Anatomy Lecture Final Exam: The Digestive System

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hepatic portal system

Blood from the superior mesenteric vein joins the splenic vein then flows into the ______.

lingual papillae

Bumps on the tongue surface

functions of saliva

Dissolves molecules so they can be tasted Aids in swallowing Cleanses mouth and teeth

functions of oral cavity

Ingestion Respiration Speech


Microscopic subunits of the liver, each consisting of a central vein passing down its core, are called hepatic ___________.


Partially digested, semiliquid food mixed with digestive enzymes and acids in the stomach.

functions of cheeks and lips

Pushing food between the teeth for chewing Sucking Speech articulation


Regulates the level of sugar in the blood


The first part of the large intestine, into which the ileum opens.


The hard yellowish material that makes up most of the tooth is called ______.

esophagus; larynx

The pharynx connects the oral cavity to the ______ and the nasal cavity to the ______.


The portion of the large intestine that passes horizontally across the abdominal cavity is the ___________ colon.


The sac on the underside of the liver that serves to store and concentrate bile is called the ______.


The segment of the digestive tract passing up the right side of the abdomen is the ______________ colon.

superior mesenteric

The small intestine receives nearly all of its blood supply from the _____________ _______________ artery.


True or false: The anterior two-thirds of the tongue is called the body.


True or false: The posterior one-third of the tongue is called the root.

functions of large intestine

Water and electrolyte absorption

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

What are the segments of the small intestine in the order through which food passes?


What is the space between the lips and teeth called?


Which digestive reflexes use autonomic nerve fibers running to and from the brainstem?


Which hormone is secreted by the small intestine in response to the presence of fats in the small intestine?


Which ligament separates the right and left lobes of the liver?

masseter and temporalis

Which muscles produce the up-and-down crushing action of the teeth during mastication?


Which reflexes that utilize the myenteric nerve plexus to control digestive activity?


Within the liver, blood flows between rows of hepatocytes through which channels?

crown of tooth

above the gum line

right and left

anterior lobes of the liver include the _______ and ________ lobes.

submucosa of esophagus

contains esophageal glands that produce mucus for lubrication


hard, outermost layer of a tooth; cell free


large intestine that excludes the cecum, rectum and anal canal


largest organ in the body; produces bile

labial frenulum

median attachment of each lip to gum

protein; fat

partial digestion of both ____________ and _______ can occur in the stomach.

root of tooth

portion below the gum line

caudate; quadrate

posterior lobes of the liver include the _________ and ____________ lobes.


selective intake of food


study of the digestive tract and their diseases


swallowing process


the sheets of connective tissue that hold the abdominal viscera in place are called


the stimulus for the _______________ reflex is stretching of the rectum.

neck of tooth

where the crown and root meet

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