Anatomy Joint Movements and Examples

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Carpometacarpal 1

Carpal and Metacarpal 1 Saddle, Synovial Flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, diarthrotic

Carpometacarpal 2-5

Carpals and Metacarpals 2-5 Condylar, Synovial Flexion, Extension, adduction, abduction, circumduction, diarthrotic


Cranial and facial bones Suture, fibrous Immovable, Synarthrotic

Knee (Femoropatellar)

Femur and Patella Plane, Synovial Sliding movement diarthrotic

Knee (Tibiofemoral)

Femur and Tibia Modified Hinge, Synovial Flexion, Extension, Slight Rotation when flexed, diarthrotic


A B duction Moving a part away from the midline (lifting the upper limb horizontally to form a right angle with the side of the body) or from the axial line of the limb (spreading finger or toes).


A D duction Moving a part toward the midline (returning the upper limb from the horizontal position to the side of the body) or toward the axial line of the limb (moving the fingers or toes closer together).


A term sometimes used to describe the extension of the parts at a joint beyond the anatomical position (bending the head back beyond the upright position). Often used to describe an abnormal extension beyond the normal range of motions, resulting in injury.


Adjacent Carpals Plane, Synovial Sliding movement, adduction, abduction, cirumduction, diarthrotic


Adjacent Phalanges Hinge, Synovial Flexion, Extension, Diarthrotic


Adjacent tarsals Plane, Synovial Inversion, Eversion, Diarthrotic


Atlas, Axis Picot, Synovial Rotation, Diarthrotic


Atlas, Occipital Bone Condylar, Synovial Flexion, Extension, Diarthrotic


Bending parts at a joint so that angle between them decreases and the parts come closer together. Example - Bending the Knee

Intervertebral (Plane)

Between Articular Processes Plane, Synovial Flexion, Extension, Slight Rotation

Intervertebral (Symphysis)

Between Vertebral Bodies Symphysis, Cartilaginous Slight movement, Amphiarthrotic


Hip Bone and Femur Ball-and-Socket Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction, rotation, circumduction, diarthrotic

Elbow (Humeroradial)

Humerus and Radius Plane, Synovial Sliding movement, Diarthrotic

Shoulder (Glenohumeral)

Humerus and Scapula Ball-and-Socket Flexion and Extension, Adduction and Abduction, rotation, Circumduction, Diarthrotic

Elbow (Humero-ulnar)

Humerus and Ulna Hing, Synovial Flexion, Extension, Diarthrotic


Lowering a part, drooping the shoulders.


Metacarpal and Proximal Phalanx Condylar, Synovial Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction, Cirumduction, diarthrotic


Metatarsal and Proximal Phalanx Condylar, Synovial Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction, Diarthrotic


Movement at the ankle that brings the foot closer to the shin. Example - Pulling top of foot closer to the shin

Plantar Flexion

Movement at the ankle that brings the foot farther from the shin. Examples - Standing on Tippy Toes


Moving a part around an axis (twisting the head from side to side). Medial (internal) rotation is the turning of a lib on its longitudinal axis so its anterior surface moves toward the midline, whereas lateral (external) rotation is the turning of a limb on its longitudinal axis in the opposite direction.


Moving a part backward. Example - Pulling the head backward.


Moving a part forward. Example - Thrusting head forward


Moving a part so that its end follows a circular path (moving the finger in a circular motion without moving the hand).


Moving parts at a joint so that the angle between them increases and the parts move farther apart. Example - Straightening the Knee

Pubic Sympysis

Pubic Bones Symphysis, Cartilaginous Slight movement, Amphiarthrotic

Wrist (Radiocarpal)

Radius and Carpals Condylar, Synovial Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction, Circumduction, Diarthrotic

Distal Radioulnar

Radius and Ulna Pivot, Synovial Pronation, Supination, Diarthrotic

Proximal Radioulnar

Radius and Ulna Pivot, Synovial Rotation, Diarthrotic


Raising a part, shrugging the shoulders.


Rotation of the forearm so the palm is downward or facing posteriorly (in anatomical position). Prone refers to the body lying face down.


Rotation of the forearm so the palm is upward or facing anteriorly (in anatomical position). Supine refers to the body lying face up.


Sacrum and Ilium Plane, Synovial Sliding Movement, Diarthrotic


Scapula and Clavicle Plane, Synovial Protraction, Retraction, Elevation, Depression, Rotation, Diarthrotic


Sternum and Clavicle Plane, Synovial Sliding movement when shrugging shoulders, Diarthrotic

Sternocostal (1)

Sternum and Rib 1 Synchondrosis, Cartilaginous Immovable, Synarthrotic

Sternocostal (2-7)

Sternum and Ribs (2-7) Plane, Synovial Sliding movement during breathing, Diarthrotic

Ankle (Talocrural)

Talus, Tibia and Fibula Hinge, Synovial Dorsiflexion, Plantar flexion, Slight Circumduction, Diarthroitc


Tarsals and Metatarsals Plane, Synovial Sliding Movement, Diarthrotic


Temporal Bone and mandible Modified hinge, synovial Elevation, Depression, Protraction, Retraction, Diarthrotic

Proximal TIbifibular

Tibia and Fibula Plane, Synovial Sliding Movement, Diarthrotic

Distal Tibiofibular

Tibia and Fibula Syndesmosis, Fibrous Slight Rotation During Dorsiflexion, amphiarthrotic


Turning the foot so the plantar surface faces laterally.


Turning the foot so the plantar surface faces medially.


Vertebrae and Ribs Plane, Synovial Sliding movement during breathing, Diarthrotic

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