AP Biology Cell Exam

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A discrete packet of light is called: (A) photon (B) neutron (C) proton (D) wavelength


During the fall foliage, which pigments are responsible for the yellow, red and orange colors of leaves? (A) carotenoids (B) chlorophyll b (C) melanin (D) chlorophyll a


Energy is released from ATP when: (A) a phosphate group is removed (B) ATP is exposed to sunlight (C) adenine binds to ribose (D) a phosphate group is added


Grana is/are: (A) stacks of membranous sacs (B) chloroplast pigments (C) fluid found in the chloroplasts (D) the space between the inner and outer membrane of the chloroplasts


In visible light, shorter wavelengths carry: (A) more energy (B) more photons (C) more red color (D) less energy


Light reactions of photosynthesis occur in: (A) thylakoid membranes (B) matrix (C) grana (D) stomata


Membranes are components of all of the following EXCEPT a (A) micro tubule (B) nucleus (C) Golgi apparatus (D) mitochondrion (E) lysosome


Paramecium is a single-celled protist that lives in freshwater habitats. In these conditions, Paramecium has evolved strategies to handle the potential consequences of inhabiting this hypotonic environment. One of these strategies could be (A) contractile vacuoles, which expel water forcefully (B) increased aquaporins in its cellular membrane (C) many cilia covering its surface (D) salt receptors on its surface to seek out highly concentrated areas


Photosynthesis uses sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into: (A) oxygen and high-energy sugars (B) ATP and oxygen (C) high-energy sugars and proteins (D) oxygen and carbon


The ATP molecule contains three phosphate groups, two of which are: (A) bound as phosphoanhydrides (B) bound to adenosine (C) never hydrolyzed from the molecule (D) cleaved off during most biochemical reactions


The light-dependent reactions take place: (A) within the thylakoid membranes (B) in the outer membrane of the chloroplast (C) in the stroma of the chloroplast (D) within the mitochondria membranes


The light-dependent reactions take place: (A) within the thylakoid membranes (B) in the outer membrane of the chloroplast (C) in the storma of the chloroplast (D) within the mitochondria membranes


The role of stomata is to facilitate: (A) gas exchange (B) H2O release (C) Calvin cycle (D) H2O uptake


What are the three parts of an ATP molecule? (A) adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups (B) NADH, NADPH and FADH2 (C) adenine, thylakoid and a phosphate group (D) stroma, grana, and chlorophyll


What is the result when there is an increase in the intensity of light that a plant receives? (A) the rate of photosynthesis increases and then levels off (B) the rate of photosynthesis does not change (C) the rate of photosynthesis increases indefinitely with light intensity (D) the rate of photosynthesis decreases indefinitely with light intensity


Which compound is located in the photosystem's reaction center? (A) chlorophyll a (B) rhodopsin (C) ATP (D) ADP


Which mechanism takes place in both light reactions of photosynthesis and cellular respiration? (A) electron transport chain (B) beta oxidation (C) gylcolysis (D) Krebs cycle


Which of the choices is an autotroph? (A) beech tree (B) octopus (C) zoo plankton (D) coral


Which of the following is best observed by using a compound light microscope? (A) a eukaryotic cell (B) a virus (C) a DNA sequence (D) the inner structure of a mitochondrion (E) a nuclear pore


Which of the following is the correct matching of molecules and products in the Calvin cycle? (A) ATP+NADPH+carbon dioxide = sugar (B) light+water+carbon dioxide= sugar and oxygen (C) ATP + NADPH + carbon dioxide = sugar and oxygen (D) light + water + carbon dioxide = sugar


Within the inner membrane of a chloroplast stacks of thylakoids are surrounded by: (A) stroma fluid (B) grana (C) chloroplast (D) thylakoids


All of the following are typical components of the plasma membrane of a eukaryotic cell EXCEPT (A) glycoproteins (B) cytochromes (C) cholesterol (D) phospholipids (E) integral proteins


All of the following statements about a chloroplast and a mitochondrion are true EXCEPT: (A) both are proton gradients for energy production (B) both capture light energy (C) both contain DNA (D) both are bounded by two unit membranes (E) both synthesize ATP


Anaerobic respiration yields less energy than aerobic respiration because: (A) it requires a greater expenditure of cellular energy (B) glucose molecules are not completely oxidized (C) it requires more time for ATP production (D) oxaloacetic acid serves as the final H+ acceptor


Chlorophyll is located within the chloroplast in the: (A) thylakoid space (B) thylakoid membrane (C) stroma (D) ATP


Electrons for the light reactions originate from: (A) NADPH (B) water (C) light (D) carbon dioxide


How would the reaction kinetics of an enzyme and its substrate change if an anti-substrate antibody is added? (A) the antibody binds to the substrate, which increases the Vmax (B) the antibody binds to the substrate, which increases Km (C) no change because Km and Vmax are independent of antibody concentration (D) the antibody binds to substrate, which decreases Vmax


In a eukaryotic cell, which of the following organelles work together? (A) Nuclear envelope, nucleolus, vacuoles, centrioles (B) Ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, plasma membrane (C) Mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, chloroplasts (D) Centrioles, nucleolus, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes


Interconnected sacs of membrane suspended in a thick fluid are: (A) stroma (B) thylakoids (C) chlorophyll (D) grana


Membranous structures found in chloroplasts are: (A) organelles (B) thylakoids (C) stomata (D) plasma


Most plants appear green because chlorophyll: (A) does not absorb violet light (B) does not absorb green light (C) absorbs violet light (D) absorbs green light


Plants get the energy they need for photosynthesis by absorbing: (A) chlorophyll b (B) energy from the sun (C) high-energy sugars (D) chlorophyll a


Prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes in that only the prokaryotes contain (A) mitochondria in which glucose is oxidized (B) DNA that is not bound to histone protein (C) chromosomes enclosed within a nuclear envelope (D) photosynthetic pigments in plastids (E) plasma membranes surrounding the cytoplasm


Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are related in that both (A) require protein carriers (B) depend on a concentration gradient (C) occur via contractions of cytoskeletal elements attached to membrane proteins (D) are endergonic processes and thus require the hydrolysis of ATP (E) occur in ekaryotic cells but not in prokaryotic cells


What happens during photosynthesis? (A) autotrophs consume carbohydrates (B) autotrophs produce carboyhydrates (C) heterotrophs consume ATP (D) heterotrophs produce ATP


When a photon is absorbed by a molecule, one of its electrons is raised to a(n): (A) higher state (B) excited state (C) lower state (D) ground state


Which of the following activities happens within the stroma? (A) electrons move through the electron transport chain (B) the Calvin cycle produces sugars (C) ATP synthase produces ATP (D) photosystem I absorbs light


Which of the following is NOT a step in the light-dependent reactions? (A) ATP synthase allows H+ ions to pass through the thylakoid membrane (B) ATP and NADPH are used to produce high-energy sugars (C) High-energy electrons move through the electron transport chain (D) Pigments in photo system II absorb light


Which of the following is NOT a true statement about ATP? (A) ATP provides energy for the mechanical functions of cells (B) Used ATP is discarded by the cell as waste (C) ATP consists of ribose, adenine and three phosphate groups (D) ADP is produced when ATP releases energy


Which of the following is correct concerning a spherical cell? (A) as the diameter decreases, the surface area remains the same (B) as the diameter decreases, the surface area increases (C) as the diameter decreases, the surface-to-volume ratio increases (D) as the diameter increases, the volume decreases (E) the surface-to-volume ratio is dependent of the diameter


Which of the following is most likely to result if a shade-tolerant plant would receive a minimal amount of water while receiving its necessary amount of light? (A) accelerated plant growth (B) low ATP production (C) increased output of oxygen (D) increased consumption of carbon dioxide


Which of the following is the primary role of the lysosome? (A) ATP synthesis (B) intracellular digestion (C) lipid transport (D) carbohydrate storage (E) protein synthesis


Which of the following organelles modifies and packages for secretion the materials produced by the ribosomes? (A) the chloroplast (B) the Golgi apparatus (C) the nucleus (D) the nucleolus (E) the mitochondrion


Which two components are required by the C3 cycle for the light reactions? (A) NADH and RuBP (B) NADPH and ATP (C) ATP and NADH (D) glucose and NADP+


Which type of cell would be the most useful for studying the endomembrane system? (A) Neurons (B) Pancreatic cells (C) E. coli (D) Leukocytes


A lipid-soluble hormone, estrogen, is secreted from the ovaries. This molecule travels through the body via the bloodstream. A researcher was interested in reducing estrogen's effect in order to determine the response of decreased estrogen on the organism. Which of the following is a valid strategy for reducing effects of estrogen on the whole research organism? (A) Treat with a competitive inhibitor drug that blocks all receptors at the plasma membrane (B) Treat with lipid-soluble testosterone (C) Treat with a lipid-soluble noncompetitive inhibitor that specifically reduces estrogen binding to the intracellular receptor (D) Remove ovaries of the organism


A wavelength of which light is reflected by a blue-colored plant? (A) violet (B) yellow (C) blue (D) lime


All of the following are examples of the benefits of bacteria to humans EXCEPT (A) vitamin manufacture in the large intestine (B) bacterial action in the making of silage (C) bacterial action in the making of exotoxins (D) the production of drugs such as streptomycin (E) the production of acids that flavor cheese


All of the following are functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of animals EXCEPT (A) detoxification of poisons in the liver (B) storage of Ca2+ in the sarcomere of muscles (C) synthesis of proteins (D) synthesis of lipids (E) synthesis of steroid hormones


During photosynthesis, an H+ ion gradient is formed across: (A) mitochondrial inner membrane (B) inner chloroplast membrane (C) thylakoid membrane (D) mitochondrial outer membrane


In addition to chlorophyll a, plants also have chlorophyll b and caroteniods accessory pigments because: (A) there is not enough of chlorophyll a produced for plants energy needs (B) plants must have leaves of different colors (C) these pigments absorb energy wavelengths that chlorophyll a does not (D) these pigments protect plants from UV radiation


In cells, which of the following can function to give shape, enable movement and anchor organelles? (A) vacuoles filled with water and surrounded by a single membrane (B) ribosomes, peroxisomes, and lysosomes (C) microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate fibers, and microtrabeculae (D) the interconnected networks of the endoplasmic reticulum (E) Golgi apparatus and associated vesicles in the cytoplasm


Metabolism is: (A) consumption of energy (B) release of energy (C) all conversions of matter and energy taking place in an organism (D) production of heat by chemical reactions


Movement of substances into the cell is largely dependent on the size, polarity, and concentration gradient of the substance. Which of the following represents an example of active transport of a substance into a cell? (A) Diffusion of oxygen into erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the alveolar capillaries of the lungs (B) Influx of sodium ions through a voltage-gated ion channel in a neuron cell during an action potential (C) The sodium-potassium pump, which restores resting membrane potentials in neurons through the use of ATP (D) Osmosis of water into an epithelial cell lining the lumen of the small intestine


Organisms, such as plants, that make their own food are called: (A) symbiotic (B) parasitic (C) autotrophs (D) heterotrophs


Photosynthesis plays a role in the metabolism of a plant through: (A) breaking down sugars into H2O and O2 (B) converting H2O into CO2 (C) consuming CO2 and synthesizing sugars (D) converting O2 into cellulose


Photosystems I and II are found in: (A) cell membrane (B) the Calvin cycle (C) thylakoid membrane (D) stroma


Prokaryotic and eukarotic cells generally have which of the following features in common? (A) A membrane-bound nucleus (B) A cell wall made of cellulose (C) Ribosomes (D) Flagella or cilia that contain micro tubules (E) Linear chromosomes made of DNA and protein


The Calvin cycle is another name for the: (A) photosynthesis reaction (B) electron transport chain (C) light-independent reactions (D) light-dependent reactions


The Na+K+ sodium potassium pump transports sodium and potassium ions across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradients. This pump is not considered a co-transporter because (A) ATP is produced through this transporter (B) a gradient, not ATP drives the transport of these ions (C) ATP, not a gradient, drives the transport of these ions (D) cotransporters go in only one direction, but the sodium potassium pump drives ions across the membrane in both directions


The development of electron microscopy has provided key insights into many aspects of cellular structure and function which had previously been too small to be seen. All of the following would require the use of electron microscopy for visualization EXCEPT (A) the structure of a bacteriophage (B) the matrix structure of a mitochondrion (C) the shape and arrangement of bacterial cells (D) the pores on the nuclear membrane


The wavelength energy least utilized by photosynthesis is: (A) orange (B) blue (C) green (D) cyan


What are the products of the light-dependent reactions? (A) CO2 gas, O2 gas, and NADPH (B) ATP, CO2 gas, and NADPH (C) ATP, NADPH, and O2 gas (D) O2 gas and glucose


What is the function of NADP+ in photosynthesis? (A) photosystem (B) pigment (C) electron carrier (D) high-energy sugar


When observing a pigmented object, visible color is: (A) wavelength emitted by the object (B) wavelength from the return of excited electrons to their ground state (C) wavelength being reflected by that object (D) wavelength absorbed by the pigment of the object


Which attractive force is used by the side chains of non polar amino acids to interact with other non polar amino acids? (A) ionic bonds (B) hydrogen bonds (C) hydrophobic interaction (D) disulfide bonds


Which of the following cells would most likely have the greatest concentration of densely packed rough endoplasmic reticulum? (A) an amoeba engulfing small ciliates (B) a bioluminescent bacterial cell (C) a pancreatic cell engaged in the production of digestive enzymes (D) a functional phloem cell at maturity (E) an epithelial cell whose DNA is replicating before mitosis


Which of the following is a characteristic of mitochondria and chloroplasts that supports the endosymbiotic theory? (A) both have bacteria-like polysaccharide cell walls (B) both can reproduce on their own outside of the cell (C) both contain DNA molecules (D) both contain endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies (E) both contain ribosomes that are identical to ribosomes of the eukaryotic cytoplasm


Which of the following is the product of the light reaction of photosynthesis? (A) sugar (B) carbon monoxide (C) oxygen (D) carbon dioxide


Which structures are used by plants to obtain most of their water? (A) stomata (B) flowers (C) roots (D) chloroplasts


Why are electron carriers needed for transporting electrons from one part of the chloroplast to another? (A) high-energy electrons get their energy from electron carriers (B) high-energy electrons are not soluble in cytoplasm (C) high-energy electrons are highly reactive (D) high-energy electrons would be destroyed


A biologist isolates numerous tiny, green-pigmented cells from a sample of lake water. The cells are covered with a mucilaginous sheath. They contain relatively large amounts of chlorophyll a and phycobilin pigments and lack a compact organized nucleus. Electron microscopy will reveal that these cells also contain which of the following pairs of subcellular structures? (A) Ribosomes and chloroplasts (B) Ribosomes and mitochondria (C) Golgi bodies and a cell wall (D) Thylakoids and a cell wall (E) Chloroplasts and mitochondria


A molecule releases energy gained from absorption of a photon through: I. fluorescence II. heat III. light (A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I, II and III


A student using a light microscope observes a cell and correctly decides that it is a plant cell because (A) ribosomes are visible (B) an endoplasmic reticulum can be seen (C) a cell membrane is present (D) it has a large central vacuole (E) centrioles are present


All of the following cell components are found in prokaryotic cells EXCEPT (A) DNA (B) ribosomes (C) cell membrane (D) nuclear envelope (E) enzymes


If plant cells are immersed in distilled water, the resulting movement of water into the cells is called (A) conduction (B) active transport (C) transpiration (D) osmosis (E) facilitated diffusion


Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis produce: (A) H2O and RuBP (B) ATP and O2 (C) NADH and ATP (D) NADPH and ATP


Oxygen released by a photosystem comes from: (A) ATP (B) carbon dioxide (C) chlorophyll a (D) water


Photo systems are found in: (A) grana (B) stroma (C) stomata (D) thylakoid membranes


Photosystems are found in: (A) grana (B) storma (C) stomata (D) thylakoid membranes


Plants gather the suns energy using: (A) glucose (B) chloroplasts (C) thylakoids (D) pigments


The Calvin cycle takes place in the: (A) chlorophyll molecules (B) thylakoid membranes (C) photosystems (D) stroma


The atom responsible for generating a hydrogen bond that helps to stabilize the a-helical configuration of a polypeptide is: (A) peptide bound atom (B) atom found in the R-groups (C) hydrogen of the carbonyl oxygen (D) hydrogen of the amino nitrogen


The nucleolus functions in the production of (A) Golgi apparatus (B) microtubules (C) mitochondria (D) ribosomes (E) endoplasmic reticulum


Vibrio cholerae are highly pathogenic bacteria that are associated with severe gastrointestinal illness and are the causative agent of cholera. In extreme cases, antibiotics are prescribed that target bacterial structures that are absent in animal cells. Which of the following is most likely targeted by antibiotic treatment? (A) Flagella (B) Plasma membrane (C) Ribosomes (D) Cell Wall


What mechanism is used by C4 plants to conserve water? (A) developing deep roots (B) performing the Calvin cycle during the day (C) developing water storage in their leaves and stems (D) closing the stomata during heat and dryness


What mechanism is used by CAM plants to conserve water? (A) performing the Calvin cycle during the day (B) developing water storage in their leaves and stems (C) including carbon dioxide into RuBP (D) opening their stomata during the night


Which of the following organisms is a heterotroph? (A) sunflower (B) flowering plant (C) alga (D) mushroom


Which of the following processes is associated with some prokaryotic cells but not with eukaryotic cells? (A) Photosynthesis (B) Aerobic respiration (C) Meiosis (D) Nitrogen fixation (E) Endocytosis


One of the most pronounced differences between animal and plant cells is that (A) animal cells alone have one or more large vacuoles (B) animal cells alone have a nucleolus (C) animal cells alone have their nuclear chromatin attached to the spindle fibers during mitosis (D) plant cells alone have rough endoplasmic reticulum (E) plant cells alone have relatively thick, rigid cell walls


The organelle that is a major producer of ATP and is found in both heterotrophs and autotrops is the (A) chloroplast (B) nucleus (C) ribosome (D) Golgi apparatus (E) mitochondrion


Water enters and leaves the plant cells primarily by (A) endocytoiss (B) phagocytosis (C) osmosis (D) active transport (E) facilitated diffusion


Which of the following are characteristic of both prokaryotic and eykaryotic cells? (A) Cytoplasm and a well-defined nucleus surrounded by a membrane (B) Membranous sites of ATP synthesis, Golgi complex, and ribosomes (C) Mitochondria, nucleus and ribosomes (D) Cell wall, several chromosomes, and cytoplasm (E) Cell membrane, ribosomes, DNA and RNA


Where is the site of transport of materials into and out of the cell?

Cell membrane

Where is the site of modification and packaging of proteins and lipids prior to export from the cell?

Golgi Body

What organelle evolved from a photoautotropic prokaryote?


Where is the site of glucose synthesis?


Where is the site of conversion of chemical energy of glucose to ATP?


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