Anatomy and Physiology Module 1

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an abnormally low level of calcium in the blood

pH 7-14


All life is made of cells.

cell theory (true)

The central shaft of a long bone where elongation occurs


What is located superiorly and laterally to the neck of the femur

greater trochanter

What are the three parts of the ribs

head, neck, and shaft

the inner and outermost layers of the nuclear envelope are covered by this

phospholipid bilayers

When you put a ring on your finger, which phalange is it on?

proximal phalange

Gross Anatomy

study of large, easily observable structures

Microscopic Anatomy

study of very small structures of the body using magnification

What are the two main causes of protein denaturation

temperature and pH


the joint that connects teeth to the maxillary and mandibular boney teeth socket

The sacrum is fused.


What number phalange would your pinky be?


number of bones in the palm of the hand



A group of similar cells that perform the same function.

Right Upper Quadrant, Left Upper Quadrant, Right Lower Quadrant, Left Lower Quadrant

A, B, C, D

The sodium-potassium pump is an example of this type of cell transport.

Active Transport

What prevents large pH changes in the body?


Which is closer to the spine L6 or C6


What type of classification applies to the join shown in the graphic below?



Hypogastric Region

An opening in the vertebrae and allows access to the spinal cord for nerves and vessels.

Intervertebral foramina

John loves to drink milk, but he knows it gives him a stomachache. He remembers from anatomy class that there is a certain type of sugar in milk. He thinks he could be allergic to it. What type of sugar is found in milk?


What is a copy of DNA converted into?


Which is NOT an example of how the integumentary system maintains normal body temperatures?

The body shivers when it is hot.

What happens to hydrogen bonds during protein denaturation?

They break up

This body plane divides the body into upper and lower portions.

Transverse Plane


Umbilical Region

A concave structure that articulates with the head of the femur to form the hip joint is called the __________.


This hip socket is a concave structure in the pelvic girdle that articulates with the head of the femur to form the hip joint.


What is the name of the hip socket



a structure composed of two or more tissue types that performs a specific function for the body

pH 0-7


This part of the clavicle articulates with most of the ribs


What bones form the heel


This is the proper name for the shoulder joint.

glenohumeral joint

The bones in the palm of the hand


Fluid inside the nucleus


Usually the most prominent organelle in a cell


concentric lamellae

rings of calcified extracellular matrix that surround the central canal. They function to resist torsion (twisting) forces on the bone.

These are carpal bones.

scaphoid, lunate

What is another name for the scapula

shoulder blade

Gross anatomy

study of large, easily viewable structures

How many bones comprise the pectoral girdle

two: clavicle and scapula

Which digit does not have an intermediate phalange

1 (the thumb)

These are functions of the skeletal system.

1) body support and organ protection 2) endocrine regulation 3) blood cell production 4) calcium storage

Surface markings vary and are described by these classifications.

1) projections 2) articulations 3) holes

The human body is made up of ___ (number) important organ systems.


How many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine



A particle made of two or more atoms chemically bonded together

This body plane divides the body into front and back portions.

Coronal Plane

A, B, C, D

Frontal, Nasal, Otic, Oral

Water's ability to maintain body temperature, sweat, provide support and cession for tissues and organs

High heat capacity, high heat vaporization, protection

This bone marking is an opening, or groove.


Consists of skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle

Muscular System

S, T, U, V

Orbital, Buccal, Mental, Mammary

Which feature best characterizes a synovial joint?

Presence of a joint cavity

(Match the regional terms to the letter) N, O, P, Q

Pubic, Patellar, Crural, Tarsal

This bone helps to protect the heart and lungs.


Principle of complemenarity

Structure determines function

What is released from Sudoriferous glands?


The big toe has these phalanges.

1) proximal phalange 2) distal phalange

These bones are part of the five different bone shapes.

1) sesamoid bones 2) long bones 3) flat bones 4) short bones

From top left to right

1) simple squamous epithelium 2) stratified squamous epithelium 3) simple cuboidal epithelium 4) stratified cuboidal epithelium 5) simple columnar epithelium 6) stratified columnar epithelium 7) pseudostratified columnar epithelium

These structures describe parts of the ulna bone.

1) styloid process 2) olecranon process

Hierarchy of Structural Organization

1. chemical level 2. cellular level 3. tissue level 4. organ level 5. organ system level 6. organismal level

hydrogen bond

2 hydrogen (positive charge), 1 oxygen (negative charge)

What is water composed of?

2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen

2, 3, 4, 5

2) Receptor detects the change 3) Receptor send information to the control center along the afferent pathway (input) Control Center) Control Center determines the set point at which the must be maintained, analyzes the input, and determines an appropriate response 4) Information is sent from the control center through the efferent pathway to the effector (output) 5) the effector carries out the control center's response to the stimulus, and returns the variable to the correct homeostatic level.

How many vertebrae are there?


How many borders does the scapula have?

3: Superior. Medial. Lateral.

How many layers are found in thin skin?


What number metacarpal would your ring finger be?


How many metacarpal bones are there in each hand?


How many vertebrae are there in the cervical spine


How many carpals are in each hand?


Number of bones in the wrist



A hormone released by the thyroid gland that lowers blood calcium levels

E, F, G

Abdominal Cavity, Diaphragm, Pelvic Cavity

The tendon that attaches to the calcaneus is called the __________.

Achilles Tendon

The clavicle attaches to the acromion process of the scapula forming this joint

Acromioclavicular joint

What is ATP composed of?

Adenine, ribose sugar, and 3 phosphate groups

Which of the following is not a major source of protein?


This bone marking is where two bone surfaces come together.


Atoms to Biosphere

Atoms, Molecules, Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ System, Organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem, and Biosphere

What or the major functions of connective tissues

Binding, supporting, protecting, insulating, restoring reserve fuel, and transporting substances within the body

The Achilles tendon attaches to this bone surface marking on the calcaneus.

Calcaneus Tuberosity

Consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and other blood vessels

Cardiovascular System

The joints between the manubrium and body of the sternum & the intervertebral discs are classified as which type of joint?

Cartilaginous; symphyses

A red blood cell is an example of this.


Name the three main parts of the neuron.

Cell body, dendrites, axon

Which of the following is not a function of lipids?

Cell structure support

Which type of carbohydrate is not digestible by humans?


This substance contributes to the fluidity of the plasma membrane.


Which fibers consist of the most common structural proteins that are tough and pliable and provide strength to the matrix?

Collagen Fibers

What type of body plane is this?

Coronal Plane

What are the two basic types of bone tissue?

Cortical, trabecular

These are the shapes to describe epithelial tissue.

Cuboidal, Columnar, and Squamous

Which type of membrane serves as a waterproof barrier?

Cutaneous membrane

Which is a component of anatomical study?

Cutting a cross section through the stomach to observe folds

Combines two molecules by removing water

Dehydrated reaction

Glucose and fructose are combined to create sucrose. Water is lost during this chemical reaction. What is the name of the reaction taking place?

Dehydration synthesis

(Match the word(s) to the term directional, regional, plane, or cavity) Superficial, Abdominal, Sagittal, and Pleural Cavity

Directional Term, Cavity, Plane, Cavity

Describe how protein denaturation affects the function of an enzyme, including one example of how this can affect how the body functions.

During protein denaturation, the hydrogen bonds are broken up which changes the stucture of the enzyme. This cuases the enzyme to loose its function, which can affect the body's digestive system.

Name the part of the hair that extends out of the skin.

Hair shaft

Which pigment is oxygen-dependent?


Which joint is best described as the cylindrical end of one bone fitting into a trough-like structure on the other bone?

Hinge joint

This reaction breaks down two molecules by adding water

Hydrolysis reaction

Works closely with the cardiovascular system to assist veins in recovering body tissue fluids and returning them back to the heart

Immune/Lymphatic System

What is the directional term used for A and B?



Left Lumbar Region


Maintaining relatively stable internal conditions even though the internal and external conditions are constantly changing

These bones of the foot are labeled in the order of the most medial bone to the most lateral bone in the foot.

Medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, cuboid

What classification applies to the joint of the hip?

Multiaxial ball & socket joint

Check all that apply. These are somatic cells.

Muscle, Bone, Skin

Controls the passage of ions, molecules, and RNA into the nucleus

Nuclear pores

Which part of the bone tissue is in this image?


Name the two layers of the dermis.

Papillary and reticular

The bones of the hand consist of these parts:

Phalanges, Metacarpals, Carpals

(Match the body cavity term to the the letter labeled in the diagram below) E, F, G, H

Pleural Cavity, Pericardial Cavity, Diaphragm, Abdominal Cavity

Describe positive feedback mechanisms.

Positive feedback mechanisms is receiving a stimulus and amplifying it through cascading events. Examples of positive feedback mechanisms include labor and blood clotting.

These are the three essential concepts of A&P:

Principle of Complementarity, Hierarchy of Structural Organization, Process of Homeostasis

This bone marking projects above the surface of a bone.


What directional term is located at E?


This epithelial shape has "false" layers of cells with non-uniform shapes and sizes.


Which is a component of physiological study?

Quantifying the force of a muscle contraction


Right Inguinal Region

A, B, C, D

Right Upper Quadrant, Left Upper Quadrant, Right Lower Quadrant, Left Lower Quadrant

This body plane divides the body into left and right portions.

Sagittal Plane

Which muscle tissue is striated and multinucleated?

Skeletal Muscle

Consists of bones, ligaments, and joints

Skeletal System

What is the abnormal growth occurring on the skin cells caused by chronic UV radiation exposure?

Skin Cancer

Principles of Complementarity

Structure determines function

These are all considered directional terms

Superior, Inferior, Anterior, Posterior, Medial, Lateral, Distal, Proximal, Deep

The cell membrane controls the passage of organic molecules, ions, water, and oxygen in and out of the cell.



Vertebral, Lumbar, Sacral, Gluteal

bone deposition

action of osteoblasts stimulated by calcitonin tsking the calicum from the blood stream and putting it on the bone

Name the molecule that protein is broken down into.

amino acids


an abnormally high level of calcium in the blood

____ is the study of the structure and shape of the body and body parts and their relationships to one another.


These processes interact with each other to make the spine more stable

articular processes (superior and inferior)

Which of the following is in the correct order of hierarchy of structural organization?

atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

Examples of connective tissue

blood and bone

What part of the calcaneus forms the attachment point for the Achilles tendon

calcaneus tuberosity

The bones in the wrist


What are the 3 components of connective tissues

cells, fibers, ground substance

What are the three types of fibers within the extracellular matrix

collagen, elastic, reticular

What is the layman's term for the clavicle

collar bone

circumferential lamellae

concentric rings of matrix that surround the entire bone perimeter (circumference). They are located just deep to the periosteum

cartilaginous joints

connected by a bar pf either fibrocartilage or hyaline cartilage but do not contain a joint capsule. Functionally classified as amphiarthrosis, they allow more movement then fibrous joints but less movement than synovial joints

Two parietal bones come together to form this suture.

coronal suture

What directional term is located at D?


The nail of a finger is on which phalange?

distal phalange

What speeds up chemical reactions?


the ends of long bones that are covered in cartilage


This word means "outside the cell."


Longest bone in the body


The major bone located in the thigh is the __________.


what replaces the damaged tissue with scar tissue


syndesmosis joint

fibrous joint found between long bones of the body connected by an interosseous ligament or interosseous membrane

This lower leg bone is mainly an attachment site for muscles and doesn't bear much weight.


This type of rib has no anterior attachment.

floating rib

What type of rib has no anterior attachment?

floating rib (false rib)

synovial joints

freely movable joints, most common. Functionally classified as diarthrosis. The bones involved are connected by dense irregular tissue forming a joint capsule surrounding the bones articulation surface

Divides the body into front and back portions

frontal (coronal) plane

the clear, molecular, viscous solution allows substances to travel between blood capillaries and cells

ground substance

What two substances make up the extracellular matrix

ground substance and fibers

organ system

group of organs that work together to perform a specific function

The _____ contains vital blood supplies and nerve cells throughout the bone.

haversian canal

What part of the rib attaches to the vertebrae


fibrous joints

held together by fibrous connective tissue of varying thickness, consists mainly of collagen fibers and does not contain a joint capsule

This term refers to the creation of red blood cells.


These types of structures are involved in blood production.



highest level of structural organization

What type of cartilage covers the epiphysis of a long bone

hyaline cartilage


immovable joints of the skull


immovable joints; joints that are typically interlocked with irregular edges

what produces redness, heat, and swelling to the affected site


What is located between the two condyles on the femur

intercondylar fossa

What part of the sternum articulates with the clavicle and first pair of the ribs?


What are the three parts of the sternum

manubrium, body, xiphoid process

The inner core of a bone, where bone marrow is

medullary cavity

This is the inner core of a bone where the bone marrow is.

medullary cavity

pH 7


This type of cell is responsible for the reabsorption of bone.


What does extracellular mean?

outside the cell

What are the two main causes of protein denaturation?

pH and temperature

parathyroid glands are stimulated to release what

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

What is another name for the shoulder girdle

pectoral girdle

Types of synovial joints

plane, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, ball and socket


primary cartilaginous joints connected by hyaline cartilage

What is the correct order of phases in mitosis (cell division)?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

What changes the protein structure and function

protein denaturation

The __________ is a cartilaginous joint which is located anteriorly between the two pubic bones.

pubic symphysis

What is the anatomical term for where the pubic bones join anteriorly

pubic symphysis

This type of bone marrow is used in red blood cell production.


What replaces the damaged tissues with the same cell


interstitial lamellae

remnants of old osteons that have been cut through by remodeling. The fill in the gaps between new osteons and function provide strength

Perforating (Volkmann's) canals

run perpendicular to the central canal. They are the communicating pathways from outside to inside of the bone

divides body into left and right portions

sagittal plane


secondary cartilaginous joints consists of two bone ends (covered with a layer of hyaline cartilage) and an additional layer of fibrocartilage between them


smallest unit of life


smallest unit of matter

This process is a major attachment site for muscles and ligaments; they project posteriorly from the spine

spinous processes


study of tissues

This joint, the only non-sutured joint in the skull, allows the jaw to move.

temporomandibular Joint

What part of the skeleton would the hand be a part of?

the appendicular skeleton

The three parts of the ischium are ____________.

the body, superior rami, and inferior rami

Central (Haversian) Canal

the central canal of each osteon that runs down the long axis of the bone

What bones play a key role in maintaining the medial longitudinal arch of the foot (that's the arch on the medial side of your foot)

the navicular bone

Bone reobsorption

the osteoclasts (bone dissolvers) take the calcium from the bone and put it into the blood stream


the structural unit of compact bone tissue


the study of the structure and shape of the body and its parts and their relationships to one another

What are the two lower leg bones?

tibia and fibula

Divides the body into upper and lower portions

transverse plane

These processes articulate with the ribs and serve as a major attachment site for muscles and ligaments

transverse processes

The intercondylar fossa is located between the two condyles on the femur and significantly strengthens the knee joint.


The patella is a sesamoid bone that is also known as the knee cap.


The pubic bone, ischium, and ilium contribute to the acetabulum.


The sacrum and coccyx are fused


The skull is comprised of 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones.


The most inferior part of the sternum is this bone.

xiphoid process

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