New Freedom and New Nationalism
"New Freedom" was Democrat Woodrow Wilson's political slogan in the presidential campaign of 1912; Wilson wanted to improve the banking system, lower tariffs, and, by breaking up monopolies, give small businesses freedom to compete. "New Nationalism" was the platform of the Progressive Party and slogan of former president Theodore Roosevelt in the presidential campaign of 1912; it stressed government activism, including regulation of trusts, conservation, and recall of state court decisions that had nullified progressive programs.
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
1850 - Treaty between U.S. and Great Britain agreeing that neither country would try to obtain exclusive rights to a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Abrogated by the U.S. in 1881.
Bland-Allison Act
1878 - Authorized coinage of a limited number of silver dollars and "silver certificate" paper money. First of several government subsidies to silver producers in depression periods. Required government to buy between $2 and $4 million worth of silver. Created a partial dual coinage system referred to as "limping bimetallism." Repealed in 1900.
Ocala Demands
1890 - The leaders of what would later become the Populist Party held a national convention in Ocala, Florida and adopted a platform advocating reforms to help farmers. the farmers demanded: 1, the direct election of senators. 2, lower tariff rates. 3, a graduated income tax. and 4, a new banking system regulated by the federal government.
McKinley Tariff
1890 tariff that raised protective tariff levels by nearly 50%, making them the highest tariffs on imports in the United States history. raised tariffs on agricultural products. the duties on manufactured goods hurt farmers financially.
16th Amendment
1913 constitutional amendment that gave Congress the authority to levy an income tax
Hammer v. Dagenhart
1918, said that parents could determine whether their child worked or not, went against child labor laws (overturned)
Rutherford B. Hayes
19th president of the united states, was famous for being part of the Hayes-Tilden election in which electoral votes were contested in 4 states, most corrupt election in US history. republican, higher tariffs and hard currency, compromise of 1877 (spoke out against poor treatment of blacks), avoided collecting political contributions from office seekers. wins against samuel tilden
General "Butcher" Weyler
A Spanish General who tried to put down the Cuban rebellion by putting civilians in concentration camps so they could not assist the Insurrectos.
National Farmers Alliance
A group which worked to educate farmers about their rights with the railroads and banks. republican, favored tariff
Lincoln Steffens, The Shame of the Cities
A muckraker novel concerning the poor living conditions in the cities. exposed the corruption found in big city bosses and political machines.
Northern Securities Company
A railroad monopoly formed by J.P. Morgan and James J. Hill which violated Sherman Antitrust Act. roosavelt ordered the justice department in 1902 to bring suit against this company. it controlled the great northern, the northern pacific, and the chicago, burlington, and quincy railroads. rivals had forced its stock up to 1000 per share in an effort to obtain the northern pacific, ruining many speculators and threatening to cause a panic. two companies merged and all three railroads were put in a joint-owned holding company because neither could win, resulting in a monopoly on western railroads. in 1904, the supreme court ordered the dissolution of the northern securities company.
Talented Tenth
According to W. E. B. DuBois, the ten percent of the black population that had the talent to bring respect and equality to all blacks
Samuel "Golden Rule" Jones
American Political reformer - advanced employee-management relations. under him, toledo established a minimum wage for city employees, built playgrounds and golf courses, and moderated its harsh penal code (city manager system).
Margaret Sanger
American leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's. As a nurse in the poor sections of New York City, she had seen the suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy. Founded the first birth control clinic in the U.S. and the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood.
Cross of Gold Speech
An impassioned address by William Jennings Bryan at the 1896 Deomcratic Convention, in which he attacked the "gold bugs" who insisted that U.S. currency be backed only with gold. William jennings bryan, advocating for the use of silver instead of gold and the western farmers against the industrialist east, popular among the democratic nominees, republicans were still a bit dependent on GB. this speech says that america should make its own choices and become the model for GB to look up to. politica cartoon: sacreligious candidate, he is secularizing sacred symbols.
Carrie Chapman Catt
Conservative leader of the NAWSA from 1915 - 1920 and pushed the suffrage movement nation-wide. superb organizing abilities and political skills with committment to broad social reform.
17th Amendment
Direct election of senators
Square Deal
Economic policy by Roosevelt favored fair relationships between companies and workers. when a coal worker strike broke out in 1902 in support of higher wages, an 8 hour workday, and recognition of the union, Roosevelt shared the publics' sympathy for the miners. he summoned both sides to a conference in Washington and urged them as patriotic Americans to sacrifice any personal consideration for the general good. the miners then cooperated with Roosevelt and the mine owners did not, so Roosevelt said that if an agreement could not be reached, he would order federal troops to seize and operate the mines. in march of 1903 an agreement settled. a 9-hour workday and a 10% wage increase. Roosevelt said that everyone had received a square deal. Roosevelt was the clear winner, however, for he had expanded his public authority and hence that of the federal government. he was viewed as fearless and took major steps in the evolution of the modern presidency.
Stalwarts and Half-Breeds
Factions in the Republican party that emerged by 1880; the Stalwarts, led by Senator Roscoe Conkling, supported the spoils system, while the Half-Breeds claimed to represent the idea of civil service reform.
National Greenback Party
Founded in 1878, the party was primarily composed of prairie farmers who went into debt during the Panic of 1873. The Party fought for increased monetary circulation through issuance of paper currency and bimetallism (using both gold and silver as legal tender), supported inflationary programs in the belief that they would benefit debtors, and sought benefits for labor such as shorter working hours and a national labor bureau. They had the support of several labor groups and they wanted the government to print more greenbacks.
19th amendment
Gave women the right to vote
USS Maine Explosion
Immediate cause/excuse for the Spanish-American War
Industrial workers of the world. openly anti-capitalist. "the working class and the employing class have nothing in common." organization did not have much success; leader was accused of murder of the anti-union governor of Idaho but was acquitted. strikes often ended in failure.
Political Bosses
Leaders of political machines that bribed citizens in order to receive votes. the movement to the suburbs of large number sof middle-class people who may have been able to supply the political leadership needed to deal with problems created a vacuum that was filled by political bosses, with their informal but powerful machiens. they often transformed their political support into cash.
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
March 1911 fire in New York factory that trapped young women workers inside locked exit doors; nearly 50 ended up jumping to their death; while 100 died inside the factory; led to the establishment of many factory reforms, including increasing safety precautions for workers
Marcus Hanna
McKinley's campaign manager, a businessman, spent about 100k of his own money on the campaign, certain that money was key to political power and raised funds from businessmen for the campaign.
literacy tests
Method used to deny African-Americans the vote in the South that tested a person's ability to read and write - they were done very unfairly so even though most African-Americans could read and write by the 1950's they still failed.
McClure's Magazine
Muckrakers produced a series of startling exposes; was the leading journal for Muckraking articles. Progressive magazine in the early 1900s, 1902 began a particularly hard hitting series of articles by Tarbell and Steffens which called attention to the corruption of the standard oil trust and the political machines of big cities. showed that a large number of American politicians/businessman were immoral and that there was "no one left except for all of us" meaning that even the educational systems and federal government were corrupting the nation. led to a wave of progressivism.
Name for Union paper money not backed by gold or silver. Value would fluctuate depending on status of the war (plural)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, wanted the eradication of discrimination, lead mainly by whites but du bois became a strong leader in its later years.
Wisconsin Idea
Package of reform ideas advocated by Lafollette that included Initiative, Recall, Referendum. the success of Robert Lafollette's reform ideas became known as the Wisconsin idea (reform in education, society etc. and removal of corruption). other states adopted similar programs after seeing this program and reform governments swept in across the nation.
William "Boss" Tweed
Polical Machine Leader of NYC's Tammany Hall. Corrupt in spending tax dollars. Benefit voters for votes and politicians for graft/greed. most notorious nineteenth-century city boss. he extracted tens of millions of dollars from new york city from 1869 to 1871. he was swiftly jailed.
Socialist Party/Eugene V. Debs
Political party led by Eugene Debs that promoted an economic system in which businesses are publicly owned and run by the government. 1900 labor leaders, debs ran for president on the socialist ticket. got 100,000 votes. ran again in 1904 and got more than 400,000, and in later elections even more. people who hoped to organize unskilled workers in heavy industry saw socialism as a way to do so. example of a radical progressive.
18th Amendment
Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages
Underwood Tariff
Pushed through Congress by Woodrow Wilson, this 1913 tariff reduced average tariff duties by almost 15% and established a graduated income tax
Robert LaFollette
Republican Senator from Wisconsin - ran for president under the Progressive Party - proponent of Progressivism and a vocal opponent of railroad trusts, bossism, World War I, and the League of Nations. transormed wisconsin, big foe of corruption. that people would always do the right thing if properly informed and inspired was the fundamental article of his political faith. he obtained a direct primary system for nominating candidates, a corrupt practices act, and laws limiting campaign expenditures. devoted to the cause of honest government.
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Required the government to purchase an additional 4.5 million ounces of silver bullion each month for use as currency.
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Signed by Taft in March of 1909 in contrast to campaign promises. Was supposed to lower tariff rates but Senator Nelson N. Aldrich of Rhode Island put revisions that raised tariffs. This split the Repulican party into progressives (lower tariff) and conservatives (high tariff). Taft called this "the best tariff bill that the republican party had ever passed
Coal Strike of 1902
Strike by the United Coal Workers of America, threatening to shut down the winter coal supply. Theodore Roosevelt intervened federally, and resolved the dispute
Lochner v. New York
Supreme Court case that decided against setting up an 8 hour work day for bakers. declared that a new york ten hour act for bakers deprived the bakers of the liberty of working as long as they wished and this violated the 14th amendment
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Taft cabinet members who had fought over conservation efforts and how much effort and money should be put into conserving national resources. Taft did not like the way roosevelt had circumvented congress in adding the forest reserves. his secretary of the interior, richard a. ballinger, returned to the public domain certain waterpower sites that the roosevelt administration had withdrawn on legally questionable ground that they were to become ranger stations. this action alarmed chief forester gifford pinchot, the darling of the conservationists. when pinchot learned rhat ballinger planned to allow shaky claims on mining interest to a large tract of coal rich land in alaska, he launched an immoderate attack on the secretary. taft felt he had to support his own man (ballinger), so he dismissed pinchot when he persisted in criticizing ballinger. he had no choice under the circumstances, but a more adept politician may have been able to find a way to aboid a showdown in the first place.
Upton Sinclair, The Jungle
The author who wrote a book about the horrors of food productions in 1906, the bad quality of meat and the dangerous working conditions. Revealed the horrible conditions of Chicago slaughterhouses and caused for the pure food and drug act of 1906.
Southern Farmers' Alliance
The largest of several organizations that formed in the post-Reconstruction South to advance the interests of beleaguered small farmers. democratic, opposed tariff
Ida Tarbell, History of the Standard Oil Company
This 1904 book exposed the monpolistic practices of the Standard Oil Company. Strengthened the movement for outlawing monopolies. A muckraker novel.
Hepburn Act
This 1906 law used the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate the maximum charge that railroads to place on shipping goods.
Chester A. Arthur
VP of garfield, tried to unify the 2 divisions of the republican party, (signs the pendleton act)
Elkins Railroad Act
a 1903 United States federal law that amended the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887. The Elkins Act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to impose heavy fines on railroads that offered rebates, and upon the shippers that accepted these rebates. The railroad companies were not permitted to offer rebates. Railroad corporations, their officers and employees were all made liable for discriminatory practices
a person who believes that the American currency should be based only on gold
Tammany Hall
a political organization within the Democratic Party in New York city (late 1800's and early 1900's) seeking political control by corruption and bossism
City Manager System
a professional city manager is hired to run each department of the city and report directly to the city council.
National Child Labor Committee
a progressive organization formed in 1904 to promote laws restricting or banning child labor.
Chinese Exclusion Act
after 1882 excluded chinese nationals
Treaty of Washington
alabama claims british had to pay for the loss of 100,000 tons of american shipping sunk by confederate cruisers that had been built by the british. US in the end got 15.5 million for the ships and cargoes that had been destroyed.
Coxey's Army
army of the unemployed organized by jacob s coxey, marched on Washington to demand relief, wanted the gov to take on a program of federal public works and to authorize local communities to exchange non-interest-bearing bonds with the treasury for $500 million in paper money and then these bonds would be used to hire the unemployed workers to build up roads (wanted work programs from the federal gov). their march was dismantled quickly and proved the government had little care for the discontent of the public (cleveland arrested many quickly) had a stigma held against them, said to be terrorizing the nation.
"Malefactors of Wealth"
as Roosevelt became more liberal, conservatives followed his lead. he turned left rather than right, and he denounced the "speculative folly and the flagrant dishonesty" of "malefactors of great wealth." when Roosevelt began criticizing the courts, he lost all chance of obtaining further reform legislation during his last few months in office.
Charles Guiteau
assassinated President James to make civil service reform a reality. He shot Garfield because he believed that the Republican Party had not fulfilled its promise to give him a government job.
Theodore Roosavelt
became president after mckinley was assassinated by an anarchist on 9/14/1901. had a lot of experience even though he was by far the youngest president in history at the time at the age of 42. loyal republican. somewhat argumentative and aggressive. went to harvard and studies law briefly at columbia. committed to ideals of public service and national greatness. hard driving and energetic as a political leader. wanted to control big corporations, give more power to the interstate commerce commission (ICC) and conserve natural resources.
Pure Food and Drug Act
came into place after the jungle was released, revealing the horrible conditions of chicago slaughterhouses. in 1906 this act was passed, forbidding the manufacture and sale of adulterated and fraudulenty labeled products.
Muller v. Oregon
challenged an oregon law limiting women laundry workers to ten hours a day. the law was defended before the court
William Howard Taft
chosen by Roosevelt to succeed him and easily won the election in 1908. defeated William Jennings Bryan by well over a million votes. somewhat lazy and politically inept
Pendleton Act
classifying about 10% of all government jobs and creating bipartisan civil servise commission to administer the competitive examinations for those positions (in response to spoils and patronage). made it illegal to force officeholders to make political contributions and empoewred the president to expand the list of classifies positions at his discretion
Crime of '73
coinage act of 1873, demonitized silver as an appropiate coinage due to the increase in gold specie and the decrease of silver use.
Henry Cabot Lodge
congressman from massachusetts who was a prominent member of the naval affairs committee. he helped push through congress an act to build three new steel warshps; he consistently argued that american needed to build up and expand its naval fleet. big supporter of large policy. claimed that sea power is essential to the greatness of every splendid people.
Jose Marti
cuban poet, inspiration for the revolution
grover cleveland
democrat, ICA, tariff issue, civil service, wins fight with senate over the exacutive privilege and his hiring and firing of civil servants. '88 election, didnt win popular vote, but won electoral vote. had an illegitimate child and supported the lady and the child. he put himself out there and told everyone and his nickname became honest ugly
panic of 1893
economic depression of 1892, worst depression, london banking house of baring brothers collapsed, cotton mills and iron factories in the US closed for good, the harsh winder of 93-94 put many out of jobs and many farmers struggling along with discontented industrial workers. in part caused by the controversy over silver circulation. federal government did not intervene in making jobs, lack of heat, work, food. many died, 1/4 of the RR went bankrupt.
Archduke Maximilian of Austria/France
emperor protectorate of mexico, appointed by the french, seized by mexican nationalists after the french withdrew their army when the US showed a sign of force.
Gold Standard Act of 1900
ended bimetallism and made gold the only form of hard currency available for monetary exchange.
Bureau of Commerce and Labor
established by roosavelt with the authority to investigate industrial combines and issue reports.
Japan/Commodore Matthew Perry
expedition to japan, signed the commercial treaty which opened up Japanese ports to american traders.
Federal Reserve System
gave the country a central baking system for the first time since jackson destroyed the bank of the US. this act divided the nation into 12 banking districts, each under the supervision of the federal reserve bank, a bank for bankers (in a way). all national banks in each district and any state banks that wished to participate had to invest 6 percent of their capital and surplus in the reserve bank, which was empowered to exchange (rediscount) papaer money, called federal reserve notes, for the commercial and agricultural paper that member banks took in as a seciruty from borrowers. the colume of currency was no longer at the mercy of the supply of gold or any other particular commodity. the nation finally had a flexible yet safe currency.
group of eastern republicans who campaigned for democrats
J.P. Morgan
in response to the dwindling gold supply, underwrote a 62 million dollar bond issue guaranteeing that hald the gold would come from europe
journalists who exposed the problem areas of society. journalistic wave of publishing critical editorials targeting the corruption of the government of the nation, name was coined by Theodore roosavelt (jounalists were "the man with the muck rake")
Jerry Simpson
kansas, populist, former greenbacker and admirer of single tax doctrine of henry george
Brandeis Brief
long hours damaged both the health of individual women and the health of society. used economic and sociological evidence to prove point. caused the protection of women, children, and workers performing dangerous and unhealthy tasks by special legislation to be widely accepted by many states.
Clayton Antitrust Act
made certain business practices illegal, including price discrimination that tended to foster monopolies, typing agreements, which forbade retaulers from handling the products of a firms competitors; and the creation of interlocking directorates (the board directors of a company) as a means of controlling competing companies. the act exempted labor unions and agricultural organizations from antitrust laws and curtailed the use of injunctions in labor disputes. the officers of corporations could be held individually responsible if their companies violated the antitrust laws.
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)
merging of two major womens rights groups in 1890. first presidents were elizabeth cady stanton and susan b anthony. concerned itself with many issues of importance to women as well as suffrage. put the immediate interests of women ahead of everything else.
William E.B. Dubois
most prominent militant, became the first african american to recieve a ph. D in history from harvard, grew up poor, his dissertation the suppression of the african slave trade, angered by black complacency, wanted blacks to embrace their heritage "beauty is black", disagreed with booker t. washington and his advocacy for passivity, lead a group of blacks in 1905 to niagra falls, made a list of demands for blacks including complete freedom of vote and the end to segregation.
Woodrow Wilson
nominated by democrats in election of 1912. he had gained a remarkable liberal record as governor of NJ. southern candidate, proving that sectional conflicts from reconstruction had been fogotten. wilson had criticized the status quo and taken a pragmatic approach to government regulation in the economy. influence by party ambition and the spirit of the times, wilson had been converted to progressivism. he called his brand of reform the new freedom. wilson wanted to get rid of the special privilages that enabled the interests to flourish in order to advance the cause of social justice. he insisted that competition in business could be restored; the government must break up the big trusts, establish fair rules for doing business, and subject violetors to strict punishments. if american is not to have free enterprise, then she can have freedom of no sort whatsoever. he called his brand of reform new freedom.
Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
organized coal miners, their wives, and their children to fight for better working conditions
James Weaver
populist party candidate in 1892 election. won 5 states which is huge for a third party candidate. war hero with one leg.
Mary Elizabeth Lease
populist, known for her rallying cry to 'raise less corn and more hell'
William McKinley
president after cleveland's second term. republican, advocate for the protective tariff and the gold standard.
Federal Trade Commission
replaced roosevents bureau of corporations. the commission investigaed corporations, published reports, and could issue cease-and-desist orders against unfair trade practices brought to light through its research. protected the public against the trusts. powerful instrument
James Blaine
republican candidate running against Cleveland, lost but not by much, republican leader of the house and the senate, favored sound money without opposing inflexibility every suggestion for increasing volume of currency. deeply interested in foreign affairs.
Thomas Reed
republican congressman from maine, said a statesman is a politician who is dead, ultraconservative, vindictive.
James Garfield
republican, "farmer garfield". (cutting a swath to the white house, not in the white house, he is outdoors where the people are and doing legitimate work. he was part of a compromise icket. server 4 months in office before he was gunned down (assassinated by a stalwart lawyer named charles guiteau) he became a half breed when the republican party split into stalwarts and half breeds. he was an honest civil war general who gave support to civil service reform.
Benjamin Harrison
republican. waved the bloody shirt, financially conservative but had a billion dollar congress (1890). 1st pan american congress (all american countries should have a regional UN, put sherman antitrust act into place. cold fish theodore roosevelt did not like him. he accused cleveland of not caround about our soldiers.
poll taxes
required citizens of a state to pay a special tax in order to vote
Richard Croker
ruled new yorks tammany hall organization frm the mid 80s to the end of the century. he held a number of political offices, but his position as chairman of the tammany hall finance committee was the most significant, he was a corrupt political manipulator who acquired a large fortune and a number of race horses.
Purchase of Alaska
secretary of state william seward ordered the purchase of alaska from russia for 7.2 million after the french fled their presence in mexico, getting rid of another foreign power on the continent.
Populist Party Platform
support for farmers and miners- called for graduated income tax, national ownership of railroads and telegraph and telephone systems. also for a subtreasury that would permit farmers to keep non-perishable crops off the market when prices were low (gov. would make loans in the forms of greenbacks to farmers and when the prices rose the farmers would pay off their loans). the plan also demanded the unlimited coinage of silver and an increase in the money supply to no less than 50$ per capita. also wanted the inititive and referendum procedures and election of senators by popular vote. backed the 8hr work day and restriction of undesirable immigrants (to gain support from the industrial workers). always viewed as the victimized majority.
Queen Liliuokalani
the Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests. determined nationalist attempted to rule as an absolute monarch and dissolve the heavy influence of the white minority, was deposed by a US military coup and was replaced by an interim gov.
Venezuelan Boundary Dispute
the us had a big interest in spreading their power to central and south american for a large economic benefit and strategic placement of power. in 1895 while the venezuelans faced a political crisis over its expansion, clevelands decided to take the side of the venezuelans in the boundary dispute, following the general anti-british diplomacy that the nation held. insisted that GB was violating the monroe doctrine by occupying territory, and after the british ignored this claim, the US took it upon themselves to draw the boundary over dispute for the venezuelans. this decision was almost unanimously popular in the US, and worried the british over the start of another british american war, so they agreed to the boundaries. set the foundation for the anglo-american friendship.
Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan
theory on the importance of sea power, history proved that a nation w/ powerful navy and the overseas bases necessary to maintain it would be invulnerable in war and prosperous in time of peace. said that american at the time should not only build a modern fleet, but obtain a large string of coaling stations and bases in the caribbean, annex the hawaiian islands, and cut a canal across central america.
Front Porch Campaign
used informal speeches to groups of visitors representing the special interests of each region. this allowed mckinley to refrain from appearing as too eager for presidency but still get his platform publicized.
Free Silverites
wanted the unlimited coinage of silver
Josiah Strong
wrote Our Country which justified american expansionism with racism and religion, through the use of social darwinism. claimed that the anglo-saxon race had an instinct for expansion and colonization "god is training the anglo-saxon race for the final competition of races result will be survival of the fittest.