A&P chapter 9

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Mark each cranial nerve with its function.

1. Accessory-Evaluation of the scapula 2. vestibulocochlear-Hearing 3. glossopharyngeal-Pain sensation on the tongue 4. trochlear-Infero-lateral movement of the eye 5. Trigeminal-Chewing 6. oculomotor-Pupil construction 7. Facial-Motor for muscles a facial expression 8. Optic-Visual acuity 9. abducens-Lateral movement of that Eye 10. hypoglossal-Tongue movement 11. Vagus-Inhibit cardiac muscle 12. olfactory-Smell

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the neurotransmitters of the ANS check all that apply.

1. All preganglionic neurons of the ANS are cholinergic 2. All postganglionic neurons of the a ANS have cholinergic receptors in there dendrites 3. Postganglionic sympathetic neurons norepinephrine to the heart muscle cells 4. Some parasympathetic neurons use Norepinephrine as there are neurotransmitter.

True statements about cerebrospinal fluids (CSF)

1. Effectively decreases the brains force on the cranial floor 2. Helps prevent concussions 3. Produced by the choroid plexus

Which of the following parts of the brain plays a role in memory consolidation check all that apply

1. Hippocampus 2. amygdala 3. cerebellum

Which of the following statements is true regarding cerebral lateralization check all that apply

1. Left-handed people usually exhibit a wider frontal peritoneal and I'll get a bowl up on the left compared to the same lobes on the right 2. Imagination inside and artistic skill are usually specialties of the right hemisphere 3. The left hemisphere is usually called the category of hemisphere

False statements about cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

1. Supplies blood to the brain tissue 2. Blocks blood toxins from the brain tissue 3. Has a fluctuating pH level 4. Found in the ventricles of the heart and brain 5. Reabsorbed into the blood plasma by the Dura matter

Which of the following statements is true regarding the adrenal glands relationship with the autonomic nervous system check all that apply.

1. The adrenal glands secrete norepinephrine with stimulate by the sympathetic nervous system 2. The adrenal medulla is Penetrated by the preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system

Which of the following structures are associated with the sympathetic nervous system check all that apply

All are correct adrenal cortex adrenal Medulla Thoracolumbar spinal cord pineal gland Vagus nerve

—————— waves dominate when a person is awake with eyes closed at mine wondering.


Mini drug therapies are based on the ———— of autonomic function.


If the divisions create opposite effects on the same target Organ it's called ————— innervation.


Read each description below regarding the dual innervation of the a ANS then click and drag each into the appropriate category based on whether it is an example of antagonistic or cooperative in innervation.

Antagonistic 1. The parasympathetic division constricts the pupils while the sympathetic division dilates the pupils. 2. The sympathetic division stimulates and increases in heart rate while the parasympathetic division stimulates and decreases the heart rate. Cooperative 1. The sympathetic division stimulates mucus production by salivary gland's while the parasympathetic division stimulates enzymes secretion. 2.During sex the parasympathetic division stimulates arousal while the sympathetic division stimulates orgasm.

Cerebrospinal fluid is reabsorbed into the bloodstream via structures called the —————-

Arachnoid granulations

The —————- system quietly manages a myriad of unconsciousness process responsible for the bodies homeostasis homeostasis.

Autonomic nervous

This function is among the most ————— of functions for animals to maintain healthy conditions for life


Click and drag the type of memory to the part to the brain it is most associated with

Basil nuclei-Tying shoe laces Frontal lobe-Odors and taste Posterior temporal to anterior occipital-Language Temporal lobe-Faces and voices

————- Waves found in the frontal and parietal regions are accentuated during mental activity


Dual intervention describes a scenario in which a target Organ has innervation from ————- division(s) of the ANS.


Composed of three parts the ————— provides a basic life support functions including rolls in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems


Brain and spinal cord

CSF fills the space and bathes out our services of the ——————-


CSF flows from the lateral ventricles into the ————— ventricle


CSF is secreted into each ————— by choroid plexus

The outer most layer of gray matter as a brain in humans is referred to as the ——————

Cerebral cortex

Which of the following are the locations of cell bodies in the brain check all that apply

Cerebral cortex, basil Nuclei nerve fibers that allows a different lives of the brain to communicate with one another

If the divisions have complementary effects on the target Organ or system it's called —————— innervation


Since the parasympathetic division causes the heart rate to —————- and the sympathetic division causes the heart rate to —————— this is an example of of antagonistic innervation

Decrease, increase

There are —————different types of brain waves the absence of the brain waves is a medical criterion to determine —————

Four, brain death

Brain stem canal, fourth

From the CSF was through the ———— and into the ————- ventricle

The ————— provides critical function and motivation logical reasoning expression of emotion and social attitude

Frontal lobe

The first neuron emerges from the CNS and Synapses with a second neuron is a ———— outside the CNS


Which of the following is not an example of an autonomic receptor


The thick folds of tissue found on the surface of the brain are called what


A malfunctioning visceral reflex can be the cause of a —————- which can result in disorder and or disease

Homeostatic imbalance

The —————- is considered a major control center of the body due to its regulation of hormone secretion body temperature food and water intake and sleep


The deepest of the cerebral loves the ————-is also the smallest and least understood


Drag each label to the appropriate position to indicate whether the given function is controlled by the right or left cerebral hemisphere.

Left hemisphere 1. Motor control of the right hand 2. Olfactory sensation from the right nasal cavity 3. Vision from the right visual field 4 Rational symbolic thought Right hemisphere 1. Sensation of the left hand 2. Musical ability

Drag each label to the appropriate position to indicate whether the given function is controlled by the right or left cerebral hemisphere.

Left hemisphere 1. Speech 2. Verbal memory 3. Superior language comprehension Right hemisphere 1. Memory of shapes 2. Hearing nonvocal sounds 3. Intuitive nonverbal thought

Including the Amygdala and the hippocampus the ———— reinforce his behaviors important to survival

Limbic system

Match each lobe of the cerebrum to its function

Occipital lobe-Vision Insula-Understanding spoken language taste this vascular pain Parietal lobe-somatosensory sensation like touch and pain Temporal lobe-Hearing smell learning memory and emotional behavior Frontal lobe-Memory mood emotion motivation and abstract thought

The ————— are the principal visual centers of the brain

Occipital lobes

Which of the following is not a type of brain wave.

Omega waves

The ————— exhibit receptor and perception of general body sensations

Parietal lobes

The second neurons are called blank and are unmyelinated


The —————- is more developed in humans than other animals and controls logic judgment and expression of emotion

Prefrontal cortex

The first neurons are called ———— and are myelinated


Which of the following is a component of the vascular reflects check all that apply

Receptor, afferent neurons, enzymes, integrating center, efferent neurons They are all correct

Which of the following activities will result in chemicals easily reach in the brain tissue check all that apply

Smoking cigarettes drinking vodka high glucose male wearing an oxygen mask

Drag each of the following labels into the appropriate box to identify which motor division of the peripheral nervous system is identified by the given function.

Somatic 1. Voluntary 2. Skeletal muscle activation 3.Principally involved with movement of the body Autonomic 1. Involuntary 2. Sweat gland activation 3. Lacrimal gland activation 4. Piloerector muscle activation 5. Intestinal smooth muscle activation 6. Can't be excitatory or inhibitory of the target Organ 7. Principally involved with movement of materials through the body

The second neurons axons extend to the ———— from the gangloin

Target cell

Smell and hearing our process in the ——————

Temporal lobes

The majority of all sensory pathways pass through the synapse with neurons of the —————-


Read each description below and determine whether it pertains to the thalamus or the hypothalamus then click and drag each box into the appropriate category below

Thalamus 1. Relay sensory nerve signals to the cerebrum 2. Functions in motor control Hypothalamus 1. Plays a role in childbirth 2. Regulate body temperature 3. Senses dehydration and makes you feel Thirsty 4. Regulates sleep 5. Connected to the pituitary gland

————— waves are found in the children and sleepy adults


Primitive functions such as blood pressure heart rate body temperature metabolism and respiratory airflow are regulated by —————.

This visceral reflexes

The preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic division arise from which reasons of the spinal cord select all that apply.

Thoracic, lumbar, cervical, Circle, coccygeal all are correct


Through pours the CSF leaves this ventricle and enters the ————- space

Click and drag each statement regarding the blood brain barrier into the cortex box to identify whether it is true or false

True 1. It is composed of tight junctions between capillary epithelial cells 2. It makes it difficult to treat the brain with certain medication 3. Oxygen can freely cross the blood brain barrier 4. The blood brain barrier is permeable to alcohol FALSE 1. It does not allow glucose to be transported from the blood to the brain 2. Nicotine cannot cross the blood brain barrier 3. The blood brain barrier consist of gap junctions 4. The blood brain barrier is composed mostly of connective tissue

Read each description below and determine whether or not it is a true statement regarding the basil Nikki like then click and drag each box into the appropriate category below

True statements 1. Masses of cerebral gray matter 2. Inhibits unwanted muscular movements 3. Receives dopamine from the substantia nigra 4. Associated with a have a chill movements like time shoe laces 5. Damage can result in the inability to inhibit and wanted muscle contraction 6. Associated with Parkinson's disease False statements 1. The gateway to the cerebral cortex 2. Regulate body temperature and sleep patterns

And autonomic motor pathways a nerve signals much travel a long ———— neurons to reach a target cell


When the body temperature increases Thermo receptors are stimulated and send nerve signals to the CNS the CNS and motor signals to the sweat glands which attempt to reduce the body temperature this is an example of a blank reflects.


The frontal lobe's also include a region that controls ——————

Voluntary motor functions

Classify each structure into the appropriate category based on whether it is gray matter or white matter

White matter tracts of myelinated fibers corpus callosum carries signals to the spinal cord Gray Matter cerebral cortex basal nuclei site of thought and memory site of deception making cellbodies, dendrites, and synapses

Drag each of the following labels into the appropriate box to identify which motor division of the peripheral nervous system is described

autonomic 1. Requires to neurons from the CNS to the effector Organ 2. Utilizes acetylcholine and Norepinephrine as neurotransmitters 3. Presence and pre-and post ganglionic neurons 4. Presence of unmyelianted postganglionic neurons 5. Utilizes acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter and the ganglia 6. CNS Selma's are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord Somatic 1. Only requires one neuron from the CNS to the effector Organ

Match each cranial nerve number with its name

l-olfactory nerve III-oculomotor nerve VI-abducens nerve X-vagus nerve XII-hypoglossal nerve

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