Biceps and triceps branchii

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A strain felt in the bony groove between the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus will indicate injury to the

Biceps branchii

Which head of the biceps branchii passes through the intertuberculat groove

Long head

At resisted action could you ask your partner to perform to feel the contraction of the long head of the triceps branchii

Shoulder extension

What is the only muscle of the posterior arm

Triceps branchii

Which muscle does not comprise one fo the walls of tissue forming the axilla

Triceps branchii

What is the insertion of the biceps branchii

Tuberosity if the radius and aponeurosis of biceps branchii

The brachial artery can be located in the medial side of the arm between which two muscles.

biceps brachii and triceps brachii

What is the thin sheet of fascia extending off the distal tendon of the biceps brachii?

bicipital aponeurosis

Forcefully using the screwdriver will require extra strength usage of the

Biceps branchii

The tendon of what muscles lies within the intertubercular groove

Biceps branchii

Which of the following is the primary muscle of the supination.

Biceps branchii

What is the origin of the biceps branchii short head

Coracoid process of the scapula

What movement Shortens the fibers of the triceps branchii

Elbow extension

Name an action of the biceps branchii

Flexion of the elbow

What is the origin of the triceps branchii long head

Infraglenoid tubercle is the scapula

What is the insertion of the triceps branchii

Olecranon process of ulna

What movement would lengthen the fibers of the biceps branchii

Pronation of the forearm

The long head of the triceps branchii weaves between which two muscles before attaching at the infraglenoid tubercle

Teres major and minor w

To outline the distal tendon of triceps brachii, which landmark do you want to locate?

olecranon process

When locating the proximal attachment of the long head of the triceps, you will be palpating deep to which muscle?


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