Bio Exam 2

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What are the 3 variables required by active transport of amino acids in plants at the cellular level?

1. ATP 2. Transport proteins 3. Proton gradient

List the different T cells of the immune system.

1. Cytotoxic 2. Helper 3. Regulatory

Arrange the following five events in an order that explains the mass flow of materials in the phloem. 1. Water diffuses into the sieve tubes. 2. Leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis. 3. Solutes are actively transported into sieve tubes. 4. Sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf. 5. Sugar moves down the stem.

2, 4, 3, 1, 5

To become bound to hemoglobin for transport in mammals, how many membranes must atmospheric molecules of oxygen cross?

5 membranes

What would an organism need to adjust blood pressure independently in the capillaries of the gas-exchange surface and in the capillaries of the general body circulation?

A four-chambered heart

Which gases or elements primarily enter a plant somewhere other than through the roots? A) Carbon Dioxide B) Nitrogen C) Potassium D) Water

A) Carbon Dioxide

A bone marrow transplant may not be appropriate from a given donor (Jane) to a given recipient (Jane's cousin, Bob), even though Jane has previously given blood for one of Bob's needed transfusions. Why? A) Even though Jane's blood type is a match to Bob's, her major histocompatibility (MHC) proteins may not be a match B) A blood type match is less stringent than a match required for transplant because blood is more tolerant of change C) For each gene, there is only one blood allele but many tissue alleles D) Jane's MHC class II genes are not expressed in bone marrow

A) Even though Jane's blood type is a match to Bob's, her major histocompatability (MHC) proteinsmay not be a match

What activity do inflammatory responses in an inflamed area typically include/involve? A) Increased activity of phagocytes in an inflamed area B) Reduced permeability of blood vessels to conserve plasma C) Release of substances to decrease the blood supply to an inflamed area D) Inhibiting the release of white blood cells from bone marrow

A) Increased activity of phagocytes in an inflamed area

Define/characterize Innate immunity. A) Is the first, and most general, mechanism of protection against pathogens B) Depends on an infected animal's previous exposure to a pathogen C) Is based on recognition of antigens that are specific to a pathogen D) Is found only in vertebrates

A) Is the first, and most general, mechanism of protection against pathogens

What is the purpose of the countercurrent exchange in the fish gill? A) Maintains a gradient that enhances diffusion B) Enables the fish to obtain oxygen without swimming C) Means that blood and water flow at different rates D) Allows o2 to diffuse against its partial pressure gradient

A) Maintains a gradient that enhances diffusion

A particular species of virus carries a gene for salicylate hydroxylase, an enzyme that breaks down salicylic acid. Will this virus be more or less virulent to plants than other viruses? A) More B) Less C) This will not make the virus more or less virulent

A) More

Several tomato plants are growing in a small garden plot. If soil water potential were to drop significantly on a hot, summer afternoon, which of the following would most likely occur? A) Size of stomatal openings would decrease. B) Transpiration would increase. C) The leaves would become more turgid. D) The uptake of carbon dioxide would be enhanced.

A) Size of stomatal openings would decrease

If a person is prone to allergies, what treatment could redirect their immune response to help prevent future allergic reactions? A) Stimulating activated B cells to switch antibody production from class IgE to class IgM B) Blocking the antigen recognition sites of IgM antibodies C) Reducing the number of helper T cells in the body D) Reducing the number of cytotoxic cells

A) Stimulating activated B cells to switch antibody production from class IgE to class IgM

What differentiates the movement of the respiratory medium in mammals from the movement of the respiratory medium in fish? A) The movement of the respiratory medium in mammals is bidirectional, but in fish it is unidirectional. B) In blood, oxygen is primarily transported by plasma in fish, but by red blood cells in mammals. C) A countercurrent exchange mechanism between the respiratory medium and blood flow is seen in mammals but not in fish. D) The respiratory medium for fish carries more oxygen than the respiratory medium of mammals.

A) The movement of the respiratory medium in mammals is bidirectional, but in fish it is unidirectional.

The greatest difference in the concentration of respiratory gases is found in which (pair of) mammalian blood vessels? A) The pulmonary vein and the jugular vein B) The veins from the right and left legs C) The pulmonary artery and the inferior vena cava D) The pulmonary vein and the aorta

A) The pulmonary vein and the jugular vein

In which of the following flows is the countercurrent exchange evident? A) Water across the gills of a fish and the blood within those gills B) Blood in the dorsal vessel of an insect and that of air within its tracheae C) Air within the primary bronchi of a human and the blood within the pulmonary veins D) Water across the skin of a frog and the blood flow within the ventricle of its heart

A) Water across the gills of a fish and the blood within those gills

A water molecule could move all the way through a plant from soil to root to lead to air and pass through a living cell only once. This living cell would be a part of what structure? A) endodermis B) root epidermis C) Casparian strip D) root cortex E) guard cell

A) endodermis

What type of immunity is associated with breast feeding?

Acquired immunity

In order for blood to always flow unidirectionally through a closed circulatory system, what features must be present in the blood vessels farthest from the heart? A. Capillaries must have a thick endothelium B. Blood vessels farthest from the heart must have valves C. Pressure in all vessels must be equal D. Arteries must be elastic

B) Blood vessels farthest from the heart must have valves

What pathway would lead to the activation of cytotoxic T cells? A) B cell contact antigen → helper T cell is activated → clonal selection occurs B) Body cell becomes infected with a virus → synthesis of new viral proteins → class I MHC molecule-antigen complex displayed on cell surface C) Self-tolerance of immune cells → B cells contact antigen → cytokines released D) Complement cells → B cell contacts antigen → helper T cell activated → cytokines released E) Cytotoxic T cells → class II MHC molecule-antigen complex displayed → cytokines released → cell lysis

B) Body cell becomes infected with a virus → synthesis of new viral proteins → class I MHC molecule-antigen complex displayed on cell surface

What is the advantage of having small, needlelike leaves? A) Better protection against insects and herbivores B) Decrease in transpiration rate C) Decreased efficiency of light capture D) Increase in transpiration rate E) Increased efficiency of light capture

B) Decrease in transpiration rate

During aerobic exercise, what happens (1) to the partial pressure of oxygen in muscle cells, and (2) to the rate of diffusion of oxygen into the muscle tissue from the blood? (i.e. How do they evolve?) A) Increase; decrease B) Decrease; increase C) Decrease; decrease D) Not change; also not change

B) Decrease; increase

What would happen to tissue fluid if the osmotic pressure on the venous side of capillary beds is lower than the hydrostatic pressure? A) Hemoglobin will not release oxygen. B) Fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues. C) The pH of the interstitial fluids will increase. D) Most carbon dioxide will be bound to hemoglobin and carried away from tissues. E) Plasma proteins will escape through the endothelium of the capillaries.

B) Fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues

In a humoral or antibody-mediated immune response, specific B cells are stimulated by helper T cells to transform into plasma cells that secrete antibodies. What would be an important feature added to the plasma cells during this transition process that allows them to better perform their function? A) Duplication of specific gene sequences for the appropriate antibody B) Increased rough endoplasmic reticulum for greater antibody production C) Duplication of lysosomes in order to store the antibodies before transport D) Increased antigen presentation on the surface of the plasma cells

B) Increased rough endoplasmic reticulum for greater antibody production

A plant developed a mineral deficiency after being treated with fungicide. What is the most probable cause of the deficiency? A) Mineral receptor proteins in the plant membrane were not functioning B)Mycorrhizal fungi were killed C)Active transport of minerals was inhibited D) The genes for synthesis of transport proteins were destroyed E) Proton pumps reversed the membrane potential

B) Mycorrhizal fungi were killed

What are the cells of the mammalian innate immune response that help destroy tumors? A) Cytotoxic T cells B) Natural killer cells C) Macrophages D) B cells

B) Natural killer cells

Mucus occurs in both the respiratory and digestive tracts. What is its main immunological function? A) Sweeping away debris B) Physically trapping of pathogens C) Destruction of pathogens because it is acidic D) Increasing oxygen absorption

B) Physically trapping pathogens

What would be the consequence if we were to reverse the direction of water flow over the gills of a fish, moving water inward past the operculum, past the gills, then out the mouth? What would this reversal of water flow induce? A) Change the exchange of gases in the body from carbon dioxide out and oxygebn in to carbon dioxide in and oxygen out B) Reduce efficiency of gas exchange C) Increase the efficiency of gas exchange

B) Reduce efficiency of gas exchange

What do circulatory systems compensate for? A) Temperature differences between the lungs and the active tissue B) The slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances C) The problem of communication systems involving only the nervous system D) The need to cushion animals from trauma

B) The slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances

A human red blood cell in an artery of the left arm is on its way to deliver oxygen to a cell in the thumb. To travel from the artery to the thumb and then back to the left ventricle, this red blood cell must pass through how many capillary beds? A) One capillary bed B) Two capillary beds C) Three capillary beds D) Four capillary beds

B) Two capillary beds

What is the condition for a plant to initiate chemical responses to herbivory, before it is directly affected by herbivores? A) A plant must have flowered at least once B) Volatile "signal" compounds must be perceived C) Gene-for-gene intraspecific recognition must occur D) Phytoalexins must be released

B) Volatile "signal" compounds must be perceived

How would you describe/characterize the movement of sugar in the phloem? A) Diffusion can account for the observed rates of transport. B) Movement can occur both upward and downward in the plant. C) Sugar is translocated from sinks to sources. D) Only phloem cells with nuclei can perform sugar movement. E) Sugar transport does not require energy.

B. Movement can occur both upward and downward in the plant

When the air in a testing chamber is specially mixed so that its oxygen content is 10% and its overall air pressure is 400 mm Hg, what will be the PO2 (the partial pressure of oxygen)? A) 400 mm Hg. B) 82 mm Hg. C) 40 mm Hg. D) 21 mm Hg. E) 4 mm Hg.

C) 40 mm Hg

Name the plant hormone that causes stomatal closures in drought stress conditions. a) Indole-3-acetic acid b) Gibberellin c) Abscisic acid (ABA) d) Ethylene

C) Abscisic acid (ABA)

Which of the following is a normal event in the process of blood clotting? A) Production of erythropoietin B) Conversion of fibrin to fibrinogen C) Activation of prothrombin to thrombin D) Synthesis of hemoglobin

C) Activation of prothrombin to thrombin

What would most likely happen if a newborn is accidentally given a drug that destroys the thymus? A) Lack innate immunity B) Be unable to genetically rearrange antigen receptors C) Be unable to differentiate and mature T cells D) Have a reduced number of B cells and be unable to form antibodies

C) Be unable to differentiate and mature T cells

What are the cells and signaling molecules involved in the initial stages of the inflammatory response? A) Phagocytes and cytokines B) Dendritic cells and interferons C) Mast cells and histamines D) Lymphocytes and interferons

C) Mast cells and histamines

What observation/statement would provide the strongest evidence against root pressure being the principle mechanism of water transport in the xylem? A) Not all soils have high concentrations of ions. B) Root pressure requires movement of water into the xylem from surrounding cells in the roots. C) Over long distances, the force of root pressure is not enough to overcome the force of gravity. D) There is no water potential gradient between roots and shoots.

C) Over long distances, the force of root pressure is not enough to overcome the force of gravity

Hyperventilation (rapid inhalation and exhalation) can result in respiratory alkalosis (increased blood pH). Why?

CO2 levels in the blood decrease from lack of exhalation, increasing the blood pH making it less acidic

Which components of the immune system destroys bacteria by punching holes in the wall of the bacteria?

Complement protein

Cyanide poisons mitochondria by blocking the final step in the electron transport chain. What would be the likely fate of Human red blood cells placed in an isotonic solution containing cyanide? A) Retain the normal cell shape, but the mitochondria will be poisoned B) Lyse as the cyanide concentration increases inside the cell C) Switch to anaerobic metabolism D) Be unaffected

D) Be unaffected

When an arborist prunes a limb off a valuable tree, he or she usually paints the cut surface. The primary purpose of the paint is to ____. A) Minimize water loss by evaporation from the cut surface B) Improve the appearance of the cut surface C) Stimulate growth of the cork cambium to "heal" the wound D) Block entry of pathogens through the wound E) Induce the production of phytoalexins

D) Block entry of pathogens through the wound

Which components of the immune system destroys cancerous cells by punching holes in plasma membranes and triggering apoptosis? A) Toll-like proteins B) Macrophages C) Plasma cells D) Cytotoxic T cells

D) Cytotoxic T cells

The water lost during transpiration is a side effect of the plant's exchange of gases. However, the plant derives some benefit from this water loss in the form of _______. A) Increased turgor and increased growth B) Sucrose transport and increased growth C) Evaporative cooling and increased turgor D) Evaporative cooling and mineral transport

D) Evaporative cooling and mineral transport

Acidity in human sweat is an example of which type of immunity? A) Cell-mediated immune responses B) Acquired immunity C) Adaptive immunity D) Innate immunity

D) Innate immunity

In an open circulatory system, blood is ________. A) Always inside of vessels and is under higher pressure than in closed circulatory systems B) Not always confined to blood vessels and is under higher pressure than in closed circulatory systems C) Always inside of vessels and is under lower pressure than in closed circulatory systems D) Not always confined to blood vessels and is under lower pressure than in closed circulatory systems

D) Not always confined to blood vessels and is under lower pressure than in closed circulatory systems

Clonal selection and differentiation of B cells activated by antigen exposure leads to the production of what components? A) Large quantities of the antigen initially recognized B) Vast numbers of B cells with random antigen-recognition receptors C) Long-lived erythrocytes that can later secrete antibodies for the antigen D) Short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen

D) Short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen

Which event during the evolution of land plants favored the synthesis of secondary compounds? A) The greenhouse effect present throughout the Devonian period B) The reverse-greenhouse effect during the Carboniferous period C) The association of the roots of land plants with fungi D) The rise of herbivory E) The rise of wind pollination

D) The rise of herbivory

Why is the velocity of blood flow the lowest in capillaries? A) The capillaries have internal valves that slow the flow of blood B) The diastolic blood pressure is too low to deliver blood to the capillaries at a high flow rate C) The systemic capillaries are supplied by the left ventricle, which has a lower cardiac output than the right ventricle D) The total cross-sectional area of the capillaries is greater than the total cross-sectional area of the arteries or any other part of the circulatory system

D) the total cross-sectional area of the capillaries is greater than the total cross - sectional area of the arteries or any other part of the circulatory system

What is the sequence (pathway) of blood flow in birds and mammals? A) left ventricle → aorta → lungs → systemic circulation B) vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary vein C) pulmonary vein → left atrium → left ventricle → pulmonary circuit D) vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary artery

D) vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary artery

Plants do not have a circulatory system like that of some animals. If a water molecule did "circulate" (that is, go from one point in a plant to another and back in the same day), it would require the activity of ____. A) Only the xylem. B) Only the phloem. C) Only the endodermis. D) Both the xylem and the endodermis. E) Both the xylem and the phloem.

E. Both the xylem and the phloem

Name the hormone that is released from the kidney to stimulate the production of red blood cells.

Erythropoietin (EPO)


Evaporation of water from the leaves of a plant

What is the main force by which most of the water within xylem vessels moves toward the top of a tree?

Evaporation of water through stoma

What does apoplast in plant tissues consist of?

Everything external to plasma membrane: cell wall, extracellular spaces, interior of vessel elements and tracheids

Name the only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body tissues without first returning to the heart.


In which organism(s) does blood flow from the pulmocutaneous circulation to the heart before circulating through the rest of the body?


An otherwise healthy student in your class was infected with EBV (the virus that causes infectious mononucleosis) when she was a child, at which time she had merely experienced a mild sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in her neck. When she is exposed to EBV again later in life, she does not get sick or have any symptoms of mononucleosis. Explain why your class mate does not exhibit symptoms of EBV infection.

Her immune system had a macrophage that engulfed the EBV, presented its antigen on its surface, and released helper T cells which gave rise to memory T cells, B cells and cytotoxic cells which actively kill the EBV. The B cells give rise to plasma cells which release antibodies, and memory cells that prepare the body to fight the next infection. The memory cells prepare the immune system to fight off the EBV next time before it can even infect the cells. RECOGNITION AND DESTRUCTION (43.2) Memory T cells come in, immediately signal cytotoxic T cells; skip long process

What does transpiration in plants require to occur? I) adhesion of water molecules to cellulose II) cohesion between water molecules III) evaporation of water molecules IV) active transport through xylem cells V) transport through tracheids

I, II, III, and V

What are the important components of the long-distance transport process in plants? I) the cohesion of water molecules II) a negative water potential III) the root parenchyma IV) the active transport of solutes V) bulk flow from source to sink

I, II, IV, and V

Vertebrate immune cells, which are phagocytic, include which of the following I) neutrophils II) macrophages III) dendritic cells IV) natural killer cells

I, II, and III

Which of the following mechanisms are used to regulate blood pressure in the closed circulatory I) Changing the force of heart contraction II) Constricting and relaxing smooth muscle in the walls of arterioles III) Opening or closing precapillary sphincters

I, II, and III

Which components contribute to the surface area available for water absorption from the soil by a plant root system? I) root hairs II) endodermis III) mycorrhizae IV) fibrous arrangement of the roots

I, III, and IV

Which of the following proteins can be classified as immunoglobulins? I) T cell receptors II) B cell receptors III) Antigens

II) B cell receptors

7. Arrange in the correct sequence the components of the mammalian immune system as it first responds to a pathogen? I) Pathogen is destroyed. II) Lymphocytes secrete antibodies. III) Antigens from a pathogen bind to antigen receptors on lymphocytes. IV) Lymphocytes specific to antigens from a pathogen become numerous. V) Only memory cells remain.

III → IV → II → I → V

Consider the following reaction. What would happen if the pH of the blood was decreased? CO2 + H2O <--> H2CO3 <--> HCO3- + H+

If pH is decreased (blood becomes more acidic), then CO2 was increased

Most scientists agree that global warming is underway; thus, it is important to know how plants respond to heat stress. What would be a useful line of inquiry to try and improve plant response and survival to heat stress?

Increased production of heat-shock proteins

Compare and contrast adaptive immunity and innate immunity.

Innate immunity: Defenses against any pathogen. Born with it, Non-specific. Adaptive immunity: Immunity, resistance to a specific pathogen. Developed after birth, very specific.

You are out working in your garden, and you notice that one of your favorite flowering plants has black, dead spots on the leaves. What would you immediately suspect concerning what happened to the plant and its resulting response?

It has been invaded by a pathogen and it has initiated a hypersensitive response

What are blood cells that function to fight infection called?

Leukocytes (white blood cells)

Trace the flow (pathway) of air into the lung of a mammal.

Nasal cavity, pharynx, glottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

When an animal cell is placed in a hypotonic solution and water enters the cell via osmosis, the volume of the cell increases until it bursts. This does not happen to plant cells, because _____.

Plant cells have cell walls which provide pressure to counteract the pressure of incoming water

You cut your finger, and after putting pressure on the wound for several minutes, you notice that it is still bleeding profusely. What may be the problem?

Platelets are not functioning properly, or there are two few to be effective

If you were a molecule of water outside the roots of a plant, what structures would you have to pass through to move out of the leaf into the air? What processes would help you to make the journey?

Processes: adhesion of water to walls of xylem, cohesion of water molecules, pull of evaporation, transpiration, evaporation Root --> Xylem --> Leaf --> Stomata

Which ions play the primary role in basic transport processes in plant cells?

Protons (H+)

What is the function of the Casparian strip?

Stop materials that have been moving through the apoplast and force them to move into the cytosol of the endodermis to cross over the plasma membrane

What is the collective name of generalized defense responses in organs distant from the infection site?

Systematic acquired resistance

If isolated plant cells with a water potential averaging -0.5 MPa are placed into a solution with a water potential of -0.3 MPa, which of the following would be the most likely outcome?

The pressure potential of the cells would increase

What is the function of proton pumps localized in the plant plasma membrane?

To create a membrane potential and proton gradient

Name the physical property that predicts the direction of water flow in plants.

Water potential

Although having evolved independently, the tracheal tubes of mammals and insects are both supported by rigid tissues. The trachea of a mammal is supported by cartilage, and the tracheae of an insect are supported by chitin. What selective pressure most likely led to the convergent evolution of these respiratory structures?

When air is the respiratory medium, there is a greater risk that the tracheal tubes will collapse

Define autoimmune disease.

When the immune system attacks a non pathogen or itself

Name the group of proteins activated by bacteria entering the body through a small cut in the skin.


If you place flaccid plant cells in pure water, water ________ into cell because it has ________.

enter; low water potential

Based on the graph below, how would you describe/characterize the affinity of Hemoglobin for Oxygen?

the lower the temperature, the higher the affinity of Hemoglobin for Oxygen OR the higher the temperature, the lower the affinity of Hemoglobin for Oxygen

Where do lymphocytes mature?

thymus and bone marrow

Under which condition(s) B cells interacting with helper T cells are stimulated to differentiate? OR When are B cells interacting with helper T cells stimulated to differentiate?

when helper T cells release cytokines

List possible source(s)/origin(s)s of Naturally acquired passive immunity.

when infant receives mother's antibodies through placenta or breast milk

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