Baptist Heritage Test 1

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The meaning of the Greek word baptizen The meaning of the ordinance of baptism The practice of the early church

1. What are the three lines of evidence that baptism must be by immersion?

Open, Closed, Close Open-Allows any believer to participate. Closed-allows only church members to participate Close-allows practicing, baptized members to participate.

1. What are the three types of administration of the Lord's Supper? How do they differ? Know the other points discussed relative to the administration of the Lord's Supper.

Pastor and Deacon

1. What are the two centers of authority in a local church?

Purity of the Church - Church Discipline Church as the Body of Christ - Mutual Interdependence Entered by Profession of Faith

1. What are three arguments for having church membership?

1. Christians have no Biblical obligation to halt all immoral practices in their societies. 2. The second Biblical principle pertinent to civil disobedience in the contemporary moral climate is that Christians must submit to all just laws. 3. The third Biblical principle that informs a Christian understanding of civil disobedience in a morally drifting culture is that laws that protect property from trespass are just laws.

1. What are three biblical principles that should guide Christians as they consider how to respond to injustice or evil in their society?

1. God has appointed civil authority, to which Christians must submit in civil affairs. 2. In matters of conscience, the state possess no authority; and Christians must obey God. 3. Christians may participate in civil affairs, swearing oaths when required to do so, holding office when called, and even waging war when necessary.

1. What are three elements of the Baptist understanding of how Christians should relate to their state?

Death Burial and resurrection

1. What are three meanings of baptism?

1. Baptists believe that the coercive power of the state must not be used to enforce matters that should be left to the conscience before God. 2. Baptists believe that Christianity should not appeal to the state for support or advantage.

1. What are two characteristics of the Baptist view of separation of church and state?

It states an agreement about what it means to be a church The covenant represents the agreement of the members actually be a church

1. What are two reasons the church covenant is important?


1. What evidence illustrates the competence of NT churches to rule?

Democracy has majority vote

1. What factor distinguishes congregational polity from pure democracy?

Congregational polity. yes

1. What form of polity do Baptists adopt, and do they believe this polity is taught in the NT?

To make decisions that bind the congregation Fiat decision making authority is explicitly forbidden to the pastors Pastor's authority is regularly associated with his preaching and teaching ministry The pastor's example is also connected to his authority

1. What four considerations indicate that a pastor's authority is in teaching and preaching rather than in executive decision-making?

Baptism preformed in non-baptist churches. They have accepted them

1. What is "alien immersion," and how have most Baptists responded to it (i.e., have most Baptists recognized alien immersions as valid)?

To represent humans before God

1. What is the basic duty of a priest?

Possess a serious knowledge of doctrine and practice

1. What is the fundamental qualification for both overseers and deacons, and what does this mean?

The believer must pursue holiness personally, and churches must pursue holiness ecclesiastically

1. What is the meaning of separation ethically and ecclesiastically?

Titus 1:5

1. What is the most important proof text for ruling elders?


1. What is the name theologians give to this work of the Spirit?

Example of the OT. Some Christians assuming that the church somehow replaces or continues Israel, have believed that the pattern of Israelite theocracy can be transferred directly to the church.

1. What is the only biblical support that could possibly be mustered for a union of church and state, and how do Baptists regard this support?

Application to Ecclesiology

1. What is the specific application of this principle that is intended by the Baptist distinctive?

Public Churches testimony Ultimately to restore the offending member Halt the spread of sin Maintain the clarity of the Gospel

1. What kind of offense is regulated in 1 Corinthians 5, and what are the four goals in the discipline process?

Personal To confront the erring brother privately Confronting the erring brother in the presence of witness Appealing to the entire church for judgement Disfellowshipping the erring brother if he will not hear the church

1. What kind of offense is regulated in Matthew 18, and what are the four steps in dealing with it?

The apostles provided leadership, advancing a solution to the problem. When the actual decision was made, the congregation was responsible to choose the seven servants.

1. What two answers does Bauder give in response to the two passages that seem to show leaders appointing servants rather than churches?

The creditability of applicants' testimonies The veracity of the applicants' lives

1. What two things can Baptists assess to make sure they admit only true believers?

Selection of servants

1. What was the main area in which NT churches made their own decisions?


1. Who has the authority to perform baptisms?

A. BRAPSISS 1. B - ible, the only rule for faith and practice 2. R - egenerated & immersed church membership 3. A - utonomy of the local church 4. P - riesthood of the believers 5. S - oul liberty of the individual believer 6. I - mmersion and Lord's Supper, the only two ordinances 7. S - eparation of Church and State 8. S - eparation ethically and ecclesiastically

Be able to list the Baptist distinctives completely and correctly, in order

Pluralism-denial of absolute truth Soul Liberty-affirms absolute truth (Respectful disagreement)

Distinguish between pluralism and soul liberty

Sacrament --A Means of Grace Ordinance --A Symbol or Spiritual Illustration

Distinguish between sacrament and ordinance

1. They have felt the need for interchurch fellowship, encouragement, and accountability. 2. Baptists share a responsibility to train the next generation of pastors for their churches. 3. Baptist churches often find themselves facing undertakings that are too large or complicated for most individual congregations.

What are three reasons Baptists have looked for ways to work together?

1. Citizens must disobey the law when it either requires them to do evil or forbids them to do good. 2. They may disobey the law (though they are not required to do so) when a particular law or directive violates the higher laws of the land.

What are two possible rationales for civil disobedience

1. The first disadvantage is that the institutions may end up controlling the association, and the association may end up in de facto control of the churches. 2. A second problem with associations is that the churches often find themselves supporting associational programs and institutions rather than supporting individuals. 3. The third danger of associationism is that the association can provide a matrix for transmitting infections from the institutions to the churches. 4. A fourth concern with associationism is that some local churches tend to abdicate duties to the institutions when they ought to be fulfilling those duties themselves. 5. A final serious problem with associations is their tendency to centralize power.

What are five disadvantages of the Associational Model

1. However useful the informal ties may be, institutions that are organized on this model have no direct accountability to the churches. 2. This model leads to considerable duplication of effort. 3. Under this model, missionaries are usually required to raise their own support, and they may be on the road for years doggedly asking for money in a protracted and exhausting deputation. 4. Churches can develop such a sense of loyalty toward a particular institution that the safeguards of this model become illusory. 5. Some local churches tend to relegate duties to the institutions when they ought to be fulfilling those duties themselves. 6. Service organizations can provide a platform from which ecclesiastical politicians can seek to control churches.

What are six disadvantages of the Service Organization Model

Reason-Liberals/Modernists Experience-Charismatics Tradition-Roman Catholic Church Scripture-Only Scripture has God's authority behind it

What are the four historic sources for truth? Who typically has held to each?

Born-again believers Bases --Sacrifice of Christ Access to God and forgiveness --Illumination of the Spirit Access to the Scriptures

What are the limitation and bases for the priesthood of the believer

Isolate - Anabaptist view Participate - Acts 16:35ff; Romans 13:1-7

What are the possible relationships between church and state

Self-governing Independent Democratic

What are the three elements relative to the autonomy of the church

Ethically and Ecclesiastically

What are the two possible ways in which the church can interact with the state

Matthew 28:19-20 Acts 2:41, 47

What are the two qualifications for church membership given in Scripture

1. The first principle is the autonomy of the individual congregation. 2. A second principle also guides Baptists in mutual efforts. 3. The third principle from which Baptists have taken direction in their cooperative work is the centrality of the local church in God's plan for this age.

What are three NT principles that guide the discussion of how to associate?

1. It creates a stable environment for whatever work is being done. 2. Accountability to an association tends to keep the work of the affiliated institutions. 3. In many cases the associational model can make financial support available instantly.

What are three advantages of the Associational Model

1. No organic link exists between the agency and the local church. 2. This model grants considerable flexibility to churches and individual. 3. Even though service organizations have no organic accountability, they do respond to the promptings of the churches and individuals who support them.

What are three advantages of the Service Organization Model

Regenerated Membership Baptized Membership Church Discpline

1. What are the three central themes of church membership?

yes that they have an identity with Christ

1. Circumcision was a mark of membership in Israel. Is baptism a mark of membership in the church, and, if it is, what does that imply?

Enter boldly into the very holy of holies

1. Hebrews 10:19-25 shows that believers have what privilege of priesthood?

Baptists believe Scripture is the authority for everything we believe and practice in the church

1. How do these four sources relate to one another?

Because an infant is incapable to voluntarily being responsible

1. How does the nature of the church covenant rule out infants as members?

We are required to give true worship to Christ. The separation of church and state could be caused by the force of this worship.

1. How does the nature of true worship lead to separation of church and state?

People have certain Spiritual Authority

1. If all believers have the Spirit, why do they have different levels of biblical understanding?

Appointing 7 Servants

1. If the Baptist view of that text is adopted, what does it teach about how elders rule?

1. They are not equally gifted. 2. They are not equally devoted to their work—spending upon their stages of life, the attention of some may be drawn away by family interests or by heath concerns. 3. They are not equally knowledgeable in the Word or equally skilled as shepherds.

1. In what ways are they not equal?


1. Is ordination necessary to celebrate the ordinances or preach in a Baptist church?

1. Negatively, Biblical deacons are not rulers or governors over the church. 2. Positively, New Testament deacons are servants of the congregation, and the pastors in order to accomplish the God-given purposes of the church.

1. Negatively and positively, what is the role of deacons?

1. Women must not preach to audiences that include adult men. 2. Women must not authoritatively teach the bible to men or to mixed audiences in a church setting. 3. Women must not exercise the authority of a pastor-bishop-elder.

1. Nevertheless, what does 1 Timothy 2:12 forbid women from doing?

Clergy and laity

1. The Baptist belief in priesthood of believers causes them to reject what distinction?


1. The argument of Hebrews 10 rules out what?

Plural eldership is not the same thing as elder government Plural eldership need not divide the office of the elder Plural eldership does not obligate a church to utilize unpaid volunteer elders Plural eldership does not necessarily destroy any administrative order or structure among the pastors of the church There in no number

1. What are five clarifications Bauder makes about the question of plural elders?

The New testament commands only believers to be baptized The New Testament does not contain a single command to baptize infants Peter connects baptism with a clear conscience Infant baptism does not appear in the records of the early church Baptists reject infant baptism because it is limited to proper subjects

1. What are five reasons to baptize only believers?

1. Does not forbid women from teaching or even disciplining men outside of the public gatherings of the church. 2. Does not forbid women from teaching children or other women within the public assembly. 3. Forbids a kind of teaching that is tied to exercising authority. 4. Has nothing to say about women exercising non-ecclesiastical authority in non-church settings.

1. What are four conclusions that can be drawn from 1 Timothy 2:12?

1. All pastors are leaders. 2. All pastors hold their office by virtue of the congregation's call. 3. Each pastor holds his authority from Christ through the call of the church. 4. Pastors have an equal right to expect financial support from the congregation.

1. What are four ways that all pastors in a local church are equal?

Their bodies as living sacrifice Their bodies is a form of worship On those they minster Sacrifice of praise Sacrifice to God's work Appearing before God

1. What are six sacrifices that are offered by believer priests?

Pastor - Poimen - Eph 4:11 --Feeding, guiding, protecting Bishop - Episcopos - Titus 1:7 --Overseer Elder - Presbyteros - 1 Tim 4:14 --Dignity --President of the assembly --Synagogue use Preacher - Keryx - 1 Tim 2:7 --Proclaimer of the message Teacher - Didaskalos - Eph 4:11 --Instructor in God's truth

1. What are the five words that refer to the pastor? To what, specifically, do they refer?

Episcopalian-Authority rests in a single person, by virtue of the office-Multiple levels of clergy Presbyterian-group, by virtue of election by the people-Single level of clergy Congregational-Human Authority-Single Level of Clergy Hybrid-No Specific Authority-Unknown Levels of Clergy

1. What are the four forms of church government? Where does the authority lie in each one? How many levels of clergy are there in each? [Possible essay]

Transubstantiation-Roman Catholic (the bread and wine literally become the body and blood of Jesus Christ) Consubstantiation-Lutheran (the body and blood of Christ are "in, with, and under" the bread and wine, i.e., they are spiritually present in the elements, so that the communicant feeds on Christ at the same time that he is feeding on the elements) Spiritual-real Presence of Christ-Reformed (Christ, although His body is in Heaven, is spiritually present when communion is celebrated, enabling spiritual fellowship with Him) Memorial-1 Cor. 11:23-24 (the bread and wine symbolize the body and blood of Christ sacrificed on the cross for us - this is the Baptist and biblical view)

1. What are the four theological positions concerning the Lord's Supper? Explain each one briefly. [Possible essay]

Political Personal Ecclesiastical

1. What are the three aspects of soul liberty?

B. Coordinate authorities -Tradition, reason or experience Incomplete canon -New revelation R. Pedobaptism (child baptism) MegaChurch Movement -Deemphasizes membership A. Hierarchy of any kind -Note that congregational polity works only in the context of autonomous local churches Oversight of any kind from outside the church P. Human Priesthood for Worship Intermediaries for Interpretation S. State Sponsorship of Particular Religions or Religious Persecution Dependence on Others for Personal Convictions Judgmentalism/Pharisaism that Condemns Others in Nonessential or Relatively Unimportant Matters I. Sacramentalism Footwashing -Epistles -Acts

What does each distinctive refute or reject

Freedom to hold beliefs, worship, and profess beliefs according to the dictates of one's own heart Not limited to believers, but pertains to all humans

What does soul liberty mean and to whom does it apply

A local association usually existing to facilitate fellowship between churches in a single city, county, or similar area.

What is the Associational Model?

The Protestant reformers of the 16th century affirmed the absolute authority and sole sufficiency of Scripture against the Roman Catholic Church

What is the Reformation principle that relates to this subject

Belief that Baptist missionary work could be carried out best by an organization of individual Baptists. The missionary organization would be an autonomous institution.

What is the Service Organization Model

1 Tim 3:8-13

What passage probably teaches the origin of the office of deacon

To interpret Scripture privately To have direct access to God To evangelize the lost

What three concepts are included in the priesthood of the believer

Proper Subjects, Proper Meaning, Proper Mode

What three things are needed to make a baptism valid?

The NT is the final authority for all matters of church faith and order

Which of the following best expresses Bauder's explanation of the Baptist distinctive of biblical authority?

Summaries of what they believe the Bible teaches

Which of the following best expresses the role that confessions have for Baptists?

Whatever does not contradict Scripture may be retained

Which of the following expresses Luther's view of how matters not directly addressed in Scripture should be handled?

1. Christians do not have freedom to make up their own doctrines, order, or worship. 2. Christians do not have freedom to make up moral rules for other Christians.

Which of the following is a lesson Bauder derives from his discussion of Paul's response to the Colossian heresy?

1. There is some administrative latitude in arranging the details of church life. 2. The NT does not always specify the means by which the NT requirements are to be fulfilled

Which of the following is an exception Bauder allows relative to the Sufficiency of Scripture principle?


Which reformer taught the Sufficiency of Scripture principle in opposition to the view of Luther?

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