APUSH Final 1

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Cornelius Vanderbilt

"Commodore", rich from steamboating, offers great RR service at lower rates --> gains much money - popularizes steel rail by replacing NYCentral's old iron tracks

James K Polk

"Dark Horse" 4-year HOR speaker and gov'nr of Tennessee - nominated by Democrats above MVB bc MVB against annexing Texas (South dislikes that)

William Pitt

"Great Commoner" great British orator; 1757 becomes leader of UK gov'nt; "Organizer of Victory"; pulls strength from fighting West Indies and devotes to Quebec-Montreal area; picks young and energetic leaders over old cautious incompetent generals.

John Calhoun

"Great Nullifier" proposes leave slavery alone, return slaves, give S rights as minority, and restore political balance - has awful idea of two presidents (one from N, one from S) each w/ one veto

Henry Clay

"Great Pacifier" proposes series of compromises so that N enacts stricter fugitive-slave law

Jim Fisk

"Jubilee Jim" w/ Gold milks money from gold market - is the "brass" of operation

American party

"Know-Nothing Party" bc secretiveness; "nativists" and antiforeignism against Ireland&German immigration nominate Millard Fillmore

William H McGuffey

"McGuffey's readers" lessons on morality/patriotism/idealism


"No Irish Need Apply" - because native workers hate low-wage competing Irish

Winfield Scott

"Old Fuss and Feathers," whose conquest of Mexico City brought U.S. victory in the Mexican-American War

Walt Whitman

"Poet Laureate of Democracy" poems only received well after time

William Gilmore

"The Cooper of the South" from S writes 82 books - discusses southern frontier in colonial days and revolutionary war

"Tardy George" McClellan

"Young Napoleon" student of warfare, fighting in Mexican War and observing Crimean War - great organizer/drillmaster - perfectionist and overcautious - 1861 given command of Army of the Potomac

What did the published personal letter of Thomas Hutchinson's say? how was this reacted to?

"an abridgement of what are called English liberties" is necessary for preservation of order in colonies; colonist radicals' darkest conspiracy theories are confirmed


"brotherly love" in Greek; more carefully planned than most colonial cities and thus enjoyed great streets

What spread the second great awakening?

"camp meetings"

Daniel Webster

"expounding father" serves in both house and senate - often leaves seat in Senate to present his Federalist/nationalist philosophy in Supreme Court chamber often


"fifty-niners" to PA


"first families of Virginia", great family clans. But most of these merchang planters did not imitate English country gentlemen. They worked hard in business and labor to manage their plantations and the servants

Franco-Amerian Alliance of 1778

"forever" binds US to help French defend West Indies against future foes (British)

Pullman Palace Cars

"gorgeous traveling hotels" but dangerous

Battle of Gettysburg

"high tide of the Confederacy" bc last real chance for Conf to win war - as rages, Conf peace delegation moves under flag of truce toward Union - Lincoln refuses to allow CPD pass through Union lines

Why did the whites who do not own slaves still support slavery?

"hillbillies" "poor white trash" hope to achieve "American dream" by acquiring a few slaves and moving up

William Sumner

"millionares are product of natural selection"

Harriet Tubman

"moses" United States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North (1820-1913)

coureurs de bois

"runners of the woods": French fur-trappers range over woods and waterways in pursuit of beaver; they are drinkers, spendthrifts

What made colonies expansionary?

"soil butchery" by tobacco growing and long rivers invite penetration westward-- into conflicts with natives

breeding slaves

"sold down the river to toil as laborers in cotton - women who bear 10+ sometimes promised freedom - mulatto population from white men on black slaves

Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824)

"steamboat case" NY attempts to grant to a private concern a monopoly of waterborne commerce b/w NY+NJ (no other company can use waterway) - New York loses - Marshall says Const gives Congress alone control of interstate commerce

Phineas T Barnum

"the Prince of Humbug" tricks America w/ freaks


"the Prophet"; Shawnee - unifies many native tribes in last-ditch battle w/ settlers - stupid fight

Benjamin Franklin

"the first civilized American" shines in literature, Poor Richard's Almanack; has incalculable influence in shaping America; only first-rank scientist in America; some of his inventions (lightning rod) are condemned by clergymen who feel he is "presuming on God"; established in Philadelphia the first library

Maine Law of 1851

"the law of Heaven Americanized" bans manufacture and sale of liquor in Maine 18th amendment - first action for temperance in AM

Democrats Divide

"war democrats" support Lincoln "Peace democrats" do not Copperheads openly obstruct war through attacks

US Steel Corp

$1.4bil is America's first billion-dollar corporation

Giovanni Caboto

(John Cabot) sent by English to explore NE America

William Cullen Bryant

(Puritan) writes "Thanatopsis": first amazing poem on US

Hernando de Soto

(Spanish) large gold-seeking expedition from Florida westward, crosses Mississippi River and mistreats natives before dying of disease

Francisco Coronado

(Spanish) wander through Arizona and New Mexico East to Kansas; discovered Colorado River, Grand Canyon, enormous bison herds

Why did the Quakers move to the New World?

(William Penn) hope to establish asylum for the people and experiment with liberal government and gain profit

Ostend Manifesto

AM envoys meet at Ostend, Belgium - suggest offer $120mil for Cuba - if SP refuses, AM justified in taking it bc continued ownership is dangerous - when angry N Free-Soilers hear of it, angry quickly and Pierce drops

Effect of the war of independence and war of 1812?

AM lit receives a boost from wave of nationalism

Charles Francis Adams

AM minister of GB says that allowing this sets a dangerous precedent

Similarity in features of new state constitutions

- makes drafting of workable federal easier - documents drafted are contracts that define powers of gov'nt unlike British accumulation of laws "constitution"; with authority from people - bill of rights: written = fundamental laws - create weak executive/judicial, as deep distrust of despots - annual election of legislators


- much political strengin in S OH, IN, IL

What two handicaps did Congress have under the AoC?

- no power to regulate commerce: states free to establish conflicting taxes/navigation - cannot enforce tax collection: states not required to pay gov'nt taxes; only asked (unsuccessfully)

Britain's imperial weaknesses

- oppressed Ireland is troublesome and British troops detached to watch it - bitter France waiting to stab Britain in back - government has no hero. just stupid George III and Lord North - Britons do not fully support war effort - army in America struggles

Gag Resolution

- petitions come into Congress from antislavery reformers - pushed through by South :strict rule passed by pro-south Congressmen in 1836 to prohibit all discussion of slavery in HOR - tabled w/o any debate in HOR - JQS arises to fight for its repeal

Britain's Imperial strengths

- population outnumber - more money=hire foreign soldiers (German Hessians) - American loyalists - many natives enlisted to inflame the frontier

What reasons did France have for helping Americans?

- removing colonies from British takes Britain from being front-rank power, allowing France to step into that position

Great Compromise

- representation by population in House of Representatives - equal representation in Senate (each school gets 2 senators)

Sectional tensions

- rivalry b/w Slave South, free North over control of West

What was effect of Panic of 1819?

- rude setback to nationalism, esp in West - restricts poorer classes (leads to future Jacksonian democracy) - show inhumanity of debtors prisons

Billion-Dollar Congress

- salary is high bc did not lower tariffs - increases silver purchases and CW veteran pension

Why did the army in America struggle?

- second rate generals - soldiers terribly abused - provisions scarce and rancid - operate too far from home, delays and uncertainties - America too large. no central hub that if fallen would destroy the whole country

Actions of the Second Continental Congress

- select George Washington to head army besieging Boston

Effect of Nat Turner's rebellion

- sent hysteria through the area and paranoia - no connection w/ Garrison but his newspaper came out at about the same time and he is betterly condemned as terrorist

Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom

1786 created by TJeff+co-reformers baptists; religious should not be imposed on anybody but rather decided on own; separates church/state

Shay's Rebellion (where/who/why)

1786 western Mass: poor back-country farmers losing farms through mortgage disclosure/tax delinquencies - demand cheap paper money, lighter taxes, suspension of property takeovers - led by Captain Daniel Shays - uprising crushed but leaves fear in higher classes

Northwest Ordinance

1787 uniform national land policy creates Northwest Territories, giving land to gov'nt - individuals can purchase land - when territory has 60k ppl, may be admitted to Congress as state w/ same privileges of other 3

Who organizes opposition to Hamiltonian program?

1790s Jefferson and Madison confine activities to Congress but as newspapers more widely read of their political message, parties emerge

Bill of Rights

1791 adopted first ten amendments of Constitution - protect freedom of religion, speech, press, arms, jury, assemble, petition, etc. - prohibits cruel unusual punishments - prohibits arbitrary gov'nt seizing of private property

Neutrality Proclamation (who disliked it? why?)

1793 Washington issues to proclaim American neutrality - warns Americans to be impartial - isolationist - pro-French Jeffersonians pissed bc Washington announced it w/o consulting Congress

General "Mad Anthony" Wayne

1794 outroutes Little Turtle at Battle of Fallen Timber - British do not shelter native allies fleeing war; abandon

Pinckney's Treaty

1795 Spain, fearing that treaty foreshadows Anglo-American alliance, gives Americans free navigation of Mississippi and disputed territory N of Florida

Second Battle of Bull Run

8/29-30/62 Lee moves N, encountering fed force under General John Pope - Lee violently attacks, inflicting crushing defeat


9 states from West join US "Ohio fever": cheap land in west appeals to European immigrants - crushing of natives opens up new lands - highways built to improve land routes to Ohio Valley (Cumberland Road) - steamboat development - most added alternately, free, slave - after boycotts, bullets, land exhaustion

"Black Friday"

9/24/69 Fisk and Gould work w/ Grant and his brother-in-law to bid high the price of gold - would only work if Treasury stops selling gold, but Treasury starts releasing gold

General William Tecumseh Sherman

9/64 Unionist captured Atlanta - emerges at Savannah after leaving - cuts through and destroys Georgia to destroy supplies for Conf army and to weaken morale - "total "war advocate - later go into SC where destruction worse - capital city Columbia in NC destroyed

Where did most of America's population live by 1789?

90% rural despite flourishing cities; 95% east of Appalachians in crude frontier

Who did the Portuguese adopt slave practices from? What did they develop?

Arab and Africa; systematic traffic of slaves to work their sugar plantations on African islands

What strains appeared in the 1730s in the triangular trade? What was the (apparent) solution?

Americans breed much faster than British do, and the British quickly saturated in American supplies but Americans still need British products; Americans figure that in order to raise enough money to buy British products, they must seek non-British markets

What did removing the French from Canada do for the British?

Americans no longer feel the need to cling onto Britain for protection; now feel free and independent

Why did tax-supported schools come about?

Americans see that they have to educate their children bc they are future - conservatives see the tax as the price they have to pay for democracy and peace

Why did Americans continue to deny intentions of independence?

Americans still consider themselves part of Britain's transatlantic community - colonial unity is poor - rebellion dangerous, esp against British (rebels face deathly fate)

Lexington and Concord

April 1775 Boston British commander sends detachment of troops to Lexington and Concord to seize stores of colonial gunpowder and to get ringleaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock - American militiamen do not disperse rapidly enough and shots fired; several killed - redcoats go onto Concord where they were they retreat bc Americans readily fire

Battle of Lexington and Concord

April 1775, clear call for arms

When did Washington take office/oath?

April 30, 1789 on balcony overlooking Wall Street

How was slave trade brought to Carolina?

Barbados settlers bring that island's slave trade when emigrating to Carolina. With help of Savannah natives, they go in search of captives, which soon become major exports as well

Which three American peace negotiators gather at Paris?

Ben Franklin, John Adams of NE, John Jay of NY - explicit instructions to make no separate peace ant to always consult with French allies (but France directed them to say this)

What German friar nailed his protests to Wittenberg's cathedral in 1517? What did he protest? What happened?

Martin Luther denounced the authority of Catholic priests and popes, declaring the the Bible alone was the source of God's word, setting off the Protestant Reformation

McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819)

Maryland attempts to destroy branch of the BoUS by imposing tax on Bank's notes - John Marshall declares US bank constitutional by invoking Hamiltonian doctrine of implied powers - strengthen federal authority - slap at state infringement - denies right of Maryland to tax bank

Who were the plantation colonies? What did they have in common?

Maryland, Virginia, N+S Carolina, Georgia; to some degree devoted to exporting agriculture, slavery found, strong aristocratic bc of immense acreage in strong (excpt N Carolina and Georgia), slow growth of cities due to wide scattering of plantations, some religious toleration

Eli Whitney

Mass-born, hearing that South will be relieved if has machine to separate seeds/cotton, stops education and builds cotton gin - develops idea of interchangeable parts in firearms

Commonwealth v. Hunt

Massachusetts Supreme Court legalizes unions for peaceful/honorable protest

Hartford Convention

Massachusetts issues call for convention at Hartford, Connecticut - RI, Mass, Conn have full delegations - NH, Vermont have partial rep - these 26 men meet in secret from 12/15-1/5/1815 to discuss grievances - minority of them talk of secession

Three of the four New England colonies wanted to rid of New Netherland. Who didn't? Why not?

Massachusetts would have had to provide most of the troops


Massasoit(Wampanoag chieftain who signed treaty with Plymouth Pilgrims)'s son; "King Philip"

Grover Cleveland

NY democrat nominated, publicized affair but he says "tell the truth" but the RRR attacks him, esp NY Irish-AM voters

1800 envoys to Paris

Napoleon Bonapart at that time has dictatorial power and eager to free hands of American conflict

Republicans split; leaders?

National Republicans led by Adams Democratic Republicans led by Jackson

Cumberland Road

National Road Maryland - Illinois: fed gov'nt constructs with state and federal money

Britain lifts Orders in Council?

Napoleon convinces Madison to give Britain 3 months to lift its Orders in Council - GB chooses not to lift it - Madison reenacts US embargo just against Britain - leads to War of 1812

General Charles Cornwallis

Nathanael Green's foe - trapped after falling back to Chesapeake at Yorktown after Virginia, waiting supplies and reinforcements - time when he needs GB to control seas, power absent and attacked, surrenders 10/19/1781

Lord Dunmore

November 1775, royal governor of Virginia, proclaims freedom for any black slave in Virginia who will fight for British army. Many flee to Virginia despite tightening slave patrols and join "Lord Dunmore's Ethiopian Regiment" - at end British keep word to some extend and send many "black loyalists" to nova scotia, Jamaica, england


Polk considers buying Cuba from Spain, but Spaniards say no - S attacks Cuba, but repelled so mob attacks Spain in NO - Spanish officials in Cuba seize AM steamer - Pierce provokes war w/ spain and seizes Cuba bc GB, FR, RS busyin Crimean War

1872 Amnesty Act

Repub Congress passes to remove grant citizenship to all confederates, reduce high CW tariffs, reform civil service


Repub faction led by NY Senator Roscoe Conkling, who embraces system of giving jobs in return for votes

How did Congress react to Lincoln's 10%?

Repubs fear restoration of planter aristocracy to power and potential re-enslavement of blacks - push Wade-Davis Bill through Congress 1864

James G Blaine

Repubs nominated in 1884

What was the timeline of declaring independence?

Richard Henry Lee June 7 1776 moves for independence After debate motion adopted and formally declared July 2 1776 Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence formally approved by Congress July 4 1776

What factors led to the decrease in number of indentured servants to America?

Rising wages in England 1680s shrank pool of penniless and large plantation farmers fear the many mutinous former servants

New Sweden

Swedes 1638-1655 trespass on Dutch preserves and plant New Sweden on Delaware River

Allbert Gallatian

Swiss French able secretary of treasury; national debt is bad, not blessing; by strict economy succeeds in substantially reducing debt while balancing budget

Election of 1800

TJeff beats JAdams close

Fort Pillow

TN S black group surrenders and is massacred, not recognized until 1864 as prisoners of war

How was the D.Scott Decision taken further?

Taney and many from slave-MC want general slavery decision - court says since slave is private property, 5th amendment forbids Congress from taking property - rule that MO Comp unconstitutional all along - Southerners happy

What happens when JMarsh dies?

Taney takes over, and always sides with newcomers

Why did Europeans seek alternate ways to get their Asian supplies?

The trip was so expensive and man-toiling

Where did most of the slaves to North America come from? Why?

The west coast of Africa; originally captured by African coastal tribes who branded and bound them then traded them in crude markets on the beaches to white flesh merchants

Zachary Taylor

Whig president (1848 election) who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (mexican-american war). won the 1848 election. surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. he died during his term and his vice president was Millard Fillmore (became president after him) - bent on vetoing any compromise b/w N & S that goes through Congress

Election of 1840

Whigs elect William Henry Harrison bc he has no flaws rn (John Tyler as running mate) - gives Harrison log cabin and hard cider image - Harrison wins

Fugitive Slave Act

a law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders

What happened in America after the Glorious Revolution?

Dominion of New England collapses and a Boston mob rose against the regime; Andros attempts to flee but caught and sent back to England; unrest in NY and Maryland from 1689-1691 until royal governors restore order; new monarchs relax royal grip on colonial trade so Navigation Laws weakly enforced

Illinois Senate Election of 1858

Doug's term about to expire, so repubs run Lincoln against - Lincoln challenges Douglas to series of joint debates - Doug wins bc popsov and state leg chooses, but Lincoln wins in another way

Why did US not want Louisiana in Napoleon's hands?

US can seize territory when time is good but Napoleon, violent warman, foreshadows war in this area

What caused US to contrary anti-alliance policy?

US has to fight to dislodge and is not strong enough alone

Robert R. Livingston

US minister in Paris - while awaiting Monroe, negotiates for window on Gulf of Mexico at New Orleans - French foreign minister asks Livingston how much would give for all Louisiana

What happened in US when Napoleon was exiled 1814?

US now left to face GB alone after, under protection of FR, had provoked war

Treaty of 1818

US seeks to divide Oregon at 49th but GB unwilling "peaceful joint occupation" adopted

Why did cotton hold several countries in bondage?

US south produces more than half of world's supply of cotton - GB's leading industry is cotton cloth

Oliver O Howard

Union general leads Freedmen's Bureau

George G Meade

Union general replaces Hooker - stands near Gettysburg, PA - fights for 3 days, wins


Unique language evolved by blacks off islands of South Carolina, blended English with several African languages

Peter Stuyvesant

Dutch directors-general who had lost led while soldiering in West Indies; "Father Wooden Leg"; sieges New Sweden for Dutch

Jacobus Arminius

Dutch theologian preaches that individual free will (not divine decree) determines person's eternal fate. His followers, Arminians, pressure some churches into conceding that spiritual conversion is not necessary for church membership

How did the sugar-plantation system of Caribbeans' affect North America?

West Indies focus so much on sugar that they depend on North America for foodstuffs and supplies; smaller English farmers migrate to southern mainland colonies, including a group that arrived in Carolina and brought some slaves and model of the Barbados slave code

Which islands were used as offshore bases for Spanish invasion of Americas?

West Indies islands store supplies, rest men and horses, provided laboratories for testing encomienda to subdue advanced native civilizations

Winfield Scott

Whig candidate for 1852 presidency - praises Compromises of 1850

What was the effect of tobacco cultivation in the Chesapeake?

Intense cultivation of tobacco, which the settlers planted before they did corn, quickly exhausts the soil, causing insatiable demand for new land, pushing growers up the river valleys into trouble with natives; enormous production depressed tobacco prices

"massacre of American liberty"

Intolerable Acts; -Boston Port Act: closed Boston harbor until damages are paid for and order ensued -many of Mass's chartered rights swept away -restrictions placed on town meetings -law-enforcing officials who kill colonists in duty face trial in England, where likely to get off free -new Quartering Act gives local authorities power to lodge soldiers anywhere, including in private homes

Denis Kearney

Irish in SF encourages followers to abuse Chinese bc competition

General Richard Montgomery

Irish, prev of GB army, campaign of Canada - pushes up Lake Champlain route, captures Montreal - joined at Quebec by Arnold's starving army - Attacks Quebec but loses - killed at Quebec

BoUS dies off

Jackson buries bank for good by removing federal deposits from bank and proposes depositing no more with Biddle to bleed bank dry - Jackson reshuffled cabinet twice to find a secretary of Treasury who will comply with him

Result of Election of 1832

Jackson defeats Clay bc he is common man

Where did Jackson's strongest support come from? Adams?

Jackson from S/W middle/NW divided Adams from NE and "better" - electoral college votes for Jackson hugely

What president, by being in office, encouraged American westward movement? Why?

Jackson is first president from beyond Appalachians; America though of as up to Alleghenies, Europe Eastward

Martin Van Buren of NY

Jackson's choice to be his successor in 1836, so he rigs nomination convention to get him in - Jackson's "yes man"

Pennsylvania attack

Lee prepares to follow up Chancellorsville victory by invading North - would add strength to peace prodders in N - would encourage foreign intervention

Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

Lee's chief lieutenant in S

War of 1812

Madison asks Congress to declare war - invade Canada, native stronghold, bc natives armed by GB to attack settlers

Pendleton Act of 1883

Manga Carta of civil-service reform - makes compulsory campaign contribution from fed employees illegal - establishes Civil Service Commission to make fed job appointment on basis of examination - politicians turn to look for corrupt money in corporations

What great land did the Dutch West India Company buy from the natives?

Manhattan Island

How was the situation in Ireland a factor in native mistreatment in the New World?

Many English soldiers develop in Ireland a contempt for "savage" natives

Evacuation Day

March 1776 British forced to evacuate Boston

Boston Massacre

March 5, 1770: 60 townspeople attack 10 redcoats and injure maybe two. troops open fire and kill some citizens including Crispus Attucks

Who led the French on Plains of Abraham?

Marquis de Montcalm

Burr's acquittal

Marshall insists that guilty verdict requires proof of acts of treason, not just intentions - flees to Europe

Why was New Haven, Connecticut disfavored by Charles II? What happened?

a prosperous community of Puritan squatters who wanted to set up an extremely close church-government alliance, it sheltered two of the judges who had condemned Charles I to death; 1662 they were merged with more democratic settlements

Why was Buchanan blamed for the seceding states? Why didn't he?

bc as the 7 pull out during the lame duck period, he is blamed for not using force - he is old and surrounded by pro-S advisors, so no - current army needed for natives and N unwilling to take to violence bc still hope of reconciliation - Constitution/Union weak

New Granada gov'nt treaty of 1848

bc of GB encroachment (seizure of San Juan port in Nicaragua) - guarantees AM right of transit across isthmus in return for AM response to maintain neutrality - leads to 1855 construction of transcontinental railroat

Why were British colonists suddenly more motivated to keep supremacy of North America?

alarmed by French land-grabbing and fur-trade competition in the Ohio Valley, determined to maintain economic security and supremacy

Congressional Debate of 1850

called to address admission of CA to union? and threats of secession by S? - immortal trio and new youngies come

Massachusetts's special constitution convention

calls for after 2nd Continental Congress to draft constitution; submits final draft to people - constitution only changed by another specially called constitutional convention - inspires

The Association

calls for complete boycott of British goods: nonimportation, nonexportation, nonconsumption

Washington reacts to Whiskey Rebellion

calls together large army and beats Whiskey Boys - anxious bc doubtful whether men will crush rebellion in sister state

Alexander Hamilton at Annapolis

calls upon Congress after Annapolis to summon convention to meet in Philadelphia in following year to fix entire AoC rather than just commerce - advocate of super-powerful central gov'nt

Why did these Utopias all fail?

cannot compete with domestic free enterprise/land

Whigs in election of 1836

cannot nominate a single presidential candidate chooses to get several prominent "favorite sons" to scatter vote so no candidate wins with majority - deadlock --> HoR where Whigs have chance - lose

Oliver Hazard Perry

captures British fleet at Lake Erie

Admiral Farragut

captures Mobile, AL

What fun activities were common in the South?

card playing, horse racing, cockfighting, fox hunting, dancing (Virginia reel, jigs, square dances), stage plays

Thomas Nast

cartoonist attacks Tweed

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854

created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, split from MA, opened new lands, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their boundaries.

Ohio Valley

critical area into which west-pushing British colonists would go and area that French must retain in order to link Canadian holdings to Mississippi Valley; rivalry brings much tension

Anne Hutchinson

strong-willed talkative smart woman who challenged the Puritan orthodoxy by claiming that holy life is no sure sign of salvation and that the truly saved does not need to follow law in antinomianism; in trial she claimed that she had come upon her revelation directly from God, which was a heresy and she is banished. She goes with her 14-kid family to Rhode Island

Effect of Lincoln's death?

expires in arms of victory so shortcomings forgotten - S at first cheers but realize he is keeping them from being treated awfully

Women's Rights Convention

feminists meet at Seneca Falls, New York 1848 to rewrite Declaration of Independence to include women rights - Stanton reads up "Declaration of Sentiments", crusades for woman rights


fertile garden of France's North American empire; French establishes forts and trading posts at Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Vincennes; large amounts of grain floated down Mississippi for shipment to West Indies+Europe

How did everyday life in the colonies look in the 18th century?

food plentiful, but basic comforts of heat, waste disposal, and plumbing and such are lacking

domestic feminism

form of birth control and fertility rate dropping as home goes from place of labor to place of refuge/rest from labor at m ill - women are in charge of small, affectionate, child-centered families

What technicality in electoral college/House of Reps with Jeff/Burr's campaign?

get same votes --> moves to HoR where Burr-preferring Federalists cause vote to be done a million times until some Federalists refrain from voting

How did slave brokers prevent resistance?

get slaves from distant sources, who cannot easily flee to native villages or be rescued, and mix unlike slaves together to frustrate organized resistance

Samuel Swartwout

gets post of collector of customs at port of NY through spoils system; corrupt and incompetent - leaves for England, steals a million from Washington gov'nt

Women and her Slaves

give daily orders for whole household - for some, affectionate for others atrocious

What happened after Massachusetts was made a royal colony in 1691?

given a new charter and royal governor; privilege of voting given to all qualified male property holders instead of just for church members

Peace Treaty of 1748

gives Louisbourg back to French -> New Englanders outraged that their glory is tarnished by Old World diplomants

How did RR keep S as "third world" in servitude to N?

gives better rates to goods moving N to S

Civil Rights Bill

gives blacks privilege of AM citizenship and strikes at Black Codes - in response to that S may repeal, Congress passes 14th amendment

What justification did factory owners have for their conditions?

giving better conditions is more expensive, less productive, and giving them better conditions may make them want more


glorify liberty of individual, against 'privilege" of gov'nt - state rights

"Round the Circle with Johnson"

goes on speech-giving tour denouncing radical Repubs in Congress, but sucks so gets more votes for Repubs 1866 congressional

What does the transcendentalist movement spring forward?

golden age in AM lit, esp around Boston "Athens of AM"

What was Franklin's contribution to the Albany Congress? How was it responded to?

good but premature plan for colonial home rule; Albany delegates adopt plan, but individual colonies and London regime scorn it. Colonists think it does not give enough independence and UK authorities think it gives too much

What kind of ruler was King George III?

good man in private morals but bad ruler: stubborn, want power, surrounded by pushovers e.g. PM Lord North

Young and federal government conflict

gov'nt cannot control Young --> fed army sent and quarrel - anti-polygamy laws delay Utah's statehood

Governor DeWitt Clinton

governor of NY leads New Yorkers in digging Erie Canal from Lake Erie to Hudson River

William Henry Harrison

governor of native territory - defeats Shawnee at Battle of Tippecanoe

Anti-Masonic Party; who supported them?

third party enters in 1832 election: opposes secrecy of Masonic order - energized by mysterious disappear/murder of NY threatening to expose secret rituals of Masons - share Jacksonian ideals, but dislikes Jackson bc he is a Mason - get support from evangelical Protestant groups seeking to use political power to get moral/religious reeforms

Why were there not many schools at first?

high cost to communities

Archbishop William Laud

highly orthodox anti-Puritan Englishman, persecuted the Puritans

triangular trade

highly profitable: from England to Africa to New World and back

intercolonial committees of correspondence

next step to local ones; Virginia 1773 creates first and soon every colony has one established through which ideas and information are shared w/ other colonies; evolved directly into first American congresses

Why did Republicans fear S would take control of Congress?

now that there is opposing party, fear; S has more control in Congress due to lack of 3/5 - shut door in face of S delegates - Johnson says S states had met his condition so Union restored; anger Repubs

"nullies" vs. "submission men"

nullifiers try to get 2/3 vote for nullification in SC leg, but blocked by Unionists

What services did women work in?

nursing, domestic service, teaching

What was the effect of the Renaissance?

nurtures optimism and development of printing press, mariner's compass

Why was Charleston of Carolina so diverse?

sons of English aristocrats gave the town a rich flavor while religious Protestant refugees also come for religious tolerance

What were the different ways with which colonial assemblies asserted their authority/independence?

some withhold governor's salary unless he yields to their wishes (bc they are normally in need or money or would not come to America)

How did new liberal ideas challenge old-time Puritanism?

some worshipers claim that human beings are not predestined and can save by good works

Rev Russell Conwell

"Acres of Daimonds" "poor by own shortcomings"

What was William Pitt's comment about FtG's conquer in Germany?

"America was conquered in Germany"

What jobs did the Irish take?

"Biddies" (bridgets) do kitchen maiding "Paddies" (patricks) pushed into pick-shoven - compete for low-wage jobs - eventually come to acquire property but still dirt poor - take on politics

Tariff of 1828

"Black Tariff" "Tariff of Abominations" Jacksonites promote high-tariff bill, expecting it to be defeated and thus hurt Adams - instead, tariff passes and Jackson must deal with it

Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

"Bloodhound Bill" says that fleeing slaves cannot testify on own behalf and are denied jury trial - N who aid escaping slaves subject to imprisonment/fines - fed comissioner given more money if runaway not free - only S gain from Compromise of 1850

Tweed Ring

"Boss" Tweed uses bribery and fraud to get $200mil from NYC - NY Times 1871 gets evidence against him and publishes (though bribed not to) - prosecuted by NY attorney Samuel J Tilden

Where did most awakening preachers preach?

"Burned-over district" western NY where Puritans settle

Sylvester Graham

's fad diet of whole wheat bread and crackers

Winfield Scott (Whig)

("Old Fuss and Feathers"), the hero of the Mexican War, won the ballot.

John Tyler

(1790-1862) elected Vice President and became the 10th President of the United States when Harrison died [He was the President responsible for annexation of Mexico after receiving mandate from Polk and opposed many parts of the Whig program for economic recovery.]

Stephen W. Kearny

(1794-1848) General who led 1700 soldiers over the Santa Fe Trail to capture Sante Fe, thereby taking control of the Mexican province of New Mexico during the Mexican-American War [He then led his troops nearly to Los Angeles where he helped supress a revolt against the U.S. and secure the U.S. control there.]

James K. Polk

(1795-1849) 11th President who presided over the war with Mexico, the purchase of California, the settling of Oregon, the Walker Tariff of 1846, and the restoration of an independent treasury

Nicolas P. Trist

(1800-1874) chief clerk in the State Department, sent to negotiate a peace treaty with a defeated Mexico in 1847 [Before he could open negotiations, he was summoned to return, but he ignored the order and stayed to negotiate the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.]

John C. Frémont

(1813/1890) explorer who led the army for the "California Bear Flag Republic" to take control of California for the U.S. in 1846; later court marshaled when he declared himself military governor.

David Wilmot

(1814-1868) Congressman who proposed the amendment that would have outlawed slavery from Mexican territories


(1837) diplomatic row between the United States and Britain [Developed after British troops set fire to an American steamer carrying supplies across the Niagara River to Canadian insurgents, during Canada's short-lived insurrection.]

Conscience Whigs

(1840's and 1850's) Northern Whigs who opposed slavery on moral grounds [Conscience Whigs sought to prevent the annexation of Texas a slave state, fearing that the new slave territory would only serve to buttress the Southern "slave power."

Liberty Party

(1840-1848) anti-slavery party that ran candidates in the 1840 and 1844 elections before merging with the Free Soil Party [Supporters of the Liberty Party sought the eventual abolition of slavery, but in the short term hoped to halt the expansion of slavery into the territories and abolish the domestic slave trade.]


(1841) American ship captured by a group of rebelling Virginia slaves [The slaves successfully sought asylum in the Bahamas, raising fears among Southern planters that the British West Indies would become a safe haven for runaway slaves.]

Wilmot Proviso

(1846) amendment that sought to prohibit slavery from territories acquired by Mexico [Introduced by Pennsylvania congressman David Wilmot, the failed amendment ratcheted up tensions between North and South over the issue of slavery.]

spot resolutions

(1846) measures introduced by Illinois congressman Abraham Lincoln, questioning President James K. Polk's justification for war with Mexico [Lincoln requested that Polk clarify precisely where Mexican forces had attacked American troops.]

Walker Tariff

(1846) revenue-enhancing measure that lowered tariffs from 1842 levels thereby fueling trade and increasing Treasury receipts

California Bear Flag Republic

(1846) short-lived California republic, established by local American settlers who revolted against Mexico [Once news of the war with Mexico reached the Americans, they abandoned the Republic in favor of joining the United States.]

"Fifty-four forty or fight"

(1846) slogan adopted by mid-nineteenth-century expansionists who advocated the occupation of Oregon territory, jointly held by Britain and the United States [Though President Polk had pledged to seize all of Oregon, to 54°40', he settled on the forty-ninth parallel as a compromise with the British.]

Buena Vista, Battle of

(1847) key American victory against Mexican forces in the Mexican-American War [This elevated General Zachary Taylor to national prominence and helped secure his success in the 1848 presidential election.]

Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of

(1848) ended the war with Mexico [Mexico agreed to cede territory reaching northwest from Texas to Oregon in exchange for $18.25 million in cash and assumed debts.]

Trent Affair

(1861) Union warship stops GB mail steamer Trent and forces out 2 Conf diplomats headed to Europe - pissed, GB starts sending troops and demanding ultimatums - Lincoln eventually reluctantly releases the prisoners

1789 First Tariff

8% tariff on value of dutiable imports to protect infant industries

Aroostook War

(began 1839) series of clashes between American and Canadian lumberjacks in the disputed territory of northern Maine, resolved when a permanent boundary was agreed upon in 1842

Blacks in the war

- initially many states bar blacks from joining war but by end many enlist, esp from northern states where there are many free blacks; serve as military heroes, cooks, guides, etc. - served on British side in "Lord Dunmore's Ethiopian Regiment"

Why were most white migrants to colonial America from the middle class?

(except indentured servants) If one is rich and secure enough in England, they won't risk their life in the wilderness; If one is too poor to even start life anew, they cannot make it to America

King George's War

(known as War of Austrian Succession in Europe) France allies with Spain; New Englanders invade New France and w/ help from British navy (&luck), capture French Louisbourg fortress on Cape Breton Island, commanding the St. Lawrence River

New Amsterdam

(later NY city) aristocratic company town run by Dutch company; stockholders not interested in the freedom stuff so governors usually tyrannical esp toward dissenters of the Dutch Reformed Church; cosmopolitan, as many seaport towns are

John Randolph

(of Virginia) publicly assails alliance b/w Adams, Clay

noche triste

(sad night) 1520 Aztecs drive Spanish away from Tenochtitlan in bloody retreat before Cortes lays siege to the city

Carolina campaign of 17801

- 1780-1781 american riflemen wipe out British detachment at King's Mountain - defeats smaller force at Cowpens - General Nathanael Greene

How does Hamilton respond to Jefferson's arguments?

- invokes clause of Constitution that Congress may pass proper necessary laws to carry out governing - gov'nt collects taxes and regulates trade so thus national bank is logical

America's lack of supplies

- lack of military supplies - Valley Forge, Pennsylvania with cold hungry undressed colonist soldiers in winter of 1777-1778 - manufactured goods in shortage - clothing scarce and ragged

How did government benefit from granting land?

- long/term preferential rates for postal/military - granting land = cheap way to subsidize needed transportation system bc avoids new taxes for direct cash grants - RR can use land as collateral for loans from private bankers or sell it ($3/acre)

What factors led to America becoming major steel creater?

- Bessemer Process - only place where can find relatively close together materials and labor

Biddle's Panic

- Biddle tried to call in bank loans to produce minor financial crisis to illustrate bank's importance - some weaker banks defeated

Battle of Saratoga

- Burgoyne gets stuck north of Albany where colonial militiamen swarm and is trapped. - Americans drive back St. Leger's at Oriskany - Burgoyne surrenders his entire command at Saratoga 10/17/1777 to Horatio Gates

Hayes-Tilden deal

- Dems agree that Hayes may take office in return for withdrawal of fed troops from LA, SC - Repubs assure Dems place w/ presidential patronage and support bill subsidizing S RR - quietly abandons support for black freedmen and racial equality

1860 Election

- Dems split w/ Doug leading N, S walking out bc believe Doug is traitor, so nominating own Breckinridge - Constitutional Union party nominates John Bell - Repubs nominate Lincoln

What groups were influenced by the 2nd Great Awakening? Who wasn't?

- Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Unitarians continue to rise from wealthy educated levels of society - prosperous/conservative in East hardly touched by revivalism - Methodists and Baptists arise from less "learned" south/west

Britain after Yorktown Defeat

- G3 is only one who wants to keep fighting - Lord North's ministry March 1782 collapses; Whig ministry replaces

leadership in america

- George Washington - Benjamin Franklin - foreign aid esp from France of unemployed poor officers - Marquis de Lafayette

Results of Election of 1824

- Jackson gets most popular votes and most electoral votes, but not electoral majority - Adams gets second in both - Crawford fourth in popular, third in electoral - Clay 4th in electoral

Benedict Arnold

- May 1775 leads tiny American force w/ Allen for Bunker Hill - joins Monty at Quebec Campaign - 1780 turns traitor bc feels that his services not fully appreciated; plots to sell out key stronghold of West Point of Hudson River in trade for 6300 pounds and officer's commission, but caught in time

Election of 1864

- Repub party joins w/ War Democrats (Lincoln chosen over Chase; running made Andrew Johnson to attract War Democrats) - General MCClellan nominated by Copperheads - succession of N victories and "bayonet vote" pulls Lincoln through

Why did many northerners dislike the abolitionists?

- Southern planters owe much money to Northern bankers; if Union dissolves, so does that money debt - textile mills get cotton from slave-supported South

Why was France late in the scramble for New World?

1500s foreign wars and domestic strife b/w Roman Catholics and Protestant Huguenots

Washington at the New Jersey campaign

- Washington sneakily recrosses Delaware River and 12/26/76 surprise-captures thousand Hessians at Trenton - week later, leaves campfire burning as ruse and defeats smaller British detachment at Princetom

Why did Southerners dislike the Tallmadge amendment?

- a threat to sectional balance - North is becomimg more and more wealthy/ thickly settled (more reps in HoR)

Public reactions fo 1863 proclamation

- abolitionists say not far enough - some say gone too far - N opposes "abolition war" e.g. Boys in Blue bc fought for Union, not against slavery

What did the West demand? What did they get?

- cheap acreage; Land Act of 1820 - cheap transportation - cheap money issued by it sown "widlcat banks", fights BoUS to get this

Why did colonists want to invade Canada?

- conquered French explosive under British - successful assault on Canada = 14th colony - deprive GB of valuable base from which can attack colonies

What does Lincoln do to deal with border states?

- declare martial law in MD to keep DC safe - Union soldiers to WV and MO - cautious about official statements regarding slavery

Effect of Monroe Doctrine

- doctrine is only as big as nation's armed forces, no bigger - not pledge of agreement; just statement of Monroe's policy - each successsive presidene treats id ddifferently

Why did Napoleon decide to give up dream of New World empire?

- failed to reconquer Santo Domingo, for which Louisiana would be source of foodstuffs. Toussaint L'Ouverture leads resistance. Yellow fever sweep away French troops. Not worth the money - about to end peace w/ GB; GB controls seas so threat of having to give Louisiana for free to GB. Does not want US to ally w/ GB - hoped that US will be strengthened by Louisiana nd one day be militarily strong enough to thward GB

America's pluses in war

- fight defensively, easier - agriculturally self sustaining - belief in a just cause

final report of Hartford Convention

- financial assistance from Washington to compensate for lost trade from embargoes - constitutional amendment requiring 2/3 Congress vote before embargo can be posed, new state admitted, or war declared - abolish slavery - president can only serve one term - abolish 3/5 clause - prohibit election of 2 successive presidents from same state

Who first opposed railroads? Why?

- financiers afraid of losing money from Erie Canal traffic - railroads cause fires to houses from their embers - Easterners do not want to drain inhabitants out of their cities westward - bad brakes and such made early trains bad

14th Amendment

- gives civil rights, including citizenship, to freedmen - reduces proportionately the representation of state in Congress and Electoral College if denies blacks vote - disqualifies from fed and state office former Conf who had once sworn to support Const - guarantees fed debt so Union assumes all Conf debt

How does the N raise money for war effort?

- increase excise taxes on tobacco and alcohol and levies income tax - Morrill Tariff Act - sells bonds, esp through Jay Cooke and Company

Why was George Washington selected to head army? Why was this weird?

- showed up to Congress in officer's uniform - had never been high rank colonel or commanded many - great leader, strong character of patience, courage, self-discipline, justice - moral force > military mind - chose Virginian (largest most populous of colonies) instead of NEer (other colonies suspicious of large NE army around Boston) - wealthy, not accused of being fortune seeker - aristocrat counted on to check "excesses of the masses"

Who was against unhampered Westward expansion? Who was for it?

- slave-holding southerners and depressed pioneers favor unhampered - many northerners, esp Federalists, eager to use issue to break "virginia dynasty"

How did slaves respond to emancipation?

- slave-master loyalty prompts some to defy Union armies - others break free asap, some even going to torture masters - at first respond w suspicion, but soon celebrate

How did women get equality?

- some women disguisedly serve in military - NJ's new constitution in 1776 for time allows women to vote - republican motherhood: women have new prestigious role as keepers of nation's conscience through educating of youth - education FOR wives/mothers expands bc better cultivates virtues demanded by Republic in citizens

American System

- strong banking system to provide easy/abundant credit - protective tariff behind which eastern manufacturing flourishes - network of roads and canals

What improvements boosted the RR?

- stronger/more economic steel rail - standardization of track width eliminates inconvenience of numerous changes b/w lines - westinghouse air brake efficient and safe

What did the election of 1840 demonstrate?

- triumph of populist democratic style - aristocracy is taint, democracy respected - politicians must find favor with voting masses - formation of vigorous strong two-party system

What did democrats in 1868 disagree on?

- wealthy E wants fed war bonds redeemed in gold though purchased w/ inflated paper money - poor W want "Ohio idea" to keep money in circulation and interest rates lower

What was the effect of the first transcontinental railroad?

- welds West to Union - ensures trade with Asia - penetrates barrier of deserts

Four other transcontinental railroads

-Northern Pacific Lake Superior to Puget Sound - Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe through SW deserts to CA - Southern Pacific from NO to SF - Great Northern from Duluth to Seattle

Terms of the Missouri Compromise

1. Missouri enters as a Slave State, BUT then Maine enters as a free state so South does not have majority; 2. Agreed that in the West, all territory S. of the Southern border of Missouri extended to Mexico will be reserved as Future Slave States, All territory N. of the border will be future Free States; **resolved issue of Slavery for a short period of time, bout doesnt solve it

Battle of Thames

10-1813 Harrison's army overtakes British at Detroit and Fort Malden

Articles of Confederation as a constitution

13 colonies joined together for joint action in dealing w/ common probs like foreign affairs - Congress cannot regulate commerce and cannot enforce taxes

St Bartholomew's Day

1572; 10,000+ Huguenots killed

Invincible (Spanish) Armada

1588 these 130 huge ships heave into English Channel. English beat back using swifter ships to damage the Spanish. Then a storm arises "Protestant wind" that scatters the Spanish.

Edict of Nantes

1598 issued by crown; grants limited toleration to French Protestants. Religious wars cease; France becomes most formidable European nation

Battle of Acoma

1599 Spanish severed one foot of each Pueblo survivor and establishes the area to be New Mexico with capital Santa Fe

Virginia Company of London

1606 receives charter from King James I for settlement in New World. For gold and seeking passage through America to Indies. Meant to be liquidated within years for a profit, so puts pressure on colonists to quickly strike it rich

Quebec establishment

1608 by St. Lawrence River; led by Samuel de Champlain

Which winter was the "starving time"?


Lord De La Warr

1610 spring heads relief party, ordering settlers back to Jamestown; imposes harsh military regime on colony with aggressive military action against natives; carries from Virginia Company orders that are pretty much declaration of war; introduces "Irish tactics" against Indians

First Anglo-Powhatan War

1614: De La Warr's troops raided native villages, burned houses, confiscated their foods, and torched their fields; peace settlement ends the war with marriage of Pocahontas to John Rolfe

Thirty Years' War

1618-1648: Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus upholds Protestantism, causing energy that sends Sweden into the colony American game

House of Burgesses

1619 the London Company authorized settlers to summon this assembly in Virginia, the first of many miniature America parliaments. But as time passes it intimidates King James I

What year was the Pilgrims' first winter?


What year was the first Thanksgiving? Who contributed to it?

1621; Wampanoag chieftain Massasoit signed treaty with Plymouth Pilgrims

What was Harvard College initially established for?

1636 to train local boys for the ministry (very soon after the colony was founded, unlike Virginia's William and Mary college)

Pequot War

1637 Connecticutians and their Narragansett native allies surround Pequot village and set fire to their tents, shooting the survivors until the Pequots are practically annihilated and uneasy peace b/w

New England Confederation

1643 four Puritan colonies (Bay Colony, Plymouth, New Haven and other scattered Connecticut colonies) band together when Old England is dealing with civil war and colonists are forced to their own resources to defend against foes and intercolonial problems; each colony wields two votes

Second Anglo-Powhatan War

1644 natives again try to dislodge Virginians but defeated. 1646 peace treaty rids of any hope of coexisting by banishing and separating natives

Act of Toleration

1649 Catholics of Maryland support this when the inflow of Protestants place severe restrictions on the Catholics. It guarantees toleration to all Christians but decrees death penalty for those who deny Jesus's divinity

"slave codes"

1662 Virginia states that blacks and their children are the property for life of their white masters and that they cannot be freed even with a conversion to Christianity. Some colonies make teaching them to read/write illegal

New Jersey

1664 two proprietors receive the area from the Duke of York and many New Englanders flock to there. One Proprietor sells West Jersey to group of Quakers who set up sanctuary (before Pennsylvania even started). Quakers later acquire East New Jersey, but 1702 crown combines the two into one royal colony

Pope's Rebellion

1680 Pueblo rebels destroy every Catholic church in New Mexico and kill many Spanish. They rebuild kiva on ruins of Spanish plaza at Santa Fe. Takes nearly 500 years for Spanish to fully reclaim New Mexico

Robert de La Salle

1682 checks Spanish Penetration into Gulf of Mexico by sailing down Mississippi to where it mingles with Gulf; names interior basin Louisiana in honor of Louis XIV; three years later he returns with colonizing expedition but mislands at Spanish Texas an 1687 murdered by his men

Dominion of New England

1686 London imposes to include all of New England, New York, and Jersey. Supports colonial defense in event of war. Promotes efficiency in administration of English Navigation Laws

Glorious (Bloodless) Revolution

1688-1689 people of Old England dethrones James II and thrones Protestant William III and Mary

King William's War

1689-1697; pits British colonists against French coureurs de bois; both sides recruit whatever natives they can

How did the witchcraft situation end?

1693 governor, alarmed that his wife was accused, supported by clergymen prohibited any further trials; later the Massachusetts legislature annuls the previous convictions and reparations to the heirs

Pennsylvania Dutch

1700s Germans flee religious persecution, economic oppression, and ravages of war and settle mainly in Pennsylvania, making about 1/3 of Pennsylvania; belong to mainly Lutheran of Protestant sects; known erroneously as Pennsylvania Dutch; accounts for 6% of total American population by 1775; no deep loyalty to British crown as they reside on backcountry where they prosper in German customs

Antoine Cadillac

1701 founds Detroit "the City of Straits" to thwart English settlers pushing into the Ohio Valley

Queen Anne's War

1702-1713; pits British colonists against French coureurs de bois; both sides recruit whatever natives they can

How did Philadelphia and New York respond to the new class of orphans and widows from war?

1730s create almshouses

Molasses Act

1733 Parliament, under pressure from British West Indian planters, passes this to stop American trade with French West Indies; would strike crippling blow to American international trade and standard of living

Premise for the tensions of Ohio Valley

1749 British colonists (mainly Virginians) secure legal "rights" to 500,000 acres in the Ohio Valley region, where French are currently in the process of erecting chain of forts commanding Ohio River

What was Pitt's first action?

1758 dispatch expedition against Louisbourg; it falls after siege and rejoicing ensues in Britain

Battle of Quebec

1759 Wolfe sends night detachment up poorly-guarded rock part protecting Quebec and brings the others; in the morning two armies face on Plains of Abraham: fatal wounds but French defeated and city surrenders

When did Montreal fall? significance?

1760; last time French flag flutters in Canada

Paris Peace Settlement

1763; by now French power is gone from North America with remaining French population; French allowed to keep several small West Indies sugar islands and 2 islets in St Lawrence gulf

Sugar Act

1764: first law passed by Parliament to raise tax revenue in colonies for crown; increase tax on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies

Stamp Act

1765 imposed to raise revenue to support military force; stamped legal documents taxed

Stamp Act Congress

1765 met in NYC: 27 delegates from 9 colonies debate and draw up statement of their rights and grievances: ask king/Parliament to repeal legislation; made little effect but brought together unity

Quartering Act

1765: requires certain colonies to provide food+quarters for British troops

"Champagne Charley" Townshend

1767 persuades Parliament to pass Townshend Acts

What kind of people were the soldiers that Britain sent over to Boston?

1768 two troops of drunken profane characters, disliked and taunted by colonists

Quebec Act

1774 accompanies Intolerable Acts at same time - erroneously regarded in English colonies as part of Britain's response to Boston troubles - guarantees French their Catholic religion and other old customs (that do not include representative court or trial by jury) - southern boundaries extended to Ohio River

1st Continental Congress's comments on slave trade

1774 calls for complete abolition of slave trade

2nd Continental Congress

1776 asks colonies to draft new constitutions into new sovereignty states resting on authority of people - right before DoI, appoints committee to draft Articles of Confederation

Common Sense

1776 published; influential pamphlet by radical Thomas Paine. - says colonial inconsistency contradicts "common sense" - says tiny Britain should not control giant America - declares king "Royal Brute of GB" - calls for republic: power flow from people, not monarch - all gov'nt officials should be voted in by popular consent

Catherine the Great of Russia

1780 forms Armed Neutrality: lines up remaining European neutrals in passive hostility toward Britain

Dark period of war

1780-1781 before last decisive victory - inflation; bankrupt gov'nt declares will pay debt at 2.5c per dollar - sense of unity gone - mutinous armies

Articles of Confederation

1781 written constitution adopted by colonists

How did Spain demonstrate its unfriendliness to Americans?

1784 closed Mississippi river to commerce (strangle Tenn/Kent traders)

Treaty of Fort Stanwix

1784 pro-British Iroquois forced to sign; first treaty b/w US and native nation; natives cede most of their land

Land of Ordinance

1785 states that acreage of Old Northwest should be sold and proceeds used to pay off national debt; fair division

Convention at Annapolis

1786 Virginia calls for convention at Annapolis - only 5 states show up - Alexander Hamilton saves

Second Great Awakening

1800 larger than first - based on methodism, baptism

Tripolitan War and peace of Tripoli

1801 pasha of Tripoli, dissatisfied w/ share of protection money, informally declares war on US by cutting down flagstaff of American consulate - Jefferson reluctantly dispatches tiny navy to shores of Tripoli - 1805 peace of Tripoli: secures peace for $60,000: sum of ransom for captured Americans

James Monroe

1803 sent by Jefferson to Paris to meet w/ Livingston. - instructed to buy NO and as much land east as possible for max $10mil - if negotiations fail, to open up w/ GB for alliance


1804 Jefferson's personal secretary Meriwether Lewi and young army officer William Clark send to explore N. Louisiana Purchase - expedition yields much info

Zebulon M. Pike

1805-1806 treks into uncharted West, headwaters of Mississippi River then south

Orders in Council

1806 England issues to close European ports under French controlled foreign shipping

Embargo Act

1807 Jefferson passes to ban exportation of any goods in countries - plan to force FR+GB to respect America+citizens - hurts American merchants too much - 1809 repealed and replaced

Americans seize Florida

1810 claim West 1812 Congress ratifies seize small Mobile region during War

Twelfth Congress

1811 meet - "war hawks" want to go to war w/ GB to eliminate native threats to pioneers

American Colonization Society

1817 formed: purchases tract of land in Liberia for return of blacks to africa

Denmark Vesey

1822 free black leads slave rebellion in Charleston

Monroe Doctrine

1823 President Monroe, in annual address to Congress, states warning to European powers 1: noncolonization: states that era of colonization of America is over 2: nonintervention: warns against foreign intervention: wants Britain to stay out of Western Hemisphere. America will also not intervene in foreign wars * basically warns Old World powers to stay away: concerned w/ security of America - thrives off Nationalism

Johnson's Reconstruction plan

5/29/65 calls for special state conventions, which are required to repeal all decrees of secession, repudiate Conf debts, and ratify 13th Amendment

transcendentalist movement

1830s results from liberalizing of Puritan theology and foreign influences

Lone Star Rebellion

1836 Texans name Sam Houston commander in chief - Santa Anna leads men into Texas, trap many at Alamo and wipe them out after thirteen-day siege, slay many - Houston takes advantage of Mexican siesta, wipes out pursuing force and captures Santa Anna, forces him to agree to withdraw Mexican terms and acknowledge Rio Grande as SW boundary of Texas

Bureau of Indian Afairs

1836 est to deal with natives


1840s several successfully use laughing gas and other for first time

Manifest Destiny

1844 campaign: many AM feel God has clearly destined AM to spread Democracy over the hemisphere

California Gold Rush

1848 Gold discovered in California attracted a rush of people all over the country to San Francisco. - a few strike it rich, but most go poor fast

Order of the Star-Spangled Banner

1849 founded; "Know Nothing" party bc secretive - agitate for rigid immigration/naturalization restrictions and for authorization of deporting aliens - promote lurid literature of (fiction) exposure

Matthew C Perry

1852 Fillmore dispatches warship fleet commanded by him - 1853 sail into Edo Bay: tense negotiations and beach presentation - request free trade, friendly relations - returns next year w/ more gifts persuade signing of Treaty of Kanagawa

Civil War in KA

1856 continues intermittently until merges with larger Civil War


1856 gang of proslavery raiders shoot up and burn free-soil town of Lawrence

Homestead Act

1860 Congress passes public acres 25c/acre, but vetoed by Buchanan

Morrill Tariff Act

1861 after antiprotection states secede, increase existing duties to moderate level of Walker Tariff - to raise additional revenue and provide protection to manufacturers - protective tariff becomes identified with Republican

Congressional Committee on the Conduct of War

1861 formed, dominated by "radical" Repubs who resent expansion of exec power in wartime

Confiscation Act

1861: Congress decrees that rebel property used in war effort including slaves could be confiscated 1862: punish "traitors" by declaring slaves "captives of war"

N Conscription Law

1863 Congress passes for first time on nationwide scale - rich boys can hire substitutes to go in place or buy $300 exemption - democrats hate this - many are still volunteers bc pressures to enlist and bounties

Gettysburg Address

1863 Lincoln travels to Gettysburg to dedicate cemetery, read address

National Banking System

1863 authorized by Congress --> first step for unified anking system to stimulate gov'nt bond sales and est standard bank currency - banks who join system can buy gov't bonds and issue good paper money

Wilderness Campaign

1864 Grant engages Lee in furious battles; many casualties - 6/4/64 Grant orders frontal assault on Cold Harbor, SO RISKY

Ulysses S Grant

1868 Repub president supports military reconstruction of S

15th Amendment

1869 passed by Congress, granting black men the right to vote

Credit Mobiler

1872 Union Pacific RR forms construction company and hires themselves at inflated prices to build RR line, earning high dividends - keeps congress quiet by distributing shares of stock to key congressmen

Whiskey Ring

1874-75 robs Treasury of much in excise-tax revenue - Grant angry, but when finds personal secretary among these people, exonerates him

Civil Rights Act

1875 is last ditch Repub attempt to protect Blacks - supposedly granted equal accommodations in public places and prohibit racial discrimination in jury selection - declared unconst in SC by 1883 Civil Rights cases by declaring that 14th amendment prohibits on gov'nt violation of civil right, not individual

Alexander Graham Bell

1876 invents telephone to create giant communication network + jobs

RR wages

1877 RR presidents cut employee wages by 10% --> riots - Hayes calls in federal troops to quell unrest, but working class supports RR by strike - failure of strikes exposes weakness of labor movement bc no unity

Chinese Exclusion Act

1882 Congress passes to prohibit further China immigration until 1943


1886 SC decrees that indiv state cannot regulate interstate commerce

Interstate Commerce Act

1887 Congress passes - prohibit rebates/pools - require RR to publish rates openly - forbid unfair discrimination of shippers - outlaw charging more for short haul - sets up Interstate Commerce Commission

How did Cleveland respond to Checkerboarding?

1887 opens settlement of still-unclaimed portions, forcing them to choose land

McKinley Tariff Act

1890 raises tariffs and brings trouble to farmers - farmers have to buy manufactured and sell products into highly competitive world markets - loses repub public support

Wilson-Gorman Tariff

1894 passed w/ special-interst protection that hardly does anything to McKinley - law w/o Cleveland - SC strikes down - Dems suffer, repbs take majority

Plessy v Ferguson

1896 SC rules that "separate but equal" facilities are constitutional

US v Wong Kim Ark

1898 rules 14th grants citizenship to all US-born, thus protects Chinese

Independent Treasury Bill

1940 passes Congress - next year repealed by Whigs but comes back later

Northern military plan's 6 components

1: blockade to suffocate 2: liberate slaves to undermine economic foundations 3: seize control of MS River 4: send troops through GA, Carolinas 5: capture Richmond 6: (Grant's idea) try everywhere to engage enemy's main strength, grind into submission

What were the stipulations for Americans to Texas?

1: must become Mexican citizens 2: must become Catholic 3: no slavery allowed

Social ladder in the South

1: wealthy slave owners 2: less wealthy slave owners 3: whites do not own slaves 4: mountain whites

Tariff of 1816

1st protective tariff; British companies try to make American factories die off by selling GB goods for much less than American factories - place 20-25% tax on value of dutiable imports - at one point tax price continues to rise, creating problems of no comp b/w companies

Laird Rams

2 conf warships constructed in GB John Laird and Sons's shipyard designed to destroy Union navy wooden ships w/ iron rams and huge guns and thus destroy Union blockade - to avoid pissing off N, London call them off and buys for royal navy

France offers treaty of alliance with America

2/6/1778 France offers; does not conform exactly to Model Treaty (early example of practical self-interest > abstract realism in conducting foreign affairs); first military alliance: - both sides wage war until US fully secures freedom and both sides come to terms with Britain


25k blacks from LA, TX, MS surge to KA 1878 - 1880 when steamboat captains refused to transport more blacks across MS river

Reconstruction Act

3/2/67 Congress passes - divides S into 5 military districts, each commanded by Union general and soldiers - requires that states wishing to be readmitted into Union must ratify 14th Amendment - states const has to allow former adult male slaves to vote

Citizen Edmond Genet

30-yo rep of French Republic - arrives in Charleston - sets out to equip privateers and otherwise take advantage of existing alliance - swept by Jeffersonians, believe that Neutrality Proclamation does not reflect true wishes - recruits armies to attack Florida/Louisiana/Canada against rules - withdrawn and replaced

Constitutional Convention (what did they establish)

5/25/1787 55 reps from all states but RI to Philadelphia to discuss future gov'nt of country - GWash elected as leader - RI not present - calls for president - three-fifths compromise - end of slave trade by end of 1807

About how many people inhabited the Americas when Europeans arrive in 1492?

54 million

General Braddock

60-yo experienced British warfare officer sent to Virginia w/ strong British detachment; forages scanty supplies from reluctant colonists then 1755 sets out with 2,000 men to capture Fort Duquesne; his expedition moves slowly, hacking down trees as they go; encounter small French-natives army near Duquesne and loses quickly


7% of American population by 1775. Scottish lowlanders- transplanted to N. Ireland where they do not prosper bc the Catholic Irish hate Scottish Presbyterian and English gov't places restrictions on Scot-Irish's production of linens. 1700s ten-thousands of Scots-Irish come to America for the tolerant Pennsylvania and illegally squat on frontier unoccupied lands, where they quarrel with natives and white owners. When they hit the Allegheny barrier, they go southward into Maryland Virginia Carolinas as the "great wagon road". They readily come to violence with natives, causing much inflammation. No love for British government. Many eventually joined American revolutionaries

the "Great Migration" of the 1630s

70k refugees leave England, many of whom attracted to the warm fertile West Indies

How did the South control Britain?

75% of Britain's cotton comes from South

Who enjoyed religious toleration in Georgia?

All christians but catholics

Bunker Hill

Allen+Arnold's force surprise-capture British at Ticonderoga and Crown Point upper NY where priceless gunpowder+artillery storage for siege of Boston. - June 1775 colonists seize Bunker Hill where menace enemy in Boston. -British attack from front bloodily. - Americans shoot at them until run out of gunpowder and abandon hill

What did the War of 1812 show nations around the world?

America will defend its beliefs; byproduct of war is heightened nationalism

Where was the Seven Years' War fought?

America, Europe, West Indies, Philippines, Africa, and ocean

Elijah Lovejoy

American Presbyterian minister, journalist, newspaper editor murdere by mob for abolitionist views

Why was Parliament demanded to repeal the Stamp Act?

American buys 1/4 of British exports but 1/2 of British shipping is devoted to American trade; they suffer from nonimportation agreements

Why were cultural clashes not more frequent and violent in such a diverse country?

American economy is robust: growth attracts immigrants and ensures that when they do come, they can get share of wealth w/o jeapordizing others' - help fuel economic expansion, esp in Industrial Revolution

Horatio Gates

American general; surrendered to by Burgoyne's invasion at Saratoga

North American Review

American magazine by Americans for Americans

Francis Scott Key

American prisoner aboard British ship, watches British fleet bombard Fort McHenry and writes "Star Spangled Banner

Why did the British authorities forbid all export of supplies from New England and middle colonies?

American shippers were being fraudulent and trafficking with enemy Spanish and French West Indies


An interpretation of Puritan beliefs that stressed God's gift of salvation and minimized what an individual could do to gain salvation; identified with Anne Hutchinson.

What was the effect of the few cities in the South?

An urban professional class was slow to emerge; Southern life revolved around great plantations distant from each other

Who defends New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

Election of 1824 Candidates

Andrew Jackson of Tennessee Henry Clay of Kentucky William H Crawford of Georgia John Q Adams of Massachusetts - all claim to be Republicans - Clay sees himself as national figure John Calhoun is VP rep for Adams and Jackson

What were the two established (tax-supported) churches in 1775? How much of the population attended?

Anglican and Congregational; minimal

Protestant Episcopal Church

Anglican church, tainted by association with British crown, humbled and de-anglicized; revorms

Joseph Brant

Anglican-converted Mohawk chief urges natives to side with Britain bc victorious Britain will restrain American expansion westward; - Brant and British attack large areas of backcountry Penn/NY until 1779 American force checks them

Which groups adopted formal platforms?

Anti-Masons and a group of National Republicans

Battle of Antietam

Antietam Cree, MD Lincoln pressured to restore McCLellan - two Union soldiers find copy of Lee's battle plans wrapped around cigar package dropped by Conf soldier - w/ this info, succeeds in defeating Lee 9/17/62 - Lee retires across Potomac and McClellan does not pursue - McClellan removed

Foreign responses to Emancipation Proclamation

Aristocrats in Europe note that only apply to rebel slaveholders so sympathize w/ S - working class favor Union bc think that proclamation = doom of slavery = no more competition

What was the effect of the headright system?

As land becomes scarcer, masters become increasingly resistant to including land grants in the "freedom dues"; misbehaving servant were punished with extended term of service and often even after formal freedom was granted, the workers were too often too poor and would be rehired by their masters for low wages

Indentured servants

As more tobacco is being planted, there comes a higher demand for labor; unfortunately families procreate too slowly and natives die to quickly on contact with whites and Africans are too expensive; England still as a "surplus" population from enclosing so they offer their labor in exchange for the transatlantic passage and "freedom dues"

Why was there a large population of poor people by 1750?

As supply of land decreases and families grow, existing landholdings repeatedly divided until younger children are forced to hire out as wage workers or go past the Alleghenies

Treaty of Greenville

August 1795 b/w Miami Confederacy and Wayne after Battle of Fallen Timber - gives up vast tracts of Old Northwest in exchange for $20,000+$9,000/year


Aztec chieftain, superstitious, thinks Cortes is god Quetzalcoatl and treats his group hospitably before they exhaust their welcome

Who routinely sought favor of gods by offering human sacrifices (their hearts)?


Mulligan Letters

Blaine-written letters to Boston businessman, linking him to corruption - reform-minded repubs "Mugwumps" disagree w nomination of Blaine and publicize this

sewage system

Boston & NY adopt; eliminates mosquito breeding place

Thomas Hutchinson

Boston British official had his house destroyed in 1765 from Stamp Act protestors. this time after tea tax he doesn't budge - doesn't agree with tea tax but more believes that colonists have no right to flout law - orders tea ships not to clear harbour until cargoes unloaded

Wendell Phillips

Boston patrician "abolition's golden trumpet" boycotts all slavery-produced goods

Treaty of Paris of 1783

Britain formally recognizes independence of US and grands boundaries to Mississippi, Great Lakes, and Florida; Yankees must also share Newfoundland's fisheries - Americans cannot further persecute Loyalists - Congress must recommend state legislature to restore confiscated Loyalist property - states cannot put lawful obstacles in way of collection of debt to Britain

Utrecht Peace Treaty of 1713; what followed?

Britain given French-populated Acadia, Newfoundland, Hudson Bay; British win limited trading rights in Spanish America; generation of peace "salutary neglect" by Britain follows

British vs. Americans in New York 1814

Britain has to bring supplies over Lake Champlain waterway - Macdonough commands weaker American fleet - fight in Plattsburg 9/11/1814 - Macdonough unexpectedly turns it around and wins

Which Old World nations competed for control of North America?

Britain, France, Spain

Why were colonial naval stores highly valued by British? How was this demonstrated?

British are anxious to regain mastery of the sea; London authorities offer a lot to stimulate production of such materials; trees are marked with king's arrow for further use and anybody who is caught cutting one down is fined. (this shackle on free enterprise causes bitterness)

What led Madison to declare war of 1812?

British arming of hostile natives - restore confidence in republican experiment - only rigorous assertion of American rights can demonstrate viability of American nationhood

Why were Americans suspicious after all of Grenville's acts?

British army kept; worry that it is to whip rebellious colonists into line; after Whip suspicion of authority, think that British are going to strip them of historic liberties

What caused Americans to realize their inconsistencies?

British burnings of Falmouth and Norfolk and hiring of Hessians; Common Sense

The War of Jenkins's Ear

British captain Jenkins encounters Spanish revenue authorities and has his ear sliced off by sword; furious resentment arises when Jenkins returns to Britain. 1739 UK vs. Spanish in Caribbean Sea and Georgia (Oglethorpe fights to a standstill)

peace of Ghent

British competitors jam up American markets and newspapers, forcing American manufacturers to close

Fort McHenry

British fleet attack with cannons, but cannot capture - inspires Key's writing the Star Spangled Banner

Why was Canada the battleground for war of 1812?

British forces weakest there`

George Canning

British foreign secretary asks American minister in London if US will band with English in join declaration

1756 Invasion of Canada

British full-scale invade now that the war in America is world conflict but stupidly try to attack numerous posts simultaneously instead of putting all effort into the most important ones: Quebec and Montreal

Isaac Brock

British general leads operations to capture American fort Michilimackinac, which commands upper Great Lakes

Albany Congress

British gov'nt summons intercolonial congress to Albany, NY; only 7/13 colonies send delegates; led by Benjamin Franklin

Parliament holds British secrets

British have monopoly of textile industry, want to harbor its secrets - Parliament enacts laws w/ mercantile system to forbid export of machines/emigration of mechanics

hard times after war

British manufacturers flood American markets with good surpluses, causing suffering from competition

Samuel Slater

British mechanic memorizes plans for machinery, escapes to America for the riches, reconstructs w/ blacksmith+carpenter machine for cotton thread

George Grenville

British prime minister; strictly enforces Navitaion laws, orders Sugar Act, Quartering Act, Stamp Act; says these are reasonable but colonists pissed about the lack of representation

Georgia and Charleston fall to British

British start with South where loyalists numerous - Georgia 1778-1779 overrun - Charleston, SC 1780 falls and is huuge loss to America, even larger that Britain's loss of Burgoyne

Compromise of 1850

CA admitted as free state - NW+UT open to slavery on basis of popular sovereignty - Senate unbalanced in favor of N

What caused the Financial Crash of 1857?

CA gold inflates currency, Crimean War oversea demands overstimulate grain growth, overspeculation

Treaty of Wanghia

CH 1844, eager to counter GB, signs first formal agreement b/w US + China - US gets any/all trading terms other nations get - "extraterritoriality" for AM in CH

Californian Constitution

Californians, needing protection from voilence and disease of 49ers, bypasses territorial stage of state - excludes slavery - applies to Congress for admission

Caroline affair

Canadian McLeod in NY brags of his being in Caroline raid, so he is arrested for murder - London Foreign Office sees the Caroline raider not as criminals. so says that arresting is a declaration of war - McLeod freed after establishing alibi

James J Hill

Canadian-AM believes that RR success depends on prosperity of area serves - runs agricultural demonstration trains through "hill county" and imports GB bulls to farmers - this is so successful that later they don't have trouble with economy when it's in trouble

Morgan and Carnegie

Carnegie eager to sell his steel and Morgan manufacturing steel pipe tubing - Carnegie threatens to invade same business, ready to ruin Morgan if not satisfied - Carnegie's agents haggle w/ Morgan until Morgan agrees to buy out Carnegie for $400mil+ - once owning all this, Morgan expands his empire and "waters" stock, launches US steel corp

Whom was Carolina named for? Why?

Carolina was named for Charles II in 1670 after king grants to eight Lords Proprietors the expanse of wilderness.

How did the Irish react to new Protestantism in 1560s? What happened?

Catholic Irish seek help from Spain to throw off Protestant Elizabeth's rule, but aid was weak and English easily crush Irish uprisings. Horrible atrocities are inflicted upon native Irish and new Protestant landlords are placed in control of Ireland. Many English soldiers develop in Ireland a contempt for "savage" natives

Why did Anglo-Spanish wars break out between Florida and Carolina?

Catholic Spaniards hate the Protestant refugees of Carolina. But Carolina too strong to be wiped out.

Why was there trouble in the way Baltimore established Maryland?

Catholic land barons surrounded by Protestant backcountry planters; rebellion near end of century->Baltimore family briefly lost proprietary rights; he at first encouraged freedom of worship, but when more Protestants submerge the Catholics, Catholics set the 1649 Act of Toleration

Lord Baltimore

Catholic; founds Maryland in 1634 to reap financial profits and to create refuge for Catholics; grants huge estates to his Catholic relatives in large major houses

English Protestant Reformation

Catholics battle Protestants for decades after King Henry VIII breaks with Roman Catholic Church in 1530s. Balance of religious power continues to waver until Protestant Elizabeth takes the English throne

Death of the Whig Party, 1852

Caused by the Democratic victory in the Election of 1852 when Pierce won a landslide victory. Last election that Whigs participated in

Where were the Mayans?

Central America

Matthew Lyon

Congressman who is convicted by Sedition Act

Blue Law State

Connecticut; named so for the blue paper on which the repressive sumptuary Puritan laws were printed

Royal African Company

Chartered in 1672 with crown-granted monopoly to carry slaves to colonies; loses this in 1698

"Five Civilized Tribes"

Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Seminoles

Haymarket Square

Chicago police advance on authority brutality protest meeting --> dynamite bomb

Nicholas Trist

Chief Clerk of State department - sent w/ Scott to arrange for armistice w/ Santa Anna - negotiates Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

"Fiscal Bank Corporation"

Clay drives through Congress "Fiscal Bank" for a new BoUS but Taylor vetoes; the Corporation again vetoes

"Corrupt Bargain" of 1824

Clay eliminated in HoR, but Speaker of House so throws support behind JQ Adams - Clay is appointed Secretary of State, typical stepping stone to presidency - Jacksonians claim this is corruption, that he, the people's choice, was swindled out by politics

Why did New England immigrants live longer than the Chesapeake ones?

Clean water and cool temperatures slow down spread of microbes

Cohens vs. Virginia (1821)

Cohens appeals to SC for being found guilty of illegally selling lotto tickets by Virginia - Virginia convicts - Marshall asserts right of SC to review these decisions

How did a currency shortage develop in the colonies? How did the colonists respond to this?

Colonies buy more from Britain than sell there; resort to other goods as methods of exchange

German contributions

Conestoga wagon, Kentucky rifle, Christmas tree - more educated on whole than Americans so encourage public schools and art/music - hate slavery

blue-backed paper money

Conf needs revenue as duties die off, but "runaway inflation"

Jefferson Davis

Confederate president, often disputes with own Congress and disliked bc defy popular opinion

How was money raised for transRR building? How was land obtained?

Congress (encouraged by military/postal) loans money to two large companies and donates a ton of acreage

Indian Removal Act

Congress 1830 passes to move natives in "Trail of Tears" to Oklahoma

Freedmen's Bureau

Congress creates to be welfare agency for blacks - provide food, clothing, med care, education to freedmen and white refugees - led by Howard

Tariff of 1832

Congress does away with the worst abominations of 1828, but still protective - southerners still not happy

Checkerboard method

Congress gives land in broad belts along proposed route to RR. RR must within area choose the sqmi parts they want - until determine precisely, hoards all land

Force Bill

Congress passes at same time as Compromise Tariff - authorizes president to use army/navy if necessary to collect fed tariff duties - SC pissed, begins to prepare for battle (but no other states support their potential secession) so Columbia convention meets again to nullify Force Bill

Preston S Brooks

Congressman of SC resents Sumner's insults - should call for duel, but in S only can fight w/ one's social equal - 5/22/1856 beats Sumner w/ cane until it breaks and Sumner collapses - HOR cannot get enough votes to expel him, but he resigns and is triumphantly reelected w love from SC

Why did Jefferson try to propose constitutional amendment?

Constitution says nothing about authorizing president to negotiate treaties such as Louisiana Purchase - in time would take, Napoleon may withdraw offer

"not worth a continental"

Continental paper money so depreciated - individual states issue their own currency - inflation quickly skyrockets prices (families of soldiers cannot send stuff over) - debtors easily "pay off debt"

What were the local level administrations in the different colonies?

County government in South, town meeting in New England, and a modification of the two in the middle

Bank War

Daniel Webster + Henry Clay present Congress w/ bill to renew BoUS charter in order to make it 1832 election issue - thinks that if Jackson approves it, alienate westerners; if veto, would alienate wealthy - Jackson vetoes, declaring it unconstitutional (but SC earlier declared it constitutional) - Jackson acts as if execute branch superior to judicial - vetoing amplifies power of presidency - in reality the easterners have lost political power

Dartmouth College vs. Woodward (1819)

Dartmouth College given a charter by G3, but NH wants to take it away - Marshall rules in favor of college saying original charter must stand - safeguards business enterprise from domination by state gov'nt

Wilmot Amendment

David Wilmot's proposal that Mexico territory be slave free - not passed bc South in Senate does not want to lose potential support base - endorsed by free state legislatures

Boston Tea Party

December 16, 1773: 100 Bostonians disguised as natives board docked ships and destroy/dump hundreds of crates of tea

What religion did Thomas Paine promote? with what?

Deism with The Age of Reason - states that church is set up to intimidate

Where did New Sweden lie?


Winfield Scott Hancock

Dem candidate who appeals to S bc fair treatment during recnostruction

Franklin Pierce

Democratic candidate for 1852 presidency (wins) - supports territorial expansion and finality of everything including Compromise of 1850 and Fugitive Slave Law

Horatio Seymour

Democratic candidate in 1868 election - rejects "Ohio Idea"

Lewis Cass

Democratic senator who proposed popular sovereignty to settle the slavery question in the territories; he lost the presidential election in 1848 against Zachary Taylor but continued to advocate his solution to the slavery issue throughout the 1850s. - supports slavery

Jeffersonian anti-Federalists

Democratic-Republicans - believe best gov'nt is one that governs least. - state should hold bulk of power where people intimate w/ local affairs can keep eye on public servants - insist no special privileges for special classes - favors gov'nt for people but not by all people (literate men good) - pro-French

"war hawks"

Democratic-Republicans who support war - feel that country has to assert American rights to world

Democratic Convention of 1852

Democrats choose Franklin Pierce as candidate for presidency

"ate crow"

Dems endorse Greeley though Greeley often blasted them, but Dems like him bc he wants to "close the bloody chasm"

When did most servants arrive in North America? Where did they go before? Why didn't they come earlier?

Early 18th century; before most went to Spanish + Portuguese South America or West Indies; poor white colonists could not afford slaves who would die upon arrival (white slave are cheaper)

Where was most of the Dutch Republic's colonial activity?

East Indies

Where was the bulk of the American population in 1775?

East of Alleghenies; Virginia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, N. Carolina, Maryland; 90% in rural areas

transportation revolution

East wants to Move West

Compromise of 1877

Electoral Count Act so that when Senate + House meet to settle dispute, disputed documents referred to electoral committee of 15 select politicians - when repubs win by 1 vite, dems threaten filibuster - Dems agree that Hayes may take office in return for withdrawal of fed troops from LA, SC - Repubs assure Dems place w/ presidential patronage and suppport bill subsidizing S RR

Individualism in literature

Emerson's "Self Reliance" Cooper's Natty Bumppo Melville's Captain Ahab

Henry David Thoreau

Emerson's close asociate - refuses to pay Mass poll tax bc refuse condemns slavery gov'nt - believes should reduce bodily wants for pursuit of truth by study/meditation

Headright system

Encourage importation of servant workers by Maryland and Virginia; whoever pays passage of laborer can acquire 50 acres of land; masters thus make servants an investment for real estate and become merchant-planters

By which century was the Chesapeake white population growing on its own birthrate?

End of 17th century, opening of 18th

Francis Drake

English "sea dog" who went around planet, inspired among many others by Elizabeth, to raid Spanish booty, netting many profits for his financial backers (one of which was Queen Elizabeth). Elizabeth knights Drake on his ship

Barbados slave code of 1661

English authorities devised "codes" that defined slaves' legal status and masters rights to control the slave population; denied rights to slaves and gave masters complete control, including extreme punishment

Henry Hudson

English explorer hired by Dutch East India Company, ordered to sail NE, but he sails up Hudson River, hoping he had found the shortcut through America, but instead he claims a wooded watery area for Dutch

Sir Edmund Andros

English military man, head of the Dominion of New England, with close connections with the Church of England. He sets up his headquarters in Puritanical Boston, so much hatred toward him and his soldiers

What global economic system emerged involving Europe, America, Africa?

Europe provides markets, capital tech. Africa provides labor. New World offers raw materials

Immigrants from Europe

Europe seems to be running out of room; "surplus" people sent everywhere, esp to the land of freedom/opportunity

Convention of 1800

France agrees to anull old alliance and US agrees to pay damage claims of American shippers; Adams is very good with France

Why was New England less ethnically mixed than the southern colonies?

European immigrants not attracted to where soil is stony and sermons stifling

What were the effects of 1690s-1700s wars?

Europeanization of America, creates class of widows and orphans who become dependent on charity

Who drew the famous slogan-drawing "Join, or Die"? When? Why?

Franklin published in his Pennsylvania Gazette the disjointed snake a month before the congress assembled

Who established two MA black regiments?

Frederick Douglass


French Catholic missionaries zealous to Christianize natives, keeping them from fur-trappers; some tortured by natives; play important role as explorers and geographers

How did Uncle Tom's Cabin affect international relations?

FR &GB considered intervening for S, but realize many of own people who love Beecher's novel would not support

Did New Englanders migrate as single individuals or as families? What was its effect?

Families, unlike the chesapeakes who traveled individually; thus the population grew naturally almost immediately

Johnson-Congress clash

Feb 1866 Johnson veto bill extending life of Freedmen's Bureau - (repub) Congress passes Civil Rights Bill

What effect did the discovery of New World crops have on the world?

Fed rapid population growth of Old World. 3/5 of crops today originated in Americas.

What did the Hartford Convention demands reflect?

Federalist fears that once-powerful NE is falling to agricultural S/W

Freedom dues

Few barrels of corn, suit of clothing, small parcel of land; given to indentured servants once freed

Why is American neutrality better for France?

French West Indies rely on Yankee foodstuffs. But if Americans enter war on France's side, GB fleets will blockade American coasts

fourth Anglo-French colonial war

French and Indian War began in America, started by Washington's scuffle in Ohio Valley and after two years becomes the Seven Years' War

Seven Years' War

French and Indian War; set stage for America's independence; fought globally

Robert de La Salle

French expedition leader down Mississippi River

What was the effect of FtG's conquer in Europe?

French put so much strength into the European situation that unable to put enough force into New World


French recruits natives into fur business; large native fur ship fleet of Montreal in 1693

Admiral de Grasse

French; advises Americans that his fleet in West Indies can join to assault Cornwallis at Yorktown; Washington seizes opportunity

Jacques Cartier

Frenchman journeys up St. Lawrence River

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 1850

GB and US said that neither nation would or could attempt to take exclusive control of any future canal route in Central America

Hudson's Bay Company

GB monopoly trading profitably w/ natives for fur

What happened in the 1830s that gave energy to the abolitionist movement?

GB unchains slaves in West Indies - Second Great Awakening of last decade

Halifax-Quebec Route

GB wants to build road from Halifax to Quebec, but it runs through disputed Maine territory - London sends financier Lord Ashburton to establish relations w/ Webster and compromise on Maine boundary - GB gets Halifax-Quebec, but lots of land goes to future Minnesota - this solving of Caroline affair done entirely by letters

Slave revolts

Gabriel leads Richmond, Virginia, but foiled by informers Denmark Vesey leads in CHarleston, but same Nat Turner, black preacher, leads uprising that slaughters many

British 1814 at New Orleans

Gaunt and Jackson, feeling victorious from beating natives at Battle of Horseshoe Bend, command hodgepodge force - overconfident large British makes mistake of launching frontal assault; loses many men

Brook Farm

George Ripley (Mass) started by intellectual transcendentalists; fares well until fire fails bc writers hate farming works for 5 years because of Ms. Ripley's private school

Which colony was the last of the thirteen?


Fletcher vs. Peck (1810)

Georgia leg grants 35mil acres of Yazoo River country (Mississippi River) to private speculators - next legislature cancels this bribery, yielding to popular pressures - John Marshall allows state to give the acres but calls it contract and thus constitutional - protects property rights against popular pressures - Constitution forbids state laws from damaging contracts

Which colony was firmly planted with the British government? What were the others founded by?

Georgia; other by companies, religious, land speculators

Carl Schurz

German liberal who is foe of slavery and public corruption - elevates American political life

Baron von Steuban

German organizational genius, whips Americans into shape

Why did Germans agree to fight for Britain?

German princes need the money

Battle at Shiloh

Grant attempts to capture junction of main Conf N/W & E/W RR, but plans foiled at Battle of Shiloh - just over TN border - marks no quick end to war in W

name two men of the meat industry

Gustavus F Swift, Philip Armous

loose construction

Hamilton and federalist followers invoke "elastic clause" of Constitution, contending for loose interp

Why did federalists support John Adams?

Hamilton's financial policies made him very unpopular

Which wing splits with Adams?

Hamiltonian; he even attacks him in private pamphlet

Battle of TippeCanoe

Harrison gathers army, advances, - Tecumseh absent recruiting supporters in South - Prophet stupidly attacks Harrison's army w/ small Shawneen force; Shawnees defeated, settlement burned - drives Tecumseh into alliance w/ GB

Missouri Compromise

Henry Clay introduces whether or not Missouri will be admitted as slave state - 1820 Congress admits Missouri as slave state - Maine is to be admitted as a separate free state from Massachusetts - forbids slavery in remaining Louisiana Territory N of 36º30' except for Missouri

Compromise Tariff of 1833

Henry Clay of Kentucky doesn't want enemy Jackson to win but also supports tariffs so supports this bill - reduce 1832 tariff by 10% over 8 yrs - Congress passes after much debate

"immortal trio"

Henry Clay, John Calhoun, Daniel Webster

William Henry Harrison of Ohio

Hero of Battle of Tippecanoe leading Whig "favorite son'

Tallmadge Amendment

HoR slows plans of Missouri becoming state by passing this: - no more slaves to be brought into Missouri - gradual emancipation of children born to slave parents already there - later defeated by slave states in Congress

Hurons vs. Iroquois; lasting effect?

Hurons joined by Champlain; Iroquois scattered by white guns; Iroquois continue enmity with France

How did the natives populate America?

Ice Age glaciers revealed a bridge of land between present-day Siberia and Alaska, which nomadic hunters walked across following game into America for 250 centuries

How did the condition of life differ for slaves in the South and in the Chesapeake region?

In the south, climate is hostile and labor on the widely-scattered rice and indigo plantations is lonely/life-draining. Only fresh imports can maintain the slave population in these conditions. In Chesapeake, tobacco-growing is easier on the larger, closer tobacco plantations, allowing frequent contact with family and friends. The black population in Chesapeake area is soon growing naturally

What was the after-effect of Bacon's Rebellion?

It ignited the unhappiness that landless and resentful servants had for their masters; tensions remain and the planters, seeking non-troublesome laborers, look toward Africa

Giovanni de Verrazano

Italian mariner sent by French king to search eastern America

Christopher Columbus

Italian seafarer encourages Ferdinand and Isabella to give him three ships to head westward. He comes upon Bahamas in 6 weeks and incorrectly thinks he came upon Indies


James Blaine leads, likes job-vote system, but mad w/ Stalwarts for who gets spoils

Virginian Resolution

James Madison drafts less extreme but similar statement as Kentucky Resolution; Virginia leg 1798 adopts statement

Who draws up the amendments himself? Why? (Bill of Rights)

James Madison fears that calling new convention will unravel federalist victory in ratification so drafts it himself then guides to Congress

Election of 1820

James Monroe is elected president

Confederate Peace Delegation

Jeff Davis hopes negotiation will arrive in DC right as Lee's army victoriously defeats Gettysburg - but doesn't win

strict constrution

Jefferson and followers; believe Constitution should be interpreted literally

"whispering campaigns"

Jefferson becomes victim of these: accused by Federalists on defensive of having affair with one of his slaves

"Jeffs" "mosquito fleet"

Jefferson fascinated w/ small gunboats from Tripolitan war - advocates use large number of these to guard American shores while reducing taxes - more dangerous to crew and crappy

Why did the embargo fail?

Jefferson overestimates dependence of FR+GB on American trade - GB could trade w/ Latin American republics - France has enough European land to support itself

Naturalization Law of 1802

Jefferson reduces requirement of 14yrs residence --> 5yrs

Kentucky Resolution

Jefferson secretly pens series of resolutions which Kentucky leg 1798-1799 approves

Samuel Chase

Jefferson seeks revenge after Marbury v. Madison - Supreme Court justice so unpopular for "high crimes and misdemeanors" - voted by HoR then Senate cannot convict/remove bc not actually crimes but more just crappy person - victory for independence of judiciary and separation of powers among gov'nt

What two political camps have formed by end of Washington's first administration 1793?

Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans Hamiltonian Federalists

1799 Adams proposes new minister to France

Jeffersonians explode with anger but public opinion favorable for one last try for peace

How do Americans feel about the alliance?

Jeffersonians favor honoring alliance bc thankful - Washington nd Hamilton believe war should be avoided at all costs in order to be stronger and successful a few generations later

trial of Boston Massacre

John Adams defends soldier; two redcoats found guilty of manslaughter and released after branded on hand

Harper's Ferry

John Brown plans to invade S secretly, call upon slaves to rise, arm them, and provide sanctuary - w/ money, arrives in VA - Harpers Ferry, seizes fed arsenal by killing innocents, but slaves fail to rise - Brown and supporters captured by US marines under Robert E Lee

Republicans in 1856 Election

John C Fremont > Seward bc not tarred by KA - platform against slavery extension

Who was a successful smuggler?

John Hancock

Oneida Community

John Humphrey Noyes NY free love, birth control, select for superior kids; flourish bc steel traps and silverware old shepherds young bc children are burden believe jesus has come down and they want to create a sinless world for him

Treaty of Ghent

John Quincy Adams leads 5 American peacemakers in Ghent, Belgian - British envoys make huge demands for neutral native buffer state in Great Lakes region and part of Maine - Americans reject terms; talks stalemate - news of British losses in upper NY and Baltimore, war-weariness at home lead to compromise - signed 12/24/1814 - both sides agree to stop fighting, restore conquered territory - no mention of natives, search and seizure, Orders in Council, impressment, confiscations

Who led the Mormons where?

Joseph Smith to Illinois then Bringham Young to Utah

Olive Branch Petition

July 1775 Continental Congress professes American loyalty to crown, begs king to prevent further hostilities - G3 replies by proclaiming colonies in rebellion, hires thousands of Hessians

attack at Monmouth

June 1778 Washington attacks withdrawing redcoats at NJ and many collapse from heatstroke; indecisive and British escape to NY; Washington from now on stays in NY area trapping in British

Seven Days' Battles

June 26 - July 2, 1862 Lee launches counterattack on McClellan after Peninsula Campaign - drives McClellan back to sea to abandon Peninsula Campaign as failure - Lee loses more lives than McClellan does - Linc temp removes McClellan as Potomac commander

James Henry Crittenden

KY senator proposes amendment to Constitution - Slavery in territories prohibited N of 36 30, but S gets fed protection - future states anywhere can come in w/ or w/o slavery as choose - slavery supporters given full right as long as in territories regardless of popsov

Where was trans-Appalachian overflow concentrated in?

Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio

English Civil war in 1640s

King Charles I 1629 dismissed Parliament, 1640 recalls it but members are mutinous and find leadership in Puritan Oliver Cromwell. They behead Charles and Cromwell rules England for a decade. 1660 Charles II is restored to throne. During this time, colonization had been paused.


King named this after William Penn despite Penn's objections, who fears that his critics will accuse him of naming it after himself; 1681 officially launched, simplified by the presence of many squatters already along the Delaware River banks; best truthfully advertised colony; liberal land policy encouraged substantial landholds

Battle of Long Island

Late summer 1776 Washington outmaneuvered by huge British fleet off of NY; Washington narrowly manages to escape to Manhattan Island - retreats Northward across Hudson to NJ then Delaware River - rebels collect all available boats to prevent pursuit and flee across river

Nathaniel Bacon

Leads 1000 Virginians (most are frontiersmen who were forced into backcountry in search of land) 1676 in rebellion against William Berkeley. They resent the friendly policy toward natives; when Berkeley did not retaliate for a series of native attacks, he leads his followers in Bacon's Rebellion

Knickerbocker Group

NY - supports lit as profession in seaboard cities

1865 Conf tries to negotiate peace

Lincoln meets w/ Conf rep but they won't compromise so fighting continues

Freeport Doctrine

Lincoln questions if people vote slavery down, but SC in Dred Scott Decrees no, then who prevails? - Doug + South answer with this, that no matter how SC rules, slavery will follow people's wills and leg will do so

"10 percent" Reconstruction plan

Lincoln's 1863 plan decrees: - state can be reintegrated into Union when 10 percent of voters in 1860 election take oath of allegiance to US and pledge to abide by emancipation - then can get formal state gov'nt and be recognized as purified

Proclamation of 1763

London gov'nt prohibits settlement in area beyond Appalachians; designed to prevent another bloody eruption with natives; Americans angry bc they feel a right to own that land

How did Americans benefit from the mercantile system?

London pays colonial ship part producers over British competition; Virginia tobacco planters monopolize British market; colonists enjoy world's best protection without pay

Polk's 4-point System

Lower Tariff, Restore ind treasury, Acquire Cali, Get Oregon

Thomas B Reed

ME HoR speaker is shuts up Dems by counting the ones who refuse to answer - million-Dollar Congress

Jefferson Davis

MS senator, voted to lead Confederacy

Who establishes the 10-hour-day for federal employees?


When would the Continental Congress meet again if grievances were not fixed?

May 1775

Ethan Allen

May 1775 leads tiny American force w/ Arnold for Bunker Hill

Peninsula Campaign

McClellan keeps drilling his army w/o movement so Lincoln issues firm orders to advance - McClellan chooses to approach Richmond at base of James/York River peninsula - takes month to capture Yorktown - Lincoln diverts McClellan's anticipated reinforcements to chase Jackson (doing stuff in Shenadoah Valley) - stalled, McClellan frustrated by Stuart's Confederate calvary rides scott-free around them

King Philip's War

Metacom coordinates assaults on English villages; frontier settlements are hit hard and fall back toward Boston. When war ends in 1676, many Puritan towns attacked and 12 destroyed. Metacom's family punished; the war slowed the westward march of English settlement for decades but it drastically reduced in number and spirit the natives

Peter Cartwright

Methodist traveling revivalist preacher who converts thousands

Jackson hesitant to formally recognize Texas as independent nation; other Americans

Mexicans complain that Americans have obligation to enforce neutrality statutes - Americans nullify legislation Jackson leaves office, but acknowledges them on last day - antislavery crusaders in N oppose annexation, say it slavocracy conspiracy

Where were the Aztecs?


Chester Arthur

NY VP for Garfield who is conglinger

Europeans want to eliminate democracy

Monarchs bind together after Napoleon's fall from power in 1815

Treaty of 1818

Monroe's administration negotiates with Britain - America share Newfoundland fisheries w/ Canada - Fixes north limit of Louisiana along 49th parallel - 10-year joint occupation of Oregon County w/o surrender of rights/claims of America/Britain

Why was the Whig party split in 1852 election?

N Whigs hate party's platform but accept candidate S supports platform but not candidate

How did N get GB to break blockade with them?

N at this time is producing a ton of grain w/ McCormick's while GB is suffering agriculturally - GB breaks blockade to import huge quantities of grain - if GB had broken blockade to get cotton, couldn't have gotten wheat

What was the effect of the Financial Crash?

N hardest hit by grain situation S survives bc cotton prices favorable - shows that cotton is king and S economically stronger than N - N demands more public free farms, but E industrialists oppose bc fear will drain workers W and by S proslaveryites who fear free-soilers will fill up land - N wants higher protective tariff

State capitals

NH, NY, VA, NC, SC, GA capitals all moved westward

small-state plan

NJ-presented - equal representation in Congress w/o regards to state size/population

Which colonies showed the least racial diversity?

New England

Where do many free blacks settle?

New Orleans

Which state did Burr bring to Jefferson's side in order to obtain Jefferson victory?

New York

Leisler's Rebellion

New York City 1689-1691 bloody situation between landholders and aspiring mrerchants

Middle Colonies

New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania midway between New England and Southern plantation colonies; soil is fertile on broad expanse of land; bountiful forests for lumbering and shipbuilding; deep rivers for commerce; most ethnically mixed with religious toleration and democracy; easier to acquire land than anywhere else

Where was England's first attempt at colonization?

Newfoundland; but was a failed attempt when Sir Humphrey Gilbert died at sea

First European discoverers of North America

Norse seafarers from Scandinavia arrive near present-day Newfoundland and name the grape-rich land Vinland. No strong nation-state interested in expanding supports them and the discovery soon abandoned

trade among colonies of resources

North produces more food than South bc South now grows cotton - products go from North to South via waterroutes - East to West needs some routes

SC State Election of 1832

Nullies mark loyalty to "Palmetto State" win w/ more than 2/3 vote - Columbia convention reconvenes: declare tariff void/null w/in SC; also threatens to take SC out of union if DC tried to collect duties by force

James A Garfield

OH Repub candidate wins, but is assassinated

Rutherford B Hayes

OH gov'nr, Repub candidate

Attack on Quebec

October 1775 British burn Portland, Maine - also invade Canada two-pronged - contradicts claim of colonists that they were only defensive for redress of grievances - Monty's column pushes up Lake Champlain and captures Montreal - Arnold+Monty join at Quebec but lose and retreat back up St. Lawrence River

Oberlin College

Ohio; opens doors to blacks and women

"old light" vs "new light" ministers

Old orthodox clergymen are skeptical of the new emotionalism and theatricalism while newer ministers defend the Awakening for its role in reviving American religion

"Oregon Fever"

Oregon Trail to Willamette Valley - GB tries to get more people to come for them, but soon realize they will be engulfed


Ottawa chief; 1763 senses newly precarious situation of natives and leads several tribes (+ several French traders) in violence to drive British out of Ohio country;

Declaratory Act

Parliament can do whatever they want, make whatever laws they want to the colonies

How did Americans distinct between legislation and taxation?

Parliament has right to legislate matters of the entire empire (including trade) but denied it the right to impose tax on Americans; only their own elected colonial leg can legally tax them. Parliament taxes amount to robbery

Why did Jefferson have to rely on personal charm?

Party so weak-jointed; cannot build loyal political following. only uniting factor is opposition to Federalists

Quaker Indian Policy

Penn leads in treating natives fair, going about them unarmed and hiring them as nannies; ironically the Quaker tolerance in Pennsylvania causes feisty European non-Quaker immigrants to be the undoing of the Quaker Indian Policy

Bread Colonies

Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey; heavy exports of grain

Com. Matthew Perry (Japan 1854)

Persuaded the Japanese to sign a treaty allowing commercial transactions between the US and Japan

Where were the Incas?


How did colonists defy the tea law? In Philadelphia/NY? in Maryland? in Charleston?

Phil/NY: mass demonstrations force ships to return without unloading cargo Annapolis: burn cargo+vessel S Carolina: officials seize tea after local merchants refuse to accept delivery

Who was the first group to found an anti-slavery society?

Philadelphia Quakers 1775

Andrew Hamilton

Philadelphia lawyer, defended Peter Zenger. Counters to the judge that the liberty of exposing and opposing power is at stake, and jurors vote in favor of Zenger

Mayflower Compact

Pilgrim leaders draw up and sign this brief thing before disembarking; a simple agreement to form government whose regulations must be followed

How did farmers respond to depressing tobacco prices? What was its effect?

Planting more acres of tobacco to bring more products to the markets. They needed more labor

James B Weaver

Populist candidate

Why did Spain look westward?

Portugal controls African coast and thus round-Africa water route to India


Portuguese mariners-developed ship that sails closely with the wind. Discovers that they can return to Europe by sailing NW from African coast toward (portuguese) Azores, where W breezes carry them home

Bartholomeu Dias

Portuguese rounded southernmost African tip "Dark Continent"

Who first set up trading posts along African shore? What did they trade?

Portuguese; gold and slaves


Presbyterianism, Congregationalism, and rebellion

James Monroe

President 1816 by Republicans "Era of Good Feelings" bc Republican one-party rule - straddles generation b/w Founding Fathers and emerging nationalism

Give states aid for infrastructure improvement?

President madison vetoes, saying it is unconstitutional - Jeffersonian Repubs oppose building federally-funded roads bc feel would further drain population away and will create competition beyond mountains

Campaign of 1844

Proexpansion democrats under James K Polk Whigs under Henry Clay

List three AM scientists

Professor Benjamin Stillman - chemist, geologist Professor Louis Agassiz - French-swiss immigrant in biology encourages original research > memory Professor Asa Gray - publishes numerous interesting/clear pieces on botany

Gilbert Stuart

RIer; produces idealized GWash protraits

What ended the English Protestant Reformation in 1558? What happened as a result?

Protestant Elizabeth takes the throne and as Protestantism dominates in England, rivalry with Catholic Spain intensifies

John Cotton

Puritan who emigrated to Massachusetts to avoid persecution for his criticism of Church of England. In Bay Colony he devotes his time to defending gov'nt duty to enforce religious rules

Protestant ethic

Puritans share idea of serious commitment to work and engagement of worldly pursuit. They enjoy simple pleasures but passed laws to keep these human instincts simple and repressed.

What was the women's rights situation in New England?

Puritans worried that recognizing women's separate property rights would undercut unity of married persons; New England women often gave up their property rights when married; New England laws ensured property rights of widows and protected married women; laws seek to defend integrity of marriage (no divorce or divorce)

Susan B Anthony

Quaker stands strong against trash for womans rights

General Nathanael Greene

Quaker tactician distinguishes himself by standing then retreating, thus exhausting foe Cornwallis; succeeds in clearing most of GA/SC of British troops


Religious Society of Friends; arose in England mid-1600s, derived from that they "quaked" under deep religious emotion; refused to support established Church of England with taxes; believe all are children in the sight of God and thus address all same as peers; take no oaths because "Swear not at all"; advocate passive resistance

John C Breckinridge

S Democrat leader - for slavery extension and Cuba annexation

Clement V Vallindigham

S Partisan Copperhead would have been tried in OH for sedition but first convicted by military and sentenced to prison - works way to Canada and runs for gov'nr of OH though loses

N agitation for abolition of slavery in DC

S angered by this bc putting a slave-free area b/w two slaveholding states would be weird


S raise/recondition former wooden US warship and plate sides w/ iron railroads 1862 (renamed the Virginia) - easily destroys two wooden Union ships and poses threat - tiny Union Monitor comes and fights - this battle heralds doom of wooden warships and afterwards, Conf destroys Merrimack to keep from Union

Why couldn't the fed gov'nt even after Lincoln wins touch slavery?

S still has majority in SC, and Repubs do not control Leg branch - constitutional amendment is only change to slavery

"fire eaters"

S threaten secession, announce will convene in Nashville 1850 to consider withdrawing from union - has immortal trios and younger ones

Which states seceded?

SC, AL, MS, FL, GA, LA, TX form Confederate States of America

Who contributed the local committee of correspondence?

Samuel Adams founded first one in 1772 in Boston; soon many towns set up similar organizations

"Father of New France"

Samuel de Champlain, soldier, explorer leader of Quebec; friendly relations with Huron natives

Which British villages did the French native allies ravage?

Schenectady, NY and Deerfield, Mass.

What were the first three department heads under president and who occupied them first?

Secretary of State - Thomas Jefferson Secretary of the Treasury - Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War - Henry Knox

Salmon Chase

Secretary of Treasury - leads group of Lincoln critics

George Bancrott

Secretary of navy founds Naval Academy at Annapolis "Father of American History" puts much research and publishes patriotic history

Sen. Stephen A. Douglas

Senator from Illinois who ran for president against Abraham Lincoln. Wrote the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Freeport Doctrine

What was the French and Indian War known as in Europe?

Seven Years' War


Shawneen; unifies many native tribes in last-ditch battle w/ settlers - ally w/ GB


Shoshoni woman aids Lewis and Clark

Where did most Union black soldiers come from?

Slave states, some from free-soil North

Why is putting blacks in KA a losing game?

Slaves are valuable+volatile - in KA, bullets flying and soil potentially free

Who led protest against the "Tariff of Abominations"? Elaborate

South Carolinians - The South Carolina Exposition by Calhoun denounces recent tariff as unjust/unconstitutional - proposes that states should nullify the tariff

In what way was the south like an oligarchy?

South aristocracy widens wealth gap bc aristocrats make all decisions in their favor of gov'nt

foreign exports

South exports a lot of cotton North trades a lot of wheat with Britain


South justify slavery by claiming that African Americans better off in current system than on their own

Why is Johnson mistrusted?

Southernor who does not understand N TN distrusted by S Dem not accepted by Repubs president never elected to office

American Revolutionary War becomes world war

Spain and Holland enter against British in 1779, multiple times the outnumbering fleets threaten British isles - Armed Neutrality

Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819

Spain cedes Florida and Spanish claims to Oregon in exchange for America abandoning claims to Texas

Effect of Revolutions in South America

Spain forced to take many troops out of Florida - Andrew Jackson goes into Florida, with pretext that he will punish natives and recapture runaways who are hiding in Spanish Florida - captures St. Marks and Pensacola (2 most important Spanish posts in area) - must respect all posts under Spanish flag

What was the exchange between Spain and Britain after Paris Peace settlement?

Spain gives Florida to Britain in return for Cuba

How did English manage to claim sever West Indies island in the mid 17th century?

Spain, weakened by military overextension and distracted by its rebellious Dutch provinces, relaxed its grip on Caribbean islands. English swoops in and gets several, including Jamaica.

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish conquerer crushed Incas and hoards their booty, flooding Spain with riches

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

Spanish explored California coast but did not find much of interest

Juan Ponce de Leon

Spanish explored Florida seeking gold, killed by native

Philip II

Spanish foe of Protestant Reformation used his imperial gain to amass "Invincible Armada" of ships to invade England

Frederick Douglass

US abolitionist escapes slavery, becomes influential writer/lecturer in North - looks to politics as end to slavery

What is the oldest continually inhabited European settlement in US?

St. Augustine, Florida

What posts did Jackson capture in Florida?

St. Marks and Pensacola

Millard Fillmore

Successor of President Zachary Taylor after his death on July 9th 1850. He helped pass the Compromise of 1850 by gaining the support of Northern Whigs for the compromise.

What formed the foundation of the West Indies economy?


What was the Aztec capital?


Pacific railroad route

The Gadsden Purchase in 1853 allowed for a railroad route in the south that would be easier to build because the mountains were less high and because the route, unlike the proposed northern lines, would not pass through unorganized territory. This way, it stretched from Houston, Texas, through the New Mexico Territory and into Los Angeles, California.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Scarlet Letter, The Marble Faun abt. evil omnipresence

Sojourner Truth

US abolitionist feminist free slave - advocate of abolition of slavery and rights of women

What was the difference between sugar and tobacco crop?

Tobacco is planted easily and produces often with wimple processing; sugar is planted extensively to yield enough though extensive land clearing is needed and elaborate sugar refining

What were loyalists also called? Why? Patriots?

Tories; dominant political faction in Britain Whigs; opposition faction

Why was nonimportation not effective against the Townshend Acts?

Townshend not taken seriously bc light and indirect; smuggling increases esp in Mass


Treasury accumulates gold stocks and reduces greenbacks - effective in deflation, depression, restoring credit rating, and bringing greenbacks back to face value

Who originally proposed mediation b/w Anglo-Saxon?

Tsar Alexander I of Russia feels pressured by Napoleon's army and does not want GB to lose strength in America

Russo-American Treaty of 1824

Tsar retreats, fixes limit at 54º40' (before Monroe Doctrine)

Gadsden Purchase, 1853

U.S. acquisition of land south of the Gila River from Mexico for $10 million; the land was needed for a possible transcontinental railroad line through the southern United States.

Why were French Acadians scattered far?

UK authorities in Nova Scotia fear stab in back by Acadians so uproot 4,000 in 1755 and send them far south and become Cajuns

Divorce Bill

Van Buren convinced that financial fear fed by injection of federal funds into private banks - divorce gov'nt from banking altogether - establishing independent treasury = gov'nt can lock surplus money in vaults in several larger cities - safe funds, but denied as reserves

Back-to-back Military Success of Union

Victory right after Gettysburg - reopens MS to quell N peace agitators - tips diplomatic scales in favor of N as GF stops delivering to Conf and FR kills vessel sale

What was George Washington sent to do in 1754?

Virginia governor sends Washington to Ohio country in command of 150 militiamen to secure Virginia's claims

William Berkeley

Virginia governor, laments his trouble that he ruled a place where most of the people are wandering freemen who are frustrated with their inability to acquire land or spouses; rebelled against by Bacon and his crew; monopolized the natives' fur trade; friendly to natives

Where was representative self-government born?

Virginia in the House of Burgesses

Richard Henry Lee

Virginia representative at Philadelphia Congress. June 7 1776 moves for independent

Which state wanted the federal district to be located where? Why

Virginia wants on Potomac River to gain commerce/prestige

4 Laggard States

Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island do not sign constitution at first; VA,NY,NC ratify constitution before put into effect; RI only ratifies after gov'nt in operation already for a few months

large-state plan

Virginia-proposed, pushed for framework of Constitution - arrangement in Congress should be based on state's population

Nat Turner

Virginian slave starts slave rebellion 1831 - leads to state leg of Virginia for policy of no questioning slavery

Where were populists popular?

W, not E or S

JP Morgan

Wall Street man makes deal w/ Cleveland to lend gov'nt money, but symbolizes AM politic wickedness


Wampanoag native who facilitated cultural accommodation between Plymouth English and the Wampanoag; he had learned English when he was kidnapped by a ship's captain

Why didn't the North want to fire first?

Want to keep border states on their side

What large-scale European war did the War of Jenkins's Ear merge with?

War of Austrian Succession (known as King George's War in America)

Yorktown Defeat

Washington and Rochambeau's French army trap British Cornwallis's troops by land while de Grasse blockades by sea; Cornwallis surrenders 10/19/1781

Fort Necessity; what happened here?

Washington's hastily constructed temp defense; French return with reinforcements after forest fight and after 10h siege, Washington surrenders 7/4/1754

What was the principal means of transportation in the South?

Waterways, as roads were so awful especially in bad weather (leads to family burial plots in South bc funeral parties cannot reach church burial grounds)


West African religious dance performed by shuffling in circle while answering a preacher's shouts; brought to America by slaves and contributed to jazz

John Slidell

sent to Mexico City by Polk to offer $25 mil for California; rejected

Bacon's Rebellion

When governor Berkeley does not retaliate for a series of native attacks on the settlements, Nathaniel Bacon leads his followers to attack the natives (both friendly and hostile), chase Berkeley from Jamestown, and set fire to the capital. Chaos ensues as frustrated freemen and servants steal the town; when Bacon dies, Berkeley brutally crushed the uprising

How did so many African slaves get imported to America in the 1700s?

When the Royal African Company lost its monopoly over slave importing, many Americans (esp. Rhode Islanders) ship in more slaves; supply rises steeply

What was the effect of slavery on the social structure of the South?

While earlier the rough equality of poverty and disease was prevalent, it gave way to defined hierarchy of wealth+status in 1700s. Top: great planters of established family clans "FFVs" monopolized political power and dominate the House of Burgesses. Middle (but much below planters): small farmers, largest social group, with modest plots and scarce slaves. Below: landless white, most of them former indentured servants. Further Below: indentured servants. Last: oppressed black slaves

Jackson's inauguration

White House open to multitude; "Hickoryites" steam into DC from all away, sleeping on floors and such to witness, meanwhile hoping to get office for themselves "King Mob"

Middle passage

White flesh merchants bring African slaves on the unhealthful ships, where death rates 20%, then put on auction blocks in New World ports

Bessemer Process

William Kelly (KA) is an iron kettle manufacturer who sees that blowing cold air on hot iron makes it white-hot and thus cheaper steel

How did the Union pinch off S ports?

Yankee captains seize GB freighters on the seas if have war supplies for Nassau - justify that theses shipments "ultimately" destined for Confederacy

Did the African slaves every revolt? How did they compare to Bacon's Rebellion?

Yes; 1712 New York City killed dozens and 1739 march in South Carolina, but they do not come even close to the scale Bacon's Rebellion was.

Who is sent to the Rio Grande from Nueces?

Zachary Taylor

What was Georgia crated for? What benefit does this have?

a buffer colony to protect the Carolinas against the Spanish in Florida and the French in Louisiana; they got money from UK government at beginning, the only one to get this

William H Prescott

very bad vision publishes accounts of Mexico + Peru conquer

How did the English take over New Netherland?

a secondary interest of the Dutch, New England became menacingly intimidated by the northern English colonies and the New England immigrants within. 1664 Charles II granted the area to his brother Duke of York and a strong English squadron arrives, causing Peter Stuyvesant to surrender

Three-fifths Compromise

a slave counts as 3/5 of a person

Ostend Manifesto, 1854

a statement by American envoys abroad to pressure Spain into selling Cuba to the United States; the declaration suggested that if Spain would not sell Cuba, the United States would be justified in seizing it. It was quickly repudiated by the U.S. government but it added to the belief that a "slave power" existed and was active in Washington.

Underground Railroad

a system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freedom in the North (canada)

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

poet writing for refined class, adopted by less cultured masses

What did Democrats adhere to? Where was it strong?

adhere to calmer views of human weakness-- want toleration, single moral standard - solid in S and N industrial cities (immigrants)

How much of the labor force was children?

about half; conditions are horrible

What did the Zenger decision mark?

achievement for freedom of press and health of democracy, points to need for open public discussion; will later contribute to that true statement about public officials cannot be labeled as libel

General "Gentleman Johnny" Burgoyne


Why did mormons face much opposition?

add opp bc vote as a unit and openly drill militia for defense

Sons of Liberty / Daughters of Liberty

adent spirits "Liberty, Property, and No Stamps"; enforce nonimportation and tar/feather violators; ransack unpopular officials' houses, confiscate their money, and hang agents

America exports ___, imports ____

artists; art - Puritan prejudice that art is waste of time

Interstate Commerce Commission

administers/enforces new leg - still more about corp wealth - satisfies popwant for gov'nt supervision of RR but nominal only - orderly forum where competing businesses can peacefully resolve conflict - first large-scale attempt by Congress to regulate business in society's interast

People's Party

adopt platform denouncing injustice - demand inflation through free/unlimited silver coinage - call for graduated income tax, gov'nt owning stuff, one-term, direct citizen-leg, shorter workday, immigration restriction - nom weaver

How was the town meeting a "classroom for democracy"?

adult males meet together and vote regularly

Who was considered a "freeman"?

adult males who belong to Puritan congregations (the Congregational Church)

What does Washington say in his Farewell Address?

advises to avoid "permanent allies"

Hamiltonian Federalists

advocate strong central gov'nt with power to crush democratic excesses, protect lives/estates of wealthy, subordinate sovereignty-loving states - gov'nt should support private enterprise, not interfere - pro-British in foreign affairs


after New Sweden; consists of three counties "two at high tide", named after Lord De La Warr who arrived in Virginia 1610; closely associated with Pennsylvania, granted its own assembly 1703; until American Revolution remains under Pennsylvania governor

What was the timeline of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?

after Seven Days' Battle: begins drafting Bloody Antietam provides Lincoln opportunity to launch Emancipation Proclamation draft 9/23/62, 1/1/63 issue of final

How does Jefferson feel about the bank? Why?

against; insists there is no specific authorization in Constitution - States, not Congress have power to charter banks

Colored National Labor Union

agitates for 8h workday

How did repubs reply to 14th?

agree that no state should be welcomed back into Union w/o ratifying


agreement between church and its adherents

What shared sense of purpose did the first settlers of Massachusetts have?

agreement with God to build a holy society that would be model for humankind

What did the newspaper prove powerful for?

airing colonial grievances, rallying opposition to British control

vertical integration

all manufacturing phases done by same organization to improve efficiency by reducing middleman fees and assuring quality reliability

How did states respond to the slave declaration of Constitution? Which state responded differently? how?

all new states constitutions except Georgia's forbids overseas slave trade

Tenth Amendment

all rights not explicitly addressed by Constitution is turned over to state

How did taverns contribute to development of democracy?

all social classes mingle around the fire, gossiping (true or false); taverns crystallize public opinion and become hotbeds of agitation as revolutionary movement gains momentum

What did the French give Spain as compensation?

all trans-Mississippi Louisiana, New Orleans

trade agreement

all-union labor, boycotts/walkouts

Miami Confederacy

alliance of 8 native nations who terrorize Americans invading their lands

Why was England not interested in establishing colonies in the first half of the 1500s?

allies with Spain


allows government to give natives to certain colonists in return for their promise to try and Christianize them

horizontal integration

ally w/ competition to monopoly a market

Early AM historians

almost all from NE bc Boston are has great libraries - thinks abolitionists are friends so dislike S bc slavery

Germans and politics

also chased by politicians for vote, but less strong bc strength scattered

Franklin Pierce (Dem.)

an American politician and the fourteenth President of the United States. Pierce's popularity in the North declined sharply after he came out in favor of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, repealing the Missouri Compromise and reopening the question of the expansion of slavery in the West. (NO ENEMIES)

Why did few slaveholding women believe in abolition?

and do not protest when family of slave broken up

Lucretia Mott

and fellow delegates not recognized at London's antislavery convention - calls first womens convention

How did S respond to the N financiers?

angry bc had supported KA-NA act of Douglas w/ understanding that KA slave, NA free; - in this, N trying to "abolitionize" KA - some attempt to "assist" small groups of slaveowner to KA, but putting blacks in KA not smart

How do American respond to GB fleets seizing American ships?

angry, esp from Jeffersonians, that should fight G3 in defense of liberties or at least order embargo to GB - but Federalists deny bc high hopes for economic development depends on trade w/ Britain

How did the middle-class feel about worker strikes?

annoyed bc wages in AM higher than anywhere else

Why did the government order S postmasters to destroy abolitionist material?

anti-abolitionist mobbing of the post office in Charleston 1835

The Liberator

anti-slavery newspaper written by William Lloyd Garrison draws attention to abolition, positive and negative - cause war of words b/w supporter and opposers of slavery

William Seward

antislaveryite from New York, he stated that on the issue of slavery, there was a higher law than the Constitution, (God's moral law) - fails to see that no compromise = no union

Sedition Act

anyone who impedes gov'nt policy or falsely dfames officials is liable to fine/imprisonment - Federalists believe it justified - written to expire in 1801 so cannot be used against them if lost in next election - gathers support for Federalists


primitive photograph - competition to portrait painters --> many painters turn to painting landscape

John Marshall

appointed by Adams to Supreme Court - TJeff's cousin - intellectual and commanding; shapes legal system - served at Valley Forge - committed to strengthen power of federal gov'nt - allows Federalism to live on

Adam's envoys in Paris 1797

approached by three go-betweens who bribe to talk to Talleyrand - they say no. Upon return to NY 1798, considered hero for steadfastnesss

Lord Sheffield

argues in pamphlet that Britain can win back America's trade


aristocratic south farmers - can educate children in best private schools, thus in a way messing w public school system - can leisure study, reflect, produce front-rank statesmen - feel sense of obligation to serve public

What contributed to the "Europeanization" of America?

armed conflicts of 1690s-1700s enrich merchant princes in the New England and middle colonies, laying their economic foundation as military suppliers then sitting atop the social ladder; individuals come to be seated in churches and school according to social rank; soon the richest own most of wealth

Paxton Boys

armed march on Philadelphia in 1764 led by Scots-Irish protesting Quaker's native lenient policy

How did friction develop between British and colonists?

arrogant British contempt at amateur colonists; British refuse to recognize any American militia at high rank; British are "snobs" to the "scum" who fled to outhouses of civilization while Americans feel that they are cutting edge, deserving credit for their securing New World empire

How was Christmas viewed by New Englanders?

as an offensive reminder of "Popery", frowned upon

How did Republicans see the Judiciary Act of 1801?

as bold attempt to entrench Federalists in gov'nt; it is open defiance of people's will

Why did the natives feel a need to reinvent themselves?

as disease killed many of their own, thus destroying culture that held together tribes and European goods penetrated native trade system, way of life was drastically changed

Half-Way Covenant

as fewer people testify that they had received God's grace and attend church, troubled ministered 1662 arrange to modify the covenant: admit churchgoers to baptism but not full communion; weakened distinction bw elect and others by giving partial membership to the once-exclusive, thus further diluting spiritual purity

Why did Republicans hate the Dred Scott Decision?

as foes of slavery, insist that SC ruling is an opinion and not a decision, thus not binding

How did planters regard their slaves?

as major investments - like to protect them from too-dangerous jobs; leave those to Irish wage workers - each one about $1.2k

How did New England impact America?

as new englanders leave their unbearing soil, they spread the New England orderly town setup around America. The inventive clever idealism from the troublesome New England land comes to represent proud national "yankee ingenuity"

What effect did fur trade pursuit have on America?

as the trappers travel far, practically extinguish beaver population in many areas and inflict large-scale ecological damage

What was the purpose of the state constitutions?

as written documents, meant to represent fundamental law (not whims)

"military panic" at Bull Run

at first battle goes well for Yankees but "Stonewall" Jackson stands strong until Conf reinforcements arrive - panic = Union troops flee in shame and confusion

How was the blockade set?

at first leaky; extended rather than clamped all at once - simplified by concentrating on principal ports where dock facilities available for loading large bales of cotton

How was lawyering regarded in the colonies?

at first not favorably because honest manual labor required in the society and any issues could be self-represented; lawyers regarded as noisy and troublemakers, grouped with drunkards

S Conscription Law

at first rely on volunteers, but small so run out of people fast - rich can purchase exemption or hire substitute - slaveowner of 20+ can be exempt

What were the reasons for Britain's terms at Treaty of Paris being so liberal?

at time peace terms drafted, Britain trying to draw US out of French alliance and must have better deal - whig ministry friendly to Americans, determined to save wounds, reopen old trade channels, and prevent future wars over trans-appalachian region


attractions of bowling allies, pool tables, bars, gambling equipment that popped up along main routes of travel

Land Act of 1820

authorises buyer to buy 80 virgin acres at minimum of $1.25 per acre in cash - West demands sort of given in to

How were women's rights better in New England than in Old?

authorities intervened to restrain abusive spouses; midwifery fostered networks of women

Democrats in 1856 Election

away from Pierce and Douglas bc both tainted by KA-NB act - choose Buchanan, who wasn't in AM during the uproar

black communities

provide protection and mutual assistance to blacks, helping find opportunity

Why were women prominent in idealist reformations?

provide unique opposition to escape home confines for public arenna

Rush-Bagot agreement

b/w GB+US 1817 limits naval armament on lakes

Why did Georgia grow so slowly?

bad climate, early restrictions on black slavery, Spanish attacks

America's minuses in war

badly organized w/o unity - individual states untrusting and jealous of others - individual states resent Congress's attempt to assert power - economic issues and unwilling to raise taxes=print paper money which quickly depreciates - lack of supplies - unreliable "soldiers" - American profiteers

J Piermont Morgan

bankerman eliminates "wasteful" competition when businesspeople come to him bc of 1890s depression - tells them to combine rival enterprises and place his own officers on various boards of directors to ensure harmony - "Jupiter" Morgan finances reorganization of RR, insurance co, banks --> great reputation - does not believe money power dangerous, as long as in right hands (his)

How did the colonists endorse the idea of a separate church and state?

bar clergymen from holding formal political office

In what ways were all of the British North American colonies similar by the mid-18th century?

basically English in language and customs, Protestant in religion, ethnically diverse with some religious tolerance, offers much opportunity for social mobility, self-government while not complete democracy, stitchwork of communication and transportation; SHARED HISTORY, CULTURE, GEOGRAPHY


battle hymn of Confederates; written in AM

"three-sister" farming

beans growing on cornstalk trellises and squash covering planting mounds to retain soil moisture; yields highest population densities on the continent

ecological imperialism

beaver hats, buffalo robes, sea-otter pelts drive them to annihilation

Why did Americans distrust central authority?

because G3 was evil

New York replaces New Orleans

because of Erie Canal

What was the effect of RR on land around it?

become industrialized for cornfields, cattle plains, lumber farms

attitude toward America wilderness

becomes nationalistic, inspiring new conservative movement - bc America is clean, unspoiled natural

Higher Tariff?

before crash, Congress w/ surplus of Treasury had Tariff of 1857 to reduce taxes low to 20%, as requested by S - N manufacturers blame misfortunes on low tariff and point out lack of surplus so need for protection

Pontiac vs. British

besiege Detroit and eventually overrun most British posts west of Appalachians and killing thousands; British retaliate by ordering smallpox-infected blankets to be distributed among the natives

N advantages

better transportation/population/supplies better navy and thus controls seas and establishes blockades

What were the two mainstays of the pilgrims?

bible and beaver; for soul and for body

John Audubon

bird painter in their natural environment - Audubian Society named after him though he kills birds often

David Walk

black abolitionist Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World advocates bloody end to white supremacy

Martin Delaney

black leader takes seriously notion of recolonization of Africa when he visits it

Prince Whipple

black military hero

Dred Scott Decision

black slave Dred Scott sues for freedom on basis of long residence on free soil in IL/WI - SC rules that Scott not citizen and so cannot sue in fed court - Taney takes it further

Pirates of the North African Barbary States

blackmails and plunders merchant ships in Mediterranean - preceding Federalist admin had to buy protection - Jefferson does not want to pay

What social class did the Irish resent?


Why were few blacks brought to Virginia in the early 1600s?

blacks are too expensive

Texas county line

blacks attempt to flee by swimming across river, but they are attacked and hung as warning

Why did GB support the blockade?

blockade is GB's greatest offensive weapon; does not want to tie hands in future war by insisting that Lincoln maintain impossibly high blockading standards

Lee's invasion of Maryland

boldened by Bull Run 2, thrusts into MD where hope to encourage foreign intervention and seduce Border States from Union - MDers do not respond bc invaders full of cold, poor unclothed

What effect did the French and Indian War have on colonial ego?

bolstered colonial self-esteem and shattered myth of British invincibility

What did the Algonquians of the Great Lakes area do?

bolstered their population by absorbing surrounding bands

Jay Gould

booms/busts Erie, kansas Pacific, Union Pacific, TX&Pacific stocks

Benjamin Franklin

born in Boston but came to Philadelphia in 1720; the most representative American personality of his time

What made the Knights of Labor weak?

both skilled and unskilled workers, so they have disagreements. - skilled leave to AM fed of labor

How did Free-Soilers respond to the Lecompton Constitution?

boycott the polls - proslaveryites win

Jay Gould

brains of operation w/ Gould

effect of industrialization on N

breeds new millionare class - new machinery expands N economically and releases more people to war - unseat king Cotton

How did American merchants react to the Molasses Act?

bribed and smuggled their way around the law, leading to the future of Americans revolting rather than submitting to Parliament dictates

Credit Mobilier

bribes congressmen to look other way as it gets tons of profit - have many Irish "Paddies"

What was the effect of the transRR on the W?

brings population, food, materials, market to huge concentrations of people - stimulates mining, agriculture, mnfg

How did Cortes change Mexico?

brought his crops, animals, language, laws, customs, religion, which Mexicans adapted to. His people also intermarries with surviving Indians

Donald McKay

builds clipper ships to dominate seas for brief time - get money by transporting high-value things very quickly - tea trade w/ GB grows, to Cali

What did Roger Williams do in Rhode Island?

built Baptist church and established complete freedom of religion, demanding no oaths regarding religion and no mandatory attendance, no taxes for state church. He even shelters the Quakers. Rhode Island becomes the most liberal with freedom of opportunity

Anasazis of the Southwest New Mexico managed to do what after incorporating corn planting into their way of life?

built elaborate pueblo of 600+ interconnected rooms at Chaco Canyon

How were new towns legally chartered in New England?

by colonial authorities; distribution of land entrusted to "proprietors" who then move them and their family to the place to lay out the town with a meetinghouse, houses, and village green

"great wagon road"

by mid-18th century a chain of scots-irish settlements lay scattered along this road which hugs eastern Appalachian foothills from Pennsylvania to Georgia

What are the ironies of Lee's Seven Days' Battles?

by not allowing the war to end mid-1862 (if this happened, Union would have been restored w/ minimal disruption to slavery), Lee ensure that war will endure until S obliterated

How was the 1858 IL election a loss for Doug?

by opposing Lecompton Const and defying SC at Freeport, Doug shunned by party

What did Jefferson accomplish in Virginia?

separate church and state (Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom)

Pittsburgh plus

deposits near Birmingham should have given steel mnfg to S markets, but Pittsburgh steel lords pressure so Birmingham steel charged as if shipped from Pittsburgh - stunts growth of Birmingham steel industry

What was the problem with the Confederate constitution?

does not disallow its own states from seceding - state troops stubborn, will only fight for itself

Spoils System; creator? supporter?

created by Martin van Burin, brought to national level by Andrew Jackson - reward political supporters with public office - Jackson argues that it's better to "bring in new blood" to office

Panic of 1837

caused by rampant speculation, Bank War, Specie Circular, crop failure, high prices - British bank failure causes British investors to call in foreign loans - American banks collapse, including "pet banks" which bring down government funds w/ it

effect of steamboat

causes increase of US trade bc no concern for weather/water current - contributes to development of S/W economies connect

How did the Spoils System cement the emergence of the two-party order?

cements loyalty to party over based on econ/geo - promise of patronage = Americans pick a party and stick with it


ceremonial religious chamber

Grimke Sisters Sarah and Anna

champion antislavery

William Jennings Bryan

champions free silver cause for 3 hours, but Cleveland breaks filibuster and thus alienates Dem

John Jay

chief Justice under Washington

Judiciary Act of 1789

created by first Congress organizes Supreme Court w/ chief justice and five associates federal district and circuit courts establishes office of attorney general - John Jay is first

Fight French in sea

esp around West Indies. undeclared hostilities. many seized on both sides

Joseph Smith

claims that an angel gave him some golden plates (which translate into the Book of Mormon - forms Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) 1830 - leads Mormons to Illinois

Thomas Jefferson as an architect

classical designs to VA home Monticello + UoVA

effect of the DoI?

clears air; foreign aid can be asked for with greater hope of success; inspires later revolutionaries

How did Americans respond to the Proclamation of 1763?

clog westward trails: 1765 1,000 wagons go through Salisbury, NC on "way west" in flouting royal authority


closely associated with Congregationalism; never made official in any colonies

General John Pope

cocky Union general at 2nd Battle of Bull Run; defeated; replaced by McClellan

How is possessing colonies an advantage for mercantilism?

colonies both supply raw materials to mother country, thus reducing need for foreign imports, and provides guaranteed market for exports

What were the reactions to the Boston Tea Party?

colonists applaud, burning leaves with hatred - conservatives complain that this destruction violates law and threatens anarchy - Hutchinson returns to Britain, disgusted - Parliament passes series of acts to punish Mass, Boston in particular

Why were the taxes on sugar lowered?

colonists protested bitterly, but resentment remains

Why were loyalists not treated too terribly?

colonists reflect Anglo-Saxon regard for order; loyalists smart enough to flee to British lines

In what ways was Thanksgiving a truly "American festival"?

combines thanks to God with opportunity for jollification and gorging

James Fenimore Cooper

come to light as distinct American literature born

Washington Irving

come to light as distinct American literature born

General William Howe

commanded British Bunker Hill; Washington's military not-so-genius adversary in Battle of Long Island; as a professional soldier, does not like rough country with slow supplies; has affair with wife of one of his subordinates - commands troops in NY that can meet Burgoyne near Albany in Burgoyne's invasion

David G Farragut

commands flotilla 1862 w/ N army to strike blow to S by seizing New Orleans

Comte de Rochambeau

commands huge French troops that arrives in Newport RI 1780; joins Washington in siege of Yorktown against Cornwallis

Colonel Barry St. Leger

commands third, smaller British force to meet Burgoyne

Articles of Confederation in making

committee appointed to draft right before DoI - written constitution for new nation - 1777 adopted by Congress - convinces France that America had genuine gov'nt in making - 1781 ratified by all 13 colonies

Robertson's Infallible Warm Destroying Lozenges

common medicine

Pony Express

communication by riders on horses from Missouri to California - fast, but also short-lived when replaced by telegraph wire

Carnegie's Homestead

company officials call in to stop strike

Adam's mindset

thinks British fear America will one day seize Spanish territory in Americas, thus jeopardising British possessions in the Caribbean

Why was European immigration more in North than in South? result?

competition of slave labor, high cost of fertile land, Euro ignorance of cotton growing - white South becomes most Anglo-Saxon section of US

How were prior large Loyalist holdings cut up?

confiscated, cut up into small farms to spread economic democracy

Vasco Nunez Balboz

considered discoverer of Pacific ocean; claims for his Spanish king all lands washed by the Pacific Ocean

Fundamental Orders

constitution drafted by the settlers of the new Connecticut River colony in 1639 that establishes the regime democratically controlled; later used to help compose Connecticut colonial charter and state constitution

How did the Constitution settle conflicting doctrines of liberty/order?

contend that every branch represents people - imbeds principle of self-rule in self-limiting system of checks/balances

Society of the Cincinnati

continental army forms exclusive hereditary order

Why were the lower class ranks swelled?

continual stream of indentured servants

Why was plantation agriculture wasteful?

cotton despoils good earth; quick profits --> excessive cultivation "land butchery" --> leak population NW

What effect did the cotton gin have on colonial power? firearm assembly lines? sewing machine?

cotton gin give South power, as more slaves+profit ensures military in NOrth over South gives another boost to North

Why couldn't the British pursue General Benedict Arnold past Lake Champlain in 1776?

could not move farther south until win control of lake, which is needed for carrying their supplies


countryside English landlords enclosing croplands, forcing many small formers into penury or off land


crafty French foreign minister - realizes should not fight US bc does not want new foe - next time makes known that will receive new American minister respectfully

what was goal of moderate Repubs in Reconstruction Act?

create voters in S states that will vote states back into Union and thus free fed gov'nt from direct responsibility of black rights

Why can't the individual worker battle against giant industry?

expendable; corp can call upon scabs or lockout or force yellow-dog contracts or use black list

Why were classes not distinct in early frontier life?

crude frontier life caused seventeenth-century society to have simple sameness, esp. in New England and middle colonies; those who tried (feebly) to recreate England's social scale were rebelled against

market revolution

form national network of industry and commerce


deadly killer esp. of young people

What did VA leg do 1831-1832 ? effect?

debate and defeat emancipation proposals -- shuts souther abolitionists up - slave states tighten slave codes, move to prohibit all emancipation


debtors turn to silver - 1870 Treasury had said that silver 1/16 gold (untrue) so silver miners stop offering and Congress drops silver coinage - when new silver is discovered, westerners join debts in complaining, so demand repeal

George Rogers Clark

decides to seize Britain's French forts by surprise - 1778-1779 down Ohio River and captures forts quickly

Georgia legislature 1828 vs Cherokee council

declares Cherokee tribal council illegal; asserts own jurisdiction over native affairs/lands - Cherokees win in SC, but Jackson refuses to recognize court's decision

How does Britain demonstrate its bitterness toward America?

declines to make any commercial treaty w/ colonies or repeal Navigation Laws

John Brown

dedicated to abolitionist cause, move to KA from OH - leads followers to Pottawatomie Creek where cut up 5 presumed proslavery men - Harper's Ferry - convicted of murder/insanity and killed as a martyr

Free Soil Party

dedicated to opposing slavery in new territories

Black Belt

deep south area from SC to GA with high concentration of slaves

What was the effect of Bull Run on North?

defeat dispels all illusions of quick war; buckles N down to fight

demands of the West

demand cheap transportation and cheap money

How did the members of the Constitutional Convention agree economically? politically?

demands sound money and protection of private property; favors stronger central gov'nt w/ 3 checked&balanced branches


descendants of French-speaking Acadians

Non slave owning whites

described as ugly misshapen and lazy but in reality just malnourished and sick - strongest defenders of slave system bc hope to buy a couple slaves and move socially - take pride in that they are socially racially superior to somebody else, which will be watered down if slaves are freed

What did Cortes do to the temples of Tenochtitlan?

destroyed them to make way for Christian cathedrals of Mexico City

Describe American scientific achievements?

develop more efficient things, but in general borrow/adopt Euro basic science

Henry Clay

develops plan for profitable home market: American System - introduces Missouri Compromise

Lecompton Constitution

devised by proslavery forces - since 1857 KA has enough population (mainly free-soilers) to apply for statehood on popsov - ppl vote for const w/ slavery or w/o - if vote w/o, one of provisions of const protects owners of slaves already in KA - whatever outcome, still black bondage in KA

Why did the 4 laggard states ratify the constitution?

did not want to; had to cannot survive outside, individually

What did the Wade-Davis Bill reveal?

diff b/w repubs: - two factions: - majority that agrees w/ Lincoln that seceded should be restored quickly, though under Congress's rules not Lincoln - minority feels S should have trouble being readmitted, wanting to punish planters and protect emancipated

government of New France

direct control of king (commercial companies fail); royal regime completely autocratic: no elected representative assembly, no trial by jury

English Navigation Laws; its effect?

disallows American trade with countries not ruled by English crown; smuggling becomes popular and respected occupation

What advantage did the National Republicans have?

get a lot of funding from BoUS, thus can bribe editors

Captain Robert Gray

discovered and named Columbia River after his ship

Why did many perish in the first few years in Jamestown?

disease, malnutrition, starvation; panned for gold instead of gathering food

What led to the wiping out of many natives?

diseases carried from Old World to natives who do not have the protective antibodies

How did the Dutch react to the Swedish intrusion on their land?

dislike, send small military expedition in 1655 led by Peter Stuyvesant. They siege the main Swedish fort without bloodshed, and Swedish rule quickly ends. New Netherland absorbs the colonists.

Why did King James I begin to distrust Virginia? What did he do?

dislikes tobacco and the House of Burgesses; 1624 revokes the charter of (bankrupt) Virginia Company and makes Virginia a royal colony

How did Cleveland feel about federal interference in commerce?

dislikes, agrees w/ Jefferson idea that gov'nt should not interfere with business bc American Dream

Caleb Cushing

dispatched by Taylor to China to secure US concessions

Napoleon III

dispatches FR army 1863 to occupy MX City and establish Austrian archduke Mazimilian as MX emperor - VIOLATE MONROE DOCTRINE - hoped that Union would collapse and thus be too weak to enforce monroe doc - 1865 when Civil War ends, SoS Seward marches S vs. FR and Nap takes "french leave"

France approves American terms of peace

disturbed by lone-wolf course of America but relieved by prospect of ending costly conflict and free from promises to Spain

Treaty of Tordesillas

divide the "Heathen lands" of New World between Spain and Portugal

Why was FR interested in helping defend Texas?

dividing/conquering will break AM

Why did the Industrial Revolution take so long to take hold in America?

do not want to coop in factories when can work in their own fields (bc land cheap) - labor scarce, money not plentiful, materials unfound

Why did the RR declare need for time zones?

don't like worrying about each town's "local time" and meeting the time schedule

divided labor

each region specializes in its own economic activity - South sends cotton to NE - West sends grain and livestock to East and Europe - Each uses machines to send textiles to South and West

Henry W Grady

editor of Atlanta Constitution encourages S to outplay N at industry

Margaret Fuller

edits The Dial, helps bring unity to Italy

What was the Freedmen's Bureau successful in? What wasn't?

education; otherwise, sketchy - though authorized to give former slaves the land on confiscated Conf territory, little land actually goes to blacks; instead, join w local planters to trick blacks into signing labor contracts w former masters

What were the colonial governments of each colony in 1775?

eight have royal governors appointed by king, three (Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware) under proprietors who choose the governors, two (Connecticut and Rhode Island) elect their own governor under self-governing charters

primogeniture; its effect?

eldest sons eligible to inherit landed estates; ambitious younger brothers forced to seek fortunes elsewhere

Sir Walter Scott

elite southerners' favorite GB author uses manors and castes to idealize feudal society though society actually capitalistic

Why were many free blacks in upper South?

emancipation inspired by idealism of Revolutionary days

Poor Richard's Almanack

emphasizes homespun virtues of thrift, industry morality, common sense and has sayings from many great minds of the time; more widely read in America than anything but Bible

joint-stock company

enables considerable number of investors to pool together their money for capital; allows for more success

What was the effect of New England's extremes of weather?

encouraged diversified agriculture and industry; no staple crops; limited black slavery

Catharine Beecher

encourages women to go into teaching

What did the election of 1852 mark?

end of Whig party

Treaty of Paris

ends French and Indian War; by removing Spanish from Florida and French from Canada, natives are deprived of their ability to play rival European powers against each other

What were the causes of intercolonial disunity?

enormous distances, geographical barriers, religious conflicts, nationality variance, government differences, boundary disputes, and social class clashes

How did railroad aristocracy protect their profit?

enter alliances, agreeing to divide business in given area and share profits - others give secret rebate to powerful shippers in return for assured steady traffic - slash rates on competing lines and make up difference on non-competing ones by charging more for short haul than for long haul

What did Jacksonian politics focus on?

enterprising lone-wolf businessmen

Dominion of Canada

est 1867 to strengthen Canada against potentially vengeful AM e.g. angry immigrants who hate GB and plan to invade Canada

Mary Lyon

est Mount Holyola Seminary (great women's school)

American Temperance Society 1826

est in Boston bc drinking to excess is everywhere, making things dangerous - stiffen to resist alcohol; temperance over teetotalism (total elimination) - some believe law should remove temptation

What did Spanish do to confine French expedition?

establish settlements in Texas

Russians in California

establish trading posts all down to San Francisco - Americans dislike that it may cut Pacific posts

New Netherland

established by Dutch West India 1623-1624 for fur trade

virtual representation

every member of Parliament represents all British subjects even the Americans who never voted for member of Parliament or no Americans in Parliament

National Labor Union

excludes Chinese, hardly includes women/blacks

What did Congress do about army/navy/BoUS in 1816?

expand army/navy, revive BoUS

Medicine in America

extremely primitive despite more medical schools - many suffer from decaying teeth (blacksmiths extract teeth) - self-prescribed medicines, fad diets, alcohol used for surgeon patients

How did the British colonists do in charges against Quebec and Montreal?

failed miserably

Why did London suspend the New York legislature in 1767?

failed to comply with Quartering Act

"Black Legend"

false idea that conquerers merely tortured and butchered natives, stole their gold, and left misery behind

John Wilkes Booth

fanatic pro-S actor assassinates Lincoln 4/14/64 in Ford's Theater

1870s Depression

farmers protest against "railroaded into bankruptcy", prompting midwest leg to attempt to regulate RR monopoly

Why did Germans come to America?

farmers uprooted by crop failure; liberal political refugees from (failed) democratic revolutions come to America for democracy

War preparation in US

fast despite many Jeffersonian opposition in Congress - Navy Dept created - three-ship navy expanded - US Marine Corps established - new huge army

American "nativists" react to immigration; what do they form?

fear that foreigners will outbreed, outvote, overwhelm - foreigners take jobs from americans - many are Roman Catholics, a religion still despised as many Americans, and they are doing a whole lot. Amerians think that soon they will establish Catholic Church at expense of Protestantism - form the Order of the Star Spangled Banner - encourage pure fiction literature about "secrets of Irish"

How did King James I respond to the Separatists?

fearing the possibility that if the Separatists defy him spiritually, they would one day defy him politically, James threatens to harass them out of the land

What does Carnegie do with the money Morgan gives him?

fears he will be "disgraced" with wealth, so Carnegie dedicates rest of life to giving away money to public philanthropic stuff

How did English attempts at converting natives to Christianity compare with Spanish?

feeble; small amount of natives gathered into Puritan "praying towns" to familiarize with English

Why did Jackson distrust the big banks? Why were private banks sketch?

feel it is a tool for rich to get richer - private banks print paper money, which value fluctuates w/ health of bank; private bankers control much of nation's economy

What were the reasons for secessions?

feel of political inbalance (Repub + Free-Soil > Dems), abolitionists, N interference in Underground RR, John Brown - feel that departure ok bc Yankees need S cotton, market, debt - S leaders see opportunity for S to become independent w/ banking, shipping, trade - feels DOI applies to them

Why did Lincoln oppose Crittenden amendment?

feels obligation to oppose slavery extension in any way

What was the family situation of Chesapeake in the 1600s?

few and fragile; most men cannot find mates and most marriages destroyed by death quickly; scarcely and children reach adulthood under two parents

Why did the idealism of abolishing slavery completely lose to political practicality?

fight over slavery would have fractured fragile national unity

Arthur St. Clair

fights Little Turtle, badly defeated on frontier

General Josiah Harmar

fights Little Turtle, badly defeated on frontier

Senator Douglas

fights for fair play and democratic principles for KA --> compromise puts entire Lecompton Const to popvote; free-soilers flock and null it

Vasco de Gama

finally reaches India and returns with cargo of jewels+spices

Central Pacific Railroad

financially backed by the Big Four from Sacramento over Sierra Nevadas - has many Chinese laborers - has to deal with Sierra Nevada, huge barrier that reduces progress

Why did many New Englanders disapprove of stage plays?

find it time-consuming and immoral; prefer religious lectures, where they get much spiritual satisfaction

James Fenimore Cooper

first AM novelist for world fame - wife challenges him to write

Washington Irving

first AM to win international recognition as literary figure - uses AM + GB themes - The Sketch Book, Knickerbocker

Lord Cornbury

first cousin of Queen Anne, made governor of New York and New Jersey in 1702 by the king; a drunkard, spendthrift, grafter, bigot, embezzler, fool

Panic of 1819

first financial panic since Washington takes office - rough deflation - depression - bankruptcies - bank failures - unemployment - debtors' prisons - BoUS forces speculative "wildcat" western banks to foreclose mortgages on many farms (legal but dumb)

John Winthrop

first governor of Bay Colony who had been a successful lawyer and major lord in England. He accepted the governor position happily, believing he had a calling from God; does not believe in democracy due to distrust of the "meaner" sort

Navigation Law of 1650

first law passed by Parliament to regulate mercantilist system; (aimed at rival Dutch shippers) all commerce with colonies only in British vessels;


first major product of oil industry to replace whale oil, but becomes obsolete as new electricity takes over - luckily, invention of automobile perpetuates life of oil industry

Great Awakening

first spontaneous mass movement of American people; rousing religious revival in 1730s and 1740s ignited by Jonathan Edwards in Northampton, Massachusetts that sweeps through the colonies with George Whitefield's emotionalism

What is the significance of the Missouri emancipation amendment?

first state entirely west of Mississippi River to come out of the Louisiana Purchase - sets dangerous precedent

Dr Elizabeth Blackwell

first woman to graduate from medical school

What enterprise was active on the Maine coast? What company absorbed it in 1677 from whom?

fishermen and fur traders; Massachusetts Bay from Sir Ferdinando Gorges's heirs

What industry was pursued in New England?

fishing and shipbuilding; exports shiploads of dried cod to Europe

What enterprise was active in New Hampshire? What company absorbed it in 1641? How did the king respond to this absorption?

fishing and trading; Bay Colony; king annoyed by Bay Colony's greed and separated them in 1679 to make it royal colony

Why were deposit (warehouse) privileges important to frontier farmers?

float their produce down Mississippi to outgoing vessels - angry, but do not attack

Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890

forbids combinations in trade w/o distinction b/w "Good" and "bad" bc big is sin, not bad - ineffective in that too many loopholes for corp lawyers - effective by curbing labor unions that restrain trade

How did Mercantilism stifle the colonists?

forced them to depend on British and feel debased, used and kept in perpetual economic immaturity

Why did the West dislike the bank?

forcloses many western farms and drains tribute eastways first priority if profit

Republic of Liberia

formed by American Colonization Society 1822 by former slaves on West African coast - capital names Monrovia after President Monroe

Lake Bonneville

formed from melting glaciers in the west; covered much of Utah Nevada Idaho and drained to pacific through Snake + Columbia River until less rainfall-> no access to rivers; as it sits there, gradually shrinks and grows increasingly saline, leaving mineral-rich desert and Great Salt Lake

Free Soil Party

formed from the remnants of the Liberty Party in 1848; adopting a slogan of "free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men," it opposed the spread of slavery into new territories (Oregon, Kansas, Mexican Cession) and supported homesteads, cheap postage, and internal improvements. It ran Martin Van Buren (1848) for president and was absorbed into the Republican Party by 1856. - attracts huge variety of people

Liberty Party

former political party in US to oppose practice of slavery - later merges with Free Soil Party

Fort Duquesne

formidable French fort where Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers join to form the Ohio River - Pittsburgh

What was the effect of American Beauty of oil?

forms sugar trust, tobacco trust, leather trust, harvester trust

siege of Vicksburg

fortress on important MS is S's lifeline to W sources of supply - commanded by Grant; great fight - 7/4/63 seized; 7/9/63 Port Hudson falls - marks severing of Conf's spinal cord

College of William and Mary

founded 1693 to train better class of clerics for Anglican church

University of Virginia

founded and designed by Jefferson to free from religious/political shackles in favor of modern stuff

John Jacob Astor

founds American Fur company, makes much money

Robert Owen

founds New Harmony, Indiana, seeking human betterness

"third race"

free African Americans prohibited from working in certain occupations and from testifying against whites in court - detested by slave supporters - always vulnerable to being tricked back into slavery - hated by Irish bc compete - treated badly in North

David Walker

free african american argues blacks to take freedom by force

Where did many free blacks settle? how?

free blacks who purchase own freedom with after hours labor own property, many in New Orleans

In what ways was the Bay Colony government a democracy? In what ways was it not?

freemen annually elected the governor and his assistants and the General Court (a representative assembly), but only the visible saints could be freemen. However, according to doctrine, the whole purpose of Government is to enforce God's laws, which apply to believers and nonbelievers alike, so all have to pay taxes

13th Amendment

frees slaves

American invasion of Canada

from Detroit, Niagara, Lake Champlain; beaten back by Canadians so Americans attack by sea

Union Pacific Railroad and benefits

from Omaha, NE westward - for every mile built, granted 20 sqmi alternating in 640-acre sects on either side - for every mile, builders also get fed loan depending on what build over

Where did Spain attack from? to?

from their Florida base to South Carolina settlements


from town to town looking for jobs - social mobility exists, though difficult

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

full confront w/ GB avoided bc neither AM nor GB will seek exclusive control over any isthmian waterway

Hamilton's financial successes

funding, assumption, excise tax, bank, suppressing Whiskey Rebellion; all encroach upon state rights

John Marshall

future chief of justice; one of Adam's new envoys

how does American economy change with time?

gap widens b/w rich and poor bc more modern specialty driven economy

Which revival took of in AM?

greek/roman public buildings and gothic in midcentury

How did the slave system take root in North America?

group of English settlers from Barbados came to Carolina in 1670 and brought some African slaves and model of Barbados slave code. Carolina adopted a version of that code

New England Emigration Aid Company

group of N abolitionists/Free-Soilers finance inflow to Kansas in order to forestall S and make profit

Grange: Patrons of Husbandry

group of farmers who protest against RR takeover

Salem Witch Trials; what were the long-term causes?

group of teen girls in Salem, Massachusetts claimed to have been witched by some older women. Witch hunt ensues, leading to 1692 twenty killed; unsettled social conditions of Massachusetts

Lane rebels

group of theology students led by Theodore Dwight Weld - expelled for abolitionist activity, later become leading preachers of antislavery - fan out across Old NW preaching antislavery

Kentucky bluegrass

grown on burnt-off tobacco cane fields ideal for livestock; many flock to Kentucky

Congregational Church

grown out of Puritan church, established in all New England colonies except Rhode Island; at first Mass. taxes all residents to support Congregationalism but later exempts members of others;

What is the significance of the charter of the Virginia Company?

guaranteed to overseas settlers the same rights of Englishmen at home to make colonists feel that even in America they are within England

Model Treaty

guides American commissioners it is about to dispatch to French court - John Adams, one of its chief authors, describes basic principles: 1: no political connection 2: no military connection 3: only commercial connection

May Day Strikes

half fail, focusin Chicago, Knights of Labor fall - e.g. Haymarket

How did the Iroquois demonstrate enmity with French?

hamper French penetration of Ohio Valley, frequently ally with British against French, ravage French settlements


happy slaves flock to invading Union armies regardless of w/ or w/o Emanc Proc

Lancaster Turnpike

hard road from Phil to Lancaster - economic expansion westward

Where did Germans settle?

have more material goods, so push Mid West, esp Wisconsin where settle farms

How did Charles punish Massachusetts when he reclaimed throne? Why?

he gave their rival Connecticut in 1662 a charter grant to legalize the squatter settlements and in 1663 gave Rhode Island new charter to give kingly allowance to that religiously tolerant place then in 1684 revoked the Bay Colony's charter; because colonial defiance in Massachusetts paid no attention to the royal orders

How did Johnson feel about whites?

he is a white-supremacist like most white S - tries to kill Freedmen's Bureau

Why did Tyler finally pass the Law of 1842?

he needs more money despite his dislike for spending federal money

Why did Blaine lose?

he was present at all Dem insulters, but stays silent and is thus deemed as agreeing w/ them and Irishmen support Cleveland

How did Cortes manage to take over Aztec Empire?

heard through his interpreters of unrest within Aztec empire and treasures stored within Tenochtitlan. He burns his ships to cut off any hope for his troops of retreat and marches with 20k native allies toward Tenochtitlan. Moctezuma sent gifts to the approaching Spaniards and believed that Cortes was god Quetzalcoatl whose return from Eastern seas was predicted in Aztec legends. Spanish allowed to enter Valley of Mexico unopposed. Noche triste, Aztecs attack. Cortes lays siege to city and smallpox epidemic burns through. Aztec gives way

1862 Congressional election

heavily against admin, esp NY, PA, OH

What was the effect of republican hard-money policy?

helps elect Dem HoR and spawns Greenback Labor party

What would the South fail to consider in secession?

thinks Mississippi links them to upper valley states, but overlook man-made links

Why did Penn die full of sorrows?

his governors quarreled bitterly with the people for more political power; Penn became too friendly with James II and was arrested multiple times

"interlocking directorates"

his own banking officers placed on various boards of directors

"cult of domesticity"

home - but some see it as cage


homespun wool garments become fashionable and eating lambchops discouraged; avoid importing so can self-sustain and unite as opposed to relying on Britain

Germans are suspicious characters

in hopes of preserving language/culture, settle in compact "colonies" aloof from surrounding community - drink much beer, not super respectful of religion

Why did some Americans help with Canadian uprising?

hope that snuffling out GB will gain their own freedom

Why did Jefferson reduce military?

hopes that America might rise above bloody wars and European entangling alliances - Republicans distrust large standing armies as invitation to dictatorship - navies less feared but potentially still may corrupt wars far away

How did natives respond to this building?

hostile natives attack in hopes of protecting their land, but laborers shoot them

Factory worker conditions?

hours long, wages low, conditions unsafe/unhealthy, no unions

John Rolfe

husband of Pocahontas; perfected methods of raising tobacco, leading to rush for tobacco

judicial review

idea that supreme court alone has last word on question of constitutionality

Why would taking down Quebec and Montreal have been enough to conquer?

if these strongholds fall, all west outposts would have withered without supplies

GB fleets seize American ships

ignore America's rights as neutral but do so bc eager to starve out French West Indies and supposed US to defend French


ill-disciplined colonial militiamen who comprise much of Braddock's force and whose guerrilla methods of fighting natives are contempted by Braddock

Why was growth in New York retarded?

illiberal spirit of the Dutch remained, with more autocracy as corrupt English governors grant much land to their favorites, causing influential families to hold disproportionate power in political affairs; discourages many European immigrants from coming

What did the Pueblo peoples in the Rio Grande valley manage to develop in their cities?

intricate irrigation system to water their cornfields, dwell in villages of multi-level buildings

Andrew Johnson

impeached by party members who demand harshness toward S

What was the architectural situation in the New World?

imported largely from Old World and modified to meet American climate

Noah Webster

improves textbook and dictionary to standardize AM language - "reading lessons" used by many to promote patriotism

Port Royal

in Acadia (Nova Scotia); British colonists temporarily seize this in Queen Anne/King William's War

Democratic National Convention

in Baltimore, Democrats choose General Lewis Cass for presidency

Fort Sumter

in Charleston blocks mouth of SC Atlantic seaport, but is weak and conditions horrible - not strategically helpful to any side - surrenders to S

What were the sides of the Seven Years' War?

in Europe: Britain+Prussia vs. France+Spain+Austria+Russia

Where were patriots most numerous?

in NE colonies, where self-government strong and mercantilism weak - where Presbyterianism and Congregationalism flourishes

Difference b/w how blacks are treated in North/South?

in North, free blacks hated more as individuals white southerners like blacks as individuals but hate the race

Colored Farmers' Nation Alliance

in S for time agrees w/ poor whites

How did slave states manage to thwart all northerner attempts to hamper slaver?

in Senate, each state has two votes, and equal number of each state

Appomattox Courthouse

in VA, N troops capture Richmond and corner Lee - 4/9 Grant meets w/ Lee and grants generous surrender - Lincoln comes and is thanked

France wants to keep America independent

in abstract but not in action; plans to keep US east of Allegheny Mountains to keep it weak in order to promote French interests and policy (paid a lot and wants to get moneys worth)

How did the new aristocracy justify?

in constitution: clause giving congress control of interstate commerce and the 14th amendment

Where was Jefferson the most effective politician?

in formal dinner party, using personal charm while pouring wines and serving dishes from his French cook

Women in factories

leave house for toiling in factories under poor conditions - usually single young women

Why couldn't the S use King Cotton to secure foreign help?

in prior years, S overproductive so surplus sits in GB warehouses and thus GB not reliant for a while - Union sends cargoes and captured supplies to GB, Conf sends some through blockade, Egypt/India cotton growers increase output

Emily Dickinson

in recluse writes poetry abt nature/love/death/immortality - stuff published after she dies

Mob outbursts in North

in response to extreme abolitionists - break into Lewis Tappan's NY house and demolishes interior - Garrison dragged around Boston by Broadcloth Mob, with rope tied around him - Lovejoy's printing press destroyed and he is killed by mob "martyr abolitionist"

Spanish conquistadores

in service of God and search of gold/glory, fan across Americas

How is the Scots-Irish's disregarding of government demonstrated?

in the armed march of the Paxton Boys, the Regulator movement in North Carolina


led by George Washington, Benjamin Franklin - most Federalists live in settled area along seaboard (wealthier, more educated, organized) - control press


led by Mother Ann Lee; religious sect but no marriage/sex so die quickly

Canada rebellion 1837

incidents along northern frontier, threatens war with Britain; Van Buren attempts neutral game

Big Four

includes Leland Stanford (ex-gov of CA w/ political connections) and Collis B Huntington - operates through two construction companies - stays out of corruption and Congress bribery

What troubles brewed in the Dutch company colonies from the beginning?

incompetent directors, greedy company shareholders, revengeful natives

What did the flood of precious metals from New World cause in Europe?

increased consumer costs by 500%, led to capitalism, bank system, spread commerce, paid for international trade

Napoleon's 1800 secret pact

induces king of Spain to cede to France the Louisiana area - 1802 confirmed when Spaniards at NO withdraw right of deposit from Americans

What did transcendentalism criticize?

industrial society because think that it drains people's spirituatlity

Second Great Awakening

inflames many abolitionists against slavery

Why was S economic life poor after civil war?

inflation ruins banks/businesses - transportation broken down (Sherman's soldiers) - agriculture crippled

To what extent did religious leaders have power?

influence admission to church membership by holding public interrogations for conversion. But congregation had right to hire/fire/set salary of minister. Clergyman cannot hold formal political office

Why did North Carolina break off from South Carolina?

inhabited by a "ragtag" group of outcasts from Virginia (outcast by religion or by poverty), North Carolinians did not need slaves for their small squatted farms, was irreligious, and hospitable to pirates. They developed strong resistance to authority while isolated from their neighbors. Friction between governors led to North Carolina 1712 being separated from South Carolina and each becoming royal colony

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

insists that take "obey" out of marriage ceremony

Sir Walter Raleigh

inspired by his half-brother Gilbert; organized expedition to North Carolina's Roanoke Island off coast of Virginia. The Roanoke colony vanished after several failed attempts

William Walker

installs himself president of Nicaragua and legalizes slavery after failed attempts to seize and Pierce withdraws diplomatic recognition


led by Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee - followers are poorest class: states' right devotees, backcountry dwellers, poor farmers

American Peace Society

led by William Ladd wants peace for progress

What characteristics were shared by the settlements that rebelled against England?

intense population growth,

urban growth issues

intensifies sewage, sanitation, lighting issues


intermediary between natives and settlers to preserve peace and provide needed goods; daughter of Powhatan

How did giant trusts call the 14th?

interp corporation as legal "person" and thus can't be deprived of property without "due process of law"

Robert Fulton

invents first steamboat, Clermont, 1807; steamboats common soon

Thomas Edison

invents lightbulb and many others - lightbulb changes human habits as night turns to day

Cyrus McCormick

invents mechanical mower-reaper to harvest grain

Elias Howe

invents sewing machine

John Deere

invents steel plow that cuts through hard soil, pulled by horses

Why did planter aristocrats face difficulties after war?

investments lost, land worthless, slaves gone

What was the effect of British trading rights in Spanish America?

involved friction over smuggling -> Jenkins Ear situation

Why was popular sovereignty appealing to politicians?

is good compromise b/w abolitionists and slave-holders

How did the colonies respond to the currency shortage? How did British respond to this? and Americans?

issued paper money, which quickly depreciated; British merchants become angry and Parliament prohibits paper currency printing bc harms British merchants; Americans say their welfare is being sacrificed for British commercial interest

Samuel Gompers

made president of AM Fed of Labor for many years - soft pedals attempt to engineer sweeping social reform - hates socialism - seeks better conditions

What was the old English idea regarding education?

it is a blessing reserved for aristocratic few leader males.

What was ALincoln's statement about secession?

it is impractical bc N and S not geographically divided - w/ secession, new controversies will arise: nat'l debt, fed territories, FSL, underground RR

What mistake did the London government in arranging the governor's pay?

it left that control to the colonial legislatures, leading to prolonged bickering and thus generating spirit of revolt

Why did Jeffersonians hate Jay's Treaty?

it seems like surender to Gb and betrayal of South; South has to pay most of debt while rich Federalist shippers collect damages for recent GB seizures

Why did Whigs condemn the divorce bill?

it squelches their hopes for revived BoUS

Why was GB interested in an independent Texas?

it would check AM's growing into nearby GB possessions and hopes that if can puppet Texas, Texas may turn on Yankees and that distraction will allow GB to intrude on Monroe Doctrine - GB abolitionists want to free slaves in Texas in order to inflame nearby slaves of south AM - GB merchants see Texas as potential free trade area w/ fiber resources

Marco Polo

italian adventurer returns to Europe and tells of his time in China, furthering Europe's desires to East

George Whitefield

itinerant English preaches different style of preaching that sets off new religious ardor; impressively great orator whose voice booms, making some actors envious; tours the colonies, preaching his message of human helplessness; during his sessions many sinners feel conversion; he inspires many American imitators and emotionalism

What were the lasting effects of the Awakening?

its emphasis on direct emotive spirituality undermined older clergy, whose authority came from education; it increased competitiveness and number in American churches; encouraged fresh wave of missionary work; founded "new light" centers of higher learning; contributed to sense that Americans are a single people united by a common history with shared experiences

What was S advantage?

just has to play defense/ bring to draw fight on own soil with stronger morale and determination better officers accustomed to fighting since youth can obtain manufactured items through aggression

What does War of 1812 reveal about sectional disunity?

kills of sectionalism-identifying Federalist party

What attributed to the relative ease with which Europeans took over natives?

lack of society due to nomadism

Van Buren as president

lack support of many Democrats bc feel just smuggled in under Jackson - inherits depression caused by Jackson's killing of the BoUS

What did Cleveland do in office?

laissez-faire capitalism - liked by businessmen and bankers - closes N-S chasm by appointing to cabinet 2 confederates - careful with GAR pension bills - recklessly throws appeal for lower tariff to Congress

Whom were witchcraft persecutions often directed at? from?

land-owning women or from families associated with the burgeoning market economy accused by poorers

In what ways were the Middle Colonies the "middle"?

landholdings smaller than in South but larger than small-farm New England (exc. aristocratic NY), local government larger than personal-town New England meetings and large county South gov'nt, fewer industries than in New England, more than in South

What is the effect of the slave system in south politically?

landless will be pawns in landowning superiors - black slave system ensures that white labor unneeded

Why did population in Catholic New France grow slowly?

landowning French peasants have little economic motivation to move; Protestant Huguenots denied religious refuge in the colony; French gov't favors its agriculture-rich Caribbean islands

effect of agriculture-booming inventions

large-scale production and growth of cash crops

University of Pennsylvania

launched with major role help by Benjamin Franklin; first American college from from denominational control

Cyrus Field

lays telegraph cable b/w US/Europe, providing instant communication with Europe

General Sheridan

lays waste to Shenandoah Valley of VA

Don Juan de Onate

leader of expedition northwards; cruelly abused Pueblos

Thaddeus Stevens

leads HoR radicals

Terence V Powderly

leads Knights of Labor for workday hour strikes

Charles Sumner

leads Repub radicals in Senate for racial equality

Black Hawk

leads Sauk and Fox tribes 1832 in Illinois and Wisconsin revolt, but are crushed


leads Seminoles in geurilla warfare against US, but when he is seized they flee deeper into Everglades of Florida if not moved to Oklahoma

Father Junipero Serra

leads Spanish missionaries up California, establishing 21 missions to Christianize the natives. Teaches horticulture and crafts as well as Christianity, but natives also lose culture and lives to the white man diseases

Toussaint L'Ouverture

leads ex-slaves in resistance on Santo Domingo island vs. French

Reverend Thomas Hooker

leads group of Boston Puritans westward into Hartford (Connecticut) area

What happened when the glacier blankets receded from atop Canada?

left and scraped away depressions which collected water and now form many lakes

Northern Democrats

left w/ taint of association in N w/ seceders - when S Douglas dies, Democrats divide

Why were increasing numbers of colonists paying the tea tax in 1773?

legal tea cheaper than smuggled tea

How was doom of slavery achieved?

legally by indiv states and ratification of 13th amendment 1865 8 months after Civil War ends

Horace Greeley

liberal republican candidate - editor of NY Tribune

What was Lincoln's goal in the Emanc Proc?

liberate slaves and strengthen Union morale - changes nature of war bc removes any chance of negotiated settlement

How did the masses gain education?

libraries and traveling lyceum lecturers and magazines (for brief time)

Townshend Acts

light import tax on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea. Made an indirect customs duty payable at American ports; to pay salaries of royal governors/judges in America

How did the smaller slave-owning farmers live?

like those of North; live in modest farmhouses, working alongside bondsmen

"Third War with England"

literary battle b/w GB aristocrats

How did Northerners reap profit from cotton trade?

load cotton at S ports, transport them to England for money to buy manufactured goods for sale in US

Abraham Lincoln

log cabin, self-taught, laborer, patient lawyet - Whig politician in Congress for one term, when the KA-NA act ignites him


looking at ancient Greek/Roman republics, republicanism defines just society as one in which all citizens yield personal selfish interests for public common good; stability of society and authority of government relies on citizenry; opposes hierarchical aristocracy

Why were the Navigation Laws no huge burden before 1763?

loosely enforced; many Americans make great fortune by smuggling

What was the effect of Sumter on the Union?

lost, but arises N to fight and defend honor from S - once Lincoln calls for militiamen and blockade of sea ports, S angry and more join confederacy

What would be good about lowering tariffs when Treasury has surplus?

lower consumer price, less monopoly protection, end to Treasury surplus

Why was Lincoln hesitant to advance before Bloody Antietam?

loyalty of border states in doubt; North military fortunes seem uncertain against S - but by 1861 wavering states are safe in Union and arms victories solid

What was the most important manufacturing activity in New World?


What led to S agricultural boost?

machine-made cigarettes cause tobacco consumption to shoot up

Why did American vessels find restriction for a while?

made little progress bc embargoes and panics

Freedman's Savings & Trust Company

made unsecure loans that go under - blacks hit hard

Why was New England more zealously interested in education than any others?

mainly religious reasons; dominated by Congregational Church, it stresses need for Bible reading by individual worshipper; many graduates from English universities populate this region, so early on establish schools that youth will attend when not laboring on farms

Why did British remain in America?

maintain fur trade with natives - can stay bc Americans have not honored treaty of debt/loyalist peace - but actually stayed to keep natives on British side in order to defend against future attacks on Canada by Americans

What were the agricultural practices of Incas/Mayans/Aztecs based on? What did this lead to?

maize cultivation; develop sophisticated elaborate cities and commerce

Deep South

majority of country's cotton produced - many flock here to find work

What was the primary goal of Congregational clergy?

make good Christians, not necessarily citizens

America's tiny naval force

makes no real dent in Britain's fleets but manages to destroy merchant shipping and thus bringing war into waters around British Isles

Who mainly populated Rhode Island?

malcontents and exiles from the Bay Colony who were not welcome anywhere else

Why was most of American population clustered around waterways?

man-made roads are awful; coastwise traffic, though slow and unreliable, is relatively cheap and pleasant

What accomplishment did the Mississippian settlement at Cahokia achieve after incorporating corn planting into their way of life?

managed to home 25,000 people

How does war breed American independence?

manufacturing behind GB blockade

Why did gov'nt have to draw up bill of rights?

many antifederalists had criticized Constitution for not guaranteeing individual rights, only ratifying on understanding that will soon be amended

What effect did the fur trade have on natives?

many recruited natives die from disease and corrupted from alcohol; mass slaughter of beavers violates many native religious beliefs

Why were gender differences strengthened?

market economy is increasingly separating into distinct roles: - women seen as physical/emotional weak but also artistic; keep society's conscience - men crude and strong, reckless if nor for women

What was the lasting effect on Charles II's attempt to tighten control over colonies?

more English officials (often corrupt and incompetent and lacking in care) in America who inhibit local leaders from rising to political power

What main American inventions industrialized America?

mass production techniques, cash register, typewriter, stock ticker

Violence on Catholics

mass violence shows America mistreatment of minorities - on Boston Catholic convent burnt, later many attacks upon Catholic schools/churches - 1844 Catholics fight back in Philadelphia and many die

First Continental Congress

meet in Philadelphia to consider ways of helping colonial grievances. All colonies but Georgia send 55 well-respected men. After-hour social activity melts friction. 7 weeks from 9/5-10/26/1774 discussion body - John Adams brings them to revolution as opposed to a strain of home rule under British direction - draws up Declaration of Rights - draws up solemn appeals to other British American colonies, to the king, to British people - creates The Association - seek only to repeal offensive legislation

Who was the first president to be nominated by formal party convention?

meet together to nominate party candidates (Jackson first nominated here 1832)

What were the standards for New England towns?

meetinghouse for worship and town hall, village green for militia; each family gets several parcels of land, woodlot, crop and animal tract; towns of 50+ families require to provide elementary education

Second Continental Congress

meets Philadelphia May 10, 1775; - conservative element still strong, just want to continue fighting in hope that king+Parl will redress grievances - delegates raise money and create army/navy


members of the Church of England; official faith in Georgia, Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, part of New York, and England; serves in America as major prop of Kingly authority, so British official try to impose it on additional colonies; Anglican church based off religion not as fiery as that of Puritans

What was effect of industry on individual life?

menial manual labor creates empty shells of people

When was the intercolonial postal system established? How was it?

mid 1700s; secrecy, speed, frequency are all doubtful

Who supported the protection tariffs? Who didn't? Why?

middle states support bc industries booming and they believe that future prosperity comes from factories - Southerners oppose bc consume manufactured goods w/o industry of their own; feels the act discriminates against them bc South sells goods in market unprotected by tariffs but has to pay taxes to buy stuff


militant effort to do away with slavery - begins in N 1700s and soon dominates politics

General James Wilkinson

military governor of Louisiana Territory - sometime secret agent in pay of Spanish crown


militia assembles periodically for several days of drilling, interspersed with merrymaking and flirting

Boys in Blue

millions of youth fight in Civil War, inspired by Uncle Tom's Cabin

What is the significance of the Battle of New Orleans?

restores honor in American eyes; unleashes nationalism and self-confidence

What did the two Carolinas have in common?

mistreatment of natives. North Carolinians crushed the Tuscaroras and Yamasee natives with aid of the South

How did people on the frontier find pleasure?

mixed it with work: e.g. quilting bees, husking bees, etc.

What advantage did the inner-land natives have?

more time, space, and numbers. An European trader inland would have to conform to native ways

effect of more canals

more trade w/ East from West (south left out)

Alien Laws

most European immigrants are poor, thus scorned by aristocratic Federalists - welcomed as voters by less prosperous more democratic Jeffersonians - Federalist Congress erects barrier by raising residence requirements from 5yrs--> 14 yrs (violates opendoor/speedy assimilation) - president can deport dangerous foreigners in time of peace - can deport or imprison i time of hostility

Why the sudden need for gov'nt in CA?

most comers are lawless - draft of 1849 w/o slavery - apply for admission, thus bypassing territorial stage - S violently objects

Similarities between North Carolina and Rhode Island?

most democratic, independent-minded, least aristocratic of all the colonies

How has equality become more prevalent after AmRev?

most states reduce property-holding requirements for voting - resent Society of Cincinnati - party with primogeniture

Scotland steamers

most successful blockade runners - would take on arms cargoes brought from GF, leave w/ fraud papers for "Halifax" (Canada) and return later with cargo of cotton - high risks, but 700% profit


much paper money issued at face value and inadequately supported by gold, so value fluctuates with nation's credit

Adams's followers

mudsling the women in Jacksons's life like crazy and his violence - and his gambling stuff - and the large sums of money he has gotten over years in federal salaries - and of serving as pimp for Russian tsar

William T Johnson

mulatto free slave owns slaves himself

How was the importance of skilled laborers demonstrated?

murdering carpenter in Virginia freed bc his woodworking skills are needed


named after William Miller, risen from W NY - believe Christ will return to Earth 10/22/1844 - when doesnt, dampens movement

What actions did Sir Edmund Andros do as head of the dominion?

restrict the assemblies, courts, press, schools, revoked land titles, taxed without representation, and enforced Navigation Laws to suppress smuggling

Chief Tammany

native chief whom Penn bought land from in advance; patron saint of New York's Tammany Hall


native chieftain holds ritual to show Smith and other settlers his intentions; dominated natives in the James River area under the Powhatan's Confederacy; at first might have considered settlers assets in his quest to conquer more native enemies


native slave who translated for Cortes between Mayan and Nahuatl. She eventually learned Spanish and was baptized with Spanish name Dona Marina. Her name in the Spanish language now means traitor

What was the effect of victory over Braddock's army?

natives find that so easy that they go scalping all around frontier; some local Philadelphia authorities desperately offer bounties for native scalps

Where did most of the increase in slave population come from?

natural reproduction

What factors helped America become first in manufacturing?

natural resources, massive immigration, ingenuity

What did the Sugar Act and Stamp Act provide for?

naval admiralty courts, where juries not allowed and guilty until proven innocent

Thomas Macdonough

naval officer forces invading British near Plattsburg to retreat on 9/11/1814 - saves upper NY from conquest

Washington vs. small French troops in forest

near Fort Duquesne, Virginians encounter small French troop and fires; french leader killed, men retreat

"wedding of the rails"

near Ogden, UT w/ Leland Stanford driving last golden spike

Where did the Virginia Company's three ships initially land?

near mouth of Chesapeake Bay, where Indians attacked them

What did the Pontiac uprising show the British?

need to stabilize relations w/ western natives and keep troops stationed along frontier

Whom did the Plymouth colony merge with in 1691?

neighbor Massachusetts Bay Colony


new form of sermon heard from Puritans middle 17th century; take cue from prophet Jeremiah preachers scold churchgoers for their wilting religiousness

How was America a revolutionary force since its outset?

new ideas about nature of society, citizen, and government in fresh American wilderness while in Old World one did not question the social status they and generations before them lived in

Mexicans win independence

new regime 1823 arranges to grant huge tract of land to Stephen Austin with understanding he will populate it with Americans of the Roman Catholic faith who will be Mexicanized upon arrival - they are ignored though as hardy Americans come

Effects of the Whiskey Rebellion

new respect of Wash's gov'nt - foes of administration condemn Wash for brutal display of force

What was the result of newly-united Spain?

newly-married Ferdinand and Isabella are sovereigns of eager to beat Portuguese in race to get rich from Indies

John Peter Zenger

newspaper printer in New York; his newspaper had attacked corrupt royal governor and Zenger is charged with rebelling condemnation, brought into court, and defended by Andrew Hamilton. Zenger argues that he has printed truth, but chief justice instructs jury that the mere fact of printing is enough to convict but he is saved by Hamilton and given verdict of not guilty

Why were Davis and colleagues released? What happened later?

no VA jury will convict them; Johnson later pardons all and Congress cleans their slates later

What did idealists want?

no cruelty, no war, no alcohol, no slavery

Why did many blacks not wish to be transplanted?

no longer Africans, but native-born African-Americans with own history and culture

British change strategy when France joins war effort

no longer can blockade colonial coast and command sea; French w/ powerful fleets in american waters jeopardises Britain's blockades; British evacuate Philadelphia and concentrate on NYC

Laws of "free incorporation"

no need to apply for charter from legislature to start a corporation


no profit with material held - in land and in slaves - forces many into debt

Why were Anglicans in the New World handicapped?

no resident bishop to ordinate young ministers-- they must travel to England; serious talk of creating American bishopric but non-Anglicans oppose this, fearing tightening of royal reins

Did Britons endorse the war effort at first? why?

no; Pitt withdraws his son from the army. English Whigs openly cheer for American victories; many believe that fight for British freedom is being fought in America

Hinton R Helper

non-aristocratic white from NM - write the Impending Crisis of the South, arguing w/ stats that non-slaveholding whites suffer most from slavery - only in N, inflammatory

Who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony? How?

non-separatist Puritans secured royal charter to form it and brought the charter to Massachusetts, using it as a sort of constitution. They say they only want to separate from the church's impurities

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes

nonconformist writes "The Last Leaf" about white indian of B T Party

What was Lincoln's 1860 platform?

nonextension of slavery protective tariff no abridgement of rights pacific railroad internal improvements and fed expense free homesteads from public domain

What stopped factory growth in America?

nonintercourse, embargo, War of 1812 - "Wear American" Buy American"

How did slaves revolt?

not many cast of chains, but many revolt by abandoning plantations when Union army arrives

How was education in the middle and South colonies?

not nearly as good as in New England; some institutions are tax-supported and some private; South struggle with logistics in establishing effective school system with its biracial population; wealthy families rely on private tutors

the Alabama

notable of British shipyard-produced Conf commerce-raiders. - leave ports unarmed, pick up arms elsewhere, capture Union ships - this one went to Azores and captures so many that N has to divert naval strength from blockade to it - 1864 challenged by stronger Union cruiser of Fr coast and destroyed GB IS THE CHIEF NAVAL BASE OF CONFEDERACY - 1872 GB pays $15.5mil for damages

What does the Constitution say about a cabinet?

nothing; just provides that president may require written opinions of heads of executive-branch depts (Treasury, State, War) but this is pain in ass

Ulysses S Grant

notorious drinker who fought in Mexican War - success in N TN captures Fort Henry and Fort Donelson - "when in doubt, fight"

What did Jefferson think his election represented?

return to "original spirit of the revolution"; peaceful transfer of power is accomplishment

What did the delegates decide they would do about the old AoC?

scrap, contradicting Congress's instructions to simply revise

Nullification Crisis

of 1832: states move to make any emancipation illegal - silences voice of abolitionism - southerners argue that slavery is supported by Bible

Samuel Adams

of Boston, cousin of John Adams: unimpressive in appearance but passionate about politics: ultrasensitive to colonial rights

John Trumbull

of Connecticut, discouraged by his father's remark that Connecticut is not for artists; forced to travel to London to pursue his ambitions, like many similar to him

Neal S Dow

of Maine "Father of Prohibition" sponsors Maine Law of 1851

Senator Charles Summer

of Massachusetts - leading abolitionist - highly educated but highly disliked - "The Crime Against Kansas" condemns proslavery men including well-liked Andrew Butler - beaten up by Brooks - even after injury, Mass reelects - becomes political issue

What did Mark Twain accuse Scott of?

of arousing southerners to fight for decaying social structure "sham" - S aristocrats have been striving to perpetuate a type of medievalism that died on Europe

Elizabeth Blackwell

organizes US Sanitary Commission to assist Union armies - trains nurses, collects medical supplies, equips hospitals - helps women acquire skills/confidence

Where did the Pilgrims choose to settle? What was wrong with this?

off the shore of Plymouth Bay, which was outside domain of the Virginia Company and thus the Pilgrims are squatters

Europeans react to Monroe Doctrine

offended in big part bc of America's soft military strength for such a strong declaration - but British support of America is strong

What did Pitt due in response to colonists who refuse to provide for the conflict?

offered to reimburse 900,000 euros; it works

What was foreign policy regarding natives' land?

officially to acquire land from natives through formal treaties, but more often they are tricked

John D Rockerfeller

oil baron masters "horizontal integration" and devises the trust to control bothersome rivals - owns Standard Oil Company to conquer whole world's petroleum market - believes in survival of fittest in big business - American Beauty

New York Central

older Eastern network that is expanded to facilitate W success

Where did the Virginia Company settle in 1607?

on banks of James River (named after King James I); Jamestown very disease and mosquito infested.

Where was most of the emphasis in school placed?

on religion and classical languages Latin and Greek, not in experiment and reason but on doctrine and dogma; independent thinking is discouraged and discipline severe

Thomas Paine

once a poor corset-maker's apprentice who came from Britain a year before writing Common Sense

Marbury vs. Madison (1803)

one of "midnight justices" of 1801, William Marbury, justice of peace for DC - learns that his salary is being cut by new SoS Madison - sues; Marshall defends - SC rules that Marbury has right to his pay but court has no authority to force Madison to pay him - Marshall invokes Judiciary Act of 1789, saying it is unconstitutional - shows that SC has final authority in determining meaning of Constitution

James Oglethorpe

one of a high-minded group of philanthropists who wanted to crate a haven for debted people in Georgia and to have slave-free there. He became interested after one of his friends died in debt jail. He saved "the charity colony" with his leadership and mortgaging his personal fortune

Charles Grandison Finney

one of greatest revivalist preachers - devises "anxious bench"

Judiciary Act of 1801

one of last important laws passed by leaving Federalist Congress: creates 16 new federal judgeships/ judicial offices "midnight judges"

What did the Battle of Antietam mark?

one of the decisive engagements of world history; Davis never again so near victory - Union victory prevents GB/FR gov'nt from intervening medially

Why were the British especially vulnerable to attack in Illinois?

only have scattered posts obtained from French

What N industry was crippled?

only ocean trade bc of raiders

John Quincy Adams's administration

only removes 12 public servants from federal payroll - refuses to remove efficient officeholders in favor of his less efficient supporters

town meeting

open discussion, open voting -> direct democracy functions best

Non-Intercourse Act

opens up trade to every country but FR+GB; replaces Embargo Act

How did Parliament regulate the mercantilist system?

passed laws: all goods to America first must land in Britain where taxes and middlemen can take some of profit; American merchants ship certain products exclusively to Britain despite possibly better prices elsewhere


oppose Jackson, despise "King Andrew" and his iron fist - emerge when Clay/Webster/Calhoun join forces to pass motion blaming Jackson for removing federal deposits from BoUS on his own - support Henry Clay's American System - joined by those offended by jackson's stand on null - joined by many anti-masonic church people - support active gov'nt programs, call for internal improvements - welcome market economy - claim to be defenders of common man - like natural harmony of society; berates leaders whose self-interest fosters conflict - favor renewed national bank, protective tariffs, internal improvements, public schools, moral reforms

How was the blockade regarded by the naval powers of the world?

ordinarily would have been defied bc never really effective, but GB, great maritime nation, recognizes it as binding and warns shippers from it

Why had the Philadelphia Founders not envisioned political parties?

organised opp to gov'nt seems disloyal and against spirit of national unity

Robert E Lee

originally offered to command N, but when home state VA secedes, Lee goes to S

1893 depression

overbuilding/speculation ,labor disorder, agriculture depression, foreign loans, free-silver agitation --> economy dies in large ways

How did pioneer builders go bankrupt?

overoptimistic, pushing into areas w/o enough pop

What factors led to the Panic of 1819?

overpseculation in frontier lands - BoUS, through western branches, becomes deeply involved in ^

1873 Economic Panic

overreaching promoters put too much in for markets and bankers make too many rash unsuccessful loans to finance these

What caused the downfall of Spain's imperialism?

overreaching; convinced of its own invincibility and overrun with South American riches, Holland (Spanish Netherlands) and much of Spanish Caribbean escapes from Spanish hold

Why did the Southern planters resent North middlemen?

pained by outward flow of commissions and interest to yankee manufacturing

Charles Willson Peale

painted portraits of George Washington, ran museum, stuffed birds, practiced dentistry

John P Altgeld

pardons 3 survivors of Haymarket; good statement but controversial

What does Jefferson do once he gets in office?

pardons prisoners of Sedition Acts, passes Naturalization Law of 1802, does away with excise tax, reduces ilitary establishment

How has the two-party system actually been important for democracy?

party out of power balances government so politics never drift too far

British Parliament reacts to defeat at Saratoga

passes measure for American home rule within empire, but no independence

Jonathan Edwards

pastor in Northampton Massachusetts proclaims the ridiculousness of believing in salvation in good works, confirming that we need complete dependence on God's grace; paints "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

"jayle birds"

paupers and convicts involuntarily shipped to America by London authorities; not happy about European authorities and some of these were only convicted for capital crimes: in America they do well

What factors set the stage for English colonizations?

peace with Spain, population growth (enclosing), unemployment(enclosing), motive in thirst for adventure+markets+religious freedom, financial means(joint-stock)

How does economy change with Taney?

people do not monopolize as much. little crops for living money


people of mixed native and European heritage

Federalists respond to compact theory

people, not states, made the original compact and thus it's up to Supreme Court, not states to nullify Congress's unconstitutional legislations - 1803 adopted by Supreme Court

Isaac Singer

perfects sewing machine

John Greenleaf Whittier (Quaker)

poems against inhumanity - helps arise AM on slavery issue - poet of human freedom

What did Taylor do in resp to TX's threatening to capture Santa Fe?

personally leads army in and hanging traitors

Why were Americans angry at Grenville's actions?

pinched their pocketbooks; struck at local liberties

How does Royal Navy respond to Battle of New Orleans?

places naval blockade along America's coast and lands raids - cripples American economic life

How did the early American colonists "live by the sun"?

plant in spring, tend crops in summer, harvest in fall, prepare to renew cycle in winter; rise at dawn, sleep at dusk

What effect on the S/W did the 2nd Great Awakening have?

plant many small tax-supported public liberal arts colleges - academically poor and awfully boring, mainly for regional pride

What did French officials do in efforts to block Spain on Gulf of Mexico?

plant several fortified posts in Mississippi and Louisiana, esp. New Orleans (1718)


plantation owners rent out pieces of land to black and make cost of rent higher than return of land produces so that land renters bound to continue work until debts repaid (usually never) - blacks cannot pay off debt; begin "jumping" labor contracts

How did the South become more monopolistic?

plantation system unstable bc poorer farmers will sell small land holdings to larger farmers

How does Franklin help in obtaining French treaty?

plays on French fears of Anglo-American reconciliation

Resumption Act of 1875

pledges gov'nt to further withdraw greenback and redeem all paper currency in gold at face value

Aaron Burr joins with Federalists

plots secession of NE+NY - Hamilton foils conspiracy - duel challenged, Hamilton shot moves West, strikes up allegiance w/ Wilkinson - plan to separate west and east of US w/ invasions of Spanish Mexico/Florida - ditched though in 1806 at Natchez when Wilkinson learns that Jefferson knows and flees to NO

James Russell Lowell

political satirist in Biglow Papers

Iroquois Confederacy

politically organized military alliance

indentured servants

poor people who bind themselves to work for a number of years to pay for their trip to America

Describe the conditions of the pioneers?

poorly fed, ill-clad, awful shelter, lonely violent wresting is popular pastime they, isolated by geography, often ill-informed, superstitious, overly individualistic

Physicians in the colonies

poorly trained as apprentices under practitioner, not highly esteemed; bleeding is frequent remedy

Stephen Foster

popular white Pennsylvanian captures spirit of slaves in song

How did the American colonies look by 1720?

population growing robustly; transportation and communication improving; hands-off British allow colonists to have their own government, trade, church; AMERICA IS THRIVING

How did the Puritans' religious zeal fade as time went on?

population increase -> push Puritans onto outlying farms away from church and neighbors

Aftermath of Civil War

population loss, debt, supreme righters cursed, test of democracy --> English Reform Bill of 1867

Tom Watson

populist leader needs black vote, reaches out

Why did Europeans have no direct access to South Africa before?

sea travel down African coast practically impossible. Goods would cross Sahara camelback along with tales of impressive Mali kingdom and Timbuktu

Why did the Irish move?

potato famine breaks about famine/disease and GB is heavy on them - move to Land of Plenty in the "Black Forties" - one of the dispersed people (diaspora)

Why was the S panicking about political equality?

potential slave territory in US running short - NM + UT want nonslave

matrilinear culture

power and possessions passed down female side of family line; Iroquois culture

Where was most AM literature effort put at first?

practical outlets e.g. political essays, pamphlets, oration

Economic democracy

precedes political democracy - ind from GB = US must make everything no longer imported from GB on own - many Americans poor bc economy bad

How did moderate Republicans (Congress majority) feel about state policies?

prefer policies that restrain states from cutting citizens' rights rather than policies that directly involve fed w/ indiv

Emancipation Proclamation

prelim announces that 1/1/63 president will issue final - declares "forever free" the slaves in those rebelling Conf states - slaves in Border States and conquered S areas unaffected - an "act of justice" - where can, does not; where can not, tries to

Where was college education geared toward early on? What did some rich families do?

preparing men for the ministry, as a church will wither if the minsters are not adequately trained; some rich families, esp. in south, send their sons abroad to get a refined and philosophical education in England

Jackson's followers

present Jackson as frontiersman and champion of common man - denounce Adams as corrupt aristocrat, argue that he thwarted the people's wills; only way to right the wrong is to seat Jackson, who will sweep out Adams (all hyperbole. Jackson actually wealthy. Adams has high morals)

James Madison

president 1809

Nicholas Biddle

president of BoUS holds immense amount of power over nation's financial affairs

Why did Lincoln decide to attack at Bull Run?

press and public clamor for action from Union army - figure can attack smaller Conf force - if successful, will demonstrate Union superiority and capture Richmond

What followed the 8-year peace of the First Anglo-Powhatan War?

pressed by land-hungry whites and their diseases, natives 1622 strikes back, leaving hundreds of settlers dead. Virginia Company issues new orders calling for destructive war that reduced native population and drove survivors westward

Why did American architecture not take off early?

pressured to build quickly, so continue to imitate Europe

Lord North

pressured, persuades Parliament to repeal Townshend revenue duties exc. one on tea

1808 end of slave importation

price of slaves so high that many smuggled in despite death penalty; those caught often acquitted by south judges

What kind of warfare did the French and British use in America? Why?

primitive guerrilla warfare because neither considers America worth the commitment of large detachments of regular troops

How did the BUS have so much power?

principal depository for gov'nt funds and controls much of nation's gold/silver; notes are stable, unlike smaller banks' - private institution accountable to elite circle of investors


privately owned armed ships (legalized pirates) authorized by Congress to attack enemy shipping - diverts more manpower from mainland effort - brings in urgently needed gold, harasses enemy, raises American morale with victories - skyrockets insurance; British pressure Parliament to end war

How did Jackson react to the SC convention?

privately threatens to invade and hang nullifiers - publicly dispatches naval/military reinforcements while prepping army - issues proclamation against nullification - gov'nr Hayne counterproclamates - one must back down

Charles W Peale

produces GWash portraits

American profiteers

profit>patriotism; sell to British bc raise more money this way; while they are gaining money, American army at Valley Forge freezing to death

William Lloyd Garrison

prominent American abolitionist, journalist, social reformer - edits radical abolitionist paper "The Liberator" - founder of American Anti-Slavery Society - burned constitution as demonstration

Black Codes

series of laws designed to ensure stable and subservient labor force - first passed by MS 1865 - force blacks to continue working on plantations due to "sharecropping" - seek to restore pre-emancipation system of race relations by forbidding blacks from voting or serving on jury

What was the effect of industry on women?

propel them into jobs, creat Gibson Girl's "new woman", delays marriage and creates smaller familise

Treaty of Kanagawa

proper treatment of shipwrecked sailors, AM coaling rights in Japan, establish consular relations - opens up Japan's isolation

Daniel Webster

propose all reasonable compromises be made w/ S and that new Fugitive Slave law form - against slavery - supports Wilmot Proviso - believes God established that cotton cannot grow in new Mexican territory

Whigs propose remedy Panic of 1837

propose expand bank credit, higher tariff, subsidies for internal improvement

Bank of the United States

proposed by Hamilton, inspired by Bank of England - gov'nt is major stockholder and Treasury can deposit surplus - print urgently-needed paper money - provide sound stable national currency - 1791 created by Congress, chartered for 20 years located in Philadelphia - capital of $10 million, 1/5 of which owned by federal gov'nt - stock for public sale

Jackson's policy for natives

proposes transfer them west of Mississippi, where can maintain culture

Samuel J Tilden

prosecutes Tweed, becomes Dem candidate

1855 KA election

proslavery "border ruffians" from MO come and vote a lot (sketchy) - slavery supporters win and set up gov't at Shawnee Mission - free-soilers est regime in Topeka

What were the two Republican economic issues for the 1860 election?

protection, farms

Tariff of 1842

protective measure passed by Congressional Whigs, raising tariffs to pre-Compromise of 1833 rates

Harriet Beecher Stowe

publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin - determined to awaken N to wickedness of slavery - popular book esp abroad - helps start civil war and enlighten Northerners

What was the reason for most agitation against spread of slavery?

race prejudice (not humanitarianism)


radical British political commentators fear threat to liberty posed by monarch's arbitrary power; attacks corruption; warn citizens to be suspicious of everything


radical followers of William Lloyd Garrison

How did the colonies rally together on the day the Boston Port Act went into effect?

rally to send food to Boston, even rice from faraway South Carolina; summons Continental Congress of 1774

How was expansion of settlement in Chesapeake generally done?

random by lone-wolf planters on their own initiative

Why were slaves not permitted to read?

reading brings ideas, ideas bring discontent

Emma Willard

reason for women's schools at secondary level est Troy Female Seminary gains respect for woman for education


recaptures spirits/scenes of war

How did natives tribes adapt to the introduction of horses by Columbus?

some adopt it, making their cultures into hunter societies that hunt the buffalo

Ohio Idea

redemption in greenbacks, intended to keep interest rates lower

capital offenses and punishment and prisons?

reduced, less severe, prisons "reformatories"

King Louis XIV

reign since he was 5 yo, from 1643-1715; interested in overseas colonies


reject Locke's theory that all knowledge comes to mind through senses. Truth instead transcends senses and cannot be found just by observation - self-reliance, self-culture, self-discipline - every person has inner light than can illuminate truth "oversoul" w GOd - individualism in religious/social matters

What influenced idealists?


What were the qualifications for voting in 1775?

religious and property qualifications, with stiffer qualifications for officeholding; upper class fears democratic excess, unwilling to extend vote to everybody; luckily due to relative ease of acquiring land, right to vote is not too far-off

John Calvin of Geneva

religious leader elaborated Martin Luther's ideas in Calvinism, dominant credo of Puritans and others. He writes about it in 1536 Institutes of the Christian Religion


rely on science rather than bible, deny divinity of Christ - believe in supreme being who created universe and gave humans capacity for moral behavior

What did the Jeffersonians do about Federalist programs?

removes excise tax, but keeps programs for funding national debt and assuming State debts; keeps Bank of US and tariffs. Later even boosts

George Canning's joint declaration

renounce any interest in acquiring Latin American territory, specifically warning European dictators to keep hands off Latin American republics

Macon's Bill No. 2

reopens American trade with whoever respects America's policies

How did Republican Congress respond to Judiciary Act of 1801?

repeals, taking away chairs

Frederick the Great

repels French, Austrian, and Russian armies in Germany though he is greatly outnumbered

"Fighting Joe" Hooker

replaces Burnside - Chancellorsville, VA Lee sends divided force and badly beats Hooker - Jackson shot

General A E Burnside

replaces McClellan as commander of Army of Potomac - proves unfit when launches rash frontal attack on Lee's strong Fredericksburg position "Burnside's Slaughter Pen"

Dorthea Dix

reports on crazy-people establishments - 1843 petitions to mass leg for improved conditions - gain for concept that demented mentally ill, not willfully perverse

What were Pennsylvania's liberal features?

representative assembly elected by landowners; no tax-supported state church; freedom of worship (though London pressure Penn to deny Catholics/Jews right to hold office or vote), limited death penalty; no provision made for military defense; no restriction on immigration; dislike of black slavery

Which two ideas took root in American colonists mid-17th century?

republicanism and Whig ideology

Specie Circular

requires all public land be bought with hard metallic money

Wade-Davis Bill

requires that 50% of state's voters take oath of allegiance; demands stronger safeguard for emancipation than Lincoln's - Lincoln refuses to sign and vetoes - Repubs mad, refuse to seat LA delegates (LA recently accorded w 10%)

William Belknap

resigns from Grant's Secretary of War after pocketing bribe

Society for Propagating the Gospel Among Indians

respect natives, try to Christianize them

How did the English look when Spain and England signed the peace treaty of 1604?

restless, thirsty for adventure, curious about unknown, self-confident, patriotic, faithful, golden age of literature

discord of western lands

six jealous, seven w/ charter-granted acreage

What disease did natives infect some early explorers with?

revengefully kneaded tainted blood into masters' bread, injecting syphilis into Europe

What was the effect of the cotton gin?

revives slavery, makes cotton highly profitable

Amelia Boomer

revolts v. attire of day by wearing short skirts + bloomers

What became the principal export crop in Carolina? How?

rice; rice was grown in Africa and Carolinians were buying experienced rice cultivator slaves who were also immune to Malaria and thus perfect for working the rice plantations

Marquis de Lafayette

rich young French nobleman fled from boredom and loved glory/liberty: major general in colonial army in trade for recognition of his family influence and political connections; secured further aid from France

Doeur d'Alene district

riots quelled by fed troops

Why were Grant's triumphs in TN early 1862 crucial?

rivets KY securely to Union and opens gateway to TN, GA, heart of Dixie

What was the transportation system in 1700s North America?

roads, though finally built, are treacherous; reliance placed on waterways

How did Dems in HoR obstruct HoR business?

roll call refusing na demanding

Hudson River School

romantic mythic heroic painting style of AM landscape 19th century

Why was most literature imported from GB in the early days?

rough pioneer life

What were the negative effects of growing tobacco?

ruined the soil, stuck Virginia to be slave to the prices of a single crop

Jay's Treaty

sent to London in 1794 - Jeffersonians unhappy bc think he will sell out America - sabotaged by Hamilton who secretly supply GB with details of America's bargaining - GB will evacuate posts on US soil (but iffy promise) - GB will pay damages for recent seizures of AM ships (but does not address future) - binds US to pay debts to GB merchants - Pinckney's Treaty of 1795

Foreign feelings about Civil War

ruling powers love this because can pit N v S and swoop to defy Monroe Doctrine - masses want to help Union bc of Uncle Tom - ruling powers want to help Conf bc likes aristocracy and hates democracy

Crispus Attucks

runaway mulatto and leader of Boston Massacre mob

Sally Tompkins

runs Richmond infirmary in S for wounded Conf soldiers

How did Washington compare to Philadelphia?

rustic, simple, frugal Washington contrasts with elegant Federalist Philadelphia

Hernan Cortes

sailed from Cuba; rescued Spanish castaway who had been enslaved for several years on island of Cozumel off Yucatan Peninsula by Mayan-speaking natives; picks up native slave Malinche who served as translater between Mayan and Nahuatl (Aztec language); using these two, Cortes can understand the speech of the Aztec

What did the Philadelphia delegates hope to obtain?

save revolutionary idealism to make into strong political structure

Santa Anna's trickery

says if AM will allow him into Mexico, will sell out country - Polk agrees, but Santa Anna instead goes to defend - Santa Anna pockets Trists's bribe money

Burgoyne's Blundering Invasion

scheme for capturing Hudson River Valley 1777 - if successful, British cut NE off from rest of states and paralyze American cause - main invading force under Burgoyne pushes down Lake Champlain route from Canada - Howe's troops if needed advance up Hudson River rom NY to meet Burgoyne near Albany - St. Leger's smaller force comes from West by Lake Ontario and Mohawk Valley - very slowly (baggage and women) Burgoyne's huge troops starts invasion through forest - Howe surprisingly sails south to attack Philadelphia to force engagement w/ Washington, destroy his army, and leave path open for Burgoyne - Washington transfers army to Philadelphia and is defeated at Brandywine Creek/Germantown. He retires to miserable Valley Forge - Burgoyne gets stuck north of Albany where colonial militiamen swarm and is trapped. - Americans drive back St. Leger's at Oriskany - Burgoyne surrenders his entire command at Saratoga 10/17/1777 to Horatio Gates

the Bladensburg races

second British force lands in Chesapeake Bay area 8/1814 - advance on capital and disperse many militia at Bladensburg; enter and set fire

Horace Mann

secretary of Mass Board of Education campaigns for better schooling system, gets it

John Quincy Adams

secretary of state to James Monroe

1791 Ham's excise tax

secured from Congress on a few domestic items, esp Whiskey

Why did Americans criticize the British East India Company's monopoly of American tea market?

see it as Britain's attempt to trick Americans into accepting the tax by luring them in with cheaper tea

Why did French hate Jay's Treaty? What do they do?

see it as initial step toward alliance with GB, their archfoe - it is violation of 1778 treaty French warships being to seize weak American vessels - outright refuses to receive America's new envoy

French respond to Orders in Council

seize all merchant ships that enter British ports

General Sherman

seizes Atlanta

James Wolfe

selected by Pitt to lead the conquering of Quebec; sends night detachment up poorly-guarded rock part protecting Quebec and brings the others; in the morning two armies face on Plains of Abraham: fatal wounds but French defeated and city surrenders

Andrew Johnson

self-made man becomes TN Congressman; horrible speaker - attracts favor in N when refuses to secede w/ TN - when TN "redeemed", he is appointed war governor and serves courageously - made Union party VP in 1864 to attract War Democrats and other pro-S kind - pro-states rights and advocator of Constitution

William Bradford

self-taught penta-langual scholar chosen governor of Pilgrims thirty times concerned that the non-Puritans north of them would ruin their religious experiment

Ancient Order of Hibernians

semisecret society in Ireland to fight greedy landlords - in America, serves to help the lowly - spawns the Molly Maguires

William H Seward

senator of NY - antislavery - argue that God's moral laws are higher than Constitution

James Gadsden

send by Jefferson Davis to MX - finds Santa Anna needing money, so negotiate Gadsden Purchase

Protestant Reformation

set off by Martin Luther, a religious reform that burnt Europe for century and kindled spirit of millions

What did the Manhattan settlers do in response to the native massacres?

set up short wall (Wall Street)

In what ways did the Cherokees adopt American ways?

settled agriculture, alphabet, legal code, written constitution

How did states respond to 1774 Continental Congress's summons for abolition of slavery?

several northern abolish or provide for gradual slave emancipation; - no states south of Pennsylvania abolish - in all states, law harshly discriminates against all blacks (free or not): cannot purchase property, hold certain jobs, or educate children - laws against interracial marraige

Molly Maguires

shadowy Irish miners' union in Pennsylvania

What did Hamilton do to correct economic issues?

shape administration to favor rich, who in turn provide money/political support - bolster national credit by funding debt - assume state debts (assumption: state debt can be regarded as proper national gov't - will chain states more tightly to federal - tarriffs

What was the effect of population boom in the Americas?

shifts balance of power from English subjects to American colonists as most of the population boom comes from natural fertility rather than import

What did the New Englanders specialize in commerce?

shipbuilding and lumber, codfish

Charles Guiteau

shoots Garfield in 1881, saying that placing Arthur in president seat will provide more Conglingite jobs - argued not guilty bc insanity, but eventually found guilty and hung

effect of Erie Canal

shortens expense and time of transportation - cities grow along canal - price of food reduced - farmers cannot compete in East, so go west - shipping prices and transit time reduced

How did Jefferson behave in the party overturn?

show moderation: dismisses few public servants, Federalist appointees stay in office for long time

Southern delegates?

show up in Congress w/ former Conf generals, infuriating apprehensive Republicans

effect of the Sumner-Brooks clash

shows how dangerously inflamed passions in the US were becoming

What did Jefferson demonstrate by absorbing major Federalist programs?

shows that change in regime does not need to be disastrous for defeated

5 Civilized Tribes

side w/ Confederacy as Conf takes over tribes' fed payments and invites native delegates for troops - rival natives and plains indians side with Union though

What asian goods were craved by Europe?

silk, drugs, perfumes, draperies, spices (sugar)

How did the colonists fare in gathering support for the Patriot cause in comparison to British?

since 1/3 of population is neutral, need to jockey over neutral support. colonists are very good at "political education"

Phillis Wheatley

slave girl brought to Boston and never formally educated; in England at 20 yrs old publishes poetry book and is successful

"peculiar institution"

slavery in the South

Why were civil laws difficult to enforce?

slaves cannot testify in court or have marriages legally recognized

"stomach of the Confederacy"

slaves keep farms and prepare provisions while white men fight

Jefferson as president unconventional

sloppy attire; sends messages to Congress to be read by clerk instead of personal appearance (bc seems monarchial)

How did the Chesapeake settlements grow in the seventeenth century?

slowly; mainly through English immigration of young men who almost all died upon arrival; survivors compete for the few women in the town


small group of dedicated Puritans, disgusted by the idea that visible saints must be in church among all of the king's subjects including the damned, vowed to break away from the Church of England

"Blue Light" federalists

small minority of New England extremists propose secession from the Union or at least separate peace with Britain - supposedly flash lanterns on shore to warn blockading GB of AM ships attempting escape

What was a result of the bank dying off?

smaller banks are not as strong - Jackson authorizes issue Specie Circular

What was the biggest epidemic in the colonies? How was it "cured"? How did clergy respond?

smallpox hit 20% of population; crude inoculation of dried toad introduced in 1721, but some of clergy object, saying that that is messing with God's will

Branson Alcott

so devoted to philosophy that cannot earn living

Why wouldn't representation actually help Americans?

so few Americans in Parliament that easily outnumbered and no effect

How did the French and Indian War foster unity?

soldiers and statesmen from different colonies come together and talk, often agreeing upon things; all Americans w/ same language an dideals

Why did the Am Fed of Labor fail?

solid but not representative of all workers bc mainly skilled craftsmen

How did women's rights advance in the south?

southern men frequently died young, leaving widows with small children to support and thus southern colonies allowed married women to retain separate title to their property, inherit their husbands' estates

Whiskey Rebellion (where/why)

southwestern Pennsylvania 1794 - pioneer folk see excise tax as burden on economic necessity - crops distilled into alcohol cheaper to transport to Eastern markets - whiskey poles and actions similar to those of Sons of Liberty

Regulator movement in N. Carolina

spearheaded by Scots-Irish; against Eastern domination of colony's affairs

Mountain Whites

special category of Southern whites from appalachians where civilization has not reached yet - believe the impending civil war is "rich mans war but poor mans fight": cripples confederacy - support unionism - sneer at "snobocracy" - raise corn and hogs, not cotton - live isolatedly except for occasional camp meeting

Ninth Amendment

specifying certain rights cannot be interpreted to deny rights of people

What did the Mexican War stimulate?

spirit of Manifest Destiny

What did the issue of slavery do to the churches? what did this foreshadow?

split churches apart; foreshadows secession of states along with churches

What was the purpose of the local committees of correspondence?

spread spirit of resistance by exchanging letters; to keep alive opp. to British policy


spun off of Deism; believe God exists in only one person, not the orthodox trinity - appeals mainly to intellectuals - see god as loving rather than intimidating

How was the New England family situation?

stable due to longevity; children learned obedience from their family and grandparents in nurturing environments; strong family ties and few premarital pregnancies

How was the Stamp Act on the day it was supposed to go into effect?

stamp agents all resign and nobody sells stamps; law openly and flagrantly defied/nullified

Knights of Labor

starts as secret society, but seeks to unite all - led by Powderly - 1885 strike against Gould's Wabash RR mushrooms membership

French Revolution

starts as shackling Louis XVI, Americans cheer (except some ultraconservative federalists who are wary) 1792 declares war on Austria; French win and France is republic reign of terror follows in 1793 - When Britain gets involved, quickly spreads t oNew World and European war for control of Atlantic ensues

What effect did the factory system have on personal relationships?

takes them away, forcing people into stuffy buildings

Era of Good Feelings pt.2

talk of succession subsides when Fillmore signs compromises, N&S determined that compromises will end slavery issue


stated by John Calvin in Institutes of the Christian Religion: God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good while humans, because of sin, are weak and wicked. God has known, since the moment of creation, who was going to heaven/hell. The elect are destined for eternal bliss and others for hell, whom even good works cannot save. All constantly seek signs of conversion

Jefferson's inaugural address

statement of democratic principles; pledges "honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none"

role of women in early 19th century

stay at home and be subordinate to husband - cannot vote, when married cannot hold territory - women start to avoid marraige

Andrew Carnegie

steel king pioneers "vertical integration" from Mesabi Range across Great Lakes to Pittsburgh furnaces - mounts ladder of success with hard work and right partners, entering steel business in Pittsburgh once got some money - disagrees w/ monopolism, so has parnership with a few millionares for huge profit

stock watering

stock promoters overinflate claims about given line's assets/profitability and sells the stocks/bonds in excess of actual value - RR managers have to charge high rates, battling to pay off those obligations


stockholders in smaller oil companies assign stock to board in his Standard Oil Company, which consolidates operations of previously competing enterprises - weaker competitors left out of trust agreement forced to decline

Why was New England favored as industrial center?

stony soil means no farming, so manufacturing yes - dense population provides more labor - snug seaports makes shipping of import/export easy - rapid rivers provide power to turn machine cogs

crop-lien system

storekeepers extend credit to small farmers for food/supplies for lien on harvests - manipulated so that farmers perpetually in debt to merchants

New Orleans

strategic outpost taps fur trade of interior valley

How did Lewis and Clark help establish AM toehold in Oregon?

strengthened by more missionaries and settlers, some of whom go to Willamette River Valley - stimulates interest, thus helps US get Oregon

How are Methodists and Baptists similar?

stress personal conversion and democracy

What did Republicans adhere to? Where was it strong?

strict code of personal morality, believing gov'nt should regulate economic and moral affairs of society - strong in midwest, rural NE, S freedmen, GAR

1877 Wage reductions

strikes ard to put down

What role did rivers play for the middle colonies?

tapped fur trade and beckoned adventure into backcountry

George Catlin

studies native life; first to advocate nature preservation as national policy - sees Sioux slaughter buffalo for trade for whiskey and appalled - Yellowstone Park 1872 created

Benjamin West and John Singleton Copley

succeeded to become famous painters, but had to go to England to complete their training, as it is only there where they can find subjects leisured enough to sit for their portraits and rich enough to pay for them

James Buchanan

succeeder of Pierce - oblivious of Dem splits, supports Lecompton Constitution, and divides N from S Democrats

Tappan Brothers

successful merchants in NYC use wealth to fund antislavery

How did Africans come to outnumber whites around 1700?

sugar lords import enormous amounts of African slaves to work their plantations

What kind of gov'nt did Alexander Hamilton advocate?

super-powerful central gov'nt

Why did federalists oppose war of 1812?

support Britain

John Jay detects France's game

thinks that French cannot satisfy conflicting ambitions of both Americans and Spaniards - thinks he sees signs that Paris Foreign Office about to betray American trans-Appalachian interest for Spain's - secretly makes separate proposal to London (contrary to instruction from Congress), and Britain agrees

How did Southerners defend slavery?

supported by bible, encourage religion, relationships good, better than wage workers, outside rather than stuffy inside, cared for whole life

African-American identity

sustain family life in slavery - mold own distinctive religion from Christian and African mixture - "responsorial" preaching - avoid intermarriage

Effect of Pottawotomie Creek?

taints free-soil cause; retaliation from proslavery forces

Politics and the Irish

take control of NY's Tammany Hall and soon dominate police departments - Politicians try to get their votes bc Irish hate the British

James Buchanan Duke

takes advantage of mass production to produce coffin nails - 1890 absorbs competitors into American Tobacco Company

Military Reconstruction

takes control of certain presidential functions (commander in chief) - sets up martial regime 1877 last fed arms removed from S politics; Dem south made

Bringham Young

takes over Mormon church when Joseph Smith+brother killed 1844 by opposition in Illinois; - leads Mormons to Utah to avoid persecution

early schooling days

teachers incompetent and mostly men focus on punishment readin' ritin' 'rithmetic

Samuel Morse

telegraph "talking wires"

How does Lincoln deal with Sumter situation?

tell S that N is sending provisions to fort, not supplies for reinforcement - plan for that either way, N wins: S must either bow to federal authority or attack, becoming aggressor in public's eyes

black church

when freed, black churches (Baptist Church and African Methodist Episcopal Church) grow robustly - give rise to other great black societies for protection

What kinds of people were loyalists typically?

the "better sort" wealthy and educated aristocrats (NYC, Charleston) -British veterans of Seven Years' War, -recent immigrants from British isles (Volunteers of Ireland, North Carolina Highlanders), -ethnic minorities who believe British rule = more religious toleration, -black slaves seeking freedom -Anglicans (virginia)

What was Virginia named after?

the "virgin queen" Elizabeth

compact theory

the 13 sovereign states in creating federal government is entered into contract and thus judge whether federal gov'nt has overstepped authority originally granted - regarding Allien/Sedition Acts, nullification is rightful remedy

What did the slave owners rest their fugitive slave law argument on?

the Constitution, which protects slavery

Where did many of the Puritans who sought total purification of English Christianity come from?

the Eastern and Western woolen districts

What side did the Anglicans support?

the King; aware that their tax-provided income came from England

Benjamin Franklin at the France treaty

very underdressed and shocked royal court; ordinary Parisians adore him as specimen of new democratic social order; when he embraces French philosopher Francois Voltaire, spectators go wild with love

Why did the Swedish join the American colonial game?

the Thirty Years' War gave a burst of energy that pushed them in

What was the most valuable resource in New France? Why?

the beaver; European fashion-setters value beaver pelt hats for their warmth+appearance

What was the effect of Bull Run on South?

victory inflates overconfidence in S to point where some soldiers leave bc so sure will win

Why was the french land avoided?

the frightful FrenchRev excesses avoided bc cheap land available

How did the conditions of the Utrecht Peace terms threaten the French?

the land given to UK pinches St. Lawrence French settlements, hinting their doom

Why were many fugitive loyalists' estates confiscated?

the loyalists fled; estates sold as relatively painless way to finance war

Why did Savannah natives end their alliance with Carolina in 1707? How did the Carolinians react?

they moved to Maryland and Pennsylvania backcountry where Quakers promised better relations; Carolinians set off a series of bloody raids to "thin" the Savannah population

How did the colonists' view of using the land differ from the natives? What was its effect?

the natives feel that they could use the land, but English OWN the land; when livestock is imported, the hooves and cutting down of forests trample the soil, furthering erosion and flooding

Popular Sovereignty

the notion that power lies with the people (for status of slavery) - liked by public bc democracy - liked by politicians bc comp bw abolitionism and S demands - puts large decision to various local ones

Why did many of the believers in religious conversion move to the Baptists and other sects?

the others are more prepared to make room for emotion in their religion

In what ways was the Era of Good Feelings a misnomer?

the period is a troubled one; - issues of tariff, bank, internal improvement, sale of public land competition - sectionalism, slavery conflict

What right did the British crown reserve regarding colonial legislation with the mercantilist system? How did colonists react?

the right to nullify if laws negatively interfere with mercantilism; colonists resent its existence

What did England's acquiring New York mark?

they now own solid stretch of territory from Maine to Carolinas

What did the Spanish Armada mark?

the start of the end of Spanish's imperialism, as it dampens Spain's fighting spirit and ensured England's naval dominance in North Atlantic and world

Why did some colonial legislatures try to restrict African slave importation? How did English authorities respond?

they sensed the dangers in a heavy concentration of resentful slaves; English authorities seek to preserve supply of cheap labor for the colonies, esp. sugar plantations

What did the Powhatans fall victim to?

the three D's: disease, disorganization, disposability

What did the Puritan churches struggle with in the 18th century?

their elaborate theological doctrines and their efforts to liberalize membership requirements: churchgoers complain about the tedious sermons; some ministers worry that their parishioners have gone soft w/o Calvinism fire

Why did Americans regard the Townshend's tax as another attempt to enchain them?

they used to control the salaries of the governors; now that British hold it, unhappy

Why did "tea kettles" take over clipper ships?

they are more reliable and can haul heavier loads, though slower

What were Grenville's assertions about Parliament?

they are supreme and undivided, Americans are represented in virtual representation

Why did most eligible voters not actually vote?

they frequently trust the leadership of their "betters" who ran colonial affairs; they save their right to vote to kick misbehavior-ers out of office

What did Lincoln believe about the S states?

they had never legally withdrawn from Union, so formal restoration simple

Why did American colonists feel offended by the Quebec Act?

thought that this one hit America on wider range: by sustaining unrepresentative assemblies and denying jury trials, sets dangerous precedent in America; - land speculators alarmed by snatching of territory from them - anti-Catholics shocked by extension Roman Catholic jurisdiction southward into region once for Protestantism

Anglo-Dutch wars

three naval wars; 17th century after England helped oppressed Netherlands rebel against Spain

Felix Grundy of Tennessee

three of his brothers killed in clashes w/ natives - say that only way to remove native threat is to wipe out Canadian base

Where did wheat cultivation spread to?

through Chesapeake on lands depleted by overgrowth of tobacco, esp Middle "bread" colonies

What was the path of the most famous group of Separatists?

to Holland in 1608, but wanting to remain English purified Protestants, negotiates with Virginia company to secure rights under it and 1620 arrives in America in the Mayflower

What was the long-range purpose of the Albany congress?

to achieve greater colonial unity and bolster common defense against France

Why did natives sometimes ignite forest fires?

to create better (deer) hunting habitats

Why did the Bostonians of the tea party dress as natives?

to give threatening image and to avoid detection

What was the purpose of Carolina?

to grow foodstuffs to provision the sugar plantations in Barbados and to export non-English products. Carolina prospers by developing close economic ties with English West Indies

personal liberty laws

to hamper enforcement of Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 by denying local jails to fed officials

What happened to the land crossed by the RR?

villages passed by RR flourish - some towns even bribe builders to build close to them, and builders take advantage of this

What was the immediate purpose of the Albany congress?

to keep the Iroquois tribes loyal to Britain in the upcoming war: chiefs harangued at length then presented with many gifts including guns

Roman Catholics take action

to protect children from Protestant indoctrination in public schools, begins to construct entirely new Catholic education system (too poor, but it shows strength of commitment) - soon they become a huge religious group

What expectations did Britain have of the colonies?

to provide products needed in Britain, to not export certain products, to only buy manufactured goods fromBritain, to not become self-sufficient

What had France offered Spain for its help? why is this troublesome?

to return to deliver British-held Gibraltar; but it defies join assaults; Spanish alway wants trans-Allegheny area on which Americans are settling

Why did Spanish settle their North American borderlands by establishing fortress at St. Augustine?

to secure northern periphery of their New World from foreign encroachments and to convert more natives to Christianity

Where did many emancipated blacks go?

to test freedom, search for lost family, to work in cities

What plant was Virginia overswept with? What was its impact?

tobacco; colonists hunger for more land to plant tobacco on and presses against the natives' land

Why was Henry Clay not nominated for election of 1848?

too many enemies

Why did the British East India Company face bankruptcy? What happened?

too much unsold tea-- if collapses, London gov'nt loses much tax revenue; ministry gives East India Company complete monopoly of American tea business. They sell at super cheap price even with the tax

Where did the Irish go? Why?

too poor to move west and buy necessary stuff - flood the large seaboard cities (esp NY)

1876 election

too tight b/w Hayes and Tilden, so question who will count electoral state returns

Why does New Harmony fail?

too wide a variety of people come; community sinks in confusion

What did Monroe do early 1817 that helped emerge nationalism?

took a goodwill tour, in pretext of inspecting military defense - he gets big welcome

Captain John Smith

took over Virginia in 1608 with rule "he who shall not work shall not eat". He had been taken captive by Powhatan in 1607 while Pocahontas interfered, meant to show to the colonists Powhatan's power and their desire for peace.

12th Amendment

top three electoral vote getters voted upon in House of Reps; majority is elected president

rendezvous system

traders make camp in Rocky Mountains, waiting for trappers+natives to pass by w/ beaver pelts to trade for Eastern manufactured goods

Railroad titans

trample public interest by bribing, lobbying and electing themselves to high office - give free passes to politicians/journalists to help them - manipulate monopoly and have direct control over more people than president

nation's breadbasket

trans-Allegheny region plants corn and raises hogs and distills it for easy shipping

Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890

treasury most issue legal tender notes for silver bought; paper currency for gold and notes reissued

How did Christian crusaders contribute to the discovery of America?

tried to take Holy Land from muslim control and in process starts to really like Asian goods. Europe's developing sweet tooth

black education

try to establish schools, but not enough qualified black teachers so accept aid of American Missionary Association N white women and fed gov'nt

What was the effect of prepping for war w/o actually going to war?

under Adams public debt swells; require taxes; newly prepared military seems extravegantly unecessary

Why were strikes ineffective?

undermined by management's ability to call in "scabs" to put them down

What were the "reasons" for Polk's asking Congress to declare war on Mexico?

unpaid claims and rejection of buying California

What did the Whig party do for AM?

upheld ideal of Union through electoral strength in S

What was the legislative body used by most colonies?

upper house, council, appointed by crown/proprietor/voters depending on government; lower branch, popular branch, elected by the qualified voters; people enjoy direct representation and self-taxation becomes precious privilege that Americans enjoy; unfortunately many backcountry elements are underrepresented

Daniel Webster, 7th of March Speech, 1850

urged the North to compromise on the slavery issue - Free-Soilers and abolitionists call him a traitor

John Quincy Adams's first annual message

urges Congress to construct roads/canals and other improvements - public reaction immediately against it bc it would increase tariffs - South worries that fed gov'nt may try to mess w/ black slavery

Liberal Republican Party

urges purify gov'nt and end military reconstruction - nominates Horace Greeley

How did the Mormons prosper in the Utah desert?

use ingenious irrigation, find luck in the seagulls that eat crickets - many come, including foreign immigrants


use of patronage and bribes by king's ministers; sense of rot or decay

Why was Common Sense so easily read?

used biblical imagery and common language - at a time when republicanism particularly appeals to British politicians critical of excessive power with King

national nominating conventions

used to name candidates

Francis Parkman

uses guiding machine in dark to write abt France/GB's fight over control of North America

settlers to texas

usually fleeing from sheriff "G.T.T."


vast feudal estates on the Hudson River granted to promoters who promise to settle 50 people on them; gave Dutch colony an aristocratic flavor

African diaspora

vast scattering of African peoples throughout New World

How were lotteries utilized in the colonies?

very approved, esp by clergy who uses it to raise money for churches and colleges

Lincoln's decrees

w/o Congress in session, Lincoln defies const - proclaims blockade - increases size of fed army - tells SoT to give $2mil to three private citizens for military - suspends Habaeus Corpus so can arrest anti-unionists - arranges for "supervised" voting - orders arrest of editors obstructing war

What did colonists demand in terms of being treated as Englishmen?

want rights and privileges of Englishmen without the responsibilities and duties

What reasons did blacks have for wanting education?

want to read the bible and want to close gap b/w them and whites

What revolutionary ideas did the Americans have about international affairs?

wanted to end colonialism and mercantilism; support free trade and freedom of the seas - want to substitute rule of law for reliance on raw power to rule nation affairs - Continental Congress 1776 summer drafted "Model Treaty" because at time where military conflict abandoned for bonds of mutual commercial interest

How did the RR advertise for more settlers?

wants settlers to whom land grants can be sold at a profit - some offer to transport newcomers for free to the farms

What did the GB want in staying in US?

wants to keep lucrative fur trade in Great Lakes region, wants to build up native buffer state to contain Americans - openly sell warstuff to natives of Miami Confederacy

Little Turtle

war chief of Miamis - give notice that Confederacy regards Ohio River as border - defeat Harmar & St. Clair's armies badly

Jim Crow laws

what starts as informal segregation develops into state-level legal codes - sets lmits on voting to target black voters

How did the British still get profits from American commerce when supplies are shipped to foreign countries?

when Americans ship their resources out, British re-export and take a slice of the money

Millard Fillmore

when Taylor dies, VP takes presidency - signs series of compromises, and second Era of Good Feelings comes

How was the family situation of Chesapeake reflected in the unmarried young girls?

weak family ties reflected in the many pregnancies among young unmarried; many brides already pregnant when wed

Dutch West India Company

weaker than East; 1628 captured fleet of Spanish treasure ships $15 million; thriving sugar industry in razil


wealth is power and a country's economic wealth (thus military and political power) is grown by exporting more than importing

Louisiana Purchase

week of haggling April 30, 1803 treaties signed to give Louisiana to US for $15mil

Ralph Waldo Emerson

well-known transcendentalist lyceum lecturer - appeal for intellectual independence, urging AM to throw out Europ traditions - essays stress self, ideals reflect those of expanding AM - condemn slavery, support union cause

Adams's land policy; the Georgian Cherokees

westerners who want wide-open expansion resent his attempt to curb speculation in public domain - Georgians want the Cherokees out; Adams tries to deal fairly - GA gov'nr threatens to resort to arms, resists fed gov'nt efforts to put federal authority on behalf of Cherokees


when men leave for war, women take jobs in gov'nt, industry, war - many raise money for war relief

Hartford resolutions

when the Massachusetts envoys send, overwhelmed by news from New Orleans and Ghent Treaty - symbolises end of Federalist party

What happened to debt prisons?

when working man gains power, state leg eventually abolishes debtor prisons

Theodore D Weld

white abolitionist preaches against slavery writes Slavery as It Is: pamphlet exposes evil of slavery - spiritually inspired by Finney - sponsored by NY merchants Arthur and Lewis Tappan through Lane Theological Seminary in Cincinatti, presided over by Lyman Beecher

What effect (socially) did the 2nd Great Awakening have?

widens gaps b/w classes, regions

What did Arnold accomplish with his tiny ragtag flotilla?

wins time; British forced to retreat to Canada as winter descends and Burgoyne must start anew from Canada next year

What fun activities were common in the North?

winter sports

Ferdinand Magellan

with 5 small ships from Spain, after making it through S.American tip, though slain by Philippine inhabitants, one remaining vessel completes first circumnavigation of globe

How did the Americans view the Irish?

with contempt - "proper" Protestant Bostonians see them as menace

How were Hamilton's objectives in debt political?

within limits, national debt is a kind of union adhesive; gov'nt owes more people money, more reason to see success of ambitious enterprises

What group of people played a large part in the 2nd Great Awakening? Why?

women bc do not care about economy expansion as much as men do - gospel of female spiritual worth preached

What were the women's and men's roles in agricultural settlements?

women tend crops; men hunt, fish, gather fuel, clear fields

What was the effect on marriage?

women usually work before marriage; afterwards become housewives/mothers - arranged marriages die down - more affectionate families bc marriages based on love

What was the (pretty much) full-time occupation of most New England women? Explain.

women wed early and had babies every 2 years until menopause; often about 80% of their pregnancies had surviving children

Where did most of the early English immigrants to America come from? Why?

woolen districts of Eastern and Western England; economic depression hit woolen trade, so thousands of farmers drift around England unemployed, many becoming beggars. Many contemporaries feel that England has surplus population

"hells on wheels"

workers who do not die try to relax in these overpopulated tented towns

What effect did factory working have on adult laborers?

working conditions improve with mass vote given to workers - want 10-hour-day, higher wages, tolerable conditions, public education, ban of imprisonment for debt - find that strikes are best way to get what they want

Lincoln v Congress?

would have clashed - unlike Johnson, Lincoln is victorious president so has power and leadership

Why did S object to CA admission?

would upset balance of free and slave states in Senate (CA excludes slavery)

Louisa May Alcott

writes Little Women to support family when father cannot

Herman Melville

writes Moby Dick about good/evil/revenge - ignored at time bc public likes upbeat prose

Edward Hale

writes fiction of Philip Nolan 'The Man Without a Country' to help stimulate devotioin to Union

Edgar Allen Poe

writes with pessimistic tone unlike literature of the time

Declaration of Independence

written by Thomas Jefferson - invokes "natural rights" of humankind, not just British rights - since King flouted such rights, colonists justified in cutting connection - list of G3's tyrannies (e.g. tax w/o consent, no jury in trial, est military dictatorship, etc.)

Harriet Beecher Stowe

wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin to persuade more Northerners to become anti-slavery

William Penn

young Englishman attracted to Quaker faith in 1660 at 16 years old; after army time, fully embraces the faith though he suffers much persecution; thoughts turn to New World and 1681 he secures from King a large amount of land due to the debt owed to his father by the crown

John Paul Jones

young Scotsman, officer of small American navy that attacks British merchant ships

Roger Williams

young popular Salem minister who was extreme Separatist, he encouraged his fellow clergymen to make clean break with the Church of England and challenged the legality of the Bay Colony's charter. He says that the charter unfairly took land from the natives. Then he denied the authority of the civil government to regulate religious behavior. 1635 he is banished but manages to stay. He is aided by natives and flees to Rhode Island.

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