Animal Tissues

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Areolar (loose)

1)cells are in semi-solid protein matrix 2)cells (fibroblasts) in matrix also secret protein fibers (elastin-thin (stretches easily), collagen-thick(resists stretching)) 3)lots of matrix. Many cells and many irregularly arranged fivers allows a high degree of stretching in many regions.

what are canaliculi?

bone matrix that have tiny channels of interconnected cells that allow for nutrient and gas exchange

what is a unique characteristic of cardiac muscle?

branching of the fibers, found only in the heart.

among all animal possessing tissues, what are the four main groups of tissues?

epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous

(striated) Skeletal Muscles

fibers are long and appear striped (striations). Fibers are multinucleate, fast contracting and under voluntary control.


flat cells with irregular outlines length<width or depth

what is the function of connective tissues?

function depends on specific type (support, transport, and immune defense), but all connective tissue directly or indirectly connect together parts or regions of the body

Cardiac muscles

has elements of smooth and skeletal. Cells are short, usually uninucleate (at most 2 nuclei) and involuntary. fibers are striated and fast contracting

what are the three types of cartilage?

hyaline, elastic cartilage, fibrocartilage

What is the function of nervous tissue?

involved in reception, generation and transmission of electrochemical signals (nerve impulses)

what are "pits"?



liquid matrix nutrients and wastes


may be numerous and are usually highly branched. receive nervous impulses

muscle cell

muscle fiber

Smooth Muscles

muscle fibers are short cells, tapered at each end, uninucleate, slow contracting and involuntary controlled. Found in lining of blood vessels, digestive tract, and urinary system

what two groups of cells types that work together to form nervous tissue?

neuroglia and neurons

what is hyaline? found where?

no fibers in matrix, so matrix is essentially clear. Hyaline cartilage is found at the ends of long bones, in the nose, makes up part of the lungs. Also known as "gristle"


one cell layer in thickness

What are bone cells called?



roughly cube shaped length=width=depth

muscle cell membrane


muscle cytoplasm



several cell layers (strata) thick

how many types of Neuroglia do humans have?


what are the three basic muscle tissue types?

smooth, skeletal (striated), cardiac

What are the different number of layers of epithelial cells?

3 different layer types: simple, stratified, and pseudostratified

Neuroglia (Glial cells)

the more numerous of the two groups. Small cells that perform a variety of physical and metabolic functions for the neuron.

What are the 6 types of support connective tissues?

Areolar (loose), Dense CT, Elastic CT, Adipose, Cartilage, and Bone

What type of connective tissue is used for transport?

Blood--->erythrocytes. Cells of tissues are suspended in a liquid matrix (plasma).


"fat cells", very thin cells surrounding lipid droplets inside them


(red blood cells), transports respiratory gases. May or may not be nucleated cells

What are the three basic cell shapes?

Cuboidal, Columnar, Squamous

What are Dense CT and the two types?

Dense CT- very little matrix, few cells and most of the fibers are collagen two types: dense regular and dense irregular

Elastic CT and where can it be found?

Matrix filled with elastic fibers, allowing a great amount of flexibility. Found in lungs and walls of blood vessels.

All connective tissues have cells that are embedded or suspended in what?

a solid, semi-solid or liquid acellular matrix

Haversian canal

a tube in the center of each osteon of compact bone which contains blood vessels and nerves

epithelial tissues

all epithelial tissues have one surface in direct contact with the environment. tissues form the "linings" of the inside and outside of the body (ex: skin, lining of digestive, respiratory, urinary, and circulatory systems) epithelial tissues can be characterized by cell shape and the number of layers.

what do muscles do?

all the work for the body

What type of connective tissue is used for immune defense?

also blood--->Leukocytes (wbc) that attack and destroy foreign invaders such as bacteria.

what is Elastic cartilage? where is it found?

cartilage has a large number of elastic fibers. This type is found in the ears

What is Fibro cartilage and where is it found?

cartilage has large number of collagen fibers. Found in the pubic symphysis, knees, and spinal discs.

what is Cartilage?

cells (chondrocytes) are enclosed within "pits" (lacunae) and secrete a semi-rigid matrix which provides support but has some flexibility


cells (osteocytes) are enclosed within "pits" (lacunae) in a mineralized solid matrix secreted by another cell type. Cells are interconnected by tiny channels within the bone matrix called canaliculi, which allow for nutrient and gas exchange

what are neurons? and what are the three parts of a neuron?

cells which carry the electric current. made of dendrites, axon, and cell body

Cell body

central, enlarged, nucleated region that assists in neuron function

what are cartilage cells called?


Dense Regular

collagen fibers aligned parallel to each other, greatly resists stretching, found in tendons (muscles and bones) and ligaments (bone to bone)

Dense Irregular

collagen fibers randomly aligned, found as the CT surrounding most organs, enclosing joints, and connecting muscles together within body


column or rectangular in shape length>width or depth


this tissue appears to have several layers but actually is a single layer thick


usually single and may be extremely long

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