AP Unit 3 terms

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Washintong, D.C. burned

A British force of 4,000 landed in the Chesapeake Bay areas in August 1814 advancing on Washington. It easily dispersed 6,000 militia men at Bladensburg, and then invaders entered the capital setting fire to most of the public buildings inluding the Capitol and the White House.

balanced budget

Albert Gallatin, secretary of the Treasury, agreed with Jefferson was a bane rather than a blessing, and tried to reduce it through a strict economy and _______.

Bill of rights

Amendments to the Constitution could be made in two ways: 2/3 states had to vote for a Constitutional Convention or a 2/3 vote by both the House and the Senate. Fearing another convention would hurt the federalists victory, James Madison drafted the amendments himself, and then sent them to Congress. The first 10 amendments were called this and accepted in 1791. They included freedom of religion, speech, and press; the right to bear arms and to be tired by a jury; and the right to assemble and petition the government for grievances. In prohibited cruel and unusual punishment and arbitrary government seizures of private property. Madison also added the crutial ninth amendment which said that rights that were not mention in the Bill of Rights would also be protected. The 10th amendment reserved all rights not explicitly delegated or prohibited by the federal Constitution to states and people.

why Jefferson hesitated to purchase Louisiana

April 30, 1803, the entire Louisiana territory was sold to America for $15 million. Jefferson was startled because he had authorized his envoys to pay no more than $10 million for New Orleans and what ever land east they could get, but instead they payed $5 million more for a territory that doubled the US. They had bought a wilderness to get a city.

England and France, harm to U.S. shipping

At the Battle of Trafalgar, Britain secured its supremacy over the sea, while at the Battle of Austerlitz France secured its supremacy over the land. Since the two powers could not directly hurt each other, they had to strike indirect blows that fell upon America. In 1806, Parliament issued a series of Orders in Council that closed the European ports under French control to foreign shipping, so that American ships had to go through British ports. Napoleon struck back by ordering all merchant ships to be seized including Amercain ships that entered British ports.

Madison's veto of internal improvements (Bonus Bill)

Attempts to secure federal funding for the American system stumbled on Republican constitutional scruples. Congress voted in 1817 to distribute $1.5 million to the states for internal improvements, but President Madison did this saying the handout measure was unconstitutional. The states were thus forced to venture ahead with constucion programs of their own, including the Erie Canal.

Non-intercourse Act

Because of threats of secession and violence, Congress repealed the embargo act in 1809 and passed this which formally reopened trade with all nations except France and Britain.

Virginia Dynasty

By electing James Monroe, the people undertook to continue this of Washington, Jefferson, and Madison. Diehard Federalists were going to used the issue of the Tallmadge Amendment to break this.

Mr. Madison's War -- 1812 and War Hawks

By spring 1812, Madison believed that war with Britan to be inevitable. Madison turned to war to restore confidence in the republican experiment. British arming of Indians and the war hawks of his own party pushed him to this decision. In 1812, with a vote of 79 to 49 in the House and 19 to 13 in the Senate, Congress voted to go to war. They were young hot-heads who replaced submission men in Congress. They detested the manhandling of American sailors and the British Orders of Council that dammed the flow of American trade. They yearned to wipe out a renewed Indian threat to the pioneer settlers who were streaming into the trans-Allegheny wilderness. The war hawks wanted to wipe out the Indians Canadian base.


Canada became an important battleground in the war because Britain was weakest there, so the Americans conducted a three pronged invasion. Invading forces marched from Detroit, Niagara, and Lake Champlain but were defeated soon after crossing the border. The Canadians took American fort of Michilimackinac, which commanded the upper Great Lakes. In 1813, Americans land invasions of Canada again failed, they turned to the water.


Citizens in several states ended the remains of medievil inheritance laws.

Oliver Hazard Perry and Battle of Lake Erie

Control of the Great Lakes was vital, and an energetic American naval officer managed to build a fleet of green timbered ships on the shores of Lake Erie. When he captures a British fleet in a furious engagement on the lake, he reported to his superior, "We have met the enemy and they are ours." His victory and his slogan infused new life into the American cause.

safeguards against the "mob"

Delegates erected these which included that federal judges had a life term, the president would be elected indirectly by an Electoral College, senators were to be chosen indirectly by state legislature, and only the House of Representatives were qualified citizens (property owners) were permitted to choose their officials by direct vote.

Andrew Jackson and Seminole attacks

Epidemic revolutions in Argentina, Venezuela, and Chile caused the Spanish to withdraw forces form Florida to put down the revolts. This general, under the pretext that hostile Seminole Indians and fugitive slaves were using Florida as a refuge, secured a commission to enter Spanish territory, punish the Indians, and recapture the runaways. But he was to respect all posts under the Spanish flag. In 1818, he swept across the Florida border hanging two Indian chiefs and executed two British subjects without trials for assisting the Indians. He also seized the two most important Spanish posts in the area including St. marks and Pensacola where he deposed the Spanish governor.

Washington's farewell address

Exhausted after the diplomatic and partisan battle of his second term, Washington decided to retire which contributed to a two-term tradition of American presidents. In this in 1796, which was never given orally but printed in the newspapers, Washington advised the avoidance of permanent alliances like the Franco-American Treaty of 1778. He only favored temporary alliances for emergencies which was good advice for the weak, small country. Washington left office in 1797.

changes in citizenship rules

Federalis ts used the anti-French frenzy to get laws approved by Congress in 1798 that would minimize the Jeffersonian party. These laws were focused on pro-Jeffersonian "aliens" who were scorned by the Federalist aristocracy because they were European immigrants lacking wealth. They were welcomed as voters by Jeffersonians. Federalist in Congress raised the residence requirements for aliens who desired to become citizens from a tolerable five years to 14. This violated the American policy of open-door hospitality and speedy assimilation.

Battle of the Thames

Forced to retreat to Detroit and Fort Malden, the redcoats were overtaken by General Harrison's army and beaten at this battle in 1813.

Bank of the US

Hamilton proposed this which modelled after the Bank of England. He wanted a powerful private institute of which Congress would be the main stock holder and in which the federal Treasury would deposit surplus funds. Federal funds would stimulate business by staying in circulation because all powers not specifically given to the government were reserved for the state.

''Father of national debt''

Hamilton saw the national debt as a national blessing because it would cause unity since more people who the government owed money to would be interested in the success of the new government.

Fund the national debt ''at par'' and assume state debts

Hamilton urged Congress to do this since the states debts had been accumulated in the protection of the nation during the revolution. T6his mean the government would pay off its debts at face value, plus accumulated interests ($54 million). Congress passed Hamilton's measure in 1790. Hamilton urged Congress to also assume this debt of $21.5 million

"mad" Anthony Wayne

He lead a new army in 1794 and routed the Miamis at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Indians offered him the peace pipe.

Adams and the midnight judges

He remained at his desk until nine o'clock in the evening of his last day in office, supposedly signing the commissions of the Federalist "_______."

Secretary of State John Quincy Adams

He was James Monroe's Secretary of state who was the son of the ex-president John Adams. He rose above the ingrown Federalist sectionalism of his native New England and proved to be one of the great secretaries of state.

Aaron Burr conspiracies and trial

He was Jefferson's first vice president who aroused fears of the expansion of the federal governments power and the fears of secession and foreign intrigue. When he was dropped from the cabinet in Jefferson's second term, he joined a group of Federalist extremists to plot secession of New England and New York. Hamilton exposed and foiled the conspiracy. Hamilton dueled with this man, but refused to fire at and was shot himself. This man blew the brightest brain out of the Federalist party and destroyed its one remain ho[r of effective leadership. He then plotted with James Wilkinson to cause the separation of the West from the East. He was arrested, but later let go to flee to France.

Tecumseh and the Prophet

He was a Shawnee Indian born in the Ohio Country who was a gifted organizer and leader as well as a noted warrior. he fought the tribal custom of torturing prisoners and opposed the practice of permitting any one tribe to sell land that, he believer, belong to all Indians. This term was what non-Indians called these pair of brothers. They believed that it was time to stem the westward flow of whites. They brought together tribes west of the Mississippi by giving spun clothing for buckskin and gave up alcohol.

Aaron Burr and election tie

He was a master wire-puller who helped Jefferson win over the Empire State (New York). He, Jefferson's vice-presidential running mate, and Jefferson had the same number of electoral votes and therefore the House of Representatives had to vote. Jefferson was the winning cannidates because some representatives abstained from voting.

Edmond Genet affair

He was a representative of the French Republic who landed in Charleston, South Carolina and undertook to find privateers and take advantage of the existing Franco-American alliance. He believed that the Neutrality Proclaimition of 1793 did not reflect the true wishes of Americans because the Democratic-Republicans were glad to see him. Therefore, he recruited armies to invade Spanish Florida and Louisiana and British Canada (which was not part of the French alliance). He threatened to appeal over the head of Washington to sovereign voters, so the president demanded that Genet withdrawal.

James Monroe -- elected 1816, 1820

He was nominated for the presidency in 1816 by the Republicans. He won 183 electoral votes to 34. He straddled two generations: the by gone age of the Founding Fathers and the emergent age of nationalism. In 1817, he undertook to inspect military defenses pushing norhtward into New England and then westward into Detroit.

John Adams

He was one of the ablest statesmen of his day who impressed his observers as a man of stern principles who did his duty with stubborn devotion. He was a prickly intellectual aristocrat who did not appeal to the masses. He stepped into Washington's unfillable shoes, and was hated by Hamilton who resigned from treasury in 1795. Also, Adam's inherited a quarrel with France.

William Marbury

He was one of the mid-night judges, appointed by President Adams to be justice of peace for the District of Columbia, who offered Marshall a historic opportunity.

General George Washington

He was unanimously drafted president by the first Electoral college in 1789. He preferred the peaceful quiet of Mount Vernon over politics. He took the oath on April 30, 1789. He appointed a Cabinet that was cumbersome.

peculiar institution

If Congress could abolish _________________ in Missouri, might it not attempt to do like wise in the older states of the South?

limited equality of women

In 1766, New Jersey's new constitution enabled women to vote for a short time. Abigail Adams teased John Adams that women would come to rebellion if they were not given political rights.

Quakers and antislavery

In 1775, Philadelphia _________ founded the world's first __________ society. Hostilities hampered the noxious trade in "black ivory," the Continental Congress called for complete abolition of the slave trade in 1755. This was esp. popular in the Northern colonies where slavery was abolished outright or emancipation was gradually attained. Even in Virginia, idealistic owners freed their slaves. However, no states South of Pennsylvania abolished slavery, and in both North and South laws discriminated against free slaves: emancipated slaves could be barred from buying property, holding certain jobs, and educating their children.

Articles of Confederation 1777

In 1776, Congress appointed a committee to draft a new constitution. In 1777, these were adopted into Congress, but they were not ratified until 1781. They were translated into French to prove to the French that America was a genuine gov. after the Battle of Saratoga. Their main weakness was colonial disputes over land, and they had to have unanimous approval by the states. The executive and judicial branches were weak, all the states had one vote no matter the population, all bills required support of nine states, amendment of these required unanimous ratification which was impossible to achieve, and Congress was weak with no power to regulate commerce (states could create conflicting laws on tariffs and navigation), and with no power to enforce a tax collection program.

new state constitutions

In 1776, the Continental Congress called upon the colonies t6o draft ___________(summoning the colonies into becoming new-states). The sovereignty of the colonies would lie with the people. Maryland and Rhode Island only retouched their charters. Massachusetts called a special convention to draft its constitution, and then submitted the final draft to the people for ratification. This procedure was copied for the drafting and ratification of the federal constitution. State constitutions made the righting of the federal constitution easier. They were contracts that defined powers of government (unlike English Constitutions), and they drew their authority from the peo0ple not a king. They were fundamental laws that would protect against the whims of legislation. Most of them contained a bill of rights that protected against encroachment by the legislature. All of them deliberately create4d weak executive and judicial branches.

indentured servants

In 1784, a ship load of these were released in New York. On the grounds that it violated democratic ideals, servitude was virtually unknown by 1800.

Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

In 1786, the fight for separation of church and state was strongest in Virginia. Thomas Jefferson and his co-reforms (Baptists) won a complete victory when passing this.

Shay's rebellion

In 1786, this occurred because of economic problems continuing into the 1780's occurred in western Massachusetts. It was caused by impoverished back country farmers, many of which were Revolutionary War vets, who were losing their farms to mortgage foreclosures and tax delinquencies. Captain Daniel Shay led these debtors as they demanded that the state issue paper money, lighten taxes, and suspend property overtakes. They farmers drew their muskets to ensure they got what they wanted, but the authorities responded by raising a small army, funded by wealthy citizens, and fighting a few small battles until the rebellion collapsed at a battle in Springfield. Outbursts of Shays and other debtors struck fear in propertied class making them believe that the new democracy was a mobocracy. These debtors convinced republican leaders that the Articles of Confederation needed to be replaced.

French Revolution

In 1789, the French Revolution began, and it would take 26 years for Europe to return to peace. The French Revolution was peaceful in its early stages successfully putting political shackles on Louis XVI. Americans cheered on the French Revolution as a second chapter to their own revolution. By 1792, the France declared war on Austria, pushed back the invaders, and declared themselves a republic in 1793. The French Revolution caused Americans to rename thoroughfares: King Street=Liberty Street and Exchange Alley=Equality Lane. However, in 1793, the King was beheaded and the church was attacked in a time called the Reign of Terror. This caused aristocratic Federalists to fear the Jeffersonian masses who believed that a few thousand aristocratic heads were a cheap price to pay for human Freedom.


In 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte induced the king of Spain to cede to France in exchange for this trans-Mississippi region. In 1802, Spaniards in New Orleans withdrew the right to deposit guaranteed America by the treaty of 1795. These deposit privileges were vital to frontier farmers who floated their produce down the Mississippi to its mouth to await oceangoing vessels. Farmers threatened to attack New Orleans, so Jefferson, who thought America could deal with the Spanish but not the French, sent James Monroe to Paris to join forces with the regular minister, Robert R, Livingston, to buy New Orleans and as much land to the east as they could in 1803. The maximum payment would be $10 million. Napoleon decided to sell all of Louisiana and give up hid dream of a New World Empire.

new Naturalization Act

In 1802, Jeffersonians enacted this act which reduced the unreasonable requirement of fourteen years of residence to the previous and more reasonable requirement of five years.

Chesapeake affair

In 1807, a royal frigate overhauled a U.S. frigate, the Chesapeake, about ten miles off the coast of Virginia. The captain bluntly demanded the surrender of four alleged deserters. London had never claimed the right to seize sailor from a foreign warship. and the American commander refused the request. The British warship fired three broadsides that killed three Americans and wounded eighteen. The deserters were dragged away.

Plattsburgh and Thomas Macdonough

In 1814, 10,000 troops prepared for a crushing blow into New York along the Lake Champlain water way. A weaker American fleet, commanded by this man, challenged Britain on September 1814. Th American glad ship at one point was in grave trouble. But this man unexpectedly turned his ship about with cables and confronted the enemy with a fresh broadside, winning a victory. The invading British army was forced to retreat, and upper N.Y. was saved from conquest. This man also profoundly affected the concurrent negotiations of the Anglo-American peace treaty in Europe.

Panic of 1819

In 1819, a paralyzing economic panic descended. It brought deflation, depression, bankruptcies, bank failures, unemployment, soup kitchens, and overcrowded pest houses known as debtor's prisons. It was the 1st national financial panic since George Washington took office. This was mainly caused by the over speculation of frontier lands. This lasted on different levels for a couple of years ruining nationalistic arbor. In the West, wildcat western banks were forced to wall and foreclose mortgages on countless farms. In the hard hit lower class, Jacksonian democracy began.

Clay's Missouri Compromise of 1820 and 36*30' Line

In 1820, the deadlock over what would be down with westward settlements was broken by a bundle of three settlements. Congress agreed Missouri as a slave state. But free-soil Maine, which until then had been part of Massachusetts, was admitted as a separate state. The balance between North and South was kept at twelve states each and remained there for 15 years. Although Missouri was permitted to retain slaves, all future bondage was prohibited in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of the line of 36* 30'- the Southern boundary of Missouri.

anti-Jefferson propaganda

In defense from recent anti-Federalist attacks, the Federalists focused their fire at ______ who became the recipient of America's first whispering campaigns. He was accused to having robbed a widow and her chidlren of a trust fund and of having fathered numberous mulatto children by his own slave woman. The orthodox clergy attacked him as a atheist.

Battle of Fallen Timbers

In defiance of the peace treaty of 1783, Britain kept a northern chain of frontier posts on U.S. soil. The London government did not want to give up the lucrative fur trade in the Great Lakes area, and they openly gave fire arms to the Miami confederacy who in 1791 defeated the Americans. In 1794, Anthony Wayne routed the Miamis at this battle. British refused to shelter Indians from this battle.

Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, Sacajawea

In spin of 1804, Jefferson sent his personal secretary to explore the northern part of the territory along with a young army officer. These two men and their party were aided by the Shoshoni woman to cross the Missouri River, cross the Rockies, and descend the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. It was a 2.5 year expedition which harvested scientific observations, maps, knowledge of the Indians in the region, and wilderness adventure stories.

William Henry Harrison and the Battle of Tippecanoe

In the fall of 1811, the governor of Indiana Territory gathered an army and advanced on the Tecumseh's headquarters at the junction of the Wabash and Tippecanoe Rivers in Indiana. Tecumseh was absent, recruiting supporters in the South, bu the Prophet attacked Harrison's army with a small force of Shawnees. The Shawnees were routed and their settlement was burned. It made Harrison a national hero and discredited the Prophet and drove Tecumseh into an alliance with the British.

Election of 1796

In this campaign, political passions ran high between Democratic-Republican Jefferson and Federalist John Adams. John Adams found his support in New England with the narrow margin of 71 votes to 68 in the Electoral College. Jefferson became vice president as runner up. This was such an in harmonious two-party combination that the Twelfth Amendment prevented the runner up to an election to become the vice president.

Treaty of Greenville

In this in 1795, the confederacy gave up vast tracts of Old Northwest including Indiana and Ohio, and in exchange the Indians won $20,000 as well as the right to hunt the lands they had ceded. The Indians believed that the treaty, although an unequal relationship, put some limits on the ability of the U.S. to decide the fate of the Indian peoples.

Whiskey Rebellion

It flared up in southwestern Pennsylvania in 1794 challenged the new government. Hamilton's high excise tav boe harshly on these homespun pioneer folk who regarded it not as a tav on a frivolous luxury but as a burden on an economic necessity and medium of exchange. Defiant distillers finally erected whiskey poles, similar to the liberty poles of anti-stamp tax days, and raised the cry "liberty and No excise," and tarred and feathered revenue officers bringing collecting to a halt. Washington summoned the militia from several states to put down these "self-created societies." There was doubt if men from other states would muster to crush the rebellion. The militia made up of 13 thousand quickly dispersed the "Whiskey Boys" and ended their rebellion. Washington's government now commanded a new respect; however, oposers of the administration condemned the use of brutal force.


It is the forcible enlistment of sailors which was a crude form of conscription that the British had employed over the centuries. Six thousand American citizens were ______ by the piratical man-stealers. A number of these luckless souls died or were killed in His Majesty's service, leaving their relatives bereaved and embittered.

War of 1812

It was a divisive and ill-fought war. The supreme lesson of the conflict was the folly of leading a divided and apathetic people into war. Americans can out of the war with a new sense of nationhood.

Convention of 1800

It was a treaty signed in Paris in which France agreed to annul the twenty-two-year-old marriage of convenience, but as a kind of alimony the United States agreed to pay the damage claims of American shippers. So ended the nation's only peacetime military alliance for a century and a half.

Judiciary Act of 1801

It was also called the deathbed as one of the last important laws passed by the expiring Federalist Congress. It created sixteen new federal judgeships and other judicial offices. It was a long overdue reform, but it aroused content from because they packed these lifetime posts with anti-Jeffersonian partisans.

Monroe Doctrine written by J.Q. Adams

It was born in the late 1823, when nationalistic Adams won the nationalistic Monroe over to his way of thinking. the president incorporated a stern warning to the European powers in his regular annual message to Congress in December 1823. It featured noncolonization and nonintervention. Monroe proclaimed to a Russian in the Northwest that the era of colonization in the Americas had ended and that henceforth the hunting season was permanently closed. Monroe warned against foreign intervention since he was concerned with regions to the south for Spanish American republics. He directed the crowned heads of Europe to keep their monarchical system out of this hemisphere. In return, the Americans would not assist the Greeks in war for independence against the Turks. European monarchs were angered by this.

compromise on slave trade; Commercial Compromises

It was caused by most states wanting to shut of the African slave trade, but South Carolina and Georgia who needed the slave labor for their rice paddies and malarial swamps protested. The convention decided that the slave trade would continue until 1807 at which point it would be cut off. All states new constitutions, except Georgia's, forbade overseas slave trade. Another compromise was the imports would be taxed, but exports would not be taxed.

Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, The Great Compromise

It was known as the large state plan which based representation in both houses (bicameral Congress) on population giving the larger states an advantage. This was known as the small states plan which would base representation in a unicameral Congress by states regardless of size or population. the smaller states feared that the larger states would band together and lord over the smaller. This gave larger states representation based on population in the House of Representatives while the smaller states were given representation in the Senate with each state having two senators. Delegates agreed that tax bills or revenue would originate in the census every 10 years.

Hamilton's Financial plan

It was started when he set out to fix the countries economic affairs which would shape fiscal policies to favour wealthier groups who would give the government support. The new federal regime would thrive, the properties classes would fatten, and prosperity would trickle down to the masses. He had to bolster national credit, but he could not get the funds he needed because the people still did not trust the government. He had Congress fund the entire national debt.


It was that the only legitimate government was on based on the consent of the governed, and that the powers of government should be limited by a written constitution.

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

It was the best remembered of Marshall's decisions. This college had been granted a charter by King George III in 1769, but the democratic New Hampshire state legislature had seen fit to change it. The college appealed the case. Marshall put the states firmly in their place when he ruled that the original charter must stand since it was a contract and contracts were protected under the Constitution from state encroachment. Its decision had the fortunate effect of safe guarding business enterprise from domination by the state governments, but it had the unfortunate effect of creating a precident that enabeled chartered corporations to escape the handcuffs of needed public control.

civic virtue and the idea of republican motherhood

It was the notion that democracy depended on unselfish commitment of each citizen to the public good. This central republican ideology thought that mothers would be the best to cultivate habits of the young. The selfless devotion of a mother to her family was a good example of republicanism. This elevated women to keepers of the nation's conscience.

conservative triumph

It was the success of the militant minority to overthrow the Articles of Confederation. Elven states had seceded from the Confederation. The majority had not spoken; only 1/4 of the adult whit males in the country (propertied) had voted for delegates. Safe guards had been erected against mob rule, and radicals were upended by the American Conservatives.

Jefferson's Inaugural Address

It was well phrased with classic statements of democratic principles: The will of the majority is in all cases to prevail" and "that will to be rightful must be reasonable; the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression." To allay the Federalists' he said,"We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists." Also, in the case of foreign affairs, he pedeged "honest freinchip with all nations, entangling alliance with none." In this he showed unexpected moderation dismissing few political servants for political reasons.

Pinckney's Treaty

Jay's Treaty caused Spain to foreshadow an Anglo-American alliance, so they wanted to strike a deal with the U.S.. In 1795, this treaty granted the Americans virtually everything they demanded: free navigation of the Mississippi and the large disputed territory north of Florida.

Election 1800 -- Jefferson's political ideas

Jefferson focused on the middle class and the poor having sympathy for the down trodden. He did not approve of central power wanting the bulk of the power to be with the state because then the people could keep and eye on their public servants. Central authority should be kept at a minimum through strict interpretation of the Constitution. He wanted to pay off the national debt which he saw as a curse to later generations. He thought that agriculture was the preffered branch of economy. He favored government for the people not by all the people. Universal education would have to precede universal suffrage. He also reconciled slave-holding because if their were not slaves poor white farmers would have to provide cheap labor and they would never acquire land. Jefferson wanted to protect and strengthen democracy at home, especially in the frontier regions beyond the Appalachian, rather than flex America's muscle abroad.

repeal of the excise tax

Jefferson only remitted one substantial prop of the Hamiltonian system. He hated this because it bred bureaucrats and bore heavily on his farmers. He persuaded Congress to repeal it which caused the federal government about a million dollars a year in urgently needed revenue.

Embargo Act of 1807

Jefferson passed this to avoid war since Europe depended on the US for raw materials and foodstuffs in times of war. It was passed in 1807 and forbade the export of all goods from the US whether in American or in foreign ships. The embargo would vindicate the rights of neutral nations and point to new way of conduction foreign affairs if it worked, but it would cause the Republic to perish, subjugated to European powers or sucked into their ferocious war if it failed. This hurt the American commerce long before France and Great Britain began to comply.

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Jefferson secretly wrote a series of resolutions because he feared that the Federalists would take away more constitutional rights or even stamp out the Jeffersonian Party. The Kentucky legislature approved these resolutions in 1798 and 1799. Jefferson's friend James Madison drafted similar but less extreme statements for Virginia which were passed in the legislature in 1798. They both stressed the compact theory which meant that the thirteen sovereign states in creating the federal government had entered into a compact or contract regarding jurisdiction. The federal government was a creation of the states; therefore, the individual states were the final judges of whether their agent had broken the "compact" by overstepping authority originally granted. They were fomulas for extreme states rights that the southern states used for secession.

Madison elected 1808(1812)

Jefferson stepped down after two terms, and his friend and fellow Virginian was elected. He took oath on March 4, 1809, crippled by factions within his party and his cabinet. Unable to dominate Congress as Jefferson had don, he often found himself holding the bag for risky foreign policies not of his own making.

Alien and Sedition Acts expirations and pardons

Jefferson wanted to undo the Federalist abuses caused by the anti-French hysteria. These acts had already expired, so he speedily pardoned the "martyrs" who were serving sentences under the Sedition Act, and the government remitted many fines.

Election 1804

Jefferson was reelected in 1804 with 162 electoral votes.

Revolution of 1800 Three-Fifths clause

Jefferson won the election of 1800 by a majority of 73 electoral votes to 65, and the unpopular Adams polled more electoral strength than he had gained four years earlier. This was a cause for Jefferson's success in the 1800 elections because it gave southern voters a bonus that helped Jefferson win the White House. Jefferson compared the the election to the revolution of 1776 meaning that he believed the election brought America back to the original spirit of the Revolution.

Chief of Justice John Marshall (Federalists)

Jeffersonians were ready to make him step down. He was a cousin of Thomas Jefferson. His formal legal schooling had only lasted 3 weeks. He shaped the American legal tradition more profoundly than any other single figure. While serving in Valley Forge, he was impressed by the drawbacks of feeble central authority which made him a life long Federalist committed to strengthening the power of the federal government.

Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819

John Quincy Adams would not agree to disavow and discipline Jackson but called for huge concessions from Spain leading to this misnamed treaty. It caused Spain to cede Florida as well as claims to Oregon. In exchange, America would abandon claims to Texas. Also, the vague boundary of Louisiana was made to run zigzag along the Rockies to the forty-second parallel and then turn due west to the Pacific, dividing Oregon from Spanish holdings.

Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817

Many Canadians felt betrayed by the treaty of Ghent, and they fully expected the frustrated Yankees to return. For a time the Americans and British engaged in a flosting arms race on the Great Lakes. But in 1817 this agreement between Britain and the US and Canada severely limited naval armament on the lakes. Better relations brought the last border fortifications down in the 1870s, with the happy result at US and Canada came to share the world's longest unfortified boundary - 5,527 miles long.

changes in voting

Many states reduced the property-holding requirements for voting.

impeachment attempt of Samuel Chase

Marshall's decision regarding Marbury spurred the Jeffersonians to seek revenge by urging Jefferson to impeach this unpopular court justice. In 1804, the impeachment charges were voted by the House of Representatives which charged him with "high crimes and misdemeanors." The Senate was responsible for charging him innocent or guilty and could not muster enough votes to prove that he was guilty of "high crimes."

Treaty of 1818

Monroe's administration negotiated this with Britain. this pact permitted Americas to share the coveted Newfoundland fisheries with their Canadian cousins. This multi-sided agreement also fixed the vague northern limits of Louisiana along the 49* parallel from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains. The treaty further provided for a 10 year joint occupation of the untamed Oregon Country, without a surrender of the rights or claims of either America or Britain.

the Federalists essays by Hamilton, Jay, Madison

N.Y. also experienced an uphill struggle, burdened with antifederalist state convention. He favoured a strong central government and whipped up support for federalism. He was joined by these to men in writing a series of articles in NY newspapers. Although propaganda, these remained the most penetrating commentary ever written in the Constitution and were sold as the book. Madison's _ No. 10 refuted the belief that it was not possible to extend a republican government over a large territory. They wanted there to be no factions and for there to be republic democracy instead of a pure democracy.

Toussaint L'Ouverture

Napoleon failed in his efforts to reconquer the sugar-rich island of Santo Domingo which Louisiana served as a source of food stuffs for. Infuriated slaves were lead by this man who had put up a stubborn resistance that was ultiametly broken. However, mosquitoes carrying yellow fever had crippled the French presence on the island. Since Santo Domingo could not be had, Louisiana was not needed.

North Carolina and Rhode Island resistance

Only two states still did not ratify the Constitution. This state held a hostile convention, but adjourned without taking a vote. This state rejected the Constitution by popular referendum. They were individualists states of the other minded.

Henry Clay's "American system

Patriotic Americans took pride in the factories that had recently mushroomed forth, largely as a result of the self-imposed embargoes and the war. When hostilities ended in 1815, British competitors undertook to recover lost ground by dumping the contents of their bulging warehouses on the US, often cutting their prices below cost in an effort to strangle the American war-baby factories. Congress responded by passing the Tariff of 1816 - the first tariff in American history instituted primarily for protection, not revenue. This man through himself behind this scheme in 1824. It had three man parts: 1. a strong banking system which would provide easy and abundant credit 2. protective tariff behind which eastern manufacturing would flourish 3. revenues from the tariff would support this network of roads and canals, esp. in Ohio. Through these new arteries of transportation would flow foodstuffs and raw materials.

Thomas Jefferson

Secretary of State under Washington

Henry Knox

Secretary of War under Washington

Alexander Hamilton

Secretary of treasury under Washington

Tallmadge Amendment

Sectional tensions, involving rivalry between the slave South and free North over control of the beckoning West, were stunningly revealed in 1918. Missouri wanted to become a slave state. The House of Representatives stymied the plans of the Missourians by passing this. It stipulated that no more slaves should be brought into Missouri and also provided for the gradual emancipation of children born to slave parents already there. This caused anger in slave-holding southerners and depression cured pioneers. Southerners managed to defeat this in the senate, but they viewed it as ominous threat to the sectional balance.

Loyalist lands

States seized control of former crown lands which were eventually made into small farms. Roger Morris' estate in New York was made into 250 parcels - accelerating the spread of economic democracy.


The Articles had required this from all the 13 states; however, the Constitution would have surely been vetoed by absent RI. Delegates established that nine states had to ratify the constitution for it to become the supreme law in those states.

the Proclamation of Neutrality

The Franco-American alliance of 1778 which bound the U.S. to help the French defend their West Indies(which were sure to be attacked by the British), was supposed to last forever. Democratic-Republicans wanted to honor the alliance eager to enter the conflict against GB, but Washington backed Hamilton and avoided war because the country (in 1793) was militarily feeble, economically wobbly, and politically disunited. In 1793, Washington issued this shortly outbreak of war between Britain and France. It proclaimed Americans neutrality in the arising conflict and warned American citizens to be impartial to wars both armed camps. It the Democratic-Republicans hated it, while the Federalists loved it. This showed that the true cement of alliances was self-interest.

the XYZ affair

The French were angered by Jay's Treaty and the Proclamation of Neutrality, so they seized American merchant vessels and the Paris regime refused to except America's new envoy even threatening him with arrest. Adams appointed three men as part of a diplomatic commission who reached Paris in 1797. They hoped to meet Talleyrand, a French foreign minister, but instead they were met by three go-betweens known as X, Y, and Z who demand a loan of 32 million florins and a bribe of $250,000 just to talk to Talleyrand. Negotiations quickly broke down, and John Marshall, on reaching New York in 1798, was hailed as a hero for his steadfastness.

nullification, states' rights

The Kentucky resolution concluded that the Alien and Sedition Acts had excedded its constitutional powers so that the states had the right to do this. The states did not have to accept the acts. Other state legislatures refused to endorse the resolutions.

Land Act 1820

The West was still weak in pop. and influence esp. not portent enough politically to make its voice heard. It was forced to ally itself with other sections. In 1820, the West called for cheaper acreage in this act which authorized a buyer to purchase 80 virgin acres at a minimum of $1.25 an acre in cash. It also demanded cheaper transportation, and it demanded cheap money issued by its own wildcat banks.

absence of bill of rights

The antifederalists complained that he new Constitution jeopardized the sovereignty of states and individual rights by not having this. Federalists gave assurance that the first Congress would add such safe guards through amendments. This assurance swayed Massachusetts to ratify the Constitution by a slim margin (their approval was key).

branches of government

The conservatives/federalists contended that every branch effectively represented the people. By embedding the doctrine of self-rule in the a self-limiting system of checks and balances among these branches, the constitution reconciled the potentially conflicting principles of liberty and order.

state capitals moved westward

The democratic charters of new state legislatures disfranchised poorer western districts who powerfully influe4nced the successful move of capitals. These geographical shifts caused political shifts.

Anglican Church -- Episcopal Church

The fight for separation of church and state was shown when the __________, which was associated with the British crown was down sized. The _______ Church was de-anglicanized ______________.

president (executive branch)

The new Constitution provided a robust but legally restrained _______ which was inspired by the Massachusetts where a popularly elected governor had put down Shay's Rebellion. He would make appointments to domestic offices (judges) and had power to veto legislation.

summarize key ideas "Settlers of the Old Northwest"

The original 13 colonies were joined by 9 frontiers states. Westward movement had been going on since colonial days, the cheap land appealed to the European immigrants, land was exhausted in older tabacco states, and speculators accepted small down payments making it easier to buy new holdings.

Electoral College

The president would be elected by this. Large states would have an advantage in the first round of popular voting (the states share of electors were based on its amount of senators and representatives), the small states would gain a larger voice if no candidate got the majority of electoral votes and the election would be thrown to the House of Representative where each state had only one vote. Electoral Votes: 538, to win 279.

Alien laws

These empowered the president to be able to deport dangerous foreigners i time of peace and to deport or imprison them in time of hostilities. This was a grant of executive power contrary to American tradition and to the spirit of the Constitution even though they were never enforced.

three branches, Checks and Balances

These were favoured by Congress. Montesquieu analysed and compared the English government to other governments. He recognized the separation of the legislative, judicial, and executive powers and realized that this separation of power caused success. America later adopted this separation of powers in the new government.

New England opposition

They greeted the declaration of war with muffled bells, flags at half-mast, and public fasting. Pro-British Federalist in the Northeast sympathized with Britain and resented the Republicans' sympathy with Napoleon. New England's bitterness lead then close to treason. New England gold holders probably lent more dollars to the British Exchequer than to the federal Treasury, Federalists farmers sent crops to Canada enabling the British to invade New York, and New England governors refused to let their militia serve outside their state.


They had power and influence. Their supporters were George Washington and Ben Franklin, and their followers were settled in areas along the seaboard and were wealthier, more educated, and better organized than antifederalists. They controlled the press. In the 1780s, 100 papers were printed in the US only 12 of which supported the antifederalists cause.


They opposed the stronger federal government. Its leaders consisted of Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, and Richard Henry Lee, and its followers consisted for states' rights devotees, back country dwellers, small farmers, paper-moneyites, and debtors. They saw the constitution as a way for the upper class to take power from the common folk.

Sedition Laws

They were a direct slap to the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution by the Bill of Rights - freedom of speech and press. It provided that anyone who impeded the policies of the government or falsely defamed its officials would be liable to a heavy fine and imprisonment. Federalists believed this was justified because verbal violence was unrestrained, and editors (some aliens) vilified Adam's anti-French policy in vicious terms. Many outspoken Jeffersonian editors were indicted under this act. They seemed to be in direct conflict with the constitution. However, the Supreme court dominated by Federalists was not likely to declare this law unconstitutional. In 1801, the law expired so that the law could not be used against the Federalists in the next election.

Barbary States Pirates

This caused Jefferson's policy to reduce the military and not build ships to change. They had blackmailed and plundered merchant ships that ventured into the Mediterranean. By 1798, America was sending 26 barrels of blackmail dollars to piratical Algiers. In 1801, the pasha of Tripoli declared war on the US because he was dissatisfied with his share of protection money. Jefferson sent the American infant navy to the shores of Tripoli. After fours years of off and on fighting, Jefferson extorted a peace treaty from Tripoli in 1805 by paying $60,000 to get back captured Americans.

necessary and proper clause

This clause stipulate that Congress may pass any law "______" to carry out the powers vested in various government agencies. Congress was explicitly empowered to collect taxes and regulate trade, so a national bank would be proper and necessary to carry out these basic functions.

Francis Scott Key's "Star Spangled Banner"

This detained American anxiously watched the bombardment of fort McHenry from a British ship. He was inspired by the doughty defenders to write this poem. It was later set to tune of a saucy English tavern refrain, the song quickly attained popularity.

Era of Good Feelings

This era came with the ear of nationalism and James Monroe. Boston newspapers called Monroe's coming "_______________." This happy phrase has been commonly used since then to describe the administrations of Monroe. However, it was something of a misnomer because the issues of the tariff, the bank, internal improvements, and the sale of public lands were being hotly contested.

population changes

This had been doubling every 25 yrs. since 1789, and the first official census of 1790 recorded 4 million people. Cities population had increased well; however 90% of this was still rural. All but 5% lived east of the Appalacian mountains.

division of responsibilities

This included that the president had the power to wage war, but Congress kept the right to declare war. It had been an invitation for conflict between the president and Congress ever since.

Economic democracy

This proceeded political democracy in the US preventing bloody revolution such as in France. Goods formerly imported from Britain were cut off, and the Yankees were forced to make their own. Brandy-wine, Pennsylvania was turning millwheels along an 80 mi stretch. (America remained a nation of soil-tillers). Coveted commerce with Britain was still reserved for loyal parts of the empire barring American ships from Britain and the West Indies. Fisheries were disrupted and ship's stores abruptly ended. However, Americans now traded with foreign nations (Baltic and Chinese seas). In 1784, the Empress of China carrying ginseng which was in high demand with Chinese doctors, lead the way into East Asian markets. State governments had borrowed more during the war then they could ever pay back. Inflation was on the rise, and Congress had failed to curb economic laws.

Three-fifths Compromise

This resulted form the conflict over the voteless slaves being counted in apportioning direct taxes and according representatives in the House of Representative. The South said yes while the North said no. The Compromise was that slaves would count for three-fifths of a person.

Land Ordinance of 1785 and Northwest Ordinance 1787

This was Congress' pledge to turn vast areas in the west into areas for the common benefit, and they agreed to carve from the new public domain not colonies, but republican states which would be added to the union with time. This reflected the anticolonial spirit of the Revolution. States had to remain in the Union if they wanted to reap the benefits of this land. This provided that the acreage of the Old Northwest should be sold and that the proceeds should be used to help pay off national debt. The area was to be surveyed before sale and settlement and to be divided into townships (six miles) which would be split into section of 1 mile. The 16th section would be set aside to be sold for the benefits of public schools. This grappled with the problem of how a nation should deal with its colonies. The solution was temporary tutelage and then permanent equality. 1. two evolutionary territorial stages in which an area would be subordinated to the federal government and then when the area had 16,000 in habitants it could be added by Congress as a state with privileges of the 13 charter members. It also forbade slavery in the Northwest (exempted slaves already present).

McCulloch v. Maryland and loose construction

This was a case of Chief of Justice John Marshall which was one of his most famous decisions that bolstered the power of the federal government at the expense of the states. The suit involved an attempt by the state of Maryland to destroy a branch of the Bank of the US by imposing a tax on its notes. Marshall declared the bank constitutional by invoking the Hamiltonian doctrine of implied powers. He also strengthened the federal authority and slapped at state infringements when he denied the right of Maryland to tax the bank. Marshall's ruling gave the doctrine of ______ its most famous formulation. The Constitution derived from the consent of the people and thus permitted the government to act for their benefit. He further argued that the Constitution was "intended to endure for ages to some and, consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs."

judicial review

This was a principle instituted by John Marshal in opposition to Jefferson's Kentucky resolution. It was the idea that the Supreme Court alone had the last word on the question of constitutionality.

Gibbons v. Ogden and interstate trade

This was another case tried by Marshal. The suit was also known as the "steam boast case." The suit grew out of an attempt by the state of New York to grant a private concern a monopoly of waterborne commerce between New York and New Jersey. Marshall sternly reminded the upstart state that the Constitution congered on Congress alone the control of interstate commerce. Interstate streams were cleared of this judicial snag; the departed spirit of Hamilton may well have applauded.

Hartford Convention

This was caused by Federalist discontent late in 1814 when the capture of New Orleans seemed eminent. Massachusetts called for a convention here. Massachusetts, Connnecticut, and Rhode Island dispatched full delegations; New Hampshire and Vermont sent partial representation. Twenty-six men met in complete secrecy for about three weeks - December 1814 to January 1815 - to discuss their grievances and to seek redress for their wrongs. The convention demanded financial assistance from Washington to compensate for lost trade and proposed constitutional amendments requiring a two-thirds vote in Congress before an embargo could be imposed, new states admitted, or war declared. They sought to abolish the 3/5 clause, to limit presidents to single term, and to prohibit the election of two successive presidents form the same state. The Convention changed nothing except the Federalist party which it caused to die.

reduction of the military

This was one of Jefferson's first actions as president and establish a police force of 25,000 officers and men. This reduction was more about republican ideals then reluctance to invest in soldiers and ships. Jefferson hoped that American could transcend the bloody wars and alliances of Europe. The U.S. would set an example for the world, forswearing military force and winning friends through peaceful coercion. Also republicans distrusted large standing armies.

Macon's Bill No. 2, and Britain

This was passed after the embargo was completely dismantled and trade with all the world was reopened. It was to lure England and France. If either nation repealed its commercial restrictions, America would restore its embargo against the nonrepealing nation. It practically admitted that the US could not survive without one of the belligerents as a commercial ally. In August 1810, Napoleon's foreign ministers declared that French decrees might be repealed if Britain also lifted its Orders in Council. The offer was excepted, and Britain was given three months to live up to its deal. However, London did not since they had firm control of the seas. Madison had to reinstitute the embargo against Britain alone, stepping towards war.

examples of nationalism

This was the most impressive by-product of the War of 1812. This was shown in distinctively national literature such as the writings of Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper. School textbooks were now being written by Americans for Americans. Magazines such as the North American Review began to be published. Even American painters increasingly celebrated their native landscapes. This was also seen in Finance with the revival of the Bank of the United States when it was voted back by Congress in 1816. National capital was starting to be printed. The army was expanded to 10,000 men. The navy was further covered itself with glory in 1815 when it administered a thorough beating to the piratical North African pirates. Stephen Decatur embodied the nations mood in the toast "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be int he right; but our country, right or wrong!"

Battle of New Orleans and Andrew Jackson

This was the third British blow of 1814 aimed at New Orleans and menaced the entire Mississippi Valley. This American leader who had just finished crushing southwest Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, lead a force consisting 7,000 of regulars, pirates, Frenchmen, and militia men from Louisiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Among the defenders were two Louisiana regiments of free black volunteers, numbering about four hunredmen, The over confident British, 80,000, blundered badly. They made the mistake of launching a frontal assualt on January 1815, on the entrenched American riflemen and canoneers. The attackers suffered the most devastating defeat of the entire war, losing over two thoshand killed and wounded in a half an hours, as compared with some seven or the Americans. This man became a national hero. The war was ended two weeks before this battle (word had not reached them yet).

strict or loose interpretation of the Constitution

Thomas Jefferson argued against the National Bank because there was no specific authoriazation in the Constituion for such a financial octopus. He believed in a literal interpretation of the Constitution, and therefore was convinced that all powers not specifically granted to the central government were reserved to the states. he concluded that the states not Congress had the power to charter banks. Hamilton believed that the Constitution did not forbid it permitted; while Jerferson believed that it forbade not permit. Hamilton invoked the necessary and proper clause in the Constitution. Through virtue of implied powers Congress would be fudlly justified in est. the Bank of the United States. Hamilton contended for the loose interpretation of the Constitution, He and his federalist followers thus evolved the theort of the loose construction by invoking the elastic clause of the Constituiton.

Jay's Treaty

To avert war with Great Britain, who was seizing American ships in the West Indies and impressing American sea men into service on British vessels as well as throwing 100's into their dungeons, George Washington sent Chief Justice John Jay to London in 1794. Jay entered the negotiations with weak cards which were further sabotaged by Hamilton who supplied the British with details regarding America's bargaining strategy because he feared war. Jay won few concessions, but the British did promised to evacuate the chain of posts on U.S. soil and consented to pay damages for seizures of American ships. They did not pledge to do anything about future maritime seizures or supplying arms to Indians. They forced America to pay debts still owed to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary accounts. His treaty vitalized the Democratic-Republican party who thought that it was to close to a surrender to GB.

custom duties derived from tariffs

To fin the money to pay this interest and debt, Hamilton turned to this. It relied on foreign trade, another critical part to Hamitlon's plan. The first tariff was about 8% of dutiable imports was passed in Congress in 1789. In 1791, Hamilton secured from Congress an excise tax on a few domestic items (whiskey). A new levy of seven cents a gallon was borne by distillers.

Treaty of Ghent

Tsar Alexzander I of Russia brought five American peacemakers(John Quincy Adams, John Adams, Henry Clay) to Ghent Confident after their victories, the British made sweeping demands for a neutralized Indian buffer state in the Great Lakes region, control of the Great Lakes, and a substantial part of conquered Maine. The Americas flatly rejected these terms. News of the British reverses in upper N.Y. and at Baltimore as well as the increasing war weariness of Great Britain, made London more willing to compromise. It was signed on Christmas Eve 1814 with both sides agreeing to simply stop fighting and restore conquered territory. No mention was made of the Indian menace, search and seizure, Orders in Council, impressment, and confiscation.

political parties Federalists vs. Democratic-Republicans

What had once been a personal feud between Hamilton and Jefferson developed into a full-blown and frequently bitter political rivalry. National political parties were not known when Washington took office (Tories and Whigs, federalists and anti-federalists were only factions that faded away once they had won their cause of been defeated). In the 1790s, Jefferson and Madison organized opposition to Hamilton's program publishing their opinions in widely read papers and causing primitive political parties to emerge. The competition between parties for political power was a good ingredient for democracy keeping politics from becoming to one sided. Jefferson's party was the Democratic-Republicans, and Hamilton's party were the Federalists.

Marbury vs. Madison

When he learned that his commission was being shelved by the new secretary of state, he sued for its delivery. Chief Justice Marshall knew that his Jeffersonian rivals would not enforce a writ to deliver the commission to his fellow Federalist. Marshall dismissed his suit to prevent a political showdown. However, Marshall said that the part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 on which Marbury tried to base his appeal was unconstitutional. This case clouded the question of who had the final authority to determine the meaning o the Constitution.

Baltimore - - Ft. McHenry

While Washington burned, the Americans in this city held firm. The British fleet hammered Fort McHenry with their cannon but could not capture the city.

U.S.S. Constitution "Old Ironsides"

man for man and ship for ship, the American navy did much better than the army. In comparison to British ships. American crafts on the whole were more skillful handles, had better gunners, and were manned by non-press-gang crews. This American frigate had thicker sides, heavier firepower, and larger crews than British ships.

Philadelphia Constitutional Convention 1787

trol of commerce caused the this. By 1786, interstate squabbling over commerce became so alarming that Virginia called for a convention in Annapolis, Maryland, but only nine states appointed delegates and only five states were actually represented, Alexander Hamilton called upon Congress to hold this to deal with commerce and to bolster the fabric of the Articles. After 6 states appointed delegates, Congress belatedly issued the call to the convention only to revise the Articles. All the states chose representative except for independent and paper-moneyite Rhode Island. Representatives were chosen by states legislatures whose members had been voted in by the people bringing together propertied men. On May 25 1787, 55 emissaries joined and held sessions in complete secrecy. Most of the delegates were lawyers and had experience making constitutions in their own states. George Washington was elected chair man, Ben Franklin added urbanity of an older statesman, James Madison was called the ''Father of the Constitution'' for his great contributions, Alexander Hamilton was an advocate for a powerful central government, and other leaders from the Revolution such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Thomas Paine were in Europe while Samuel Adams and John Hancock were not elected by Massachusetts and Patrick Henry was elected by Virginia, but refused to serve. All delegates were conservative and well-to-do, and none were representing the poorer class. The delegates decided to throw out the Articles instead of reviser them like Congress had specifically said.

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