Anthro Module 2: Quizlet Exam

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After the US Civil War the biologizing of race became extreme and people were defined as black is they had a single African ancestor, which came to be known as the "_____ rule."

"One drop rule"

How do religious rituals function politically?

-by legitimating community authority -by promoting fear -by resolving disputes


-grows out of good performance, gains control. -fielders hardly ever use rituals, no chance all skill

everyday second life

-humans reconfigured and organized differently. -relationship of coconstitution. -it is in being virtual that we are human

Which of the following is a theoretical approach to how economies create value used in society?

-neoclassical economics -substantivism -Marxism


-no hitter, crossing baseball bats. -personal taboos. -grow out of poor performances. -ate pancakes, did bad, didnt eat them again. -no taboos w fielders

The biocultural logic of local foodways is related to each of the following observations except:

-people typically have a stable understanding of good taste -most local foodways have developed to provide nutritious energy to people -many groups of people will willingly change their foodways when something better, such as industrial agriculture, comes along.

When Americans recognize that people are born into a particular social position due to the economic situations of their families, they are recognizing the existence of

-prejudice -discrimination -class

Censuses interest anthropologists because they

-reveal the government's role in classifying and categorizing people -change over time -indicate shifts in social categories

Which of the following is a political act?

-running for election -protesting against police brutality -gossiping about a neighbor to shame them for not fulfilling their obligations

How does racialization occur?

"One drop rule" Racism Racial thinking 1676 class rebellion

What does it mean that race does and does not exist?

"To say that race is a cultural construct is not to say that it does not exist; cultural constructs have an objective reality despite their reliance on human thought." -Culturally constructed. We base race off of a phenotype. Race doesn't actually exist on a biological level, but it exists on a cultural levels.

How do culture and social relations shape the meaning of money?

-Culture: -Social:

Compare and contrast how two theories--formalism and substantivism--would explain how and why people consume prestige goods, like Ferrari automobiles and Gucci bags.

-Formalism: underlying logic. -Substantivism: daily transactions pg 216

The US government's prohibition of Native American children speaking their indigenous languages in Indian schools has contributed most profoundly to

language death/loss

extended families

larger groups of relatives beyond the nuclear family often living in the same household

A set of rules established by some formal authority is the textbook definition of


The Red Guard in China's Cultural Revolution attempted to change culture primarily using ____ was this sustainable?

laws and force, it wasn't sustainable

Which branch of cultural anthropology looks at the way that people handle disputes?

legal anthropology

The exercise of political power requires


The exercise of political power requires


The exchange of brass rods for the purchase of cattle or the payment of bride price is an example of the use of?

limit-purpose money

The exchange of brass rods for the purchase of cattle or the payment of bride price in cattle is an example of the use of

limited purpose money

___is objects that can be exchanges only for certain things

limited-purpose money

the exchange of brass rods for the purchase of cattle ar the payment of bride price is an example of the use of

limited-purpose money

The subfield of anthropology that studies language use is called

linguistic anthropology

Jihad literal and radicalized views

literal call to religious action while radicalized is call to military action

seeing conservation through a global lens

maasi; herding economy--> subsistence farming. -pastoralist, -cannot be mobile. -increased. -havent benefited from globalization. -wealth dispearace, -use of exchange especially marriage. -pressure against divorce. -conservation in africa (tanzania) nature does not equal human. -masaii have no where elseto live, don't only heard in wide open spaces. -disneyfication and ecoculture tourism. -tourists are placed in a bubble and only see what resorts want them to see--> confirms their false idea of reality. -fortress conservation. -only way to save people is to exclude people. -"would be poachers" target tourists. -notorious for taking bribes. -vanishing eden

a voodoo doll is a good illustration of

magic that follows the law of similarity

Religious beliefs, kinship patterns, and associations allow acephalous societies to

maintain order

The biocultural logic of local foodways is related to each of the following observations except

many groups of people will willingly change their foodways when something better, such as industrial agriculture, comes along

f you studied speech patterns such as those analyzed in Robin Lakoff's study of gendered speech, you might find that "talking like a lady"

marginalizes women's voices in work contexts

The _____ is a social institution in which people come together to buy and sell goods


capitalism is an example of

market system

the definition of exogamy

marriage outside of a group

What is endogamy?

marriage within a particular group

The anthropological study of _________ includes looking at the ideas and practices of manhood and how gender/sex identities are constructed.


Marx proposed that there are__ constraints on human agency. An example of this is the inheritance of wealth or property


First social scientist to distinguish sex and gender


Which material provided crucial proteins for brain development in humans?


The term politics can mean many things, but from the wider anthropological perspective, it is understood as talking about the relationships and processes of all of the following except


The practice in which a third party intervenes in a dispute to aid the parties in reaching an agreement is called


You and your sibling are fighting over who gets to use the family car. When your parent intervenes and seeks a solution that is agreeable to both of you, it is an example of


What subfield of anthropology tries to understand how social, cultural, biological, and linguistic factors shape the health of human beings in different cultures?

medical anthropology

nearly all societies draw on more than one medical tradition simultaneously, a process which is called

medical pluralism

In her article, "Conversation Style: Talking on the Job," D. Tannen (CC3) argues that in the workplace

men often refrain from asking directions while women often seek to create the appearance of equality in a conversation

How is value related to the production of art in US culture?


When female nutritional anthropologist began working with the Ju/'hoansi, or !Kung San of the Kalahari they discovered that____is the major source of dietary calories

mongongo nuts

How words fit together to make meaningful units is called


The study of grammatical categories, such as tense and word order is called


The metaphor of the three sisters is used to convey the traditional ecological knowledge of

mounded planting technology which places corn, beans, squash in a single commensal planting

In the CC13a reading by B. Ehrenreich and A.R. Hochschild (Global Women in the New Economy), what kinds of work do most female immigrants end up doing when they move from poorer to richer countries?

nannies, maids, sex workers

Which of the following refers to the family into which one is born and raised?


According to the text, independent states recognized by other states, composed of people who share a single national identity is a


Independent states recognized by other states, and composed of people who share a single national identity, are referred to as


an explanation of illness grounded in mechanistic and impersonal causes is :

naturalistic explanation

Sherry Ortner, a feminist anthropologist, observed that the roots of female subordination lay in the distinction all societies make between

nature and culture

Anthropologists believe that our behavior is influenced by

nature and nurture

According to James P. Spradley (author of CC 1-Ethnography and Culture), the belief that people everywhere interpret the world in the same way is called

naïve realism

Salvery is a form of

negative reciprocity

Humans started producing their own food during the ____________transition/revolution


The flexibility of the brain is called

neural plasticity

If you wanted to study ongoing racialization processes in the United States, you would most likely focus on

new patterns in which people are dropping ethnic identification in favor of whiteness.

Slash-and-burn agriculture adds what to the soil?


An acephalous society is one that "may" have:

no leaders

religious ideas are typically associated with beliefs about the supernatural, but what argument can be used to explain the beliefs and worldview of physicists or geneticists, who may consider themselves nonbelievers?

nonbelievers may not have a religion, but deep down they must believe on something

In the neo-evolutionary typology of political organization, a band is a

noncentralized group of people who have a low population density and participate in foraging.

In the neo-evolutionary typology of political organization, a tribe is a

noncentralized group of people who have a low to medium population density and participate in pastoralism or horticulture.

which of the following activities or behaviors is not prt of the American sick role?

none of the above

Obesity and diabetes are effects of

nutritional transition

Gift exchange for Marcel Mauss is based in


The first origins of agriculture developed from

observations that forest clearing, quality seed or stem selection, and soil augmentation created patchy resources

Balanced reciprocity

occurs when a person gives something, expecting the receiver to return an equivalent gift or favor at some point in the future

Anthropologists reject the idea that same-sex sexuality is a fixed and exclusive condition because

of the research of Dr. Alfred Kinsey. of cross-cultural research on sexual practices. sexuality is variable throughout a lifetime.


of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

Someone who eats plants and animals is a(n)


The human diet is typically


When anthropologist studied Dogon menstrual huts they realized that natural fertility Dogon women have about____number of total lifetimes menstrual cycles as US women?

one quarter the

Marx and Mao's interpretation of the power of religion over social groups.

opiate of the masses

What relationship between nature and human does Western thought emphasize?



organize men into generational groups among the Maasai.

The enhanced cognition of early modern humans allowed for

organizing social groups, better defense against animals, increased sophistication in toolmaking

A key characteristic of industrial agriculture is


The research method in cultural anthropology that relies on personal contact with people on an everyday basis in order to learn about their culture is called

participant observation

Which of the following methods allowed Fairhead and Leach to make their conclusions about landscape change in Guinea?

participant observation of agricultural activities study of colonial records and aerial photographs oral histories

The Tiv of Nigeria are said to practice which of the following subsistence strategies?


__typically gain 50% of their calories from animal meat and milk and the remainder through trade


Which of the following analyses of Christmas shopping would be least likely to come from a follower of cultural economics?

people always make decision about what to buy on the basis of getting the lowest price

From an anthropologists point of view, people take the price tag off of gifts and wrap birthday presents because

people are ambivalent about expressing their connections with others using impersonal goods

Which of the following analyses of Christmas shopping would be least likely to come from a follower of cultural economics?

people buy gifts to reaffirm and strengthen social relations

From an anthropological perspective, the main reason Wall Street banks are not the bastions of individualism and cold rationalism many think they are is that

personal relationships and local knowledge are critical to successful transactions

For a big man in a non-state society, what is the most powerful and valuable tool?


For a big man in a nonstate society, what is the most powerful and valuable tool?


for a big man in a non-state society, what is the most powerful and valuable tool


The minimum bits of sound that native speakers recognize as distinct are know as


_____________ refers to the structure of speech sounds


________ is that subfield of anthropology concerned with humans as biological organisms

physical anthropology

What is the sociobiological explanation of the high rates of warfare among the Yanomami?

polgyny and female infanticide led to a shortage of females and fierce male warriors have increased breeding success

Analyses that focus on the linkage between political-economic power, social inequality, and ecological destruction are typical of which approach?

political ecology

Analyses that focus on the linkages between political-economic power, social inequality, and ecological destruction are typical of which approach?

political ecology

____ is one female married to multiple males, and _____ is one male married to multiple females.Incest, polygamy

polyandry, polygyny

Health disparities

population differences in health and suffering that are not explained by standard biological risk factors.

The idea that embraces dynamic culture changes processes and the idea that the observer of cultural processes can never see culture completely objectively represent which theoretical orientation

post-structuralism or postmodernism

What considerations structure organ theft in Brazil?


Thrones, staffs, shrines, and distinctive or ornamented objects are often used to display people's ______ and status.


the ability to control other, even over their objections, is referred to as


hijra & sadin: neither man nor woman in India

powerful women must be restrained by men, subordinant, active, erotic, and creative. -sexuality is distracting to men, must be controlled. hijras: neither man nor woman. less men +woman. third gender, perform at marriages and births for work, men w physical defect in intercourse and reproduction, have relationships w men, mother goddess call to them, emasculation i sinhivited but hijras practice in secret, transcend the sigma, dharma everyone has a life path, outside social and relationships of caste and kinship. SADHINS: celibacy, wear mens clothes and short hair, determined rejection of marriage. -allows for different ways of being human.

Economies in which people seek high social rank, prestige, and power instead of money and material wealth are known as

prestige economies

economies in which people seek high social rank, prestige, and power instead of money and material wealth are known as

prestige economies

An attitude of ethnocentrism toward another group

prevents understanding of other cultures

Cross culturally, the male transition to adulthood has more to do with__than spermarche


The USSR model of socialist agriculture

provided capital investments from the state

The example from lecture where how close you are expected to stand to others while waiting in line varies between the US and Taiwan is an example of


Data gathered from personal interviews, observations, and oral histories is


Segmentary lineage is

quickly created and dismantled. noncentralized. flexible.

__is a concept that organizes people into groups based on specific physical traits that are thought to reflect fundamental and innate differences


Anthropologists and other social scientists refer to ways in which social, economic, and political processes categorize and transform a population into racial meanings as


The social, economic, and political processes of transforming populations into races and creating racial meanings is called


What is an important factor in making race real?


Pastoralism is

raising and maintaining herds of animals

The harmonious relationship and trust between an anthropologist build with research participants is known as


The simplest mode of distribution is


Goods and services are allocated by

reciprocity, redistribution and market exchange/market economy


reckoning descent through either men or women from some ancestor


reckoning descent through males from the same ancestors


reckoning descent through though women whoa re descended from an ancestral woman

The collection of goods in a community and the subsequent redivision of those goods among members of a society is called


the collection of goods in a community and the subsequent re-division of those goods among members of a society is called



refers to someone to whom society assigns one gender who does not perform as that gender but has taken either permanent or temporary steps to identify as another gender

Transhumance is

regular seasonal movement in relation to an ecological need

How does religion differ from play?

religion people believing and continuing to believe, while play is making believe and for a short period of time

An important ethical concern for anthropologist is to

remind their informants that they are collecting data

In Malaysia capitalist entrepreneurship is

respectful of Islamic and Malay obligations and values

what is a life cycle ritual that marks a person's or group of persons' transition from one social state to another?

rite of passage

baseball magic 104

ritual, taboo, fetishes

Among the Sambia of Papua New Guinea men believe that young men must__before becoming a father

ritually ingest semen of an older male

Social stratification can determine your role in society, each role is expected to follow a __or a set of behaviors associated with your role


In a ____you identify with each other but you may never met

secondary social group

An example of work that usually fits into the category of the informal sector is

sex worker


sexual preferences, desires, and practices

Indiana University biologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey conducted a series of sexuality studies during the 1940s and found that

sexuality consists on a continuum.

The religious leader who communicates the needs of the living with the spirit world, usually through some form of ritual trance or other altered state of consciousness, is called a ______.


Based on lecture, why may the woman at the right be preferred mate in the Omo valley Ethipoia

she is innovative at attracting income from tourism

The importance of structural functionalism is that it

showed that non-Western societies have order without formal government

The importance of structural functionalism is that it

showed that non-Western societies have order without formal government.

The importance of structural functionalism is that it

showed that non-western societies have order without formal government

third genders

situation found in many societies that acknowledge three or more categories of gender/sex

Swidden agriculture is also known as

slash and burn

Horticulture is

small-scale agriculture

A key feature of religious beliefs and behavior is that they are rooted in:

social behavior and social action

Examples of diffusion of technology

social marketing and forced change

Hierarchical relationships between different groups is known as

social stratification

Violence is

socially constructed

Applied anthropology by definition focuses upon

solving real-world problems

Foodways are dynamic because

some foods become trendy, they are subject to large-scale industrial processes, trade relationships change

system of government is the most complex and formal form of political organization


Doing fieldwork with a particular culture or group means that ethnographers might

stay in their country of origin and interview immigrants from the country they wish to study, go to the country and interview the members of a particular culture, live in the country but try to maintain a balance between participation and observation.

"Who Needs Love": The article gives three reasons why Japanese marriages are so strong and durable. Which one of the following IS NOT a reason listed in the article?

strong religious beliefs

Power that transcends individuals, operating in settings and orchestrating settings in which social and individual actions take place, is

structural power

Power that transcends individuals, operating in settings and orchestrating settings in which social and individual actions take place, is referred to as

structural power

power that transcends individuals, operating in setting and orchestrating settings in which social and individual actions take place

structural power

genealogical amnesia

structural process of forgetting whole groups of relative usually because they are not currently significant in social life

Which theory was used to explain how stateless societies maintained social order and equilibrium?


Which theory would analyze the distinction between raw and cooked food as a distinction between the binaries of nature and culture?


An archaeologist might attempt to

study material remains to reconstruct past cultures

Most visitors to the 1935 exhibition of African art at New York's Museum of Modern Art were confronted for the first time by traditional African carvings of human and animal figures that were

stylized and symbolic representations of their subjects

Which economic theory was proposed by Polanyi to study the culture specific daily transactions that people engage in to get what they need and desire?


Ethnorgaphies that provide thick description of culture are valued because they provide

sufficient contextual detail for understanding of culture

The core of Anthony F. C. Wallace's understanding of religion was belief in

supernatural things

when the symbols surrounding an illness are restructured, especially during ritual this is what type of therapeutic process?

symbolic process

What is a problem with medicalization?

taking natural things and making them scientific (giving birth to babies in a hospital with sick people)

Critical cultural relativism asserts

that power differences between people who accept cultural practices should be used to understand cultures

Structural power is power

that transcends individuals, operating in settings and orchestrating settings in which social and individual actions take place.

Which of the following explanations of political relationships among the !Kung would be least likely to come from a traditional political anthropologist?

the !Kung have to navigate complex politics as ethnic minorities in states that dont want them

Food sharing organized life among which group?

the !kung

Male Hadza foragers find women with larger buttocks more attractive than do white male American college students, this is because

the Hadza store their extra calories as fact, as humans did for most of human evolution

The consumption of high levels of animal fat is part of the foodways of which group?

the Inuit

The acephalous society who live in Southern Sudan are

the Nuer

What is biopiracy?

the appropriation, or patent, of indigenous biomedical knowledge by foreign entities without compensatory payment. ex: neem tree and asprin

Little or no sense of personal ownership characterizes

the band.

Seventy-five percent of the sale price of a shirt produced in China goes to

the brand and retailer

Which government agency might you study if you wanted to understand structural power?

the census office

Even though anthropologists use part of the scientific method, some don't see what they do as science because

the complexity of social behavior prevents any completely objective analysis of human culture

The concept of 'fortress conservation' would be applicable to all of the following situations except

the construction of ecotourist facilities to protect visitors from wandering lions in the Tanzanian savannas

An anthropologist who uses instrumentalist theories of ethnicity would explain the rise of "Latino" food distributor Goya as

the creation of a special market segment by a food company to enhance its profitability

Gender is

the cultural expectations of how males and females should behave

Sick role

the culturally defined agreement between patients and family members to acknowledge that the patient is legitimately sick.

Economic Anthropologists study

the decisions people make about earning a living, what types of work people choose to do, the creation of value

Economic anthropologists study

the decisions people make about earning a living, what types of work people choose to do, the creation of value

According to anthropologists, economies are shaped by which factors?

the decisions people make, social relationships, and culture and morality

According to anthropologists, economies are shaped by which factors?

the decisions people make, social relationships, culture and morality

Linguistic anthropology is concerned with

the description of languages, the history of languages, how language reflects a people's worldview

The anthropological perspective that inter-subjective social information flows both to and from the researcher is known as

the dialectic

Anthropologists study food holistically, which means that they focus on

the diversity of diets, complex interactions between nutrition and the environment, cultural beliefs surrounding food

According to Marshall Sahlins, when production is organized by families it is

the domestic mode of production

The idea that things have social lives refers to which of the following?

the fact that objects are deeply intertwined with people's lives

natal family

the family into which a person is born and (usually) raised

A key difference between anthropologists of development and development anthropologists is

the first are analysts of development; the second seek ways to influence it from within

Clinical therapeutic proces

the healing process in which medicines have some active ingredient that is assumed to address either the cause or the symptom of a disorder ex: modern medicine

In most non-industrial societies the main unit of production is

the household

Which part of the Zapotec agricultural system does not correspond well to Western ecological understandings?

the idea that maize has a soul


the ideas and practices of manhood

gender/sex systems

the ideas and social patterns a society uses to organize males, females, and those who do not fit into either category

The exercise of political power in state and non-state societies is different in all of the following respects except

the importance of personal connections

The primary ethical responsibility of anthropologists is to

the individuals and groups they study

Geertz's approach to religion is a style of analysis that looks at the underlying symbolic and cultural interconnections within a society: this is often referred to as

the interpretive approach

An anthropologist who studies the cultural landscape of Zapotec farmers of southern Mexico would be primarily interested in

the meanings and images they have of nature that shape their farming practices

Promoters of globalization highlight which of the following?

the more open a country is to foreign trade, the better the economy will be

An action theorist studying political power in the U.S. Senate would be especially interested in

the normative rules of conduct that senators are supposed to follow

If a development anthropologist were to get involved in a project in your city that is revitalizing a poor neighborhood, she or he would probably emphasize

the overarching importance of listening to the priorities of the neighbors

The primaryethical responsibility of anthropologists is to

the people or species they study

incest taboo

the prohibition on sexual relations between close family members

Nutritional anthropologists study

the relationship between people and human nutritional needs and ecological conditions


the reproductive forms and functions of the body -show differences in attitudes, temperaments, intelligences, aptitudes, and achievements

Foraging is

the search for edible things

According to the textbook, subsistence refers to

the social relationships and practices necessary for procuring, producing, and distributing food


the social system that organizes people in families based on descent and marriage

gender refers to

the social/cultural categories of men and women

why do films take on new meanings when shown to overseas audiences?

the specific cultural content and images in the film lead audiences to draw different conclusions because their culture is different

A substantivist perspective on the economic life of a college fraternity would likely focus on

the spending the fraternity does on parties

Private and state ownership of land characterizes

the state

An example of hegemony discussed in class is

the story of thanksgiving in the U.S.

Anthropology is

the study of humankind everywhere, throughout time

The word anthropology derives from the Greek anthropos and logos and literally means

the study of humans

When Katie shared the story of her green boots with the class it demonstrared

the symbolic meaning of an artifact such as a green boot is socially constructed through meaning

A Marxist approach to the cultural processes Karen Ho studied of Wall Street would be most focused on

the tendency to lay off employees on a regular basis as the bank suffers through financial crises caused by its own activities.

Lineage or clan ownership of land and livestock, with little sense of private property, characterizes

the tribe

Which of the following is an element of violence

the use of force to cause harm to someone or something, a highly visible assertion of power, and it is an efficient way to transform a social environment

An anthropologist using the formalist theoretical approach to doing fieldwork in a supermarket would be most interested in

the ways managers appropriate the labor of checkout clerks, butchers, and other workers

One of the main reasons agricultural intensification interests anthropologists is that

there are many strategies for achieving it

The themes of reciprocity and gift exchange are critical to anthropologists because

they are economically significant in market-based economies, the exchange of gifts is the economy in many societies, reciprocity is deeply embedded in social relations

A problem with categorizing religions into large groups or 'world religions' is __.

they are so different and it wont help with the violence between the religions

Cultural models help us make sense of the world because

they provide a pattern for one's own behavior and interpreting others' actions

The most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as


This type of pastoralism, or movement pattern, is practiced when the men take the herd to better grazing land while the rest of the people remain in the settlement


"Who Needs Love": Traditionally, it was common in Japanese society for fathers to only interact with their children on the weekend.


A major problem with using foreign labor in agriculture is that they don't have the same legal protections that citizens have


A nation can be made up of people who imagine they share a common culture or identity.


According "The Berdache Tradition", a lack of tolerance for gender variation in some cultures is often reflected in their mythology and creation stories.


According to lecture capitalism is likely based on the fact that if to defer consumption of a grain and instead plant it in the ground and care for it under and agricultural subsistence model it will yield the same number of seeds that you put in


Anthropologists agree that, in addition to prejudice and discrimination, unearned privilege upholds social inequality


Colonialism is an example of one form of governance forced upon another society.


Famines are often caused by not environmental factors but social factors like inequality.


Forager society tends to use humor to enforce norms


In some societies witchcraft accusations can work as an informal method of social control.


Malinowski's analysis of the Kula cycle is important because it helps explain how Trobriand men get social status through giving


Nasleehe is a Navajo changing gender one of the genders accepted within their culture


Power that not only operates within settings but also organizes and orchestrates the settings in which social and individual action take place is know as structural power


The Human Terrain System program in the US military in Iraq and Afghanistan, used anthropologist to help soldiers understand village polices and translate information


The central idea of Evans-Pritchard's concept of segmentary lineages is that the Nuer people have organized themselves politically into stable lineages, or segments.


The central point of the concept of spheres of exchange is to make a distinction between general- and limited-purpose money.


The ecological costs of producing beef in the United States are externalized on the landscape and water resources.


To follow political action one must be familiar with society's rules and codes about who gets to exercise power and under what conditions.


The main difference between economists and economic anthropologists is that economists

try to understand and predict economic patterns

The main difference between economists and economic anthropoogists is that economists

try to understand and predict economic patterns

the main difference between economics and economic anthropologists is that economists

try to understand and predict economic patterns

Women who practice polyandry tend to marry

two or more brothers

Privileged members of a society are usually___their privilege

unaware of

Westby's concept of dynamic literacy is best characterized as

understanding a text in the context of other texts

Ethnopsychology is largely concerned with

understanding how other societies make sense of selves, persons, and emotions

The anthropological theory that proposed that cultures will progress through phases of savagery and barbarism ultimately becoming civilization is

uni-lineal enculturation

A word that best described participant observation


Characteristics of market exchange are

value of goods determined through principle of supply and demand, its found mostly in sedentary societies, money is used for payment for goods and services

kinship chart

visual representation of family relationships

Deborah Tannen argues that one negative consequence for women of asking questions is that they may seem

weak and unconfident


when a man is simultaneously married to more than one woman


when a woman has two or more husbands at one time

A good example of disguised discrimination is

when shopkeepers or security guards follow black customers through stores


when something represents abstract ideas or concepts.

In the Oxfam article about arms and violence in Haiti, what sub population experienced the greatest suffering

women and children

The main reason men of the Malaysian Langkawi fishing community hand over their money to women is that

women decontaminate or ~wash~ money by using it to sustain the household

The way a people conceptualize the world provides a set of unquestioned assumptions about the world and how it works. Anthropologists call these conceptualizations a ______.


Non-national in jordan: statelessness as structural violence among gaza refugees in ordan 411

-similarities between conditions of neighborhood and jordan refugee camps. -abu asad (ex gaza refugee)-structural violence rooted in social order. -statelessness is a condition of rightlessness. -social structure. -human rights are dependent on sovereign states. -no state to protect them. -palestinian villages. -gazans were said to have no right to jordan citizenship. -only children under 6 recieve civil insurance program. -experiences of poverty. -status as stateless, priority of states and citizens over human rights

can white men jump 173

-sports geography, systematic. -x10 more genetic variation w in large populations than between populations. -genes dont directly cause traits; they only influence the system (increases lilkelihood) -nature vs nurture. -mind determination. -not genetic--> mind set -new records continue to be broken

Death Without Weaping 141

-takes place in northeast brazil. -very poor. -life expectancy only 40 years. -high infant/child mortality rate. -1 million children under the age of 5 die each year. -parents had to work so would leave child home alone to die. -feudalism, exploitation, institutionalised dependency. -indifference mother feel seem natural, but anticipated. -average of 9.5 pregnancies, 3.5 deaths, 1.5 stillbirths. -when babies die they say it was gods plan and that they are angels. -doctors over look health issues. -1990s health care program. -births and infant death declines, clean water, gangs

A foodways perspective on human evolution would emphasize:

-that people prefer the same kinds of fruit-based diet as primates, with periodic eating of meat -that changes in human dietary physiology are intertwined with how people grow, share, and eat food -that modes of subsistence evolve from the most simple, foraging, to the most complex, industrial agriculture

Economic anthropologists study

-the decisions people make about earning a living -what types of work people choose to do -the creation of value

For anthropologists, what is important about the existence of differences between populations in the ability to digest milk?

-the genetic aspects of the mutation that allows some populations to continue drinking milk into adulthood -the ways cultural beliefs and practices can support milk consumption -the social and political power of a milk industry.

What do environmental anthropologists study?

-the impact of pollution on certain groups -the effects of global economic changes on human-nature relationships -the impact of sustainable development initiatives on certain groups

A cultural constructionist who studies class would be interested in

-the ways intelligence tests are designed in ways that demonstrate that poor people are less intelligent than rich people -the cultural practices of an emerging middle class in a place like Nepal -the new ways in which class identities are combined with racial and ethnic identities, such as the idea that WASP signifies white or Jew signifies middle class

Why would English colonial leaders portray Africans as uncivilized heathens?

-to justify African slavery


-use of object for good fortune -prized possession

do muslim women really need saving

-white men claim to save brown women from brown men. -portabe seclusion. -status respectable and modest. -free in different ways. -other isires be more meaningful for different groups. -arrogance and superiority by westerner feminists

The Human diet is...


Food security refers to...

...access to sufficient nutritious food to be healthy and active.

Anthropologist Sidney Mintz observes that most people around the world usually... a common patterned diet of core-legume-fringe foods.

When did humans started eating meat?

1.8 billion years ago

Identify cultural frames in relationship to sports/violence/behavior from lecture and readings.

12 men- violence living room

How did Africans become "black" and Europeans become "White"?

1676: class rebellion was spurred by poor workers and indentured servants. Leaders began to divide people along color lines as a means of controlling people and preventing future rebellions. By the end of the seventeenth century, the terms "black" and "white" came to symbolize the differences between the two groups, shifting the emphasis of stratification from class to "race."

Linguists estimate that there are between ___ living languages today

3,000 and 10,000

Based on lecture what percent of US agriculture labor was born in Mexico


The concept that people have learned images, knowledge, and concepts of the physical landscape that affect how they will actually interact with it is called

A cultural landscape


A form of gift giving categorized under balanced reciprocity, which is with a friend or acquaintance and the time lag of reciprocity is short term as this is almost synonymous with trading

Theft, plunder

A form of negative reciprocity where the time lag of reciprocity is never and the social distance is categorized as extreme because the relationship is either with an enemy or another estranged relationship

Interpretive approach

A kind of analysis that interprets the underlying symbolic and cultural interconnections within a society.


A person belonging to a conservative religious movement that advocates a return to fundamental or traditional principles.


A symbolic system that is socially enacted through rituals and other aspects of social life including beings, beliefs, symbols, and social structures

Cargo system

A system of religious offices that has 4 hierarchical levels, each person who is involved in it carries a "cargo" meaning that they carry the burden of office for a year before they hand it over to the next carrier, the higher the level (rank) the more duties the person has

Which word is most closely linked to the Marxist perspective?

A: Inequality

According to Marshall Sahlins, when production is organized by families, it is....

A: The domestic mode of production

Exchange is a human universal.

A: True

The relative worth of an object or service is its value.

A: True

The use of money is a human universal.

A: True

The main difference between economists and economic anthropologists is that economists...

A: Try to understand and predict economic patterns

Food security refers to

Access to sufficient nutritious food to be healthy and active

A society with no government head or hierarchical struture is an ______ society.


as a form of dispute management can involve hearings presided over by respected people in a community.


A major social impact of industrial agriculture is _____, as can be seen by the creation of a peasant class.


The use of Arabic script to phonetically transcribe the phones of Pular, or Wolof is


When workers make only part of an object rather than the whole product, they have less of a relationship with the fruits of their labor. Karl Marx suggested that this changed relationship with the objects they were producing created a feeling of


Which of the following is a key argument of ethnobiologist Brent Berlin, who compared human classification system?

All human classification systems are reflective of an underlying cognitive structure of the human brain that organizes information in systematic ways

"Foodways" describe a perspective that approaches food as

All of the above

Anthropologists study of food holistically, which means that they focus on

All of the above

Consumer capitalism contributes to increasing ecological footprints in industrialized nations because

All of the above

Eating practices mark

All of the above

Foodways are dynamic because

All of the above

For anthropologists,what is important about the existence of differences between populations in the ability to digest milk?

All of the above

Intensification, a process that increases yields, includes

All of the above

The enclosure movement is important understanding Western conservation approaches because

All of the above

Traditional ecological knowledge is not well known in the West because

All of the above

What do environmental anthropologist study?

All of the above

Which of the following methods allowed Fairhead and Leach to make their conclusions about landscape change in Guinea?

All of the above

Which of the following reasons explains why a collaborative approach to conservation can be so challenging?

All of the above


Also categorized within generalized reciprocity, this is with a close friend such as neighbor or long term friend and the lag time of reciprocity is delayed but still expected

What is "fortress conservation"?

An approach to conservation that assumes that people are threatening to nature


An early theory that primitive peoples believed that inanimate objects such as trees, rocks, cliffs, hills, and rivers were animated by spiritual forces or beings.


An explanatory system of causation that does not follow naturalistic explanations, often works at a distance without direct physical contact.


Another form of gift giving that is categorized under balanced reciprocity. The time lag of reciprocity is immediate and the social distance is with a friend or acquaintance

Applied anthropologist

Anthropological research commissioned to serve an organization's needs

The view that nature and environmental conditions shape the characteristics and lifeways of a group of people is known as environmental ______


How are economic transactions, consumption, and exchanges related to social and individual identities?


Approximately how many children were born during the "baby boom"?

Approx. 77 million

The perception that the North American continent was an unpeopled wilderness during the early period of European settlement when British settlers arrived is an example of an

Artifactual landscape

Sometimes the very landscapes that westerners want to conserve without people on them are actually the result of indigenous involvement and manipulation. These are called ____ landscapes


How is divination used in medical models such as Kallawaya?

As a way to diagnose the person

Stages in Rogers' model of change

Awareness, interest, evaluation/trial, adoption

The nineteenth-century British anthropologist who is credited with the development of the concept of culture through an evolutionary perspective where the most evolved societies resembled the British societies in which he lived was

B. Taylor

A good illustration of the Marxist concept of surplus value is...

B: A worker makes one $30 sweater every hour in a factory but only makes $15

When a parent pays for a child's piano lessons, he or she is engaging in...

B: Generalized Reciprocity

The themes of reciprocity and gift exchange are critical to anthropologists because...

B: The exchange of gifts is the economy in many societies

The fragmentation of society into hostile factions is referred to as


Why was symbolic anthropologist Mary Douglas so interested in Jewish dietary laws?

Because they were a way to communicate symbolic piety

When divorced couples with kids get remarried they are sometimes called _____ families and consist of full siblings, step-siblings, and half-siblings.


How do religious rituals function politically?

By promoting fear By resolving disputes By legitimating community authority

When you are consuming an object, the process of taking possession of it is called...

C: Appropriation

Why is Karl Polanyi's distinction between formal and substantive economics important?

C: It recognizes that economies involve both how people think and the actual transactions they engage in

The exchange of brass rods for the purchase of cattle or the payment of a bride price is an example of the use of...

C: Limited-purpose money

The collection of goods in a community and the subsequent redivision of those goods among members of a society is called...

C: Redistribution

_____ is the economic system based on private ownership of the means of production, in which prices are set and goods distributed through a market


How does the practice of yoga differ from casual to spiritual in the US?

Causal yoga is using it as a form of P.E. but spiritual is focusing on your breath. It's a physical movement that can be spiritual because of chakras.

A special group of relatives who are all descended from a single ancestor is called a ____.


variation means that change is gradual across groups and that traits shade and blend into each other.


What is the prevailing medical model in the US today?

Clinical therapeutic proces

Differentiate open frames from closed (or narrow) frames.

Closed frames certain of expectation of how art is supposed to look like. Open frames are when you have no expectations of what art is supposed to look like


Conservative religious movements that advocate a return to fundamental or traditional principles.

A Navajo witch's ability to cause you physical pain because they have a piece of your hair is an example of ______magic?

Contagious magic

For the Yao in Thailand, swiddens are part of their


What is framing in the anthropological approach to art, play and sport?

Cultural context

Which perspective incorporates symbols and morals into the understanding of a society's economy?

Cultural economics

In the anthropology of art, what differentiates David from a rock?

Culture meaning from what he represents

Which perspective incorporates symbols and morals into the understanding of a society's economy?

D: Cultural economists

According to anthropologists, what social institution is the structured patterns and relationships through which people exchange goods and services?

D: Economic systems

Economies in which people seek high social rank, prestige, and power instead of money and material wealth are known as...

D: Prestige economies

In Malaysia capitalist entrepreneurship is...

D: Respectful of Islamic and Malay obligations and values

The main reason men of the Malaysian Langkawi fishing community hand over their money to women is that....

D: Women decontaminate money by using it to sustain the household

Culture change that occurs through the transfer of an idea or practice from one culture to another is referred to as


The cooperative organization of work into specialized tasks and roles is the ______

Division of labor

When is fundamentalism more likely to arise?

During times of rapid change, foreign domination, and perceived deprivation

Anthropologists Sidney Mintz observes that most people around the world usually

Eat a common patterned diet of core-legume-fringe foods

CMA focuses on how __and __ shape health, health care and healing ideologies

Economic, political power

Thomas Hobbes was a(n)

English philosopher who was concerned with the problem of disorder

A social movement that addresses the linkages between racial discrimination and justice, social equity, and environmental quality is

Environmental justice

Kenya's green belt movement is a good example of

Environmental justice

What is the difference between epidemic and endemic

Epidemic is often highly contagious but not always present in a community while endemic is always present in a community but usually at a less constant frequency

What are the three theoretical approaches medical anthropologists use to understanding health systems?

Epidemiologic, Social (interpretive), Critical

How did Americans aim to showcase their "civilization" after the Civil War?

Establishing formally protected areas

Local cultural definition of artistic quality is known as ________.


In the 1870s Lewis Henry Morgan studied kinship systems around the world and determined that American kinship was the most rational and descriptive system of all, despite the fact that many kin terms were as classificatory as any in Africa or New Guinea. Morgan's bias can be explained as an example of ____


Example of Placebo effect

Everyone in the study who received naproxen experienced pain reduction, but people told about the study who received only the placebo experienced more relief from pain than patients who received naproxen but were not told about the study

A key feature of the theory of primordialism is that ethnic groups are created by powerful interest groups in a society.


All feminist anthropologists agree that women's subordination is a human universal.


An ecological footprint is a measurement of the population an area can support.


Anthropologists care about how objects are created but not really how they are destroyed.


Big men can transfer their power and status through inheritance when they die.


Contemporary ecological science supports the idea that human cultural behaviors are solely shaped by the environment.


It has been proven that overpopulation will inevitably lead to global famine.


Nearly all cultures around the world give a similar importance to biological relatedness as the basis for defining a family.


One of the reasons intersex individuals interest anthropologists is how unusual and strange it is in a sexually dimorphic species.


People living in noncentralized political systems have generally welcomed their integration into centralized political systems because it provides greater security and prosperity for them.


Sex is a simple product of nature and biology.


Shamans usually act simultaneously as political leaders and healers in their communities.


Since the early nineteenth century, the traditional American family has consisted of a husband, a wife, a few children, and perhaps a pet.


T/F: It has been proven that overpopulation will inevitably lead to global famine


T/F: Societies tend to stick with one mode of subsistence


T/F: The ecological costs of producing beef in the United States are externalized on the landscape and water resources


T/F: The use of money is a human universal


T/F: When people around the world have disputes, they are most concerned with winning and losing


T/F: for anthropologists, power is largely located in the hands of state institutions and political offices


The principles of agroecology are at the heart of industrial agriculture.


There are more undernourished people than obese and overweight people in the world.


There is a biological connection between the trait of skin tone and other "racial" traits, such as certain facial features and bodily shapes.


When male and female ethnographers conduct fieldwork they enter into the same roles in the host culture so they usually make the same findings.


When people around the world have disputes, they are most concerned with winning and losing.


Which mode of subsistence includes the search for edible things?


One of anthropology's insights about the foraging mode of subsistence is that

Foraging people have a cultural view of their environments as giving

Forms of integration

Forms by which societies manage distribution: Reciprocity, Redistribution, and market exchange

Which term refers to expressions of sex and gender that diverge from the male and female norms which dominate in most societies?

Gender variance

Urban dwellers marked changes in class through beer consumption in which country?


Which is a society's separate legal and constitutional domain, the source of law, order, and legitimate force?


A society's separate legal and constitutional domain that is the source of law, order, and legitimate force is the ______


How do societies that do not have central governments maintain order?

Group consensus, or informal leadership through people, like elders.

Where did Paul Farmer complete his early work on HIV/AIDS?


A cultural relativist would be most likely to emphasize that pastoralists

Have developed effective social institutions and knowledge that ensure long-term sustainability of the landscape

Which English philosophers were concerned with the problem of disorder and argued that chaos is avoidable by creating strong government?

Hobbes and Locke

Examples of law of similarity

Hollywood voodoo doll, painting, carving, photo, hair witch, and nail clippings

Which subsistence practice emerged twelve thousand years ago?


According to Itzaj beliefs

Humans and nature exist in the same realm

What does it mean that all knowledge systems about the environment are culturally based?

Humans perceive their natural environments through the lens of metaphor, and metaphors are connected to actions, thought, and organization.

An example of a reflexive ethnographic statement would be

I was unable to watch the entire ritual because i was overcome with nausea as i watched them eat it

Fraser's 2 types of magic

Imitative magic and contagious magic

If you were asked to analyze food insecurity in your community as an anthropologist, what perspectives and concerns would you bring to the issue?

In Morris, the fact that we only have one grocery store that is expensive and does not offer a lot of variety or fresh fruits and veggies.

Why do foragers turn to agriculture?

Increased population density causes too much competition for resources

Long term damage to soil quality is typical of



Involves the distribution of some of a rich person's wealth, or the gathering together, or pooling, of resources in a common pool, followed by a reallocation of these resources (such as taxation)


Is fertility and prosperity

Generalized reciprocity

Is the form most extensively studied by anthropologists, because it is key to mechanisms of exchange in non market economies

Balanced reciprocity

Is the immediate form of reciprocity that includes the trading of balanced goods and the long term social consequences are less important (than in other forms) a good example of this would be bartering


Is the study of the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body

Which of the following is not true of economic anthropology?

It assumes that free market capitalism will take over the world.

Anthropologists are interested in the nutrition transition because

It explains widespread changes in bodily form, eating patterns, and everyday life in urban settings

Sustainable development for indigenous people involves which of the following elements?

It must create sustainable alternatives to economic activities that deplete natural resources

Why do environmental anthropologists study formal nature protection?

It often generates social conflicts

Why was meat eating important for human evolution?

It provides high quality protein for human brain development

Why was meat eating important for human evolution?

It provides high-quality protein for human brain development

Why is Karl Polanyi's distinction between formal and substantive economics important?

It recognizes that economies involve both how people think and the actual transactions they engage in

Why is Fairhead and Leach's study about landscape change in Guinea important?

It shows why forests can increase because of human population growth and cultivation

Which of the following would be UNLIKELY as an explanation given by a cultural anthropologist for the existence of food insecurity among the poor?

Its related to the ignorance of the poor to effectively feed themselves

laws in the US South after the Civil War are a good illustration of explicit discrimination.

Jim Crow

What population in northern Iraq and Turkey is a nation without a state


What is an epidemiological transition and when/why have three occurred?

Large scale changes in population level patterns of disease. The three have occurred because of growing population density

Intensive agriculture is

Large-scale farming, which uses a lot of inputs

How would you use structural-functionalism in a study of how order in your university is maintained?

Looking at how religion, politics, or kinship play a role in maintaining social order and equilibruim at the school.

Pastoralism persists today as a primary mode of subsistence mainly in___


______ criticized substantivists for lack of attention to individual economic behavior and rationality

Marshall Sahins

Which of the following is a theoretical approach to how economics create value used in society?


Which anthropologist argued that Jewish dietary laws are intended to transmit piety?

Mary Douglas

Which of the theories of totemism discussed in the text could help us understand the importance of mascots in American sports?

Mascots are symbols of the team and help celebrate team identity

What pivotal evolutionary shift happened around 1.8 to 2 million years ago that is closely related to human foodways?

Meat consumption increased

The practice in which a third party intervenes in a dispute to aid the parties in reaching an agreement is called _____


You and your sibling are fighting over who gets to use the family car. When your parent intervenes and seeks a solution that is agreeable to both of you, it is an example of


In the US, a MD may prescribe chemotherapy and include referral for acupuncture, this is an example of ___

Medical syncretism

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of how food preferences relate to gender?

Men always love meat, no matter which culture they are from

Which of the following is not true of how food preferences relate to gender?

Men always love meat, no matter which culture they are from

How does gender differentiation help organize women's and men's food preferences?

Men: eat foods as a sign of their virility Women: eat softer and more tender foods, or fruits with femininity.

There has been a reduction of maize varieties in Mexico. What is the primary reason for it?

Mexican agricultural policies favored cheap imports from the united states

There has been a reduction of maize varieties in Mexico. What is the primary reason for it?

Mexican agriculture policies favored cheap imports from the United States

How did NAFTA impact Mexico apparel manufacture in relationship to Chinese production?

NAFTA made Mexican labor as attractive as Chinese labor in the global appeal manufacturing market

Which economic theory studies how people make decisions to allocate resources like time, labor, and money in order to maximize their personal satisfaction?

Neoclassical economics

Are emotions such as anger experienced same across culutres

No, cultures such as the Iiongot have an ethnopsychological category of liget that is distinct from the idea of anger

The concept of _______ is useful because it points to the ways in which power is not simply the exercise of will over others but diffused across a social field

Noncentralized power

Gift exchange for Marcel Mauss is based in


According to lecture, Durkheim proposed that religion played a central role in ____.

Offering a single answer and social cohesion through shared symbols and rituals

The human diet is


What relationship between nature and human does Western thoughts emphasize?


One reason many environmental anthropologists are skeptical of ______ as a sole explanation for environmental degradation is that it doesn't recognize that different societies and people within each society consume differing amounts of resources.


Choose a meal you like to eat. Apply a foodways perspective to analyze it.

Pizza. Ate it all the time, every friday night with family. Now that's changing as I am in the processes of embracing a gluten free-diet.

Problems with the reintroduction of ethnobotany for healing?

Plants may not always be safe

What does transformation-representation have to do with art?

Play with form, producing some aesthetically successful transformation

Analyses that focus on the linkages between politcal-economic power, social inequality, and ecological destruction are typical of which approach?

Political ecology

Analyses that focus on the linkages between political-economic power, social inequality, and ecological destruction are typical of which approach?

Political ecology

The relationships and processes of cooperation, conflict, and power, which are fundamental aspects of human life, are encompassed by


____ encompasses the relationships and processes of cooperations, conflict, and power that are fundamental aspects of human life


Archaeologists find it easiest to study changing styles and fashions through which of the following classes of object?


In the US _____ are often used by young people to attain an altered state of consciousness. What differentiates this recreational use from a healing experience in a traditional medical model?

Psychoactive drugs. Difference is that healing other things go along with it.

Culture bound syndromes

Psychological conditions and physical symptoms that only occur (or are only meaningful) in a specific culture. ex: Anorexia nervosa, Amok (Malay sudden mood change/aggression), Dhat syndrome (India premature ejaculation), Genital retraction syndrome (Malay Koro, Sudan melting penis/cell phone phenomenon), Latah (SE Asia women, obey, not responsible for acts), Susto (Latin America, fright)

is a concept that organizes people into groups based on specific physical traits that are thought to reflect fundamental and innate differences.


____ is the repressive practices, structures, beliefs, and representations that uphold racial categories and social inequality


is the repressive practices, structures, beliefs, and representations that uphold racial categories and social inequality.



Refers to a wide range of exchanges involving goods and services between relatively equal individuals or groups

Which of the following social structures was identified as a way that African societies maintained order?

Religious practices and beliefs Kinship systems Associations

The anthropologist who studied labor practices among !Kung bushmen was

Richard Lee

What is the role of the shaman in ethnomedical models, treating/curing mental illness and in society in general?

Ritual healer, diagnose (divine) and treat

Which of the following reasons explain why a collaborative approach to conservation can be so challenging?

Scientists and conservationists are often skeptical of indigenous knowledge claims

What are the factors or patterns that may affect diffusion?

Selectivity, reciprocity, modification, and likelihood

Social marketing aims to

Selling Ideas/ selling change

The reproductive forms and functions of the body are referred to as our _____.


What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex is the reproductive forms and functions of the body; gender is the cultural expectation of how males and females should behave

What is aperson'shabitual sexual attraction to, and sexual activities with, persons of the opposite sex, same sex, or both sexes?

Sexual orientation

What was so difficult about Japanese American anthropologist Tamie Tsuchiyama's fieldwork in a World War II internment camp?

She had to navigate complicated dynamics of prejudice and resentment.

The Revolutionary United Front was operating in which country?

Sierra Leone

Power that transcends individuals, operating in settings and orchestrating settings in which social and individual actions take place, is

Structural power

Ethnomedicine is ____

Studying the health systems of particular cultures and the beliefs and behaviors are utilized to create and maintain a state of health.

There are four major modes of ______ that anthropologists understand as the social relationships and practices necessary for procuring, producing, and distributing food.


Identification cards are an example of


_____ development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


In a tropical environment with low population density, which subsistence strategy should be used?

Swidden agriculture

Andean Kallawaya medicine is classified as what type of medical model?

Symbolic therapeutic process or Humoral models

Geertz's theory of religion

System of symbols

The practice of referring to people by the names of their children (such as father of Peter or mother of Susan) is called _______.


A foodways perspective on human evolution would emphasize

That changes in human dietary physiology are intertwined with how people grow, share, and eat food

Cultural proscriptions on art - nude David and the Queen

The Queen didn't want to see David because he was naked

Medical pluralism

The co-existence and interpenetration of distinct medical traditions with different cultural roots in the same cultural community.

Which part of the Zapotec agricultural system does not correspond well to Western ecological understandings?

The idea that maize has a soul

Medical syncretism

The integrated use of traditional and biomedical practices.

A key component of nutritional anthropology as defined by Audrey Richards was attention to

The interrealtionship between biology,health, ecology,politcal-economic, and cultural concerns

A nutritional anthropologist who studies the nutrition transition would probably focus on all of the following except

The labor conditions of migrant workers

Just before World War II anthropologists Alfred Kroeber and Jane Richardson published one of the earliest analyses of a modern commodity, focusing in particular on women's skirts. If you were going to build on their study by examining basketball shorts and jerseys, which of the following would you collect data about?

The length of basketball shorts from one period to another

An anthropologist who studies the cultural landscape of Zapotec farmers of southern Mexico would be primarily interested in

The meanings and images they have of nature that shape their farming experiences

Applying CMA to alcoholism entails gaining an understanding of individual as well as___ and ___ social factors.

The microsocial level, intermediate

In a kinship system with matrilineal descent, who does a man inherit his rights to land and clan wealth from?

The mother's brother

The social processes that make race part of the natural order of things--by producing theories, schemes, and typologies about human differences is

The naturalization of race

E. E. Evans-Pritchard described the system of segmentary lineage among

The nuer

Victims of progress

The people that need the help

Traditional development typically serves whose interests?

The people who started the development


The psychological and social experience the patient has of a disease.

Political ecological perspectives are applicable to all of the following except

The relationship between high birth rates and overfishing

Negative reciprocity

The rightmost side of the spectrum of reciprocity, includes outright trickery, theft, and plunder

To understand aggression in society, we have to understand which of the following factor(s)?

The role of the state in promoting conflicts. The availability of weapons. Cultural attitudes toward violence.

What is ethnobotany?

The study of traditional uses of plant resources for healing

If you applied the notion of transactional orders to understand a scandal in which a college professor accepts payment for a grade, you would most likely focus on

The symbolic meanings Americans hold about the morality of education and student-teacher relations

What is the most important thing that the core-legume-fringe dietary pattern indicates about how people eat?

There is a common general pattern of how people around the world eat.

How does Kung access to healing practices differ from access to medicine in US culture?

They all dance together which activates thing that wouldn't normally be activated and give support to the person that is sick. In the US we lay in bed or take medicine to get better and no one is really there to support us.

One of the primary reasons indigenous leaders criticize the dominant model for administering protected environmental area is

They assume nature must be uninhabited by people

How does the Cuban model of medicine differ from the US and what implications does this have globally?

They doctors do not have as much status as doctors and medical school is free so anyone can be a doctor. The implications is that when other countries need doctors Cuba can send them to that country in exchange for something they want (for oil in Venezuela and to E. Timor).

In Egypt's response to swine flu, what group was differentially impacted?

They killed all the pigs in Egypt and this impacted Coptic Christians that were

Why do health disparities occur?

They persist socioeconomic factors¸ Patient preferences, Appropriateness of intervention

European colonial regimes commonly instituted controls on native people's use of natural resources

To eliminate native competition against the European businesses exploiting raw materials

Identify examples of how art, play and expressive culture play a role in childhood enculturation.

Training and skill acquisition (play, myth- stories), Rules of the game, sportsmanship, Identity and meaning in song, dance, body art

The Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania practice

Transhumant pastoralism

A key feature of any economy is that it organizes people into social roles. In the case of capitalism, these roles include the state, consumer, laborer, and capitalist.


A key feature of political anthropologist Maxwell Owusu's perspective on democracy in Ghana is that the state will work better if village chiefs play a role in decision-making


A key feature of political anthropologist Maxwell Owusu's perspective on democracy in Ghana is that the state will work better if village chiefs play a role in decision-making.


All knowledge systems about nature, including science, are culturally based.


Although Russians do use money to buy things, they also rely on bartering when money is scarce.


Although Russians do use money to buy things, they also rely on blat when money is scarce.


Anthropologists agree that, in addition to prejudice and discrimination, unearned privilege upholds social inequality.


Beliefs get most of their power from being socially enacted repeatedly through rituals and other religious behaviors.


Buddhism is neither monotheistic nor polytheistic.


Capitalism is the economic system based on private ownership of the means of production, in which prices are set and goods distributed through a market.


Chief Andres was responsible for the well-being of his community therefore many families were primarily interested in whether or not he had approved the research when completing their informed consent to participate in research


Famines are often caused by not environmental factors but social factors like inequality.


Genetically speaking, humans are a remarkably homogeneous species: there is far greater variation within human groups than there is between them.


Gift exchanges are important because people everywhere invest symbolic meaning in the things they give, receive, and consume


In every society there is a gap between that society's ideal family and the real families that exist.


In many parts of the world food is very important way of communicating social identity


In nearly all societies with any degree of social stratification, more men are in leadership roles than women, not only in political roles but also in economic and social roles involving trade, exchange, kinship relations, ritual participation, and dispute resolution.


In some hunter-gather groups relations are egalitarian and women can become leaders of a band.


In some hunter-gatherer groups relations are egalitarian and women can become leaders of a band.


In some societies witchcraft accusations can work as an informal method of social control


It is unusual for human adults to be able to digest milk.


Objects and visual images have many things in common because both can be used to construct meaning for people.


One of the key functions of family is controlling and managing its members' wealth.


One strategy from lecture for deconstructing racism is to begin to judge your own behavior based on your own values and in this way replacing ascribed status with achieved status for the allocation of entitlements and privilege


Professor Price will be annoyed with me if I use the term "Caucasian" to describe white people in my essays.


Race can become biology, by shaping people's biological outcomes due to disparities in access to certain kinds of healthcare and diets, exposure to certain kinds of diseases, and other factors that can make people either sick or healthy.


T/F: All knowledge systems about nature, including science, are culturally based.


T/F: Anthropologists agree that, in addition to prejudice and discrimination, unearned privilege upholds social inequality.


T/F: Exchange is a human universal


T/F: Famines are often caused by not environmental factors, but social factors like inequality


T/F: Foragers tend to work less to survive than agriculturalists or pastoralists


T/F: Gift exchanges are important because people everywhere invest symbolic meaning into the things they give, receive, and consume


T/F: In many parts of the world, food is a very important way of communicating social identity


T/F: In some societies, witchcraft accusations can work as an informal method of social control


T/F: Most human diets follow a common pattern


T/F: Patterns of social inequality and racial discrimination have important biological consequences for certain groups, such as African Americans.


T/F: To follow political action one must be familiar with society's rules and codes about who gets to exercise power and under what conditions


The central point of the concept of spheres of exchange is to make a distinction between general- and limited-purpose money.


The ecological costs of producing beef in the United States are externalized on the landscape and water resources.


To follow political action one must be familiar with society's rules and codes about who gets to exercise power and under what conditions


T/F: People living in noncentralized political systems have generally welcomed their integration into centralized political systems because it provides greater security and prosperity for them.


The Navajo use of the swirl in traditional weaving was ended because of ____

Used to symbolize a something good but then transformed into a negative symbol

The relative worth of an object or service is its ____


The use of force to harm someone or something is


How is violence culturally constructed?

Violence is learned in particular cultural contexts, and violence is not primal, arbitrary, or chaotic. It tends to follow cultural patterns, rules, and ethics.

Market exchange

Where goods or services are exchanged for money

Does race have biological consequences?

Yes, because of racism

Why does Zimbabwean view of dancing differ from the US view of dancing, (Brazilian too?)?

Zimbabwean open frame and US close frame

sexually dimorphic

a characteristic of a species in which males and females have different sexual forms

An ethical approach to anthropological research would emphasize

a commitment to do no harm, the rejection of clandestine research, responsibilities toward the host country and the people you are studying

The concept that people have images, knowledge, and concepts of the physical landscape that affect how they will actually interact with it is called

a cultural landscape

The concept that people have images, knowledge, and concepts of their physical landscape that affect how they will actually interact with it is called

a cultural landscape

The limitation of culture and personality studies was that they assumed

a culture has only one personality type, childhood enculturation determines adult personality, and our own concept of individual was not sufficiently questioned


a form of thought and language (or symbolizing) that asserts a meaningful link between two expressions from different semantic domains

In contemporary ethnography anthropologists often provide a description of "foreign word" and then adopt it. This action is known as

a gloss


a group composed of relatives who are directly descended from known ancestors


a group of relatives who claim to be descended from a single ancestor

Social support therapeutic process

a healing process that involves a patients social networks, especially close family members and friends, who typically surround the patient during an illness ex: Ningerum


a large sum of money or in-kind gifts given to a daughter to ensure her well-being in her husbands family

Lactase production ceases in adulthood for whom?

a majority of people in the world

A structural functionalist would be most likely to analyze violence as

a means of creating and maintaining social order

A structural-functionalist would be most likely to analyze violence as

a means of creating and maintaining social order

What was the main reason for gender's inception?

a means to divide societal tasks


a patterned form of behavior that follows a sequence of symbolic activities that are often defined by myth.

A common element among fundamentalists is

a pervasive sense of belonging to their group

Hijras interest anthropologists mainly because they are

a reflection of a gender/sex system that sees meaning in combining male and female


a social pattern in which members of a clan must marry someone from another clan which has the effect of building political economic and social ties with other class

Which of the following research projects would an ethnobiologist be most likely to join?

a study of the ways an indigenous society classifies plant life


a system of naming parents by the names of their children (julias mom)

"Foodways" describes a perspective that approaches food as

a tangible object that provides nutrition, a conduit for social relationships, symbolic

in "Too Many Bananas" what item did the author buy (with money) that Kolia demanded be returned?

a watermelon

"Berdache Tradition": Among the Lakota Sioux, what vision might indicate that an individual will become a berdache?

a white buffalo calf

a good illustration of the Marxist concept of surplus value is

a worker makes one $30 sweater every hour but gets paid only $15

For anthropologists, power is

about how people manage social relationships through force, influence, persuasion, and control over resources.

Food security refers to

access to sufficient nutritious food to be healthy and active

A society with no governmental head or hierarchical structure is a/an___society


In an _______ society, food-sharing, kin relations, and consensus-building are all key aspects of politics.


The !Kung people of southern Africa are an example what kind of society?


the !Kung people of Southern Africa are an example of what kind of society?


A society without a head of state is called a(n)

acephalous society

The idea that there are specific rules and codes surrounding the exercise of power is a key feature of ______ theory.


Research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people is

action anthropology

The process by which organisms adjust beneficially to their environment, or the characteristics by which they overcome hazards and gain access to the resources they need to survive, is called


The legal process by which an individual or council with socially recognized authority intervenes in a dispute and unilaterally makes a decision is


__as a form of dispute management can involve hearings presided over by respected people in a community


Development anthropologists often think of themselves as

advocates of poor and marginalized people

kinship based on marriage


In Uganda, male circumcision is associated with

age grades, the transition to adult masculine roles, and physical tests

Intensive cultivation, relying more on animal power and technology defines


The creation of surplus is an important characteristic of


The creation of surplus of food resources is an important characteristic of


How is San Pedro cactus used in Chile, and what outcomes can it achieve?

alcohol abuse and domestic violence

before alcoholism was seen as a disease it was understood as a

all fo the above

'Foodways' describes a perspective that approaches food as

all of the above

Consumer capitalism contributes to increasing ecological footprints in industrialized nations because

all of the above

Eating practices mark

all of the above

Foodways are dynamic because

all of the above

Intensification, a process that increases yields, includes

all of the above

One of the primary reasons indigenous leaders criticize the dominant model for administering protected environmental areas is

all of the above

according to anthropologists, economies are shaped by which factors ?

all of the above

anthropologists today recognize that artists can

all of the above

body modification includes

all of the above

dimensions of objects include:

all of the above

seeking out and possessing consumer goods is a way that people

all of the above

the themes of reciprocity and gift exchange are critical to anthrologists because

all of the above

which of the following is a theoretical approach to how economies create value used in society?

all of the above

Which of the following is an element of violence? it is an efficient way to transform a social environment all of the answers are correct a highly visible assertion of power the use of force to cause harm to someone or something

all of the answers are correct

Why is the description of conflict as "ethnic violence" misleading? it implies age-old conflicts that are not affected by historical or political events it ignores the peaceful interactions of groups over time all of the answers are correct it suggests that violence is biological and certain "ethnic" groups are more violent than others

all of the answers are correct

Consumption serves to create ____________

all of these (i.e personal identities, cultural meaning,social relationships)

According to anthropologists, economies are shaped by which factors?

all of these (i.e the decisions people make about earning a living, social relationships, culture and morality)

Economic anthropologists study

all of these (i.e. the creation of value, the decisions people make about earning a living, what types of work people choose to do)

Marcel Mauss studied gift giving in Non-Western societies, and focused on the function of group solidarity. In his view, individual self-interest was tempered by a societal notion of obligation surrounding gift exchange, which he said was ________

all of these were identified by Mauss as obligations ( i.e. the obligation to receive, the obligation to reciprocate in appropriate ways, the obligation to give)

The human mind is

an information processor, responsible for emotions and imagination, capable of creating cognitive models

Which of the following is the most significant aspect of the salvage paradigm?

anthropologists need to collect information from societies before they die out

What historic trends are evidenced on the mortality curves for Swedish females?

antibiotics, transformation of health care, and social support

Breast milk offers__which is/are missing from alternative infant foods such as formula

antibodies specific to the maternal environment

If you wanted to study ethnographically how LGBTQ identities are being normalized on your campus, you would likely be sensitive to

any ethical quandaries that emerge in the course of your research. how people make meaning of these identities and differentiate them. how social differences intersect with these identities.


any form of plural marriage

A CAFO is an efficient model of producing meat, it is based upon

applying industrial efficiency to the production of agricultural products

The wearing of cultural symbols of power as Halloween costumes is considered


When you are consuming a object, the process of taking possession of it is called


When you are consuming an object, the process of taking possession of it is called


When you are consuming an object, the process of taking procession of it is called


The sub-field of anthropology that studies the material remains of past cultures, often focusing on settlement patterns, is called



are sets of rules established by some formal authority.


are the most oppressed social category in India

The perception that the North American continent was an unpeopled wilderness during the early period of European settlement when British settlers arrived is an example of an

artifactual landscape

how does the Akanksha clinic encourage surrogates to view their wombs

as a spare room available for rent

Race is an example of

ascribed status

Typically friendships are based on similarities but in the case of compadrazgo in Bolivia is often used to

assure labor availability of patrons and pay for school needs of zafreros

the exercise of political power refers to:


According to neo-evolutionary theory, non-centralized political systems include

bands and tribes

anthropologist George Gmelch studied which sport where he found that players used a lot of magic?



based on descent through through a single descent line, either males or females

In the core-legume-fringe dietary patterns, legumes can be


Why is menarche largely hidden in US culture?

because early reproduction is costly under out industrial or post industrial mode of production

In many societies people resolve disputes by restoring harmony, although people are not always satisfied with this resolution. Why?

because of a preference for justice, fairness, and the rule of law

in many societies, people resolve disputes by restoring harmony, although people are not always satisfied with this resolution. Why?

because of a preference for justice, fairness, and the rule of law

European colonial regimes commonly instituted controls on native people's use of natural resources

because the colonial administrations purchased the lands where the resources were located

Several cultures use a Moot to resolve disputes, yet people from the us do not see clear winners and losers with this resolution. Why?

because the goal of moot is restoring harmony rather than creating fair punishment

Based on lecture how is David framed within durable cultural institutions?

biblical character

What type of descent is most commonly used among Americans to trace their ancestry?


A paradigm that emphasizes humans that are made up of complex biological, cultural, and psychological processes is


According to lecture, sex is__while gender is__

biological, cultural

_________ is/are example(s) of non-verbal communication that we discussed in class

body posture, eye contact, hand gestures

Although most Americans think that kinship is basically about biological relatedness, anthropologists have long recognized that kinship is about relationships that can also be established though which of the following linkages?

by being related to someone who is related to you by acting like a relative by religious rites like christenings that identify a nonrelative as a relative (such as a godfather or a godmother)

Based on Lee's "Eating Christmas in the Kalahari", how could Lee have better predicted and understood the !Kung response to his ox?

by sharing food with them over the year

Animal call systems

can only communicate in response to real-world stimuli

The maximum population a given area can support is

carrying capacity

A key difference between caste and social class is

caste divides people in terms of moral purity, class in socioeconomic terms


categorizing a social phenomena as medical (biological given) to purposefully or inadvertently ignore its political and economic causes

In the neo-evolutionary typology of political organization, a state is a

centralized group of people who have a high population density and participate in intensive agriculture.

In the neo-evolutionary typology of political organization, a chiefdom is a

centralized group of people who have a medium population density and participate in extensive agriculture.

__is a political system, such as a chiefdom or a state, in which certain individuals and institutions hold power and control over resources

centralized political system

rank societies are most commonly associated with


policing childhood through the learning channels toddlers and tiaras

child pageants are the site of cultural production, functions as a cultural script for issues of class gender race geography and parent-child relations. -normalization of gender roles, childhood, and class get critiques and reproduced of that deemed proper. -threat of loss of childhood. -deviant of mothers (pathological or dysfunctional) -working class student supported themselves, -white trash, geo-economic lives, rural-urban divide, poor continue to be poor.--used to express social contempt w in white community, justify inequality (blaming poor for poverty) -natural childhood is under threat, long term consequences, goes to the role mothers are given, constructed ideal is not true for majority, honey boo boo doesn't deserve a show, then who does? -notion of watching trainwrecks, moral superiority,- woman forcing woman into roles of inequality

cross-cousin marriage involves

children of parents' opposite-sex siblings

when a doctor observes a patients symptoms and prescribes a treatment that he or she thinks will act directly on the patients body to cure the problem, the doctor s adopting which kind of treatment process?

clinical therapeutic process

A substantivist would be most likely to explain the Kula cycle as

closely tied to important social institutions, such as kin networks, trading ties, and political structure.

Which of the following is a contributing factor to the development of creoles, pidgins, and other hybrid forms of language?

colonialism, globalization, migration

An example of the core part of the core-legume-fringe pattern of food is

complex carbohydrates

What capital is required for agricultural production, environmental variability in crop productivity eventually lead to the __ of landholdings

concentrate ownership

kinship based on blood


An important dimension of political power is

control over material, human, and symbolic resources

An important dimension of political power is

control over symbolic resources, control over material resources, control over human resources

most families function as groups of real people who work together towards common ends. Such family groups are referred to as

coperate group

Most families function as groups of real people who work together toward common ends. Such family groups are referred to as a

corporate group

What part does the Tsukiji market play in the international tuna trade? (from CC13b How Sushi Went Global by T. Bestor)

creates and deploys Japanese cultural capital for the world to see, orchestrates and responds to culinary tastes of the Japanese, solely defines supply and demand and therefore determines the definition of quality tuna

Besides being interested in descriptions of particular cultures, the cultural anthropologist is interested in

cross-cultural comparisons

Of human adaptive modalities discussed in lecture, which is the most rapid and plastic


Which perspective incorporates symbols and morals into the understanding of a society's economy?

cultural economics


cultural expectations of how males and females should behave

_______ is the abandonment of an existing practice or trait, with or without replacement

cultural loss

The moral and intellectual principle that one should withhold judgement about seemingly strange or exotic beliefs and practices is

cultural relativism

According to the textbook, a key feature of___is that it refers to the taken-for-granted notions, rules, moralities, and behaviors within a social group that feel natural


A biocultural perspective on the evolution of our species would emphasize that

culture is an emergent and dynamic element of our species' biological evolution

____________ is one of the challenging mental aspects of doing field work

culture shock

The importance of a phenomenon like revenge suicide in Papua New Guinea is that it

demonstrates that the non-powerful have ways of exercising political power

Richard Lee (in The Hunters: Scarce Resources in the Kalahari) feels that the key to successful subsistence for many hunter-gatherers, such as the !Kung, is

dependence largely on a diet of edible plants

Which of the following features are characteristics of language?

developed over times, flexible, dynamic

The spread of cultural elements from one culture to another through culture contact. It is also responsible for the greatest amount of culture change


_______ refers to a linguistic situation where two varieties of the same language are spoken by the same person at different times and under different social situations.


Anthropologist George W. Stocking, Jr., suggested that researchers should try to look at objects in several _______, beyond just height, width, and depth, including time, power, wealth, and aesthetics.


In Bouegois ethnographic account of crack in Harlem he uses___to help the reader understand the crack economy

direct quotes from dealers, his personal stories, and an etic analysis

what is the most striking difference between a physicians approach to a sick patient and a medical anthropologists perspective?

doctors will focus on the clinical processes that explain the disease, while medical anthropologists will want to look at the illness from all perspectives

Forced change vs change by choice

doesn't actually change anything it just pushes everything underground, but change by choice changes things

Anthropologist Sidney Mintz observes that most people around the world usually

eat a common patterned diet of core-legume-fringe foods

when people consume films cross-culturally, they...

embed local concerns and interpretations into the storytelling

The insider view of culture is known as the

emic perspective

The process of learning culture from a very young age is called


The process through which we acquire and transmit culture is know as


The Kung dance to activate the num into kia, what is kia used for?



entails a third party who intervenes in a dispute to aid the parties in reaching an agreement.

The Mayan Cofradia system converts labor, generosity, money into


A social movement that addresses the linkages between racial discrimination and injustice, social equity, and environmental quality is

environmental justice

which system of kinship terminology is typical of most industrialized cultures, including our own


Violence between ethnic groups is not inevitable, but the idea that it is persists. Which of the following is NOT a reason for its persistence?

ethnic groups actually do fight with each other all the time

In depth descriptive studies of a specific culture are called


In anthropology, the detailed description of a single society based on fieldwork is called


An anthropologist who study the relationship between language and culture is working in the field of


While technically based on an ethnography, a/an __________ investigates cultural patterns revealed in cross-cultural comparisons and help to develop anthropological theories to explain the similarities and differences that may be seen among cultural groups


Studying the emic concepts of health and healing is ____


The study of how people classify things in the world is called


If you wanted to understand the norms of a society, you would be most likely to focus on

everyday interactions

Fair trade is an effort to make __ more personal and equal


bride price or bride wealth

exchange of gifts or money to compensate another clan or family for the loss of one of its women along with her productive and reproductive abilities in marriage

When you are consuming an object, the process of taking possession of it is called

exchange value

When social norms dictate that someone from a particular clan must marry outside of that clan, anthropologists say that the clan is


The story of Nacirema uses___ typical in the ethnography of the day

exotified language

gender variance

expressions of sex and gender that diverge from the male and female norms that dominate in most societies

In the 1960s Brazil government promoted an empty space colonization campaign to develop areas of the Amazon used by horticultural and foraging societies. The reason the Amazon was considered empty is because foraging and horticulture production are


A key feature of political anthropologist Maxwell Owusu's perspective on democracy in Ghana is that the state will work better if village chiefs play a role in decision-making.


Based upon the reading by Patten, men in the Cewa community of Malawi had to change their cultural values regarding children, to improve child survival


Chiefdom's are rarely hereditary


Contemporary ecological science supports the idea that human cultural behaviors are solely shaped by the environment.


Corruption is a serious problem in only non-Western societies.


Cultural patterns are determined by genes


Environmental anthropologists accept the idea that all indigenous people are environmentalists.


Ethnobiologists are primarily interested in the conservation traditions of non-Western peoples.


In the Kula and Sagali exchanges the prestige lies in receiving items such as armbands and skirts, not in giving them.


People living in non-centralized political systems have generally welcomed their integration into centralized political systems because it provides greater security and prosperity for them.


The US war of terror was effective because it made us less fearful of terrorism


The use of money is a human universal


The use of money is a human universal.


When people around the world have disputes, they are most concerned with winning and losing.


corruption is only a serious problem in non-Western societies


in the Kula and Sagali exchanges the prestige lies in receiving items such as armbands and skirts, not giving them.


studies have shown that marriage is mostly about sex


the economic system in the US is an example of pure (laissez-faire) capitalism


nuclear family

family formed by a married couple and their children

In "Too Many Bananas", what does Kolia suggest the author do with all the bananas when the author complains he has too many and they are spoiling?

feed them to guests

Which of the following are areas of social activity that globalization affects?

finances, communication, migration


focuses on comparisons of culture for theoretical understanding

The structured beliefs and behaviors surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food make up


Which is a weapon of the weak

foot dragging, non-compliance, and desertion

People who practice which way of life work the least?


Induced abortion and infanticide are more likely to be used to control fertility in a __society than in an industrial society


What mode of production have humans used to meet their needs for over 90% of human evolution?


Which mode of production holds reciprocity and sharing in the highest regard, often going as far as punishing those who do not consistently share?


Which mode of subsistence includes the search for edible things?


Dunbar's maximum size of a social network is related to group size among

foraging bands

The original affluent society refers to observations of leisure time among

foraging bands

One of the anthropology insights about foraging mode of subsistence is that

foraging people have a cultural view of their environment as giving like a mother

What does genealogical amnesia mean?

forgetting whole groups of family members

Frugivores eat


The theory of culture that proposes that cultural practices, beliefs, and institutions fulfill the psychological and physical needs of society is called


what are people who belong to conservative religious movements that advocate a return to traditional principles called?


Margaret Mead's comparative study of sexual differences in three Papua New Guinea societies is important because it is among the first studies to make a distinction between biological sex and cultural _______.


is the set of cultural expectations for how males and females should behave.


All societies divide labor by these criteria

gender and age

Expressions of sex and gender that diverge from the male and female norms that dominate in most societiesis called

gender variance

which term refers to expression of sex and gender that diverge from the male and female norms that are predominate in most societies

gender variance

Anthropologists commonly refer to the ideas and social patterns a society uses to organize males, females, and those who do not fit either category as

gender/sex systems

When a parent pays for a child's piano lessons, he or she is engaged in

generalized reciprocity

Pure gift

given amongst intimate friend or lover, and the lag time of reciprocity is never expected, it is categorized within generalized reciprocity

When Wilson defines and adopts the term nega in her ethnography she communicates something more than clack, this strategy in ethnography is known as a


corporate groups

groups of real people who work together toward a common ends, much like a corporation dos

A cultural relativist would be most likely to emphasize that pastoralists

have developed effective social institutions and knowledge that ensure long-term sustainability of the landscape

health and illness..

have much variation throughout different cultures and societies

When Gandhi engaged in public fasting

he forced people in power to acknowledge his interests and encouraged them to take action

When anthropologists go into the field

hey go with a set of questions they want to ask and have answered, they often change the focus of their question to fit what they are seeing, they often go with the flow of everyday life, even if it seems off-topic at the time

Anthropologist Ashraf Ghani's successes as a finance minister and presidential candidate in Afghanistan can be attributed to what?

his attentiveness to local social norms and priorities

on the north coast of Papua New Guinea, a religious cult leader named Barjani was remembered through which object?

his hat

Anthropologists doing fieldwork typically involve themselves in many different experiences. They try to investigate not just one aspect of culture (such as the political system) but how all aspects relate to each other (for example, how the political system fits with economic institutions, religious beliefs, etc.). This approach is called the __________ perspective


The ___perspective aims to identify and understand cultures in their entirety


Anthropologists study diversity of diets, cultural beliefs surrounding food, and complex interactions between nutrition and environment, which means they study it


Movement across an area in search of grazing lands is called

horizontal migration

Maintaining fallow period is essential for the sustainability which system of production?


The use of only hand tools combined with slash and burn cultivation defines


What did anthropologists help colonial administrators understand?

how acephalous societies organized themselves.

Legal anthropologists study..

how people solve disputes

For anthropologist, political power refers to

how power is used to attain goals for the good of the community

For anthropologists, political power refers to

how power is used to attain goals for the good of the community

For anthropologists, political powerrefers to

how power is used to attain goals for the good of the community

for anthropologists, political power refers to:

how power is used to attain goals for the good of the community

A formalist anthropologist doing fieldwork in a supermarket would be most interested in

how shoppers decide which cat food to buy when they have fifteen varieties to choose from

Structural violence (structural suffering) results from

human health problems caused by political and economic problems such as war, famine, terrorism, forced migration, and poverty

Which of the following is a key argument of ethnobiologist Brent Berlin, who compared human classification systems?

humans have a wide range of variation when it comes to classifying things

The Andean Kallawaya use a medical model that looks for an imbalance in soul or fat, this is classified as _____.

humoral model

Members of these groups is have no concept of property rights and move to take advantage of seasonal changes

hunters and gatherers

This type of food getting/subsistence strategy has accounted for about 99% of our human history

hunting and gathering/food collecting/food foraging

Baseball magic

idea that magic, religion, and science are connected

People from Western cultures who try to eliminate various practices among people from other cultures should take a class in cultural anthropology to realize the possible effects they might be having on those cultures. They would realize that culture is an integrated and interrelated whole, which means that

if you alter one aspect of a culture, you can drastically affect and possibly even endanger the functioning of the whole

The "one drop rule" enlarge the slave population by

including the mixed-race children of slaveholders in the enslaved population

Why do foragers turn to agriculture?

increased population density causes too much competition for resources

Censuses interest anthropologists because they

indicate shifts in social categories. reveal the government's role in classifying and categorizing people. change over time.

British colonial administrators allowing local rulers to exercise administrative control over their people, while taking instructions from British colonial supervisors, is referred to as

indirect rule

In many foraging cultures women will birth___and in these populations childbirth contributes significantly to the lifetime risk of material mortality

individually without the support of a midwife or trained medical professional


individuals who exhibit sexual organs and functions somewhere between male and female elements often including elements of both

Which word is most closely linked to the Marxist perspective


The feature of human language know as productivity signifies that a finite set if symbols and rules can be combined into an/a____ set of novel messages


occurs when production of marketable commodities escapes regulation, enumeration, or any other form of public monitoring

informal economy

In doing fieldwork, an anthropologist often relies on ______ to achieve their research goals.

informants or key consultants, photographs and video recordings, interviews

Because our values and beliefs include many elements of life such as clothes, food, and language means that culture is


The Apple-Samsung case addresses a conflict over

intellectual property and the use of patented technology

Long-term damage to soil quality in the Amazon is a result of

intensification of agriculture

A remittance is

international transfer of funds, often to family member and a significant contribution to the Mexican economy

When people describe violence as meaningless they

interpret violence as something without reason

__refers to individuals who exhibit sexual organs and functions somewhere between male and female elements, often including elements of both


Which term refers to the knowledge about other people that emerges from relationships?


Systematic conversations with informants to collect data are called


The phone /!/ as found in the word !Kung

is a non pulmonic post alveolar click consonant


is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO)

Using the term "Caucasian" to describe white Americans

is incorrect and is a holdover from discredited racial classifications that perpetuates the perception that race is a valid construct


is looking at the broader connections between economy, society, and the environment in order to build a disciplined approach to understanding how we might affect change systemically, comprehensively and positively.

A symbol

is the basis of human behavior, is something that conventionally stand for something else, and includes numbers and the alphabet


is the legal process by which an individual or council with socially recognized authority intervenes in a dispute and unilaterally makes a decision.


is the shared lens of culture, a set of shared unquestioned assumptions about the world and how it works.

What is medical anthropology?

is the sub-field of anthropology that tries to understand how social, cultural, biological, and linguistic factors shape the health of human beings.


is when parties themselves reach a decision jointly.

Which of the following is NOT true of economic anthropology?

it assumes that free market capitalism will take over the world

Which of the following is not true of economic anthropology?

it assumes that free market capitalism will take over the world

which if the following is not true of economic anthropology?

it assumes that free market capitalism will take over the world

Why did Liberian rebel solders cross-dress during the civil war in the 1990s?

it distinguished them from and confused the government soldiers

Anthropologists are interested in the nutrition transition because

it explains widespread changes in bodily form, eating patterns, and everyday life in urban settings

Traditional ecological knowledge is not well known in the West because

it is often shared in local language, some species and ecological interactions exist in only on place, and westerners don't value this type of knowledge

Why is Karl Polanyi's distinction between formal and substantive economic important

it recognizes that economies involve both how people think about value and the actual transactions they engage in

Which is Karl Polanyi's distinction between formal and substantive economics important?

it recognizes that economies involve both how people think and the actual transactions they engage in

Which of the following would be least likely as an explanation given by a cultural anthropologist for the existence of food insecurity among the poor?

it's related to the ignorance of the poor to effectively feed themselves

Who said: The class which dominates the material force in society is at the same time its dominant intellectual force

karl marx

_______ is the system of notation and analysis of postures, facial expressions, and bodily motions that convey meaning.


What is found in all societies that are based on blood or marriage?


The ability to digest milk into adulthood is called

lactase persistence

25 percent of Americans are


The biological term for the period of infertility during on-demand breastfeeding is

lactational amenorrhea

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