APUSH mid-term exam

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all of the following are true of the scots-iris except

(AlL OF THE ABOVE ARE TRUE) -they usuallly settles in frontier areas such as appalachia -they let the armed march of the paxton boys on philadelphia in 1764 -all told, about a dozen future U.S presidents were scots-irish -they tended to pugnacious, lawless, and individualistic

the federalist party headed by alexander hamilton

DID NOT: -favored a government run by yeomen farmers

francés support for the united states during the american revolutionary war was motivated primarily by

a desire to weaken its rival, great Britain

the great compromise of 1787 resulted in

a system of political representation of states in the federal government

the northwest ordinance of 1787 allowed for

a system whereby territories can become states

jefferson's purchase of louisiana had its origins in his desire to

acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops

As a result of the Missouri Compromise

all states north of the 36'30 would be slavery free. controversy started by the addition of Missouri to the union and whether it'd be a a free or slave state.

the cartoon served as (the chopped up snake)

ben franklin's exhortation to the colonies to unite against the french (NOT BRITISH)

thomas paine's common sense

blamed george III for the colonies' problems and urged americans to declare their independence

george washington responded to the whiskey rebellion by

bringing in troops

the declaration of independence did all of the following except

call for abolition of slave trade

"we hold this truths to be self evident; that all men and women are created equal."

declaration of sentiments at seneca falls, New York

historians often cite shay's rebellion as a significant event in U.S history because it

demonstrated the weakness of the federal government under the articles of confederation

"to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other power vested but this constitution" alexander hamilton used the clause above to argue

emphasize strong central government

the 1/3 compromise of the constitutional convention of 1787 provided that

for the purpose of representation and taxation, five slaved would be counted as three free persons

in 1743 and 1735, a celebrated legal case in new york involving john peter zinger established a precedent in support of

freedom of expression (or freedom of the press)

In the case of commonwealth v. hunt, the supreme court of Massachusetts ruled that

freedom to assemble; labor unions legal provided that they were organized for a legal purpose and used legal means to achieve their goals.

which of the following contributed most of american victory in the revolution

french military and financial assistance

the french and indian war was a point in america's relationship to great britain bc it led great britain to

impose revenue taxes on the colonies

andrew jackson represented the interests of all of the following

indian removal, the removal of federal deposits from the bank of the united states, annexation of new territory, ude of the presidential veto power HE DID NOT SUPPORT (answer): nullification (idea supported by calhoun)

the ordinances of 1785 and 1787 were notable accomplishments because they

initiated a territorial policy that provided for the orderly creation of new states

a major goal of the federalist papers was to

insure ratification of the constitution

the case of marbury vs. madison involved

judicial review

the battle of saratoga proved to be a significant turning point in the revolutionary war because it

led to the franco-american alliance of 1778

when colonists shouted "no taxation without representation", they were rejecting parliament's power to

levy revenue-raising taxes on the colonies

under the articles of confederation the united states central government had no power to

levy taxes

which of the following best describes the impact that european colonization had on the western hemisphere's native population

native populations were often killed off or driven away by the europeans

the wealthiest people in the pre-revolutionary america were primarily

northern merchants and southern planters

which of the following accurately describes the attitude of the founding fathers toward political parties?

parties are vehicles of ambition and selfish interest that threaten the existence of republican government

sellers who established the british colony in virginia during the seventeenth century were primarily seeking to

profit economically

parliament enacted the stamp act of 1765 primarily to

raise revenue to pay for british troops in the colonies

the primary purpose of the stamp act was to

raise revenue to support british troops

the federalist-dominated congress's Alien and act aimed at whereas the sedition act was primarily aimed at

recent immigrants, newspapers

in the colonial period, quakers were known for all of the following except

refusal to pay taxes

one factor that explains the appeal of bacon's rebellion in 17th century virginia was the colonial governments

refusal to respond to indian attacks on the frontier

_____ motherhood is a term that describes a woman's responsibility for the civilization of a good civic values in young citizens


the proclamation of 1763 did which of the following

set a boundary along the crest of the appalachians beyond which the english colonies forbidden to settle

which of the following best explains why massachusetts bay officials banished anne huchinson

she challenged gender roles and puritan orthodoxy

which of the following was true of a married woman in the colonial era?

she generally lost control of her property when she married

the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that they allowed

states rights; john c calhoun was a big states' rights guy. Nullification was all about states' rights and the protection of slavery

in the McCulloch v Maryland, Cohens v Cirginia, and Gibbsons v. Ogden, Chief justice Marshall's rulings limited the extent of

states' rights; he expanded the power of the federal government and he was not a states' rights guy

john marshall, a chief justice of the U.S, helped to strengthen the judicial branch of government by

strengthening federal/central government ; John marshall was like alexander hamilton in that he knew that he was like the alexander hamilton of the judicial branch


supported by john c calhoun and many southerners who supported states' rights; crisis that ended with a compromise tariff by Henry clay

one of the greatest achievements of the U.S government under the Articles of Confederation was

the land ordinances of 1785 to settle land disputes in the west

the election of 1800 has been referred to as constituting "another revolution" because

the party in power stepped down after losing the election

the most notable achievement of the united states under the articles of confederation

the provision of land sales in the northwest that would benefit the entire nation

the majority of people came to america

to seek economic gain

the first important cash crop in the american colonies was


the american colonists' slogan "no taxation without representation" was a rejection of

virtual representation

alexander hamilton's financial program favored the

wealthier class

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