ACE LEO Module 1

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Explosives Detection Canine Team Pro

1972 FAA created canine explosive detection program after 3 bombs were found in JFK. Dog/NYPD found a bomb on a TWA evacuated flight just before it went off. 40 dogs were sent to 20 airports.

TSA Oversees Terror Watch-List

March 2009 TSA continued CAPPS II to secure flight by transferring responsibilities of PAX screening to federal government.

TSA Set to Test New Screening Protocols for Elderly

March 2012, PAX 75 or older would be subject to less screening

DHS Bans Laptops in the Cabin of Aircraft Originating from Certain Countries

March 2017 FBI tested laptop bomb variants used in 2016

Arming Pilots Against Terrorism

2002 Homeland Security Act of 2002 contained provisions to arm PAX aircraft pilots with authority to use lethal. Training and certification provided by air marshals. Participation in the Federal Flight Deck Officer Program (FFDO), established under the Arming Pilots Against Terrorism Act was expanded from providing passenger air transportation or intrastate passenger air transportation pilots to cargo pilots as well.

TSA Restricts Access Beyond Screening to Ticketed Passengers Only

2002 TSA restricts access beyond passenger screening checkpoints to ticketed passengers and other approved persons. This reduced screening traffic by almost 2/3.

Employee screening

2006/2007 TSA expanded their screening and required airports in conjunction with the TSA to conduct random employee security screening before an employee enters the sterile area from the secured (airfield) or public area. They occur at a variety of locations and times.

Airline Employees that are Passengers Must Go Through Passenger Screening

April 2007, TSA issued a directive requiring all airline employees who are not a part of the flight crew to gain access to the aircraft by being screened at the passenger screening checkpoint. This includes all their carry-on and checked baggage. This prevented employees from boarding aircraft without going through passenger screening.

TSA Requires More Personal Information at Time of Booking Flights

April 2009 TSA required Airlines to collect additional data from PAX; reducing misidentification.

TSA Bans All Liquids Carried Onboard Aircraft

Aug 2006 TSA banned all liquids, creams or gels of any kind in carry-on baggage. . Included are all beverages, shampoo, suntan lotion, creams, toothpaste, hair gel, and other items of similar consistency. The TSA ban was amended to allow liquids of 3.4 ounces (100 ml) or less carried in clear plastic bags plus allowances for families and medical needs

Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) Part 107 Rules go into effect

Aug 29, 2016 FAA issued rules that included a TSA background check for sUAS under 55 lbs

Air Commerce Act of 1926

Congress passed air commerce responsibility to Federal Government to oversee new airways, improving navigations, making/enforcing safety rules. Signed by President Calvin.

International Security Measures at European and Middle Eastern Airports

Dec 1988 heightened security requirements were implemented for international flights from Europe and the middle east involving US flagged aircraft or flying into the US. This included x-ray or hand searched of all baggage and reconciliation of baggage with check passenger known as positive passenger baggage matching (PPBM)

TSA Implements Additional Screening Measures for International Flights

Dec 2009, international PAX are subject to increased screening. Gate screening to include pat downs, additional bag search, ETD swabs and K9. In flight procedures required as aircraft approached its US destination.

Air Law Code Convention of 1910

France, the first important conference on international air law code was convened in Paris. Attended by 18 European states, the conference developed basic principles governing aviation for the European continent and beyond.

TSA Increases Security Posture as a Precaution - VIPR

In July 2007, after the Madrid train bombings and the Glasgow Airport bombing, TSA increased its visible presence in public and secured areas of airports. This included an increase in the use of canine teams, increased presence of law enforcement and TSA high visibility teams in public areas, and random security checks on vehicles.

TSA Scales Back "Quiet Skies" Program

has drawn scrutiny from the American Civil Liberties Union and members of Congress because the program monitors passengers seemingly without any rhyme or reason

BTWN 1961 - 1972

159 Highjacking US Airspace 130 btwn 1968/1972 more than 1 in a day sometimes. Reason Cuba/civil right/terrorism/vendettas

1929 The Warsaw Convention

1929 Warsaw Convention provided the first set of rules governing international passengers and baggage.set the standard to issue physical tickets for all air travelers, and the requirement to issue baggage check tickets for luggage trusted to airlines for delivery at a traveler's final destination. It also set damages for travelers in the event of the worst case scenario and the standard for personal injury suffered by travelers as a result of an aviation incident.

The Hague Protocol

1955 International treaty amended provisions from the Warsaw Convention 1929. Provision protecting commercial aviation with a limitation on liability without fault except for negligence or willful misconduct in the carriage of passengers and cargo. The old 1929 convention had become obsolete and tech was too advanced.

Sky Marshal Program

1961 JFK introduced to prevent skyjacking. Later refined in 1985 by Regan to the FAM program found today.

Federal Aviation Act Amendments

1961 Special Air Jurisdiction of the United States (SAJUS) Jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute onboard aircraft crimes.

Tokyo Convention

1963 outlined jurisdictions and other acts committed inflight; hijackings and interference with crew. This did not make crimes international crimes or require extradition without treaties to do so. Allowing many passengers to get away with misconduct.

First Hijacking of a U.S. Aircraft Outside the Western Hemisphere

1969 Rome Italy to Ben Gurion Tel Aviv Israel. 2 Palestinian Terrorist's diverted TWA Flight 850 to Damascus Syria First woman highjacking blew up nose no injuries Arrested later EI AI Flight from Amsterdam to JFK. Later let go exchange for hostages.

Development of Hijacker Profile

1969 following 8 airline hijackings in Jan. FAA created a Task Force "Deterrence of Air Piracy". This created a psychological profile to be used during screening passenger and bags

The Montreal Protocal

1971 Covered topics not addressed during Tokyo or Hague convention. Defined a wide spectrum of unlawful acts to civil aviation safety. Provisions on jurisdictions, prosecution and extradition similar to those of the Hague convention. Establish universal jurisdiction. The scope was to determine "international element". This applied regardless if aircraft was under an international or domestic flight. State of registration takes priority for prosecution.

D.B. Cooper Hijacking

1971 D.B. Cooper Claimed had a Bomb Flight from PDX landed SEA collected 200K freed PAX parachuted off.

Aviation Emergency Rule

1972 on Jan 15 1973 the FAA mandated under FAR Part 107 that within a month all passengers be screened with metal detectors, luggage inspected, armed guards posted at boarding checkpoints. This created aviation law enforcement profession to protect the entire aviation system and supporting structures. This required airports to submit an ASP that identified current status, flaws, fix timeframes. Vehicle ident and background checks for AOA access.

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Develops Airport Surveillance Program

1974 DEA developed airport surveillance program for travelers of known "source" "use" cities

Anti-Highjacking Act

1974 Per Nixon's executive order of 1971 Title I addressed international highjacking further defined SAJUS created in Tokyo convention. FBI would be responsible for onboard crime investigation. Title II gate FAA admin to monitor security measures. This created what was known as FAA Civil Aviation Security Field (CASFO) they sent inspectors to airports to test, audit security systems, and measures/procedures that airport and air carriers implemented to comply with a variety of regulations. Additionally allowed to notify foreign air carriers about failure to uphold security standards and allowed revocation to fly to USA.

Bomb Planted on a Pan Am Airplane from Japan to Honolulu

1982 Bomb exploded on Pan AM Flight 830 from Tokyo to Honolulu. Bomb under seat by Mohammed Rashid with 15 May Organization. Bomb place from previous flight to detonate before landing. Killed 15 year old and wounded 15 PAX. 1 by 3 hole into plane. Landed safely.

Air India and Narita Airport Bombings

1985 329 PAX killed on Air India Flight 182. Bomb inside cargo set off at 31000ft. This bombing was linked to Narita Airport bombing that killed two baggage handlers because bomb when off due to delayed flight. Sikh and Kashmiri terrorist were blamed. Bomber was eventually caught.

Rome and Vienna Airports' Terror Attacks

1985 7 Arab terrorist's with Abu Nidal Organization attacked Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport in Rome and Vienna International Airport in Vienna Austria. 19 deaths and 130 injured. PAX at EI AI Airlines were targeted.

International Security and Development Cooperation Act

1985 New regs were enacted requiring mandatory assessment of security at foreign airports. Assessment was reciprocal foreign carriers were allowed to assess security in USA airports were they operated into. FAM service became a permanent part of the FAA workforce on International flights, and expanded to domestic as well.

PSA Employee David Burke Kills His Supervisor and All On Board PSA Flight 1771

1987 David Burke former USAir employee was terminated for stealing and drug smuggling. Brought a gun using credentials. Shot supervisor and pilots crashed aircraft 43 ppl killed.

The Montreal Protocol

1988 This convention added the definition of "offence" given in the Montreal Convention of 1971, "Unlawful and intentional acts of violence against persons at an airport serving international civil aviation which cause or are likely to cause serious injury or death and such acts which destroy or seriously damage the facilities of such an airport or aircraft not in service located thereon or disrupt the services of the airport; the qualifying element of these offences is the fact that such an act endangers or is likely to endanger safety at that airport."

Aviation Security Improvement Act

1990 After the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing, President George H.W. Bush convened a Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism to develop protocols for addressing international terrorism and to reduce its impact on aviation. The Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990 codified the results of the commission, which included the requirement for airport-specific identifications and access control procedures. It also required proper coordination of family notifications and assistance making the NTSB the responsible party for coordinating the handling of family and friends of passengers involved in aviation accidents that result in major injuries or death.

FAA Keeps Some Heightened Security Requirements From the First Gulf War

1991 Even after the war with Iraq the FAA kept heightened security requirements. towing unattended vehicles and baggage confiscation. Barring of non-ticketed passengers beyond security checkpoints was paused.

"Project Bojinka"

1994-1995 Ramzi Yousef threaten to down 12 aircraft after failed attempt on the Trade Center. Trial run on Dec 11, 1994 from Manila to Tokyo he placed a bomb under a seat that went off during the next leg he got off in Cebu. Killing 1 and injuring 10.Aircraft landed in Okinawa. His hide out was discovered after a fire and accomplice Pakistani Abdul Murad was interrogated. Yousef was arrested and sent to NY for trial "If I had had enough time and money, I could have brought it down". Yousef was convicted in 1996 and is incarcerated in Federal Complex in Florence Colorado.

TWA Flight 800 Explodes

1996 TWA Flight 800 eploded after takeoff from NY crashing into the Atlantic Ocean. Killled 230 ppl. Thought to be terrorist but turned out to be equipment failure. NTSB determined explosion of the center wing fuel tank. short circuit?

White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security (Gore Commission)

1996 There was a 31 step recommendation to provide multilayered security system for nations airports. ; more security inspections, airlines screen PAX with computerized profiling systems to detect potential terrorist, banning certain hazardous materials from airliners, more screening on parcel (more on 16oz), establish federally mandated security enhancements to include Explosive Detection System (EDS) machines, security personnel training, automated baggage match tech, profiling programs(manual and automated), explosive canine teams. Commission determined law enforcement conduct vulnerability assessments and develop action plans and develop security consortiums at CAT X,I,II,III airports. This also prevented criminal background folks from obtaining unescorted access.

Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act

1996 required explosives detection equipment and K-9 resources at all Category X airports. Also explosive detection protocols at all other airports and computer assisted PAX prescreening System (CAPPS I) protocolos to seperate PAX requiring additional scrutiny based on behavioral characteristics and government watch list of known or suspected terrorists. This regulations also required 10 year background on all airport employees and a fingerprint-based criminal history record check for those who can not pass the employment check.

The Montreal Convention

1999 This included the establishment of common rules for airlines to follow on international flights between member signees. PAX can established they've been harm in an accident easier by strict liability, and the PAX does not have to prove the airline or pilot did anything wrong as it is clearly not the PAX fault. On international flights the carrier is automatically liable. Compensations for certain type of damages was removed. PAX cannot recover punitive damages or damages for purely psychological trauma.

Airport Security Improvement Act

2000 Aviation law pushed for fingerprint inveestigation on all employees. This act ensured perimeter fencing and a minimum of bags screened for IED's. In late May 2001 FAA issued information circulars to airlines informing of potentials for airliner highjackings. The threats increased through spring and summer of 2001. The FAA conducted over 30 security briefings with air carriers and airport operators between May 1, 2001, and September 11, 2001. Two of these briefings discussed the hijacking threat overseas but none discussed the possibility of suicide hijackings or the use of aircraft as weapons. FAA gave presentations to airport operators and air carriers about the possibility of suicide hijackings but said that, "Fortunately, we have no indication that any group is currently thinking in that direction.

Airport Security Act (ATSA)

2001 After 9/11 passenger and baggage was federalized and TSA created under DHS. TSA replaced FAA CASFO as the lead inspection agency and audit and compliance with security requirements outlines in the ASP. TSA also has responsibility for security over other forms of transportation including commercial bus and rail operations. ATSA also called for an increase in Federal Air Marshals on flights and within the airport itself. For airport operators ATSA encouraged increase in security and law enforcement. For air carriers training was required on handling serious occurrences, with live training on various threat conditions. Pilots and others were also trained on flight deck procedures and aircraft maneuvers to defend the aircraft. ATSA also was concerned with the specific physical security needs of supporting facilities such as air traffic control facilities, parked aircraft, aircraft servicing equipment, aircraft supplies (including fuel), and automobile parking facilities within airport perimeters or adjacent to secured facilities. Understanding the failures of intelligence in providing timely and well investigated threat information, ATSA also created the Transportation Security Oversight Board to, among other things, facilitate the coordination and sharing of intelligence, security, and law enforcement activities and information affecting transportation among federal agencies and with carriers and other transportation providers.

Enhanced Screening Procedures: Passengers Must Take off Shoes

2001 After the Richard Reid incident security experts realized that there was no technology that could detect explosives in a person's shoes. TSA required that passengers must take off their shoes for inspection

TSA Cancels CAPPS II and Initiates Secure Flight

2004 Secure Flight program, TSA assumed he performance of passenger watch list matching for all covered flights into, out of, within, and over the United States. CAPPS II and now Secure Flight, aircraft operators are required to submit passenger data to Secure Flight prior to flight departure for advanced passenger prescreening. CAPPS II was a limited, automated prescreening system authorized by Congress in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. PAX were required to provide more information, to conduct a risk assessment utilizing commercially available data and intelligence information.

TSA Issues New Air Cargo Security Rule

2006 The new air cargo security rules required consolidating 4,000 Known Shipper lists, requiring background checks of approximately 51,000 off-airport freight forwarder employees, extending secure areas of airports to include ramps and cargo facilities, conducting more screening of cargo that is loaded onto aircraft, and expanding the use of explosives detection K-9 teams.

Department of Homeland Security Replaces Color-Coded Terrorism Alert System

2011 DHS replaced color coded alerts Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS) with the National Terrorism (NTAS) design for efficient communication.

TSA Secretly Implements "Quiet Skies" Surveillance Program

2012 TSA using Air Marshalls began tracking normal PAX gathering all kinds of information. dubbed the "quiet skies" program. the intent being thwarting threats to commercial aircraft.

TSA Recommends Armed LEOs be Deployed to Checkpoints and Ticket Counters During Peak Travel Times

2014...., LAX shooting After action report TSA recommends training and notification systems, in addition to place armed LEOs at checkpoints. Funding got lowered.

Bombs Detonated in the Departure Area of Zaveteem Airport

2016 2 explosions at Brussels airport. 1 explosion at metro station. March 22 2016... 35 ppl died. Islamic state of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility.

FAA Grounds Boeing 737 Max Aircraft

2019 Boeing 737 Max gets grounded after pressure from the public.

TSA Proposes Rap Back for All Airports

April 2019, TSA started its pilot of the FBI's Rap Back service for aviation workers in 2016. In April 2019, TSA proposed that Rap Back become a permanent part of the security identification process. All aviation workers would be enrolled for recurrent criminal history vetting that provides near real-time notification of an individual's criminal history record, as well as subsequent criminal activity. Although the focus is on disqualifying crimes, currently airport trusted agents and the TSA would receive all criminal history information.

Bomb Explodes Near Pan Am Ticket Counter at LAX

Aug 6, 1974 2 skycaps 1 more person and 36 pthers injured. Bomb set of inside locker at Pan Am counter LAX. Yugoslavian terrorist Muharem Kurbegovic (alphabet bomber) with Aliens of America. Lockers moved to sterile and removed after.

First Russian Aircraft Bombings

August 2004 two Russian Airliners blew up in flight. two females carried strapped RDX explosives the got through security even though they were flagged as terrorists and bribed their way in the aircraft one of the ladies did not have a boarding pass.

British Bomb Plot

August 2006 British police disrupted a plot to blow up aircraft mid-flight with liquid explosives smuggled on luggage. Plot included suicide bombers on aircraft destined to USA and Canada. liquid explosives carried in bottles would be combined as cocktails in up to 10 aircraft.

Orlando International Airport Employees Arrested for Smuggling Weapons and Drugs

August 21, 2007 six ppl arrested at Orlando Internation on charges of gun/drug smuggling through TSA. 5 current and former baggage handlers. Workers were bribed by undercover agents.

First Persons in the U.S. to be Sentenced to Prison for Hijacking a Commercial Aircraft

August 3, 1961 Leon and Cody Bearden B707 from PHX - ELP wanted to go to Cuba gear and tires shot no injuries

Three Elderly Women Claim They Were Strip-Searched at New York Airport

Dec 2011 three old women were stripped search by TSA at JFK because they had a colostomy bag one had a defibrillator and one had diabetes.

Millennium Plot

December 14 1999 Ahmed Ressam 34 year Algerian was arrested in Port Angeles WA attempting to enter USA from Canada with componenets to make explosives. He confessed to plot to blow up LAX. Ressam tried to sneak through the boarder but was caught at the checkpoint, he was sweating and acting suspiciously.

Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland

December 21, 1988 Pan Am FLight 103. Exploded by state sponsored terrorist plot. Killed 207 ppl including 11 on ground. Mostly USA PAX. Terrorist ABdelbaset al-Megrahi was employed by Libyan Arab Airlines in Libyan as agent. Muammar Gaddafi claimed responsibility. Pan Am left a voice mail to the families.

Shoe Bomber Richard Reid Tries to Use a Match to Light Explosives Hidden in His Shoes

December 22, 2001 Richard Reid recruited by Al Qaeda "shoe bomber" He was turned away a day prior at Charles de Gaulle airport Paris France due to one way ticket paid in cash and inproper visa. He wore the same shoes all night and the ignitor became damp. PAX helped restrain him during flight aircraft landed in Boston (AAL Flight 63) from Paris to Miami. He was arrested and explosives retrieved.

Christmas Underwear Bomber

December 25, 2009 Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab a Nigerian living in London attempted to bomb a Northwest Flight landing in Detroit. Son to a prominent Nigerian businessman. He was linked to radical Anwar al-Awlaki whom he met with before the attack.

Federal Air Marshals Shoot and Kill Passenger at Miami International Airport

December 7, 2005 Federal Air Marshalls shot/kill a PAX after he claimed to have a bomb and ran towards the aircrafts cockpit. PAX was from Costa Rica and was on a flight from Medellin to Orlando. Turned he was mentally ill.

1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)

During World War II, the U.S. invited 52 international states (countries) to Chicago to discuss how air travel and commerce would be handled internationally. The Convention on International Civil Aviation was established to promote cooperation and create and preserve friendship and understanding. agreement signed on December 7, 1944. creation of the specialized agency that has overseen it ever since - the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). 193 member states and industry groups to reach consensus on international civil aviation Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs)

TSA Requires Government Issued Identification to Fly

Effective June 21, 2008, adult passengers (18 and over) are required to show a U.S. federal or state-issued photo ID that contains the following information: name, date of birth, gender, expiration date and a tamper-resistant feature in order to be allowed to go through the checkpoint and onto their flight. This also allows the TSO to compare the person to the identification as well as gives the TSO time to evaluate the identification and the passenger at close range.

Laptop Bomb Detonated on Daallo Airlines Flight

Feb 2016 al-Shabaab detonated a laptop bomb. flight from Mogadishu. 2 employees smuggled laptop.

1st Highjacking Civil Aviation

Feb 31 1931 Peru Revolutionaries propaganda 10 day standoff

TSA Eliminates the Daily Mandatory Requirement for the 30-Foot Rule and BIPP - Adds ATLAS

Jan 2018 TSA removed 330 ft rule for unattended vehicles and universal BIPP requirements. Airports would only implement a plan when National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) threat level rises to imminent. Airport Threat and Local Allocation Strategy (ATLAS) will be used for areas of concern to TSA. ATLAS replaced "Operation Playbook"

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Shooting

Jan. 6, 2017 Esteban Santiago a veteran security guard in Alaska. retrieved his handgun and killed 5 ppl and wounded 6. He had visited the FBI office in Alaska and was not place in do-not-fly or weapons confiscated.

FAA Increases Heightens Security Requirements During the First Gulf War

January 18, 1991 FAA orders Security Measures at Airports; towing unnatended vehicles, confiscate unattended luggage, ban curbside check-in luggage. ppl without boarding pass could not go through security.

TSA Changes Secondary Screening Process

July 2009, TSA reduced secondary screening procedures at checkpoints and reinstituted screening at the boarding gate.

TSA Raising Aviation Security Baseline with Stronger Domestic Security Measures

July 2017 following the laptop ban on flight from foreign countries and the intelligence gathered. TSA implemented new procedures for domestic carry-on bags that all electronics larger than a cellphone must be removed from bags and separated on a bin for screening. Enhanced Accessible Property Screening (EAPS) became permanent in 2018.

LAX El Al Ticket Counter Shooting

July 4, 2002 shooting at EI AI ticket counter at LAX. Mohamed Hadayet open fire at 11:30 am in the Tom Bradley Terminal. He had a .45 and 9mm hand guns and a hunting knife. No priors had a limo business

TWA Hijacking in Greece

June 14, 1985 Mohammed ALi Hamadei plus another terrorist highjacked a TWA flew to Algiers. Shot killed Navy PAX. Crossed Mediterrain several times. PAX and crew released after 17 days.

Glasgow Airport/London "Doctors' Plot"

June 2007 group of British doctors planted to Mercedes car bombs packed with fuel canister, propane tanks and nails near a London nightclub. 36 hours later was driven into Glasgow Airport terminal.

US Airways Employee Arrested for Switching Bags with Passenger

June 2009 FBI charged US Airways employee for helping roommate get a concealed semi-auto handgun onto aircraft.

TSA Changing Airport Screening Practices for Children

June 2011 New screening on children under 12. If a child is to go through secondary screening the parent should also.

TSA Implements New Rule for Powder in Carryon

June 2018 TSA determined that powders may require secondary screening if not cleared. And would not be allowed onto the aircraft. Powders like formula, medicine and human remains may be exempt. This is only for international flights into the US. not outbound.

Atatürk Airport Attack in Istanbul, Turkey

June 28, 2016 three suicide bomber went off at Istanbul Ataturk Airport. after killing 42 ppl. ISIL affiliated.

ValuJet Crashes in the Everglades

May 11, 1996 ValuJet FLight 592 110 ppl on board crashed into Everglades. DC-9 was about 100 miles west of the airport. Smoke coming from the cockpit as a result of improper storage of the oxygen generators. Poor maintenance no smoke detectors and no fire depression.

1st Bombing involving civil aviation

May 1949 time bomb Philippine Air killed businessman by wife and lover

Suicide by dynamite

May 1962 Continental Air Flight 11 1st US blown up PAX Jet. 45 PAX from ORD - LAX Life insurance money for fam.

TSA Orders All Screeners to be Retrained Due to System-wide Failures to Detect Dangerous Items

May 2015 After an internal investigation TSA revealed failures at dozens of airports. 95% of smuggling attempts were successful. TSA ordered retraining for screeners and supervisors, including pat-down procedures.

TSA Internal Tests Reveal 95% Failure Rate

May 2015 Internal investigation went undercover (Homeland Red Teams) with banned items and had a 95% success rate going through checkpoints. Prior to 9/11 red teams had a 90% success rate and were told to cover up findings.

TSA Issues Public Area Security National Framework

May 2017 TSA Issued Public Area Security National Framework policy document created coordination with industry experts focused on sharing information, attack prevention, for threat awareness prevention. The framework notes the importance to align, synchronize and integrate multiple security-focused agencies and programs to protect public areas.

Lod Airport Massacre

May 30, 1972 Tel Aviv Israel Japanese Red Army recruited by PFLP. 26 people killed 80 injured. Assault rifles, grenades.

1st Major Act of Criminal Violence against US aircraft

Nov 1, 1955 1852 UAL 629 DC-6B 39PAX killed by bomb by Jack Gilbert Graham placed bomb on mother Daisie E. King Briefcase

Active Shooter at LAX Kills TSO and Injures Others

Nov 1, 2013 Paul Ciciana shot up terminal 3 LAX. Shot at TSA killing 1 and injuring 2 others he was targeting. He had a grudge against DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, he had a manifesto.

Drug Kingpin Bombs Avianca Flight 203

Nov 1989 Pablo Escobar was blamed for exploding Avianca Flight 203. B727 from Bogota to Cali exploded killing 107 ppl. Cesar Gaviria was the target but had changed his flight or that Dandey Munoz Mosquera killed 2 informants. Since 2 US PAX were killed Munoz was prosecuted.

TSA Bans Toner and Ink Cartridges on Passenger Aircraft

Nov 2010 DHS bans air cargo from Yemen and Somalia. toners and ink over 16 ounces would be prohibited. Al high risk cargo will go through enhanced screening, and must be screened individually and authenticate established postal shipper. Printer and office equipment to be removed from sterile areas

DHS Announces Enhanced International Aviation Security Measures

Nov 2015 DHS implements "interim, precautionary" security enhancements for certain foreign airports in the Arab region. included expanded screening applied to items on aircraft, airport assessments in conjunction with international partners, and offers of other assistance to certain foreign airports related to aviation and airport security.

TSA Deploys Advanced Imaging Technology Units to Passenger Screening and Employs Invasive Pat-Downs for Domestic Passengers

Oct 2010, TSA deployed 500 AIT full body scanners for non-metallic/metallic threats. TSA began enhanced pat-down for secondary screening and for PAX declining body scan. John Tyner in San Diego, California sparked a firestorm with his recording of his encounter with the TSA and launched a TSA backlash with the slogan, "Don't Touch My Junk."

TSA PreCheck Expedited Screening

Oct 2011 TSA PreCheck was introduced.

TSA PreCheck Expedited Screening Flawed

Oct 2012 PAX discovered that by scanning the barcode on the boarding pass they could discover whether they would qualify for TSA PreCheck or receive more extensive screening.

TSA Expands Computer-Assisted Passenger Processing System (Secure Flight)

Oct 2013, TSA expanded its Passenger Name Recognition (PNR) pre-screening of PAX to include employment info, car registration, and credit report. for lighter screening on low risk PAX

Russian Airliner Downed by Homemade Bomb

Oct 2015 Bomb brought down a Metrojet airliner over Egypt Sinai desert. Possibly insider threat bomb was placed in oversized baggage went off 22min into flight blew off the tail and nosedived the aircraft. Islamic State Terrorist claimed responsibility.

Court Martialed Marine Hijacks Airplane from Los Angeles to Rome

Oct 28, 1969 Raffaele Minichiello, USMC stole $200 (watches) martialed. Bought M1 250 rounds boarded TWA Flight 85 B707 from LAX to SFO flirt his luggage in. Offloaded PAX at DEN flew to JFK, Maine, Ireland, Rome. 19 hour Highjacking 7000 miles. 18 month jail

Parcel Bomb Plot Disrupted

Oct 29, 2010 two packages containing 11-14oz of plastic explosives were found on separated cargo planes. Intelligence was provided Saudi Arabia security chief.

Hijacking of Southern Airways Flight 49

October 1972 Southern Air Flight 49 Louis Moore vs City of Detroit. Was joined by Henry Jackson and arrested for sexual assault. DC9 Flight 49 Arrested in Cuba

The REAL ID Act Requirements Will Take Effect

October 2020, REAL ID Act requirements are to take effect.

Boeing 737 Max MCAS is Deemed Responsible for 100s of Deaths

October 29, 2018 Lion Air Flight 610; Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 on March 10, 2019 went down due to new automated Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS). Forcing non-recoverable maneuvers. 346 ppl died.

Parents complaining of aggressive pat-downs of children

Parents in 2010 thought their kid was being pat down too aggressively. Groped their 6 year old at Charlotte Douglas Airport. Kid Cried :'(

Dawson's Field

Sep 1970 4 aircraft for JFK and 1 for London were highjacked by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). 3 planes landed Dawson Field Zarka Jordan emptied and exploded. 310 hostages 56 were kept Sep 11 exchange for one highjacker. one highjacker shot killed.

New Passenger Screening Protocols

Sep 2004 TSA required PAX to remove outer coats and jackets for x-ray. pat-down authorized if warranted.

Aircraft Highjackings

September 11, 2001 4 aircraft were highjacked two crashing into the world trade center; one into the the Pentagon and the other into a rural area in Pennsylvania. Thousands killed. Osama bi Laden was blamed. Significant planning went into this plot including learning to fly in USA and learning schedules and living in USA.

TSA Initiates New Policy to Control LEOs Flying Armed

TSA developed an advanced notice and vetting to identify authorized LEOs who desire to travel armed. In addition to minimal requirements the person must be a federal LEO of full time municipal, county, state, tribal or teritorial LEO who is a gov agency.

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