ANFS 424 final

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interface with lumen Absorption and secretion

proximate analysis

separates feed components into groups according to their feeding value: Water (DM), Ash (minerals), crude protein (CP), Ether extract (fat), Crude fiber (CF), Nitrogen-free extract


structural and immune cells

net energy

- Energy available to the animal for maintenance and productive processes - NE = ME -HI -HF

Endocrine of duodenum

- Cholecystokinin (CCK) - gallbladder, stomach - Gastrin (G cells) - increase HCl secretion (stomach) - Secretin (S cells) - decrease HCl (stomach), increase HCO3 (pancreas)


- Pancreatic juice (enzymes and bicarbonate) - Bile secretions - Secretions from enterocytes - Endocrine secretions

Estimation of Basal endogenous losses

- Supplement Synthetic amino acids: Include most amino acids in diet, Selected AA excluded from diet but iv. infused, Excluded AA in ileal digesta are endogenous - AA digestibility: (AA intake- (ileal AA outflow- basal ileal AA en)) / AA intake x 100

innate immunity

-1st response, rapid, nonspecific -causes: inflammation, cell responses -less efective -development cost low, usage cost high -large effect on growth and metabolism

Functional Protein mechanisms

-Antigen+Antibody complex -improves immunity -improves barrier function -reduces inflammation -Expensive

Mineral continued

-Ca, P: buffering capacity, P stimulates microbe growth, phytase increases Ca and P -Iron: high compromises intestinal integrity and increases bacteria

Digestibility variations

-Fecal vs ileal: sampling location, overestimated in fecal due to microbial fermentation -Apparent vs True: distinguish endogenous contribution, underestimated in apparent, due to endogenous

short term feed intake control

-Feed presence in GI determine meal size and satiation -Attractive taste -Endocrine control: CKK (inhibits), Ileal brake (PYY) inhibits, ghrelin (stimulates)

Catecholamine and glucocorticoids

-Fight or flight -Ligands: Epi and NE - Receptors: Alpha-andrenergic and Beta-andrenergic

Functional Proteins

-For improving immune status -immunoglobulins: spray-dried plasma (pig IgG), Whey (cow IgG), Egg powder (chicken IgY)

immunity and macronutrients

-immunity affected by protein-energy malnutrition -barrier functions impaired -decreased circulating lymphocytes

long term feed intake control

-Leptin modulate feed intake -More adipose increases leptin

Van Soest (Detergent) method of forage evaluation

-More accurate, more for ruminants - Nuetral Detergent Fiber = hemocellulose+cellulose+lignin (predicted intake) -Acid Detergent Fiber= Cellulose+lignin (predicted digestibility)

Avian Digestion

-No teeth, poorly developed salivary glands -Crop (enlarged esophagus, moistening reservoir, salivary amylase) -Proventriculus (gastric pH = 4, HCL and pepsin, rapid pass through ~14sec) -Gizzard (mechanical, grit, no secretion)• Small intestine (similar to mammals, no lactase) -Ceca (2 of blind pouches, similar with mammal but lower level of fermentation) -Cloaca (uric acid)

Glucose regulation

-Pancreas senses blood glucose, AAs, and FAs - regulate GLUT4 receptor (glucose) in muscle and fat - increase: glucose use by tissues, lipogenesis, AA uptake in muscle, protein synthesis - decrease: lipolysis

Predicting Feed Intake

-Productivity -External Environment -Internal Stress -Cleanliness of feed and Water

horse digestion

-Saliva contains no enzyme -Smaller stomach and weaker muscular movement -Small portions of ration several times daily -No gallbladder (direct secretion of bile into duodenum) -Big large intestine (over 60%): Bacterial breakdown of cellulose to VFAs, Bacterial synthesis of water soluble vitamins, Bacterial synthesis of protein (limited use, lack of digestion and absorption) -Small colon: water reabsorption


-Se: antioxidant -Zn: high, NO reduction in bacteria -CU: high -Reduce conc. E coli -Reduce scouring in nursery pigs

immunity and vitamin D

-immunoregulator, paradoxical -immune cells express VD receptor -promotion of phagocytosis, superoxide synthesis, bacterial killing -inhibit T cells and cytokines

feed restriction

-Young animals: reduce growth rate, affecs adipose storage -Lactating: metabolize tissues, nutrients flow to mammary

immunity and vitamin E

-cell membrane protection, antioxidant -more beneficial in elderly

immunity and Vitamin A

-children vulnerable -Innate: GI barrier, neutrophil maturation, killer cell activity

immunity and zinc

-cofactor for enzymes -DNA synthesis, cell growth, antioxidant defense

Non-starch polysaccharides

-correlation between soluble NSP and pathogen proliferation -NSP increase viscosity, decrease transit rate, decrease digestibility -Insoluble NSP increase solubility and wash out mucin (increase early post wean)

over nutrition and inflammation

-fat activates Gi immunity and inflammation -quickly + reersibly change microbiome -low grade adipose inflammation -food additives increase inflammation

immunity and iron

-innate response to bacteria

fat accretion

-lipogenesis -lipolysis -FA oxidation -FA and glucose transport -Adipocyte proliferation and differentiation


-live cultures of bacillus, lactic acid producing bacteria or yeast -colonize GI -competitive exclusion -features needed: can establish in GI, high growth rate, excrete metabolites, grow under commercial conditions, stable enough to survive in feed

postnatal muscle growth

-protein synthesis -protein degradation -AA transport -proliferation and differentiation of muscle cell

Importance of Energy

-required for biological processes -Cost of ingredient for energy contribute the largest portion of total feed cost -animals eat for energy -feed energy values: Prediction of voluntary feed intake, Other essential nutrients in diets , AAs:Energy ratio in diet formulation

adaptive immunity

-specific, slow then quick, remember -T cell categories cytokines -B cell and antibodies -development cost high, usage cost low -no nutritional consequences

low protein diet

-undigested protein enters LI and increases microbial fermentation, increases substrates for pathogens -Should reduce CP 3-4%, 18% CP or less

digestable energy

Energy in food minus fecal energy

Fecal Energy (FE)

Energy in the feces: Undigested food energy, Fecal energy of metabolic origin (endogenous), Sloughed off intestinal cells, Intestinal secretions, Microbial cells

urinary energy

Energy in the urine/uric acid

heat increment

Energy loss during nutrient digestion and metabolism

Gross Energy (GE)

Energy released as heat when an organic substance is completely oxidized to CO2 and H2O: Heat of combustion, Total energy in a food or feedstuff

Energy utilization

GE>DE+ fecal>ME+ urinary + gaseous >NE and Heat Increment

somatotropin axis

GH and Insulin like GF: diverts from adipose to bone/muscle

Metabolizable Energy (ME)

Gross energy of the feed minus the energy in feces, urine and combustible gasses


Gut associated lymphoid tissue, Peyer's patches (immunological tissue which samples contents of GI tract and protects host)

secretions from enterocytes

Lactase (not in birds), Sucrase (not in ruminants), Maltase, Peptidases

Heat of fermentation

eat produced in the digestive tract as a result of microbial action from the rumen, cecum, large intestine

dietary supplements for growth

acidifiers, probiotics, prebiotic, essential oils, minerals

energy requirements

affected by: Age, Sex, Species, Activity level, Production level, Environmental conditions, Body composition, Fat vs muscle, Size of organs (GI, liver, kidney, heart)

immunity and selenium

cofactor of enzymes for antioxidant defense

Gaseous Energy

combustible gases produced in the digestive tract during microbial fermentation of food


longest, villi + microvilli + folds, enterocyte enzymes (Maltase, sucrase, Lipase, Aminopeptidase, dipeptidase, Nucleotidase), nutrient sensing

Nutritional Strategies for growth

low protein, selected cereal grains, restricted feeding, functional proteins, liquid feeding


muscle for motility

Nutrient priorities

nervous>circulatory>respiratory>digestive>repro tissues: skeletal>muscle>adipose


outermost layer

Energy Density

predicts intake unless stomach becomes full

large intestine

water reabsorption, stores undigested contents, bacterial fermentation (water soluble vitamin + K synthesis, some fiber breakdown, some protein synthesis, synthesis of VFAs)

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