Anthro Exam 1

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Wolff's Law holds that:

Bone mass is produced where it needed and taken away where it is not.

Darwin coined the term, "descent with modification" to refer to which present day theory:

evolutionary theory

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

relationship between species and the environment such that if the external environment changed, an animal's activity patterns would also change to accommodate the new circumstances.

Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon

recognized the dynamic relationship between the external environment and living forms.

In its most common biological usage, the term race:

refers to the geographically-patterned phenotypic variation within a species


all races have been separate from the start

Hox Genes

an evolutionary ancient group of regulatory genes, direct the segmentation of embryonic tissues

tRNA has three nitrogen bases which are called a(n) ___


Structural Genes

are responsible for body structures ex) hair, blood, bones

Select an example of a prokaryote:



the physical manifestation of a gene

Mitochondria produce _____________ for the cell.


the discouragement or prevention of reproduction among so-called biologically "unfit" or "degenerate" is called:


Which concept refers to the idea that phenomena, including aspects of behavior

Biological determinism

Which field of anthropology uses ethnographies?

Cultural anthropology

Georges Cuvier

Cuvier suggested that mammoth remains represented a species different from any living elephant species and, therefore, mammoth remains were from a species that had gone extinct.

Steps of Protein Synthesis

-Transcription takes place mostly in the nucleus -Translation takes place in the cytoplasm

What is the term for the philosophy of "race improvement" through the forced sterilization of some groups and the encouraged reproduction of others?

1. eugenics

Select an example of gene flow. (Mark all that apply)

1.Rhinos from one herd move to a new area and breed with rhinos of a completely different herd. 2,Several red foxes move into and mate with a silver fox population.

How many ABO phenotypes are there?


A human diploid cell has how many chromosomes?


In Birmingham Roller pigeons, the "rr" genotype produces rollers. If you mated a pigeon with an, "Rr" genotype to a pigeon with an "rr" genotype, what percentage of their offspring would be rollers?


In a hypothetical situation, B is the allele that causes brachydactyly. If a man who has normal fingers (bb) and a woman with brachydactyly (Bb) have children, what proportion of these children would you expect to have normal fingers?



: the initial physiological response to an elevated temperature


A group of similar species

Match the nitrogenous bases of a DNA strand to a strand of mRNA.

A-U, T-A, G-C, C-G

Which statement best describes the definition of a theory:

A theory is a tested explanation of facts about the natural world.

In areas where sickle cell anemia is endemic, the most advantageous genotype is:


If an individual is heterozygous for a particular trait, select the correct genotype:


Nitrogen Bases

Adenine-thymine Thymine-adenine Cytosine-guanine Guanine-cytosine

Charles Darwin was not the only person to conceive of natural selection. Who else published an article around the same time suggesting this idea?

Alfred Russel Wallace


An alternative form of a gene.


Begins when enzymes break the bone between the bases, separating the two previously joined strands of nucleotides and leaving their nitrogenous bases exposed

Blending Inheritance

An outdated, disreputed theory that the phenotype of an offspring was a uniform blend of the parent's phenotypes.

The study of human biology within the framework of human evolution can be said to be the domain of which of the following?

Biological anthropology


Basic units of the DNA molecule, composed of a sugar, phosphate, and one of four DNA bases

Lactose intolerance can be characterized by all of the following

Can be influenced by the environment, Results from a lack of lactase


Carry genetic information that governs all physical characteristics except primary sex determination


Claimed that character, personality, and criminality can be determined by head shape

What is the third step of the scientific method as described in the lecture video?

Come up with a research design to test your explanation


Complex chemicals that make up tissues and govern cellular functions, repair, and growth through their ability to bind to other molecules in the body • Made up of amino acids


Creates an altered triplet in the DNA, but the alteration still codes for the correct amino acid


Creates an altered triplet in the DNA, codes for a different amino acid and thus, makes a different protein


Decreasing the diameter of the blood vessels reduces blood flow to the surface of the skin

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

Developed a "biological" taxonomy of human races in 1775 based his taxonomy on skin color and other physical traits, but mainly the features of the skull


Random changes in DNA that occur during cell division (have no known cause)


During growth, physical activity stimulates bone-forming cells, which produce added bone mass to maintain bone strength


During the first division, while the chromosomes line up along the center, homologous chromosomes will exchange genetic information

Amino acids

Each protein is defined by its particular combination and number of amino acids (at least 90,000 different proteins)

Which of the following is true of evolution?

Evolutionary changes increase the ability of a species to survive and reproduce in a specific environment.

Gregor Mendel

Father of genetics

Selective Pressures

Forces in the environment that influence reproductive success in individuals.


Form the organs, tissues, and other parts of an organisms body

Gregor Mendel is known for which of the following?

He discovered the fundamental principles of how traits are inherited

How did Gregor Mendel aid the modern theory of evolution?

He discovered the mechanism by which organisms can produce and redistribute variation in their offspring.

James Hutton

He founded modern geology with his theory of the earth's formation. Hutton realized that the same natural processes he observed in Scotland had occurred in the past.

Robert Hooke

He studied the microscopic structure of fossil wood.

Francis Galton

He was proponent of race improvement and suggest that the government regulate the reproduction of others for the good of society


Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes- only visible at certain stages of cell division

Which law states that genes (alleles) occur in pairs because chromosomes occur in pairs and that, during gamete formation, the members of each pair of alleles separate, so that each gamete contains one member of each pair?

Law of segregation

Pieter Camper

Invented the "facial angles" as a measure to determine intelligence of a species

A polytypic species:

Is one composed of local populations that differ from one another in how one or more traits are expressed

Peruvian case study

It has now been proven that reduced oxygen content can greatly disturb a developing fetus

Why is genetic counseling potentially seen as unethical?

It might have unintended consequences on the gene pool, it could lead to more abortions

How did the adoption of a settled lifestyle affect patterns of infectious disease in human populations?

It provided a greater number of potential hosts, It placed humans in prolonged contact with domesticated animals

Carolus Linnaeus

Linnaeus' four-level system became the basis for taxonomy, the system of classification we continue to use.

Charles Lyell

Lyell's research, based on examinations of geologic strata, confirmed Hutton's estimate of Earth's very old age.

Thomas Malthus

Malthus argued that the lack of resources would always be a constant source of "misery" and famine for humankind if our numbers continued

Samuel Morton

Measured brain size with the assumption that it determined intellectual ability

Sex chromosomes

The X chromosomes contains genetic info for both male and female- female is the "default setting" • The Y chromosomes contains genetic info for only male characteristics - less genetic material


On occasion, chromosome pairs fail to separate during meiosis- incorrect # of chromosomes in a persons genome

Which of the following is seen as a controversial use of CRISPR?

The ability to modify embryos and eliminate genetic diseases


Our bodies are home to a wide variety of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. These pathogens cause a myriad of infectious diseases

Which disciplines largely contributed to Darwin's theory of evolution?

Paleontology, Demography, Taxonomy, Geology

Which of the following is NOT one of the subfields of anthropology in the U.S.?


Evolution is a two-stage process that encompasses which of the following:

Production and redistribution of variation


Refers to one gene that affects more than one phenotypic trait


Sequence of DNA on a chromosome, which will produce a specific protein (proteins do everything for our bodies)


Sexually reproductive cells • egg or sperm

Allen's Rule

States that heat adapted mammal populations will have longer limbs, which maximize the body surface area and this promote heat loss

Bergman's Rule

States that heat-adapted mammal populations will have smaller bodies (body mass) than will cold- adapted mammal populations


The branch of science concerned with the rules of classifying organisms on the basis of evolutionary relationships.

Evolution can be most succinctly defined as:

The change in allele frequency over time

Adaptive Radiation

The diversification of an ancestral group of organisms into new forms that are adapted to specific environmental niches.

Biological Determinism

The idea that behavioral characteristics such as intelligence, morals, values, talents, social status, etc. are inherited and associated with physical characteristics

Structure of DNA

The ladder-like structure contains two upright bars and several rungs • The "bars" of the ladder are made up of alternating sugar and phosphate molecules • The "rungs" are composed of paired nitrogenous bases • A gene is a unique/specific sequence of these nitrogenous bases


The outcome of reshuffling is that gene variants on the maternal chromosomes are now on the paternal chromosomes


The presence of two or more separate phenotypes for a certain gene


The theory that the earth's features are the result of long-term processes that continue to operate in the present just as they did in the past. Elaborated on by Lyell


The view that the earth's geological landscape is the result of violent cataclysmic events.

Which of the following does not apply to theories?

They are absolute and not open to falsification.

Biological Continuity

When expressions of a phenomenon continuously grade into one another so that there are no discrete categories, they exist on a continuum

Lamarckism holds that...

When life forms reproduce they pass onto their offspring the modifications that they have acquired in life.

Evaporative Cooling

When you sweat, it creates a thin layer of water on the skin and as it evaporates it cools the surface


a gradual change in some phenotypic characteristic from one population to the next

Evolutionary Synthesis

a unified theory of evolution that combines genetics with natural selection

Regulatory Genes

control the expression of other genes- they turn other genes on or off

What unique strategy allows humans to adapt to the natural environment?



describes a trait that is expressed in heterozygotes or homozygotes. Dominant alleles prevent the expression of recessive alleles


describes a trait that isn't expressed in heterozygotes. For a recessive gene to be expressed, an individual must have two copies of it

Growth retardation:

developmental acclimatization occurs in high altitude natives during growth and development

After mitosis, daughter cells contain the same amount of DNA as the original cell. What is this due to?

dna replication

In the context of natural selection, what is a measure of the relative reproductive success of individuals?


The belief that species do not change, but are the same as when they were first created, is known as _____.

fixity of species

A_____________mutation produces a protein having no function


A ___________ is a protein generating code.


Founder effect is a form of:

genetic drift

Select an example of a physiological response to long-term exposure to hypoxia:

greater lung capacity

Categorizing people on the basis of skin color:

has a long history and has been practiced by many peoples


having different alleles at the same locus on members of a pair of chromosomes.


having the same allele at the same locus on both members of a pair of chromosomes.

Which term refers to a condition of balance, or stability, within a biological system, maintained by the interaction of physiological mechanisms that compensate for changes?



in the absence of physical activity, osteoclasts remove bone mass

Alfred Russel Wallace

independently identified natural selection as the key to the evolutionary process.

What is the evolutionary significance of meiosis?

it increases genetic variation

What is a hypothesis?

it is a provisional statement regarding certain scientific facts or observations.

Which scientist first proposed the idea that geological processes we see today are the same as those in the past?

james hutton

Who first recognized that species were groups of organisms that were distinguished from other such groups by their ability to mate with one another and produce fertile offspring?

john ray

Science relies on what types of observations? (Mark all that apply)

measurable, tangible, repeatable

Skin color is mostly influenced by which granular substance produced by cells in the epidermis?


What force of evolution is solely responsible for the creation of new genes?


Point mutations

mutations involving incorrect base pariring


mutations that are the result of exposure to mutagens, or toxic chemicals or to radiation


mutations that occur when part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to part of another

__________is the driving force of evolution.

natural selection

Basic units of the DNA molecule composed of a sugar, phosphate, and one of four DNA bases is called a(n):


Trantranscription takes places in the _________ .


A trait is considered an adaptation if it: (Mark all that apply)

promotes survival, promotes reproduction

John Ray

recognized that groups of plants and animals could be differentiated from other groups by their ability to mate with one another and produce fertile offspring.

What are the X and Y chromosomes called?

sex chromosomes

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can be an important factor in selection for increased melanin production because UV radiation can cause which of the following?

skin cancer, spina bifida


societies have a great deal of diversity

the body uses mitosis to produce ___________ cells.



studies archaeological human remains


studies biology and behavior of non-human primates

Molecular anthropology

studies evolutionary relationships between humans and non-human primates

Forensic anthropology

studies human remains in a legal setting


study earlier human groups using artifacts and structures as their evidence.

The word paleoanthropology means:

study of ancient humans

Anthropology means:

study of humankind

Human evolution is:

subject to the long-term interactions of biology and culture.

Some of the lowest frequencies of lactose intolerance are found in which group?



the actual genetic material in the pair of homologous chromosomes

Over the past several decades, natural selection has caused populations of Staphylococcus aureus (an infectious wound bacterium) to evolve resistance to most antibiotics. If antibiotic use were stopped, what would you predict would happen to S. aureus?

the frequency of non-resistant forms will increase.

Which concept, proposed by Charles Lyell, had a profound effect on 19th century scientific thought?

the immense age of earth


the tendency of physiological system to maintain internal stability

Who proposed that population size increases at a faster rate than food supplies?

thomas malthus

The DNA base adenine always pairs with which other DNA base?



traits are determined by two or more genes and their phenotypic expression runs on a spectrum

Which theory proposes that characteristics acquired during the lifetime of an individual can be passed on to that individual's offspring?


The body's first response to cold stress is:


our bodies need exposure to UV radiation to synthesize:

vitamin D


where neither allele dominates the other so both will be expressed in the phenotype

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