AP Euro Ch. 15 (God help us all)

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A guild is an association of artisans or merchants who oversee the practice of their craft in a particular town.

What was the foundation for the wealth and power of the 18th century aristocracy?

British:Smallest( 400 families), Wealthiest, owned most of the land; French: 400,000 nobles, exempt from many taxes,High ranked in origin and wealth; Eastern European: Poland exempted from taxes, Austria and Hungary have judicial power over peasantry and had over 10 million acres, Russia exempted from compulsory service and transmitorry nobles status to wife and children

How did consumers contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

By creating demands. Supply/Demand.Sustained the Industrial Revolution. (consumer Revolution) With a larger population because of the agricultural revolution, there became more of a consumer demand/revolution

Cornelius Vermuyden

Dutch drainage engineer hired by English landlords to drain thousands of acres of land around Cambridge

Where were the largest Jewish populations in 18th Europe?

Eastern Europe. Poland Lithuania Ukraine.

Pugachev's Rebellion

Emelyan Pugachev promised serfs land of their own and freedom from their lords. (Russians revolts; peasants directed rage toward property)


Forced labor that required peasants to work for a month out of the year on roads and other public projects


French term for provincial nobility

Compare and contrast in general terms the urban upper, middle, and lower classes.

Had their own occupation in some sort of way, Higher classes had more "privileges" and did not really have to "work", Lower classes would be essentially "controlled" by the higher classes

Paris Foundling Hospital and London Foundling Hospital

Hospitals where children who were not wanted were dropped off at, most children did not survive past the age ten at these places, but simple things would be taught to those who did like how to run a household and basic school curriculums

Why did urban areas experience shortages in their food supply and subsequent riots?

If artisans felt they were economically offended they manifested displeasure by rioting, Bread riots → the cost of bread went up, riots until it got back to a decent price

Why did Europe's population increase in the 18th century? How did population growth affect consumption?

Increased due to the increase of food production and consumption; Less consumption of food → Created new demands for food, goods, jobs, and service.

What areas of the economy and industry did the Industrial Revolution primarily affect?

It affected the consumer need, since there was more of a population, there was a larger supply in demand for basic necessities, Because simple products were so cheap, there was a need to mass produce them because of the demand from the population, People were able to make more money in their trade: merchants sold more, farmers could sell better crops, and poorer families could then afford basic needs

European Jews

Jews were mistreated and lived in Ghettos; There were some wealthy jews that financed some wars, but did not have full rights because of their religion. They could not buy and sell goods → easily starve.

Agricultural Revolution

Landlords commercialized agriculture by running their farms on a more business oriented basis and forced peasants to change their ways of farming. If peasants revolted, landlords were supported by government soldiers.

Sumptuary Laws

Laws governing the clothes that one is allowed to wear. Only nobles were permitted to wear certain fabrics

Why did Great Britain take the lead in the Industrial Revolution?

London: largest city in Europe, Prominence of newspaper: advertising , Largest free trade area in Europe, Rich in coal and iron ore, Stable political structure, secure property, and sound financial system, Comparatively high social mobility

What was the Industrial Revolution and what caused it?

Mechanization of the European economy that began in Britain in the second half of the eighteenth century; The achievement of the sustained economic growth of the Agriculture Revolution

Customary Rights

Peasants and nobles wanted the restoration of traditional rights. Nobles wanted the rights, which fought against the intrusion of monarchical bureaucracies. Peasants wanted their rights to access lands and courts


Polish nobles; had privileges such as: Were able to transmit status to of nobility to wife and kids, Judicial protection of noble rights and property, Power over peasantry were exempt from taxes and could decide whether serfs died


Practice of moving away from home

Ancient régime (Old Regime)

Referred to the patterns of social, political, and economic relationships before the the French Revolution (pre-revolutionary Europe) Meant the rule of absolute monarchies with growing state officials and noble led armies (did not apply to Great Britain) Economically meant the shortage of food, slow transport, prevalence of agriculture, low iron production, and inexperienced financial institutions.Farming was more commercialized, food production and size of population increased


Russian owners could demand any amount of work days from serfs

How would you define the term "family economy"?

The basic structure of production and consumption in preindustrial Europe

Consumer Revolution

The demand of many items was drastically increased, this created ideas for inventions and designs for inventors. People were consuming a lot more and living more luxuriously.Even servants were now dressing very well.


The eldest son in the British nobility inherited this title which gave them the right to sit at House of Lords; younger sons would join the army or church

Family economy

The household was the basic unit of of production and consumption; it was impossible for an ordinary person to support themselves, It was considered strange if you were not apart of a household (people thought you were a criminal); everyone in the household worked

What was the Aristocratic Resurgence?

The nobility's reaction to the threat to their social position and privileges that they felt from the monarchies' expanding power

What caused the Agricultural Revolution?

The rising grain prices gave landlords an opportunity to improve their incomes and lifestyles. Landlords in Western Europe began a series of innovations in farm production.

Why did peasants revolt in the 18th century?

They felt like their traditional rights were being violated as peasants

How were peasants and serfs tied to the land in 18th century Europe?

They had to pay varieties of payments if they owned some sort of land.(banalities, corvee,robot).

How did the English aristocracy contribute to the Agricultural Revolution?

Through their 18th century innovations: Jethro Tull: iron plows, invented seed drill, Charles Townsend: crop rotation, Robert Bakewell: animal breeding

How did tradition, hierarchy, and privilege shape life in the Old Regime?

Tradition: Nobles and peasants called for restoration of traditional or customary rights.; economy predominantly traditional= quality and quantity of grain harvest remained the most imp. fact of life for most of the pop. and gravest concern for gov't; Hierarchy: Forbade persons from one class or occupation from wearing clothes like those worn by their social superiors; Privilege: didn't believe in individual rights, believed in community rights ( church, village, nobility, guild, university, parish)

How did conditions differ between Eastern and Western Europe regarding marriage and families?

WESTERN: Married couple; children through early teens; servants;5-6 members avg, Married late, servants; work in exchange for a room, death of father often meant disaster: EASTERN: Marriage before 20 ( arrange), extended family 3-4 generations

What kinds of privileges separated European aristocrats from other social groups?

Wealthy, Own acres worth of land, Exempted from taxes, High ranked in origin, Really high status, widest degree of social, political, and economic power

How did the family economy constrain the lives of women in preindustrial Europe?

Woman lives largely determined by her ability to establish and maintain her household, Marriage was an economic necessity, Dominant concern was adequate food supply; necessity of limiting number of children- birth control


a French tax that resembled an income tax, also known as "the twentieth"

The Spinning Jenny

a piece of textile equipment still used in the home, had a slower process and was not able to hold enough spindles of thread


a poor densely populated city district occupied by a minority ethnic group (the Jews) linked together by economic hardship and social restrictions.

The Steam Engine

an efficient machine that could get the job done quicker, the engine used coal power instead of human hands, which could power things more, made from iron

What problems arose as the result of the growth of cities?

cities with 40,000 or less inhabitants declined, Smaller cities grew while larger declined, Social division

Water Frame

could hold more spindles and produce more textiles, these were the machines used in factories

What was their social and legal position?

did not enjoy the rights and privileges that other subjects had unless monarchs granted, Ghettos, treated distinct people religiously and legally

Charles "Turnip" Townsend

encouraged other important innovations; learned to cultivate sandy soil w/fertilizers and instituted crop rotation

What role did the family play in the economy of preindustrial Europe?

household was the basic unit of production and consumption, all household members worked; impossible to live alone

Thomas Newcomen

invented the first version of the steam engine, it was at first very slow and hard to maneuver

Edmund Cartwright

invented the power loom for machine weaving in the late 1800s

James Hargreaves

invented the spinning jenny

Richard Arkwright

invented the water frame

Henry Cort

made a new way of heating and stirring and melting iron which led to larger iron production, more steam engines, and a more affordable iron product

James Watt

perfected the application of the steam engine

Samuel Oppenheimer

perhaps the most famous of court Jews; helped Habsburgs finance struggle against Turks and defense of Vienna

Robert Bakewell

pioneered new methods of animal breeding producing more/better animals and more milk/meat


tax on property and land, provided permanent income for French royal government

"Economy of expedients"

term used by Olwen Hufton to refer to family members being sent off to find work when economic disaster struck the family


the act of melting iron in a hot furnace to make it malleable (or more durable)

"Gin age"

the full darkness of London life in the mid century; when consumption of liquor blinded/killed many poor people; They lived on the streets or in slums along rivers and whose dwellings (if any) were filled with filth, stench and death. These people usually begged, became prostitutes, engaged in crime or had day jobs (when they could get work) and, if they had any extra money, they literally blinded and killed themselves with cheap liquor.

Domestic System of Textile Production

the product would be made in the home, merchants would bring the textiles to peasant homes for women to stitch up and make into clothing, then the merchant would sell it and distribute

What were the sources of prejudices against Jews?

they weren't Christian, wouldn't convert, very smart and wealthy, people were jealous of their wealth → but not their status

Crop Rotation

this was a way the land could be reused and more efficient, there would be three fields where two out of the three would be used for the year then the crops would be rotated, always leaving one field empty. This efficiently made a better and healthier crop because the soil would get to rest for a year, being able to be fertilized in order to grow a crop the next year (the same crop)

Enclosure farming

was the legal process in England of enclosing a number of small landholdings to create one larger farm. Once enclosed, use of the land became restricted to the owner, and it ceased to be common land for communal use.>> PUT FENCES; Prevents sheep from coming in the pasture; Affects poor people negatively

Priscilla Wakefield

woman who believed women should have more job options

Industrial Revolution

would transform agricultural societies into industrial societies. The critical or central component was that machines replaced human hands and animal power in the production process.

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