AP Gov Final Questions (Logas)

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Why was the 26th amendment passed so quickly with so little fuss?

"Old enough to fight, old enough to vote"

Which amendment in the bill of rights is considered one of the foundations of federalism?

10th amendment

In expanding suffrage to this group in a constitutional amendment, testimony before congress suggested it would channel protests into useful interactions with the political system, what expansion is referenced?

18+ can vote

In what year did the southern strategy result in shifting the allegiance of southern democrats to the republican party?


What year and which amendment gave women the right to vote?

19th amendment in 1920

Where do you find a list of things that are considered due process?

4th, 5th, and 6th amendments

How long is a senator's term?

6 years

Right to Life and civil liberties union are members of what group?

Attentive policy elites

Among the divisions which almost sank the Constitutional convention were the divisions between the North and South over slavery, and what?

Big vs. Small states

Which kind of federal help to a state would a governor most like to receive?

Block grant

If a person who you are trying to get nominated or elected is a true vote maverick, someone who does not toe the party line very well, you would decide on what strategy?

Candidate based voting

If we have a critical election, what exactly are we seeing?

Change in affiliation among voters

Brown v Board is the most famous example of what type of participation?

Class action lawsuit

In addition to proposing and ratifying single amendments, what other process could be used to change the Constitution?

Constitutional Convention

What is a grand jury?

Decide whether there is enough evidence to warrant a trial

A view holding that the constitution is a compact among sovereign states so that the powers of the national government and the states are clearly differentiated is known as what?

Dual federalism

The fact there seem to be some schools that graduate a disproportionate share of American leaders suggests that the United States might be less democratic that we wish, and owe more to what?

Elite Theory

In the Fourth amendment protection given to searches of papers is often construed by today's courts to apply to what else?


A state receives a federal grant for children's healthcare to provide for non emergency services for certain impoverished individuals, what is this form of grant called?

Formula grant

In order to make they remain as important as they are, those in charge of the Iowa caucasus have moved them from the end of January to the start of January, what is this called?


What is the form of reporting that covers how decisions influence polls are called?

Horse Race Journalism

How do we determine the number of electors that each state has?

House Representatives + 2

What are examples of legislative measures that require a 2/3 supermajority?

Impeachment, overturning a veto, ratification of treaties, amendments to the constitution

What kind of limitations can be put on public speech?

Incitement, slander/libel, profanity, national security, time, place, and manor

In the aftermath of the court's decision in DC v Heller, why was it necessary to bring another gun case before the court so quickly?


What happens in a presidential election if no one gets a majority in the electoral college?

It goes to the House and each state gets 1 vote

Why can the government take land beside the expressway to expand it?

It's for public use

Except in the case of Impeachment, who gets to decide guilt or innocence in the American system?


The 22nd amendment limiting the president to two terms created which problem?

Lame Duck period

What is the definition of treason in the Constitution?

Levying War against the US, or giving Aid and Comfort to enemies.

In Illinois a voter does not have to preregister with a party and can take either party's ballet, what is this called?

Modified open primary

The model of democracy most compatible with the existence and power of interest groups is what?


The authority of a Government to maintain order and safeguard citizen health, safety, and welfare is what?

Police power

Any consistent set of values and beliefs about the scope and purpose of government is called what?

Political Ideology

What did the founders fail to anticipate that lead to the need for the 12th amendment?

Political Parties

The 17th amendment provides for the direct election of senators, which political alliance pressed for this?


Which of the following is likely to be able to sue you for libel laws for saying nasty things?

Public Figures and the Gov are likely to lose a libel suit

The Eisenhower Expressway that brings you to school everyday is an example of what?

Public Good

The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments are known for the historical period they were created in, what are they called?

Reconstruction Amendments

A direct vote on policy is called what?


Gideon vs Wainwright expanded the idea of what 6th amendment right?

Right to counsel

The institutional feature of the American system that does the most to preserve two parties, under the majority decision rule, is what?

Single Member Districts

Which part of the 6th amendment ensures hearsay evidence is not used to convict someone of a crime?

The right to confront your accuser

In Mapp v Ohio the evidence was thrown out because the search had done what?

They overstepped a warrant

What power does the senate have concerning impeachment?

They run the trials

In article 3 where it says judges serve their office in good behavior, what does this mean?

They serve for life

Why did confederations seem like a good idea to the colonies in 1777?

They were different from one another

Which court case established that symbolic speech exists, and can be interpreted as political?

Tinker v Des Moines

T/F: It is possible for the government to allow the use of public funds in religious schools for limited purposes?


People who do not believe the political system gives them a fair shot are more likely to engage in what?

Unconventional Participation

When the federal government requires a state to do something without giving them money for it, what is it called?

Unfunded mandate

The Constitutional Amendment to give the vote to citizens who were former slaves, women, and people over 18 were all geared to expand what in the American system?

Universal participation

The notion that everybody in a democracy should participate in decision making is what?

Universal participation

What is the process for finding out a bias in juror?

Vior dire

What is the easiest form of conventional behavior to influence the political system is what?


What is the form of reporting that covers the background and results of government decisions called?

Watchdog Journalism

Who is the most likely to vote?

White, suburban, college educated women

Whom can the House of Representatives impeach?

any federal official

How does the Constitution as written explain or mention slavery?

it doesn't

The means employed in mass communication and printed broadcast are referred to as?

mass media

If public opinion follows roughly a bell curve, what are we seeing?

normal distribution

What is it called when the president can't run again?

open election

Thomas Hobbes believed the Government's first task is to ensure what?


What is appellate jurisdiction?

the right to hear cases on appeal

What is the best predictor of a person's political affiliation?

their parents

How large a margin is required to amend the Constitution?

⅔ in both houses or ¾ the state legislatures

Everyone who believes in substantive political theory tends to believe in civil rights, but what do they tend to disagree about?

Social equality

The collective attitude of citizens regarding a certain question is defined as?

public opinion

A person's position in society based on education, occupation, social status, and income is called what?

socioeconomic status

When voting in a general election the voters usually choose some democrats and some republicans, what is this called?

split ticket voting

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