AP Stat Midterm

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How to calculate r

2nd-catalog-alpha- x-1 - diagnosticon, then stat-calc-linreg

tend to be strong opinions-biased, so not rep. of population (call-in polls) bad to use

voluntary response sample


weak negative linear association


weak positive linear association

explanatory is the __ variable


symbol for means of statistic


response is the ___ variable


how to calcuate residuals


how to find y intercept


does equal to matter for discrete?


the distance between an observation and the mean expressed as a certain number of standard deviations; this is positive (negative) if the observation lies above (below) the mean


what does the upside-down U mean in the A and Bs?


lurking variable affects both x and y

common response.

lurking variable affects onlly y (response)


measureable random variable


effects of lurking variables, compare treatment and placebo (principle of experimental design)


selection bias (mall intercept interviews) bad to use

convenience sample

both units are quantitave


imposes treatment to observe responses


use of regression to predict outside range of explanatory variables (not always accurate, never do)


explanatory variables in experiments


how to find normal estimation for prob __ or more outcome

find mean, standard deviation, and make sure sample size is large enough. normcdf(outcome # [lower lim], 10^99, mean, standard dev.)

How do you find relative frequency

for each count, divide by total number of data points, then convert to a percentage

Use when finding the first success on or before the nth trial (p,n)


either of two discrete probability distributions: The probability distribution of the number X of Bernoulli trials needed to get one success, supported on the set { 1, 2, 3, ...} The probability distribution of the number Y = X − 1 of failures before the first success, supported on the set { 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }

geometric random variable

Why doesn't equal to matter in continuous

it's area, and there is no area of a line

how do you get estimates

large random samples

law stating that a large number of items taken at random from a population will (on the average) have the population statistics

law of large numbers

a straight line that describes how a response variable changes as an explanatory variable changes

least squares regression line

symbol for size of statistic

lowecase n

not resistant to outliers


resistant to outliers


symbol for means of parameter


expected sum of 2 outcomes

mew sub x + mew sub (add means)

expected difference of 2 outcomes

mew sub x- mew sub y (subtract means)


moderate negative linear association


moderate positive linear association

how to find the mean of a probability distribution

multiply each value of X by each probability P(X), then add these results together

how to get prob two independent things (and)

multiply their probabilities

Relative cumulative frequency graph


symbol for proportion of parameter


symbol for proportion of statistic

p hat

"and" independent p(a) etc

p(A) x p(b)

p(A) + p(B)-p(a and b) =

p(a or b)

"and" not independent p(a) etc

p(a) x p(A I B)

"or" all events p(a) etc

p(a)+ p(b) - p(a and b)

"or" mutually exclusive p(a) etc


sampling distribution- true. describes population. fixed #, don't know value


how to find mean of statistic proportion

parameter proportion

Experimental results caused by expectations alone; any effect on behavior caused by the administration of an inert substance or condition, which is assumed to be an active agent.

placebo effect

how to find y hat

plug in x to l-s regression line

entire group of individuals we want info about


how to identify causation

put x in L1and y in L2. make scatterplot. make L3 log(l2). go to2nd "y="(stat pbt) and make y list L3 and graph. then make L4 log(L1). on 2nd "y=", make x L4 and y L3. if this makes a straighter line, it's power. if so do stat-calc-pwrreg then put in y= equation into "y=" and then to 2nd "y=" and make them L1 and L2 again then graph.

What unit is r

r is unitless.

how to find slope


impersonal chance in assigning experimental units (principle of experimental design)


best way to show causation

randomized experiments

reduce chance variarion in result (principle of experimental design)


the difference between an observed value of the response variable and the value predicted by the regression line (y - y-hat)


symbol for means stand. dev. of statistic


part of population we examine to get info


union (a + b)

sample space

the set of all possible outcomes of an event

sample space S

the most effective method of displaying the relation between two quantitative variables


how to find binomial stand dev

square root (np(1-p))

how to find stand. dev. of statistic prop.

square root (p(1-p))/n) or sqare root (pq/n)

how to find the standard deviation of a probability distribution

square root of : sum of x^2 times p(x)-mean^2 (or square root of variance)

simple random sample


whole population in hat and draw names, everyone has an equal chance


sampling dist.- describes sample. value known, but can change sample to sample. estimates.


experimental groups split by similarities. sampling



strong negative linear association


strong positive linear association

how to find the variance of a probability distribution

sum[sigma] of (x^2 x p(x)^2 - mean^2)

standard deviation explanatory shorthand (sample)


standard devation response shorthand


how to find a high outlier

the number is higher than Q3+1.5(IQR)

how to find a low outlier

the number is lower than Q1-1.5(IQR)

levels and combinations in experiments


how to word correlation (linear regression)

a% of the variation in y can be explanws by the linear model relating x to y.

what numbers can r be

between -1 and 1

systematically favors certain outcomes (prison survey to find prop of people who commit crimes)


finds AT MOST. (total number, percent, number wanted)


how to find prob. at most __ outcome

binomcdf ( # trials, probability, outcome wanted)

used when working with total # of trials, not srs


how to find prob. exactly __ outcome

binompdf(# of trials,probability,outcome wanted)

grouping experiment subjects by differences (male, female)


How to determine symmetry in distribution


symbol for size for parameter

capital N

contacts every individual in population


As the sample size increases, the distribution of the sample mean of a randomly selected sample approaches the normal distribution.

central limit theorem

area of a density curve


area under density curve


what does cumulative relative freq. add up to


how to find prob __ or more outcome

1-binomcdf (# trials, prob, # to stop at or get [one less that wanted outcome number])

how to find at least one in a binomial on calculator

1-binompdf(# of trials, prob, 0)

How to find at least 1


how to find prob. at least one

1-p(0), so 1-binompdf(sample, p(success), 0)

divide population into clusters

cluster sampling

simple random sample: make a list of your population, assign numbers to the list, randomly pick numbers, do not replace. unbiased


inverse cumulative probability; used to find the X value when the mean, standard deviation, and z-score are known

inverse norm

how to find inverse norm (not area of curve)


how to find z-score

(x-mean) divided by standard deviation

how to measure correlation by hand

+-(1-(length minor axis/length major axis))

how to find mean sub x


states that nearly all values lie within three standard deviations of the mean in a normal distribution

68-95-99.7 rule

how to find (pA or B) if independent

P(A) + P(B) -p(a and B)

how to find interquartile range (IQR)


percent of a whole

Relative frequency

mathematical model, always above x-axis, normal dist., area always equals one, area under curve and above any range of value equals proportion of all aobservations that fall in that range

density curve

countable random variable


mutually exclusive, can't happen at the sme time


random events must not be dependent to other events in probability


can you say explanatory variable causes the response variable


does equal to matter for continuous?


the tendency for a sample to differ from the population because measurements are not obtained from all individuals selected for inclusion in the sample

nonresponse bias

(left end point, right end point, mean, standard deviation)


calculator function used to find the area under the standard normal curve


what does the c mean on a and b (complementary)

not that one. 1-P(that one)

how to find binomial mean


how do you know if the sample size is large enough

np>/= 10 and n(1-p) >/= 10

symbol for means standard dev. of parameter

o with a ponytail

observes individual and measure variable of interest but does not attemp to influence respoense

observational study

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