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All of the following contributed to discontent among soldiers in the Continental Army EXCEPT: (A) Most soldiers were draftees. (B) The soldiers feared for the welfare of families back home. (C) The army had inadequate arms and ammunition. (D) The army paid soldiers in depreciated paper money.

(A) Most soldiers were draftees.

By the 1750's, the British colonies on the North American mainland were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT (A) disdain for British constitutional monarchy (B) many religious denominations (C) a society without a hereditary aristocracy (D) a growing number of non-English settlers

(A) disdain for British constitutional monarchy

Which of the following moved in greatest numbers into Appalachia as the American Indians of the region were defeated? (A) Immigrants from Sweden (B) Slaveholders, indentured servants, and slaves from coastal plantations (C) Puritans from New England (D) Scotch-Irish, German, and English immigrants

(D) Scotch-Irish, German, and English immigrants*

The Proclamation of 1763 did which of the following? (A) Introduced a tax on tea. (B) Prohibited colonists from producing iron for the American market. (C) Forbade all colonial trade with the French West Indies. (D) Set a boundary along the crest of the Appalachians beyond which the English colonists were forbidden to settle.

(D) Set a boundary along the crest of the Appalachians beyond which the English colonists were forbidden to settle.

A Maryland master placed the following newspaper advertisement in 1772 after Harry, his slave, had run away: "He has been seen about the Negro Quarters in Patuxent, but is supposed to have removed among his Acquaintances on Potomack; he is also well acquainted with a Negro of Mr. Wall's named Rachael; a few miles from that Quarter is his Aunt, and he may possibly be harboured thereabouts." Which of the following statements about conditions under slavery is best supported by the passage above? (A) Slaves had no opportunity to develop their own culture and society. (B) Slaves commonly formed settlements of their own away from the plantations. (C) Slaves frequently associated with free Black people. (D) Slaves maintained social networks among kindred and friends despite forced separations.

(D) Slaves maintained social networks among kindred and friends despite forced separations.

In response to the Coercive Acts, the First Continental Congress (A) approved the Declaration of Independence (B) approved the use of force against British troops (C) rejected all further allegiance to the King of England (D) approved only a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreements against Great Britain

(D) approved only a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreements against Great Britain

The most important consequence of the Boston Tea Party was the (A) repeal of tax on tea (B) failure of other colonies to support Boston's action (C) Opening of negotiations between Britain and Massachusetts (D) enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Acts

(D) enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Acts

Which of the following contributed most to the American victory in the Revolution? (A) French military and financial assistance (B) The failure of Loyalists to participate in military action (C) A major American military victory at Valley Forge (D) Support from the French Canadians

(A) French military and financial assistance

What colonial communication group emerged in 1772 that would have profound effect upon the Revolutionary War? (A) Committee of Correspondence (B) Sons of Liberty (C) Virginia Regulators formed (D) Formation of the Ohio vigilantes

(A) Committee of Correspondence

For Britain, the major outcome of the Seven Years War was... (A) French expulsion from North America (B) Spanish gaining control of the great Southwest (C) effective Russian expansion into the Oregon Territory (D) the closing of New Orleans as the "Gateway to North America"

(A) French expulsion from North America

Thomas Paine's pamphlet, Common Sense was significant in that it (A) emotionally aroused thousands of colonists to the abuses of British rule, the oppressiveness of the monarchy, and the advantages of colonial independence (B) rallied American spirits during the bleak winter of 1776, when it appeared that Washington's forces, freezing and starving at Valley Forge, had no hope of surviving the winter, much less defeating the British (C) called for a strong central government to rule the newly independent American states and foresaw the difficulties inherent within the Articles of Confederation (D) asserted to its British readers that they could not beat the American colonists militarily unless they could isolate New England from the rest of the American colonies

(A) emotionally aroused thousands of colonists to the abuses of British rule, the oppressiveness of the monarchy, and the advantages of colonial independence

The primary purpose of the Stamp Act was to (A) raise revenues to support British troops stationed in America (B) reduce colonial consumption of foreign goods (C) fund the colonial postal system (D) impose a mercantilist system on the colonies

(A) raise revenues to support British troops stationed in America

France negotiated a treaty of alliance with the new American nation in 1778 following (A) the defeat of the British General Burgoyne at Saratoga (B) American naval~ictories on the Great Lakes (C) the dispatch of an American peace mission to Britain (D) an ultimatum by American diplomats

(A) the defeat of the British General Burgoyne at Saratoga

By the time of the American Revolution, most patriots had come to believe that, in republican government, sovereignty was located in (A) the people (B) Parliament (C) state governments (D) factions

(A) the people

After the Revolution, the concept of the "republican mother" suggested that (A) women would be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons, to be virtuous citizens of the young republic (B) voting would soon become a privilege granted to educated and/or married women (C) the first duty of mothers was to serve the needs of government (D) wives and mothers would be welcome in the emerging political parties

(A) women would be responsible for raising their children, especially their sons, to be virtuous citizens of the young republic

The argument between Great Britain and its American colonies during the 1760's and 1770's over "virtual representation" concerned (A) patterns of legislative apportionment in the colonial assemblies (B) Parliament's ability to reflect colonial interests (C) the lack of colonial participation in negotiating the Treaty of Paris (D) the increasing use of juryless admiralty courts in the colonies

(B) Parliament's ability to reflect colonial interests

Which of the following was Great Britain's justification for its continued occupation of a number of posts on United States soil despite the terms of the 1783 Treaty of Paris? (A) The United States lacked the military capability to maintain the posts. (B) The United States had violated the treaty clauses dealing with the restoration of Loyalist property. (C) Great Britain needed a buffer zone between the United States and Canada. (D) Great Britain's understanding with both France and Spain permitted the British to stay.

(B) The United States had violated the treaty clauses dealing with the restoration of Loyalist property.*

The Declaration of Independence did all the following EXCEPT (A) appeal to the philosophy of natural rights (B) call for the abolition of the slave trade (C) appeal to the sympathies of the English people (D) criticize the provisions of the Quebec Act of 1774

(B) call for the abolition of the slave trade

The Stamp Act crisis was important in the coming of the American Revolution for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: (A) The colonists demonstrated their willingness to use violence rather than legal means to frustrate British policy. (B) The crisis coincided with a British decision to garrison regular troops in American cities. (C) American patriots realized that British inflexibility made revolution virtually inevitable. (D) The British maintained that the colonies had no right to independence from parliamentary authority.

(C) American patriots realized that British inflexibility made revolution virtually inevitable.

Which of the following statements best summarizes British policy toward the trans-Appalachian west between 1763 and 1775? (A) Promotion of colonial settlement during the 1760s followed by restrictions on western expansion in the 1770s (B) Restrictions on colonial settlement during the 1760s followed by promotion of colonial expansion during the 1770s (C) Restrictions on colonial settlement during the 1760s followed by the incorporation of the west into the province of Quebec in 1774 (D) The incorporation of the west into the province of Quebec beginning in 1763.

(C) Restrictions on colonial settlement during the 1760s followed by the incorporation of the west into the province of Quebec in 1774

During the period 1765-1770, the Patriots who opposed British policy (A) denied any authority of King George III over the colonists (B) denied the right of Parliament to regulate colonial trade (C) demanded that the colonists be granted actual representation in Parliament (D) argued that power to externally tax the colonies should remain with the colonial legislatures

(C) demanded that the colonists be granted actual representation in Parliament

During the War for Independence, the principal reason the American government sought diplomatic recognition from foreign powers was to (A) convince the British of the justice of the American cause (B) make it easier to levy taxes on the citizens of the several states (C) facilitate the purchase of arms and borrowing of money from other nations (D) allow Von Steuben, Lafayette, and other Europeans to join the American army

(C) facilitate the purchase of arms and borrowing of money from other nations

In countering the cry of the American colonists of "no taxation without representation," the British developed the concept that every member of Parliament represented the interests of the entire empire. This was known as (A) actual representation (B) direct representation (C) virtual representation (D) royal prerogative

(C) virtual representation

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