7 & 8 Practice Questions

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The 1786 rebellion of Daniel Shays and his followers represented the pent-up grievances of whom? A. Veterans who had not received their promised pensions B. Poor farmers and debtors C. Loyalists whose lands had been confiscated without compensation D. Merchants and lenders whose wealth was being destroyed by inflation E. Whiskey distillers who faced steep new taxes


The Virginia Plan called for which of the following? A. Equal representation in unicameral Congress B. A bicameral Congress based on population C. Two houses of the legislative government D. Greater government control of commerce E. Slaves to be counted as part of the population


What was a result of the Battle of Long Island? A. British troops retained control of New York City. B. General William Howe escaped to Manhattan Island. C. Americans drove British troops out of New York City. D. George Washington surprised and captured a garrison of German Hessians. E. Americans secured French support for the Revolutionary cause.


What was the Continental Congress's primary reason for naming George Washington commander of the army? A. He would be more politically skilled in working with Congress than any other potential leader. B. He knew how to raise and train a professional army. C. He was a wealthy planter from Virginia and thus provided political balance. D. He had been the mastermind of the Boston Tea Party. E. He had demonstrated military experience and skill.


What was the effect of U.S. General Benedict Arnold's plot with the British? A. The loss of the key stronghold of West Point B. To force the American troops at Saratoga to surrender C. Negligible D. To stagger previously improving American morale E. The loss of the colony of Georgia


When creating a state constitution, Massachusetts served as an innovative example to the federal government by doing which of the following? A. Capturing the spirit of republicanism in pen B. Submitting the final draft to the people for ratification C. Addressing three different branches of government D. Creating a living document that could be changed at any time E. Having the people write the first draft


Which battle is the best example of "Old Fox" George Washington's military tactics? A. Battle of Saratoga B. Battle of Trenton C. Battle of Deleware D. Battle of Bunker Hill E. Battle of Long Island


Which of the following men was not present among the figures of the Constitutional Convention? A. George Washington B. James Madison C. Alexander Hamilton D. Benjamin Franklin E. Thomas Jefferson


After the American Revolution, most of the southern states did what? A. Gave full legal equality to freed blacks B. Went further and either abolished slavery outright or provided for the gradual emancipation of blacks C. Came close to officially abolishing slavery D. Saw many idealistic masters free their human chattels E. Ignored the Continental Congress's call for the complete abolition of the slave trade


After the war, what happened to most Loyalist land holdings? A. They were sold off to wealthy plantation owners. B. They were confiscated and divided into smaller parcels. C. They were taken control of by the British. D. They were vandalized by resentful Americans. E. They were expanded into the West.


All of the following contributed to a bleak economic picture in America after the Revolution except: A. British commerce was reserved for loyal parts of the empire. B. Americans could not trade freely with other nations. C. Profiteering ran rampant. D. Congress could not curb economic laws. E. American ships were barred from British harbors.


All of the following were true of the Loyalists except: A. They formed a tiny proportion of the American population. B. Many Loyalists thought of themselves as the "better sort of people." C. Colonists defeated fifteen hundred Loyalists at Moore's Creek Bridge in North Carolina. D. They were called Tories. E. Many thought a break with Britain would invite anarchy.


As a condition for ratification, the federalists in Massachusetts and elsewhere promised that, if adopted, the constitution would be amended to include what? A. A stronger provision for impeachment of the president B. Direct election of senators C. A bill of rights D. An eventual end to slavery E. Popular election of the president


Conservative-minded delegates at the Constitutional Convention erected all of the following safeguards except: A. The president was elected indirectly by the Electoral College. B. Barriers were created against the excesses of the "mob." C. Senators were chosen by state legislatures. D. There would be no system of checks and balances. E. Federal judges were appointed for life.


How did Spain prevent America from exercising control over some of its territories? A. They closed the Mississippi River to American commerce. B. They schemed with the British to prevent American expansion. C. They neglected to send a minister to America. D. They refused to make a commercial agreement with the young confederation. E. They demanded repayment of money loaned during the war.


How did the Congress of the Articles of Confederation obtain funding? A. Excise taxes on whiskey and luxury goods B. Voluntary contributions from the states C. National income tax D. The sale of western lands E. A tariff on trade between the various states


How did the French aid America during the Battle of Yorktown? A. French ships carried American soldiers from New York to the Chesapeake. B. The French army captured British General Cornwallis and delivered him to George Washington. C. French troops remained in New York to watch a force of 10,000 British men while Americans fought in Yorktown. D. The French naval fleet prevented British reinforcements from coming ashore. E. France provided troops to rescue Americans who had been captured by the British.


In international affairs, Americans stood for which of the following? A. An alliance of democratic republics to overthrow tyrannical monarchies around the world B. America's entry into the system of alliances and balance of power in Europe C. The rule of law, free trade, and an end to colonialism D. A new international organization that would replace the doctrine of national sovereignty E. American and Canadian unity under a mercantilist system


The Great Compromise accomplished all of the following except: A. It reconciled the New Jersey plan and three-fifths compromise. B. It ensured equal representation in the Senate. C. It gave states proportional representation in the House of Representatives. D. It paved the way for future compromises between the states. E. It broke a stalemate at the Constitutional Convention.


Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence was most effective in which of the following ways? A. Declaring that Americans were really fighting for the rights of Englishmen B. Linking the cause of American independence to the natural rights of humankind C. Elucidating a new government guided by a system of checks and balances D. Proving that King George III was one of the worst tyrants who had ever ruled an empire E. Appealing to France and other European countries to join the revolutionary cause


What did King George III do in July 1775 after the Battle of Bunker Hill? A. Allied with the French in an effort to end the war quickly B. Hired German troops to fight against American troops C. Launched a frontal attack with 3,000 men on the American army D. Returned to Boston with trained sharpshooters E. Adopted an Olive Branch Petition declaring American freedom


What did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 determine about the western territories? A. These territories were not mentioned in the Northwest Ordianance of 1787. B. They could choose whether to secede and form an independent nation after fifty years under the United States. C. They should be governed as permanent colonies by the central government. D. They could decide for themselves whether to allow slavery. E. They would proceed through two stages on the way to becoming equal states of the Union.


What were the most important components that France contributed to America's cause in the War of Independence? A. Training for Washington's army and strategic guidance for the colonial militias B Munitions, money, and a navy that challenged British domination of the seas C. Hessian mercenaries to augment American troops D. A permanent alliance and guarantee that the United States would be an equal among the European Great Powers E. Revolutionary ideals and worldwide propaganda


Which American generals conducted the nearly successful invasion of Canada in October 1775? A. George Washington and Horatio Gates B. Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold C. Nathanael Greene and the Marquis de Lafayette D. George Rogers Clark and John Paul Jones E. George Washington and Nathanael Greene


Which key development led a majority of Americans to favor independence after January 1776? A. British use of German mercenaries to try to crush the rebellion B. British repeal of the Stamp Act, removing a vital supply of income for the colonies C. Thomas Paine's arguments for independence in his publication Common Sense D. The belief that only independence could bring France to their aid E. Washington's defeat of the British in the Battles of Trenton and Princeton


Which of the following best describes antifederalists? A. States' rights advocates and poorer western farmers B. Southerners C. City dwellers and manufacturers D. Military veterans and those holding Revolutionary War bonds E. Financial leaders of New York


Which of the following were not terms of the Treaty of Paris? A. Americans would restore Loyalist property. B. Britain would formally recognized the independence of the United States. C. Debts would be repaid to British creditors. D. Britain would cede territory east of the Mississippi. E. Spain would cede Florida to the Americans.


Which was not a result of the Battle of Saratoga? A. General Horatio Gates retained control of British troops. B. Confidence in the fight for independence was revived amongst the colonists. C. The French offered support for the revolutionary cause. D. General John Burgoyne retained control of American troops. E. General John Burgoyne surrendered to General Horatio Gates.


Which was the last state to approve of the Articles of Confederation? A. Massachusetts B. New York C. Pennsylvania D. Virginia E. Maryland


Why did the British propose such generous terms to the Americans in the Treaty of Paris? A. They were attempting to break the alliance between America and France. B. They no longer felt that the American colonies were valuable. C. They feared American retaliation in the future. D. They were setting the stage for an alliance with Spain. E. They hoped to lure Americans to the West in an effort to regain control of the East Coast.

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