Afras 170B final clicker questions

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What amendment did the NAACP claim Southern states were violating when they lacked black graduates

14th Amendment

Who was Andrew "Rube" Foster?

A black pitchers during the 1910, the man behind the formation of the Negro National League, founder of the Chicago American giants

What was the Double V Campaign?

A slogan adopted by African Americans to work for victory on the war and victory over racism at home

Where did the term Jim Crow come from?

A white minstrel show popular at the time which ridiculed black people

Who organized the march on Washington movement?

A. Philip Randolph

What is true about African Americans between 1910-1940?

About 1.75 million African Americans left the south doubling the population of living outside of that region

What is true about Dubois beliefs regarding self-rule in Africa?

Africa for Africans

What point did Dubois and Ralph Bunche agree on regarding Africa?

African nations should be free from control

Why did king begin plans for poor people's campaign in 1967?

After wiring briefly in Chicago he realized that racial discrimination and economics were closely linked and any attempt to better the situation for blacks would

What principles did the congress of racial equality, created in 1942 stand by?

All of the above

What problems occurred as the NAACP grew during the war?

All of the above

What sparked the Detroit Riot in 1943?

All of the above

How were African Americans prevented from voting?

All of the are correct

The Tuskegee study was?

An exploitative stud that racked the progression of syphilis on unknown patients

What was the "Harlem Renaissance"?

An outpouring of literacy and artistic work from African Americans

Which of the following is not true about amateur sports during the 1910's and 1920's?

Black players on white teams rarely encountered discrimination from fans of other athletes

Why was the Pullman Company an early area for Black labor organizing?

By the 1920's it was the largest employer for African Americans

Why did the NAACP not decide to use Claudette Colvins arrest as a test case on the buses

Colvin was not considered suitable, She was 15, unmarried and pregnant

What did the Supreme Court decide in Sweatt vs Painter

Equality in educational facilities included lot of intangibles

How did Orville Faubus react to the Brown decision?

He tried to keep blacks from attending the local high school by posting the national guard there, and closing the schools down

Which is true about African Americans in business in the 19th Century?

In order to succeed they had to cater to African Americans

Where did most African American soldiers sound their time after the Civil War?

In the west fighting indigenous people

What did the Executive order #9981 do?

It officially desegregated the armed forces

Why did many African Americans support John Kennedy during the 1960 presidential election

Kennedy promised to desegregate the military and housing to allow black churches to be except from taxes

Kennedy generally only acted decisively when what happened

Kennedy was a great civil rights supporter and acted for civil rights without regard to the thoughts of the white south

What dramatic events set the stage for larger changes in the Civil Rights Movement?

Kennedy's assassination and the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham

What leader was prevented by his organization from getting involved in the civil rights movement?

Malcolm X

What party did the Freedom Summer Activist create to challenge the all white Mississippi Party?

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

What lead to the decline of the Klan?

One Klan leader was convicted of raping a white women when their job supposedly is to protect them

What is true about the school desegregation under Brown by 1960?

Only 17 schools had been desegregated

What did Mabel K Staupers fight against during the war?

Quotas for black nurses in the US army Nurse corps

Who did many African Americans initially support in the election of 1960?

Richard Nixon

What statement did paul robeson make that particularly infuriated anti communism in the united states

Robeson could not understand why blacks should go to war for a country that denied them their civil rights

What was the result of the March on Washington Movement?

Roosevelt issued Executive order #8802

What tactic did college students begin to employ beginning in 1960?

Sit ins

What was the first college campus to experience a massacre at the hands of law enforcement personal?

South Carolina State College

What group did MLK Jr form to continue the civil rights struggle begun w/ the Montgomery bus boycott?

Southern Christian leadership council

Who was the first black nationalist to advocate black power?

Stokely Carmichael/Kwame Ture

What was the march on Washington movement designed to do?

Stop discrimination against African Americans in wartime industries and the military

What did authors like Langston Hughes and Zora Hurston think the purpose of black literature should be?

That art should portray ordinary life an the good and bad side of African Americans

What successes did the NAACP see during the war?

The NAACP free tremendously in membership and influence, even in the south

Garvey wanted to establish a settlement in Liberia. What stopped him?

The US government blocked his request to the league of nations since they wanted to maintain the power for themselves

What act of Violence was the immediate cause of Johnson pushing through the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

The murder of James Reeb, a white minister from Boston, who was visiting Alabama

Why was Birmingham selected as the location for a major civil rights initiative in early 1963?

The police department was especially brutal ad violent

How did African American leader like Dubois view Garvey?

They continually denigrated him and his ideas calling him dangerous and a fool

What did King and the SCLC finally do to provoke Bull connor to violence in Birmingham

They decided to use children in the protest marches

What roles or jobs did African Americans generally have in radio?

They had very few radio unions excluded them and shows generally demeaned or marginalized African Americans

Why did African Americans serve in the Spanish-American War?

They hoped to demonstrate their bravery and worth to whites and destroy racism and hostility

What was the reaction of many white southerners to Truman's interest in African American rights?

They left the Democratic party to form the Dixiecrat party

What was true about the Black upper class in the early twentieth century?

They never had wealth close to Whites, they were usually light skinned, they were in high elite organizations

How did railroad companies feel about segregation?

They opposed the idea because they did not want to have the added expense if maintaing separate cars

What did the NAACP and Black newspapers want changed for African Americans in WW1?

They pushed for black officers to command black troops

How did many bomber groups respond to the Tuskegee Airmen?

They refused to allow the black airman to escort white bombers

How did the US government punish Robeson for his views?

They revoked his passport and refused to allow him to travel abroad

Why did the SCLC object to the tactics and methods of SNCC?

They thought SNCC was too confrontational and disrupted race relations

What did the Nation of Islam and the Peace Mission Movement have in common?

They were both religions that emerged to deal with the problems and aspirations of blacks in urban areas during the depression

What role did white women like Amy Spingarn and Charlotte Osgood mason play in the Harlem Renaissance?

They were patrons helping fund writers works but they also tried to direct their efforts

What did the 1925 American War College Study find about African Americans?

They were physically unfit for combat, they were inferior in intelligence to whites, and they could not control themselves in danger

What was different about black soldiers who served un WW2 vs those who served in WW1?

Those who served in WW2 were more likely to be high school or college graduates

For what reason did most southern African Americans migrate to the north?

To escape violence, sexual exploitation, poverty in the South

In what direction did Du Bois think the NAAcp should focus after WW2?

Toward winning independence for African American nations and abolishing colonialism

What organization did Marcus Garvey form in Jamaica in 1914?

Universal Negro Improvement Association

What is true about violence against African Americans during and after WW1?

Violence expanded from the south and expanded to include the North as well

Who organized the Niagara Movement?

W.E.B Dubois

What is true about the early NAACP?

White leaders dominated and financed it

How was Booker T Washington's message received by whites?

Whites embraced his non-threating acceptance of white supremacy and many supported him financially

What made many Americans fear that communism might spread to the US in 1919 & 1920?

Widespread labor strikes and agitation

What group was pivotal in early organizing and protest against the segregated buses in Montgomery

Women's Political Council

What were the Freedom rides?

an interracial attempt by student to ride public transportation though the South

What provoked whites in Money, Mississippi to lynch Emmett Till?

it was a break of social etiquette, the young boy spoke to a white women

What did authors like Jesse Fauset and Dubois think the purpose of black literature should be?

to promote positive images of African Americans and help resolve racial conflicts

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