All Sets for Evolution Final

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Native Amerindian contributions are usually around ___


Data on 2769 marriages from 211 kibbutzim only ___ were members of same age cohort


2010 questionnaire listed ___ plus space to write in ___ not listed on the form

15 racial categories specific races

Only about ___ of cultures are strictly monogamous


Height has ___ distinct genes


One drop rule evolved over ___ and codified into law in ___

19th century 20th century

The brain exists for behavior to generate appropriate behavior. Ex:

1: A A Sea Squirt: Unlike humans, sea squirts don't keep their brains and spinal cords forever. Being permanently attached to a home makes the sea squirt's spinal cord and the neurons that control locomotion superfluous. Once the sea squirt becomes stationary, it literally eats its own brain

Two Approaches to Solving the Problem of Cooperation

1: Search for Indirect Fitness 2: Search for Direct Fitness

Variation in female RS

-ability to carry and nourish offspring - quality and survivalship of the offspring she produces

Why are there differences in adoption in US and Oceania

-availability of children eligible for adoption - tendency for family member to be dispersed geographically -differences in sociopological organizations

Although human and chimp genomes differ by only ___, ___ of the proteins produced by these genes differ

1.3% 71%

Four Steps for Protein Synthesis

1.DNA within the cell nucleus partially unravels 2.One gene's worth of messenger RNA (mRNA) is transcribed from one of the exposed DNA strands and moves out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm 3.The mRNA strand attaches to a ribosome. The ribosome reads it and creates the appropriate amino acid, which is added to the lengthening protein 4.At the end of the mRNA strand, a codon tells the ribosome to let go of the protein

Anisogamy: Why Two Sexes?

1.Symmetry in Reproductive Output: The reproduction of both sexes will be equal (since all offspring require both a mom & a dad) 2.Parents make equal genetic contributions 3.Sex ratios always bounce back to 50:50

What is the Ellis van Creveld syndrome in the amish population

1/200 births

What is the Ellis van Creveld syndrome in the general population

1/200000 births

Evolutionary psychologists have begun to study women's social behavior as it varies across the menstrual cycle. Durante and colleagues documented that __________. (a) women pursuing a short-term mating strategy wear more revealing clothing when ovulating (b) women pursuing a long-term mating strategy wear more revealing clothing when ovulating (c) more attractive women wear more revealing clothing when ovulating (d) less attractive women wear more revealing clothing when ovulating


Findings from studies based on life history theory indicate that __________. (a) a subset of men pursue a fast life history strategy that includes sexual aggression in addition to other antisocial tendencies (b) nearly all men have some tendency to rape (c) men who pursue a slow life history strategy engage in more long-term sexual aggression (d) rapists show similarly low levels of sexual arousal to rape depictions, but self-report higher subjective arousal


Greater fear of rape is ___________ correlated with behavioral precautions. (a) positively (b) negatively (c) not (d) none of the above


Hill and Hurtado found that Ache children whose fathers died suffer a _________ death rate than children whose fathers did not die. (a) higher (b) lower (c) less steep (d) more predictable


How do power and status interact to predict women's level of upset about an incident of sexual harassment? (a) Women are more upset if the harassment comes from a low-status man in a position of power. (b) Women are more upset if the harassment comes from a high-status man in a position of power. (c) Women are more upset if the harassment comes from a low-status man over whom the victim has power. (d) Women are more upset if the harassment comes from a high-status man over whom the victim has power.


How does height affect jealousy within sex? (a) For men and women, height is negatively correlated with jealousy. (b) For men and women, height is positively correlated with jealousy. (c) Among men, height and jealousy are negatively correlated; among women, height and jealousy are positively correlated. (d) Tall men are less jealous; women of average height are the least jealous.


In long-term mating, women prefer mates who _________ humor while men prefer mates who ________ humor. (a) produce; appreciate (b) appreciate; replicate (c) replicate; identify (d) identify; produce


In small-scale tribes, which of the following is the best predictor of a man's attractiveness? (a) hunting skills (b) parenting skills (c) gathering skills (d) negotiation skills


Kinsey estimated that _________ percent of married men had extramarital affairs, whereas _________ percent of women had them. (a) 50; 26 (b) 35; 15 (c) 20; 10 (d) 80; 35


Men are more upset than women by a partner's ________________ infidelity; women are more upset by a partner's _______________ infidelity. (a) sexual; emotional (b) secret; public (c) public; secret (d) emotional; sexual


What are the features of adaptive problems?

A RECURRING problem throughout the environment of evolutionary adaptiveness. Hunger --> Seek food Bad reputation --> people are really vigilant for information about how others think about them and there, they try to put forth a good reputation.

Across cultures, male preferences for physical attractiveness __________ relative to female preferences for physical attractiveness. (a) vary significantly (b)do not change (c) are not uniform (d) are lower


American men prefer in women a waist-to-hip ratio of about __________. (a) .60 (b) .70 (c) .80 (d) .90


Baker and Bellis found that men's sperm count ___________ as a function of the amount of time the couple had spent apart since their last sexual encounter. (a) decreased (b) increased (c) remained roughly the same (d) decreased slightly


Because of ________________, there must have been tremendous selection pressures for ___________________. (a) the benefits of strategic interference; psychological mechanisms designed to detect cues of deceitfulness (b) the costs of being deceived; psychological mechanisms designed to detect cues of deceitfulness (c) the benefits of cuckoldry by females; deterring males from engaging in extra-pair relationships (d) the costs associated with sexual conflicts; avoidance of sexual conflicts


Both men and women experience attentional adhesion to which of the following targets? (a) young men's faces (b) young women's faces (c) older men's faces (d) older women's faces


Both younger and older infants gaze longer at __________. (a) asymmetrical faces than at symmetrical faces (b) attractive faces than at unattractive faces (c) unattractive dolls than at attractive dolls (d) pairs of faces than at single faces


Compared to when they are seeking a long-term mate, men seeking a short-term mate tend to reverse their preferences for ____________. (a) kindness (b) chastity (c) physical attractiveness (d) age


Compared to women from intact homes, women from father-absent homes __________. (a) lose their virginity later (b) lose their virginity earlier (c) reach puberty later (d) have sexier sons


Error management theory suggests that there are ________ potential errors when inferring a psychological state of another person. (a) never (b) two (c) ten (d) fifty


Evidence from a study in which silhouette images of the female body were rated revealed that the most attractive silhouettes had legs that were ___percent longer than average legs. (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 8 (d) 10


For a benefit to qualify as a function of short-term mating, __________. (a) the benefit had to be the same for both men and women who engaged in short-term mating (b) the benefit had to be recurrently reaped by those who engaged in short-term mating under certain conditions (c) the fitness costs of short-term mating had to outweigh the benefit (d) the benefit must be present universally today as a result of modern short-term mating


People with ___ of normal allele are healthy but are susceptible to malaria

2 copies

People with ___ of sickling allele have severe anemia and other health problems and frequently dies

2 copies

Step children also ___ more likely to suffer unintentional fatal injuries


Seven studies between 1994-2006 from western industrialized countries found that infanticide occurs at rates between ___ per 100,000 births


Amish founding population

200 German immigrants

The evidence that emotions are discrete

2022-Feb-6 at 23'm

Up to ___ of children in Oceania are raised outside of their natal household


Only __ of mammals are monogamous


In Brazil there are ___ official categories up to ___ in popular perception

5 30

Among self identified black Brazilians: -Y chromosomes data: __European origins ___ african origins __ African origins - mtDNA data ___ african origin __ amerindian origin and __ european origin

50% 48% 2% 85% 12% 2.5%

"Would you go on a date with me tonight?"

50% both Men and Women said yes - But only men said yes to everything else

In all of the Kibbutz age- mate cases one partner joined the peer group after age __


Genetics of color in Brazil Regardless of color ___ of autosomal DNA derives from European Heritage


Twin studies suggest ___ variation in height is due to ____ which means about ___ of variation in height is ___

80% Genetic similarities 20% environmental

___ of our diversity is found within groups rather than between them


___ of Brazilians have at least __ and some up to ___ african genes

86% 10% 30%

____ chose more than one option in 2010

9 million

Among self identified white Brazilians: -Y chromosome date: __ of Y's have European original only __ are of African origin no American contribution - mtDNA data: __ European origin __ Amerindian origin __ african origin

98% 2% 39% 33% 28%

A cross-cultural study of folktales revealed that female characters did which of the following more than male characters? (a) primarily preferred mates with high wealth or status (b) primarily preferred mates who were highly attractive (c) primarily preferred mates who were creative and sensitive (d) none of the above


A man's "attentional adhesion" is more pronounced if __________. (a) he is oriented toward short-term mating (b) he did not grow up with female siblings (c) he has not been influenced by Western media (d) he has lower social status


A woman's reproductive value peaks in her __________. (a) teens (b) twenties (c) thirties (d) forties


Based on comparative and phylogenetic analyses of different species, adult attachment, or "love," was consistently linked with which other species-typical behavior? (a) paternal care (b) maternal care (c) polygyny (d) marriage


Buss found that _____________ was listed by women as the most upsetting action that men do to them. (a) sexual aggression (b) verbal aggression (c) physical aggression (d) denigration of her fidelity


Conflict between the sexes is most often __________. (a) an undesirable byproduct of the fact that the sexual strategies of men and women differ profoundly (b) the result of men's adaptations to engage in any conflict they can potentially win (c) the result of women's adaptations to engage in conflict with men to avoid being submissive (d) a beneficial adaptation selected for through evolution because it decreases the fitness of both parties


Men's relatively large testes size provides one line of evidence that ancestral women _____________. (a) have psychological mechanisms designed to confuse paternity (b) would have benefited by maximizing the likelihood of conception from any one copulation (c) sometimes simultaneously had sperm from two or males in their reproductive tract (d) were faithful to their partners most of the time


Mikach and Bailey found that _________ is a significant predictor of pursuit of a short-term mating strategy for women. (a) mate value (b) self-esteem (c) waist-to-hip ratio (d) facial symmetry


Not only have women evolved preferences for what they do want in a mate—they also possess evolved mechanisms for avoiding what they don't want. One example of what women avoid in a long-term mate would be __________. (a) signals of facial masculinity (b) interest in infants (c) cues to genetic relatedness (d) a deep voice


One study asked participants to guess the mating strategy of videotaped female participants and documented a large correlation between their guesses and the actual strategies the participants reported. When asked which cues they used to gauge the mating strategy, they listed several. Which of the following was actually correlated wish the women's reported mating strategy? (a) smiling (b) laughing (c) eyebrow flashes (d) all of the above


Which of the following is not a context to which women's mate preferences are sensitive? (a) preferred mating strategy (b) a woman's place in her menstrual cycle (c) geographic location (d) her mate value


In Brazil people categorized by ___

Color or Cor

Cause of Decline: Civilizing Offensives

Conscious and deliberate attempts by powerful groups to attack behaviors of common people that are considered immoral, licentious, or uncivilized and to promote a life of self-control, temperance, orderliness, and respectability.

What is the evolutionary definition of altruism?

Cooperation that evolves by raising the fitness of genes that are located INSIDE THE HELPER

What is communication?

Cooperative action between any two individuals who evolved both want to send and receive information

Indirect Reciprocity

Cooperatoration increases Reputation. Key evolutionary requirement: the probability q of knowing someone's history of helpfulness must exceed c/b.

When Maternal Perinatal Association is absent:

Coresidence duration might be best cue available. - Longer periods of coresidence should translate into greater certainties of relatedness.


Cost to the altruist -- how many offspring she or he WON'T produce (r*B>c) or (r*B-c >0

Between men and women While there are ___ there are also patterns that persist across human societies

Cultural differences

What are the tenets of gene-culture theories?

Cultures function as the kind of environment that natural selection acts upon. What are the available resources, food, etc.

A man's size, strength, and physical prowess signal to prospective mates solutions to the problem of __________. (a) commitment (b) willingness to invest (c) sexual fidelity (d) protection


A woman retains _________ sperm when she has an orgasm than/as she does when she does not. (a) the same amount of (b) better quality (c) fewer (d) more


Adolescent men __________. (a) do not have age preferences for dates (b) prefer dates with women their own age (c) prefer dates with slightly younger women (d) prefer dates with slightly older women


Buss found that _________ percent of college men indicated that they have exaggerated the depth of their feelings for a woman to have sex with her, and that _______ percent of college women reported being deceived by a man's exaggeration of his feelings for her. (a) 71; 15 (b) 37; 15 (c) 37; 97 (d) 71; 97


Clarke and Hatfield found that _______ percent of men agreed to have sexual intercourse after being propositioned by an attractive woman, whereas ________ percent of women agreed to have sexual intercourse after being propositioned by an attractive man. (a) 50; 25 (b) 60; 10 (c) 70; 0 (d) 75; 0


Despite average changes in weight over the past thirty years, Singh found that __________ did not change (as reflected in the centerfolds of men's magazines). (a) facial symmetry (b) female preferences (c) body fat distribution (d) waist-to-hip ratio


Facial and body symmetry seem to reflect __________. (a) masculinity (b) psychological disorder (c) willingness to invest in offspring (d) protection from environmental and genetic stressors


From an evolutionary perspective, a major cost to women of rape is __________. (a) risk of being abandoned by a regular mate (b) unwanted pregnancy (c) interference with women's mate choice mechanisms (d) all of the above


If _______ women had mated monogamously, psychological mechanisms guiding a short-term mating strategy in men would not have evolved. (a) some (b) most (c) few (d) all


In traditional societies, parents generally choose their daughters' mates. Parents are more likely to seek which of the following traits in a potential son-in-law than in a potential daughter-in-law? (a) physical health (b) physical attractiveness (c) intelligence (d) resources


Marriage may have provided an adaptive solution to the following problems for ancestral men EXCEPT __________. (a) paternity uncertainty (b) providing a social signal about who was mated to whom (c) providing opportunities to learn about a mate's personality, making it difficult for her to hide signs of infidelity (d) freeing a male to more successfully pursue short-term mating opportunities


Mated women are ___________ to have an orgasm with their extra-pair partner than/as they are with their long-term partner. (a) not as likely (b) equally likely (c) less (d) more


Men gain increased paternity certainty from marriage by virtue of gaining __________. (a) greater numbers of children (b) greater investment from paternal kin (c) greater similarity to children (d) greater sexual access to a partner


Men who are in relationships and willing to have an affair tend to have _________ testosterone than men unwilling to have an affair, which supports the idea that testosterone is associated with ___________ in men. (a) lower; fertility (b) higher; fertility (c) lower; mating effort (d) higher; mating effort


Men with higher ______________ are more likely to succeed in short-term mating. (a) social dominance (b) athletic skill (c) shoulder-to-hip ratio (d) all of the above


Men with younger wives report more __________. (a) partner concealment (b) possessive ornamentation (c) emotional manipulation (d) all of the above


Men's jealousy is especially attuned to ________________ rivals and women's jealousy is especially attuned to ________________ rivals. (a) sexually aggressive; high-status (b) low-status; physically dominant (c) physically dominant; young (d) high-status; physically attractive


One strategy to guard against deception by a male partner is the female strategy of __________. (a) imposing courtship costs to buy time for mate assessment (b) discussing a man's commitment with her friends (c) stalking (d) both (a) and (b)


Several studies have examined the effect of priming men with photos of beautiful women. These studies have shown that men primed with photos of attractive women display more ____________ than men primed with photos of older, less attractive women. (a) nonconformity (b) discounting of the future (c) desire for a larger income (d) all of the above


Sexual withholding is hypothesized to __________. (a) increase the scarcity of the resource (b) force men to think of a woman as a permanent rather than temporary mate (c) manipulate the woman's perceived mate value (d) all of the above


Sexually unrestricted men tend to prefer mates with lower waist-to-hip ratios than sexually restricted men. This supports which of the following contentions? (a) Men interested in casual sex consciously prefer mates who are currently able to conceive offspring. (b) Short-term oriented men are more physically attractive than long-term oriented men. (c) Men who prefer short-term sexual relationships find ovulating women less attractive than non-ovulating women. (d) Men oriented toward short-term mating prioritize cues to immediate fertility.


The best predictor of engaging in extramarital sex is ___________________. (a) a partner's extraversion (b) commitment to a partner (c) a partner's conscientiousness (d) premarital sexual permissiveness


The byproduct theory of rape proposes that rape is a byproduct of __________. (a) male preference for sexual variety (b) desire for sex without commitment (c) general capacity to use physical aggression to achieve goals (d) all of the above


The contrast effect that mated men experience occurs after viewing women who are __________. (a) attractive (b) acting warmly (c) smiling (d) all of the above


What are the two paths to sexual aggression, as identified by Malamuth? (a) psychopathy and hostile masculinity (b) childhood sexual abuse and impersonal sex (c) psychopathy and childhood sexual abuse (d) impersonal sex and hostile masculinity


Why would men who are oriented more toward short-term mating show a greater sexual overperception bias? (a) Because false alarms are more costly for short-term oriented men than long-term oriented men. (b) Because men oriented more toward long-term mating are relatively less sexually interested in women. (c) Because the sexual overperception bias minimizes the costs associated with misses. (d) Because the sexual overperception bias minimizes the costs associated with false alarms.


Women married to men with higher incomes reported more __________. (a) violence toward their partner (b) appearance enhancement (c) both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b)


Women's experience of distress after sexual advances depends on __________. (a) her marital status (b) his marital status (c) the social status of the harasser (d) the likelihood of successful cuckoldry of her long-term partner


Women, on average, prefer as mates men as who are ____________ than they are. (a) younger (b) thinner (c) older (d) more asymmetrical


_________ symmetrical men are more likely to have sexual intercourse with women who are __________. (a) Less; more symmetrical (b) Less; not involved in other relationships (c) More; already in relationships (d) More; less symmetrical


____________ women experience more fear of rape than do ____________ women. (a) Physically unattractive; physically attractive (b) Married; single (c) Younger; older (d) Highly intelligent; less intelligent


What is a proposed function of women's mate-copying adaptations? (a) Women are motivated to engage in intrasexual competition and mate copying functions to provide a context to increase competition between women. (b) Mate copying functions to prevent women from becoming attracted to homosexual men. (c) Women provide information to other women about a man's quality as a mate to improve the reproductive success of the species. (d) Women can vicariously obtain information about a man's relative value as a mate.


What percent of men indicated that they would force sex on a woman against her will if there was no chance of ever being found out? (a) 0 percent (b) 5 percent (c) 20 percent (d) 35 percent


What were the two key sources of regret after "hooking up" as experienced by men? (a) being too intoxicated and that the woman was "out of his league" (b) whether birth control was used and that the woman wanted a relationship (c) that the woman had a mate and whether birth control was used (d) that the woman wanted a relationship and being too intoxicated


When men derogate their rivals in front of women, which of the following attributes would they most likely ridicule? (a) the rival's past romantic partners (b) the rival's poor fashion taste (c) the rival's physique (d) the rival's business failures


Which of the following adaptive problems did ancestral men NOT face when pursuing a short-term sexual strategy? (a) identifying which women were sexually accessible (b) identifying which women were fertile (c) avoiding commitment (d) retribution from the man's own kin


Which of the following defenses would NOT have evolved in women to combat the likelihood of rape in ancestral environments? (a) alliances with other males (b) cultivation of female-female coalitions (c) avoidance of risky activities during ovulation (d) acquiescence mechanisms


Which of the following female mate preferences solved the adaptive problem of selecting a mate who is able to invest? (a) dependability (b) emotional stability (c) symmetry (d) social status


Which of the following is NOT a hypothesized class of functions related to the benefits women gain from short-term mating? (a) mate switching (b) short-term for long-term goals (c) mate manipulation (d) mate denial


Which of the following is NOT a hypothesized specialized adaptation in men for committing rape? (a) increased sperm counts in rape ejaculates as compared to consensual sex ejaculates (b) sexual arousal to signs of female resistance to consensual sex (c) marital rape in the context of sperm competition (d) sexual dimorphism


Which of the following is an empirically documented result that indicates that men adjust their behavior based on the quality of the target? (a) Men tip waitresses most if they are taller and brunette. (b) Men's skin conductance fluctuates less from baseline when speaking with an attractive woman. (c) Men increase the pitch of their voice when talking to an attractive woman. (d) The younger the woman, the more money the man spends on his engagement ring for her.


Which of the following lines of evidence does NOT point to an ability in men to detect when a woman is ovulating? (a) lightening of the skin during ovulation (b) vascularization of the skin during ovulation (c) body odor changes during ovulation (d) men's sexual performance with ovulating women


Which of the following traits predicts cost-inflicting mate retention tactics? (a) low mate value of the man (b) high fertility of the woman (c) narcissism of the man (d) all of the above


Women and men display homogamy when it comes to choosing long-term mates. Homogamy refers to which of the following? (a) preference for a mate who is different from oneself (b) actually mating with someone who is different from oneself (c) preferences for a mate who is similar to oneself (d) actually mating with someone who is similar to oneself


Women display a preference for masculine faces during the ____________ phase of their menstrual cycle. (a) luteal (b) menopausal (c) menstrual (d) follicular


Women prefer as long-term mates men who __________. (a) have high social status but are indifferent about investing in children (b) are interested more in children than in them (c) are capable of but unwilling to invest in children (d) are capable of and willing to invest in children


Women's preferences and men's strategies of intrasexual competitions have ____________. (a) increased women's reproductive success at the expense of men's (b) increased men's reproductive success at the expense of women's (c) resulted in resource equality (d) coevolved


Women's sexual withholding from a prospective mate serves all of the following functions EXCEPT __________. (a) encouraging men to evaluate them as long-term mates, rather than as short-term mates (b) preserving the ability to choose men who are willing to commit to them (c) manipulating men's perception of her mate value (d) deterring men from pursuing a relationship with another woman


Women's use of appearance enhancement was judged to be _________________ effective in attracting mates than men's use of such tactics. (a) slightly less (b) slightly more (c) significantly less (d) significantly more


Women, more than men, fantasize about __________. (a) switching sexual partners (b) smooth skin of a partner (c) visual elements of the partner's body (d) a current romantic partner


Human __ vary which means that ___

DO categorical systems grouping similar people are possible

Did Darwin have a system?

Darwin was gathering biological specimens. He was keeping detailed notebooks of what he saw. He didn't have a real system.

Why Cooperation is an Evolutionary Problem

Declining average fitness Mutation --> Selection --> Selection

____ of racial origins; ___ are to blame rather than ___ per se

Degenerative hypotesis Environmental factors Biology

Mate Preferences chart for both male and female

Dependable character Emotional stability Pleasing Disposition Mutual Attraction - Love lasts Similar political background

Are costs and benefits the same for both sexes for parental investing?

Different costs and benefits for each sex This should be reflected in how they select mates

What is an allele?

Different forms of a gene/trait.

Be prepared to explain the concept of inclusive fitness.

Direct fitness + indirect fitness = inclusive fitness.


Discredited science of personality through the examination of head shape. But modern neurophysiology does agree that certain areas of the brain are associated with specific functions

According to the designers of the IAT the order in which tests are administered ___ make a difference to the overall result in some tests however the difference is __

Does small


Explanations Answer Why Questions


Explanations answer How Questions

___ are averse to mating males much older than themselves

Female Chimps

Because the fastest rate that a female can reproduce is slower than the fastest rate that a male can reproduce (especially in birds and mammals)

Females are a scarce resource for males

Two theories for explaining sexually selected traits

Fisher's runaway and Zahavi's "Handicap"

Hamilton's Insight

Fitness is influenced by behaviors that boost one's own reproduction (i.e., direct fitness) and those that boost the reproduction of relatives (indirect fitness).

___ is necessary for DNA Synthesis repair of damaged DNA production of new cells


___ for women and her offspring creates a deficit that male must make up

Food consumption

___ keeps most human populations very similar

Gene flow

Good Genes Ovulatory Shift

General increase is due to increased desire for extra-pair sexual partners

To Understand Aggression as a Biological Category, Recall that

Genes Make Vehicles that Enhance their Success at Replicating

Another Way to Conceptualize r%

Genes Shared with All Possible Genotypes

Original migration out of Africa accounts for much of the ____ amount different human populations

Genetic diversity

Modular Attentional Systems: An Example of Attentional Capture for Animals (New, Tooby, and Cosmides, 2007)

Gives us a sense for how domain-specific some parts of our sensation and perception. Hypothesized that our attentional systems are fine tuned and specialized for detecting animals. The Change Detection Task:

Aristotle, Classification, and hierarchy in the ___

Great Chain of Being

Reproductive Variance

Greater variance in male reproductive success than in female reproductive success

Hadza & European Mere Exposure Effect

Hadza was more likely to choose composites of the images they are used to. For Europeans, this was true and stronger.

r*B>C or r*B-c >0

Hamilton's rule equation -- it "pay" OR "not pay" the gene in x to cause behaviors that render fitness assistance to y

Sunlight also has ___

Harmful effects

Why Females who are higher Parental investment the limiting resource in producing offspring?

Having an egg fertilized by one male precludes having another child with a second male in the near future.

Here's what Darwin starts to get weird.

He has this idea that they become habitual and even in the absence of a service will function.They can reveal your mental states. So it's through habit of snarling at people that you actually develop it to snarl. So rather than actually encountering the stimulus, now merely thinking about it can activate the thought. In some ways it's not so far off from kind of the experimental stuff we do in the lab. Well, we try to get people to feel angry. But the idea that there are acquired through habit, I think, is an idea that hasn't had a very hasn't withstood the test of time, let's say

Good Genes Ovulatory Shift Hypothesis

In the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle HIGH-QUALITY MAN also PARTICULAR HIGH GOOD GENETIC

Theory of Natural Selection

Idea, first proposed by Charles Darwin, that species survive due to favorable characteristics. 1831-1836

Cost to be paid for having sequential offsprings too early for human beings

If there was a short interval, children are fighting for resources with an older sibling who needs the same inputs from mom and other caregivers that you do.

Inclusive fitness and sequential children

Inclusive fitness for having the next child equals the proportional increase in offspring that reach reproductive maturity.

Late 19th and early 20th century Japanese migrated to Hawaii to work on sugar plantations migrants similar in height to those who stayed in ___ Offspring were ___ taller than parents

Japan ~4 inches

In Brazil categories are Determined by appearance __ heredity


Racial categories are ___ Biological Categories


There is no ___ categorization scheme for the human species


____ should favor mechanisms to reduce chances of inbreeding

Natural selection


One male, several females. Harem polygyny -- LARGE MALES Elephant seals (Mirounga) - breeding females cluster together on beaches -- allows males to defend a harem of many females at once --8 individual males inseminated 348 females in one study! Leeking -- Combination of male competition... Males may fight for position in center of lek ...and female choice: Females choose a mate...often dominant male or male in the center

Basic engineering principle

One tool is rarely good for more than one problem

What is the significance of optical illusions in the debate about whether the mind is modular?

Optical Illusions - Lines: We fail to judge line lengths properly, depending on the ends we put on them. The line lengths are the same. All that's changing is the context and that context ends up mattering a lot. Adjust to luminence - The o that's the knowing part of the brain, cannot interact at this time with the perceiving part of the brain

On the Origin of Species (1859)

Organisms produce many more offspring than are required to replace the parents (Malthus) ● The individuals within a population show a range of variability across numerous physiological and behavioral traits (Selective Breeding) ● Some traits suit one better to survival and reproduction than others do ● Because of differential survival and reproduction, the traits of successful parents become better represented among the next generation. If the features of environments are constant across generations, then population change will be directional, causing systematic trait change. Eventually, enough change may accrue to reproductively isolate a population from other populations, thereby leading to new species.

Moral dumbfounding

Our moral judgments to some extent are also encapsulated modular in nature.

__ can be self- ascribed based on an individual's beliefs concerning culture ancestry and history


__ has real biological consequences


___ is a cultural category of social construct that people use to talk about themselves and others


___ is produced by social arrangements and political decision making


___ is something that happens rather than something that is it is dynamic but it holds not objective truth


Craniometric can tell us

Race (but also religion) Intelligence, personality traits Criminality

Knowing someone's ___ classification tells little about their genotype


Asymmetrical investment in offspring --Consider a population of 1 male and 10 females

The male could mate with, and fertilize, all 10 females. Male reproductive success is limited only byaccess to mates

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach treatise _____

The natural varieties of Mankind

Why study homicide from a evolutionary perspective

Severe and genuine conflict: unlike self report and a lot of stuff that social psychologists study in laboratory Minimal biases of detecting and reporting it's heavily studied because of social cost, so we have lots of data from lots of places at lots times in history that enable us do dig for patterns that might (or not) reflect adaptive structuring

Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Data

Sex differences and similarities Temporal change & stability over several decades

Cost-benefit management

Sex has benefits (i.e., a pregnancy) Sex has costs (time, energy, opportunity costs, risks of sexually transmitted infections) Have sex when it is likely to lead to a conception; do other stuff when it is not likely to lead to conception

What is the consequence of polyandry?

Sexual selection is stronger on females than males

Runway hypothesis (Red Queen Hypothesis)

Sexually selected trait if for (nothing but preference) -- The more we like such trait -- the more we are likely to mate with such trains and produce males with the preferred trait -- A genetic arrangement gets stamped to produce as a result of preference -- Longer tail birds preference continue to persist even if it increases mortality after reproduction.

What are similar?

Shame and Embarrassment

Maintaining reliability via receiver-dependent costs -> Signal of Fighting Ability in Paper Wasps

She used paint too.Break up the facial displays on these wasps. Okay, so she added some yellow and add some black to break up the faces, make them look as sort of testosterone eyes as possible. Then she used a hormone to increase their aggressive behavior. 4 groups: 1. Control: As is, behaving, looking and fighting as they normally do. 2. Signal: Had an aggressive signal painted on them, had their signal broken up. 3. Behavior: Made more aggressive with Testosterone, so their aggressiveness would above what their face would suggest. 4. Signal & Behavior:hey look more broken up and they're more aggressive, okay. Because they'd been made aggressive with the hormone. RESULTS: The group that got him the most was the group of individuals who had their signal, this honestly manipulate k.So if you have this and you, because they can't back it up with increased fighting, fighting ability caused by the hormone. Okay. So this is a signal whose reliably over evolutionary time plausibly is being created by the fact that if you can't back it up was fighting ability, you're screwed. And what this means is the signal will be, is reliability will be made

____ females will tend to prefer indications of good genes and not as much about resource provisioning

Short- term

Modality ->Morality

Siblings making love story -> Participants are grossed out -> Researches give a solution for their concerns and objections -> Morally condemned incest but CANNOT explain why. Moral dumbfounding -> Our moral judgments to some extent are also encapsulated modular in nature.

Okay, so what do we want to say about the empirical evidence for the discreteness of emotions?

Think we can say that they feel different, they feel distinct. Some of the emotions send you off in different behavioral directions or physiological directions.Different check and change your judgments in certain ways. Certainly changer, self-reported affective experience. And then we can also findpatterns of brain activation that are reliably resulting from specific kinds of emotionally listening to the stimuli. So signature patterns of arousal.Here's what you find as the activated areas, for example, disgust or anger, and some evidence that those signatures are already. So I would say good evidence, maybe not as strong as one would expect, or perhaps desire if one was taking a discrete emotion point of view. But the evidence is not nothing. You know, there's, there's, there's a reasonable sort of thing gives us reason to be justified in believing emotions are discrete things that you can then theorize about functional.

Involuntary is different from Reliability

This debunks Ekman One of these butterflies is toxic --> For the non-toxic butterfly, the signal is neither voluntary nor honest. It's not enough to say that a trait is. Voluntary to make the conclusion that it's not fake. All right?Because this is an example of like that, then that egg fly is getting away with a coercion, right? It's causing its would-be predators to act in a way that's not in their interests, but that is in the egg flies interests.

Father and mother of evolutionary psychology

Tooby and Cosmides

Racial groups are not natural units: ____

based on arbitrary set of traits There are many intermediate cases Categorization based on different traits produce different groupings

Change detection task methods

Two stimulus displays are presented in sequence, and the subject is asked to judge whether they're the same or different •Present subjects with color photos of complex natural scenes •Each scene has a target object: -A person -An animal -A plant -A moveable human artifact (e.g., stapler, coffee cup) -Fixed landmark-type artifacts (house, windmill) -A vehicle •Participants are asked to spot the difference between the two alternating scenes

Now that food is more readily available lead to high incidence of ____

Type 2 diabetes

Evolution of Lethal Aggression in Non-Human Animals

Which then we go down and down and down the tree, we see an exaggeration of lethality. At that point in time where our last common ancestor with gorillas and chimpanzees split off. So whoever that relative was, that last common ancestor that we share with gorillas and chimps with the other great apes, that was a lethal ancestor. And they finally, after we diverge from the gorillas,leaving us with, uh, with Homo sapiens and our last, our closest primate cousins, the chimpanzees, we have a very lethal species indeed as our last common ancestor, modern chimpanzees are lethal, engage in lethal violence against conspecifics.

Emotions are NOT discrete arguments

Who argues that the things we label as, for example, anger or disgust or fear, or surprise or joy. Those are culturally created labels that we impose on a much more to use kind of feelings or negative and positives and feelings of activation or deactivation in the body. And so culture tells us when you feel this certain way, good or bad, aroused, energetic or withdrawn com, you slap labels on with those. And then some cultures will have different labels. And so there's a kind of cultural incommensurability to emotions. They're not comparable. So, and that's the point of view that that is influential. It's not the point of view I take personally, but it's a point of view. Instead what I want to do is take the point of view that says these things are, there are discrete functions of emotions.

Variation can occur ___ groups or ___ groups

Within Between

Revisiting ovulatory shift FINDINGS

YES 1. self-perceived desirability 2. extra-pair sexual desire 3. behavior in-pair desire N0 1. Clothing 2. Narcissism 3. Mate attractiveness BIRTH CONTROL MADE THEM STABLE

split brain

a condition in which the two hemispheres of the brain are isolated by cutting the connecting fibers (mainly those of the corpus callosum) between them

What is a form of epigenetic changes that is heritable

a form of neo-Lamarckian inheritance Dutch famine study aduse and reactions to stress in offspring

indirect reciprocity

a kind of reciprocal altruism in which an individual who helps someone becomes more likely to receive help from someone else

The Hutterites

a small anabaptist community in US Marry within their community Have undergone strong genetic drift

Hamilton's rule

a trait is favored by natural selection if the benefit to others, B, multiplied by relatedness, R, exceeds the cost to self.

Eastern side of red sea have ___

adapted culturally

Contemporary adoption behavior may be ___


We can use this reasoning using twin studies to ____

adjust estimates of heritability for effects of correlated environments

Male preferences in female appearance Fertility

age body condition waist hip ratio firmness of breasts

Monozygotic twins share ____

all their genes + environment

Women preferentially value ___

ambition good financial prospects and having favorable social status

Research in EP identify ____ that is likely to have existed over long evolutionary time

an adaptive problem

Anger Faces Manipulate Facial Actions that Inform Strength Assessments

ang a face that appears angry.The brow ridge drops by 4.87 centimeters. The brow lowers. Okay. So the brow ridge drops, the brow itself lowers. The cheekbones are raised, the nose gets wider. The mouth is raised, the lips are thinned out and the chin been is raise to nu, that was called the chin been. And the chin is raised overall. So there are a lot of features that happen when we, when we, when we make that angry face

One drop rule

any person with even one ancestor of sub- Saharan- African ancestry is considered black

The number of categories is also ___


In sexual reproduction

because the biochemistry of the offspring is different, parasites have to re-adapt to this new environment

Polygenism hypothesis

belief that the different races had evolved separately in each continent and shared no common ancestry

In environments where famine was frequent ability to put on fat reserves was ___


We tend not to ask ultimate questions in psychology because there are two ways in which psychology is blind to really fundamental truths about being alive:

blindness to structure and instinct


are the neural or hormonal or physiological or cellular characteristics that give rise to the behavior


around the time of birth

Reproductive potential has many cues which add up to ___


For white respondents the ____ may in some be an in-group preference

automatic white preference

___ is often suggested that high concentrations of melanin were favored as adaptations against skin cancer

Skin color

___ may reflect adaptation to balance beneficial and harmful effects of sunlight

Skin color


So over time, what that would mean is individuals who dishonestly signal their strength by trying to put on strong faces. I get beaten up more and are less fit. And so the signals, honesty is maintained

Why do they look different even within the same shape?

So the visual system is looking not trying to figure out not only the color or the brightness by looking at the surroundings, but it's also looking for shadows via those soft edges and objects that can cast shadows.

One sentence summary

The brain is a physical system designed by natural selection, composed of many functionally specialized, formed over the course of our species evolutionary history that largely operate outside of awareness.

What can split-brain patients not do?

The canonical idea of split-brain patients is that they cannot compare stimuli across visual half-fields (left), because visual processing is not integrated across hemispheres.

So if you are a gene, you can be more or less effective at getting yourself into future generations based on how you build a body. If you're really good at building a reproductively effective body, there are going to be more copies of the gene

building a reproductively effective body, there are going to be more copies of the gene

Female RS is limited by

by food, condition.

All cultures/ groups define themselves in part by ___

comparing against an 'other'

How to change your automatic preferences

consciously make an effort to empathize with other seek experiences that could undo or reverse those that could have created the unwanted preference remain alert to the existence of the undesired preference recognizing that it may intrude in an unwanted fashion into your judgments and actions

Female perceptions of men with and without beard varies ___

considerably by culture

Females limited by ___

costliness of pregnancy lactation and childcare

Despite evolved mechanisms creating aversion to inbreeding ___ still plays an important role


How does a woman's attractiveness affect her mate preferences? (a) Attractive women want less attractive partners than unattractive women do. (b) Attractive women want more attractive partners than unattractive women do. (c) A woman's attractiveness is not correlated with her mate preferences; all women prefer financial status and attractiveness in a mate. (d) Attractive women prefer higher levels of luxury traits (e.g., creativity) than unattractive women do, but equal levels of necessity traits (e.g., resources).


Infanticide rates are highest among __________. (a) married women (b) unmarried women (c) older women (d) high-status women


Mated women's reports of having extramarital affairs to fall in love or for emotional intimacy support the __________. (a) resource accrual hypothesis (b) mate switching hypothesis (c) good genes hypothesis (d) sexy sons hypothesis


Men are more likely to use ____________ as a mate retention tactic and women are more likely to use _____________ as a mate retention tactic. (a) appearance enhancement; resource display (b) resource display; appearance enhancement (c) vigilance; violence (d) jealousy induction; emotional manipulation


Men exhibit "attentional adhesion" to photographs of attractive women. This means that __________. (a) attractive women demand more attention from men than unattractive women because they can afford to be choosier (b) men's attentional systems are biased toward attractive women and have a difficult time switching from an attractive woman to a different target (c) men have adaptations for viewing photographic images of fertile women (d) men have learned to pay more attention to attractive women because they are of higher status


Men in the later stages of a relationship have __________ testosterone than men in the early stages of a relationship. When divorced men remarry, they experience a __________ in testosterone. (a) higher; spike (b) lower; drop (c) lower; spike (d) higher; drop


Men interpret _______________ by women as indicating more sexual interest than do women. (a) the wearing of revealing clothing (b) smiling and friendliness (c) overt sexual signals (d) flirtation


Men receive _________ responses to singles advertisements than do women. (a) more (b) fewer (c) an equal number of (d) the same number of


Men with more sex partners, relative to men with fewer sex partners, experience a(n) __________ following short-term sexual intercourse. (a) increase in attractiveness towards the partner (b) decrease in attractiveness towards the partner (c) increase in commitment towards the partner (d) longer refractory period


Men's preferences for a short-term partner are _________ relative to men's preferences for a long-term partner. (a) more stringent (b) less stringent (c) absent (d) less masculine


Men's ratings of women's attractiveness ___________ following short-term casual sex, and women's ratings of men's attractiveness __________ following short-term casual sex. (a) decrease; decrease (b) decrease; increase (c) increase; increase (d) increase; decrease


Men's sexual fantasies, more often than women's, involve___________. (a) older partners (b) more sex partners (c) more intense emotional content (d) more romantic content


One reason women may not be as attracted to substantially older men, relative to slightly older men, is that substantially older men __________. (a) are less likely to invest in her and her offspring (b) are less likely to be able to invest long-term in her and her offspring (c) do not have as many resources (d) are more physically active


Parental investment theory was first articulated by _____________ in 1972. (a) William Hamilton (b) Robert Trivers (c) George Williams (d) Tooby and DeVore


Recent studies which examined mate preferences in the context of "speed dating" showed that women tended to choose men who __________. (a) described athletic success during high school or college (b) indicated that they grew up in an affluent neighborhood (c) asked women a lot of questions about themselves (d) smiled more and maintained eye contact


Reproductive value refers to __________. (a) the number of children a person has (b) the number of children a person is likely to have in the future (c) the number of children that a person has in combination with his or her kin (d) the number of children a person is capable of having in the near future


Researchers have documented four main categories of defenses women report using to prevent sexual victimization. Which strategy do mated women use more than single women? (a) avoiding being alone (b) avoiding appearing sexually receptive (c) avoiding strange or dangerous men (d) being prepared and aware of surroundings


Some evolutionary psychologists have hypothesized that men would be most likely to rape their own mates __________. (a) in polygamous societies (b) when there are cues to sperm competition (c) in matrilineal societies (d) none of the above


Some theorists argue that sex differences in mating strategies are caused by societal gender inequalities. Countries such as Norway, that are extremely egalitarian, should show an attenuation of sex differences in mating motivation and behaviors. What are men's and women's mating strategies like in Norway? (a) Men and women desire nearly the same number of sex partners over the next thirty years. (b) Men desire five times as many sex partners over the next thirty years compared to women. (c) Some mate preferences actually reversed: women preferred attractive mates more than men who preferred mates with resources. (d) Men engage in less short-term mating than women.


fMRI studies have examined the brains of people who are intensely in love while thinking about the object of their affection. These studies have discovered which of the following? (a) The prefrontal cortex, associated with decision making, shows intense activation while thinking about the lover. (b) sex differences in the amount of overall brain activity while imagining the lover (c) The reward centers of the brain show increased activation while thinking about the lover. (d) Brainstem activity decreases when subjects are visualizing the lover.


Women with lower waist-to-hip ratios and relatively larger breasts __________. (a) were rated less attractive than women with relatively smaller breasts and lower waist-to-hip ratios (b) have the highest levels of estradiol (c) have the lowest levels of estradiol (d) were rated less attractive than women with higher waist-to-hip ratios and large breasts


Women's attractiveness is ____________ correlated with their preference for masculine faces and symmetrical faces. (a) negatively (b) positively (c) not (d) not significantly


Asymmetry in parental investment between male and females

Before fertilization: Asymmetry in size and number of gametes, and in the rate that gametes are released. After fertilization: Asymmetry in incubation (some birds), in gestation (mammals), and in care and feeding of young (mammals, some birds)

He was specifically interested in the possibility that this only applies to men.

Because of the fact that sex differences in strength that we've talke this massive sex difference is going to mean that the correlation between strength and anger is going to be relaxed in females, but heightened in males. Because if there are, ifmost males are stronger than you, then it's going to be, it's just going to be eight-thirds me a greater selective premium on the use of physical strength to make people do what they may make people value you as much as you can. And so perhaps women use different strategies than simply the exertion of physical strength.

Inclusive fitness theory purpose

Behaviors can't be explained via their effects on direct reproductive success because they reduce their bearers' reproduction while enhancing indirect reproduction success.


Benefit to the recipient -- How many offspring can the recipient produce (r*B>c) or (r*B-c >0

Taiwanese Minor Marriages

Betrothed at early age and bride enters husband's household

The IAT may reflect an attitude that is learned through experience in a culture that does not regard ___

Black Americans highly

___ for defining who is native american

Blood quantum

Lebanese Cousin Marriages

Brothers often live in same household and children (cousins) grow up much like siblings

What would be the reasons for the, for the functions, the inferences you would make, not just labeling the person's emotion, but what might they be going through or what might be the functions?

But what a lot of researchers are tempted to say is that these are communicative gestures. You're communicating that stuff to other people. So for instance, on this view, happiness, the happiness gesture or expression says, you don't have to worry about me. I'm no threat to you, right? I'm a safe person to be around. I don't I don't mean you harm. I mean, you I mean, you I have good intentions sadness, something to elicit sympathy - tears make yourself vulnerable

According to strategic interference theory, negative emotions __________. (a) are effective only when pursuing a long-term sexual strategy (b) should primarily be found in women (c) serve to highlight problematic events (d) function to deter others from engaging in a similar strategy


Averaged over all cultures, women prefer men who are roughly __________ years older than themselves. (a) 1.5 (b) 2.5 (c) 3.5 (d) 5.5


Baker and Bellis found that women are more likely to have extra-pair sex during the ________ phase of their menstrual cycle. (a) luteal (b) postovulatory (c) ovulatory (d) infertile


Budget allocation was employed to examine men's and women's mate preferences in terms of necessities and luxuries. The researchers found that men considered __________ a necessity in a mate, whereas _________ was considered a luxury. (a) kindness; physical attractiveness (b) lively personality; kindness (c) physical attractiveness; kindness (d) kindness; physical attractiveness


Buss and Schmitt found that, compared to women, men are __________ willing to have sexual intercourse after having known that person for five years. (a) much more (b) slightly less (c) equally (d) much less


Compared to women's self-reported ideal for themselves, men state a preference for _____________ mates. (a) thinner (b) shorter (c) plumper (d) taller


Contrary to predictions made, men who scored _____________ on self-perceived mating success tended to score _____________ on measures of sexual aggression. (a) high; moderately (b) low; high (c) high; high (d) moderately; low


Cryptic ovulation created selection pressures on men to __________. (a) determine how receptive women were to sexual intercourse (b) determine women's age from visual cues (c) determine which women were likely to be fertile (d) determine the reproductive value of a woman


Cryptic ovulation in women may have evolved because it ___________. (a) ensures greater paternity certainty for a long-term mate (b) increased the quality of mate that women could attracted (c) concealed her reproductive status (d) increased the probability of attracting a mate


Genetic benefit hypotheses of women's short-term mating predict all of the following benefits of short-term mating to women EXCEPT __________. (a) enhanced fertility (b) superior genes (c) enhanced social standing (d) different genes


Grammer found that a(n) ______________ in men's income is associated with a(n) _____________ in the ages of mates they sought. (a) decrease; decrease (b) increase; increase (c) increase; decrease (d) change; increase


Greiling and Buss found that the benefit judged most likely to be received by women through short-term mating is __________. (a) finding a better-looking partner (b) finding a more desirable partner (c) sexual gratification (d) increased attention from a long-term partner


In which of the following scenarios would the same man be perceived as most attractive? (a) next to a man who is laughing at something he said (b) standing with multiple women who are talking amongst themselves (c) talking with a smiling, attractive woman (d) He would be considered equally attractive in all of the above scenarios.


Li and colleagues' Necessities and Luxuries study indicated that __________. (a) women's preference for physical attractiveness in a mate represents a necessity (b) sex differences in mate preferences are only found when rating traits, not when ranking them (c) women's preference for social status in a mate represents a necessity (d) sex differences in mate preferences emerge only in luxuries, not necessities


Male ancestors had access to which two types of observable evidence of a woman's reproductive value? (a) hair color and current fertility status (b) current fertility status and body fat distribution (c) physical appearance and behavior (d) behavior and current fertility status


Males have ___________ gametes and usually make the __________ parental investment. (a) larger; larger (b) larger; smaller (c) smaller; larger (d) few; smaller


Men and women should have ___________ adaptive solutions to __________ adaptive problems. (a) similar; different (b) few; different (c) similar; similar (d) different; similar


Men exhibit shifting standards even over the course of a single night. One study showed that men tended to rate women as more attractive at midnight than at 9:00 p.m. This is referred to as __________. (a) Affective Valence Shift (b) Contrast Effect (c) Closing Time Phenomenon (d) Beer Goggles


Men exposed to attractive women rate their current romantic partner as ______ attractive and rate themselves as _______ committed to their current romantic partners. (a) more; more (b) more; less (c) less; less (d) less; more


How do younger siblings recognize their kin?

Childhood Coresidence Duration: Periods of shared parental investment

Child's Risk of Filicide as a Function of Mother's Age

Children are more likely to be killed by a mom when mom is at a young age - across all cultures. Under age 20 is wet. So sort of a women become reproductive, potentially reproductive around 15 or so. And that's the, that's the, that's where their reproductive value is, is highest. And that's also the age range of moms who are most likely to kill offspring One of the ways we might make sense of that pattern is that we've got a young mother who is caring for a child, which involves a trade-offbetween current parenting and future reproduction. It's not the only explanation obviously, but it's a knob. It underscores a or picks, helps us pick out a potential adaptive logic - desire to return to mating by the expanse of matering her own child

Kibbutz Age- Mates

Children on kibbutzim are raised in communal nurseries

Usually ___ who have no depended children and/ or have enough wealth raise additional child

Close kin

Men rate composite faces, mathematical averages of multiple women's faces as more attractive than real women's faces. This preference for averageness may have evolved because __________. (a) averageness indicates reproductive value (b) averageness indicates youth (c) averageness could be a marker of phenotypic quality (d) averageness is correlated with conformity and agreeableness


Men who are _______ in mate value than their partner exhibit __________ correlation between infidelity cues and likelihood of partner rape. (a) lower; a positive (b) lower; a negative (c) higher; a positive (d) higher; a negative


Men who are higher in mate value tend to perform _____________ mate retention tactics. (a) ostracizing (b) intimidating (c) benefit-bestowing (d) all of the above


Men who are motivated to seek casual sex (compared to men who are not) __________ attempt to deceive women about their commitment. (a) do not (b) rarely (c) more frequently (d) less frequently


Men's mate preferences, relative to women's mate preferences, should be more attuned to a prospective mate's ___________. (a) body symmetry (b) facial symmetry (c) reproductive value (d) resource holdings


Skin contains ____ that synthesize brown melanin pigment


Whats the problem with Ache Foraging Data

men ignore plants that they shouldn't women ignore animals that they shouldn't

Men's Mate Preferences for physical attractiveness

men rate physical attractiveness as more important and desirable in a mate than do women men see it as "important," whereas women see it as "desirable" but not crucial.

When race contributes to discrimination and social inequality it has ___ for health

negative consequences

When race contributes to discrimination and social inequality it has ___ for quality of life

negative consequences

Folate deficits in pregnant women is linked to ___

neural tube defects

Ev psych predicts that males will more likely ___

obtain multiple matings

Races are ___

primordial natural enduring distinct

Some differences is a ___

product of environment on an individual

Women should prioritize a mate that can ___

provide access to resources

Adoption as an evolved behavior depends on ___

psychological mechanisms that were selected for during human evolution


purpose or reason why a behavior exists

Monkey- calories/ pursuit + processing if higher than average rate ____

pursue monkey

Indirect Reciprocity evolutionary requirement

q > c/b

HBE methods:___

quantification and measurement of these factors and their impact on reproductive sucess

Examples of in group

race culture gender age religion sports team

Classifications based on difference characters lead to ___

radically different groupings

With Kibbutz age- mates although sexual experimentation and marriage were not discouraged these things ___

rarely occurred

In HBE people are assumed to be ____ actors that seek to maximize some quantity that ultimately helps them to maximizes fitness


step offspring of former mate ___

receive the least

Race as a ___ category arose with the scientific revolution colonizations and European imperialism



scientific measurement of the cranium

Heterozygote advantage

selection can maintain variation within a population if heterozygotes have higher fitness than either of the two homozygotes

Adoption in US is regulated by ___

state and federal agencies

Childhood association ____

stifles sexual attraction

direct paternal care and paternal food provisioning as related to ___ in traditional societies

subsistence mode

direct fitness

derived from an individual's own offspring

Environmental Variation

differences caused by environmental factors one of which is culture

Genetic Variation

differences caused by genes inherited from parents

Common sense and experience tells us that men and women have ___ priorities in choosing mates


Sources of variation within and between groups can be ___


Marriages are more likely to involve mates with ___ MHC types than ___ types

different similar

In Brazil children/ parent siblings can be ___

different color categories

Men should prefer women who ___

display physical attributes indicative of youth and health

Knowing a persons group _____

doesn't tell you much about their genetics


feature in general continuous with and different from behaviors in other species, including extinct species for which the behavior we see in humans

Mating without potential for support or possible children is more risky for ___


___ usually show stronger aversion than ___

females males

Natural selection often favors ___

flexible responses

Sunlight causes breakdown of ____

folate molecules

Optimal Foraging Theory Prediction

foragers should ignore any item with a lower return rate than overall average return rate

How have the people on the eastern side of the red sea adapted culturally

garments that cover bodies Tents for shelter

Most of the regions subject to selection appear to be related to ___

gene regulation


generates random variation (such as genetic diseases) Maintains deleterious genes but only at low levels because selection generally removes them

When a difference is adaptive is becomes linked to ___


Parents and children share both ___ and ___

genes environment


genes that are beneficial in one environment may not be beneficial when environment changes It takes time for these diseases to be eliminated

Variation within each lawn= ____


Humans may be able to detect phenotypic cues about ____

genetic similarity/kinship

there is not always concordance between ___ and ___

genetic traits racial categories

Male preferences in female appearance Health

godo complexion muscle tone shiny hair

Familiarity in childhood is a ___

good cue of kinship

Natural Selection

groups living in different environments are subject to distinct selective pressures gene flow will tend to homogenize populations however if selection is strong enough genetic variation will be maintained

Dizygotic twins share ___

half their genes + environment

Men preferentially value ___

health attractiveness and chastity

If tall parents --> tall kids then we might assume ___

height is determined by genes

In the Taiwanese Minor Marriages women adopted at later ages have ____ and ___

higher fertility Marriages last longer

In Africa pastoralist who use fresh milk have ____ of lactose tolerance than pastoralists who use fermented milk products

higher proportion

Testosterone and sexual behavior

higher--Single men who have higher testosterone at young adulthood have a higher likelihood of marriage and having kids down the road. Lower -- levels of testosterone provide higher quality care -- What happens in your social life or what happens in your social environment can influence developmental changes that are plastically adaptive.

Genetic offspring of current mates receive ___ (parenting + mating)

highest level of investment

Inuit are darker than expected based on ___

their location

Natural parents give up children when ___

they cannot afford to raise them

Some behaviors can't be explained via their effects on direct reproductive success because

they reduce their bearers' reproduction

Way to generate highly effective, efficient tools, if you have the ability to generate lots of tool

to make each one good at a very small, thin problem

Each child comprises an significant percentage of ___

total lifetime fertility

The IAT asks you to pair ___

two concepts

What the evolutionary approach offers us?

ultimate explanations


unselfish regard for the welfare of others

Human behavioral Ecology (HBE)

variation in human behavior is a product of local adaptation to ecological conditions

People on western side of red sea have ____ while people on the eastern side have ___

very dark skin lighter skin

Inuit diet ___

very rich in vitamin D from fish

Cross cultural data support the idea that stepchildren are more likely than biological children to be ___ this is known as the ___

victims of child abuse cinderella effect

In northern latitudes little sunlight --> ____

vitamin D deficits

Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)

waist or abdominal circumference divided by the hip or gluteal circumference; method for assessing fat distribution

Evolutionary Reliability of Angry Faces: Index or Receiver-Dependent Costs?

•If an index, then the face itself must cause strength (think: baboon teeth) •If receiver-dependent costs, then the internal factors that cause physical strength must make the face look angrier (think: paper wasps) •I think it's more plausible that the evolutionary reliability of angry faces is being maintained by receiver-dependent costs: They reduce aggression by signaling physical strength, and if you evolve to cheat, you lose fitness through the costs of being lured into fights you can't win.

The Gene's Eye View: Replicators and Their Vehicles

•Let's assume there are lots of different kinds of replicators. •Given this assumption, some are going to replicate faster than others. • •Replicators can come to have a wide variety of effects that impact their replication rate. Competition can be direct or indirect, but is a consequence of finiteness of resources.


•Long ladder-like spirals of nucleotide base pairs •A sequence of adjacent nucleotides codes for a protein: These proteins allow for the building of sophisticated cellular machines When DNA is divided at the base pairs, or "unzipped" during cell division, the nucleotides will begin to attract the complimentary nucleotides, and replicate

Long-Term Declines in Violence

•Humans inherited a strong propensity toward lethal violence from the last common ancestor we share with chimpanzees •This propensity likely evolved in part from our extreme sociality and territoriality •Still, here as everywhere else, human nature produces behavior by interacting with cues in the environment •As those cues change, the behaviors they elicit will change as well •For this reason, violence can decline. •And it has!

Using evolutionary theory to explain human behavior remains controversial: The assumption that this means that behavior is genetically determined failing to ____; which takes us back to the _____

take account culture and social learning nature- nurture debate

A genetic basis for behavior does not imply that ____

the behavior is immutable

Leda Cosmides and John Tooby contribution

the computational theory of mind and the theory of natural selection --> Natural selection shaped our brains and our minds. And the second insight is that the mind is a computational device. It's a device designed to process information.

Men should prioritize ___

the fertility of their partner

indirect fitness

the fitness that an individual gains by helping relatives pass on copies of their genes

Research in EP develop hypothesis about ___

the forces that existed in the EEA to shape it

Because genetic variation is continuous ___

the placement of individuals within any single category is arbitrary


the way in which a behavior or a trait develops through the life course

Prisoner's Dilemma

No matter what your partner does, you're always better off NOT cooperating.


Relation proportion of shared genes (r*B>c) or (r*B-c >0)

What are the costs of sexual reproduction?

The costs of recombination, the cost of mating. But the idea is that because of the Red Queen hypothesis-benefits to sexual reproduction, those costs end up being outweighed.

Asexaul reproduction

The form of reproduction in which a new organism is produced without the joining of a sperm cell and an egg cell. This is better for organisms that are well adapted to their environment and are NOT pressured to change.

What is the relatedness coefficient?

The fraction of alleles that two individuals have in common.

Bateman's principle - bate neles!

The idea is that, since eggs require greater energy to produce than sperm, females should be choosier sex and this should result in greater variance in the reproductive success of males.

What is meant by the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA)?

The natural habitat or environment to which humans were originally adapted. This is assumed to be the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and habitat. Each adaptive trait has its own unique evolutionary history and therefore its own particular EEA.

Relatedness: The Organismic View

The proportion of A's genes that are identical by direct descent with those present in B.

Why are parasites important to the study of evolution?

Their short generation times and large population sizes, parasites can evolve rapidly.

How are maternal and paternal DNA passed onto offspring?

Through stages of meiosis and mitosis (cell division), DNA is split and transferred to the child. The new offspring inherits exactly half the DNA from each of their parents. Most people have 23 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46.

Is Vampire Bat Blood Sharing Really Reciprocal Altruism?

UNCERTAIN --> Could be harassment? Hungry bats might beg to prevent well-fed bats from sleeping • The well-fed ones "buy" sleep by helping the hungry ones CERTAIN --> A proportion of group members are relatives and blood sharing may normally involve kin, so sharing might be (on average) kin altruism

Know the principles of parental investment theory.

1. Asymmetry in parental investment between males and females. 1. Females, because they produce eggs, make a larger parental investment prior to mating. Males can replenish their gamete supply and return to the mating pool sooner than females because they produce small, cheap sperm rather than large, costly eggs

____ forms of skin cancer are uncommon and occur late in life



patient has made up a narrative to explain this behavior

Lebanese Cousin Marriages ideal marriage

patrilateral parallel cousins

Lebanese Cousin Marriages less successful than between ____; ___ fewer children ___ more likely to end in divorce

patriliateral cross cousins 23% 4X

When do people kill?

people age 30 to 34 spike starting at teens We get the same age schedule in these two different societies.Children and really old folks don't kill very many people. Who kills people? Well, we knew it was going to be males because they're committed 98 out of every 100 murders, homicides.

Evolutionary theory predicts that ___

people should be reluctant to invest time and energy in raising unrelated children

split brain patients

people whose corpus callosum has been surgically severed

There is more genetic variation _____ groups than between them


Discovering Adaptation and Function

"A frequently helpful but not infallible rule is to recognize adaptation in organic systems that show a clear analogy with human implements. There are convincing analogies between bird wings and airship wings, between bridge suspensions and skeletal suspensions, between the vascularization of a leaf and the water supply of cities. In all such examples, conscious human goals have an analogy in the biological goal of survival, and similar problems are often resolved by similar mechanisms" (Williams, 1966, p. 10

17th- 19th centuries: merging of folk beliefs about group differences with scientific explanations--> ____

"ideology of race"

Another Way to Conceptualize r

% of Genes Shared with All Possible Genotypes

design criteria for cues to kinship?

- Cues that correlated with genetic relatedness in the ancestral past - Distinguish between types of close kin • Mother, Father, Offspring, Siblings

5 primary motives for infanticide

- altruistic reasons - unwanted infant - accidental killing via severe child abuse -for revenge against another -acute psychosis

Culture and inbreeding:

- differences in how close of kin are considered to close for marriage - political situations in which incest deemed acceptable -social advantages of outbreeding

Mate choice is shaped by a wide variety of factors: ___

- evolved preferences that differ by gender -cultural expectations -historical circumstances -personal history

For Optimal Foraging Theory requires that researchers:

- know caloric value of each item processing time and abundance in forest - calculate set of items leading to most calories per unit time

very specific sociodemographic profile

- usually young single and/ or uninvolved with the father socially isolated living at home, limited socioeconomic means - denial or pregnancy negation - conceal pregnancy delivery and disposal of new born

variation in male RS

-# of partners - quality of partners

In asexual reproduction

-- a clone is created, and any parasites aboard are already adapted to exploit the clone

behaviors that reduce bearers' reproduction

-Maternal adaptations -Parenting -Helping at the nest -Suppression of reproduction -Sterile castes of workers in the social insects -Distatefulness and warning coloration

Making Optimal Decisions: ____>____

-if calories to be gained by chasing killing processing and consuming monkey - average- rate pursue the monkey

Women Preferences for facial masculinity: ___

-negatively correlated with composite national health index - positive correlated to income inequality which is closely related to levels of violence and conflict

Criticism of HBE approach

-people do not always make optimal decisions - focus on fitness maximization means that HBE ignores mechanisms -Hard to see how HBE explains much of human history

Menstrual phases affects a wide range of female mating behaviors

-scent preferences - preferences for male dominance and masculinity - interest in extra- pair partners -grip strength in reaction to imagined sexual coercion

Contributing cultural factors to infanticide:

-social and economic factors - governmental policies - traditions of inheritance

Ekman & Friesen, 1969

. People see different things. But there are, there's a degree of consensus when we show these two. Now when we show these six photos to, to, you know,people in the industrialized world, educated, industrialized world, they seethese things is consensually, is having those six characteristics. He took these photos to New Guinea and he showed them to adults who were then asked to match them now with labels, but with what they saw as a set ofmultiple choice answers about the kind of experience the person might be having. So for example, which of those photos they were ass might youassociate with someone who's just lost a baby, you know, had a baby The New Guinea sample, or able to reliably identify four of them with the eliciting conditions that we in the West, industrialized, educated world ingeneral would identify as discussed, happiness, anger, and sadness. So upper left discussed upper right happiness, lower right, anger, lower left Sadness. Okay. So they didn't they weren't able to pick out all six they were able to pick out for. Then they pose those that he asked a different New Guinea sample to show the facial display that they think they would manifest on their faces. This is a different sample to make, to pose on their faces how they think they would look, if their child would just die or if someone had just insulted them, where they saw a long lost friend for the first time. Or they found that dead pig on the side of the road. And these are the four faces. Okay. So then what did what did they do? They take these photos back to California and they show them to a group of students and ask them to try to identify the emotion that those folks are feeling.And they do a good job at that. People can look at these four photos and at a level greater than chance, recognize the upper left as a manifestation of discuss. The upper right is the manifestation of happiness So in this really back and forth piecewise way was able to make a case that there are new universal expressions that show up on the face. There are configurations of muscles that we move in coordinated ways that corresponds to, at the very least these four, disgust, happiness, sadness, and anger New Guinea highlanders classified four of the six accurately New Guinea highlanders reliably produced 4 of them, when presented with descriptions of stereotypic elicitors Students could correctly classify these four expressions

People with ____ of each allele are partially protected against most serious form of malaria

1 copy

Mating Systems: Monogamy

1 male, 1 female

Causes of Genetic Variations within groups

1) Mutation 2) Heterozygote advantage 3) Disequilibrium

Cross cultural analysis of traditional societies found three classes of reasons why parents commit infanticide: ___`

1) child is seriously ill or deformed 2) parents circumstances do not allow them to raise the child 3) the child is not sired by the mother's husband

Three common assumptions about race: ___

1) humans fall nearly into a small number of discrete racial categories 2) members of different 'races' are biological different in important and informative ways 3) differences between races are due to biological heritage/ ancestry

Causes of Variation between groups

1) natural selection 2) genetic drift

What is NOT communication?

1. Cue: something that tells you about states of the world. But I'm not doing it because I evolve to make that information available to you. Ex: A hight of a man. --> But we evolved to extract inferences about how tall someone can be. 2. Coersion: I evolved in order to change you, but you did not evolve to be changed by what I'm doing to you. Ex: The girl being pushed by the man in the office. 3

Experimentally fasted 20 bats individually

1. Found Genetic relatedness? Very little harassment outside of mother-offspring pairs! 2. Harrassememt or Feeding? Hungry bats did not harass donors until they shared. Instead, donors were eager to share• Competed among themselves to share!• In each trial, recipients were fed by 4 different donors 3. Within parent-offspring dyads, the correlation of amounts shared between A and B was even stronger than within non-kin dyads.

WHR as an Index of Reproductive Value

1. Gluteofemoral fat is necessary for offspring development 2. High in long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids 3. Used most intensively during pregnancy and lactation 4. Thus, women's WHRs may reflect the number of offspring they have had—or, conversely, their remaining potential to produce offspring that will live to reproductive maturity Prediction: WHR increases with # of offspring

Ovulatory status is associated with

1. Increased sexual desire BUT not specifically to novel mates 2. No shift in women's preferences toward masculine faces 3. Consistent with the cost-benefit model of ovulatory shifts in sexual desire, but NOT with the Good Genes Ovulatory Shift Hypothesis

The New Way of Thinking About Reliability: We Need to Figure Out How The Sender and the Receiver Both Benefit

1. Indexing 2. Handicapping 3. Receiver-dependent responses 4. Common Interests

Behaviors that reduce bearers' reproduction

1. Maternal adaptations 2. Parenting 3. Helping at the nest 4. Suppression of reproduction 5. Sterile castes of workers in the social insects 6. Distatefulness and warning coloration

Three figures from history who've given us ways of looking at how nature, as revealed through living organisms.

1. Paley 2. Darwin 3. Dennet

Recent studies of chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates have found evidence to support? Are there other factors?

1. Reciprocal sharing; 2. However, other factors such as grooming and begging behaviors may also contribute to patterns of nonhuman primate food sharing

The 3 Ingredients of Natural Selection

1. Replication: replicators make copies of themselves 2. Variation: some copies are not exact replicas 3. Differential reproduction: of the varieties produced, some survive and reproduce better than others (also called selective retention) If you have these three things, natural selection must occur

Emotions are discrete argument -> evidences 1

1. Researchers attempt to make participants feel emotions - complete one ofthese experiences and you've got this blank human figure. Your job is to use the mouse to click on all the places where you feel. Your body on the left being activated, where there's more activity, more feeling than normal.Then on the right one, you use the mouse to click where you feel like there's less activity than normal. And so what you're going to get is this pattern of activation and deactivation in the body that you're feeling after each of these experimental things is done, you designed to activate an emotion. And then you get at the end, this combined activation deactivation map, where bright colors represent things that seem more activated than normal. And bluer colors represent areas of the body that you feel are kind of less energetic, less than 50, less active when you're feeling whatever that feeling is. Results - Very different patterns of activation or deactivation for the, the, the various emotions. So you can look at anger and people feel anger. I am very interestingly, in their upper torsos and in their hand, their heads, their upper torso. We don't know if this is the allocation of blood to these areas.But you can tell a story about anger showing up in the hands as beingrelated to the fact that anger involves going to act on anger. You're going to be using your hands and arms in order to due to injury or something orexert force on another person who's made you angry. Happiness has I think, a really fun kind of activation pattern where you just kinda feel good all over, but particularly around the heart and your head feel slush. It's a very in general are very excited emotion. Love ecause not only are you getting activation around the face and around the chest, but also in the gonads. There seems to be a lot of activation as well. At least that's how people are experiencing it. Pride -> Chest

cost-benefit model of ovulatory shifts

1. Sex has benefits (i.e., a pregnancy) 2. Sex has costs (time, energy, opportunity costs, risks of sexually transmitted infections) 3. Have sex when it is likely to lead to a conception; do other stuff when it is not likely to lead to conception

Evidences of that the mind has modularity

1. Split-brain - Tere's a talking part and there are some doing parts. And there's doing parts can be alienated from the talking part 2. Right side bias - We can prefer things without being able to explain where the preferences comes. Ex: Jam study. 3. Morality - We can firmly believe that certain things are morally wrong, without really being able to defend your position even in situations where you're assured that the negative outcomes aren't going to happen. Ex: Incest 4. Moral hypocrisy - We can have two beliefs. It's bad at the same time. It's worth doing, at least in this situation, these beliefs can co-exist. Ex: Driving and talking on the phone. 5. Optical Illusions - Lines: We fail to judge line lengths properly, depending on the ends we put on them. The line lengths are the same. All that's changing is the context and that context ends up mattering a lot. Adjust to luminence - The o that's the knowing part of the brain, cannot interact at this time with the perceiving part of the brain 6. Attentional systems have recognition devices for animals and people. Ex: Change detection task studies

Maternal Perinatal Association

1. Stable Association Between Mom & Newborn 2. Serves as an anchor point 3. Only available for older siblings 4. Cue is stable regardless of age & co-res.

Blood sharing in vampire bats A Biological System with Reciprocity?

1. Stablegroups-yes 2. Recognition-presumably calls/smell? 3. Cost/benefit ratio is low.e.small donation is highly valuable to recipient

Know the difference between chimpanzee and human life-history strategies.

1. The expansion of the neocortex during primate evolution -> higher cognitive capacity. 2. Historical knowledge to survive while chimpanzees can a single generation figure out their essential resources for survival--- 3. Bigger brains= Better at individual learning -- 4. HUMANS Smaller brains= Better at social learning.

Reciprocal Altruism

1. reasonable chance of meeting the recipient again to receive reciprocation. 2. recognise each other and detect cheats 3. The ratio 'cost to donor/ benefit to receiver' must be low

Men in their fifties who are looking for a long-term mate prefer women in their thirties. Men's preferences for short-term mates, however, remain for women at the age of peak fertility. Why might this be? (a) Older men may have difficulty attracting dramatically younger women as long-term mates. (b) Older men are less interested in mates who are similar or compatible. (c) Older men are generally lower in status than young men. (d) Modern long-term mating is different from ancestral long-term mating; it requires less compatibility.


Men pursue a _______ strategy when the sex ratio (number of males to females) is low and a ________ strategy when the sex ratio is high. (a) short-term; long-term (b) short-term; short-term (c) long-term; long-term (d) long-term; short-term


Men rated women's body odor ___________ when the woman was ovulating. (a) more attractive (b) less attractive (c) stronger (d) weaker


Men relax their standards across several attributes in pursuit of a short-term mate to solve the problem of __________. (a) gaining access to a greater variety of sexual partners (b) increasing the opportunity of coming across women who are attracted to them (c) more easily identifying women who seek a long-term partner (d) decreasing the chances of gaining sexual access to a woman who is already mated


Men report that their ideal outcome of a "hookup" is ____________; women report that their ideal outcome of a "hookup" is ___________. (a) more hookups; a long-term romantic relationship (b) becoming friends with benefits; more hookups (c) a long-term romantic relationship; a long-term romantic relationship (d) more hookups; more hookups


Men who are _____________ have a better chance of getting what they want in a mate. (a) high in mate value (b) low in mate value (c) high in reproductive value (d) sexually loyal


Men who pursue a short-term sexual strategy prefer women with ________ waist-to-hip ratios relative to men pursuing a long-term strategy. (a) lower (b) higher (c) the same (d) the highest


Men, particularly those _________________, tend to increase their mate-guarding behaviors when their mate is ovulating. (a) low on good genes indicators (b) high on good genes indicators (c) with high incomes (d) with low incomes


Multiple studies have now demonstrated that women who have high access to their own resources tend to place more emphasis on _________________ than women with low access to resources do. (a) a mate's financial prospects (b) a mate's physical attractiveness (c) a mate's interest in infants (d) a mate's kindness


Parental investment theory posits that the sex with the greater obligatory parental investment will be more ___________ when choosing a mate. (a) selective (b) indiscriminate (c) indifferent (d) casual


Relative to men who pursue a long-term mating strategy, men pursuing a short-term mating strategy are predicted to ___________ women who might demand commitment or investment prior to consenting to sex. (a) avoid (b) find sexually attractive (c) pursue (d) find repulsive


Researchers examined the types of sexual regret experienced by men and women and found that __________. (a) men tended to have regrets of sexual omission while women had regrets of sexual commission (b) men tended to have regrets of sexual commission while women had regrets of sexual omission (c) women had almost no sexual regrets (d) men had almost no sexual regrets


Some feminist writers have claimed that all men are united in attempting to keep women submissive to them. Evolutionary thinking refutes this proposition because __________. (a) men and women compete primarily with members of their own sex (b) men and women compete primarily with individual members of the opposite sex (c) there are no resources for which men and women compete against one another (d) selection cannot shape sex-specific psychological mechanisms


Strategic interference refers to __________. (a) blocking the successful enactment of a strategy (b) employment of a strategy to achieve a goal (c) both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b)


The male preference for youth in a long-term mate is critical because a woman's _________ declines as she ages. (a) reproductive value (b) status (c) attractiveness (d) symmetry


The mate deprivation hypothesis states that __________. (a) men who have experienced sexual deprivation will be more likely to use sexually aggressive tactics (b) men who have not experienced sexual deprivation will be more likely to use sexually aggressive tactics (c) mates deprived of sexual intercourse will be more likely to pursue sexual relationships with other individuals (d) none of the above


The paternity confusion hypothesis states that women _____________ to garner ____________. (a) engage in short-term mating with multiple men; investment from each man in subsequent offspring (b) advertise sexual receptiveness to multiple men; investment from each man in her existing children (c) both (a) and (b) (d) neither (a) nor (b)


The prevalence of prostitution is a consequence of which of the following factors? (a) men's desire for casual sex (b) women's desire for casual sex (c) men's desire for a partner's sexual exclusivity (d) women's tendency to test males for long-term relationships


The sexual overperception bias is designed to __________. (a) minimize the costs of missed sexual opportunities (b) maximize the benefits of missed sexual opportunities (c) deter women from seeking sexual intercourse from a rival male (d) encourage women to seek sexual intercourse with a male


The sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s ____________ men's and women's mate preferences. (a) did not change (b) changed dramatically (c) caused a reversal in (d) masked


The size of the sex difference in the importance of attractiveness has __________ over the past fifty years. (a) remained constant (b) increased (c) decreased (d) diminished


The structural powerlessness hypothesis is contradicted by which of the following statements? (a) In cultures where women hold greater power than men, women have preferences for men with resources. (b) In cultures where women hold greater power than men, women do not have preferences for men with resources. (c) In cultures where men hold greater power than women, men still have preferences for women with greater physical attractiveness. (d) In cultures where men hold greater power than women, men do not have preferences for women with greater physical attractiveness.


Which of the following characteristics are rated by women as more desirable in a long-term mate than in a short-term mate? (a) kindness (b) religiousness (c) youthfulness (d) patience


Which of the following cues appears to be the key factor in our incest-avoidance mechanisms? (a) co-residence during childhood (b) emotional closeness (c) knowledge of genetic relatedness (d) number of siblings


Which of the following does NOT increase in women when ovulating? (a) WHR (b) tips made by professional lap dancers (c) facial attractiveness (d) self-perceived attractiveness


Which of the following features is considered a sign of facial femininity? (a) short distance between mouth and jaw (b) long distance between mouth and jaw (c) lower cheekbones (d) eyes set wider apart


Which of the following indicates that men's preference for low waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) in women is reliably developing even in the absence of media depictions? (a) Men who are blind from birth prefer the feel of low WHR mannequins. (b) Women also find low WHR to be attractive in other women. (c) The average WHR of prostitutes varies from culture to culture. (d) The WHRs of females depicted in artwork are consistently low.


Which of the following is NOT a context likely to elicit a mated woman's pursuit of a short-term mating strategy? (a) Her long-term partner is high on conscientiousness. (b) Her long-term partner cannot hold a job. (c) Her long-term partner has poor job prospects. (d) Her partner is low on emotional stability.


Which of the following is a hypothesis proposed by evolutionary psychologists about men's testosterone levels? (a) Men's testosterone levels should decrease after entering into a long-term committed relationship. (b) Men's testosterone levels should increase after entering into a long-term committed relationship. (c) Men's testosterone levels should increase after their partner gives birth to a son. (d) Men's testosterone levels should increase after their partner gives birth to a daughter.


Which of the following is evidence that supports the sexual competition hypothesis? (a) The prevalence of eating disorders is highest among women engaged in intrasexual competition for mates. (b) Men tend to have more eating disorders than women but are more likely to keep them a secret. (c) Bulimia occurs more frequently among girls who are prepubescent. (d) Anorexia occurs more frequently among girls who are prepubescent.


Which of the following is true of the relationship between women's attractiveness and their preferred mating strategy? (a) Women with lower WHRs pursue short-term mating strategies. (b) Women with more feminine facial features pursue short-term mating strategies. (c) Women who are less attractive are perceived by others to be more promiscuous. (d) all of the above


Women more often than men reported using ______________ as a means of eliciting special treatment from members of the opposite sex. (a) smiling and flirtation (b) work ethic (c) pushiness (d) sexual harassment


Women worldwide value health in mates ___________ men. (a) as much as (b) much more than (c) much less than (d) with greater variation than


Women's olfactory acuity peaks __________. (a) at or before ovulation (b) just after ovulation (c) during the luteal phase (d) during the post-ovulatory phase


_________ men are seen as more desirable mates than __________ men. (a) Tall; short (b) Emotionally unstable; emotionally stable (c) Asymmetrical; symmetrical (d) Sensible; ambitious


In group favoritism seen as evolved mechanism for ____

coalition affiliation

Sexual reproduction

A process by which cells from two different parents unite to produce the first cell of a new organism. This is better for organisms exposed to ever-changing environments because it provides variation and better chances of survival.

The South African Zulus vs Zulus recently migrated to the Uk

A shift on their attractivess rating and preference toward women from high BMI (above 40 which is considered obese) to low BMI This is because of the lack of resources so the FATTIER the Better.

Evolutionary Question/claim 1: Are they Communicative Adaptations?

A signal! We want to reserve the term communication. According to evolutionary theorists who work on communication for interactions between two individuals in which the signal we're going to call it evolved in order to create a reaction in the person whose or the individual who's kind of collecting that information. Okay, so in a communication, the sender evolved to produce this behavior, this energy pattern out in the world.What I'm doing, I did, I'm doing because using faculties that evolved for this purpose, I'm trying to get information on at this. So where it says signal unresponsive there think of this as communication. Okay? So in a communicative interaction, the sender has evolved to produce this signal.And the sender has evolved to extract- It's to create a chain,or do you like to create a change in another individual? Now, if it's communication on this evolutionary theoretical view, it's also the case that the receiver, the person being changed by the information, evolve to be changed by this.

What's going to keep the signal honest?

Actually, we learn that if you experimentally manipulate that signal, so you make the face look more broken up, but you don't make them more aggressive. They're going to get tested more. And this is going to mean that because they are kind ofadvertising more aggressiveness than they actually can cash out through behavior. They're gonna get tested and they're going to be not more. So this is an indicator that maintaining its honesty through receiver dependent costs. If you get beaten up more, because you are signaling disk,honestly, the getting beaten up more is going to reduce your fitness. Okay?So unreliable cheaters, if you like individuals to evolve, to produce the trait,to produce the expression or the display. Without also expressing the behavior are going to be an evolutionary disadvantage. Natural selection will not be kind to them. And so that's what's going to keep the signal.Honest. Cheaters will get punished out of existence.

___ formal legal transaction between strangers


___ is the result of evolved propensities in combination with cultural factors


Molecular data indicate that humans evolved in ___ (170-130 kyat) and then spread through the old world between 100-50kya


Hadza people

African tribe in Tanzania that still live today as hunter-gatherers

Woman's reproductive value declines steadily

After 20

___ are correlated with female fertility and future reproductive success

Age and Health


Aggression Class

Co-discoverer of natural selection

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913)

Expressions, gestures, or displays?

All assume function; foreclosing on the need to test the hypothesis of function Better to use facial action pattern, or configuration: Does not pass judgment on function -> It does not tell us what it is for.


Approximately ½ of all mammals have male infanticide (open circles) Infanticidal species tend to be: Are social (vs. solitary) Are polygynous (many females per reproductive male) Have high male reproductive skew Have fast-shifting dominance hierarchies Have smaller testicles

Change detection task results -> Results: Experiment 5: Is the Animate Advantage Due to Experience Seeing Them Move?

All of the images involving people and animals, whether they were moving or not, we're very quickly recognized and small and relatively small numbers of trials and faster reaction time. . Animals and people that have actually changed positions in the pictures do not differ on RT or accuracy, so it's not about the targets themselves being in motion, but about their capacity for movement, that captures attention. Data like these also argue against an effect of expertise.People have much more experience with vehicles than with animals. Also, the people vs.animalscurves were very close, even though people have muchmuchmore experience with people than with any category of animal.RT and accuracy should have been "magnitudes" different if it was due to exposure during individual development

William Paley (1743 - 1805)

An Early Stance on Design: Natural Theology


An index is a signal where its intensity, its size, or its brightness, or it's extravagant, sore. It's length.Wait, is causally related to the quality that's being signals. So it's causing the quantity that's being said. Let's co-op causing that trait that's being signal. And because it's causally related, you can't fake. Ex: •Mandrill baboons (Mandrillus sphinx) • •Fights are rare, but canines are used for fighting • •Tooth length causes fighting ability • •Friendly and submissive signals involve actively covering the teeth • •During aggressive standoffs, males confront each other at a right angle and yawn

Darwin was a bit shy about describing these emotion expressions as the result of natural selection in humans here

And talk about them as leftovers that weinherited from other individuals. He didn't really want to talk so muchabout their functions, which is really weird. I mean, this is, this, this is Darwin's the grand, grand grandfather of a functional analysis of animal behavior, including human beings. But he was shy about suggesting that functions in humans. You want to say they're kind of leftovers. These expressions are sort of habitual leftovers that we inherited from our ancestors. I think he was doing that in part to steer clear of criticisms from more conservative scientists and particularly the clergy in, in Britain at the time. He has wanted to do his work. He wasn't looking to reflow lot of feathers, change people's worldviews, talk them out of believing in God.

What can angry faces tell us?

Angry people, particularly men, are physically stronger: Maybe anger. Its function is to motivate you to do things that will causeother individuals to value you more than they otherwise would. So you think you are entitled to a certain kind of treatment from somebody and they do something that indicates that they, they, they hold you unlessesteem than you believe they really ought to. o I'm in a position to make people value me when I feel anger. It's because I don't think they're valuing me as much as I think I should be able to leverage them to force them into value A strong person, physically strong person, should possess those characteristics

A woman's fertility peaks in he __________.: (a) teens (b) twenties (c) thirties (d) forties


A man's stated income and education is ____________ correlated with the number of responses he receives from singles ads. (a) negatively (b) positively (c) not (d) not significantly


A recent study by Lukaszewski and Roney (2010) examined women's preferences for kindness in a mate and found that women preferred men who were __________. (a) kinder to women than men (b) kind to them, but not kind to other women (c) consistently kind to everyone in their in-group (d) kinder to men than to women


Studies of partner violence have indicated that __________. (a) men who devote less time and energy to mate retention are more likely to use physical violence against their partners than men who engage in more mate retention (b) a man's perception of his partner's interest in other men is more predictive of violence than his partner's actual interest in other men (c) men who use emotional manipulation as a mate retention strategy are less likely to be violent toward their partners (d) men who are more oriented toward long-term mating are more likely to use violence as a mate retention strategy than men more oriented toward short-term mating


The commitment skepticism bias is designed to __________. (a) maximize the benefits of being sexually deceived by men who feign commitment (b) minimize the costs of being sexually deceived by men who feign commitment (c) reduce men's attempts at deception (d) increase the psychological arms race between commitment skepticism in women and commitment signaling in men


The fact that men tend to exaggerate their height and financial status in personal ads indicates that __________. (a) men's height and status are negatively correlated with psychopathy (b) men are aware of women's preferences and attempt to embody them (c) women are not consciously aware of their preferences for these traits (d) women's preference for these traits is likely learned rather than evolved


The value that North American men place on virginity in a prospective long-term mate has _________ over the past half-century. (a) increased (b) decreased (c) not changed (d) doubled


Two recent studies attempted to separate the contributions of facial and bodily information to overall attractiveness or desirability judgments. Both studies documented the same sex-by-mating-strategy interaction effect. Which contention do these results support? (a) Men glean information about a woman's reproductive value more from her body than from her face. (b) Men glean information about a woman's immediate fertility more from her body than from her face. (c) Women signal their sexual receptivity in their face more than in their body. (d) Women possess bodily cues to long-term mating interest.


Victims of sexual harassment are disproportionately __________ and ___________. (a) young; married (b) young; physically attractive (c) older; physically attractive (d) older; single


When girls experience sexual abuse during childhood, their menarche begins earlier and they engage in sexual activity at an earlier age. This has been hypothesized to be because __________. (a) females shift their reproductive strategy to a slow, high-investment style after experiencing harsh early environments (b) men who are absent parents pass this tendency toward a fast, low-investment reproductive style onto their daughters genetically (c) childhood sexual abuse increases the probability of reproduction (d) all of the above


Which of the following best defines an organism's biological sex? (a) the size of its zygotes (b) the size of its gametes (c) testosterone levels (d) estrogen levels


Which of the following characterizes most women who pursue short-term mating strategies compared to women who pursue long-term mating strategies? (a) more feminine (b) more masculine (c) lower preferences for facial masculinity in mates (d) none of the above


Which of the following hypotheses would be supported if there was evidence that sisters of homosexual men have more offspring that survive to reproductive age than sisters of heterosexual men? (a) kin altruism hypothesis (b) female fertility hypothesis (c) alliance formation hypothesis (d) female obligatory investment hypothesis


Which of the following is an adaptive benefit that would NOT have accrued to ancestral men willing to make a commitment to a partner? (a) increasing the quality of the long-term mate he is able to attract (b) increasing paternity uncertainty (c) increasing his pool of social allies (d) increasing the chances his children will survive to reproductive age


Which of the following men would be most likely to use violence as a mate-retention tactic? (a) a man who is higher in mate value than his partner (b) a man who recently lost his job (c) a man whose wife is postmenopausal (d) a man whose wife is happy in their relationship


Which trait has been hypothesized to allow certain men with rape proclivities to avoid feeling empathy for their victim? (a) low intelligence (b) hostile masculinity (c) unrestricted sociosexuality (d) low conscientiousness


Women ______________have evolved anti-rape defenses if rape had been entirely a byproduct of non-rape mechanisms in men. (a) could not (b) could (c) would definitely (d) none of the above


Women display an ability to determine a man's interest in infants simply by looking at his face. How does a man's estimated interest in infants influence the woman's interest in him as a romantic partner? (a) Women preferred the men with higher interest in infants for short-term partners but not long-term partners. (b) Women preferred the men with higher interest in infants for long-term partners but not short-term partners. (c) Women preferred the men with higher interest in infants for both long-term and short-term partners. (d) Women did not show a preference for men with higher interest in infants for either long-term or short-term partners.


Women indicate that their minimum acceptable percentile for a spouse on earning capacity is ___________ percent, whereas men indicate a minimum acceptable percentile of ___________ percent. (a) 40; 70 (b) 70; 40 (c) 51; 49 (d) 49; 51


Women tend to derogate other women's ___________, especially during the _________ phase of their cycle. (a) status; fertile (b) physical appearance; fertile (c) status; infertile (d) physical appearance; infertile


Women view love as a(n) ____________ ingredient in the decision to marry. (a) unnecessary (b) indispensable (c) slightly desirable (d) temporary


Evolutionary Psychology (EP)

Based on the idea that much of human behavior is the output of psychological adaptations that evolve to solve recurrent problems in human ancestral environments evolutionary adaptedness

One study investigated sex differences in willingness to have sex with a partner at various levels of physical attractiveness. Which of the following accurately depicts the percentages of men and women willing to sleep with members of the opposite sex at the indicated attractiveness levels? (a) Men: 14 percent slightly unattractive, 70 percent extremely attractive; Women: 5 percent slightly unattractive, 24 percent extremely attractive (b) Men: 14 percent slightly unattractive, 70 percent extremely attractive; Women: 0 percent slightly unattractive, 12 percent extremely attractive (c) Men: 65 percent slightly unattractive, 82 percent extremely attractive; Women: 5 percent slightly unattractive, 24 percent extremely attractive (d) Men: 75 percent slightly unattractive, 98 percent extremely attractive; Women: 0 percent slightly unattractive, 12 percent extremely attractive


Particularly among men, the Dark Triad of personality traits is associated with pursuing a short-term mating strategy. The Dark Triad consists of __________. (a) narcissism, extraversion, and self-monitoring (b) self-monitoring, psychopathy, and extraversion (c) narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism (d) Machiavellianism, extraversion, and self-monitoring


Rapists (as compared to nonrapists) tend to __________. (a) show equal levels of physiological sexual arousal to rape scenes (b) have less varied sexual experiences (c) have an earlier onset of sexual activity (d) engage in less criminal activity


Ratings of the costs of reputational damage associated with a woman's pursuit of short-term sex are __________ correlated with her score on the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory. (a) positively (b) negatively (c) not (d) significantly


Research supporting the "good genes" theory of women's short-term mating has documented that around ovulation, women increase their preferences for all of the following EXCEPT __________. (a) men with symmetrical features (b) men who are socially dominant (c) men who show interest in infants (d) men with masculine faces


Sexual conflict is defined as __________. (a) the asymmetry in the proportion of offspring of each sex within a generation (b) the process by which males retain sexually dimorphic traits (c) a conflict between the evolutionary interests of individuals of the two sexes (d) rape


Shifts in preferences for masculine faces and scents from men might reflect __________. (a) noise created by adaptations designed to maintain a clean body (b) adaptations to avoid becoming fertilized by a long-term partner (c) adaptations to become fertilized by the healthiest men (d) byproducts of modern hygiene habits


Studies conducted using personal ads have documented that __________. (a) short men were rated as more attractive by women who read the ad but were less likely to be contacted than tall men (b) tall men were rated as more attractive by women who read the ad but were less likely to be contacted than short men (c) men's height was a significant predictor of the number of women who would respond to the personal ad (d) men's tallness was significantly preferred by women in person but not in printed ads


The emotion of "love" is __________. (a) a recent invention introduced by Europeans (b) independent of one's commitment to a partner (c) found cross-culturally (d) limited to Western cultures


The more money and resources a man has, __________. (a) the less likely he is to have children (b) the less likely he is to be healthy (c) the more likely he is to marry, particularly in polygynous cultures (d) the more likely he is to remain single, particularly in polygynous cultures


There is much controversy over whether waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) or body mass index (BMI) is a better predictor of a woman's perceived attractiveness. Which of the following is the best evidence that BMI is more important? (a) Childhood obesity is more predictive of infertility than adulthood obesity. (b) Offspring of women with larger hips show higher cognitive development during elementary school. (c) An eye-tracking study documented that men spend focus more on women's breasts and waist area than the hip area. (d) Women tend to derogate other women for being fat.


What explanation was offered for the fact that men report more "friends with benefits" relationships than women (when they must be equal in the population)? (a) There are more sexually active men than women among college undergraduates. (b) There are more sexually active women than men among college undergraduates. (c) Men construe sexual access as "friends with benefits" while women perceive it as the beginning of a committed relationship. (d) Women construe sexual access as "friends with benefits" while men perceive it as the beginning of a committed relationship.


When asked how they would feel if a coworker of the opposite sex asked them to have sex, men and women _______________________. (a) indicated that they would be equally insulted (b) indicated that they would be equally flattered (c) differed; more women indicated that they would be insulted (d) differed; more men indicated that they would be insulted


Wherever a female shows a mating preference, the male's _______ is/are often the key selection criterion. (a) dependability (b) commitment cues (c) resources (d) size


Which of the following benefits did NOT accrue to ancestral men who preferred ovulating women? (a) maximized odds of successful fertilization (b) avoided women who were not ovulating (c) decreased parasite load (d) Mated males could more efficiently guard their partners.


Which of the following indicates a hypothesized mate preference that appears to be adaptive in the modern environment? (a) When wives are six years younger than their husbands, they have fewer children than wives who are six years older than their husbands. (b) When the man is higher than the woman on attractiveness, the couple produces more offspring. (c) Women whose high school photographs were rated as more attractive produced more children than women whose high school photographs were rated less attractive. (d) all of the above


____ is necessary for skeletal maintenance


____ divided H sapiens in to continental varieties of europaeus asiaticus, americanus, and after each associated with a different humour

Carl Linnaeus

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach proposed 5 major divisions :___

Caucasoid Mongoloid Ethiopian/Negroid American Indian Malay

The Power of Reputation in Generating Public Goods: A Field Experiment utility company

Effects were largest in conditions where reputational concerns due to an outside observer were strongest

First evidence that your feelings show up on your face

Ekman & Friesen, 1969 So in this really back and forth piecewise way was able to make a case that there are new universal expressions that show up on the face. There are configurations of muscles that we move in coordinated ways that corresponds to, at the very least these four, disgust, happiness, sadness, and anger. Ekman came to call these the four basic emotions. But that was gradually expanded to where we now believe there are many more than four, perhaps even nine emotions that have expressions. But let me talk to you a little bit about how we got there. First of all, not all

Darwin (1872) and Emotion

Emotion Expressions: •Are phylogenetically conserved • •Are pan-human (universally expressed and recognized) • •Originate with "serviceable function" • •Are reflexive • •But through repeated use become "habitual" • •Then can result from states of mind "in the absence of serviceable function," and thus can reveal mental states • Darwin conspicuously avoided discussing natural selection, adaptation, or possible social (or communicative) functions of emotion expressions.

What are the Cues to Kinship?

Engineering problem: Can't see DNA!!!

In at least some situations ____ appear to be heritable

Epigenetic changes

Now assume copying errors. There are 3 kinds. •

Errors that don't make a difference •Errors that cause the replicator to decrease its replication rate •Errors that cause the replicator to increase its replication rate

____ does not imply that differences in behavior among humans are the product of genetic differences between individuals

Evolutionary approaches

Darwin (1872): Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals

He started with a real appreciation for Duchenne work. And a lot of what Darwin is going to do in the expression of the emotions. Talk about Duchenne work and producing these expressions. And he went on to not only focus on Duchenne work, but also on the work of actors and actresses who were asked to perform scenes or to show emotions on their faces. On Darwin's view.These expressions of emotion that come out on our face are our inheritances from our common ancestors with mammals that we may share common ancestors with, with, with, with dogs, with non-human primates, with domestic cats. Domestic raised animals, common ancestors we might have shared with them 1015 million years ago. The emotion expression C are going to phylogenetically conserved. So the snarl of a dog is not unlike the snarl of anger an actress might make if she's asked to show her contempt or her anger. Darwin argues that any old human can recognize these, these expressions for what they are. They're universallyexpressed and they're universally recognized. They start with a function.So this dog snarl is coming out of the fact that showing is T, showing its teeth has the function of letting some letting another dog know that the dog means business. The dog is prepared to use those teeth to attack. So that's, it has this serviceable function exists or something. They're reflexive. Stimuli come in, the expression comes out. You're a dog, it's feeling threatened by another anima

What problem was Darwin confronting?

He wanted to deeply to understand whether it was possible from a purely naturalistic point of view to develop an understanding of the biological world that went from simple to complex rather than from complex to simple.

What Darwin Didn't Know:

He was convinced there was a biological substrates that was, was heritable --What we now know as DNA--The Physical Basis of Heredity

Human morphology that varies

Height and body proportions skin color hair color and textures facial features

By-product mutualism --> insects that gather in a big blob

Helping Others as a Side Effect of Helping Oneself The behavior looks like the individuals are protecting each other --> In fact, they are all acting selfishly: The benefits they generate for others are by-products.

The third fundamental for Natural Selection


Natural selection favors:

High fitness -- Individuals are more likely to reproduce and pass on their traits to their offspring

When Maternal Perinatal Association is present

High probability of relatedness

Types of Homicide

Humans are averse to killing their genetic relatives. And yet they are in some sense attracted to co offending with roulette, with genetic relatives. And it looks like kinship is a major inhibitor to homicide. And it's a major facilitator in as much as we turn to our relatives to help kill people and we turn away from them as potential victims.

Know the main principles of Life History Theory, and empirical evidence covered in class that supports the hypothesis that humans have life history strategies.

Humans have a life history coordinated points of development across the lifespan.

Which type of human society is thought to most accurately reflect early (>50,000 years ago) human society?

Hunter Gathers

Questions About C. elegans --> development

It allows you to maximize inclusive fitness BY making the right kinds of trade-offs between perfectly good things that you can't do all at once.

Why are linguistic cues problematic?

Kin terms applied to fictive & genetic kin Kin detection is phylogenetically ancient

Minor marriages problematic

Lack of sexual interests low fertility more infidelity divorce

Human Physiology varies

Lactose absorption Blood type susceptibility to diseases

How do we resist the disordering forces of the universe?

Living organisms are equipped with devices to pump away factors that would induce disorder. They retain their structure, locally resisting entropy.

Metabolic costs

Lower for men - Higher for women

Lowering of Standards for Casual sex

M >F - For casual sex partners relative to those for long-term partners M value promiscuity and sexual experience

____ in couples is greater than expected by chance

MHC dissimilarity

Men's Short-Term Mating

MORE Intra-sex Competition MORE partners LESS Parental Investment LESS Discriminating

If height is partly genetic ___ twins should be more similar than ___ twins


___ usually do not mate with females much younger than themselves

Male Chimps

Since a male's REPRODUCTIVE S success can increase with increased mating opportunities, what should we expect?

Males are eager to mate even after they have just done so. But not indiscriminately: they identify and reject those that they have already had sex with!

What is the Coolidge effect?

Males are often rearoused by the sight of a novel female: signals a novel reproductive opportunity

The Power of Reputation - Money donated to charity

Males donated more when the observers were females Females were pretty stable with both no observer, same-sex, and opposed. In fact, there is a slightly higher with no observer

Hadza Males and Females Preferences

Males prefer --> Character and looks Females prefer --> Foraging and character

How do older siblings recognize their kin?

Maternal Perinatal Association

Why Males are not a limiting resource?

Mating with a female does not preclude mating with other females.

___ absorb UV rays and cause them to lose energy


___ neutralize free radicals that form after damage by UV rays


____ prevents and repairs damage from UV rays


How are mutations passed on from one generation to the next?

Mutations are essential to evolution. Every genetic feature in every organism was, initially, the result of a mutation. The new genetic variant (allele) spreads via reproduction, and differential reproduction is a defining aspect of evolution. The classic example of evolutionary change in humans is the hemoglobin mutation named HbS that makes red blood cells take on a curved, sickle-like shape. With one copy, it confers resistance to malaria, but with two copies, it causes the illness of sickle-cell anemia.

Sex Differences in Prevalence of Frequent Fighting in 63 Low and Middle Income Countries

Men are overepresentative And in most of those countries, significantly, substantially more likely to engage in fighting than women. All of these countries have odds ratios greater one, except for maybe Zambia. And then you get all the way you'd go up and up and up till you get to a country like for example, Venezuela or Tunisia or Suriname, where the odds of fighting for men are about six times as high as they are for women. This is a 2017 paper in a journal called aggressive behavior So this thing just keeps on going no matter where you look, it seems, and no matter how you measure it in the laboratory, in the classroom, out on the streets. Men are the more aggressive. Sex in general doesn't mean, it doesn't mean that every man is more aggressive than every woman. We talked about that. But in general, you could expect something for physical aggression. I don't know, 0.6.6 to maybe a d of 0.1. These aren't nothing. Men end up being more aggressive. And if you prefer, and you think about something like street violence, street fighting, more violent. What do people fight over? Well, there's a certain kind of fighting,certain kind of aggression that we call conflict homicides

Men's Mate Preferences

Men universally desire mates who are younger than themselves

___ is a alternate source of calcium and vit D


____ associated with dependence on plough agriculture


Emotions are discrete argument -> evidences 2

More music, and then people rate their emotional experiences. So we're going to give you a piece of music that most people recognize as being sad music. And then we're going to ask you to tell us the extent to which you felt sad. Not only sad, but happy, angry, fearful, disgusted. And then what we can do is look at whether you get differences in emotional arousal associated with each of these particular kinds of stimuli. So for example, we can generate comparisons of whether a stimulus generates a specific emotion and the difference between the extent to which it causes that emotion versus others. These are all significant differences. The things that make you happy tend not to make you anxious.Things that make you happy or sad, tend not to make you angry and so forth. So in people's self-reported experience of the world, emotions tend to be distinct. They think something's make you angry as a signature,something to make you sad as a signature. You're not just getting giant blobs of emotionally experiments from the world going into discrete experiences. Well, we also can give these stimuli, some designed to promote an Well, we also can give these stimuli, some designed to promote anger, some designed to promote sadness and so forth. And then we can look at their behavioral and cognitive and physiological effects. So let's say for example, you're in an experiment where half of the subjects are going to do something that made them happy or experience happiness.And the other half of subjects are going to have something done to them that makes them set. They're gonna watch a sad movie. Or they're going to listen to us that piece of music or write about a time they were saying.Then we're going to ask a bunch of questions about how they feet, you know, how, like how they're thinking about the world or their thoughts about their futures or nasa, the judge what they think of another person.Or we're going to ask them, you know, we're going to measure their physiology, their heart rate or blood pressure or something like that. You can see that again here with happiness and sadness. People think differently when they've been made happy than when they'd been made sat. Their judgment is different. They they they're they're affective experiences are different. They behave differently a Then it gets a bikes. The difference between sadness and anger. And like there are less clearly distinct from each other. The things we can do to people in the lab to make them angry, don't create such big differences in the things they do if we make them sad, for example. And the same with sadness and anxiety.So we get some differentiation like pretty clean, obvious differences. Set happiness and sadness make you do different things, feel different things.Believe different things. Happiness and anger do. And then some of them,some of the evidence is not so good for the distinctiveness of sadness and for example, sadness and anger, or sadness and anxiety. So is the evidence from this kind of research strongly supported them, the discreteness of emotions. I don't know, I don't I don't think brought universally that's what you would conclude it. Okay, I think you would conclude happiness and sadness lead you in different directions. Happiness and anger lead you in different directions, but sadness and anger, I don't know. Yeah, a little bit.Sadness and anxiety. I don't know a little bit. So the data, I would say maybe a week, mildly supporters of the disagreements. But then finally, we can look at patterns of brain activation when people are experiencing discrete emotions. This is, this, this paper, now 11, 12 years old, involved a meta-analytic summary, which means we're trying to take all of the studiesquantitative data and summarize the quantitative or statistical data over these 30 studies to see which brain regions seem to be signature responses to emotion eliciting stimuli.

__ and __ produce very different trees

Morphology Genes

____ should favor mechanisms to adjust parental investment depending on a variety of biological and social factors which is known as ___

Natural selection discriminative parental solicitude

How does design by natural selection differ from a design by engineering?

Natural selection -> Simpler things become more and more complex, but we're limited to working with what we already have. Engineering-> designs can be completely removed in favor of a new design.


Natural selection builds design features—adaptations—that promote inclusive fitness Not every trait is an adaptation Also, not every adaptation is "perfect" or "optimal." Some adaptations even seem anachronistic (i.e., dumb in the context of modern environments). Evaluating whether a trait is an adaptation requires (a) specifying the recurrent selection pressures that putatively caused its evolution, and (b) exposing the claim of "good design" to serious attempts to falsify it

Why should this be a priority for women to have someone who can provide resources

Necessary to support pregnancy lactation


One female, several males. Jacanas --> Most jacana species exhibit harem polyandry and "sex-role reversal" Males maintain small territories Males perform all parental care Females mate with multiple males and then leave eggs with males The number of males a female mates determines her reproductive success because she doesn't care for eggs Sexual dimorphism Females larger than males by 60% in mass (unusual for birds) Females aggressively fight other females and also kill their chicks (infanticide)

How did we expand from four emotions with Ekman to up to nine emotions

Not All Putative Emotion Expressions are Strictly Facial For both torso-and-up expressions, accuracy rates as "Pride" hover close to 90% if we add more of the body, reliability increases. Shown this expression.Agreement among raters are observers that she's experiencing pride becomes very high. So we don't want the end in real life. You've got the whole body to work with when you're trying to make an inference about what someone's ear, you don't just have a snapshot and the face or the torso, you've got the whole body. And so when we show more of what the person is manifesting, we get better, more reliable inferences. So a whole body expressions, in fact. If you give people that that photo on the, on the,on the right, accuracy rates for Pride get up to 90 percent. 2. Motions are more of motions pictures: Not All Putative Emotion Expressions Are Snapshot. Study: what this person had been asked to do before being captured on videotape is to think The Star-Spangled Banner. Just in a laboratory on to the Star Spangled Banner for us. And then at the end of us, guys, you know, feeling self-conscious emotion perhaps is worried about beingevaluated as either a bad singer or as somebody who did something stupid.So people, tom, commonly recognized that Motion Picture As embarrassment or shame. So there's no real reason that we have to limit our our, our inferences or our guesswork. Two snapshots in the face. And when we free ourselves up to look at more than just snapshots of the face.We find what I like to call the new NIH. These are emotions that have reliable. You never say universally recognizable, cross-culturally recognizable manifestations of unique emotions.

Natural Theology

Notion that God reveals His greatness in the creation the natural world, in the beauty and genius that we see all around us.

Motivators of homicide

Of 1333 homicides in Denmark between 1992 and 2016, 87% were committed by single male offenders. All had at least one male involved. None had only female perpetrators. Most frequent motivations: trivial altercations, mating, deterrence and revenge.

Know how natural selection overcomes Paley's argument.

Paley's-> Created by Purpose Darwin's -> Created by evolution

Childhood Coresidence Duration

Periods of shared parental investment

____ does not always reflect genetic ancestry


What does phenotypic plasticity entail?

Phenotypic plasticity refers to some of the changes in an organism's behavior, morphology, and physiology in response to a unique environment. The type of individual --> One is Malnourashid will have different development.

Malthusian ideas

Populations respond to rate limiters and change in response to those.

Case Study from Brazil Colonized by ___ Brought slaves from ___ Admixture with ___

Portugese West Africa Native American Population

____ can be detected through the use of haplotypes: shared sequences in a particular region of a chromosome that are inherited in conjunction with a beneficial mutation

Positive selection

Ovulation and Preference for Symmetry>

Possible Functions of Ovulation-Related Increases in Sexual Desire? • Hypothesis 1: Good Genes Ovulatory Shift• General increase is due to increased desire for extra-pair sexual partners • Hypothesis 2: Cost-benefit management

How Do Forces, Both Within and Outside of the Individual Organism, Cause the Feature

Proximate Explanations

How Does the Feature Change and Develop over the Individual Organism's Lifetime?

Proximate Explanations

These questions are answered by focusing on individuals

Proximate Explanations

Levels of Explanation in Psychology

Proximate and Ultimate

The Power of Reputation

Reputation increases cooperation in many domains: Observers get information about others' abilities & willingness

Major sources of conflict homicides

Resources Defenses of honor Sexual jealousy retaliation for previous harms

Family Homicides Uroxide

Second place among the homicides Uroxide- Of all the women and girls murdered around the globe each year. Actually about 34% of them are committed by intimate partners. The another 24 percent by other family members, and 42 percent by perpetrators outside the family - in all continents Why? There's two ways we might sort of two hypothesis hypotheses we might have on the basis of evolutionary considerations. The first possibility is that men kill their wives because they have sort of an out-of-control anger or a desire to be rid of them. Perhaps it's sort of my wife has lost value to me in some way, or she's competing with me forsome kind of resource and I don't like that. So I'm looking simply to be rid of my wife. If that were the case. I'm trying to kind of I'm I'm I'm acting out of anger or some desire to separate myself from this person. ut suppose instead, mental their wives as overly extreme jealousy or coercion. They're trying to get them tonot do something or to do something. So I'm using violence in order to perhaps coerce you into doing something I want or 22 because I'm jealous of what you're doing. If that were true, men would be more likely to kill wives they're separated from, particularly if it's about jealousy, right? If I'm jealous of you because you're romantically or sexually,that's more likely to be, to take place if we're not living together. Living together means something's wrong. I'm pursuing perhaps other relationships. And so we might expect under that hypothesis that homicide rates are higherfor separated separated partners. As it happens, homicides are more likely between separated partners.

What brain regions seem to be particularly active when you're doing something that's presumably makes people happy or sad or angry or fearful or disgusted

Seem to be some signatures. If we, if we take, for example, imagine these columns are attempts to get identical cross-sectional slices of the brain. happiness and sadness if got some distinct areas that seem to be showing up that make them different from anger and fear and discussed.We take another little bit lower down and we see stronger patterns of activation. And in general, there is a fair bit of overlap for a lot of these emotions were similar areas seem to be getting activated sort of over and over from study to study. But not always. You know, you see, for example, for discuss, discussed has some pretty market activationsthat make it different from a, particularly in those third, fourth cuts to make it really look different from something like happiness or sadness. It looks a lot like fear in some ways. But let's say fear and disgust look pretty different from how happiness, sadness, and anger are. sadness evoking stimuli that make sadness look like consistently from study after study, producing specific patterns So some overlap, some similarity, but at the same time also some signatures of sort of where particular emotion reside

The New Nine: Emotions with Universal Displays

So upper left, surprise,Regularly recognized by people from many different cultures as look associated with surprise, satisfaction, or happiness. I'm just kind of going up from the left to the right. This is the top, top row. Happiness or satisfaction, disgust, fear, anger. There's our friend, pride, sadness, shame, and then contempt as the lower right. So we get, you know, we see some evidence that you can fine. You can pick out from our people, look how they move their facial muscles, how they align their, arrange their body parts. You can get a reliable inference about what they're feeling

What explains lethal agreession

Social behaviour and territoriality influence lethal aggression in mammals. The figure shows the phylogenetically corrected level of lethal aggression per group (mean ± s.e.m) and the number of mammalian species included in each group. We used a phylogenetic generalized linear model (PGLS) to test the effect of territoriality (yes or no) and social behaviour (social or solitary) on lethal aggression. The level of lethal aggression was more intense in social and territorial species (PGLS, P < 0.05 in all cases and mammal phylogenies; Extended Data Table 1), with no interaction between these two terms (Extended Data Table 1)(PDF) The phylogenetic roots of human lethal violence. Available from: [accessed Feb 22 2022].

Inclusive Fitness

Some behaviors can't be explained via their effects on direct reproductive success because they reduce their bearers' reproduction

Know what antagonistic pleiotropy is, and its relationship with Life History Theory.

Some genes increase the odds of successful reproduction & fitness early in life but decrease fitness later in life. But since appear after reproduction complete gene isn't eliminated thru natural selection. Ex: Controversy Cancer Brac1/ Brac2 gene -- Increase fitness of reproductive in a state of life bur a decreased fitness in a later stage of life.

Brain Modularity

Specific areas deal with specific sensations -System 1: uses heuristics in older parts of brain, unconscious reactions, "gut instinct" -System 2: newer parts are used to undertake slow, deliberate & conscious calculations of costs/benefits "thinking things over"

___ gives a measure of how strongly associated the two types of concepts are for you

Speed of response

Anger-Proneness is Associated with Physical Strength - what about rumination?

Stronger men were more prone to anger but, as expected, there was no significant correlation between men's strength and how long they stay angry (Rumination, Studies 1 and 2). Consistent with the hypothesis that stronger men can more cost effectively deploy aggression to resolve conflicts in their favor, strength was positively correlated with having actually used aggression (History of Fighting, Studies 1 and 2) and with more strongly endorsing the efficacy of personal aggression (Utility of Personal Aggression, Studies 1 and 2).

Human behavior varies

Subsistence strategies Social Organizations Beliefs values

What emotions needs more research?


As demonstrated by the ___ experiment humans prefer to mate with people with MHC complex unlike themselves

Sweaty T-shirt

Examples of the Westermark effect

Taiwanese minor marriages Lebanese cousin marriages Kibbutz age- mates

Receiver-dependent responses

That's what a signal is reliably, is.Mentee is maintain reliably for evolutionary time. Because if I lie about it,there's a cost I will. You're going to impose on me. So if I if I'm dishonest,you're going to impose a cost on me that outweighs the benefit I get from being dishonest. This is when a signal is real lot whose reliability is maintainedbecause of costs that the signal artists going to endure if the signal their lives. Ex: work by Elizabeth Tibbets they have varying degrees of their face is being broken up with yellow and black. The extent to which the sort of there are more black blotch is sort of islands of black and white are caused by testosterone. So the more testosterone that's circulating in these individuals, the more sort of islands of black and white you've got. The more up that pattern is, the more testosterone, the more testosterone, the better their fighting ability -> Based on this she hypothesize. This is a signal of their fighting ability This is a signal communicative device designed to produce information about your findability. Why? So that you don't have to get into a fight, right? In a species that's hierarchical. You want individuals to know where you fit in the hierarchy without having to fight them, right? If there's a signal that makes the individual better off for signaling it and makes individual better off for receiving, because neither of them have to fight. That would seem to be a good signal, but it should also be a signal that you can lie about. Signal: Use paint to increase aggressive signal Behavior: Use hormone to increase aggressive behavior Figure 2. Aggressive Cost of Dishonest Signals (Mean (+) standard error)Aggressive acts received by individuals that experienced the following treatments: control, increased agonistic signal alone, increased agonistic behavior alone, and increased agonistic signal and behavior. Different letters denote statistically significant differences (p < 0.05).

Duchenne (1862)

The expression of emotions began kinda the scientific study of the facial expression of emotion. I want to do Shen did was to take advantage of new technology for electricallyactivating certain muscle groups on the face. He was able to show is that to simply activating muscles using electricity, he could produce what seemed to be emotion expressions that we would all recognize. they're in as much as they are grounded in anything. It's sort of spiritual rather than something that can be reduced to something like basic, you know, electrophysiology of our muscles. So it was a big deal to show that psychological what we, what we view from the outside as being reflective of deep, deep heartfelt emotions could just be coming off the electricity applied to face.

The operation of modules might not be accessible to consciousness

The theories we have for why we like what we like can be very misleading. Jam study -> Pick Jams on the right side -> Make story up why -> Not aware of Right-side bias.

Discrete emotions theory

Theory about emotions, held by Tomkins, Izard, and others, in which emotions are viewed as innate and discrete from one another from very early in life, and each emotion is believed to be packaged with a specific and distinctive set of bodily and facial reactions.


There is a peak that rises, rises and rises to a place whereVictor victims are about 25 and offenders are about 25, which you can see my cursor, I will point that out, but at that very, very, very, very, very high peak, where we have upwards of 2000, 2500 maybe homicides a year caused by some among people sort of 25 years of age for both killers and victims. But there's another interesting peak, isn't there? Over on that far left?We're getting a peak where victims are very yeah. Okay. There between 0 and let's call it two years of age. And the offender's looking up the axis, sort of moving to the right, tend to be in their 20s, maybe 25. We can look on the far,on the right here and get a better sense for what's going on. Very young victims, infants and children's withoffenders between sort of kinda looks to me like their 20s and 30s. So I might want to sort of characterize this second little peek clips where we have this giant pile of, of homicides of young people. He kicking in sort of the first couple of years of life. Those are those are homicides of children being committed by by individuals between sort of 20 and 40 years of age - This suggests that I think that one of the motivations, maybe one of the primary motivations, is acting out of jealousy or a desire to coerce those women back into a relationship, use enforce

Conflict Domicide

These are homicides that are motivated, as the label suggests, by contests over a handful of resources: •Money or valuables •Honor/respect •Mates (sexual or romantic partners/interests) •Security (deterrence of future harms and/or retribution for previous harms)

DNA base pairs

These base pairs match up in a kind of a lock and key fashion, where the first of them called thiamine, which is there and read locks with adenine and the purple guanine locks with cytosine. You take enough of these base pairs and string them together. And they provide the recipe for an amino acid. You take enough of these amino acids and string them together. You're going to get the recipe for a protein. Dna is a recipe book for making proteins, making features of cells

Where did we get these circuits?

They formed over the course of our species evolutionary history.

___ destroys folate


____ can damage DNA and cause skin cancer

UV radiation

These questions are answered by focusing on populations or groups of individuals

Ultimate Explanations

What Forces Cause The Feature to Come to Characterize the Population of Organisms (i.e., the entire species)?

Ultimate Explanations

What is Reason for (or Purpose or Function of) the Feature?

Ultimate Explanations

Mutually Inconsistent Representations and Confabulation

Use your hands to point at what you're seeing: So the right hand is going to point at the chicken. Because over in the left hemisphere, there's visual information about a chicken foot. And the left hand is going to point to a shovel because it's the all the snow. the brain wants a coherent view of the world. The brain is not content to say that it only sees a chicken. It needs to make up a story.

Sunlight is necessary to catalyze production of ___

Vitamin D

___ is necessary to absorb calcium

Vitamin D

___ is produced when the body is exposed to sunlight

Vitamin D

____ deficiencies cause rickets and other skeletal disorders

Vitamin D

____ is necessary for absorption of calcium

Vitamin D

Ability to digest milk may prevent ___

Vitamin D deficiency

To see if we can kind of make a guess about both what signaling and what, what forces might be maintaining it.

We are going to look at an angry face.

We talked about our conflict homicides

We can differentiate those from instrumental felonies, where somebody gets killed in the middle of a robbery or a burglary. And then other felonies where there are guns, guns end up getting used. And then drug a drug and gang-related violence.There's fairly little violence going on among children.

So one of the really hard task for a proper evolutionary psychology of emotion expressions is to figure out what kind of forcesevolutionary forces could be maintaining their reliability over time. So let's look at some of those possibilities. We're going to go back to Paul Ekman here. And you'll remember he talk

We're going to go back to Paul Ekman here. And you'll remember he talked about the notion that emotions have automatic appraisals. Their brief in duration, coherent responses, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. One of the things he also said is because you can't control them, they just happen to you or involuntary. You can't fake them. This makes them honest because you can't consciously lie. He says, a smile comes on your face. You know, the Evolve smile. You can't fake it. There's, there's, there's indicators and genuine and genuineness. And because you can't kind of reach in and actively modify them, this makes them honest. So no conscious control. Honesty. That's their unfavorably is what makes them. That's why you ca

homicide perpetrators

We're going to see that 97 percent of homicide perpetrators or more, 97 percent it up bar males. So look around the world of human beings and you count up all the people who've murdered somebody. And 98% of those people are going to be males

Change detection task results -> Results: Experiment 3 and 4: Do Picture Inversion and Target Blurring Reverse the Increased Recognition Speed and Accuracy for Animate Objects?

We're just not very good at differentiating, picking out the people and animals. If we've inverted the images or if we have a blurred the images.

Does presence of step children increase the risk that the wife will be killed?

Well, we can think about an evolutionary point of view on this, which is that if males who are killing their wives are doing so in order to increase their reproductive success. The presence of a step children represent investment in children who are not. The that represents the theme that their wives investment in children who are not their genetic offspring

Boys and Girls

What they different is the willingness to impose harm on others,particularly to impose harm physically. Not much on verbal aggression or hostilely.

The bottom line of natural selection is

What trait is causally related to how many offspring you have. 1- Traits that raise the rate at which you have offspring are favored by natural selection. 2 - Traits that lower the rate of offspring members of our species are less likely to appear and evolve to fixation.

BMI and WHR Preference

When U.S. men (white bars) consider women at any level of BMI (thin, normal, or heavy), they prefer the low WHR to the high WHR. Not true of the Hadza (black bars). They show no preference for low WHR. Instead, Hadza men prefer high BMI. U.S. men, in contrast, prefer low BMI.

Red Queen -> How is the Communication Reliability Maintained?

When individuals' interests do not overlap completely, there is an incentive for senders evolve a propensity to transmit false information There's scope for lying to evolve. Yeah, right. Because now I can change you in ways that are good for my fitness, but that aren't necessarily good for your fitness. So now once there's lying and individuals who arerecipients of the information are worse off for paying attention to it. They are under selection to ignore that information, right? If it's making you worse off to have that information, because it's actually an active coercion.You should evolve away, get rid of that sensory apparatus or cognitive apparatus that allows you to extract information from, because it's less, it's unreliable. So communication systems don't evolves and can't bemaintained unless there's some causal process, some evolutionary process that guarantees that they will stay reliable. Over time. You have to be able to trust what I'm communicating to you. And because there's this scope for lying, these systems are actually rare in nature. Communicative systems are rare in nature

When is polyandry favored?

When males become limiting resource for reproduction This often occurs when low offspring survival requires male parental care, so that males have the greater Reproductive effort and lower reproductive rate

No change to the nucleotide sequence of DNA but has to do with ___ (switching gene on and off)

changes to regulation

Natural parents maintain contact with birth child and can terminate adoption if ___

child is mistreated or unhappy

2010 US Census includes option of ___

choosing more than one

Origins of a more systematic attempt at classification date to ___

classical times

Some differences is adaptive: ___


Mating effort

enhance quality and durability of relationship with mother to increase potential of future matings/ offspring

Parenting effort

enhancement of own inclusive fitness through raising offspring

Variations between each lawn= ____


Yet most of the major transformations in human society have not been due to ___

environmental change

HBE relies on ____ to explain differences among human societies

environmental differences

___ relates to the environment that one is exposed to


Behaviors or traits that occur universally in all cultures are good candidates for ___

evolutionary adaptations

Emphasis on ___ or ___ not on fitness outcomes

evolved psychological mechanisms modules

Male preferences in female appearance good genes

facial and body symmetry

The most severe category of child maltreatment is ___

fatal battering (infanticide)

proximate --

how questions

Many americans still think about human variation along the lines of the ___

ideology of race

Genetic Drift

if populations are both small and reproductively isolated they will become genetically distinct through chance

In group and out groups associate with :__

in group favoritism outgroup derogation Perception of outgroup homogeneity


including behavior are the product of the interaction between genes and environment

Direct fitness + indirect fitness =

inclusive fitness

Brazilian examples that race has real biological consequences

income disparity education illiteracy

Primate models: why does someone leave natal group

inhibitions against mating with individuals that could be close kin

US examples that race has real biological consequences

insurance coverage infant mortality life expectancy diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases

Maximization of inclusive fitness is

is the purpose and the process of natural selection.

Signal or communication

it should affect the behavior of other organisms. It should have evolved because of that essay. And finally, it has its effect because the response has evolved to be affected by the active structure. What I'm doing is affecting you. I evolved in order to, to, to do something that would create that effect and you evolved to be affected in that way. So if I tell you there's a snake bind you, I'm using apparatus designed to change you. I'm trying to change you. I'm trying to make you aware of a snake. You evolved to receive that information because it makes you better off. That's a communication

Attribution or imposition of racial categories by others has been used to ____

justify discrimination apartheid slavery and genocide

Monkey- calories/ pursuit + processing if equal to or less than average rate ___

keep looking


killing of an infant within first 24 hours of life

Males with ___ testes were less involved in daily caregiving activities this may indicate biological strategy focused on ___ rather than ___

larger Mating effort Parenting effort

Primate models: Members of one or both sexes ____ natal groups near time of puberty


Men are always ___ particularly when short term

less choosy

Direct paternal care and paternal food provisioning as related to __ in traditional societies

mating system

HBE focus is on fitness outcomes not ____


Parents resources for reproduction are ___


So what cues do we use?

linguistic cues: we're told

how do we find evidence of environmental impacts on variation in stature

look at studies comparing migrants and their offspring

Producing offspring with close relatives ____; ___ the chances of inheriting two copies of deleterious recessive alleles Offspring ___ to survive to adulthood

lowers fitness Increases Less likely

ribosome was building proteins out of the information that's contained on


Selective female abortion infanticide and neglect in some countries has led to ___

major skews in sex ratios

No upper limit on the number of offspring a ___ may have


Zahavi's "Handicap" Hypothesis

male ornaments with exaggerated morphological or behavioral features -- indicators of energy/ good genes Burn out resources to call female's attention

Male RS is limited


Automatic preferences are ___


Women prefer men with more ___ when health is poor because testosterone is correlated with better health

masculinized faces

Women prefer men with more ___ when there are high levels of violence because they will be able to better provide for and protect mothers and their offspring

masculinized faces

Humans are considered ___

mildly polygynous

Females should ___ chance of getting pregnant with an uncommitted male by tending to underestimate male commitment


Males should ___ chance of missing sexual opportunities by tending to overestimating female sexual interest


It is estimated that there are currently ~100 million ___

missing females

Exceptions lead to new hypotheses

model--> observations --> revised model

Research in EP gather data on ____

modern humans and/ or primates to see if they have adaptations to solve such problems

The ____ the two concepts are the easier it is to respond to them as a single unit

more closely associated

Humans are much ____ diverse than chimps

much less diverse

Women tend to prefer husbands ___ than themselves


Where is Ellis- van Creveld Syndrome traced back to

one couple that immigrated in 1744

Example of HBE methods:

optimal foraging theory

because of this ____ the orders used for IATs presented on the website are assigned at random

order effect

Why do adaptations evolve?

organisms becomes better able to live in its habitat/s

Optimal Foraging Theory

organisms forage in such a way as to maximize their net energy intake per unit item

with in group favoritism Can more easily fight ___


Evolutionary theory suggests that paternal care may function as both: ___

parenting effort mating effort

Environment covariation

parents and children share both genes and environment

Why do mean prefer chastity more than women?

paternity uncertainty

Similarity between parents and children will be affected by ___

relative importance of genes and environments

In most of world ability to digest lactose associated with ___

reliance on dairy production

Selection is most evident in ___

reproduction digestion morphology

Why don't women hunt?

reproductive returns for women are higher for childcare + foraging than they would be from hunting

Selection against traits that occur after ___ is weak

reproductive years

One drop rule is associated with ___ and ___; usually in respect to ___

rise of eugenics ideas of racial purity intermarriage

Facilitate cooperation--> ___

shared defense

Both men and women have ____ with distinct c/b ratios

short and long term mating strategies

In Taiwanese Minor Marriages they are raised like ___


___ of investment in genetic offspring of former mates and step offspring of current mates (either parenting or mating)

similar levels

Categorization for brazil people based on

skin color hair color eye color hair texture shape of nose and lips

In humans there are 3 types of monogamy

social sexual serial

In- group

social group to which a person psychologically identifies as being a member

sex differences in aggression

we find that males are about 0.40 standard deviation units more aggressive than, than women are on measures of physical aggression that's wanting to impose physical pain, discomfort, harm, shocking somebody -Men: more likely to fight, commit homicide -Greater reproductive variance (less certain about reproduction; have to take risks)

Knowledge of mechanisms needed to predict ___

when people will not behave optimally

There's other unpleasant truth we have to confront it -->

which is that nature is fundamentally hostile toward living things.

ultimate --

why questions

All three common assumptions about race are ___


Men tend to prefer wives ___ than themselves


Sibling Detection: Two Different Cues

• Maternal Perinatal Association(MPA) - Stable Association Between Mom & Newborn- Serves as an anchor point- Only available for older siblings - Cue is stable regardless of age & co-res. • ChildhoodCoresidenceDuration: - Periods of shared parental investment

Nicole Tinbergen Four questions we can ask about a behavior.

•1 - mechanism •2 - ontogeny •3 - function •4 - phylogeny

Anger as an Example

•Anger and Physical Strength •Bodies and Faces Reveal Strength •Anger Faces Manipulate Facial Actions that Inform Strength Assessments

To Understand Aggression as a Biological Category, Recall that Genes Make Vehicles that Enhance their Success at Replicating

•Because the genes for a single species make vehicles that require the same resources to run, there will be conflict for those resources•Natural selection will make vehicles that attempt to acquire those resources without regard for consequences for conspecifics (barring relatedness and reciprocal consequences)•However, those conspecifics will have the same adaptive machinery for taking stuff from others without regard for consequences, so natural selection should also create a complex psychology for regulating when, and on whom, to use aggression.

The Red Queen Theory: Parasites

•Defenses Against Parasites •Fast growth and cell division •Immunity •Sex!

Mechanisms for Adaptive Allocation

•Developmental Switches •Endocrine Mechanisms •Psychological Mechanisms

Functions are Specific

•Different tasks require different tools for solving problems efficiently because they require different types of specialization. • •Improving efficiency by increasing specialization. Mechanisms will embody features of the environment that can be "assumed"... • •Problem-solving devices to help infants to locate food are very different from problem-solving devices for seeing, or quickly re-introducing beneficial bacteria into the gut. •For a given adaptation, only certain dimensions of the environment are relevant to that adaptation's function. • You will occasionally hear people refer to the "EEA", the "environment of evolutionaryadaptedness." This is astatistical compositeof the set of dimensions of th

Idea proposed by Jerry Fodor in Modularity of Mind (1988): mental modules are:

•Domain specific-Specialised in what inputs they process •Informationally encapsulated-relatively impermeable to other systems •Obligate firing •Fast-they operate quickly probably as a result of information encapsulation and their mandatory firing, they need not wait to consult other systems •Characteristic ontogeny - they develop regularly and predictably in normal humans •Correspond to a fixed neural architecture

We have experiences of emotions, but do emotions leave evidences in the body?

•Duchenne -> Darwin -> Eckman

Senescence (survival past fertility) as an adaptation for extended parental care:

•Facilitate cognitive development of grandchildren •R educe non-foraging workload for their children •Shorten inter-birth interval while preserving length of childhood

The Old Way of Thinking About Reliability

•Honesty via Involuntariness (Ekman) •Facial displays are involuntary •They cannot be faked •Their unfakeability makes them honest

An Important Bias and an Important Confound

•Many genetic fathers don't live with their children. Stepfathers generally do. •Fathers that don't live with their children are not likely to kill them, so we need to estimate risk of being killed by a genetic father based only on cohabiting fathers •Stepfathers of young children tend to be younger than the fathers of young children •Younger men are more violent than older men •Step-fathers may be more lethal for children not just because they are non-relatives, but also because they are just more lethal in general. •Once we make these adjustments, step-fathers look much less lethal for their stepchildren (but they're still more lethal).

Monogamous Mating in Humans

•Monogamy: Exclusive combining of mating effort • •Two types: Perennial (forever) and serial (for a while). •Only 3% of mammal species perennially or serially monogamous •May reflect the very low paternal investment for most mammals, and humans are the only monogamous apes • •Even so, most men and women within these cultures are monogamously married—the ability to marry multiple wives is limited by resources, but men who acquire them often take second wives. • •Monogamous mating probably reflects the fact that human infants are altricial (helpless at birth) and require several years of development before they can take care of even the most basic survival functions.

The Selfish Gene

•Only genes survive to the next generation - they are true replicators. Your offspring are not exact copies of you, but their genes are exact copies of yours (and your mate's) •Genes survive because they build parts of organisms the right way—in a way that favors their own reproduction

The Design Stance

•Paley •Darwin •Dennett

The Three Major Tradeoffs of Life

•Present vs. Future Reproduction •Offspring Quantity vs. Quality •Mating vs. Parenting Effort

3 ingredients of natural selection -> If you have these three things, natural selection must occur

•Replication: replicators make copies of themselves •Variation: some copies are not exact replicas •Differential reproduction: of the varieties produced, some survive and reproduce better than others (also called selective retention) If you have these three things, natural selection must occur

Evolutionary Question 2: How is the Communication Reliability Maintained?

•Signals evolved to enable senders to change the behavior of receivers... •...and to enable receivers to get benefit from the sender's communication •When individuals' interests do not overlap completely, there is an incentive for senders evolve a propensity to transmit false information •When information becomes false or unreliable, receivers should evolve to ignore it •Thus, communications cannot evolve or be maintained without causal processes that guarantee their reliability over evolutionary time •The really hard task for the evolutionary psychology of emotion expressions is identifying these forces.

Individual Differences in the Timing of Switches

•Slow Switch: Invest in developing human capital (education, skill development) and growth and maintenance. Low impulsivity, long time horizon for decision-making •Fast Switch: Invest early in reproduction and activities that can be converted into reproductive opportunities. High impulsivity, short time horizon for decision-making •"Live Fast, Die Young."

Diversity and Universality in Evolution

•Some of the genomes is still variable: We're not all the same genetically. •However, genes are species-typical for the genes that matter. •This universal design is a requirement for sexual reproduction •Natural selection reduces genetic variability: As one design is favored over its rivals—as individuals adapt through natural selection, individuals in the species become more and more identical (both in terms of their genomes and in their traits). •Those species-universal traits are called adaptations.

Two Theories for Why Anisogamy Evolved


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