AP1E2, AP1 Exam 3, Endocrine Hormones

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Measure electrical activity epilepsy


Brief reversal of membrane potential 100 mv amplitude

Motor Unit

Single motor neuron + ALL innervated fibers All fibers respond with same amount of tension

speed of nerve fibers

a > b > c myelin --> no myelin large. --> small


chain of GAG's that attract water make porous gel which acts as diffusion barrier

perforating (Sharpey's) fibers

collagen fibers that anchor periosteum to compact bone

colloid v. suspension

colloid: small + wont settle (watery milk) suspension: large + can settle (blood draw) solution: homogenous + wont settle

combinatorial coding

combined actionof multiple g receptors to get specificity

3 types of cerebral fibers

commisural (corpus callosum) association (same side) projection (merge to S.C. )

autonomic tone

constant background activity // balance of the two systems

red bone marrow

contains reticular fibers

sensory: convergent or divergent?


zona fasciculata

cortisol- glycogen release (liver)+ a.a from muscle, F.A. (adipose)

benefit of a plexus?

creates redundancy as a fail safe

2nd order neuron

deccusate in thoracic s.c. body: posterior horn axon: thalamus


decreasing response to stimulis over time


dense irregular CT covers long bones rich supply of veins/nerves

Thalamus // hypothalsum //epithalamus

diencephalon relay messages // homeostasis //release melatonin

motor: convergent or divergent?



early sign of alzhimers decreased sense of smell

limbic system

emotion +memory only in mammals

adrenal medulla

epi + norepi

layers of nerve outer to inner

epineurium, periniureum, endoneurium, myelin, axon

most growth in bone

epiphyseal plate on diaphysis side replicate chondrocytes (not bone cells) Reserve, proliferation, hypertrophy/maturation, calcification, ossification

PET scan

examine blood flow to different areas

type 2

fast glycolytic light


fiber sacs filled w synovial fluid connected to/seperate from joint cavity




fibrous! ampiarthrosis ex. interosseus membrane

merkel cells

fine touch/spacial resolution

inter membranous

flat bones! 1. Meysenchymic cell -> osteoblasts in the PRIMARY ossification center 2. secrete organic matrix, calcify/trap (osteocytes) 3. trabeculae of spongy bone + periosteum (mes. Cells) - 4. periosteum osteoblasts lay compact bone


fluid within cochlear duct high K+ // low NA

electrival vs chemical synapse

gap junctions+ continuous cytoplasm /// neurotransmitters crossing gap

EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potential)

graded potential summation AT axon hillock


gray matter! cortex taste, visceral, verstibular

neuronal pools

groups of interneurons within CNS Integrate + coordinate allow for complex mental activity

short term --> longterm


phrenic nerve

in cervical plexus innervates the diaphragm

photoreceptors are active....

in the dark! depolarized dark photoreceptors (via GMP) release glutamate which inhiit bipolar cell

Beta 1 receptors

increase heart rate


increase size (fat cells) vs hyper cellular (childhood obesity)


increases blood calcium - stimulating osteoclast activity - kidneys reabsorb - intestines absorb

basal ganglia

inhibit unwanted movement

ramus communicans

innervates viscera

ionotropic vs metabotropic receptors

inotropic - open bc conformational change when ion bound ex. nicotinic metabotropic - g coupled receptors - secondary reactions cause channel opening

pleural cavity

inside lungs membranes! pericardial cavity for heart!

cl channel is ESPS or ISPS

isps! Bring chloride into cell!

Wernicke's area

language comprehension

brocas area

language production

k nee joint

largest/mostcomplex diarthrosis

3 stages twitch

latent period, contraction phase, relaxation phase

visceral motor location in s.c.

lateral horn

ependymal cells (CNS)

line cavities circulate CSF


lines inner medullary cavity

cytosol v cytoplasm

liquid cytoplasm includes organelles etc

Microglia (CNS)


pyramids of medulla oblongata

major motor projection tracts (corticospinal tracts) most DECUSSATE


measure oxygen levels (also measuring blood flow)

reticular fibers

mesh network scaffold + sieve thin, short collagen fibers

olfactory receptors

metabotropic! binding of molecule activates g protein, opening NA channels

squamous cell carcinoma

stratum spinosum keratinocytes 2nd most common + 2nd deadly


cartilaginous ex. vertebral discs


cartilaginous! costochondral joints!

alpha neurons

cause contraction of muscle fibers

median nerve

causes carpal tunnel! when its pinches


cell ruptures/dies

corticospinal tract

"cortex -> spine" voluntary movement

graded potentials

- short lived + local - magnitude varies w strength of stimulus - decrease over distance

unmeylinated axons

- small diameter - in schwann cell cytoplasm

white + gray matter

-White matter = myelinated axons -Gray matter =soma + unmyelinated dendrites / axons


1. chondroblasts -> osteoblasts 2.a. ossify bone collar OUTSIDE 2.b. internal cartilage calcify (chondrocytes die) 3. in primary center, osteoblasts replace calcified chondrocytes w spongey bone 4. . medullary cavity expand, epiphyses finish ossifying

3 methods of ATP generation

1. creatin phosphate 2. glycolytic catabolism (cytosol) 3. oxidative glycolysis (mitochondrion.)

synovial classifications

1. movement (Axis) 2. shape

ATP in muscle contraction

1. na/k pump (ap potential) 2. relase from myosin head for NEXT power stroke 3. pump SR (Relax)

pH changes

10 fold change for each number

which nuerons soma is in posterior root ?

1st order sensory neuron

refered pain

1st otder somatic/viscerak pain misinterpreted as cutaneous pain bc of shared nerve ex---> heart attack is left arm pain

1st, 2nd, 3rd degree burns

1st: epidermis (sunburn 2nd: epidermis + part/some dermis (blisters) 3rd: DEADLY, epi, dermis, hypodermis, maybe even muscle


25% of the body's protein stretch resistent but bendy

sodium-potassium pump

3 Na+ out, 2 K+ in


4-5 layers on basement membrane stratum cornea lucidum granulosum (apoptosis) spinosum basale (living + produce vit D + melanocytes + merkel cell )

simple stretch reflex

A monosynaptic reflex with OPPOSING MUSCLE ACTION 1 contracts, 1 relaxes - muscle spindles detect stretch - automatic contraction of the muscle to counter the stretch.

posterior pituitary

ADH oxytocin- uterine contractions + milk release

Astrocytes (CNS)

Blood Brain Barrier!! Anchor, regulate, repair

CNS VS PNS naming

CNS - muclei - tracts PNS - ganglia - nerves

Local interneurons

CNS in brain stem + SC signal lower motor neurons DECCUSATE IN MEDULLA

CNS and PNS myelination

CNS: oligodendrocytes bodies removed + all connected PNS: Schwann cells nuerollem + individual cells for each one!

organ of corti

Center part of the cochlea, containing hair cells, canals, and membranes BASILAR MEMBRANE

anterior pituitary hormones

FSH -- stimulate testes/estrogen LH-- stimulate gonads ACTH-- adrenal gland TSH-- growth/secretion of thyroid (ts/t4 calcitonin) Prolactin- milk ejection Growth Hormone- metablis, + longterm growth (IGF)

bone repair steps

Fracture bleed hematoma soft callus bony callus secondary bone Fibroblasts/chondroblasts infiltrate hematoma... form soft callus Soft callus calcified by osteoblasts in periosteum Bone callus remodled... primary replaced with secondary

articular joint capsule

Inner synovial membrane (loose CT) Outer fibrous layer (dense irregular CT)

basal cell carcinoma

LEAST malignant + MOST common --> basal cells


MOST DANGEROUS fast metastisize basal layer

muscle growth

NO more fibers! just enzymes/number of myofibrils satelite cells for repair


NOT part of integumentary system

main organ of PNS?


blood vessels in the skin

ONLY in the dermis, and diffuse up into the epidermis

location of special sense processing

Olfactory : Mid temporal Gustatory : Insula Visceral: Insula Vestibular: Insula

1st order neurons

SENSORY neuron PSUEDOunipolar ends: sensory + posterior horn body : posterior root ganglion

Excitation-contraction coupling

Sarcolemma, T-Tubules, Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

Somatic N.S vs. Autonomic N.S.

Somatic: 1 neuron autonomic: 2 neurons prior to target cell both origionate from spinal cord

ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)

Stimulates adrenal cortex to release glucocorticoids (cortisol)

absolute vs relative refractory period

absolute - INACTIVATED NA CHANNELS - begins AT na channel opening - lasts rill reset relative -K. channels stillopen hyperpolarized - need storng stimulus

gamma neurons

adjust the tension in the muscle spindle fibers so they can accurately detect a stretch

zona glomerulosa

aldosterone- increase salt, regulate fluid + maintain bp

muscle tone

alternating which motor units activated

zona reticularis

androgens- 2ndary sex characreristic + pubic har

prefrontal cortex

anterior aspect of frontal lobe personality + decision making

lower motor neurons

anterior horn

somatic motor location in s.c.

anterior horn


appear thin dark and wavy

asthma treatment?

b2 agonist if you blocked it you would suffocate

3rd order sensory neuron

body: thalamus axon: cerebral cortex


bone to bone dense regular


branches off spinal nerves that carry both sensory + motor neurons

beta 2 receptors


molecule excitation order

ca- axon ach- synapse na - motor endplate ca- SR post t tubules

4 hormones produced in thyroid

calcitonin t3/t4 (colloid) PTH (parafolicular)

adrenal gland

capsule aldosterone- cortisol (glucocoricoids) androgens medulla

reticular formation

most complex strx stretches across whole brain •cerebral cortex, limbic system, and sensory stimuli ALERTNESS // conciousness shutting down enables sleep (active in REM tho!!)

fovea centralis

most dense area of receptors in center of eye

motor neurons / interneurons

multipolar neurons (most abundent neuron in CNS)

layers o muscle superior to deep

muscle fascia epimysium perimysium FASCICLE endomysiu FIBER myofibrils myofilaments


muscle to bone

Oligodendrocytes (CNS)

myelin sheath

schwann cell (PNS)

myelin sheath

salatory conduction

myelinated axons

Alpha 2 receptors

negative feedback; neurotransmitter inhibition

epithelial tissue

no blood vessels!!! AVASCULAR!!! extensively innervated + high regeneration capacity little/no ground fluid basement membrane

trigeminal nerve

noxious, spices, iky things

spindle fiber anatomy

only the ENDS are contractile center is oNLY sensory gamma neurons adjust set point

vision mechanism

opsin dissociation decreases cGMP levels closes Na chanels cell hyperpolarizes no glutamate release = bipolar cells can activate + release on retinol ganglion


optiomial length for relationship

skeletal muscle



organic component of ECM flexible + allows rotation practicle


package hormone for exocytosis

basal nuclei

paired/irregular cluster of deep brain matter

touch is registered in what part of the brain

parietal lobe!

eye pathway

photoreceptors-->bipolar cells-->retinal ganglion-->optic nerve

Isotonic concentric contractions

pick cup up - shorten + constant force


pinch off bits

primary sensory cortex

postcentral gyrus sesnory = posterior root!

sensory location in s.c.

posterior root ganglion

primary motor cortex

precentral gyrus motor = anterior root!

upper motor neurons

precentral gyrus (frontal lobe, cerebral cortex) soma: primary motor cortex axon: down S.C.

cerebral cortex functional areas

primary motor cortex primary sensory cortex association areas (unimodal vs multimodal)

endocondral vs intermembranous simmilarities

produce primary bone that is replaced by lamellar/mature bone


proteins in ground substance that draw water into extracellular matrix negatively charged

sensory neurons

psuedounipolar neurons (most) --- cell body is limb in middle bipolar neurons (special senses)

Isotonic eccentric contractions

put cup down - length + constant force


raise set point of hypothalamus responsible for fever!!

coens absorb which colors

red, blue, green sensitive to bright light

regeneration vs fibrosis

regeneration- SAME cells replaced (ex. epithelium, strat. squa.) fibrosis- scar tissue (Ex. cardiac, replaced w collagen fibers)

basal cells of olfactory bulb

replaced regularly bc frequent death


respond to deep pressure

Ruffini endings

respond to stretch


rhod discs retinol changes shape and signals opsins

rods/cone locations

rods: peripheral cones: center

RMP established by

selective permeability + gradients

afferent nerves

sensory! posterior

type 1

slow, oxidative dark

spatial vs temporal summation

spatial - sum of all signals multilpe locations at one time = flood temporal- sum potentials at one spot over time, slow rise

sattelite cell (PNS)

surround/support somas

least to most mobile

suture syndesmosis (inter. oss) synchondosis (epiphyseal plate!) symphysis plane piviot/hinge condylar ball/socket

throid gland

t3/t4 -- metabolism +growth calcitonin- inhibit otoclasts + decrease calcium (oposite PTH)

media stinum

thymus, heart, trachea, esophagus , it houses the pericardial cavity

Alpha 1 receptors

vasoCONSTRICTION -> increase BP

equilibrium potential

voltage at which chemical and electrical forces are balanced for a single ion.

lateral horns

where symp exits; thoracic/lumbar only

golgi tendon organ

within tendon itself a sensory receptor in a muscle tendon that monitors tension

knee injury

• tear in the ACL or tibial collateral ligament •ACL prevents hyperextension •Tibial collateral ligament normally prevents hyperabduction of the leg at the knee

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