hand mirror, shaving mirror


n adj prime, foreign, interior, aptist, ordained, ethodist, resbyterian, uropean noun defense, deputy•, government, cabinet•, justice, information verb meet, become•, •announce, appoint, name, resign, •visit, •warn, •declare, elect• ● priest, rector, parson, reverend, clergyman, clergywoman


n adj prime, possible, potential, criminal, likely, chief, main, primary, ritish noun police, murder, terror•, bombing, •custody, list, crime, arrest, terrorism•, victim verb identify, become•, consider•, name•, shoot, track•, question, kill, •flee, •confess ● accused, defendant, respondent


n adj private, federal, principal, chief, criminal, senior, medical, independent, primary, ritish noun police•, evidence, department, government•, team•, report, information, research, lawyer, homicide• verb tell, •find, •believe, hire, lead, •determine, •conclude, •examine, •discover, send• ● detective, private detective, private eye, sleuth, gumshoe, dick


n adj private, public, industrial, financial, agricultural, economic, informal, commercial, social, various noun •economy, service•, manufacturing•, state, government, business, energy•, industry, job, growth verb employ, expand, •account, dominate, affect, encourage, divide•, operate, organize, •decline ● subdivision, segment, area, part || area, zone, quarter, region


n adj professional, academic, mental, adequate, educational, careful, psychological noun teacher, •time, •program, •minute, food•, education, college, course, personnel•, training verb make•, begin, require, receive, involve, complete, improve, assist•, emphasize, entail ● groundwork, training, grounding, homework || planning, provision, arrangement, formulation


n adj professional, amateur, famous, official, freelance, underwater, chief noun reporter•, •picture, writer, press•, news•, nature•, fashion•, staff• verb •shoot, •capture, •snap, photograph, •cover, pose, •document, hire, •record, feature ● professional photographer, press photographer, paparazzo, amateur photographer, photojournalist, shutterbug


n adj professional, avid, experienced, native, fellow, lonely, veteran, ethical noun deer, bounty•, turkey•, treasure•, duck•, season, crocodile• verb shoot, hunt, allow, bargain•, •pursue, discover, •stalk, •prefer, attract•, spot ● seeker, pursuer, searcher, chaser || predator, stalker, tracker, pursuer


n adj professional, educational, free, special, hands-on, various, two-day, three-day, one-day, numerous noun teacher, participant, conference, training, summer•, writer•, course, writing•, lecture, center verb attend•, hold, conduct•, offer, teach, lead, provide, participate•, •focus, develop ● clinic, seminar, practicum || shop, plant, factory || studio, workspace, workroom


n adj professional, great, local, classical, black, popular, fellow, famous, talented, fine noun jazz•, music, artist, rock•, group, street•, blue•, teacher, performance, union verb •play, become, perform, train, feature•, record, listen, hire, invite, •gather ● performer, instrumentalist, player, conductor, artiste, singer


n adj professional, high, important, mental, genetic, certified, effective, academic, ethical, financial noun school•, teacher, guidance•, role, educator, college•, marriage•, parent, study, rehabilitation• verb help, talk, meet, suggest, train, serve, recommend, indicate, focus, address ● therapist, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, analyst, social worker, guidance counselor


n adj professional, junior, international, pro, indoor, lympic, competitive noun •court, •player, •shoe, •ball, golf, •club, table•, •racket, •tournament, game verb play•, wear•, enjoy, throw, squeeze•, quit•, retire•


n adj proper, prepaid, elaborate, mock, mass, double, decent noun •service, •home, •director, •procession, father, mother, •parlor, •arrangement verb attend•, hold, plan, announce, arrange, prepare•, conduct, preach•, handle, honor ● service, memorial, interment, burial, cremation, rites


n adj protective, warm, used, expensive, casual, outdoor, civilian noun food•, •store, woman, line, man•, shelter, piece•, article•, item, designer verb wear, dress•, buy•, sell, remove•, cover, own, hang, tear, sew ● clothes, garments, fashion, dress, wear, outfit


n adj proud, stay-at-home, divorced, biological, suburban, loving, drunk, full-time, devoted noun mom•, mother, thing, way, house, brother, deadbeat•, mum• verb love, •die, yell, shout, divorce, borrow, inherit, •remarry, adore, •molest ● father, pop, papa, pa, daddy


n adj public, congressional, preliminary, fair, sensorineural, conductive, normal, closed, televised, extensive noun •loss, committee•, enate, •aid, confirmation•, court, •room verb hold•, schedule, testify•, conduct, attend•, •determine, plan•, request•, demand, •last ● earshot, range, hearing distance, reach || trial, inquiry, investigation, examination


n adj public, digital, visual, full, spectacular, permanent, impressive, prominent, dazzling noun •case, museum, screen, window, art, video•, color, computer, object, glass verb put•, •show, feature, arrange, view, mount, accompany, witness•, flash, admire• ● show, exhibition, presentation, demonstration, parade, spectacle


n adj public, early, literary, major, contemporary, recent, later, original, complete, frican noun •art, artist, collection, exhibition, project, author, •literature, •fiction, writer, painting verb include, create, produce, publish, perform, feature•, display, exhibit, acquire, commission ● mechanism, workings, machinery, moving parts || everything, the whole thing, the lot, all of it


n adj public, environmental, great, growing, phonological, increased, heightened, global, cultural, social noun level, student, program, •issue, knowledge, need, education, lack•, •campaign, skill verb raise•, increase•, develop•, create•, heighten•, promote•, bring, focus, foster•, contribute ● consciousness, mindfulness, cognizance, alertness || knowledge, understanding, grasp, appreciation


n adj public, mass, large, peaceful, massive, hands-on, live, recent, clear, civil noun •project, student, street, •program, protest, research, week, •site, technology, police verb organize, hold, provide, include, stage•, lead, participate•, follow, break, conduct ● presentation, display, illustration || protest, demo, protest march || proof, evidence, validation


n adj public, national, mutual, charitable, fiduciary, blind, living, sacred noun •fund, land, investment•, security•, estate•, bank, resolution•, •doctrine, level•, relationship verb build•, put•, establish, hold, place, gain•, earn•, betray•, win• ● faith, belief, hope || custody, care, protection || consortium, cartel, syndicate


n adj public, silent, little, daily, religious, common, quick, brief, unanswered, answered noun school, book, •service, time, morning•, group, •meeting, meditation, night verb answer, offer, lead•, recite•, pray, kneel•, attend•, repeat, heal, invoke ● entreaty, appeal, plea, request || invocation, meditation, contemplation, devotions


n adj rapid, sharp, dramatic, sea-level, meteoric, recent, steady noun •fall, price, •power, level, percent, rate, temperature, sea, crime verb give•, let•, cause, contribute•, explain•, witness•, experience• ● increase, growth, upsurge || growth, spread, development || hill, slope, acclivity || climb, ascent, elevation


n adj rear, front, big, asleep, hot, spinning, squeaky, huge, back, tubeless noun steering•, hand, car, •fortune, wagon•, spoke, bicycle, drive, rim, training• verb turn, spin, sit•, grip•, reinvent•, steer, roll, climb•, grab•, lock ● controls, helm, steering wheel


n adj reverse, nuclear, electronic, international, peaceful, financial, illicit, direct, massive, orderly noun technology, heat•, student, •power, •rate, information, •station, knowledge verb allow, •occur, involve, facilitate•, receive, promote•, request•, approve• ● transmission, handover, assignment, allocation || relocation, removal, move, resettlement


n adj rich, poor, huge, widening, wide, growing, audio, cultural, unbridgeable noun gender•, achievement•, knowledge, generation•, income•, wage•, store, budget•, bridge•, trade• verb fill•, close•, help•, widen, narrow, •exist, reduce•, address•, remain, •separate ● hole, opening, break || space, pause, lull || disparity, difference, divergence || chasm, gorge, ravine


n adj rich, sweet, strong, fresh, mild, intense, full, nutty, subtle, smoky noun texture, color, food, dish, fruit, aroma, tomato, ice, chocolate, chicken verb add, blend, bring•, enhance, develop, retain•, taste, impart•, enjoy•, •meld ● taste, savor, zest || additive, seasoning, extract || hint, sense, feeling


n adj right, left, white, military, conservative, liberal, broken, blue, huge, tiny noun west•, bird, air, chicken•, angel•, butterfly•, •chair, tip, east•, leg verb flap, spread, wait•, fly, beat, fold, flutter, stretch, extend, sprout ● annex, extension, arm, section || arm, subdivision, department, branch


n adj rigid, normal, spatial, equitable, unequal, equal, geographic, mass noun •transmission, •deadline, •system, income, power, •center, production•, food, table•, resource verb control•, determine•, affect, compare, reflect, assume•, influence•, examine•, result, gain• ● sharing, allocation, giving out || delivery, supply, circulation || spreading, dispersal, dissemination


n adj rival, criminal, violent, whole, armed, ussian, fellow, hard-core noun •member, capital•, drug, street•, •violence, youth, leader, •activity verb join•, shoot, deal, attack, hang, form, •rape, control, organize, operate ● mob, band, ring, clique || team, squad, crew, group


n adj rolling, armed, strong, uwaiti, cultural, raqi, passive, slamic noun disease, •movement, •training, drug, antibiotic, insulin•, form•, force, gene, path• verb meet•, develop, encounter•, offer•, overcome•, increase, face•, cause, test, measure ● confrontation, fight, battle, fighting || opposition, defiance, challenge, endurance


n adj rolling, steep, green, pleasant, southern, nearby, surrounding, eastern, auburn, gentle noun chapel•, •country, road, top•, town, forest, oak•, crest•, tree, mountain verb climb•, walk, •overlook, roll, head•, rise, surround, ride, dot, perch• ● knoll, peak, mount, mountain || gradient, slope, incline, rise


n adj romantic, famous, greatest, female, favorite, fellow, prize-winning, lyric, hinese noun •laureate, writer, woman, novelist, artist, critic, poem, author, playwright, •essayist verb write, read, name, describe, publish, •sing, quote, inspire, praise, feature ● bard, writer, lyricist, rhymester, versifier, composer


n adj royal, beautiful, traditional, perfect, golden, upcoming, double, gay, indoor, same-sex noun day, •ring, •dress, •party, •anniversary, •cake, night, •reception, •band verb plan, attend•, celebrate•, perform•, invite•, dance, postpone, cry, feature ● marriage, nuptials, wedding ceremony, marriage ceremony


n adj saturated, high, total, low, bad, elevated, normal, dietary noun •sodium, milligram, fat•, •level, blood, carbohydrate, fiber•, pressure, gram•, protein• verb lower•, reduce, raise•, improve, •drop, decrease, control•, elevate, boost ● fat, saturated fat, saturated fatty acid, fatty acid, lipid, dietary fat


n adj scientific, recent, startling, significant, surprising, medical, remarkable, greatest, accidental, initial noun •channel, process, shuttle•, space, science, drug•, oil, voyage•, research, planet verb make, lead, announce•, report•, share, await•, confirm, prompt, revolutionize, spark ● find, innovation, breakthrough, invention || detection, finding, unearthing, sighting


n adj serial, southern, busy, parallel, main, foreign, various, rish, editerranean, eastern noun •authority, •city, ship, •side, •call, •facility, town, sea•, security, home• verb leave•, arrive•, open, connect, reach•, close, sail•, enter•, return•, •handle ● harbor, docks, haven, seaport, anchorage


n adj sexual, aggravated, physical, deadly, frontal, amphibious, military, final noun •weapon, •rifle, charge, ban, robbery, rape, victim, air•, •battery, murder verb launch•, report, lead•, convict•, aggravate•, •occur ● attack, beating, stabbing, mugging || offensive, attack, onslaught, incursion


n adj sexual, male, romantic, pure, erotic, ultimate, female, secret, paranoid noun world, reality, life, man, child, fiction, science, play, •novel, •land verb live•, indulge•, act, fulfill•, share, •involve, feed•, engage, inspire, •harm ● dream, daydream, image, hope || imagination, unreality, caprice, whim


n adj sharp, loud, tiny, deep, narrow, slight, sickening, resounding noun •cocaine, door, •house, wall, •dawn, •addict, •dealer, •baby, window, rock verb open, fall•, hear•, slip•, sell•, smoke•, •appear, fill, cause, •form ● blow, bang, crash || fissure, flaw, break || gibe, quip, dig || weakness, flaw, fault


n adj sharp, stark, marked, striking, direct, dramatic, interesting, visual noun color, study, group, image, effect, finding, comparison, brightness, shadow verb stand•, provide•, draw, present, strike, enhance, adjust•, sharpen•, heighten•, •denote ● difference, dissimilarity, distinction, disparity, divergence, gap


n adj short, merican, historical, contemporary, literary, popular, narrative noun science•, fact, writer, pulp•, book, work•, section•, poetry, story, •nonfiction verb write, read•, •appear, publish, separate•, maintain•, distinguish•, sound•, explore, portray ● creative writing, literature, works of fiction || work of fiction, novel, fantasy || invention, fantasy, imagination || falsehood, fabrication, lie


n adj significant, important, political, major, unique, valuable, positive, corporate, relative, greatest noun campaign•, study, •field, limit, money, woman, •development, employer, employee, •understanding verb make, receive, recognize•, include, acknowledge•, accept•, reduce, increase, influence, •total ● influence, input, role, involvement || donation, gift, giving, payment


n adj similar, hot, important, specific, major, particular, main, controversial, favorite, sensitive noun •concept, document•, discussion, research, interest, •conversation, variety•, range•, book, article verb find•, discuss, cover, include, address, relate, choose, focus•, explore ● subject, theme, matter, issue, subject matter, focus


n adj similar, timely, typical, orderly, dramatic, linear, talian noun •show, •designer, •magazine, •editor, •model, •statement, •industry verb wear, dress, behave•, respond•, proceed•, feature, influence, dictate, unfold•, sacrifice• ● style, way, manner, mode || trend, craze, fad, vogue


n adj similar, ultimate, cruel, terrible, tragic, uncertain, common, eventual noun hand, twist•, destiny, luck, quirk•, turn•, fortune verb decide•, suffer•, determine•, seal, meet•, avoid•, await, accept•, share•, escape• ● destiny, fortune, chance, providence || outcome, upshot, consequence, result


n adj single, different, bold, short, massive, minor, mild, slow, thick, powerful noun attack, brush•, risk, disease, •luck, patient, •pen, color, pedal• verb suffer•, die•, cause, prevent•, finish•, reduce, recover•, apply, paralyze, •render ● rub, caress, fondle, pat || hit, blow, knock, rap


n adj single, digital, personal, audio, secret, hard, open, electronic, available, thick noun computer, •folder, •cabinet, data, rank•, case, name, system, image•, program verb keep, contain, read, download, send, save, create, store, review•, remove ● folder, dossier, sleeve || report, dossier, profile || line, row, column


n adj slow, circular, constant, forward, smooth, perpetual, major, orbital noun •picture, range•, hand, •sickness, •control, •art, summary, fluid•, •science, •sensor verb set•, file, •dismiss, deny, grant•, detect, measure•, introduce, •proceed, induce ● gesture, wave, signal || movement, action, activity || proposal, suggestion, proposition


n adj slower, rapid, fast, steady, faster, brisk, leisurely, moderate, easy, comfortable noun change, •life, •reform, •growth, snail•, •inflation, •development, minute, record verb keep•, slow, pick, set•, quicken, accelerate, increase, maintain•, match, rise ● speed, rapidity, swiftness || rate, speed, tempo || step, stride, leap


n adj small, alleged, terrorist, involved, experimental, main, basic, individual, communist, crucial noun •land, •line, character, family•, garden•, terror•, •twist, assassination• verb •involve, •blow, •thicken, uncover, foil, hatch, plant, tend, disrupt, •unfold ● conspiracy, plan, scheme || story, story line, action || area, section, parcel


n adj small, chemical, abandoned, nearby, ussian, erman, rubber, pharmaceutical, converted, blacking noun •worker, job, •floor, farm, company, •owner, garment•, chocolate• verb work, build, •produce, close, run, open, own, visit•, shut, operate ● sweatshop, shop, workshop, place of work, works, plant


n adj small, global, oviet, commercial, digital, military, alilean, live, artificial, astronomical noun •dish, system, •radio, communication, , cable, •image, •phone, television verb use, launch, orbit, build, beam, detect, track, join•, broadcast, transmit ● dependency, protectorate, colony, subject population || satellite television, satellite , satellite broadcasting, digital television


n adj small, left, boneless, large, skinless, full, right, developing, bare, firm noun •cancer, chicken•, woman, risk, •implant, •milk, •pocket verb diagnose•, die•, touch•, remove, develop•, cover, prevent•, press, place, reveal


n adj small, poor, organic, white, rural, agricultural, commercial, individual, wealthy, rench noun •market, land, family, dairy•, water, worker, food, peasant•, price, rice• verb •grow, help•, sell, •plant, buy, own, protect, force, •harvest, encourage ● agriculturalist, grower, rancher, tenant farmer, sharecropper, dairy farmer


n adj small, tiny, relative, mere, double, select, scant noun •people, •company, •state, •woman, •case, •country, •player, •other, •seed verb grab•, throw•, pick•, pull•, scoop•, toss•, eat• ● some, a few, one or two, not many || test, trial, problem, nuisance


n adj social, direct, multiple, mean, statistical, international, difficult, interesting, planned, constant noun group, table•, student, data, test, figure, purpose, basis•, price, method verb allow•, draw•, pale•, base, •reveal, •indicate, conduct, invite•, facilitate•, perform ● contrast, judgment, assessment, evaluation || association, link, relationship, similarity


n adj social, extreme, rural, poor, economic, urban, federal, abject, absolute, grinding noun •line, •level, child, •rate, war•, family, problem, percent, crime, reduction verb live•, reduce•, fight•, escape•, rise, alleviate•, •increase, grow, born•, experience ● lack, deficiency, scarcity, shortage || neediness, destitution, hardship, distress


n adj social, public, federal, general, economic, corporate, human noun •reform, child, state, •system, •recipient, •program, health•, •benefit, mother verb cut, end•, receive, reduce, promote•, sign, increase, force, depend, contribute• ● well-being, interests, happiness, good || benefits, aid, assistance, dole


n adj soft, connective, human, fetal, normal, surrounding, healthy, fibrous, various noun cell, •paper, muscle, scar•, brain•, bone, sample, damage, breast• verb remove, cause, grow, wrap•, form, surround, produce, destroy•, reduce, hand• ● paper handkerchief, handkerchief, hankie || soft tissue, fleshy tissue, flesh || web, net, network


n adj soft, light, neutral, emotional, serious, rich, moral, harsh, muted, deep noun •voice, skin•, color, muscle•, dial•, earth•, flesh•, •quality verb set•, speak•, change, sound, adopt•, strike, listen•, soften, match, sing ● quality, manner, character || sound, pitch, quality || character, atmosphere, feel || shade, color, hue


n adj solar, advisory, three-judge, intergovernmental, front, top, independent, bottom, legal, flat noun control•, expert, member, •discussion, side•, instrument•, report, •change, •climate verb open, •recommend, review, install, appoint, join, convene, assemble, •conclude, select ● board, piece, pane, sheet || team, group, board, jury


n adj sore, dry, parched, tight, scratchy, burning, bare noun back•, hand, nose•, lump•, mouth, heart•, knife•, ear, •cancer, finger• verb clear•, cut, slit, catch•, grab•, rise•, stick•, close, burn, •tighten


n adj sorry, correct, dear, due, unidentified, welcome, gracious, merry noun sir, morning, pleasure, ma'am, luck, pardon•, •r, •clerk, is, •t verb thank, excuse•, •reply, appreciate, welcome•, beg, forgive•, pardon•, bless, •salute


n adj sour, whipped, heavy, light, cold, shaving, whipping noun ice•, cup, •cheese, vanilla, butter, chocolate, sugar, tablespoon, sauce, milk verb whip•, add, serve, eat•, beat, stir, shave•, •soften, fill, melt ● ointment, salve, balm, unguent || best, elite, finest, pick of the bunch


n adj southern, central, northern, editerranean, aribbean, upper, opposite, marine noun west•, east•, •guard, ulf•, north, south, •, island, mile, ivory• verb travel•, sail•, strike•, hug•, land, cruise•, rebuild•, patrol• ● shore, shoreline, coastline, beach, seashore, seaside


n adj spare, single-family, empty, extra, front, closed, darkened, square, two-story, rear noun •door, •night, master•, •window, room, house, floor, wall, bathroom, kitchen verb walk, open, close, enter, sleep, share, hang, disappear•, paint, burst• ● boudoir, chamber, sleeping quarters, dormitory, dorm, bedchamber


n adj special, effective, instructional, vaginal, overnight, premature, immediate noun service, •system, care, •truck, health, •room, model, •man verb improve•, ensure•, speed•, facilitate•, affect, arrange•, order, resume ● manner of speaking, approach, manner || distribution, transfer, transport || release, liberation, rescue


n adj special, federal, chief, criminal, independent, assistant, top, tough, guilty, veteran noun case, county•, police, •office, defense, attorney, trial, lawyer, jury, department verb say, •charge, •argue, •seek, appoint, •investigate, •decide, •file, accuse, cooperate• ● prosecuting attorney, , district attorney, public prosecutor


n adj special, new, late, limited, revised, final, weekly noun weekend•, morning•, •news, week•, book, focus•, paperback•, print, anniversary•, teacher• verb publish, listen•, welcome•, produce•, •contain, issue, illustrate, •feature, launch, •omit ● version, publication, copy, issue, impression, printing


n adj special, personal, administrative, digital, editorial, medical, top, dental, legislative noun research•, deputy•, •secretary, •president, teaching•, graduate•, executive•, physician• verb serve•, hire•, employ, train, •handle, assign, •administer, •hand, appoint•, instruct ● helper, supporter, aide, .., subordinate, junior


n adj spiral, distant, elliptical, nearby, small, bright, active, entire, individual, brightest noun star, cluster, center, distance, formation, dwarf•, group, disk, arm, core verb form, •appear, •lie, contain, observe, study, discover, collide, photograph, exist ● congregation, assembly, gathering, cluster, collection, meeting


n adj square, cultural, historical, ginger, religious, ancient, atin, shallow, common, southern noun •cause, tree, grass•, •problem, •beer, •system, •vegetable, •cellar verb take•, grow, trace•, return•, lie, dig, address•, form, sink•, spread ● origin, cause, source, basis || stem, rhizome, tuber, radicle


n adj standard, human, serious, medical, fatal, fundamental, typographical, significant, grave, periodic noun margin•, trial•, type•, •rate, measurement, source•, •correction, •explanation, room•, pilot• verb make, contain•, correct, commit•, •occur, cause, reduce•, avoid•, result, report ● mistake, fault, blunder, boo-boo, inaccuracy, miscalculation


n adj steep, narrow, easy, scenic, historic, rough, main, cross-country, groomed, marked noun campaign•, mile, paper•, mountain, road, •blazer, map, blood, nature•, base• verb follow, leave•, hike•, •lead, walk•, blaze•, hit•, pick, cross, •wind ● path, track, way, road || track, footprints, footsteps, paw marks


n adj strategic, financial, urban, central, careful, regional, economic, local, involved noun family•, •process, program, •commission, development, city•, •stage, service, management, •effort verb require, involve, focus, engage•, participate•, relate, promote, assist, guide ● preparation, setting up, development, arrangement, scheduling, forecasting


n adj strong, multiple, individual, human, split, certain, antisocial, similar noun •disorder, •trait, type, •characteristic, factor, radio•, character, style, change, aspect• verb develop, reflect, fit, relate, reveal, •emerge, express, affect, alter•, tend ● character, traits, nature, behavior || celebrity, star, public figure, somebody


n adj strong, public, leading, human, civil, effective, patient, outspoken, free, poor noun right, consumer•, child, health, devil•, policy, privacy•, victim, community verb become•, •argue, •point, •claim, serve•, act•, •fear, •worry, •contend, •warn ● supporter, backer, promoter, believer, activist, campaigner


n adj strong, staunch, political, ardent, longtime, early, democratic, enthusiastic, loyal, major noun president, right, party, friend•, group, abortion, candidate, ongress, leader, action verb •argue, •hope, •claim, rally, •gather, •vote, urge, •point, greet•, encourage ● follower, fan, enthusiast, devotee, ally, backer


n adj super, large, small, medium, pro, orange, shallow noun mixing•, water, sugar•, soup, game, egg, ingredient, serving•, •mixer, salt verb •combine, •add, •stir, place, set, •whisk, pour, transfer•, fill, eat• ● ball, boule || container, vessel || hollow, depression || ball, boule || container, vessel || hollow, depression


n adj surgical, wooden, rubber, facial, female, ceremonial, hydrating, diving noun gas•, oxygen•, ski•, man•, glove, eye, helmet, death•, type, figure verb wear•, put•, pull•, cover, remove•, hide, apply, carry, face•, •represent ● cover, disguise, guise, façade, front, veneer


n adj suspected, international, foreign, potential, nuclear, known, alleged, religious, wanted, domestic noun attack, country, group, weapon, war, hand, target, criminal, terrorism, drug verb kill, fight•, •strike, stop•, capture, negotiate•, deal•, support, •operate, defeat ● guerrilla, radical, extremist, fanatic, bomber, kidnapper


n adj sweet, fresh, rench, fat, warm, crusty, slow, whole-grain, tight, forward noun rock•, •call, paper, welfare•, •film, honor•, egg•, jelly•, spring• verb cut, shoot•, reduce•, bake, grab•, slice, tear•, arrange ● reel, cylinder, spool, tube


n adj sweet, mashed, baked, small, large, hot, red, fried, white, boiled noun •chip, •salad, couch•, pound•, meat•, mixture, water, •pie, bag•, gravy verb peel, add, cook, serve, eat•, mash, bake, grow, taste, stuff ● vegetable, tuber, root vegetable, new potato, seed potato, sweet potato


n adj sweet, sorry, fricanized, fresh, warm, wild, golden, uropean, pure noun •bee, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, milk•, sugar, vinegar, butter, oil, juice verb love, add, mix, combine•, stir, taste, pour, sweeten•, drink, melt ● darling, dear, dearest, sweetheart || caramel, mustard, fawn, yellow


n adj sweet, strong, bad, fresh, burning, faint, sour, sharp, musty, thick noun sense•, air, taste, sound, smoke, sight•, •sweat, •blood, •coffee, •oil verb fill, like•, •waft, love•, remember•, breathe•, •rise, •hang, notice•, burn ● odor, aroma, scent, perfume || odor, aroma, scent, perfume


n adj symbolic, grand, obscene, dramatic, simple, sweeping, nice, empty, humanitarian, final noun hand, word, arm, expression, head, kind•, goodwill, face, movement, body verb make•, appreciate•, return, •indicate, repeat, interpret, communicate, nod, •invite, •convey ● sign, signal, gesticulation || act, action, deed || sign, signal, gesticulation || act, action, deed


n adj talk-show, whole, conservative, syndicated, annual, popular, gracious, potential, consecrated, live noun show•, talk•, radio•, •country, guest, •plant, city, •family verb play•, feed, infect•, solve•, offend•, interact, •greet, consume, spawn• ● crowd, swarm, congregation, mass || entertainer, master of ceremonies, emcee,


n adj tall, cooling, residential, round, wooden, empty, midsize noun office•, water•, trade, world, ivory•, bell•, control•, building, top•, clock• verb build, stand, climb•, •collapse, rise, hit, fall, crash•, fly, •loom ● barbican, keep, stronghold || pylon, mast, post || steeple, spire, turret || turret, battlement, steeple


n adj technological, sexual, medical, recent, scientific, major, important, significant, late, rapid noun •technology, day, month•, year•, week•, •directive, ticket, •science, •notice, hour• verb make, pay•, plan•, prepare•, represent•, receive•, agree•, reject•, enable, mark• ● development, improvement, spread, progress || loan, early payment, fee, money up front


n adj terrible, great, personal, human, real, national, horrible noun family, death, comedy, triumph, kind•, history, week, victim•, sense•, loss verb •happen, •strike, •occur, prevent•, end•, •unfold, cause, suffer, deal•, •befall ● disaster, calamity, catastrophe, misfortune, heartbreak


n adj thin, single, outer, thick, multiple, extra, protective noun ozone•, cake, skin, •paint, surface, top, boundary•, paper, ice, soil verb add•, cover, apply•, build•, place, spread, peel•, form, create, remove• ● coating, coat, sheet, film || stratum, level, tier, seam


n adj tiny, tiled, closed, adjoining, steamy, communal, locked noun •door, kitchen, •mirror, floor, room, bedroom, •night, •sink, •window, shower verb go•, use•, walk•, run•, open, lock, clean, close, head•, emerge•


n adj top, military, cold, wooden, senior, key, listening, administrative, prime, diplomatic noun •office, command•, fence•, trading•, •box, cabinet•, post, observation•, goal•, guard verb hold, resign•, fill, assume•, lean•, appoint•, abandon•, tie•, quit•, occupy ● pole, column, stake, upright || position, placement, job, station


n adj top, senior, congressional, presidential, chief, close, military, longtime, legislative noun house•, president, teacher•, nurse•, home•, campaign•, health• verb say, •describe, hire, •insist, •acknowledge, •concede, recall, •admit, assign, quote ● assistant, adviser, helper, supporter, aide-de-camp, personal assistant


n adj top, tiny, toasted, whole, dried, green, dry, future, native, hybrid noun teaspoon, sesame•, mustard•, •company, •money, pumpkin•, sunflower•, poppy•, cup verb plant, sow, grow, remove, produce, contain, •germinate, add, sell, sprinkle• ● kernel, stone, pit, germ || source, beginning, start, starting point


n adj total, complete, cold, utter, cool, outer, growing, near noun light, night, eye, cover•, hour, shadow, silence, window, prince•, •fall verb disappear•, stare•, plunge•, wait, emerge•, •close, lay, descend, peer•, surround ● dark, night, dusk, gloom, dimness, shadows


n adj total, complete, perfect, mysterious, handsome, tall, intimate, familiar, gentle, passing noun friend, kindness•, eye, street, face, group, •town, sex, •controversy, •train verb talk•, meet, stare, approach, share, welcome, trust•, sleep, introduce, touch ● foreigner, alien, outsider, visitor, guest, new arrival


n adj tropical, perfect, severe, powerful, violent, electrical, coming, approaching noun desert•, operation•, •surge, •cloud, dust•, wind, winter•, water, ice•, •drain verb •hit, weather•, •move, •blow, •pass, ride•, •rage, •sweep, survive•, track ● tempest, squall, hurricane, gale || outburst, outbreak, explosion, eruption


n adj unsalted, melted, brown, softened, cold, sweet, clarified noun tablespoon•, peanut•, cup, sugar, •margarine, bread•, cream, stick•, oil, salt verb melt, add, cut, •soften, beat•, stir, combine•, brush•


n adj unsolicited, internal, commercial, daily, angry, incoming, web-based, unwanted noun •address, •message, phone, call, letter, question, site, •account verb send•, receive•, write, read•, use, check•, answer•, reach•, delete, download ● electronic mail, communication, correspondence, electronic message


n adj upper, legal, low, outer, human, certain, federal, physical, current, maximum noun time•, speed•, city•, size, sky•, •power, age•, bag•, •growth verb set, push•, reach•, impose, exceed•, put•, test•, place, stretch•, determine ● boundary, border, edge, perimeter || maximum value, maximum, threshold, constraint


n adj upper, low, top, main, wooden, rear, front, continuous noun •card, flight•, •chair, ship, tape•, boat, observation•, back•, pool, sun verb stand•, sit•, stack, hit•, build, clear•, •overlook, fall, shuffle•, step• ● level, floor, surface, area, sun deck, car deck


n adj upper, political, low, thin, thick, artian, relaxed, warm, outer, friendly noun earth•, star, carbon, dioxide•, gas•, planet, family, kind•, ocean, surface verb create•, enter•, release•, charge, foster, absorb, •surround, contribute, form, study• ● air, sky, heaven, ether || ambiance, impression, feeling, feel


n adj urban, social, different, natural, educational, rural, clinical, physical, academic, public noun school•, •sun, classroom•, goal•, student, education•, community•, group, teacher verb provide, place•, occur, adjust, apply•, enhance, employ, function•, prefer, emphasize ● location, surroundings, scenery, situation, background, locale


n adj uropean, fluent, azi, ewish, ordinary, average, decent, flawless, bearded, awkward noun rench, east•, talian, apanese, nglish, ew verb speak•, translate•, fight, capture, force, attack, •remain, •invade, arrive, publish•


n adj utch, preheated, hot, electric, conventional, wood-burning, double, wood-fired, outdoor, clean noun •degree, heat, minute, microwave•, pan•, •temperature, rack, •door, convection•, toaster• verb preheat•, bake, remove•, place, cook, turn, roast, reduce, return•, warm ● kiln, range, rotisserie, tandoor, cooker


n adj valuable, great, additional, unique, special, deeper, spiritual, better, sudden, cultural noun •nature, student, experience, information, perspective, knowledge, understanding, offer•, character, kind verb provide•, give•, gain•, share•, might, yield•, lead, appreciate, develop, achieve ● vision, understanding, awareness, intuition, perception, acumen


n adj white, front, clenched, sharp, sweet, yellow, bad, perfect, missing, gritted noun lip, mouth, gold•, hair, smile, •nail, face, •fairy, skin, baby• verb brush•, grit•, show, bare, clench, grind•, •chatter, sink•, flash, stick ● projection, tine, cog, prong, indentation


n adj white, heavy, deep, fresh, cold, soft, wet, light, falling, packed noun ice, foot, rain, winter, wind, inch•, mountain, •ground, •pea, storm verb •fall, melt, cover, blow, watch, pile, drift, swirl, fill, lie ● snowflake, sleet, slush, hail, ice, snowfall


n adj white, wet, fine, hot, dry, soft, coarse noun •dune, beach, water, grain, line•, gravel, head•, foot, rock, desert verb fill, blow, bury•, cover, build, throw, kick, stretch, shift, spread ● shingle, grit, gravel, powder || beach, strand, shore, desert


n adj white-tailed, red, wild, dead, fallow, antlerless, lame noun mule•, hunter, hunting, elk, •season, •population, herd, bear, buck, antelope verb hunt, shoot, kill, feed, eat, hit, •graze, spook•, hide, spot•


n adj whole, entire, average, honorary, limited, virtual, brief noun •achievement, •award, •partner, experience, •use, number, •employment, activity, opportunity, course• verb last•, spend•, receive•, face•, honor, earn, achieve ● life, time, life span, natural life || era, generation, time, period


n adj whole, final, recent, entire, early, psychotic, major, single, particular noun star•, show, season, series, , week, depressive•, pilot•, •violence, treatment• verb watch•, •occur, shoot, end, direct•, feature, experience•, air, describe, illustrate ● incident, affair, chapter || installment, chapter, part || occurrence, incidence, attack


n adj whole, very, traditional, preconceived, popular, romantic, western, vague, individual noun •woman, •art, community, •identity, culture, •truth, •freedom, •reality, •democracy, •self verb support•, reject•, base•, challenge•, accept•, reinforce•, dismiss•, dispel•, embrace•, scoff• ● idea, view, concept, belief || impulse, urge, whim, instinct


n adj whole, wild, fresh, diverse, rowdy, lively, friendly noun •people, •guy, •kid, •thing, •stuff, •grape, •flower, •money verb buy•, hang, throw, gather, sound•, score•, hand•, hire• ● group, set, lot || gang, gathering, team || bouquet, posy, spray


n adj wide, neural, wider, broad, commercial, huge, estimated, dense noun safety•, fishing•, fish, mosquito•, butterfly•, ball•, pound•, income, sport•, cargo• verb cast•, catch, surf•, set, pull, fall, drag, throw, drop, connect ● mesh, web, netting, lattice, grid, network


n adj wooden, locked, entire, upper, antique, dark, presidential, inner, diverse noun member, •minister, kitchen•, medicine•, file•, president, •secretary, •door verb open, •meet, build, appoint•, approve, form, name, install, lock, contain


n adj wooden, single, cold, internal, main, lanky, slight noun time•, •reference, •mind, door•, window•, picture•, aluminum, •house verb build, enter•, fill•, freeze•, hang, fit, lean•, exit•, feature, extend ● structure, framework, scaffold || edge, surround, border || build, physique, skeleton


n adj young, newborn, human, maternal, premature, tiny, visual, blind, sighted, normal noun •mortality, child, rate, •death, mother, •son, •daughter, •formula verb •born, die, hold•, feed, carry, •sleep, care•, adopt•, cry, nurse ● baby, child, newborn, babe in arms || baby, child, newborn, babe in arms


p we, our, find•, other, ask•, must•, protect•, defend•, allow•, remind•, each, commit•, kid•, prepare•


r as, •night, too•, •last, •year, •afternoon, stay•, day, until•, work•, in•, arrive•, •week ● recently, lately, until recently || behind schedule, behind time, belatedly || at the last minute, too late, in the nick of time || at night, in the small hours, in the dead of night


r at•, •think, seem, appear, slowly, •blush, •light, sound, •refuse, notice, skeptical, reluctant, resist, •deny ● firstly, initially, in the beginning, at the outset, to begin with, to start with


r back•, so•, set•, put•, bring•, move•, rock•, •across, hold•, pace•, swing•, walk• ● onward, forward, ahead || out, into view, into the open, into the world


r behavior, variable•, skill, factor, score, physical, •vs, academic, category, outcome, item, task, participant, status


r can•, how•, •even, quite•, everything•, •imagine, except•, •due, •dangerous, thousand, hundred, soon, •illegal, •greatest ● perhaps, maybe, perchance, probably, conceivably, feasibly


r can•, •any, •ever, seem, •at, •anyone, •notice, •believe, •all, •surprising, •anything, •wait, •matter, though• ● barely, only just, scarcely, by a hair's breadth, by the skin of your teeth, by a whisker


r can•, •enough, year, •hear, •visible, •able, •speak, •move, •notice, •audible, •touch, •above, word, •breathe ● hardly, scarcely, only just, just about


r computer•, equipment•, box•, rhythm•, sex•, ,


r do, not•, want, talk•, anything•, care•, around•, nothing•, nobody•, matter•, exist•, hardly•, worry•, bother•


r fall•, tear•, foot•, far•, set•, break•, inch•, pull•, rip•, year, keep•, about•, mile•, shoulder-width• ● separately, not together, at a distance, to one side, away from each other


r feel•, very•, agree, disagree, believe, more•, •support, •suggest, •influence, •oppose, most•, •against, •associate, •recommend ● powerfully, muscularly || robustly, stoutly || intensely, pungently || brightly, dazzlingly || convincingly, soundly || fervently, intensely || keenly, staunchly


r for•, , know•, •how, •hell, •hope, nobody•, •sound, •appreciate, •wish, •heck ● really, certainly, surely, definitely || of course, yes, certainly, by all means


r go, out•, •near, •else, come•, middle•, find, appear•, •sight, lead•, everywhere, •evident


r go•, can•, from, •else, •near, •world, never•, almost•, •without, anytime, anything, anyone•, •earth ● wherever, anyplace, where, somewhere, everyplace, everywhere


r have•, ever•, long•, •become, year, before, •return, •retire, •expand, •recover, •replace, •adopt, decade•, •remarry ● meanwhile, in the meantime, subsequently, later, since, then


r her, hand, down, pull, push, •until, touch, stir, toss, press, arm, shoulder, finger, head ● softly, lightly, quietly, smoothly || mildly, moderately, lightly, softly


r in•, general•, nobody•, nowhere•, emphasize, psychology, rab•, r, frican-american•, regard, autonomy, •single, atino, anthropologist


r in•, •particular, •tend, •specifically, general, culturally, given


r just•, guy, mean, really, •oh, kind, sort ● resembling, similar to, not unlike, close to, reminiscent of, bordering on


r least, at, although•, appear, •refuse, •focus, •oppose, •skeptical, •resist, •identify, •reluctant, •intend, •attract, design ● at first, originally, to begin with, firstly, at the start, primarily


r leave•, from•, far•, fall•, stay•, close•, child•, lag•, follow•, remain•, trail•, grab•, step•, •payment ● at the back, in the rear, after, following, last, at the rear


r make•, how•, life•, •enough, little•, job•, breathe•, cheap, faster, task•


r may, •lead, •decide, decision, •prove, •result, •responsible, •fail, •determine, •depend, consumer, •successful, •reject ● in the end, eventually, in due course, finally, at last, in the long run


r mean, quite•, •hundred, •thousand, •figuratively, almost, •million, hour, •apart, •dozen, metaphorically ● factually, accurately, exactly, plainly


r more•, design, ask, nited tates, study, •address, focus, target, mention, refer, develop, relate, deal, use ● exactly, precisely, in detail, explicitly || specially, purposely, particularly, exclusively


r more•, most•, use, less•, occur, stir•, •cite, mention, appear, •used ● often, regularly, normally, commonly, recurrently, habitually


r more•, use, work•, most•, deal, communicate, function•, manage, ability•, able•, teach, efficiently ● efficiently, successfully, well, effectually || in effect, in fact, actually, really


r more•, work•, look•, watch, very•, follow, •relate, •resemble, most•, monitor ● carefully, thoroughly, faithfully || intimately, personally, directly || densely, compactly, tightly


r more•, •into, breathe•, feel, •involved, •root, care•, •concerned, •religious, inhale•, •move, affect, love, •personal ● intensely, extremely, profoundly, severely, acutely, genuinely


r not•, do•, •mean, •bad, though•, •reflect, •involve, •imply, •better, •agree, nor•, •order, •represent, •translate ● of necessity, unavoidably, essentially, automatically, inevitably, certainly


r not•, rather•, than•, instead•, •matter, •reflect, beyond•, •nod, content•, •shrug, •means, object, •curious, •decorative ● just, only, simply, purely


r not•, •different, almost•, •new, something•, •possible, •clear, •sure, else•, depend•, focus•, base, matter, disappear ● completely, totally, wholly, utterly || exclusively, only, wholly, individually


r rely•, more•, invest•, weigh•, most•, breathe•, •armed, depend•, area, •influence, lean•, •involved ● deeply, seriously, profoundly || weightily, forcefully, roughly || slowly, clumsily, laboriously || sadly, resignedly, sorrowfully


r stir•, change, •until, heat, must•, cook•, minute, •remind, whisk•, •changing, monitor, •evolve ● continually, continuously, always, regularly, repetitively, frequently


r take•, me•, feel, •believe, like, professionally, •responsible, •involved, both•, experience, involve, affect, attack, myself ● for myself, in my opinion, for my part, in my view || in person, face to face, individually, myself


r than•, •report, mention, •unknown, describe, note, nited tates, discuss, •publish, identify, •serve, material ● before, beforehand, until that time, up to that time, formerly, earlier


r then, very•, only•, describe, let•, eye•, speak•, discuss, •consider, •before, mention, meet, pause•, explain ● fleetingly, for a short time, temporarily, momentarily || in a few words, in brief, concisely, succinctly


r there, look, •else, seem, almost•, blood•, fly•, sign•, everything, •except, note•, nowhere, scatter•, available• ● all over the place, all over, ubiquitously, far and wide, the world over, universally


r use, work•, function•, •understand, train, handle, fail•, manage, treat, prepare, fit, •design ● correctly, right, appropriately, as it should be, by the book, suitably


r will, must, as•, slowly•, almost•, •deserve, •aware, •worth, •ought, •coincidence, •jest, •goodness, swiftly, •mercy ● confidently, assuredly, with conviction, with confidence || certainly, definitely, of course, for sure


r will, •associate, function•, •distribute, •require, •difficult, eat, cell, •reserve, breathe•, •occur, his•, hour, behave• ● usually, in general, as a rule, on the whole || as normal, as usual, naturally, unexceptionally


r will•, most•, more, very•, •result, •continue, •increase, •remain, less, •cause, •contribute, impact, •benefit, increased


r •add, else, anyway•, tired, anymore•, hardly, fun, reason, plenty, reply•, perfectly, •doubt ● as well, in addition, also, above and beyond || moreover, what's more, further, more to the point


r •after, •before, •thereafter, die, begin, •afterward, leave, arrive, •death, return, •midnight ● soon, before long, in a while, in a minute || curtly, brusquely, abruptly, tersely


r •different, •out, almost•, agree, •wrong, •control, •destroy, •ignore, •dependent, •unacceptable, completely, •disagree, •unexpected ● completely, entirely, absolutely, wholly, fully, perfectly


r •form, •create, •elect, •arrive, •discover, •independent, •acquire, •establish, •open, •appoint ● recently, lately, freshly, just now || afresh, anew, again, once more


r •from, come•, sit•, get•, •him, foot•, •her, message•, mile•, down, point•, about•, inch•, reach• ● crosswise, crossways, transversely, athwart, diagonally, from corner to corner


r •include, •less, cost, •require, •involve, •occur, •associate, •range, •last, charge, month, hour, •contain, •consist ● characteristically, classically, naturally, stereotypically || normally, usually, on average, in general


r •into, down, •inside, •within, •enough, run•, as•, too•, dig•, •heart, water, bury•, •pocket, voice


r •into, •become, •add, •increase, until, •over, begin, change, move, •sugar, •lose, •beat, build, grow ● bit by bit, slowly, progressively, regularly, slowly but surely, increasingly


r •mean, •yeah, , nice•, pretty•, fun•, interesting•, thanks, stuff•, okay, funny•, matter• ● however, nevertheless, and yet, nonetheless, yet, still


r •nor, •, •anyone, •deny, •confirm, •necessary, disagree, •male, •fully, •female, •entirely, •desirable, •practical, •sufficient


r •of, •their, •whether, •how, •race, •age, •where, •level, •status, •gender, •happen, •size, political, •type ● in any case, anyway, nevertheless || irrespective, notwithstanding, nevertheless || willy-nilly, anyway, in any case


r •percent, •million, year, •minute, •per, each, •hour, •half, •billion, •same, •mile ● about, just about, around, roughly, in the region of, in the order of


r •plan, •design, •intend, •develop, •publish, •write, •build, •schedule, •propose, •conceive, •present, •appear ● first, initially, in the beginning, formerly, firstly, at first


r •possible, •want, •feel, wherever, •someone, ready, visit, •anyone, occur, •choose, avoid•, •mention, •wish, whatever•


r •remain, •continue, •despite, finding, substantial, limitation, •useful, considerable, apparent, •spite, theoretical, optimistic, caution, •sufficient ● yet, but, however, nonetheless, on the other hand, all the same


r •same, remain•, •unchanged, •nature, argument, •identical, •flat, consist, •correct, •meaningless, •conservative, •equivalent, •irrelevant, •equal ● fundamentally, basically, in essence, in effect || effectively, more or less, for the most part, broadly


r •same, •conservative, •sort, •unchanged, bunch, •decent, •harmless, •identical, intact, •irrelevant, •lazy ● essentially, on the whole, principally, when you come right down to it, all in all, when all's said and done


r •situate, price, •size, •equip, treat, affect, dress, behave•, respectively•, •configure, •dramatic ● likewise, also, in the same way, correspondingly || alike, in the same way, comparably, analogously


r •than, thing•, see•, treat•, think, very•, little•, feel•, different, might•, may•, quite•, behave•, respond• ● in a different way, another way, in your own way, otherwise, inversely, contrarily


r •well, treat•, •easy, •large, •common, seem•, •simple, •quickly, •small, •certain, •low, remain•, •typical ● rather, moderately, reasonably || justly, honestly, impartially || moderately, rather, quite || completely, practically, literally


r •work, •available, •under, •about, •serve, •exist, •operate, •employ, •professor, •enroll, •underway, •popular, •involved ● at present, now, at this time, presently


r •world, nited tates, urope, merica, frica, attention•, seek•, argue, region, sia, similar, hina, lie•


u •how, hello•, there, will, good, welcome, yes, oh•, new•, •everybody, •name


u •so, right, yeah, , yes


v noun ability•, information, message, parent, idea, language, teacher, •public, need, computer, •feeling, •audience, •vision, cell, •value misc •with, able•, •each, •other, effectively, •another, learn•, •directly, clearly ● converse, talk, speak || convey, share, impart || connect, interconnect, lead into


v noun actor•, •indifference, cop, •ignorance, •innocence, actress, affection, •nonchalance, neighbor, cow, thief, •disinterest, •disbelief, •absorption misc not, like, try•, •notice, •hear, let•, •read ● make believe, imagine, fantasize, make up || feign, put on, affect, profess


v noun age, scale•, price, size, score•, •percent, rate•, response•, estimate•, variety•, temperature•, value•, color, sample•, length misc •from, •between, •low, •strongly, whose•, widely ● vary between, reach, fluctuate, vacillate, extend, oscillate


v noun agreement, •contract, •deal, government, •settlement, treaty, •price, •peace, company, trade, •term, •identity, union, leader, administration misc •with, try•, •between, able•, willing•, refuse•, •directly, successfully• ● talk, discuss, confer || sell, transfer, exchange || get past, pass, navigate


v noun air, •life, •sigh, •relief, mouth, room, breath, nose, •neck, oxygen, lung, •fire, heart, •difficulty, •smoke misc •hard, •deeply, •through, •heavily, •again, barely• ● respire, take breaths, inhale, exhale, suck in air, take in air


v noun air, •smoke, breath, room•, •perfume, •sweat, •rose, flower, •blood, •odor, •scent, hair, •coffee, food, fish misc •like, can•, •good, •bad, something ● stink, reek, pong, whiff || sense, get a whiff of, sniff, suspect


v noun area, city, town, community, source, •street, building, county, island, object, •target, gene, •origin, •prey, •relative misc •near, •within, •outside, centrally•, able•, conveniently•, unable• ● find, trace, discover, track down || place, put, position, situate


v noun arm, •paper, •plastic, •blanket, hand, towel, head, leg, •foil, body, finger, gift, box, hair, foot misc •around, her, tightly, •herself, •himself, carefully, •inside, quickly, individually up all•, get•, so•, week, case, •series, today, •nomination, •special, investigation ● enfold, drape, swathe, cover || wrap up, gift wrap, package


v noun article, official, source, passage, report, newspaper, book, word, statement, agency•, paper, •scripture, •ible, magazine, expert misc say, •above, often•, •unquote, directly, frequently ● cite, recite, repeat, refer to || give an estimate, estimate, give a price of, give a figure of


v noun bag, box, •lunch, suitcase, car, •belongings, •gear, clothes, food, •leaf, •punch, stuff, equipment, hour, crowd misc •into, •leave, firmly•, •away, •light, •fresh, tightly, loosely• up •his, •leave, •their, go, her, •move, my, family ● store, arrange, put || package, wrap, wrap up || fill, jam, load || compact, press, compress


v noun benefit, study, •source, satisfaction, pleasure, fact, meaning, theory, experience, income, analysis, authority, research, sense, •plant misc •from, part, •directly, largely, •primarily ● originate, stem, spring, arise || get, gain, obtain, draw


v noun body•, idea, •river, cloud, head, •space, boat, •sea, balloon, •top, proposal, face, voice•, rumor, mind misc •around, •through, •above, •away, seem•, •past ● drift, glide, hover || sail, swim, drift || propose, suggest, put forward


v noun bomb•, car•, star, head, shell•, flame, population, air, supernova, door, face, tank, wall, firework, scene misc •into, about, when, •around, suddenly•, •kill, ready• ● blow up, detonate, blast || get angry, blow up, fly into a rage || disprove, prove wrong, discredit


v noun bowl•, water, ingredient, color, flour, oil, sugar, salt, egg, juice, pepper, paint, salad, cheese, •drink misc •with, •well, •together, until, add, thoroughly, racially• up get•, •with, •together, •batter, •workout, •routine, •drink, •bread, priority in •with, sugar, •among, seed ● mix up, mingle, intermingle || combine, blend, unite || fraternize, mingle, associate || go together, accord, agree


v noun building, model, •validity, identity, system, knowledge, meaning, image, facility, wall, narrative, theory, material, space, plant misc new, socially•, carefully•, newly•, poorly• ● build, make, create, put up || compose, put together, create, structure


v noun building•, center, museum, office, collection, program, service, city, facility, area, department, art, •worker, inmate, structure misc build•, feed, •homeless, •poor, multifamily•, currently•, •elderly, temporarily•, subsidize•, •armed, random•, formerly• ● accommodate, lodge, give shelter to, shelter || contain, keep, store, hold


v noun car, flat•, front•, wheel, •track, rear•, •iron, pressure, road, truck, rubber, rim, bike, snow•, vehicle misc tire, change, spare, blow, kick, replace, his, rubber, spin, flat, inflate, burn, recall, slash, check ● exhaust, wear out, drain, fatigue, enervate, weary


v noun car, heart•, horse•, mind•, auto•, team, road, bike, street, door, pulse•, season, truck, speed, mountain misc •through, •down, •toward, •around, •across, •off, •past, •ahead ● compete, take part, run, contest || go fast, run, sprint, hurry


v noun car, money, •base, •show, •glance, thief•, •food, election, idea, •secret, drug, •thunder, credit, store, stuff misc •from, try•, •away, anything, report•, lie, sell, allegedly• ● take, pilfer, filch, lift || creep, sneak, slip, slink


v noun car, •sign, bird, police, trouble, •buck, binoculars, camera, •trend, officer, window, plane, truck, corner, target misc easy•, able•, easily•, hard•, suddenly•, •near ● see, notice, spy, recognize || stain, dirty, blemish, smudge


v noun case, charge, •idea, motion•, •notion, claim, •possibility, •concern, •suggestion, class, evidence, officer misc •as, against, easily•, simply, easy•, quickly ● give notice, discharge, sack || send away, allow to go, release || reject, set aside, think no more of


v noun case, study, article, court, literature, book, research, record, data, policy, committee•, program, board, information, paper misc after•, carefully, briefly•, •determine, regularly, periodically ● study, go over, go through || appraise, evaluate, assess || reconsider, reassess, go over


v noun caution, r, counselor•, criteria•, •correspondence, policymaker, calorie, reprint, clinician misc why, maybe, able, note, thou, not, resign, punish, ideally, ashamed, accountable, strive, underestimate, wary, reconsider


v noun change, need, •environment, recipe, •book, technology, •use, style, •circumstance, species•, •climate, technique, material, model, method misc •from, •changing, learn•, quickly, easily, able•, successfully• ● change, alter, modify, adjust || become accustomed, familiarize, get a feel for, get used to


v noun child, people, •student, •public, parent, •kid, •other, •consumer, university, health, girl misc •about, well, need•, highly•, help•, •themselves, •yourself, inform, raise, poorly• ● teach, instruct, school, edify, tutor, train


v noun color, •description, level, performance, age, size, •need, pattern, speed, sample, profile, shoe, type, •offer, blood misc •against, mix•, closely•, perfectly, exactly, evenly• up •with, •well, •against, can•, how•, quite•, •perfectly, exactly, size•, • ● go with, agree with, complement, tone with || correspond, be alike, match up, tally


v noun computer, •dot, line, network, community, cable, other, wire, bridge•, road•, ability•, phone, web, machine, feeling misc •with, directly, closely•, intimately•, deeply• ● attach, join, link || associate, relate, link || get along, click, hook up


v noun court•, judge•, world, country, case, law, death, •favor, justice•, decision, official•, jury•, commission•, doctor, •roost misc upreme•, federal•, •against, state, refuse•, •unanimously, ultimately• out not•, can•, •possibility, do•, •any, •other, •option, •anything ● govern, reign, run, administrate, have power over, lead


v noun court•, other, success, •quality, contest, behavior, •distance, •character, panel misc •by, •whether, •harshly, •yourself, difficult•, •rule, •solely, fairly, •order ● arbitrate, adjudicate, mediate || estimate, guess, consider || criticize, sneer at, belittle || assess, evaluate, weigh || consider, reckon, think


v noun data, information, memory, energy, food, water, file, waste, good•, bag, body, fat, record, sample, plant misc them, •away, •airtight, dry, •inside, safely, properly, enough, collect• up energy, memory, enough, •food, extra, •fat, •information, •water, •every, treasure ● put away, stow, keep, deposit, put in storage, warehouse


v noun data, study, student, result, sample, information, article•, process, •effect, researcher•, •situation, computer, research, test, •relationship misc use, collect•, each, •determine, describe, identify ● examine, study, investigate, scrutinize, evaluate, consider


v noun doctor•, expert•, commission•, committee•, •use, book, report•, change, treatment, health, panel•, •patient, stock, guideline, approach misc highly•, strongly•, far, advisory•, generally•, additional, specifically ● suggest, advocate, propose, counsel || endorse, commend, vouch for, mention


v noun door, arm, leg, pendulum•, •bat, side, •club, foot, head, hand, ball, gate, •action, tree, •sword misc •open, •around, •into, •down, •over, •toward, again, •onto, •wide, •wildly, •off ● fluctuate, sway, rock || manage, succeed in, accomplish || swerve, veer, turn || dangle, hang, hang down


v noun door, eye, room, •place, car, arm, bathroom, gate, office, cell, knee, gaze, elbow, wheel, prison misc •away, •down, •behind, keep•, •inside, •together, •onto up keep•, prison, •tight, criminal, brake, everything, wheel, stay• ● fasten, bar, bolt || fix in place, lodge, wedge || brace, clench, stiffen || link, clasp, intertwine


v noun door, hand, foot, •floor, side, arm, car, finger, wall, chair, glass, bed, table, body, window misc •into, •out, •off, •back, •open, •across, •under, •over, let•, •away, •around down her, tear•, •slope, hand•, •cheek, •face, •throat, window ● glide, slither, slip, skim || go down, fall, decrease, diminish


v noun door, •ass, leg, •butt, foot, •ball, •goal, •shoe, •habit, •heel, •gear, wind•, season, boot, wall misc •out, •scream, •hard, punch, hit off •shoe, season, •campaign, tour, •series, festival, •boot, •sandal, tomorrow up dust, wind•, •heel, •cloud, dirt, storm, •sand, •fuss, breeze• in until, instinct•, engine•, hormone•, coverage•, insurance•, machine•, adrenaline• ● boot, strike, hack || dribble, punt, placekick || jolt, jerk, thrust || give up, quit, stop


v noun effort, •area, power, work, attention, mind, •task, ability•, •region, population•, production, thought, inability•, •painting, wealth misc •on, try•, instead, hard, tend•, able•, highly•, heavily ● think, focus, ponder || converge, come together, assemble || thicken, strengthen, purify


v noun evidence•, system, study•, network, site, computer, cancer, arm, web, death, health, disease, •crime, communication•, behavior misc closely•, directly, inextricably•, intimately•, common, strongly• up •with, •other, organization, country, company•, eventually•, line•, •dispersed, •again, begin ● connect, relate, associate, bring together, link up, network


v noun example, study, reason, case, report, evidence, source, article, •concern, court, official•, research, •lack, author, figure misc •as, often•, frequently•, •above, among, widely• ● quote, mention, refer to, allude to


v noun factor•, •difference, variance, model•, change, variable, effect, industry•, data, amount, cost, population•, theory•, practice, behavior misc •for, which•, •about, •more, •only, •nearly, billion


v noun family, community, •category, party, •class, •generation, individual, past, tribe, •grandmother, •grandfather, tradition, •genus, •realm, •clan misc •to, where•, like•, •exclusively, rightfully•, originally• ● fit in, fit, go, have its place, be in the right place, feel right


v noun fish•, pool, river, •lap, head, sea, lake, shark, •ocean, eye, beach, dolphin, mile, boy•, shore misc •through, •away, •toward, learn•, •across, teach•, underwater, •upstream ● go for a dip, go swimming, bathe || spin, whirl, reel || be awash, be drenched, be drowned


v noun food, amount, percent, energy, alcohol, water, fire, merican•, product, resource, quantity, fat, flame, animal, process misc •by, •less, nearly, •approximately, billion, quickly ● eat, drink, devour || use, use up, expend || destroy, annihilate, burn up


v noun foot, body, street, chair, ground, floor, bag, month, hair, dog, •heel, chain, net, truck, soldier misc •out, •into, •through, •away, •across on long, war•, •month, case•, •until, process•, negotiation•, talk•, conflict•, trial• ● pull, haul, draw, heave || dawdle, lag, crawl, creep


v noun forest, effort•, nature, •culture, •integrity, space, land, •tradition, •environment, •status, history, memory, •peace, record, site misc help•, while, national, protect, order•, seek• ● maintain, uphold, keep, continue, carry on, sustain


v noun friend, •girl, •coach, •ability, •performance, audience, client, visitor, judge, boss, •scout, colleague, •neighbor misc •with, •by, so•, •me, try•, •upon, really•, particularly• ● excite, move, amaze, influence || emphasize, stress, drive home, drum in


v noun girl, sleep•, future, •success, career, •competition, nightmare, athlete•, butterfly, astronomer•, dreamer, •flying, escape, rat, youngster• misc •about, never•, always• up can•, •by, who•, •new, •way, •idea, something, never, scheme, might• ● fantasize, visualize, imagine, fancy, daydream, envisage


v noun government•, law, ongress•, tax, emocrat•, constitution•, judgment, notion•, •principal misc •to, think•, •able, something, maybe•, really•


v noun head, eye•, question, •pill, •mind, cork, top, bubble, ear, trunk, ball, window, summer, •oven, button misc •out, •into, •open, •off, suddenly•, •onto, tiny, tire up •all, •over, keep•, name•, •everywhere, •around, head, •again ● explode, burst, go off || dash, dart, nip || put, place, insert


v noun heart•, ship, •tooth, sun•, foot, boat, •ground, •floor, head, •putt, •seat, stock•, submarine, •root, •earth misc •into, •down, •low, •deep, •deeper, slowly, •onto in let•, begin•, really•, word•, start•, slowly•, reality•, finally•, message•, realization• back •into, •down, •onto, •against down •into, •onto, slowly ● go under, go down, go under the surface || fall, descend, drop || dig, drill, mine


v noun hole, •grave, •trench, •heel, •dirt, hand, finger, pit, tunnel, •ditch, well, soil, root, shovel, nail misc •into, •out, •in, •through, •deep, •deeper, •around, •deeply up •dirt, bone, plant, •grave, garden, •information, body, •root, ground, •bulb ● break up, plow, turn || excavate, tunnel, hollow out || prod, nudge, push


v noun importance, wire, end, side, cable, body, •wall, meaning, line, condition, back, rope, arm, significance, piece misc still•, •themselves, emotionally•, firmly, securely• ● fasten, join, connect, fix || ascribe, assign, confer, attribute


v noun information, data, result, study, consent, sample, •permission, service, •license, copy, •permit, •approval, patient, analysis, report misc order•, able•, difficult•, require•, necessary, seek, easily•, significant ● get hold of, find, gain, attain, acquire, achieve


v noun information, •anonymity, •assistance, •permission, government, letter•, service, •meeting, •copy, •help, administration•, court, teacher, member, report misc million, •additional, send, free, specifically•, formally•, •complete, deny, repeatedly• ● ask for, demand, apply for, call for, entreat, invite


v noun knee, head, elbow, leg, arm, foot, hand, •rule, •waist, body, hip, side, •shape, light, •angle misc •forward, slightly, •toward, left down •pick, •kiss, head, •touch, •retrieve, •whisper, •grab, •examine, •tie over •backwards, •backward, •pick, head, •kiss, •desk, •touch, knee ● stoop, bow, bend over, lean down || turn, bow, twist, crook


v noun language, •nglish, word, book, •action, •rench, text, •practice, •rabic, •erman, computer, success, •document, knowledge, article misc •into, •panish, roughly, necessarily•, directly ● interpret, decode, decipher, render || convert, transform, turn, change


v noun lawsuit, suit, complaint, charge, •bankruptcy, report, court, claim, •return, •divorce, year, motion, company, attorney•, lawyer• misc •against, •federal, civil, •away, million, •jointly, •seek, recently• ● record, categorize, put on record || march, troop, parade || rub, rasp, scrape


v noun life, policy, force•, world, event, experience, culture, factor•, history, process, identity, attitude, perception, society, view misc •by, •like, help•, human, economic, •future, largely, form, perfectly•, moral, •western, define, •fit, significantly• up •as, how•, what•, thing•, race•, better, battle•, •ship, summer, fast ● influence, affect, model, whittle, mold, manipulate


v noun market, world, industry, politics, •news, area, party, business, game, landscape, economy, culture, issue, policy, •debate misc •by, still•, political, continue•, increasingly• ● control, rule, lead, govern || overlook, overshadow, tower above, tower over


v noun meeting, day, hearing, election•, week, trial, month, •appointment, •release, event, •may, hour, class, launch, •fall misc •begin, originally•, •later, tentatively•, •early ● arrange, plan, program, book, slate, reserve


v noun merican•, •suspicion, expert, •threat, critic, being, •expression, •skepticism, observer•, colleague, scholar, historian, •symbol, •hero, tendency• misc •as, highly•, widely•, generally•, •themselves, tend• ● consider, hold, think || look upon, stare, observe || relate to, concern, touch on


v noun mixture, bowl•, sugar, flour, water, ingredient, salt, pepper, •tomato, juice, pot, vanilla, •controversy, memory, breeze misc until, •occasionally, add, •constantly, •together, •often, •frequently up •trouble, •controversy, dust, •more, •memory, feeling, emotion, •hornet, •interest, fear over •heat, •medium, •high, •low, cook•, pan• ● mix, blend, beat || awaken, arouse, revive || rouse, wake up, move || cause feeling, agitate, disturb || motivate, incite, provoke


v noun mixture•, figure, pattern, shape, structure, form, •meal, model, hair•, scene, star, flower, •crumb, animal, leaf misc closely•, something, •other, •each, remotely•, vaguely•, increasingly• ● look like, bear a resemblance to, be similar to, be like, look a lot like, remind you of


v noun money, company, fund, •stock, dollar, business, capital, •technology, energy, •future, amount, resource, firm, •education, saving misc •million, •heavily, much, billion, mutual, willing•, save•, fully•, private, •wisely ● capitalize, put in, participate, devote || endow, provide, empower, authorize


v noun money, debt, tax, •life, •apology, government, •existence, duty, dollar, •success, •allegiance, bank, •origin misc you, •me, much, •something, •anything, •nothing


v noun morning, sleep, sound, dawn, baby, •start, nightmare, nap, sun, noise, alarm, afternoon, midnight, •neighbor, noon misc •early, later, asleep•, suddenly, •realize, late, •cold, sleeping, loud•, dream, doze•, •abruptly up morning, one, day, next, •early, •realize, asleep•, suddenly, •smell, tomorrow ● wake up, awaken, stir, come around || arouse, stir, awaken, rouse


v noun mother, plan, •idea, father, •ship, •effort, car, •hope, policy, project, baby, •position, building, husband, practice misc force•, completely, •altogether, •traditional, quickly• ● dump, ditch, discard || desert, leave, walk out on || end, call off, cancel


v noun muscle, body, shoulder, face•, •grip, rule, minute, second, standard, restriction, •bit, pressure, tension, finger, breathing misc just•, •enjoy, let, feel, help•, sit ● unwind, calm down, slow down || rest, put your feet up, take it easy || loosen, slacken, ease || reduce, lessen, decrease


v noun music, night, girl, eye, ballet, •street, light, •tune, party, couple, rhythm, concert, wedding, •circle, stage misc •around, sing, •together, •across, drink, naked, •wildly ● bop, boogie, twirl, pirouette || gambol, prance, skip, caper


v noun name•, term•, word•, result•, change, finding•, relationship, article•, sex, model, •existence, approach, •endorsement, nature, meaning misc seem•, such, necessarily•, •certain, strongly•, clearly• ● suggest, infer, hint at || indicate, denote, entail || suggest, infer, hint at || indicate, denote, entail


v noun night, •view, face, door, month, •sight, •darkness, tree, sun, smile•, •crowd, forest, minute, species•, hour misc •into, •behind, watch•, quickly, completely ● vanish, fade, fade away, evaporate || cease to exist, die out, die off, expire


v noun official, critic•, •pain, parent•, resident•, patient•, worker•, police, neighbor•, customer•, •headache, •chest, mayor, •difficulty, •boss misc •that, •about, never, •bitterly, often, •loudly, nobody• ● protest, criticize, grumble, whine, whinge, carp


v noun official•, president, •danger, expert•, doctor•, report, leader, analyst•, raq, department•, scientist•, ongress, attack, •consequence, •merican misc •that, •against, repeatedly, •away, fail, careful, recently ● caution, advise, counsel, inform || alert, forewarn, advise, tell


v noun official•, •report, •article, teacher•, •matter, investigation, spokesman, participant•, •professor, •aspect, •allegation, •detail, •lawsuit, critic•, •specific misc •on, decline•, like•, refuse•, •upon ● observe, remark, mention, state, note, point out


v noun other, term, merican•, customer•, majority•, consumer•, soil, version, client, participant•, solution, investor•, gentleman•, •shade, setting misc instead, •stay, •avoid, generally• ● favor, have a preference, like better, rather, wish, desire


v noun paper, newspaper, name, letter, •money, page, copy, book, story, color, image, article, •ad, photograph, form misc fit•, •recycled, save, electronic, •directly, privately•, neatly, original, publish ● produce, make, issue || publish, carry, make known || stamp, imprint, engrave


v noun people, •story, student, •article, •job, police, witness, official, week, member, teacher, reporter, candidate, officer, worker misc decline•, several, recently, •dozen, personally, individually ● question, interrogate, talk to, converse with, put questions to, cross-examine


v noun people•, body•, •situation, •news, market•, •shock, public•, •horror, official•, audience•, •crisis, merican•, •surprise, oxygen, •anger misc how•, •when, •differently, •quickly, •against ● respond, counter, retort, answer || change, alter, oxidize, reduce


v noun people•, •statement, percent, other•, expert•, court, judge, epublican, scientist•, •conclusion, merican•, scholar•, pornography misc •with, strongly, agree•, whether, respectfully• ● affect, upset, be injurious to || differ, oppose, vary || argue, quarrel, wrangle


v noun pepper•, salt, food, wine, sauce, mouth, water, sugar, •blood, juice, fruit, air, chicken, lip, tongue misc •like, •good, •better, •serve, freshly, add, •sweet, smell, ever•, fresh, hot, eat ● discern, pick up, recognize || sample, try, test || experience, sample, preview


v noun phone•, bell, doorbell, telephone•, ear, voice•, shot•, word•, alarm, morning, •hollow, sound, minute, buzzer, hour misc •again, •, •off, hear•, answer, loud, •twice, suddenly•, constantly out shot•, voice•, bell•, gunshot•, suddenly•, loud, •across, cry•, shout•, laughter• up •sales, •sale, •purchase, clerk• ● call, phone, telephone || resonate, resound, ring out || encircle, enclose, circle || peal, tinkle, chime


v noun police, authority, •value, •wisdom, •motive, critic•, •ability, •assumption, other•, •decision, official, •validity, expert•, •need, analyst• misc •whether, •about, one, •why, begin•, no•, never• ● interrogate, quiz, ask, grill || doubt, suspect, mistrust, distrust


v noun policy, government, group, party, approach, tax, epublican, emocrat, merican•, majority•, selection•, •abortion, •use, candidate, reform misc •by, •over, tend•, strongly•, heavily• ● prefer, choose, support, back || assist, help, aid, advance


v noun power, knowledge, skill, •weapon, quality, •ability, individual•, •characteristic, •degree, person•, •level, teacher•, talent, •trait, •capacity misc must•, already•, •nuclear, •certain, human, •strong ● own, have, hold, enjoy || take control, influence, take, occupy


v noun power, •confidence, •balance, democracy, effort•, peace, •sense, •hope, operation•, •faith, plan•, •credibility, •trust, •dignity, attempt• misc help•, •natural, fully•, seek•, maintain, order• ● reinstate, reestablish, bring back, return || refurbish, renovate, repair, rebuild


v noun power, •right, •control, •option, •authority, •influence, caution, •judgment, •leadership, muscle, •discretion, body, •restraint, freedom, •responsibility misc •over, eat, •regularly, must•, able• ● work out, train, do exercises, keep fit || use, put into effect, implement, apply


v noun president, government, administration, policy, epublican, right, report, other, official, leader, emocrat, •plan, •decision, action, press misc •for, sharply•, publicly, widely•, harshly• ● disapprove, censure, disparage, pan || assess, analyze, evaluate, appraise


v noun president, ongress, government, parent, member, leader, official, letter•, •merican, •court, •caution, •reader, nation, department, board misc •him, •them, her, strongly•, •stay, •join, •accept, •avoid, •attend, repeatedly•, raqi, gently, hurry, issue•, •contact ● advise, commend, admonish || beg, advocate, plead || drive, impel, incite


v noun president, strategy•, candidate•, attempt, extent, •chairman, experiment•, negotiation•, coup•, determination•, revolution•, •expectation, •throne, motivation•, perestroika• misc if•, fail, help•, likely•, finally•, eventually• ● do well, get ahead, be successful || achieve, turn out well, accomplish || follow, come after, replace


v noun president•, plan, tax, model, theory, legislation, solution, change, administration•, idea, amendment, epublican, project, rule, approach misc •by, cut, alternative, •billion, originally•, recently• ● suggest, offer, recommend, proposition || intend, plan, have in mind, aim


v noun problem, difficulty, student, •resistance, obstacle, experience, •opposition, type, individual, culture, •variety, •hostility, visitor•, environment, barrier misc when, first, may•, never•, ever• ● meet, come across, bump into, run into || face, confront, contend with, grapple with


v noun problem, issue, challenge, •reality, situation, dilemma, •threat, force, fear, police, choice, •past, society, difficulty, enemy misc •with, when•, must•, directly, rather•, afraid• ● challenge, oppose, antagonize, provoke || encounter, handle, tackle, face up to


v noun problem, issue, •conflict, •dispute, question, •difference, crisis, matter, case misc try•, help•, must•, quickly ● make up your mind, decide, determine, make a decision || solve, come to a decision, get to the bottom of, put an end to


v noun problem•, question•, issue•, conflict•, need•, situation•, opportunity•, difficulty•, dispute•, result, complication•, controversy•, action, •context, tension• misc •from, when, •out, may•, such, might•, often ● happen, occur, take place || get up, stand up, rise || result from, be the result of, arise from || get out of bed, get up, rise


v noun program, area, group, company, intervention, effort, •civilian, market, population, service, police, species, •audience, force, campaign• misc •specific, specifically•, directly, unfairly•, deliberately•, particularly, carefully• ● aim at, aim for, focus on, home in on || direct, aim, point, level


v noun program, policy, plan, strategy, reform, school, change, teacher•, intervention, measure, government, law, procedure, agreement, regulation misc develop•, design, fully•, require, successfully, difficult• ● carry out, apply, realize, execute, employ, put into operation


v noun program, project, research, government, study, money, school, grant, tax, foundation, education, company, group, department, organization misc •by, •through, fully•, federally•, publicly• ● subsidize, back, sponsor, underwrite, pay for, finance


v noun program•, gun, policy•, project•, study•, strategy•, research•, target, law•, camera, weapon, rifle, •audience, pistol, missile misc •at, •toward, •directly, primarily, specifically ● aspire, plan, intend, try || point toward, point, take aim, direct


v noun public, student, parent, •decision, patient, •reader, policy, participant, research, teacher, consumer, ongress, •risk, agency, theory misc •about, keep•, fully•, fail•, regret•, properly•, adequately• ● notify, let know, update, apprise || denounce, blow the whistle on, betray, tattle


v noun question, change, •call, concern, action, •official, decision, attack, move, death•, •ongress, •speculation, complaint, behavior, incident• misc part, •federal, •seek, growing, likely•, •renewed ● stimulate, encourage, provoke, incite || bring about, induce, effect, occasion


v noun rate, •cost, •number, value, percentage, formula, risk, •distance, model, amount, computer•, variable, price, tax, response misc use, average, total, •base, •divide, carefully• ● work out, compute, analyze, estimate, gauge, determine


v noun revenue, electricity, power, heat, •interest, energy, income, idea, money, job, business, information, force, field, ability• misc •more, •million, enough, economic, •additional, •significant ● make, produce, create, cause, engender, spawn


v noun right, need, •law, •privacy, •decision, opinion, •wish, rule, belief, •authority, •freedom, •elder, dignity, •boundary, •integrity misc must•, •each, •other, love•, highly•, learn•, •human, teach•, widely• ● value, revere, think a lot of || show consideration for, appreciate, regard || follow, abide by, comply with


v noun right, state, government, permission, court•, •status, •interview, •access, authority, •immunity, judge•, od•, ongress, option, •amnesty misc federal, refuse•, special, willing• ● allow, permit, concede, agree to || give, accord, confer, award


v noun right, •country, •interest, position, •title, •action, •decision, lawyer•, •charge, •freedom, •territory, •policy, court, force, administration misc •against, •themselves, •himself, •itself, •ourselves, •herself, •myself, •yourself, able•, protect, successfully•, prepare•, vigorously ● protect, guard, preserve, secure || support, stand up for, stick up for, stand for


v noun salad, head, bowl•, •ball, mixture, pasta, bag, •hair, pepper•, coin, oil, •air, paper, vegetable, ingredient misc •into, •out, •back, •aside, •coat, over, •onto, •away, gently ● throw, fling, lob, chuck || mix, stir, blend, mix up


v noun sanction, state, restriction, tax, government, law, limit, cost, penalty, rule, burden, order, standard, •will, court misc •on, •by, •upon, try•, economic ● levy, execute, carry out || inflict, force, foist || intrude, be in the way, be a nuisance


v noun shadow, vote, •ballot, light, eye, •doubt, •glance, •spell, •net, •role, voter• misc •over, •aside, long, •across, •upon out demon, •line, •spirit, •net, •devil, •fear, esus• off •line, before•, boat, ready•, ship• ● throw, hurl, chuck || produce, generate, create || mold, form, shape


v noun song, album, data, tape, camera•, history, number, conversation, information, music, event, studio, video, sound, response misc each, ever•, secretly•, live, observe•, digital, daily, previously• ● note down, make a note, keep a note, take notes || make a recording, tape, video, film


v noun student, group, task, value, case, number, role, teacher, participant, officer, •responsibility, subject, team, duty, grade misc randomly•, •different, •specific, special, •base ● allocate, allot, give, dispense || appoint, designate, delegate, send


v noun student, money, •plate, •mixture, power, technology, •platter, •university, data, fund, information, pan, image, •hospital, skill misc •from, •large, •onto, •wire, easily, •prepared, immediately, drain• ● move, transport, relocate, remove || transmit, pass on, convey, hand on


v noun student, performance, •ability, learning, •life, •quality, skill, experience, •understanding, program, •security, development, •value, •image, opportunity misc •by, may•, far•, greatly•, design• ● improve, augment, add to, increase, boost, develop


v noun student, principle, policy, •development, •decision, research, question, hand, teacher, action, •behavior, team, media•, tour, framework• misc •by, •through, •us, help•, •toward, •future ● direct, show, steer, lead || steer, drive, pilot, direct


v noun student, program, company, proceed•, community, patient, consumer, economy, society, •intervention, charity, environment, corporation, population, shareholder misc •from, will•, can•, may•, also•, most, might•, both, greatly, million ● help, promote, profit, do good to, advance, further


v noun student, school, study, teacher, participant, team, site, item, player, option, member, criterion, candidate, •basis, material misc randomly•, •because, each, •best, carefully•, •appropriate, •random, •represent ● choose, pick, pick out, decide on, opt for, go for


v noun student, study•, item•, •impact, •effect, •risk, scale•, •performance, need, measure•, •damage, •situation, teacher, ability, skill misc how, •whether, design•, difficult• ● measure, evaluate, judge, weigh || tax, charge, review, levy


v noun student, teacher, •threat, individual•, other, ability, parent, athlete•, risk, participant•, need, level, public, relationship, role misc •as, •themselves, may•, social, often• ● observe, see, notice, take in || sense, feel, understand, comprehend


v noun student•, job, team, •loan, •edicaid, •benefit, •car, •aid, teacher, person, candidate, background•, credit, income, position misc •for, •as, who•, enough•, highly•, must, order•, fail•, uniquely• ● be suitable, meet the requirements, be in the running, be eligible || restrict, limit, temper, reduce


v noun study, result, finding, suspicion, report, official•, research, test•, diagnosis, data, hypothesis, •presence, •existence, police, view misc •deny, able•, •dead, •nor, recent, neither•, refuse•, indeed, independently, merely•, officially• ● strengthen, firm up, fortify || corroborate, verify, substantiate || settle, check, authorize


v noun study•, case, police•, research•, •effect, committee•, commission•, •relationship, department, •allegation, researcher•, •crime, issue, •complaint, •matter misc •whether, far, begin•, •possible, thoroughly, independent•, fully ● examine, look into, explore, inspect, study, consider


v noun study•, •suicide, government•, researcher•, article•, theory, scientist•, regime•, •smile, pass, educator•, •comeback, coup, difficulty, explanation misc •explain, •create, •address, •determine ● try, endeavor, make an effort, bid, make an attempt, have a go


v noun system, court, method, industry, technique, strategy, computer, approach, •judgment, resource, agency, analysis, •memory, firm•, •help misc •heavily, •upon, instead, must•, •solely, often• on can•, people, must•, many, when, come•, company, only, merican, trust ● depend on, bank on, count on, trust, be sure of, be dependent on


v noun system, software, equipment, computer, company•, government, program, window, camera, device, panel, line, door, wall, air misc new, easy•, newly•, recently•, •solar, plan•, properly, expensive, permanently•, existing, •operate, square• ● connect, fit, put in || appoint, ordain, inaugurate || settle in, settle, settle down


v noun system, year, species, technology, process, society, relationship, century, organism, role, strategy, model, industry, star, decade misc •into, •from, how•, •over, continue•, rapidly ● change, grow, progress, advance, go forward, develop


v noun team, player, season, football, coach•, round•, quarterback, basketball, star•, sport, •staff, athlete, receiver•, tournament, efficacy misc former, coach, defensive, hire, running, offensive, athletic, tight, lympic, junior, recruit, assistant, longtime, firstyear, legendary ● teach, train, prepare, instruct, tutor, drill


v noun technology, •interest, •cause, argument, •career, •agenda, theory, •understanding, team•, idea, goal, •round, •knowledge, research, level misc far, •toward, political, •beyond, order• ● go forward, move forward, move ahead, press forward || improve, enhance, take forward, increase


v noun thing•, conscience, injury, •folk, fly, cold•, headache•, makeup, •knocking, arthritis, •answering, •tendinitis, squirrel•, •underwear misc do•, •me, why•, even•, never•, really•, seem• ● make an effort, take the trouble, put yourself out || worry, trouble, disturb || interrupt, disturb, distract


v noun tree, seed, garden, foot, crop, year, flower, bomb, corn, farmer•, soil, bulb, •vegetable, ground, land misc firmly, •harvest, •along, newly•, •tall, weed, •water, wet, deliberately•, plow ● establish, implant, fix || place, stand, transplant || sow, transplant, pot || conceal, bury, frame somebody


v noun truck, base, item•, gun, bag, food, back, weapon, data, gear, film, pack, machine, •ambulance, stuff misc •into, •onto, fully•, heavily, ready up car, •truck, •stock, •wagon, •plate, •debt, cart, bus, gun, grocery ● fill, pack, stack || put in, insert, slot in || burden, encumber, weigh down


v noun voice, father•, kid, boy, •name, guy, mom, dad, •help, crowd, coach, fire, phone, fan•, •obscenity misc •at, •out, scream, •back, hear•, start•, stop ● shout, scream, shriek, roar, bellow, bawl


v noun voice, •smile, •letter, •tone, lady, hesitation, •grin, general, •shrug, uncle, •unison misc yes, quickly, •softly, •quietly, •calmly ● respond, answer, retort, answer back, react, rejoin


v noun wall, street, •side, tree, road, shelf, •pocket, car, paper, shop, baking, bottom, pan, building, cell misc •with, •behind, •along, narrow, main, down, tall, neatly, dark, deep, •outside, tiny, neat, •next, deeply• up people•, •behind, •against, •outside, •along, •front, job, already•, •buy ● coat, cover, pad, reinforce


v noun water, body, energy, liquid, light, •shock, •heat, •cost, •moisture, ability•, skin, radiation, •impact, nutrient, •loss misc •into, completely•, able•, easily, quickly ● soak up, attract, take in || understand, learn, grasp || engross, fascinate, engage


v noun water, information, food, company, power, energy, •percent, oil, data, service, material, contract, electricity, •answer, plant misc •by, demand, enough, local, necessary, natural, •missing ● provide, bring, deliver, give, contribute, make available


v noun water, •glass, •mixture, •cup, coffee, money, bowl, wine, oil, pan, •tea, •batter, milk, sauce, blood• misc •into, •over, •through, •himself, hot, until•, •onto, billion out blood•, water, •heart, smoke•, word•, story, •onto, •coffee, •feeling in money•, water, •through, begin•, light•, start•, sunlight•, order•, donation• down rain•, •face, sweat•, tear•, water•, blood•, •cheek, •throat ● decant, dispense, drizzle || spill out, gush, stream || swarm, crowd, teem || rain, rain cats and dogs, drench


v noun water•, river, blood•, stream•, fluid, tear•, juice•, current•, hair, body, •lake, •north, sea, fund, electron misc •from, •into, •through, •out, •freely ● run, pour, flood, stream || spring, arise, emerge, emanate


v noun way, result, court•, data, law, •constitution, finding, •caution, •information, •meaning misc •as, how•, •mean, difficult•, •differently, correctly, analyze•, broadly, thus, widely•, •literally ● explain, clarify, account for || construe, understand, read || translate, decode, decipher


v noun way, •view, road, •path, •access, door, •shot, •light, effort, •sun, street, attempt, court•, •entrance, car misc try•, completely, federal, effectively• out •sun, •light, •sound, •noise, sky, •sunlight, •everything, ear•, •distraction, •view off street, road, completely• ● obstruct, impede, hinder, jam, prevent, oppose


v noun wheel, head•, •control, •tale, •web, story, air, •circle, mind•, •yarn, •heel, star, •chair, light, arm misc •around, •away, start•, •faster, •toward off •its, company, plan•, firm, sell, •subsidiary, cable out story, •tale, •onto, •scenario ● turn, rotate, twirl, twist, whirl, revolve


v noun window•, •river, •fact, hill•, room•, •lake, balcony•, park, house•, •bay, bluff•, •ocean, •garden, •city, office• misc often•, easy•, tend•, largely•, easily•, willing•, frequently• ● ignore, miss, forget || excuse, spare, condone || give onto, be opposite, face || supervise, oversee, superintend || inspect, survey, examine


v noun witness•, •ongress, •trial, court, •jury, •hearing, expert, •committee, case, •oath, officer•, week, police, official•, agent• misc •before, •against, •grand, •under, refuse• ● give evidence, bear witness, appear, swear || prove, show, confirm, bear out


v noun woman•, mother, girl, head, face, •pain, kid, voice, •help, sound, mouth•, •top, baby, •murder, headline misc hear•, start•, run, yell, kick•, again out •name, want•, •window, •pain, •help, every, word, night, someone•, •od ● shout, shriek, yell, cry, screech, bawl


v noun year, age, •season, general, boomer•, force, month, officer, career, debt, chairman, worker•, executive, editor, decade misc •from, after, who•, when•, before•, now, until• ● give up work, stop working, step down || leave, take your leave, withdraw || go to bed, turn in, hit the sack


v noun year, •foot, •control, team•, •sense, •weight, season, •breath, identity, economy, •balance, decade, •survival, offense, •depression misc •with, •against, •keep, •find ● writhe, wriggle, thrash || fight, grapple, wrestle || strive, try, fight


v noun •action, •means, war, end•, cost, •existence, •decision, •policy, •ground, evidence, violence, argument•, force, intervention, claim misc use, enough•, such, order•, difficult•, hard•, morally, fully•, sufficient• ● defend, validate, explain, rationalize || align, adjust, straighten up, line up


v noun •addam, body, •weapon, •stuff, desire, •debt, •dirt, •wrinkle, •cellulite, •corruption, •racism, •steroid misc •of, get•, •them, want•, try•, •himself, •themselves, •itself, •myself, •ourselves, •herself, glad•, •yourself, •nuclear, •excess ● free, clear, purge, liberate, divest, do away with


v noun •anniversary, year, •end, •beginning, •point, •spot, line, event, •change, •boundary, •start, moment, •location, sign, calendar misc •by, •first, •turning, clearly•, •significant out path, boundary, territory, line, place off space, area, boundary up •price, •bill, •cost, text ● stain, scratch, smudge || correct, grade, assess || indicate, denote, show || celebrate, commemorate, keep


v noun •anniversary, •birthday, year, holiday, •hristmas, •victory, family, mass, •wedding, party, event, festival, •diversity, •birth, church misc recently•, gather•, •centennial, cultural, tonight ● rejoice, have fun, have a good time || commemorate, observe, mark || praise, acclaim, commend


v noun •attention, people, •student, business, •customer, •investment, •audience, •interest, •visitor, •crowd, •tourist, •support, •capital, •investor, ability• misc •more, •new, •young, •large, •foreign, •million, hope•, enough, order•, likely•, •hundred ● draw, bring together, exert a pull on, magnetize || entice, appeal, fascinate, charm


v noun •attention, •imagination, image, camera, •moment, •essence, soldier, force, •spirit, •heart, troop•, light, picture, army, event misc try•, kill, fail•, order•, perfectly, easily• ● take, seize, apprehend || imprison, detain, arrest || encapsulate, summarize, sum up || secure, attain, gain || catch, seize, get


v noun •border, •right, •position, effort•, job, loan, •support, •future, •release, area, •funding, •peace, •supply, interest, •victory misc help•, order•, safe•, enough, able•, necessary, financially•, fail• ● make safe, safeguard, fortify || obtain, acquire, get || fix, fasten, make fast || guarantee, ensure, give security


v noun •budget, need, •work, •interest, •checkbook, book, •demand, body, •career, weight, cost, •leg, attempt•, account, •edge misc try•, •against, must•, •federal, precariously out will•, all, thing•, kind•, •life, •over, •against, sort•, •day, •negative ● equalize, square, even out || maintain equilibrium, stay poised, keep upright || assess, weigh, consider


v noun •business, •asking, •store, •manner, joke, •saying, •cold, •wait, •teasing misc do•, you, never•, if, come•, bring•, •own, seem•, immediately•, spring•, nobody• ● be careful, watch out, look out || care, object, be bothered || look after, tend, care for


v noun •campaign, evidence, pressure, •wall, •attack, •horse, •defense, •challenge, •step, tension, exhibition, operation, loss, show, •stair misc •against, continue•, •above, •effective up •ride, then•, •behind, begin, •over, wing, quickly, bill•, everybody, •fast ● mount up, increase, accumulate || climb, ascend, go up || prepare, organize, set up || climb on, jump on, board || frame, box, encase


v noun •card, paper, •glass, money, •phone, •key, •envelope, bag, •cup, box, •letter, bill, •bottle, •note, •piece misc •him, •her, •me, •down, •them, •back, off, empty, •pink, •joint over •power, •money, •control, •key, •weapon, •check, document, simply• out •free, •card, award, money, •condom, •flyer, •leaflet, •copy ● give, hand over, offer, pass, tender, furnish


v noun •career, policy, •goal, •interest, strategy, case, •dream, •degree, government•, •education, •study, opportunity, •agenda, research, option misc •own, continue•, aggressively, decide•, actively•, vigorously ● follow, chase, hunt, trail || practice, engage in, work at, go in for


v noun •change, cancer, test•, difference, system•, sensor•, •presence, problem, signal, ability•, virus, disease, planet, level, •sign misc can•, •any, able•, •early, difficult•, significant, easy• ● notice, sense, become aware of, perceive, spot, distinguish


v noun •cigarette, •candle, •fire, eye•, face, room, lamp, night, match, window, •cigar, fuse, street, tree, screen misc dimly•, brightly•, •another, •within, poorly• up eye•, face•, sky, •cigarette, night, room, smile, screen, window, •cigar ● set alight, set on fire, ignite, strike, set fire to


v noun •cigarette, •cigar, •pipe, •marijuana, •pot, drug, kid, •pack, •crack, •dope, tobacco, adult, •weed, restaurant, bar misc drink, never•, •joint, likely•, hot ● burn, be on fire, smolder


v noun •claim, car, government, file, door, •corner, force, plan, truck, •wall, step, administration, epublican, •threat, loan misc •by, •away, •out, •down, •against, •toward up •claim, right•, •against, data, traffic, evidence, truck, •file, slowly, •assertion off •bit, slowly, immediately, ought• ● go backward, reverse, back up, move backward, recede


v noun •confidence, work, other, story, book, artist, •generation, idea, art, movie, painting, music, film, •fear, design misc •by, young, part, motivate, partly•, divinely•, directly•, truly• ● stimulate, motivate, stir, encourage, instigate, enthuse


v noun •control, •power, •right, student, ability, •water, •moisture, •information, •identity, •employee, •heat, interest, memory, •status, •title misc while•, still•, attract•, •original, able• ● keep, keep hold of, hold on to, hold || recall, recollect, keep in mind, remember


v noun •entity, parent, wall•, line•, wife, husband, distance, fence•, space, glass, twin, difference•, month, •birth, layer misc •from, two, each, •himself, •themselves, difficult• out •from, can•, •those, difficult•, •effect, •different, •fact, •any, much, possible• ● divide, part, disconnect || break away, secede, branch out || split up, split, divorce


v noun •fact, •value, morning, •effort, call, •help, opportunity, •beauty, •concern, •importance, insight, fan, audience, gentleman•, reader misc we•, •your, much, really•, fully•, understand•, join, greatly• ● be grateful for, be thankful for, be glad about || understand, realize, be aware || increase in value, go up in price, rise


v noun •goal, mission, thing, •task, •objective, feat, work, •purpose, •aim, method, learning, function, tool•, achievement, sanction misc can•, •through, •something, try•, •anything, able•, hope•, order•, easily ● achieve, complete, do, finish, get done, bring about


v noun •group, •number, country, •category, •section, •part, class, cell•, •dough, area, community, party, nation, •team, •mixture misc •into, by, •between, •among, evenly up •into, •among, how•, all, country, world, money, •task, work, •responsibility ● split, separate, partition || share, share out, divide up || cause a rift, split up, break up


v noun •hand, •arm, flag, •finger, •gun, car, crowd, •wand, air, door, banner, hair, •paper, •goodbye, camera misc •at, her, him, •back, •away, •off, •toward, •over, •front, stand•, •through, frantically ● gesticulate, gesture, signal || brandish, flourish, wield || flap, sway, undulate


v noun •hand, •dish, •face, water, •clothes, •hair, car, •machine, sink, body, rain, wave•, soap, •window, beach misc •away, •over, •off, •dry, thoroughly, hot, carefully, finish•, •onto up •shore, •beach, body•, bathroom, •along, •dinner, dish, debris• out road, •sea, color, rain, bridge, mouth, •soap ● clean, bathe, rinse || erode, wash away, carry away || bathe, bath, clean up || flow over, splash, lap


v noun •idea, court•, •proposal, •offer, •notion, •argument, •claim, •request, voter•, enate, judge•, ongress, •suggestion, view, model misc accept•, upreme, explicitly•, ultimately•, flatly• ● refuse, rebuff, decline, snub, throw out, discard


v noun •idea, •concept, •technology, •change, community, arm•, policy, view, •notion, •role, leader, model, •democracy, •cause, philosophy misc fully•, democratic, enthusiastically, wholeheartedly, willing•, quickly ● hug, hold, enfold || accept, welcome, adopt || comprise, contain, include


v noun •importance, •need, point, •role, •value, education, teacher, official•, relationship, •nature, theme, expert•, •quality, •character, author• misc also•, shall, repeatedly, rather, highly•, •individual, contribute•, due•, careful, heavily• out so•, get•, •about, all, feel•, really•, •over, little•, parent, totally• ● emphasize, lay emphasis on, underline, underscore, accentuate, point up


v noun •importance, •need, •role, program•, point, approach, study, •aspect, value, skill, development, teacher, •difference, •relationship, model• misc also•, shall•, tend•, strongly, repeatedly, critical, historical, increasingly• ● highlight, stress, accentuate, call attention to, underline, underscore


v noun •information, data, food, material, appeal•, system, product, claim, application, image, brain•, computer, admission•, transaction, blender• misc •until, •smooth, collect•, quickly, •blend ● deal with, handle, sort out, administer, see to, manage


v noun •information, food, company, money, product, material, fund, weight, •news, service, film, copy, power, •picture, data misc evenly, •among, widely•, •throughout, •across, million ● mete out, deal out, hand out, dole out || deliver, supply, circulate, spread out


v noun •job, plane, •airport, helicopter, •role, troop, •ars, fish, aircraft, floor, •contract, •jail, flight•, ball, ground misc •on, before•, •near, •safely, fly•, •softly, crash ● arrive, alight, come down, touch down || acquire, get, annex, gain


v noun •job, •school, •drinking, smoker•, •turkey, •post, •race, •teaching, engine•, •crying, winner•, adviser, chef•, drummer• misc when, after, call•, never•, decide•, smoke, before, ready•, force•, •smoking, threaten•, •altogether ● give up, stop, relinquish, refrain from || leave, resign, walk out, abandon


v noun •law, right, •rule, •principle, •constitution, •agreement, privacy, •standard, •clause, act, •regulation, trust, •term, •spirit, •norm misc •federal, •constitutional, civil, human, •international ● disregard, infringe, defy || defile, desecrate, spoil || disrupt, disturb, encroach upon


v noun •law, •medicine, year, skill, art, week, religion, form, technique, physician, team, lawyer, doctor, psychologist, •yoga misc widely•, currently•, regularly, commonly•, routinely ● rehearse, prepare, exercise, repeat || live out, carry out, perform, apply


v noun •level, risk, •air, body, •sun, breast, •radiation, •sunlight, •element, material, •weakness, •violence, •corruption, •virus, condition misc •himself, directly, potentially, threaten•, completely• ● open up, uncover, bare || subject, lay open to, put in danger || blow the whistle on, unmask, lay bare


v noun •life, perception, reduction, consequence, •death, •limb, •injury, •loss, •career, •damage, •wrath, •confrontation, •reputation, •neck, exposure misc •lose, willing•, rather•, •everything, decide•, worth• ● endanger, imperil, jeopardize, lay bare || chance, hazard, attempt, gamble


v noun •light, •side, •party, •gear, •leg, •lamp, position, •channel, •mode, epublican, phone, television, computer, focus, machine misc •from, •off, •back, repeat, quickly, •complete, suddenly•, recently•, automatically• on •light, •lamp, •radio, •, •off, •flashlight, •television, power, •computer off •light, •lamp, television, •radio, •engine, •, •machine, •ignition, •flashlight ● change over, swap, substitute || convert, change, change over || interchange, swap, trade || swap over, interchange, change over


v noun •lip, •tongue, nail, dog, •bullet, head, hand, mosquito, snake, bug, •dust, tooth•, mouth•, •fingernail, •piece misc •into, •off, •down, back, •low, •hard, tender•, scratch ● sink your teeth into, nibble, gnaw || wound, nip, snap || hurt, sting, feel painful


v noun •meeting, slice, marriage, flower, plate, •order, platter, table, •visit, trip, interview, dish, •transportation, hair, tomato misc •around, •meet, carefully•, •themselves, neatly ● organize, set up, coordinate, fix || put in order, position, place, assemble


v noun •memory, •commitment, •father, member, •request, tradition, •veteran, •ancestor, contract, •promise, •agreement, player, •obligation, •soldier, individual misc respect, •thy, recently•, choose•, refuse•, deeply•, •fallen, gather•, truly• ● esteem, respect, admire, revere || keep, stick to, carry out, fulfill


v noun •muscle, position, •family, •hand, •security, •tie, •relationship, effort, •bond, economy, government, •institution, education, exercise, •hamstring misc help•, far•, order, greatly• ● make stronger, reinforce, fortify, brace, toughen, build up


v noun •need, job, tax, problem, program, •possibility, •risk, •use, plan•, process, •threat, •weapon, position, •barrier, •deficit misc reduce, completely, virtually•, •altogether, entirely ● remove, eradicate, abolish || defecate, urinate, excrete || destroy, kill, exterminate


v noun •need, •requirement, •demand, •desire, •curiosity, •criterion, customer, •appetite, •hunger, •craving, •standard, •concern, answer, •urge, explanation misc •with, enough•, •both, must•, order•, until, completely• ● content, please, gratify || gratify, satiate, quench || convince, assure, persuade || fulfill, comply with, meet


v noun •notice, •prison, •death, heat, •attention, air, •poverty, •lip, trap, steam•, •fate, •punishment, slave, •reality, gas• misc •from, try•, manage•, allow•, able• ● flee, run away, get away || avoid, evade, elude || leak out, leak, drip


v noun •od, night, prayer, father, church, •peace, knee•, esus, •miracle, •rain, •soul, hour, uslim•, mosque, hristian• misc •for, hope•, together, •hard, sing, kneel•, silently ● request, implore, plead || hope, wish, yearn || meditate, contemplate, say your prayers


v noun •people, •jury, •public, •voter, •merican, •judge, •ongress, official, evidence, doctor, administration, campaign•, •juror, •reader, argument misc try•, •myself, •himself, able• ● persuade, prove, sway, influence, convert, win over


v noun •people, •lot, answer, •me, reaction, •reader, success, •observer, •audience, finding•, analyst, •bear, tone, earnings, move• misc you, •by, •him, may•, might•, •everyone, anyone, •quickly, •everybody ● alarm, astonish, startle, astound || catch unawares, catch napping, take by surprise, burst in on


v noun •percent, year, •number, official•, study•, model, earnings, expert•, rate, value, analyst•, size, department•, loss, researcher• misc •million, cost, •about, •billion, total, •approximately ● approximate, guess, guesstimate, assess, reckon, value


v noun •percent, •threat, •part, •majority, definition•, element, community, •endorsement, •violation, act, experience, •approval, •basis, journal•, relationship misc •large, •important, •major, social, •significant ● set up, establish || comprise, make up || amount to, represent || set up, establish || comprise, make up || amount to, represent


v noun •piece, heart, page, paper, •ligament, clothes, building, •hair, •shred, throat, •hole, •limb, wind•, flesh, arm misc •apart, •off, •out, •away, •through, •open up eye•, start•, street, •knee, •paper, grass, •letter, garden down •wall, house, building, old, •barrier, •fence, •replace, •rebuild ● rip, slash, scratch || snatch, rip, grab || dash, rush, hurry || sprain, rip, pull


v noun •position, space, place, land, territory, house, building, room, mind, country, office, center, raq, troop, force misc •by, •same, once•, •central, •entire ● live in, dwell in, inhabit || engage, absorb, interest || conquer, subjugate, dominate


v noun •pound, •ton, •ounce, •option, •risk, factor, •benefit, •evidence, •mind, scale, fish, baby•, •pro, month, bike• misc •than, •more, •about, •less, much, •heavily, •against, •hundred in •on, also•, president, •about, court•, expert• ● consider, ponder, think about, evaluate, meditate on, reflect on


v noun •president, •client, student, doctor, expert•, government, lawyer, parent, patient, firm, attorney, official, consultant•, reader, department misc •against, •avoid, strongly•, •seek, instead, financial, best, ill• ● counsel, direct, recommend, guide || inform, let know, make aware, notify


v noun •president, •governor, year, ongress, member, state, epublican, •leader, •mayor, •official, •enate, house, parliament, emocrat, representative misc first, newly•, democratically•, directly, recently• ● vote for, vote into office, pick, select || choose, opt for, decide on, select


v noun •problem, eye, thing, gaze, car, •hair, •dinner, price, mind, •hole misc try•, everything, •broken, •upon, broke•, firmly, fast, easily up •house, get•, home, •old, •building, •apartment, buy•, •property, clean, •neighborhood ● repair, mend, put to rights || prepare, make ready, get ready || arrange, agree, organize || rig, manipulate, arrange || fasten, attach, glue


v noun •problem, mystery, case, •crime, puzzle, •crisis, •murder, •riddle, •dilemma, •conflict, approach•, technology misc help•, try•, able•, •environmental, difficult, alone, quickly, order•, easily ● resolve, crack, answer, explain, get to the bottom of, unravel


v noun •progress, •movement, system•, computer, •change, police•, •trend, firm•, stock, camera•, •activity, satellite, ability•, •sales, storm misc try•, able•, closely, •across, easy•, difficult•, easily down try•, help, able•, finally•, •killer, investigator•, •terrorist, •source, •suspect, effort• ● follow, hunt down, chase, pursue, stalk, trace


v noun •rate, head, •voice, •cost, •price, •level, eye, •risk, tax, •cholesterol, •pressure, •interest, •standard, hand, •temperature misc •your, raise•, slowly, •himself, •onto, •until ● let down, drop, let fall, hand down || lessen, reduce, drop, decrease


v noun •result, •serving, •information, •percent, analysis•, •effect, data, score, bond•, study•, •insight, •benefit, •difference, fund•, rate misc •about, •significant, •different, •better, •similar, desire• ● produce, bear, generate || give way, acquiesce, capitulate || give up, concede, grant


v noun •safety, public, success, •quality, doctor•, security, •reader, •access, victory, •survival, stability, minister, •continuity, •compliance, •equality misc •me, best•, •accurately, •himself, order•, virtually•, •continued, •adequate, repeatedly ● promise, guarantee, give surety, pledge || make certain, ensure, guarantee, nail down


v noun •safety, •security, system, •success, •survival, effort•, •quality, policy, step•, •compliance, process, •access, •stability, •protection, measure• misc •that, help•, must•, order•, necessary•, design•, •adequate, •proper ● make sure, make certain, safeguard, guarantee, confirm, certify


v noun •school, student, college, •degree, senior, •honor, •une, spring, •top, •ay, institute, •tech, athlete•, engineer, alumni misc •from, after•, •cum, •laude, recently• ● progress, move up, advance || mark off, measure off, divide up || arrange, rank, order


v noun •shoulder, foot, finger, phone, door, •window, •glass, resource, power, •key, toe, arm, wall, •floor, potential misc •into, •against, lightly, able•, gently, nervously out •message, •rhythm, •excess, •code, •beat, •cigarette, consumer•, computer, fund•, •e-mail ● rap, knock, bang || use, utilize, draw on || appoint, select, nominate || bug, listen in on, record || draw off, draw out, extract


v noun •statement, report, order, •warning, permit, court•, government, president•, company, department, subpoena, judge•, press, •ruling, decision misc •by, public, recently•, civil•, state, newly•, official, refuse•, •release, immediately•, •declare, •following ● give out, hand out, deliver || announce, broadcast, send out || publish, release, broadcast || originate, stem, come forth || emanate, emerge, issue forth


v noun •student, system•, technology•, program•, teacher, •user, information, •researcher, skill•, software•, •individual, process•, development, •scientist, tool• misc will•, •us, develop, design•, thus• ● allow, permit, make possible, empower, qualify, aid


v noun •student, teacher, program, •game, •development, •suicide, government, team, member, patient, organization, •client, educator, individual, computer• misc develop, design, local, prepare, available• ● help, aid, help out, lend a hand, give a hand, support


v noun •surgery, •change, patient•, •treatment, •transformation, •procedure, •test, woman•, year, •training, •therapy, •testing, •operation, •evaluation, experience misc •major, must•, •extensive, •significant, •radical, •dramatic ● experience, feel, suffer, endure, undertake, go through


v noun •temptation, •urge, •pressure, •effort, •change, •attempt, •arrest, •impulse, •disease, •pull, •occupation, •desire, tendency, •proposal, •peer misc can•, hard•, able•, long, unable•, first, continue•, initially• ● fight, battle, struggle || oppose, defy, stand firm || withstand, survive, endure || keep from, avoid, refuse


v noun •text, •, character•, •, energy, •hristianity, •slam, •electricity, •atholicism, gas, •use, fuel, plant, •signal, body misc •into, easily•, directly, recently• ● change, adapt, alter || switch, change, change over || win over, convince, talk into


v noun •way, road, path•, head, trail•, river, street, mile, arm, season•, hair, clock, mountain, •hill, hour misc •through, •around, tightly, narrow, •along, •tight up may•, might•, •pay, eventually•, often•, •dead, •spend, probably•, •jail, •cost down season•, career, clock•, cold ● coil, twist, encircle, wrap around || snake, meander, bend, curve


v noun •year, •day, •hour, •month, •minute, •week, •lifetime, marriage•, war•, period, •decade, session•, trial•, interview•, relationship• misc long, will•, •than, only, •about, •until, •forever ● keep, go on, last out, stay fresh, keep going, carry on


r become•, •important, grow•, •difficult, •popular, •common, •complex, society, •clear, •sophisticated, •global, •concerned, •likely, •aware ● more and more, ever more, progressively, gradually, progressively more


r very•, look•, listen•, watch•, choose, plan, consider, must•, read, place, each, word, examine, study ● thoroughly, meticulously, painstakingly || cautiously, warily, vigilantly || gently, protectively, with care || prudently, sensibly, judiciously


r •else, •between, there, around, •along, down, off•, •near, read•, •middle, probably, away, someone, maybe ● someplace, anywhere, anyplace, wherever


r •manage, seem, feel, yet•, •survive, connect, notion•, •escape, somewhere, sense, •involved, •responsible, familiar, alive ● one way or another, someway, by hook or by crook, come what may, come hell or high water


r •way, child•, just•, •year, •pressure, percent, •condition, age, foot, free, already•, •circumstance ● below, underneath, beneath, lower than, further down


j noun force, government, people, army, troop, soldier, official, leader, police, security


v noun issue, controversy•, house, circumstance•, wall, building, event, fence, water, mountain, star, •death, police, debate•, island misc •yourself, central, completely•, dark, tall, huge, immediately• ● enclose, encircle, encase, enfold || besiege, lay siege to, encircle, hem in

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