astronomy 1101 final

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the radial velocity / doppler shift method works because....

a star and its planets orbit the common center of mass

the speed of light is about 300,000,000 METERS/s. Mars is often about 300 million KILOMETERS from earth. how long does it take to send a radio message from earth to mars (one way) when mars is this far away?

about 1000 seconds

how do force, mass, and acceleration relate?

acceleration felt by an object depends directly on force exerted on it and inversely on its mass

where do most nearby stars appear in an HR diagram plotting luminosity vs temp?

along a narrow stripe with temp and luminosity tracking one another

if you took the earth and moved it 5 times farther away from the sun, what would happen to the strength of the force of the sun's gravitational pull on the earth?

it would go down by a factor of 25

which of these cannot be estimated from carefully analyzing the light received from an astronomical object?

its age

which of these is not true about the sun as a red giant star?

its core is much cooler than the core of the current sun

what is the main property that determines the luminosity of a main sequence star?

its mass

what is the main determinant of the present day interior temp of a planet?

its size

compared to green light, infrared light has.....

lower frequency, higher wavelength, lower energy

which of these is not true about neutron stars?

massive versions of neutron stars live at the centers of most galaxies

Object A has a mass of 1 kg. Object B has a mass of 20 kg. If the same force is applied to both....

B will have 1/20th the acceleration of A

what happens to the temp of an object that contracts under the influence of gravity?

it goes up, the object heats up

what is not true about Milky Way galaxy?

it is the largest structure that we know of in the universe

a comet moves through solar system on a highly elliptical orbit. as the comet moves from Oort Cloud, in past Pluto, and gets closer to the sun, what happens to its speed?

it speeds up

Which is not true about Ptolemy's geocentric model describing the motions of the planets?

it was simple

which of these is not true about the fate of a star 10 times the mass of the sun?

it will collapse directly into a black hole

to place a star in the HR diagram, which of these measurements is necessary?

measure the radial velocity via the doppler shift

which of these is NOT true about the history of discovering planets outside the solar system?

most exoplanets are known from directly imaging (taking pictures) of them

The largest blow Galileo dealt to the Ptolemaic system was to show that Venus appears

nearly full when closest

what is not true about Ptolemy's model of universe?

new stars constantly appear and disappear in the heavens

the whirlpool galaxy is about 20 million light years away from earth, towards the virgo cluster. is it possible that scientists in the virgo galaxy know about modern humans?


which of the following is true about nuclear fusion and fission?

nuclear fusion releases energy when fusing light elements

Two bodies (A and B) have the same angular size from your position, but B is twice as far away as A. Which is physically larger?

object B

two bodies (a and b) have the same physical size, but B is twice as far away from A. which one appears smaller and by how much?

object B appears 2x smaller than A

which of these is not true about the force of gravity between two objects?

only the less massive object feels gravitational pull

the planets in our solar system....

orbit in the same plane and spin in the same direction

what is not true about apparent motion of planets in the sky?

planet stay approximately fixed relative to the background stars. mars stays in ares, jupiter in Cetus, etc

what does the doppler/radial velocity planet detection technique tell us about a planet?

planet's orbital period and mass

which of these is not true about the true orbits of planets?

planetary orbits are circular in shape

order the following types of light from low to high frequency

radio, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray

how does a rocket work?

rocket expels material at high velocity and the equal and opposite force accelerates the rocket

Compared to Jovian planets, terrestrial planets are:

rockier, found closer to the sun, denser, less massive

all other things being equal, what cools off faster: a big object or a small object (assuming they are both spheres starting at same initial temp)?

small object

what is the fastest that anything can move?

speed of light

star twosun has two times the mass of the sun and 8 times the luminosity of the sun. how does the main sequence lifetime of star twosun compare to that of the sun?

star twosun has a 4 times shorter lifetime than the sun

what is not true about stellar parallax and debate between geocentric and heliocentric cosmologies?

stars do not show any parallax at all

which of these is not true about star clusters?

stars in a cluster all have the same mass

which of these is true about star birth?

stars often form in binary or triple systems

which of these statements about dates is NOT correct?

stellar parallaxes were first measured around 1600 CE

on a day of a full moon, the moon rises when?


which of these is not an advantage of telescopes over naked eye observation?

telescopes immediately show how far away something is, while human eyes do not

which of these is NOT true about the forces acting inside a main sequence star (like the sun)?

the balances of forces is delicate. a small change in the star's structure will tear it apart

you see two hot opaque objects. one glows blue, the other glows red. which is true?

the blue object is hotter than the red object

if we could take a spectrum of an earth-like planet, the sharp spectral features in its atmosphere could tell us directly about.....

the chemical makeup of its atmosphere and possible presence of life

what is nuclear fusion?

the combination of two atomic nuclei from a heavier nucleus of a new element

what is the closest to the diameter of the earth?

10,000 km

how does a white dwarf change as it ages?

it cools off, losing residual heat an becoming dimmer

according to our current best estimates, about what fraction of stars have an earth-sized planet in their habitable zone?


the first radio broadcasts left earth in around 1900. how far away is the most distant alien civilization that could know about us from our broadcasts?

100 light years (2018-1900=118)

there are 10,000 big galaxies in the coma cluster. if each has a bout 100 billion stars, how many stars are there in the coma cluster?

10^15 10,000 is 10^4. 100,000,000,000 is 10^11. 10^11 x 10^4 = 10^15

about how old is the universe?

14 billion years

about how far is it from the sun to nearest other stars?

4 light years

about how old is the sun?

4.5 billion years

how old is the sun?

4.5 billion years

what was Copernicus' major contribution to the development of astronomy?

Copernicus made first modern arguments for sun-centered universe

what is the key contribution of Johannes Kepler to understanding of cosmology?

Kepler built a mathematic heliocentric model that provides superior predictions for planetary positions compared to geocentric models

what was Isaac Newton's role in development in astronomy?

Newton developed physical explanation for the laws of planetary motion derived by Kepler

what happens to a white dwarf that exceeds the Chandrasekhar mass?

it explodes in a thermonuclear supernova

what is not true about Tycho Brahe and his contributions to astronomy?

Tyco carried out the best pre-telescope observing campaign

over the course of a year, you measure the parallax of Vega to be one Half the parallax of Proxima Centauri. what does this tell us?

Vega is twice as far away as proxima centauri

the earliest telescopes were refracting telescopes. which of these describes how such telescopes operate?

a lens bends the path of light, collecting light rays from across large area at eye

what is a black hole?

an object from which no light can escape

how do apparently brightness, luminosity, and distance of an object relate?

apparent brightness depends linearly on the luminosity and inversely on the square of the distance

which of these describes parallax?

as an observer changes location, the apparent position of a distant object changes

which of these is not true of the expected fate of the sun?

at the end of its life, the sun will explode as a supernova

how do we know the age of the sun? most likely answer

by using radioactive decay to measure the age of rocks created during the formation of the solar system

which is one way that we know about the existence of black holes?

by watching visible stars orbit around invisible objects

which of these is NOT true about binary star systems and cosmic explosions?

core collapse (massive star) supernova probably requires binary companion

a light year is the unit of


x-rays move faster than infrared light


the planets in our solar system formed....

from a spinning disk of gassed dust around the young sun

what was Galileo's role in development of astronomy?

galileo was first person to use telescope to study astronomical objects

how did Aristotle infer the shape of the earth based on observations of lunar eclipses?

he observed a circular shadow and argued that the earth must be a sphere

which of these is not true about high and low mass stars?

high mass stars are more common than low mass stars

what is the sun mostly made of ?

hydrogen and helium

what is not true about phases of the moon?

if we wait long enough, every phase is visible from earth at sunrise

based on the daily motions of the stars, sun, and moon, what is a common first cosmology adopted by many ancient people?

imagining the heavenly bodies as affixed to a great rotating dome overhead

where was most o the oxygen in our bodies created?

in a high mass star that exploded as a supernova

where was most of the iron on earth created?

in exploding white dwarf supernova

where is the most mass in the solar system?

in the sun

how have we discovered most of the extrasolar planets that we know about?

indirectly via their influence on light from their parent star

we observe sharp spectral features associated with hydrogen in light from the pinwheel galaxy. in light from the pinwheel, these features appear at 1% longer/larger wavelengths than what we measure for the same features in a lab here on earth. why?

the hydrogen in the pinwheel galaxy is moving away from us

what cannot be seen with the naked eye?

the moons of jupiter

consider a low mass object orbiting a high mass (parent) object. how do the mass of the parent object, size of the orbit, and the orbital speed relate?

the orbital speed is higher for a higher mass parent object and lower for a larger orbit

what does the transit planet detection technique tell us about. a planet?

the planet's orbital period and diameter

what describes structure of universe for Ptolemy, Hipparchus, Aristotle, and their followers?

the planets move on nested spheres centered on the earth

how do orbits let us measure masses?

the speed and radius of orbits can be observed, and together these determine the mass causing the orbit

which is not true about the eventual fate of a star 50 times the mass of the sun?

the star lives for about the same time as the sun

which of these is true about sun and earth in orbit?

the sun and earth orbit both common center of mass, but sun orbits with a much smaller semi major axis

over the course of a year, what happens to the apparent position of the sun in the sky?

the sun appears to move in a full circle around the sky

what common feature is shared by all main sequence stars?

they all fuse hydrogen into helium at their cores

what goes faster: infrared or radio light?

they go the same speed

which of these describes what educated ancient astronomers knew about the shape of earth by around 200 CE?

they knew that the earth was a sphere and approximate size

what is not true about modern telescopes?

they use lenses to bend and collect light from large area

a star with a high luminosity and low surface temp must be....

very big

why was the discovery of Jupiter-mass planets extremely close to their parent star surprising?

we think that Jovian planets only form in the icy outer solar system

what do we mean when we say telescopes are time machines?

when we receive light from distant object, we see that object as it was in the distant past due to light travel time

which of these is NOT true about white dwarf stars?

white dwarfs can have any mass

is the path of light affected by gravity?


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