5.1.2 : Semester Exam REVIEW

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What tone does the author create by referring the water marks in Glen Canyon as "'the bathtub ring'"? The rising and falling water level entails various consequences. One of the most obvious, well known to all who have seen Lake Mead, is the "bathtub ring" left on the canyon walls after each drawdown of water, or what rangers at Glen Canyon call the Bathtub Formation. This phenomenon is perhaps of no more than aesthetic importance; yet it is sufficient to dispel any illusion one might have, in contemplating the scene, that you are looking upon a natural lake.

A critical tone

Which story premise is most clearly a classic tragedy?

A successful business owner loses everything because of her greed.

Which argument about fishing would most likely appeal to an audience of executives who sell fish sticks?

Businesses should switch to farm-raised fish, which are cheaper than fish caught in the wild.

Which argument is a bandwagon fallacy?

Buy this new hair tonic. It's cool. Everyone's doing it.

Which argument about fishing would most likely appeal to an audience of fishing boat captains?

Catching fish in the wild is a way of life, and it provides jobs for millions of people worldwide.

Which option is an example of deductive reasoning?

Cities are populated. Chicago is a city. Therefore, Chicago is populated.

Which news headline is most clearly biased?

Congressman Squeals Under Pressure

Which of the following passages from Edward Abbey's "The Damnation of a Canyon" best demonstrates his use of ethos to build his argument?

In the summer and fall of 1967 I worked as a seasonal park ranger at the new Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. During my five-month tour of duty I worked at the main marina and headquarters area called Wahweap, at Bullfrog Basin toward the upper end of the reservoir, and finally at Lee's Ferry downriver from Glen Canyon Dam.

What theme does Martin Luther King, Jr. support in the following passage from his Nobel Prize acceptance speech? After contemplation, I conclude that this award which I receive on behalf of that movement is a profound recognition that nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral question of our time the need for man to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to violence and oppression. Civilization and violence are antithetical concepts. Negroes of the United States, following the people of India, have demonstrated that nonviolence is not sterile passivity, but a powerful moral force which makes for social transformation. Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace, and thereby transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.

Peaceful protesting is the best way to bring about change.

Which of the following passages from Edward Abbey's "The Damnation of a Canyon" best demonstrates his use of pathos to build his argument?

The difference between the present reservoir, with its silent sterile shores and debris-choked side canyons, and the original Glen Canyon, is the difference between death and life. Glen Canyon was alive. Lake Powell is a graveyard.

Which theme from the Gettysburg Address is developed in these lines from the speech? The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.

The living can honor the dead by continuing to do the work the dead began.

Which theme from the Gettysburg Address is developed in these lines from the speech? It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate we cannot hallow this ground.

There is no way to truly honor those who die.

Which sentence most clearly uses a stereotype?

Trust a pilot if he tells you to fasten your safety belt. OR If I meet a kindergarten teacher, I'll ask for her opinion.

What is the author's purpose in including the following paragraph in his argument about the dangers of human indifference to suffering? We are on the threshold of a new century, a new millennium. What will the legacy of this vanishing century be? How will it be remembered in the new millennium? Surely it will be judged, and judged severely, in both moral and metaphysical terms. These failures have cast a dark shadow over humanity: two World Wars, countless civil wars, the senseless chain of assassinations (Gandhi, the Kennedys, Martin Luther King, Sadat, Rabin), bloodbaths in Cambodia and Algeria, India and Pakistan, Ireland and Rwanda, Eritrea and Ethiopia, Sarajevo and Kosovo; the inhumanity in the gulag and the tragedy of Hiroshima. And, on a different level, of course, Auschwitz and Treblinka. So much violence; so much indifference.

Wiesel is showing how widespread the effects of indifference are.

Read this excerpt from the conclusion of Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference" speech: Does it mean that we have learned from the past? Does it mean that society has changed? Has the human being become less indifferent and more human? Have we really learned from our experiences? Are we less insensitive to the plight of victims of ethnic cleansing and other forms of injustices in places near and far? Is today's justified intervention in Kosovo, led by you, Mr. President, a lasting warning that never again will the deportation, the terrorization of children and their parents, be allowed anywhere in the world? Will it discourage other dictators in other lands to do the same? How does Wiesel use a rhetorical device in this passage?

Wiesel uses rhetorical questions to encourage the audience to continue to think about his ideas.

Read this excerpt from the conclusion of Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference" speech: Does it mean that we have learned from the past? Does it mean that society has changed? Has the human being become less indifferent and more human? Have we really learned from our experiences? Are we less insensitive to the plight of victims of ethnic cleansing and other forms of injustices in places near and far? Is today's justified intervention in Kosovo, led by you, Mr. President, a lasting warning that never again will the deportation, the terrorization of children and their parents, be allowed anywhere in the world? Will it discourage other dictators in other lands to do the same? Which statement best describes Wiesel's use of a rhetorical device?

Wiesel uses rhetorical questions to end his speech in order to encourage the audience to think further about his ideas.

What change did Orson Welles make to the radio play of The War of the Worlds that caused its audience to panic?

He presented the story as if it was happening in real time.

Which of the following does Elie Wiesel rely on the most to develop his argument about the dangers of human indifference to suffering?

Historical events

What tone does Martin Luther King, Jr. create through repetition of the phrase "I believe" in this portion of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech? I believe that what self-centered men have torn down men other-centered can build up. I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and nonviolent redemptive good will proclaim the rule of the land. "And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid." I still believe that We Shallovercome!


Which option is an example of inductive reasoning?

I always get tired at 3 o'clock. Therefore, I will get tired at 3 o'clock today. OR She keeps winning coin tosses. Therefore, she will win the next one.

Which line's meter is iambic?

I give the best of all I have to offer Sam. OR Malinda never seems to get the point.

Which story premise most clearly contains a supernatural element?

Each event that a strange old man predicts eventually comes to pass.

Which of the following statements from "The Damnation of a Canyon" demonstrates the author's use of a slippery slope fallacy?

Eventually, as is already sometimes the case at Lake Mead, the stagnant waters will become too foul even for swimming. The trouble is that while some boats have what are called "self-contained" heads, the majority do not; most sewage is disposed of by simply pumping it into the water. It will take a while, but long before it becomes a solid mass of mud Lake Powell ("Jewel of the Colorado") will enjoy a passing fame as the biggest sewage lagoon in the American Southwest.

Read this passage from "An Indian Father's Plea" by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake: My Indian child has a constitutional right to learn, retain, and maintain his heritage and culture. By the same token, I strongly believe that non-Indian children also have a constitutional right to learn about our Native American heritage and culture, because Indians play a significant part in the history of Western society. Until this reality is equally understood and applied in education as a whole, there will be a lot more schoolchildren in grades K-2 identified as "slow learners."My son, Wind-Wolf, is not an empty glass coming into your class to be filled. He is a full basket coming into a different environment and society with something special to share. Please let him share his knowledge, heritage, and culture with you and his peers. Which word best describes the tone of the passage?


Read this passage from "An Indian Father's Plea" by Medicine Grizzlybear Lake: My Indian child has a constitutional right to learn, retain, and maintain his heritage and culture. By the same token, I strongly believe that non-Indian children also have a constitutional right to learn about our Native American heritage and culture, because Indians play a significant part in the history of Western society. Until this reality is equally understood and applied in education as a whole, there will be a lot more schoolchildren in grades K-2 identified as "slow learners."My son, Wind-Wolf, is not an empty glass coming into your class to be filled. He is a full basket coming into a different environment and society with something special to share. Please let him share his knowledge, heritage, and culture with you and his peers. Which words best describe the tone of the passage?

Formal and respectful

Which statement best summarizes the following portion of the Declaration of Independence? When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Nations should make clear why they no longer want to be allied with one another.

What tone does Martin Luther King, Jr. create through his choice of words in the following portion of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech? I accept the Nobel Prize for Peace at a moment when 22 million Negroes of the United States of America are engaged in a creative battle to end the long night of racial injustice, I accept this award on behalf of a civil rights movement which is moving with determination and a majestic scorn for risk and danger to establish a reign of freedom and a rule of justice. I am mindful that only yesterday in Birmingham, Alabama, our children, crying out for brotherhood, were answered with fire hoses, snarling dogs and even death. I am mindful that only yesterday in Philadelphia, Mississippi, young people seeking to secure the right to vote were brutalized and murdered. And only yesterday more than 40 houses of worship in the State of Mississippi alone were bombed or burned because they offered a sanctuary to those who would not accept segregation. I am mindful that debilitating and grinding poverty afflicts my people and chains them to the lowest rung of the economic ladder.


Which argument is a slippery slope fallacy?

Setting a curfew is the first step in destroying democracy.

Which type of logical fallacy does Edward Abbey use in the following portion of "The Damnation of a Canyon"? Eventually, as is already sometimes the case at Lake Mead, the stagnant waters will become too foul even for swimming. The trouble is that while some boats have what are called "self-contained" heads, the majority do not; most sewage is disposed of by simply pumping it into the water. It will take a while, but long before it becomes a solid mass of mud Lake Powell ("Jewel of the Colorado") will enjoy a passing fame as the biggest sewage lagoon in the American Southwest.

Slippery slope

Which term most clearly describes a medium?

Stage play

What theme does Martin Luther King, Jr. support in the following passage from his Nobel Prize acceptance speech? I believe that wounded justice, lying prostrate on the blood-flowing streets of our nations, can be lifted from this dust of shame to reign supreme among the children of men. I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits. I believe that what self-centered men have torn down men other-centered can build up. I still believe that one day mankind will bow before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed, and nonviolent redemptive good will proclaim the rule of the land. "And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid." I still believe that We Shallovercome!

Strong people can bring about great change.

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