APUSH Unit 5

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Reclamation (Newlands) Act (1902)

-Created the Reclamation Service -Bring irrigation to Western cities

Little Big Horn/Custer's Last Stand at Little Big Horn

-Custer pursued Indians after not knowing that the 3-pronged attack had failed (w Reno and Benteen) -Montana

De Lome Letters

-De Lome about Mckinley

Willmington, NC (1898)

-Declared Colonel Waddell the new mayor

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

-Defined unfair trade practices

Ida M. Tarbell

-Dissolved Standard Oil Co.

Dawes Severalty Act (1887)

-Divided tribal land into 160 acres -Plot of land given to each head of family

William Jennings Bryan

-Dominant populist Democrat -Fought against gold standard with "Cross of Gold Speech" -Ran for president 3x (failed)

Panic of 1893

-Dramatic decrease of crop prices

The Great Railroad Strike (1877)

-Due to Financial Panic of 73 - Sandlot meeting in California - Workers end up going back to work

Angel Island

-Ellis Island of the West -Rejected 30% of arrivals

Treaty of Paris (1898)

-Ended Span-Am war

Bidlack Treaty

-Established Columbian rule over Panama

American Railway Union (1893)

-Eugene V. Debs -Pullman Strike

Keating-Owen Act (1916)

-Excluded any goods manufactured by children younger than 14 in interstate commerce

Smith-Hughes Act (1917)

-Extends agricultural education in high schools

Warehouse Act (1916)

-Farmers can store their crops in federal warehouses in exchange for loans

Federal Farm Loan Act (1916)

-Federal Farm backs (12) Long term longs at low interest rate

Smith-Lever Act (1914)

-Federal agents educate agrarians

Federal Highways Act (1916)

-Finances new highways

The Great RR Strike (1877)

-First major interstate strike -Began in WV

The Hepburn Act (1906)

-Gave the ICC the power to set maximum freight rates

Immigrants Restriction League

-Henry Cabot Lodge

Immigration Restriction League

-Henry Cabot Lodge -Excluded illiterate foreigners

The Elkins Act (1903)

-Illegal for RR to give secret rebates to favorite customers

Colored Farmer's Alliance (1886)

-Included colored farmers

Wovoka (Jack Wilson)

-Indian that dreamt of the Ghost Dance (ritual)


-James Gilespie Blaine (ME) -Only half loyal to Grant -Only half loyal to Spoils system

Hull House Settlement

-Jane Addams -Chicago

Red Cloud

-Lakota warrior -Wanted to stop the invasion of the Lakota -Built fortifications around the Bozeman Trail

Homestead Act (1862)

-Land would be yours once you lived on it for 5 years

Aaron Montgomery Ward

-Mail order catalogues

Bluntington v OR

-Maximum of 10-hr day (MEN and WOMEN)

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) (1887)

-Members to ensure that freight rates were "reasonable and just" -Under Grover Cleveland

Ida B. Wells

-NAACP (1909)

Federal Reserve Act (1913)

-New banking system -Regional banks -12 Federal Reserve banks

Louis D Brandies (1916)

-Nominated by Wilson -First Jew in SC

Plessy v Ferguson (1890)

-Octaroon -John Marshall Harlan

The Grange (1867)

-Oliver H. Kelley -Wanted to cut the middleman

Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)

-Outlaws price discrimination

Ballinger-Pinchott Controversy

-Pinchott (forester) accused Ballinger of opening acres to commercial purposes -Pinchott goes public (is fired) -Roosevelt is mad at Taft


-Political doctrine that supports the rights and power of the common people

Mary Eliz. Lease

-Populist speaker -Temperance, Women's suffrage

"Bull Moose" Progressive Party

-Progressive party after he looses Republican nomination

Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)

-Prohibited companies from forming monopolies

Foran Act (1885)

-Prohibited foreign contract labor

Forest Reserve Act (1891)

-Protected ~172 million acres

Coxey's Army

-Protest group led by Jacob Coxey

The Mckinley Tariff Act (1890)

-Raised duties on manufactured goods

Mint Act (1872)

-Ratio of silver to gold 15:1

The Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890)

-Requires the treasury to purchase 4.5 million ounces of silver each month with new paper money

Bland-Allison Act (1878)

-Response to demands for expansion of currency -Provided limited increase of silver coins

The Meat Inspection Act (1906)

-Restrictions on makers of food

The Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)

-Restrictions on makers of food

"New Nationalism" Party

-Roosevelt's party -Herbert Croly -Breaking bad trusts


-Roscoe Conkling (NY) -Loyal to Grant when his cabinet was corrupt -Radical reconstruction of the South -Benefits from Spoils System

Benjamin Tillman

-SC Governor (1890-1894) -"Bourbon Elites"

American Federation of Laborers (AFL) (1886)

-Samuel Gompers -Organized SKILLED workers


-Scientific way of controlling gvnt.

Jim Crow Laws

-Segregation laws -"Jump Jim Crow" (Rice)

Mann-Elkins Act (1910)

-Set up ICC court rulings -Gave ICC power to change rates

Munn v Illinois (1876)

-States can regulate private property if it affects public interest

Pacific RR Act (1862)

-Transcontinental RR route on Northern-central Union Pacific- W from Omaha Central Pacific- E from Sacramento - Meet in Promontory, UT (May 10, 1869)

Mother Jones (1903)

-UMW -Held a children's march to Roosevelt's house

Coal Strike of 1902

-UMW go on strike -TR threatens to take over company -10% increase of wage. 9hr work day

Platt Amendment

-US recognized Cuba's independence -US could intervene when needed

Teller Amendment

-US wouldn't annex Cuba

Wabash Case (1886)

-Unconstitutional for states to regulate interstate commerce

Muller v OR

-Upheld the 10-hr workday (WOMEN)

Knights of Labor (1869)

-Uriah S. Stephens -Powderly

Lochner v NY

-Voided 10-hr workday law bc of contract

Tammany Hall

-William "Boss" Tweed -Largest machine in NYC -Democrat

Industrial Workers of the World "Wobblies" (1905)

-William D. "Big Bill" Haywood -Organized SKILLED and UNSKILLED workers

National Labor Union (1866)

-William H Sylvis

"New Freedom" Party

-Wilson's party 1)Lower tariffs 2)New banking system 3)Trust-busting

Reasons for American Imperialism (3)

1) Urbanization 2) Manifest Destiny 3) Industrialization 4) Evangelization

Indian Peace Commission

1865 "Report on the Conditions of Tribes" -Created in order to make peace with Indians

Captain William Fetterman

1866- Tried to ambush the Indians with one army (Failed) attacked by Crazy Horse

Colonel George Custer

1867- Called to Kansas by Sheridan to protect the RR

Ulysses S. Grant


Rutherford B. Hayes


James A. Garfield

1881-1881 (assassinated by Charles Guiteau) -Running mate: Chester A. Arthur -Republican

Chester A. Arthur


Grover Cleveland


Benjamin Harrison


William Mckinley


William Howard Taft

1909-1913 -President AND Chief Justice of SC

Woodrow Wilson (1913-1917)

1913-1917 -"New Freedom Party"

Cyrus McCormick

Cyrus Reaper Factory in Chicago

16th Amendment

Federal income tax

Marshall Field (1834-1906)

Founder of Marshall Field's department store -elitist, store targeted at the upper middle class, particularly women. -Field worked as a clerk in a Massachusetts store starting at age 17. -By age 22 he was offered a quarter share in the company. -1868- Field leases Palmer's retail on State St., Chicago.

The NY Journal


Sitting Bull

Lakota warrior in Custer's Last Stand

17th Amendment

Popular vote for Senators

People's Party

Populist Party -Farmers want inflation -Decrease in RR competition

18th Amendment


Laramie Treaty

Protected Indian lands

The NY World


Black Hills

Sacred Indian land

19th Amendment


Upton Sinclair

The Jungle -Meatpacking

Anti-Saloon League


Castle Garden

-Closed in 1890 due to corruption

Henry Bessemer

-Converted Pig Iron into Steel - Utilized by Carnegie

Jay Gould

"prince of railroad buccaneers" turned over rundown railroads for profit - used much of his funds for personal interests and bribery

Spanish-American War (April-August 1898)

- "Cuba Libre"- Free Cuba - Add the US to global superpowers

Jose Marti

- After Gomez failed with his revolution, Marti takes up arms again in 1895

Commodore George Dewey

- Appointed by Roosevelt to attack Spanish fleet in Manila


- Attracted Protestants and dominant in New England - Nativist policies and against immigration - Controlled the Senate - Stalwarts (Roscoe Conkling) - Half Breeds (ames Gilespie Blaine)

USS Maine

- Blown up in Havana Harbor - Excuse to start war w Spain


- Controlled most of the South after reconstruction - "City Bosses, etc" - Help poor immigrants when they first arrive--rewarded with votes

The Pullman Strike (1894)

- Depression of 1893- Pullman lays off workers/ reduces pays, however, keeps the rent the same price - Workers join American Railway Union (Eugene V. Debs) - Mail cars connected to Pullam Palace cars "In re Debs"

Contract Labor Act (1864)

- Government helped pay way of immigrants -Made it so employers basically owned their employees - Repealed in 1868

The Molly Maguires (1870)

- Group of Irish immigrants in PA -Used intimidation

The Homestead Strike (1892)

- Henry Frick becomes president - Workers go on strike on June 29 - Frick builds wall around plant- Pinkerton Detective Agency - Military troop called in to stop riots

General William Shafter

- In charge of the invasion force - Base: Tampa Bay, FL

General Maximo Gomez

- Led sugar planters to take up arms against Spain

Brooker T. Washington

-Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta (1985) -"Atlanta Speech" -Wanted to build black economy

Red Cloud Agency

-Crazy Horse led 300 families to surrender after Sitting Bull retreats into Canada

The Sand-Lot Incidents (1877)

- Meeting of RR workers - Blamed on Chinese (started riots)

"Big Stick Democracy"

- Negotiating peacefully, but also making threats

National Labor Union (NLU)

- Promoted 8-hr workdays

Geary Act (Dog Tag Law) (1892)

- Required Chinese to carry permits

Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

- Restricted Chinese immigration

Emilio Aguinaldo

- Revolution launcher

"Rough Riders"

- Roosevelt's group of Ivy League athletes, cowboys and Indians

General Valeriano Weyler

- Sent by Spain to stop the insurrection - All cubans were put into concentration camps

Hawaiian Annexation

- Sugar trade w US - No taxes on sugar

Greenback Party

- Supported debtors - Rights for women/African Americans

The Haymarket Affair (1886)

- Workers want an 8-hr workday - Knights of Labor set deadline-> May 1, 1886 - 40,000 workers in Chicago go on strike - McCormick Reaper Works plant-2 killed - Bomb in Haymarket Square - Anarchist Leaders found guilty: Albert Parson, August Spies

Dennis Kearney

- Workingmen's Party of California - Made to stop Chinese immigration

J. P. Morgan

- financed industries; bought out huge portions of many different industries through European capital

Alexander Graham Bell

- invented the first telephone in 1876 - one of the founding members of the National Geographic Society in 1888

John D. Rockefeller

- monopolized the oil industry in the Standard Oil Co. of Ohio (controlled over 90% of oil refining in the country by 1879) - created Standard Oil Trust, which the Supreme Court dissolved in 1892

Andrew Carnegie

- steelmaking tycoon in PA - rags to riches man who changed industries often with his sales skills -1873 Bessemer process causes him to invest in steel (incorporates vertical and horizontal integration)--sells to J.P. Morgan for $350 million -believed in the obligation of the wealthy to improve their society and surroundings via $$$ ("The Gospel of Wealth" 1889)

Sears and Roebuck

- transformed consumerism with mail-order catalogs - Sears catalogs became 2nd most read book in USA behind the Bible

Morrill Act (1862)

-"Land Grant College Act" -Granted land to school

Jeremiah "Sockless Jerry" Simpson

-"Man must have access to the land, or he is a slave" -Populism=Wave of the future

W.E.B. Dubois

-"Niagara Speech" -Criticized Washington

Civil Rights Cases (1883)

-"Separate but Equal"

Ellis Island

-1892 -1907-Busiest of the year +1 million immigrants

Teddy Roosevelt

-1901-1999 -"Square Deal" 1902--more rigorous enforcement of anti-trust acts

Mississippi Plan

-2 years in state -poll tax -criminal records -literate voters

Adamson Act (1917)

-8-hr work day -Overtime -Appointed commission to study work conditions

George Westinghouse

-AC -Westinghouse Electric Co.

Battle of Wounded Knee

-Accidental battle -Occurred due to monitoring of Ghost Dance rituals

The Grandfather Clause (1898)

-Allowed illiterate LA men to vote if their grandfathers could vote in 1867

American Protection Agency (APA)

-Anti-Catholic -Wanted to make English the official language

Chief Geronimo

-Apache warrior -Attacked US in the far west

John Chivington's militia

-Attacked peaceful Indians in 1864 -Worst crime in Indian history

Gustavus Swift

-Beef was slaughtered in Chicago, shipped dressed beef -To make meat last the trip, he used ice storing -Swift got into ice business so he would not have to pay others for ice (vertical integration)

Clayton-Bullwer Treaty

-Britain could not acquire anymore Central American territory


-Called so by Greek and Italians -Helped immigrants find jobs

Farmer's Alliance

-Charles W. Macune -Wanted to cut out the middleman -Banks denied to except their paper money

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act (1883)

-Civil Service Commission -First regulatory based agency

Charles Yerkes

changes Chicago subway system -introduces elevated electric trolleys to the city -First cable car in Chicago in 1882 Loops to Field's store then back to South, nickname of "The Loop" ever since -Got a bill passed that would give him a 50 year monopoly on the subway system, but was run out of town.

Potter Palmer

established the Palmer House (hotel for the wealthy) Hotel within a couple blocks of Marshall Fields (now Macy's) still today

Thomas Edison

invented the phonograph in 1877 -invented the light bulb in 1879 (actually just produced a more practical on - took over much of electric industry with the Edison General Electric Co. in 1888

"Commodore Cornelious Vanderbilt

merged different rail lines between NY and Chicago - connected the East under one rail network (New York Central) in 1869

George Pullman

reformer, believed in better conditions for his workers built "palace cars": train cars with better conditions for passengers at a higher price than regular cars, sleeping cars. -hired only black porters on his palace cars because they were "used to serving"

Vertical Integration

when various parts of a business are under a common owner Gustavus Swift

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