AgComm 3130 Midterm 1
A key word or phrase used several times for emphasis
A person's ____ is his or her biological heritage, such as caucasian, african-american, or hispanic
Progressive disclosure
A strategy for managing information complexity in which only necessary or requested information is displayed at any given time.
Accepted standard of sound and rhythm for a word
Adds luster, warmth, vitality to voice, can completely change the meaning of a sentence
Appeal to emotion, tap audience values, using vivid, emotionally toned examples
Evaluation Criteria
Authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage/usability
Vocal quality
Characteristics that distinguishes your voice from other voices
Inferential Statistics
Data collected from a sample and generalized to a larger population
Descriptive Statistics
Data or information that characterize a group
Problem-Solution Order
Explains the existence and seriousness of a problem, offers a workable solution to the problem, most often used in persuasive speeches
Firsthand findings or eyewitness accounts and opinions that directly support a fact or an assertion
Highness or lowness of a speaker's voice
Occasion Analysis
How large is the audience, the time limit, whats in the room, analysis of situation
How loudly or softly you speak, MUST ADAPT TO THE SIZE OF THE ROOM
Learned system of knowledge, behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms shared by a group of people
Chronological Order
Main points follow a time pattern, used when explaining a process or demonstration, good for informative speeches
Cause and Effect Order
Main points show a cause and effect relationship, order can vary forwards or backwards, good for persuasive or informative speeches
Means ethics or standards, relies on credibility and time
Means logic, your factual presentation, show statistics, testimonies, hard facts
Entertaining Speech
Most enjoyable for audience, not just a series of jokes, speech used to entertain an audience
Eye Contact
Most important aspect of body language, creates bond with the audience
Drama Builders
Omission, Inversion, Suspension
Cadence Builders
Parallelism, antithesis, repetition, alliteration
WOW Factor
Part of speech where audience becomes completely quiet
Place a key word at the end of a phrase or sentence instead of the beginning
Process of forming sounds necessary to communicate in a particular language
Refers to that portion of a person's cultural background that relates to a national or religious heritage
Reverse the expected order of words and phrases
Sentences, phrases, or words that connect the parts of your speech by showing how they relate to each other
Memorized Delivery
Speaker's goal is total control, canned delivery, lose ability to be spontaneous
Introductory Speech
Speech that excites interest in subject (and person), is brief, sets the right mood, etc.
Impromptu delivery
Spur of the moment, often has weak content, repeated phrases
Stage fright
90 seconds
The first ________ (time) are the most important of any speech
Purpose of Public Speaking
To persuade, inform, entertain
Use the same initial consonant sound several times in a phrase or sentence
Variety of language distinguished by accent, grammar, vocabulary
Topical Order
When dividing topics into subtopics, most often used order, good for informative and persuasive speeches
When one part of a sentence opposes or contracts with the other
Informative Speaking
Widely used, simplest, speech to inform, instruct, describe, explain, or demonstrate
Initial Credibility
Your image or reputation prior to speaking to a group
Questions of Fact
a question about the truth or falsity of an assertion
Questions of Value
a question about the worth, rightness, morality, of an idea or action
Questions of Policy
a question about whether a specific course of action should or should not be taken
boil an idea down to its essence by leaving out understood words
Vocal Variety
changes in pitch, rate, volume
fear of public speaking
Derived Credibility
image the audience develops from your words, vocal qualities, and nonverbal behaviors as you speak
Terminal Credibility
image the audience has of you after your speech
Social Phobia
intense fear of becoming humiliated in social situations, specifically of embarassing yourself in front of others
keep it simple stupid
Extemporaneous Delivery
mixture of manuscript, impromptu, and memorized delivery, should be used, most effective
momentary break
Lay Testimony
non-experts who have witnessed events related to the subject
presentation of data in numerical form
Expert Testimony
professionals trained to evaluate/report on a given topic
Manuscript delivery
read word for word, lose eye contact, monotone voice, used rarely
short story of an interesting, humorous, or real-life incident
something to avoid, a belief that one's own group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures
Persuasive Speaking
speech to take one side of a controversial issue, to persuade others
speed at which the speech is delivered
stories, bot real and fiction, includes a plot, characters, setting, and timeline
Primary-Recency Effect
the fact that we are better able to recall information presented at the beginning and end of a list, use your best arguments first and last
Goal of Persuasive Speaking
to change the way the audience feels and/or acts about something
use the same pattern to begin several sentences or phrases