APUSH Midterm Final Review

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Which of the following was a long-term result of the political situation described in the excerpt? A. presidential power was weakened for the next several years B. southerners controlled congress for the next three decades C. the republican party was weakened D. presidential impeachments occurred several times over the next four decades


As a result of the contact described in this passage, A) Native life-spans increased with access to European medical technology. B) Native populations adopted the use of new kinds of crops and animals, altering their economic and social structure. C) Native cultures developed greater social diversification as they adopted the use of African slaves as laborers. D) Native ideas about gender roles, land use, and power, were altered significantly as they sought to assimilate with the Europeans.


Debate in the United States over world events like those mentioned in the passage led to... A) The demise of the Articles of Confederation. B) The development of political parties. C) The accelerating settlement of the American frontier. D) The adoption of the Bill of Rights.


Although the plaintiffs in this case were butchers in New Orleans, most African-americans at this time were A. actively involved in politics B. industrial workers C. sharecroppers D. migrants on their way to the west


America's reaction to the French Revolution marks the beginning of a period characterized by... A) The United States' role as a global leader. B) The United States' military superiority. C) The United States' attempts at maintaining neutrality. D) The United States' alliance with France.


which of the following groups was most likely to respond to this poster's call to arms? a. free blacks b. southern democrats c. unionists d. sharecroppers


the point of view of this excerpt would most likely have found support among a. southerners b. democrats c. radical republicans d. the populist party


which of the following groups was most directly affected by the development depicted above? a. european immigrants b. southern plantaion owners c. mexican-americans d. nativists


A central source of disagreement between those two interpretations is conflicting ideas about... A) The role of the President within the federal government. B) The nature of the federal union. C) The use of federal power to build the national infrastructure. D) The growth of the Democratic party.


The immediate impact of the Louisiana Territory was that it... A) Doubled the size of the US. B) Allowed for slavery to enter the territory. C) Led to war between the United States and the Iroquois. D) Brought about conflicts with Spain, Britain, and France.


Which of the following is contrary to Lincoln's belief as expressed in the passage? A. The Alien and Sedition Acts B. Freedom of Religion C. "That they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights... life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" D. "Give me your tired your poor huddled masses"


The "classes of white people" that Lincoln references were most likely A. indentured servants B. Irish Immigrants C. Mexican-Americans D. Unionists


The labor system discussed in the passage grew in part as a result of... A) Strict government intervention in the economy. B) Racial equality. C) Economic recession and stagnation. D) Favorable climate and long growing seasons.


which of the following developments in the south during the era contributed to the trend set by supreme court decisions like this one? a. the rise of violence against african-american b. the ratification of the 14th and 15th amendment c. the growth of political opportunities for former slaves d. the expanded power of radical republicans in the southern staes


which of the following individuals would likely have provided the most negative viewpoint of men like carnegie? a. a union organizer b. a speech advocating that everyone had the right to become rich c. a supporter of social darwinism d. a proponent of laissez-faire capitalism


which of the following is true concerning the economic conditions of the South after the Civil War? a. the south was politically, socially, and economically depressed b. northerners who came to the South controlled the economics and politics of the south c. the north dumped all types of goods into the deprived south d. the southern economy was a rival to the north in production of resources


The arguments presented here by Frederick Douglass were echoed by which of the following groups of the same era? a. know-nothings b. irish immigrants c. women d. mexican war vets


which of the following best reflects the attitude toward labor strikes presented in the image? a. strikes would be tolerated as long as there was no bloodshed b. lawful gatherings of strikers would be allowed c. conflict existed between labor and management over wages and working conditions d. the strikers created problems and would not be allowed to gather


Acts of protest like the one pictured above occurred in response to... A) Colonists' perception of British policies designed to re-assert political and economic control over the colonies. B) Citizens' fears that the government could not protect the borders from Native American attacks. C) Popular frustrations over the persistence of elitism in colonial governments. D) Anger over the use of protest in what many considered a political debate between the colonists and the British government.


Advocates who supported Franklin's position (as seen in the picture) would have most likely agreed with which of the following? A) Colonial resistance to British imperial control came from the development of local, self-controlled governments. B) Corruption in the colonial governments (such as the House of Burgesses) caused resistance. C) The political ideas of the Enlightenment had little to do with colonial resistance. D) Colonists should not be required to follow British law because of cultural differences between England and its colonies.


Henry David Thoreau's ideology as expressed here could best have been used to justify the actions of A. northerners resisting the Fugitive slave provisions of the compromise of 1850 B. native americans resisting white encroachment on their lands C. Abolitionists who felt that violence was a legitimate means to combat slavery D. southerners who lobbied for secession in the wake of the election of 1860


John Quincy Adam's argument, as presented here, makes sense in the broader context of which of the following wide-spread contemporary social movements? A) The Second Great Awakening. B) The Women's Suffrage movement. C) The Enlightenment. D) Modernism.


One reason for the development of the system described in this excerpt was that A. southern plantation owners continued to own the majority of the region's land. B. the 13th and 14th Amendments were ratified during the process of Reconstruction C. radical republicans dominated the U.S. Congress D. laws enforcing segregation were passed throughout the south


One result of the extension of John Quincy Adams' argument about the ultimate goal for the nation, as presented here was... A) The rise of reform movements. B) The abolition of slavery. C) The growth of the Democratic Party. D) The Seneca Fallas Convention.


Similar circumstances to those depicted in the cartoon existed during the presidential administration of... A) President Herbert Hoover. B) President Calvin Coolidge. C) President James K. Polk. D) President William Henry Harrison.


The Proclamation (The Royal Proclamation) above sought to address British-Indian relations following the conclusion of... A) The French and Indian (Seven Years') War. B) The American Revolution. C) The Pueblo Revolt. D) The Atlantic slave trade.


The cartoon demonstrates the growing economic divisions brought on by... A) The market revolution. B) The election of Andrew Jackson. C) The Second Great Awakening. D) The ratification of the Constitution.


The combination of American subjects and European methods in this piece of art reveal... A) The development of a unique national culture. B) Persistent loyalties to Great Britain. C) A focus on democratic and individualistic beliefs. D) The influence of the Second Great Awakening.


The conflict described in this passage most directly revealed A. the deep divisions that persisted over the question of civil rights for former slaves B. the persistence of secessionist philosophies in the South C. the violence of Southern resistance to reconstruction D. the existence of broad political consensus with respect to Reconstruction


The excerpt reflects which of the following historical patterns from 1607-1754? A) in some colonies of the West Indies, slaves outnumbered whites. B) Whites did not fear slave revolts in the Americas. C) The British had little sense of racial superiority over Africans in the colonial period. D) Shipping and industry dominated southern colonial economics.


The excerpt reflects which of the following historical trends from the period 1607-1754? A) 17th century British mercantilist attempts to organize and manage colonial trade. B) British colonists' indifference to British attempts to organize and manage colonial trade. C) Colonial resistance to British attempts to organize and manage colonial trade. D) Evolving ideas of local governance in the British colonies.


The passage reflects which of the following historical trends? A) Growing dissatisfaction over territorial defense against Native Americans on the colonial frontier. B) Growing concern among colonists over the morality of slavery. C) Increasing reliance on indentured servitude in the Chesapeake region. D) Growing indifference among British colonists about threats from European nations in the new world.


The presence of both the British and French in the territory of the Iroquois changed native American society by... A) Intensifying conflict over land in Iroquois territory. B) Limiting the impact of white settlers because the imperial powers kept on another in check. C) Deepening the resolve of the Native Americans to avoid contact with the Europeans. D) Pushing the Iroquois into closer trade relations with the French.


The revivals of the Second Great Awakening inspired... A) Numerous humanitarian crusades. B) A series of slave revolts. C) Anti-Democratic sentiments among most American leaders. D) New religious revivalism which emphasized the Puritan doctrine of predestination.


The runaway slave notice in the except is an example of which of the following developments of the 18th century? A) The development of varied ways for slaves to resist the dehumanizing aspects of slavery. B) The development of intensified competition for resources in the West Indies. C) The development of a thriving mixed economy of agriculture and commerce in the north. D) The development of indentured servitude as a viable labor system.


This conflict described in the letter reveals the tension between... A) Frontiersman and the elites over the role of government. B) White settlers and the Native Americans over trade agreements. C) British Loyalists and American revolutionaries over the legacy of the Revolution. D) Northern and Southern colonists over the nation's economic policies.


Ultimately, the European-American Indian relationships would be defined by conflict as a result of... A) Continued European encroachment on American Indian territory. B) The rise of the Atlantic slave trade. C) The introduction of new kinds of plants and animals via the Columbian Exchange. D) The diversity of the American Indian populations in different regions.


Which of the following best characterizes the American government's reaction to the issues described in the passage? A) America's leaders called on the nation to avoid permanent alliances with foreign countries. B) The United States leaned increasingly towards an alliance with the British. C) Congressional leaders attempted to abolish slavery in the United States. D) America established a series of restrictive trade barriers.


Which of the following best explains the impact of the United States' Constitution on the issue addressed in the letter above? A) By postponing a definite solution to the question of slavery, the Constitution established the grounds for conflict that would continue until resolved by the Civil War. B) By addressing the needs of the slave-based Southern economies, the Constitution preserved the regional differences that had defined the colonial era. C) By allowing the slave states to dominate the United States government, the Constitution encouraged the growth of the slave trade. D) By severely limiting the rights of slaveholders, the Constitution attempted to abide by Revolutionary ideals of freedom without dividing the infant nation.


Which of the following best explains why British colonists would have been frustrated by the Proclamation (The Royal Proclamation) above? A) Population growth in the British colonies led many to seek land along the frontier between British territory and traditional tribal lands. B) Increased attempts to regulate the colonial economy led many colonists to protest British rule. C) Nationalist desires to compete with the French drove many colonists to attempt to expand Northward. D) Repeated Native American raids of colonial outposts led to significant hostility among British colonists towards the Native Americans.


Which of the following cultural and economic shifts was NOT a result of the events described in the passage? A) Europeans increasingly isolated themselves and tried to maintain cultural and political autonomy. B) Europeans increasingly exploited Native Americans for labor. C) Europeans dramatically altered their views of social, political, and economic relationships between themselves and natives. D) There was an increased debate over how Native Americans should be treated by Europeans.


Which of the following historical events contributed most directly to the excerpt? A. Seneca falls women's convention B. horace mann's educational reform for schools C. the growing strength of the abolitionist movement D. the second great awakening


Which of the following historical events did not precede the events described by historian Ira Berlin? A) Europeans introduced indentured servitude into the Americas. B) The Spanish and Portuguese partnered with West African nations to exploit labor sources. C) European improvements in trade and navigation led to economic changes. D) Indian societies on the American eastern seaboard settled in permanent villages.


Which of the following historical trends does the passage reflect? A) The partnership of Portuguese and the West African traders to create an Atlantic economy based on slavery. B) Declining European interest in technologies in the era of colonization. C) Growing native American alliances in the American southwest. D) The introduction of livestock and other sources of protein into the Americas.


Which of the following pieces of evidence would best support Lepore's ideas of cultural interaction as seen in this passage? A) 17th and 18th century portraits of natives who lived in and around European communities. B) Ship inventories of trade goods entering American ports in this period. C) Diaries of British colonists describing household chores of the era. D) Census data indicating the number of Native Americans living in the British colonies.


Which of the following political features of American government is best explained by the description of the founding principles in the passage above? A) The concentration of power in the hands of the legislatures. B) The limitations placed on the power of the executive. C) The decision not to include a Bill of Rights in the original Constitution. D) The abolition of slave trade.


Which of the following statements is correct about the period described in the passage? A) Sustained contact between Africans, Europeans, and Native Americans led to complex relationships. B) Africans, Native Americans, and Europeans had little contact in this period. C) Europeans were not eager to colonize the Americas in this period. D) Europeans were not influenced by contact with the Americas.


Which of the following was most likely a causal factor in the development of the kind of legislation seen in the excerpt? A) Conflicts between European nations led to increasing economic and political regulation of the British colonies. B) Settlers on the frontier had different goals and expectations than settlers on the eastern seaboard. C) Competition for labor sources led to growing mistrust among Europeans and colonists. D) British interest in acquiring trade goods declined in this period.


reformers of the 1830s-1840s who agreed to some extent with Thoreau's beliefs as expressed in the excerpt A. were disillusioned with the U.S. and formed utopian societies B. were radicals and thrown in jail for their demonstrations C. left the U.S. disillusioned and went to europe D. chose to run for political office in hopes of changing the government


which of the following events is Twain referring to in the excerpt? A. the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson B. the debates over the 14th and 15th amendments to the constitution C. the nominating conventions for the upcoming 1868 presidential election D. the scandals of President Grant's presidency


Although reconstruction was coming to an end, as depicted here, which of the following could be counted among the successes of Reconstruction? A. the successful effort to promote economic self-sufficiency among freed slaves B. the ratification of amendments that would become the basis for future civil rights victories C. the peaceful resolution of tensions that had persisted in the south after the war ended D. the diplomatic precedent set by U.S.-European relations during the Civil War


As seen in the passage, which of the following was a similarity between Spanish and British colonizers? A) Neither Spain nor Britain attempted to change the native populations they encountered. B) Spain and Britain often resorted to violence to control native populations. C) Spain and Britain both largely incorporated native cultures into their lifestyles. D) Neither Spain nor Britain had any interest in converting native populations.


Events like the one described in this headline revealed that A. the civil war began as a result of conflicts like this one B. some abolitionists were willing to use violence to bring about the end of slavery C. the constitution did not protect states' rights with respect to slavery. D. the mexican-american war played a large role in the coming of the civil war


Following the French withdrawal from North America, the Iroquois would find themselves... A) With well-established and protected borders. B) In conflict with the encroaching British colonists. C) At war with tribes that had formerly been allied with the French. D) Isolated from their traditional allies.


One goal of the political actions referenced here by Twain was to A. restore (or halt the restoration of) slavery to the Southern States B. change the balance of power between the Congress and the presidency C. end american interventionism in foreign conflicts D. support the role of the supreme court in protecting civil rights


The above painting (A View on the Catskill by Thomas Cole) illustrates... A) Land won by the Untied States in the War of 1812 B) A sense of unity between the American man and nature. C) Dangers of living in the American West. D) The need for canal system to encourage settlement.


The alliance of the Six Nations tribes in the Iroquois Confederacy served to... A) Improve the economic stability of the tribes' trade agreements. B) Use their collective strength to improve their bargaining power with the Europeans. C) Reduce the amount of conflict with white settlers on the frontier. D) Reduce the impact of disease on the various tribes.


The developments depicted above came about as a result of A. the union victory in the civil war B. the growing american belief in Manifest Destiny C. assimilation policy with regard to American Indians D. the growth of the american system


The intent of the Proclamation (The Royal Proclamation) above was to... A) Expand British trade networks into French territories. B) Limit colonial encroachment on traditional tribal lands. C) Create a political alliance with Native American confederacies. D) Reduce the impact of French settlers in New England.


The internal unrest described in this passage would most directly lead to... A) Violent conflict between the Americans and the Native Americans. B) Calls for the development of a stronger central government. C) The American Revolution and the political separation of the colonies and Great Britain. D) The development of distinct political parties.


The most significant job of a "republican mother" was to... A) Bear children to strengthen the United States' population. B) Teach her children the values of liberty and equality. C) Support her family economically through her labor. D) Preserve the nation's memory of the brutality of war.


The nation's response to the wartime efforts of the Revolutionary-era women would be most closely paralleled by the experiences of... A) The Progressive women. B) Women laborers in World War II. C) Female participants of the Civil Rights movement. D)Working women in the late 20th century.


The painting represents an idea similar to that of... A) American realist authors. B) American romantic authors. C) Critics of growing democracy. D) Opponents of the temperance movement.


The passage above demonstrates that... A) America's commitment to democracy led it to extend aid to the revolutionaries of France. B) The ideals of liberty and equality set forth in the American revolution had reverberations in many places around the world. C) The support of the French was vital to the Americans' success during the Revolution. D) The French Revolution helped to convince many Americans of the need for a centralized power.


The spot Lincoln is referring to in the above excerpt was... A) Ft. Sumter, where the Civil War began. B) Where fighting between Mexican and United States forces occurred on the Rio Grande boundary. C) The Alamo, where Texans fought for their independence from Mexico. D) The site where American forces invaded Canada.


The troops mustered by the American Continental Army were generally motivated by a belief in... A) Free trade as a means to economic success. B) The significance of the rights of the individual. C) The demise of the aristocracy. D) The British imperial system.


This passage reveals a contemporary American desire to... A) Relocate American Indian populations out of American territory. B) Create an independent global presence. C) Promote a unified national economy. D) Assert the Monroe Doctrine as a matter of international policy.


Ultimately, American interests in the conflict depicted here would lead to... A) The growth of manufacturing centers in the Southwest. B) The Mexican-American War. C) American Indian removal. D) Widespread support for the American System.


Which of the following best describes the shift in political power that was in progress at this juncture in history? A) Based on the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, the United States moved to empower all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender. B) Over time, the nation transitioned to a more participatory democracy whereby virtually all adult white men could vote. C) Due to the inefficiencies of the Articles of Confederation, the political power of the states was strengthened significantly. D) Because of immigration and settlement patterns, the vote of the Southern states was amplified as its population grew.


Which of the following developments of the Reconstruction Period would most significantly divide the women's rights movement? a. the success of abolotion b. the development of the 14th and 15th amendments c. the rise of the cult of domesticity d. the plight of american indians in the west


Which of the following policies was adopted with specific intention of incorporating these territories into the United States? A) The Articles of Confederation. B) The Northwest Ordinance. C) The Bill of Rights. D) The Louisiana Purchase.


Which of the following resulted from the kind of world depicted in the engraving? A) Increases in manufacturing led to a decline in standard of living. B) Racially mixed populations developed into a highly stratified caste system. C) Slave revolts led to numerous democracies flourishing in the West Indies. D) Sugar production was the only source of wealth in the West Indies.


Which of the following was the main reason for the Louisiana Purchase? A) The US wanted to dominate the North American continent. B) The acquisition of new lands for farming and markets. C) The extension of slavery. D) To build canals and roads.


which of the following is true of the Populist party? a. their candidate for president was elected in 1896 b. the government needed to have more control in the politics and economics of the country. c. they promoted workers to go on strike for better working conditions d. they would eventually merge with the socialist party


which of the following political developments would Calhoun have most vigorously supported? A. the growth of the republican party B. the Dred Scott decision C. the rise of abolitionist societies D. radical reconstruction


As the Market Revolution transformed the United States economy, women's roles were increasingly perceived to be... A) Expanded into the public sphere. B) Central to the development of manufacturing in the United States. C) Focused on domesticity and private life. D) Most important in their raising of good, republican children.


British Proclamations like this one directly led to... A) The development of a series of alliances between the British colonist and neighboring Native American tribes. B) Open warfare between the British colonists and their French counterparts. C) A growing sense of American identity in the face of perceived injustices. D) An increase in the economic profitability of the British colonies in North America.


Criticisms of the attitudes expressed in the excerpt led to... A) More and more owners selling off their slaves. B) Churches beginning to divide due to a dispute over whether or not slavery was justified in the Bible. C) Slaves rebelling for freedom more often and with more success. D) Formed a union to prevent the abolitionists from gaining power.


Harrison's party, the Whigs, would have most strongly opposed the policies of the... A) Know-Nothings. B) Republicans. C) Jacksonian Democrats. D) Federalists.


In the decades before the Civil War, slave owners... A) Empowered by the slave revolts became less harsh toward their slaves. B) Provided separate villages for the slaves to come together for worship and marriage. C) Created a set of proslavery arguments justifying slavery as a positive good. D) Formed a union to prevent the abolitionists from gaining power.


Many reforms of the antebellum period were caused by... A) A demand for federal government reform programs. B) A fear of growing democracy. C) Both the industrial and democratic growth of the country. D) A fear of too much power of the national government.


One reason for the increasing conflict noted by Berkeley was that... A) The increase of Enlightenment thought and religious toleration led to increased rebellion. B) Slave rebellion could not be controlled in the British colonies. C) Europeans traded alcohol and weapons with Native Americans. D) Europeans respected Native American political sovereignty.


Subsequent interactions between Americans and the American Indians would lead to... A) Court-ordered protection of American Indian property rights. B) A decline in federal intervention in Western territories. C) A series of wars between the two groups. D) A decline in the production of cotton in the South.


The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 was a reaction to which of the following? A) Complete assimilation of Native Americans into European culture. B) European disinterest in converting natives to Christianity. C) The introduction of the encomienda and repartimiento systems. D) The introduction of slave labor into the Americas.


The actions of women like the one pictured above contributed to... A) The low status women were afforded in the newly-created United States. B) The rapid population growth of the United States. C) The expansion of the ideological role of women in the American political culture. D) The success of the American Revolution in the face of British tyranny.


The conflict described in this passage was part of which of the following contemporary trends? A) Efforts of the United States federal government to control and relocate American Indian populations. B) Efforts of the American political leaders to expand government policies designed to unify the economy. C) Efforts by American citizens to, through frontier settlement, extend the influence of the United States. D) Efforts of other nations to, using military force, undermine American national sovereignty.


The excerpt could be best used as evidence to support which of the following claims? A) British colonists resisted the government's attempt to regulate trade in this period. B) Mercantilism was an effective economic system in the 17th century. C) The British government attempted to regulate colonial economics in the 17th century. D) Salutary neglect led to the desire for American independence.


The excerpt most directly undermines which of the following assertions? A) Colonists used slavery to exploit long growing season and favorable climates. B) Slavery resulted in altered kinship relationships in the colonies. C) Slaves were largely complacent and happy in their social status. D) The British relied on slavery because of strongly held ideas of racial and cultural superiority.


The expansion of American influence into the territories ceded by the states led to... A) The expansion of slavery. B) A balance of power with European competitors in North America. C) Conflict with Native American tribes over land use. D) A crisis in the nation's system of republican government.


The language used in the passage above suggests the influence of... A) The Seven Years' War. B) Mercantilism. C) The Enlightenment. D) Regionalism.


The legislation excerpted above reflects which of the following historical trends? A) The middle colonies developed societies which were religiously homogenous. B) The New England colonies were founded as a largely homogenous society. C) Religious toleration existed in some, but not all, of the British colonies. D) Religious toleration existed primarily in southern colonies.


What was generally accepted as a necessary qualification for the rights of citizenship in the first few decades of the United States' government? A) Membership in the Federalist Party. B) Participation in the American Revolution. C) Ownership of property. D) Having been born in territories of the United States.


Which of the following groups most directly challenged Jackson's actions with respect to the National Bank? A) Southern Democrats. B) The Republicans. C) The Whigs. D) The Anti-Federalists.


Which of the following most accurately describes the Know-Nothings of whom Lincoln speaks? A. they argued for the emancipation of slavery. B. they believed the Declaration of Independence needed to be rewritten to include negroes C. They were nativists D. many resided in the North and were abolitionists


Winthrop's ideas on Puritan settlement were largely based on which of the following? A) The prohibition of slavery in New England in this period. B) Fears of Spanish territorial settlement in New England. C) The idea that the Massachusetts Bay Colony was a colony of religious believers. D) The ethnic diversity of colonists in New England.


john c. calhoun reveals here that many southerners' based their arguments in favor of slavery on A. support for the northern labor market B. the economic necessity of the institution C. theories about racial superiority D. the constitutions protections of states' rights


One major factor that would expand Virginia's need for posters like this one was A. the popularity of President Lincoln B. the growth of the Confederate economy C. the effect of the emancipation proclamation D. the Union's military leadership


All of the following statements are true of the period in which the legislation was enacted except: A) Increasing commerce from the colonies promoted a wide exchange of goods in the Atlantic community. B) The colonies were operating relatively independently of the British government. C) Protestant evangelism was a significant motivation for settlement of the British colonies. D) Native American sovereignty was respected by the colonial governments and by the British government.


By 1844, most of the workers in the mills... A) Were young children under the age of 10. B) Were African-American slaves. C) Were young teenage males. D) Were Irish immigrant women.


By the 1820s, the Federalist Party of John Adams would be largely replaced by... A) The Whig Party. B) The Anti-Federalist Party. C) The Republican Party. D) The Democratic Party.


Calhoun was the political enemy of... A) Slaveholders. B) Abolitionists. C) Those who advocated states' rights. D) Those who believed in a strong national government.


Colonial protests were generally organized by... A) Loyalists. B) Women. C) Religious leaders. D) Colonial elites.


In the excerpt, Lincoln was demanding to know... A) If the United States and Mexico should join together to fight Britain. B) If the United States should aid Mexico in fighting its revolution for independence against Spain. C) If the South had the right to secede. D) If American troops were attacked by the Mexican army in the United States territory.


In this excerpt, Calhoun is arguing against... A) The efforts of the abolitionist movement. B) The sectional divisions that were growing in the United States. C) The rise of the Whig Party. D) The extension of the national government's powers over the states.


One of the most significant effects of rhetoric like that used here was a. widespread opposition to the Civil War b. increased support for westward expansion C. the demise of the two-party system D. increased sectional divisions between the North and South


Sustained contact between Africans and Europeans in the early colonial period often resulted in which of the following? A) Increases in the conversion of Europeans to Islam. B) Decreases in technological exchanges between Africans and Europeans. C) Homogenization of culture in the Atlantic World. D) Significantly altered world views of politics, religion, and culture.


Sustained warfare among Europeans in the sixteenth century directly impacted which of the following least? A) Conversion of Native Americans. B) Technological improvements, which increased the speed of trade. C) The exploitation of natural resources such as sugar cane and gold. D) Political relations between Native American tribes along the eastern seaboard.


The British response to events like the one pictured here... A) Helped consolidate European support for the British crown. B) Were based on the British commitment to the Enlightenment. C) Attempted to counteract the colonists financial advantages. D) Strengthened the resolve of more colonists to resist British policies.


The effect of Supreme Court decisions like this one, in the wake of the Civil War, was to A. declare the practice of sharecropping unconstitutional B. build support for the ratification of the 15th amendment C. reconcile the northern and southern factions of the democratic party D. erode the rights of african americans


The events described by Greenblatt illustrate which of the following Atlantic World developments? A) Increased cooperation between racial groups in the Americas. B) Decreased European support for colonization of the Americas. C) Population increases in native societies. D) Limited European understandings of native cultures.


The passage would be most useful as a source of analysis about which of the following? A) The significance of trade relationships in the British colonies. B) The difficult life of both colonists and natives in the 17th century. C) Differences in gender in colonial society. D) The importance of a trans-Atlantic print culture in the 17th century.


This image most likely depicts... A) A trading post in the trans-Appalachian West. B) A Southern town. C) A frontier settlement in New England. D) A Northern commercial center.


This passage by de Vaca reflects which of the following? A) European exploration of the Americas was fueled by desire for wealth. B) New crops from Europe stimulated native cultures immediately after the Encounter. C) Technological improvements introduced by Europeans produced changes to Native American economies. D) The spread of maize culture in North America, which had occurred prior to the Encounter.


Under the leadership of John Marshall, the Supreme Court established its authority to... A) Defend the growth of slavery. B) Limit the territorial expansion of the nation. C) Invalidate commercial contracts. D) Establish the meaning of the Constitution.


Unlike the American Revolution, the French Revolution... A) Was unsuccessful in eliminating the power of the monarch. B) Relied heavily on international alliances for its success. C) Used Enlightenment philosophies to justify the rebellion. D) Was unafraid of the excesses of popular rule.


What was the effect of U.S legislation on the developments depicted above? A. it sought to promote the expansion of slavery into the west B. it focussed on expanding trade connections with Asia C. it sought to limit white settlers' access to Native American lands D. it encouraged the expansion of transportation infrastructure across the west


Which of the following details most directly contributed to the frustrations expressed by Henry George in this excerpt? a. an increase in the number of immigrants arriving in the US swelled the labor force b. americans began to consider expansion outside of North America c. government subsidies in the post-civil war period contributed to the industrial boom d. during this period, the gap between rich and poor widened significantly


Which of the following events led the U.S. into contact with the american indians referenced in this document? A. growing numbers of immigrants to the US B. the completion of the trans-continental RR C. The confederate defeat in the Civil War D. American victory in the mexican-american war


Which of the following factors contributed to the trends described in the passage? A) Decreasing emphasis on religion led to increasing political reorganization. B) Livestock introduced by the Europeans led to a decline in living standards among natives. C) Native efforts to eradicate European diseases led to an increase in economic prosperity. D) New methods of organizing and conducting international trade created new economic patterns in the Americas.


Which of the following had the most significant impact on developing the economy (as described in the passage), which would evolve between 1491 and 1607? A) The growth of racially mixed populations in the Americas. B) The development of sophisticated transportation networks. C) Increasingly complex cultural exchanges between Europeans and natives. D) The introduction of slave labor and the encomienda system.


Which of the following most directly contradicts the founding principles described in the passage? A) The Constitution's failure to resolve conflicts between American Indian tribes and the government. B) The development of the idea of "republican motherhood" C) The formation of political parties in response to controversy in the early republic. D) The growth of slavery in the lower South.


Which of the following would have argued most energetically in support of a limited definition of the legitimate participants in government? A) Enlightenment philosophers. B) Thomas Paine. C) Frontiersman. D) The Federalists.


this excerpt would be most useful to historians as a source of information about which of the following? A. the trial of john brown B. the Emancipation Proclamation C. The missouri compromise D. the Dred Scott Decision


thoreau's beliefs, as expressed in the excerpt, would have the greatest impact on which of the following reformers? A. environmentalists B. Progressives C. Second wave feminists D. african-american civil rights activists


Which of the following factors explains the urgency of the message in this poster? A. The role of the Emancipation Proclamation in the Civil War B. The role of Great Britain in the Civil War C. The union's military leadership, as compared to that of the confederacy D. The South's manpower as compared to that of the North


Douglass' view as expressed in the excerpt most directly as a result of which of the following trends? a. jim crow b. nativism c. social darwinism d. urbanization


Gompers' position concerning a striker would have been supported by all of the following except? a. political bosses and their machines b. settlement house workers c. immigrants d. the people's party


how was the issue depicted in the cartoon resolved? a. compromise b. act of congress c. decision of the supreme court d. assassination of the President of the US


many of those who sided with the grange movement would eventually a. form the populist party b. support women's rights c. prevent blacks from farming in the midwest d. support for the railroads' increase in freight rates


which of the following severely limited the political progress of individuals like the republican senator mentioned in the passage? a. supreme court support for discriminatory laws b. activism of african-american reformers c. divisions over federal economic policy d. american assimilation policies


which political party supported the above excerpt a. the populists b. the republicans c. the federalists d. the progressives


In this excerpt, henry grade expresses frustration with which of the following realities? a. despite some attempts at federal regulation of the economy, episodes of market instability persisted b. despite some industrial investment in the South immediately after the civil war, agriculture remained the primary economic activity in the south c. despite reconstruction-era efforts to provide for the civil rights of newly-freed slaves, discrimination and oppression remained powerful forces d. despite increased federal investment in transportation infrastructure, the south remained physically isolated from the north and west


The farming conditions, as described in this excerpt, a. returned southern cotton to "king again" b. created an indebtedness of the farmer to the landlord that lasted for several years c. provided the need for workers to pick an abundant crop of cotton d. gave the farmer choices as to whom to work for


what role would the dred scott decision have had on the rise of events like the one described here? a. it opened the door to violence by encouraging free-soilers and pro-slavery groups to attempt to unite the same territory b. it increased hostility towards slavery in the north by ruling that states could not legally ban slavery c. it divided the democratic party into northern and southern factions d. it led directly to the secession of the Lower south, who feared the loss of their political power


which of the following earlier historical events was most similar to the post-civil war westward migration a. the great migration b. northewest ordinance of 1785 and 1787 c. the california gold rush d. the purchase of the Louisiana territory


which of the following historical events most directly made possible the circumstances in this excerpt? a. the emancipation proclamation b. the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments c. the force acts d. the civil rights act of 1866


which of the following historical events was a direct result of the event depicted in the image? a. unions saw significant successes in their search for reforms. b. a growing number called for a stronger governmental role in regulating the economy c. civil liberties for many american immigrants were taken away by the government. d. worker productivity declined amidst social conflict


which of the following ideas expressed in the excerpt is contrary to those of the social darwinism? a. there should be equal availability to resources b. capitalization causes poverty c. wages increase as more products are produced d. monopolies are good for society


which of the following later historical developments aided blacks in gaining their freedom and liberty? a. the adoption of the proclamation of emancipation b. the approval of amendments to the constitution c. the rewriting of the declaration of Independence d. the successful defense of black rights by the supreme court


which of the following statements is true concerning how Carnegie bleieved he should spend his fortune a. the concept of social darwinism was an accepted way to earn money b. the rich had a moral obligation to take care of societal needs c. the more money one earned the more they deserved d. one should live the life of conspicuous consumption


which of the following was true for strikes around the time of the excerpt? a. they usually were led by immigrant workers b. workers were demanding better pay and working conditions c. management was eager to settle the strikes quickly and often gave in to the workers' demands d. employers submitted to collective bargaining


As depicted in the excerpt, by liberalizing divorce laws for women, A. the moral fabric of society will be weakened B. the structure of family life will be undermined C. an escape from a miserable marriage will become possible D. women will lose political and economic power


Which of the following details most directly contradicts the argument made here by Henry George? A. conflict between union laborers and the management of class b. many industries tended towards consolidation of corporations into large trusts c. workers' real wages increased during the second half of the 19th century d. american farmers fought against the rise of corporate agriculture by farming cooperatives


Which of the following historical events was a direct result of the event depicted? A. the republican party was strengthened and ran Abraham lincoln for presidency B. southern "Fire-Eaters" took control of both houses of the U.S. congress C. the Democratic party split into northern and southern factions D. southern states moved to secede


carnegies actions, as shown in this letter, reflected his belief in a. the social gospel b. social darwinism c. the gospel of wealth d. the people's party


one of the resaons for placing native americans on reservations was a. to have access to all of the gold on their tribal lands b. for their own security and protection against the white man c. settlers wanted access to the tribal lands for farming d. to teach them how to farm so they could contribute to the american way of life


one underlying cause of the failures of strikes in this era was the a. mechanization of agriculture b. industrialization of the new south c. growth of the industrial workforce as a result of immigration d. success of progressive political reforms


this excerpt most directly reflects a. the violent conflict between settlers and Indians b. the government responding to indian resistance with military force c. economic opportunities that were encouraged by government policies d. competition for natural resources


which of the following ideas provides the best evidence in support of blackwells argument? a. women are right to have a convention to express their views b. men are the controllers of all of society, including women c. education is not anti-man or anti-woman, it is for the development of all people d. women need to organize in their opposition against men


which of the following later historical developments was driven by similar logic t the argument presented here? a. the opposition to attepts by conservatives to dismantle parts of the social safety net b. the support for american intervention to bring stability to other nations c. the growth of civil rights policies in response to activism in the 1950s and 1960s d. the expansion of progressive political reforms


which of the following reasons led to the formation of the Grange? a. the rise of industrialization b. the new south c. discontentment with the Railroads d. indians encroaching upon the land


which of the following was the most significant source of conflict between americans and american indians? a. nativism b. the growth of industry c. competition for land and resources d. the rise of segregation


The point of view expressed in the advertisement emerged most directly from which of the following trends? a. the growth of urbanization b. the consolidation of businesses into monopolies c. the encouragement of "conspicuous consumption" d. the availability of new markets domestically and internationally


This excerpt would be most usueful to historians as a source of information about which of the following? a. the reasons the new immigrants immigrated to the US b. the suppression of labor rights c. government supporting commercial and trade interests d. the instability of the nation's currency


the creator of the image would most likley agree with which of the following statements? a. choosing a president means selection of the best candidate to provide economic reform for the centur b. political bosses and machines rule politics c. big business has its hands into the pockets of the politicians d. picking a president means choosing the least corruptible politician


the style of this painting most nearly reflects the cultural trends of a. the rise of modernism in the early twentieth century b. the post-world war II era c. the american englightenment d. the era of nationalism in the early nineteenth century


the type of view expressed in this cartoon emerged most directly from which of the following tends? a. conflict in the west between settlers and indians b. organization of labor unions and their fight with management c. increased migration of immigrants into the cities d. the need for political and economic reform at the national level


ultimately, the US would focus its policy towards American Indians on a. efforts to de-escaleate and demilitarize the conflict between whites and the american indians b. government subsidies for industrial expansion in the West c. stronger enforcement for existing treaties with the native americans d. confining american indians to reservations and promoting assimilation


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