BIO 121 Chp 9

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Write one sentence that describes the relationship between flower, fruit, and seed.

After fertilization, the ovule of a flower develops into a fruit, which encloses the seed

What important reproductive feature do all angiosperms....from grasses to trees.....share?

All angiosperms use a flower as their reproductive organ

Xylem primarily transports _____ and _____ from the roots

water and minerals

Which prominent reproductive structure is not found in all plants?


Which type of growth (primary and/or secondary) are meristems responsible for?

Meristems are responsible for both primary (lengthening) and secondary (thickening) growth

Does a plant have to expend energy to transport water from the roots to the leaves?

No; physical properties (such as evaporation and the sticking together of water molecules) provide all the forces

Why can't ferns thrive in the desert?

Seedless vascular plants release sperm that must swim through water to reach an egg

When you look at a mat of moss, what structure are you seeing? Are the cells within haploid or diploid?

The gametophyte, Haploid

Which tissue system would you expect contains cells with the most chloroplasts?

The ground tissue system, where photosynthesis occurs

What problem associated with living on land do mycorrhizae help a plant overcome?

The need to absorb minerals from the soil

When you eat a mushroom, what are you actually eating?

The reproductive organ

A person who is allergic to evergreen pollen is actually allergic to what?

The sperm-bearing reproductive structures of gymnosperms

Why is the action of fungi as decomposers so important?

Without decomposers, nutrients would accumulate in dead matter and never be recycled

Flowers, fruit, and seeds aid ______ • The flower is the reproductive organ of angiosperms. • Flowers produce and receive pollen. • Flower structures house the developing embryo, which is eventually dispersed as a seed.

angiosperm reproduction

Products harvested from which group of plants are most likely to be found in your refrigerator?


______ dominate the modern landscape. The vast majority of modern plants (over 250,000 species) are ______, the flowering plants. Nearly all of our important food crops are _______. (same word all blanks) ex: covered seeds, grass, beans, coconut palms, melon cactus, bread wheat.


_____ grow for one season.


Flowering plants can be grouped into three categories based on life spans:

annuals, biennials, and perennials

Sac-like structure at the top of the stamen where pollen grains are produced. This also releases pollen.


_____ grow for two seasons.


The _____ is the flattened portion of the leaf.


_____ are seedless, nonvascular plants. Modern ______ can survive only in watery environments. ______ have adaptations for land: - A waxy outer layer that helps to retain moisture - Structures that provide internal protection for gametes and embryos ex: mosses, liverworts, & hornworts


There are four major groups of modern plants:

bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms

Fungi usually reproduce without sex • Single-celled yeasts reproduce asexually by ______.


Consisting of the stigma, style and ovary, the ______ is the egg producing reproductive structure.


_____ is made primarily of cellulose, and surrounds the plasma membrane and provides protection.

cell wall

Plant cells have some unique structures: (4 things)

cell wall, chloroplast, plasmodesmata, and central vacuole

Plants _____ work together to form tissues.


______ contains fluid that helps maintain the cell's rigidity.

central vacuole

A monocot embryo has one _____, the first leaf (or leaves) to emerge from a sprouted seed. A dicot embryo has two _____.


Like all land plants, bryophytes have a waxy layer, called the _____ that helps retain moisture within the plant body.


_____: Waxy coating that prevents water loss.


Fungi decompose _______.

dead organisms

______ break down large molecules and absorb the resulting small molecules.


_____ forms an outer protective covering and regulates gas exchange.

dermal tissue system

Plant tissues are organized into three tissue systems:

dermal tissue system, ground tissue system, and vascular tissue system.

_____: two cotyledons, taproot usually present, leaf veins usually branched, and floral parts usually in multiples of four or five.


Less commonly, fungi reproduce sexually • Some species of fungi can join hyphae to form ______. • These _______ then divide to produce genetically distinct haploid spores. (same word both blanks)

diploid cells

Fungi consist of below- and above- ground structures. Above ground, ______ produce spores for reproduction.


______: Remains in female reproductive organ, allowing the embryo to develop within the mother plant's body.


An _____ is produced through cell division of the zygote.


The ______ within the ovule is the female gametophyte.

embryo sac

Provides nourishment to the embryo.


Outer layer of cells that provides protection. (dermal tissue system)


Fungi are a diverse group of ______.


Two haploid sperm enter the ovule, and one fertilizes an egg.


Stalk that holds up the anther.


A _____ is a reproductive structure; other types of plants use different structures.


The_____ is a key adaptation for life on land • The _____ is a complex reproductive organ that houses the ovary and develops into fruit and seed. (same word both blanks)


A ripened ovary that contains seeds.


The _____ is the dominant form of most bryophytes. Its cells are haploid, containing a single, unmatched set of chromosomes. As its name suggests, the _____ produces haploid gametes (sperm and egg).


When conditions are suitable, seed _______ begins. The seed takes up water, expands, and the embryo within resumes its growth.


_____ performs photosynthesis, provides support and stores nutrients.

ground tissue system

Plants can grow in thickness • Each year, meristem tissues produce new layers of cells, and old cells die. • Over the years, the layers accumulate to form wood. _____ are the boundary pattern between spring and summer cells and can be used to estimate tree age.

growth ring

Regulate gas exchange through stomata (pores) (dermal tissue system)

guard cells

One ______ sperm fertilizes the haploid egg to create a _______ . The other sperm fuses with other cells to form the endosperm.

haploid, diploid

Mycelium and mushrooms are made of fibers called _____.


Fungi consist of below- and above- ground structures. Below ground, fungi bodies consist of a _______ that digests food.


The region of the stem between the nodes is called an _____.


A _____ is a plant organ for photosynthesis; it contains xylem and phloem tissues.


______ is the site of photosynthesis.


______: Main site of photosynthesis and gas exchange through pores.


The cells of ferns are stiffened with a complex organic polymer called _____, which allows the plant to stand up straight and tall.


______: Chemical in cell walls that stiffens them, increasing support.


Gymnosperm reproduction includes two types of cones:

male and female

Because bryophytes lack lignin, a chemical that hardest the cell walls of most plants, they cannot grow tall. Instead, they grow in low dense ____, with many individuals packed together, each supporting the other.


_____ tissue at the tips of roots and stems enables a plant to grow in length. • This is called ______.

meristem, primary growth

In all angiosperms, tissues called _____ are responsible for growth. This contains unspecialized cells that, when conditions permit, can generate new cells via cell division (mitosis). _____ tissues at the tips of roots and stems enable a plant to grow in length. This is called ______. (first and second blank the same)

meristems, primary growth

Contains many photosynthetic cells (ground tissue system).


_____: one cotyledon, fibrous root system, leaf veins usually parallel, and floral parts usually in multiples of three.


Two groups of angiosperms, ____ and _____, differ in their anatomy.

monocots and dicots

The evolution of plants and fungi is interconnected • Together, fungi and plant roots form a symbiotic association called ______. • The fungus provides the plant with water and minerals absorbed from the soil. • The plant provides sugars as nourishment for the fungus. _____ are a key adaptation that allowed the colonization of land. (same word both blanks)


A point on the stem where a leaf attaches is called a _____.


Several types of plant tissues that work together to carry out a particular function are considered an _____.


Tissues can join together to form _____ and can be organized by ______.

organs, tissue systems

Chamber that surrounds and protects one or more ovules.


_____ grow for many seasons.


Often colorful and/or fragrant, which helps attract pollinators such as bees.


The _____ joins the blade to the stem.

petiole (stalk)

Transports sugars from where they are made or stored to other parts of the plant.


______ contains living cells that transport sugars from where they are made or stored to other parts of the plants.


No vascular tissue means they have no _____ and _____. This also means they can not grow tall (ferns).

phloem and xylem

______ are eukaryotes with unique adaptations for survival on land • Around 500 mya, ancestral ______ began to evolve adaptations for survival on dry land. • A _____ is a terrestrial multicellular eukaryote that conducts photosynthesis. (same word all blanks)


______ are open channels through which material can flow from cell to cell.


The sperm-carrying ______ grain is the male gametophyte.


______: Protects sperm, allowing them to be carried by wind or animals.


Sperm from the pollen grain move through a _____ to the egg.

pollen tube

______ occurs when pollen lands on the stigma of a flower of the same species. Some plants can self-fertilize; some can only fertilize other plants.


_____: Belowground anchorage structures exposed to water and minerals in soil.

root system

The _____ of a plant anchor it in the soil, absorb water and minerals, transport nutrients to other parts of the plant, and store food.


Plants thrive in terrestrial environments because they have: (2 things) (neither can survive without the other).

roots and shoots

_____ is the thickening of stems and roots.

secondary growth

An embryonic plant, packed with food, inside a protective container.


______ have important adaptations for living on land: - Vascular tissue - Lignin-hardened cell walls - lack seeds ex: ferns

seedless vascular plants

An embryo and a food supply packaged in a tough container.


A _____ consists of an embryo and food supply inside a protective coating. • _____ are one of the key adaptations that allowed plants to spread across the land. (same word both blanks)

seeds (gymnosperms)

Outer leaves of the flower, usually green, that encase a flower when its closed.


______ : Photosynthetic structures exposed to light and air aboveground.

shoot system

The _____ of a plant are the aboveground structures. • Parts of the _____ include: - Stems - Leaves - Structures for reproduction, such as cones or flowers.


Structures on the underside of fern leaves, contain huge numbers of spores (haploid reproductive cells).

spore capsule

In some fungi, specialized cells on the underside of the mushroom cap produce ______ that contain a single (haploid) set of chromosomes.


_____ are tough haploid cells that can survive harsh conditions.

spores (produced by sporophyte cells)

Cells of the _____ are diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes in matched pairs. The _____ produces spores, tough haploid cels that can survive harsh condition. (same word both blanks)


Bryophytes come in two distinct forms representing an alternation of generations.

sporophyte & gametophyte

Consisting of the anther and the filament, the ______ is the pollen producing reproductive structure.


_____ generally grow above the ground and support the leaves and flowers.


Landing platform for pollen.


Pore through which gas exchange occurs.


Tiny pores in the leaf called ______ facilitate transpiration of water • During the day, leaf _____ remain open. • At night, guard cells close the pores to prevent unnecessary water loss. (same word both blanks)


Stalk through which sperm travel to reach egg.


Phloem sap always flows from a ______- cells where sugar is available, such as photosynthetic leaves where sugar is made or organs such as tubers that store sugar- to a ______, a stein the plant where the sugar will be used, such as a growing tip.

sugar source, sugar sink

Phloem primarily transports _____.


The ______ has newly forming leaves at the tip of the stem and helps increase exposure of the plant to sunlight.

terminal bud

A _____ is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific function. Two of the most important _____ in plants are xylem and phloem.


_____ are found in the nerves of the plants.


Xylem sap is moved through the plant body via ______. - Water evaporates into the atmosphere from the leaves and stems, pulling up more water from the roots.


______: Network of tubes that transports water, sugar, and minerals.

vascular system

Nearly all plants (except for bryophytes) have ______.

vascular tissue

______ provides long-distance transport of water and nutrients. A system of tube-shaped cells.

vascular tissue system

_____ is made of dead cells acting as tiny pipes. Transports water and minerals from roots to leaves.


Two of the most important tissues in plants are _____ and ______.

xylem, phloem

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