8A questions

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A brain tumor that results in obesity would most likely be located in the

the hypothalamus (hunger)

Gustav was out for his daily walk when he was approached by a thief who demanded his wallet. He immediately felt an increase in his breathing and heart rate. Which of the following accurately describes Gustavs physiological response?

Alarm stage of the general adaptation syndrome

Adrian loves to do dangerous activities like surfing and skydiving because of the thrill he gets. Which of the following is a theory of motivation that best explains Adrian's desire to do dangerous activities?


Mark, a flight attendant, began his workday in a bad mood. However, by the end of the day, he felt much happier. According to the facial feedback hypothesis, what may have influenced Marks mood?

Because it is his job to be courteous to customers, Mark smiled at passengers frequently.

Harper was watching Frozen II and when the Earth Giants came on the screen she experienced a racing heart and fear at the same time. Her experience of emotion would be best explained by which of the following theories of emotion?


Following Hurricane Maria, many residents in Puerto Rico experienced great amounts of stress as their homes were destroyed and did not have access to clean water and food to survive. In this scenario, Hurricane Maria would be considered which of the following types of stressors? Group of answer choices


When Aiden commutes to work in Washington, DC, he has to sit in heavy traffic, which causes him to worry that he may be late for work every day. In this scenario, the traffic is what kind of stressor?

Chronic daily hassle

Harper was watching Moana and upon seeing Te Ka, she experienced fear followed by an increased heart rate and shaking. Her emotional experience is best explained by which of the following theories of emotion?

Common sense

When we are feeling stressed, this hormone is released into our bloodstream.


According to Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer's theory of emotion, which of the following is true?

Environmental events trigger physiological responses from the muscles, which in turn activate specific emotional states.

After school, George and his friends complain of intense hunger. They go to Georges home and immediately open his refrigerator to look for a snack. Which of the following is a theory of motivation that best explains their behavior?

Drive reduction

According to research in sexual motivation, females are most motivated for sexual behavior under which condition?

During ovulation

In the James-Lange theory of emotion, which of the following immediately precedes an emotion?

Experience of physiological changes

A tumor that destroys the ventromedial hypothalamus is likely to produce which of the following?

Frequent eating and obesity

A hostile person with a type A personality is most at risk for developing which of the following?

Heart disease

Which of the following most accurately characterizes the role of the hypothalamus in the regulation of hunger?

It acts with the endocrine system to control hunger and satiety.

Leo and Caitlin are both experiencing feelings about their date tonight. Leo has had bad dates lately, and so he feels fear and dejection. Caitlin, meanwhile, has had very good dates, and so she feels excited and happy. According to Richard Lazarus appraisal theory

Leo and Caitlin have an immediate unconscious interpretation of the scenario, which leads them to simultaneously both label their feelings as either positive or negative and have the appropriate physiological response

According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following statements is true?

Physiological needs must be met before an individual achieves self-actualization.

Melvin, a server at a restaurant, is in the middle of a lunch rush. He is completing orders, serving customers, and seating new guests. He has adapted to this level of stress and is coping. Which of the following terms identifies a stage in Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome that Melvin is currently experiencing?


Lee is about to skydive for the first time. He interprets his racing heart to be the result of his eager anticipation and excitement. This best represents which theory of emotion?

Schacter's two factor theory

When given a drug that produced general arousal, research participants placed in a room with a happy confederate described their emotional state as happy, while those placed in a room with an angry confederate described their emotional state as angry. Which theory of emotion best explains these results?


Melinda went skydiving. As soon as she landed, a handsome man helped her gather her parachute. Melinda's heart was beating quickly and her hands were perspiring. Melinda inferred that she must be attracted to him. Which of the following is a theory of emotion that would best explain the relationship between Melinda's physiological state and her apparent attraction to the man that helped her?

Schacter-Singer two factor theory

For most of his life, Mike has been overweight. Not long after going on a diet and losing over 30 pounds, Mike gained back nearly all the weight. Which of the following concepts best explains Mikes experience?

Set-point theory

Hunger and eating are primarily regulated by which of the following?

The hypothalamus

Drive reduction as a motivational concept is best exemplified by which of the following?

The injection of heroin by an addict to avoid withdrawal symptoms

Based only on the variable described for each of the following pairs of individuals, which individuals are most likely to show different facial expressions when experiencing the same emotion?

Two individuals who are from different cultures that have different display rules for the emotion

Amanda experienced discomfort in class. She put on a sweater when she realized her discomfort was caused by the cold. Her behavior was motivated by

a drive

Hans grew up in Germany and later moved to Japan for a job opportunity. Back at home, he never had issues making friends or had interpersonal issues with colleagues at work, but in his new home, Hans is having difficulty interacting with his colleagues. According to psychologists who study how culture influences behavior, his difficulties most likely stem from

cultural differences in emotional expression and body language between Japan and Germany

Incentive theories of motivation explain the desire of people to achieve goals in terms of

external stimuli that have the capacity to affect behavior

Paul Ekman found that when Japanese students watched films of surgery, they masked their expressions of disgust with a smile when an authority figure entered the room but not when alone. American students maintained their expressions of disgust both alone and in the presence of an authority figure. Ekman's findings illustrate what he calls

display rules

According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need to have respect for ourselves and to be valued by others is classified within the category of

esteem needs

Danielle was laid off from her job six months ago and has been unsuccessful in finding a new one. The income from her long hours of temp work barely covers her bills. She has begun to have frequent cold and flu symptoms and has become depressed. Danielle is most likely in the stage of Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome known as


A complex pattern of organized, unlearned behavior that is species-specific is called


Carla tutors other students because she likes to be helpful, whereas Jane tutors classmates strictly for pay. Their behaviors demonstrate the difference between

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Alfred Kinsey used a method that allowed for extensive information to be collected from discussions with individual participants. The research method that he used, and his research contributions, were

personal interviews; sexual behavior in women

Research has shown that the optimal arousal level of an individual performing a given task is

related to task difficulty

An example of a primary drive is


Karen had been working overtime to complete a project so that she could go skiing at the end of the month. On the day of her trip, Karen got sick with the flu and had to cancel. Stress hormones had most likely affected her immune system by

suppressing white blood cells called T lymphocytes

The final stage of general adaptation theory is known as

systematic desensitization

Tahani is hiking in the woods and sees some movement in the trees. She immediately tenses up. A few moments later, after she realizes that the trees were just rustling in the wind, she calms down. According to Joseph LeDoux, Tahanis reaction is due to the fact that

there is a fast processing path that sends sensory information directly to the amygdala, causing Tahani's initial fear response, and a slower processing path that processes the content of sensory information first, which overrode Tahani's fear response

One of the consistent research findings in the area of facial expressions and emotion is the

universality of facial expressions across cultures

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