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Most mutations:

are random, meaning they are unrelated to how useful or harmful they might be to the organism in which they occur.

The gene editing tool called CRISPR was originally discovered as a defense system in what organism?


Birds are grouped with turtles, lizards, snakes, alligators, and crocodiles. Birds, however, have feathers and can generate their own body heat, which other reptiles cannot do. Which of the following likely explains the original evolutionary function of feathers in early reptiles?

behavioral displays

Which of the following characteristics defines a chordate?

bilateral symmetry, defined tissues, and gut develops from back to front

Prokaryotic cells can divide through:

binary fission.

Which species concept is based on the degree of reproductive isolation between populations of species?

biological species concept

The study of living things is called:


When a sudden change in the environment, such as a flood or fire, reduces the size of a population, the survivors' collective gene pool will be only a limited representation of what was present before the disaster. This phenomenon is called the:

bottleneck effect.

The development of jaws allowed fishes to:

capture and kill prey.

Which of the following membrane molecules is correctly matched to its function?

carbohydrate chains: provide a "fingerprint" for the cell so it can be identified by other cells

All macromolecules that are important in living systems contain:


The structure labeled "L" is a:


The chromosomes of most bacteria are:


Desert plants reduce water loss by ____________.

closing stomata

All cnidarians have tentacles that are armed with rows of stinging:


Nearly one-third of amphibian populations are facing extinction. Which of the following does not attribute to the universal decline in amphibian populations?

competition from mammals

The sequence of nucleotides in a gene is ATTCGGCGTACT. A mutation occurs and the sequence is changed to ATCGGCGTACT. What type of mutation has occurred?


8.Which particle orbits the nucleus of an atom?


Scientists have evidence that earth formed:

.5 billion years ago.

How many sex chromosomes does the normal human female inherit from her mother?


What is the probability that an individual who is homozygous for a given allele will pass that allele to one of her/his gametes?


If two giraffes were crossed, where one is heterozygous for albinism (Aa) and the other has a homozygous dominant genotype (AA), what would be the expected genotypic and phenotypic ratios?

2 AA : 2 Aa : 0 aa; all pigmented

How many possible types of bases are there in a DNA molecule?


Carbon (C) has the atomic number 6 and an atomic weight of 12.0107. How many protons are in a carbon atom?


Why are carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, and galactose, so valuable as fuels?

A great deal of energy is stored in carbon-hydrogen bonds.

In cellular respiration, the potential energy created by the concentration gradient of H+ions across the innermembrane of the mitochondria powers the synthesis of what molecule?


Which of the following does not describe a regulatory function of steroid hormones?

energy extraction from food

The three domains of life are:

Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

Australia is a largely isolated habitat filled with unique organisms. Given the fact that placental mammals are not commonly found in Australia, which of the following would best explain this phenomenon?

Biogeography best explains this phenomenon since Australia is a large, isolated habitat with a unique biogeographic pattern.

Which statement about cell theory is true?

Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells arose from preexisting living cells.

When a triplet of bases in the coding sequence of DNA is "GCA," the corresponding codon for the mRNA that is transcribed from it is:


Which type of macromolecule is an informational molecule?


The central dogma of molecular biology states that:

DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is translated into protein.

Genetic drift is best described as:

evolutionary change due to random events.

We use energy in many ways. What is one thing we cannot do to energy?

Destroy it.

Which of the following is the correct organization of life?

Domain > Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genera > Species

4.If your hypothesis is, "Echinacea reduces the duration and severity of the symptoms of the common cold," what is your null hypothesis?

Echinacea has no effect on the duration and severity of the symptoms of the common cold.

True or false: Animals with backbones are more evolutionarily successful than organisms without backbones.

False. Each species exhibits adaptations that best suit their environment.

Mass extinctions occur mostly because of:

extraordinary and sudden changes to the environment.

Three major distinguishing features of the primates are that they have binocular vision, arms that can rotate in their sockets, and __________.

fingers that can grasp objects.

Which of the following puts the events of the eukaryotic cell cycle in the correct, chronological order?

Gap 1, DNA synthesis, Gap 2, mitosis, cytokinesis

Identify the stage of cellular respiration when glucose is split into two molecules of pyruvic acid.


Which of the following statements represents one way in which meiosis and mitosis differ?

In anaphase of mitosis, sister chromatids are separated, but in anaphase I of meiosis, homologous chromosomes are separated.

30.During which phase of the cell cycle is DNA replicated?


Which of the following statements can be supported by science?

It is not possible to catch autism from a vaccination.

Which of the following statements is true?

More than 95% of the animal kingdom is made up of invertebrates.

What is the relationship between coral and zooxanthellae?

Mutually symbiotic; zooxanthellae provide the coral with nutrition, while the coral provide zooxanthellae with carbon dioxide.

Viruses contain genetic material, and they can evolve over time. However, they also must use the machinery of the cells they invade to reproduce and do not carry out any metabolic processes on their own. Based on this description, should viruses be classified as "living?"

No. Viruses cannot reproduce or conduct metabolic functions on their own.

Why is a limited or nonexistent supply of oxygen a hindrance in the electron transport chain of cellular respiration?

Oxygen is required to be an electron acceptor from NADH or FADH2 at the end of the electron transport chain.

What makes phospholipid molecules good membrane material?

Phospholipid molecules inhibit extracellular and intracellular fluid to leak across the membrane.

Assuming incomplete dominance, if a homozygous red-flowered plant is crossed with a homozygous white-flowered plant, what will be the color of the offspring?


Which of the following is a correct statement about sympatric or allopatric speciation?

Polyploidy is a type of sympatric speciation.

If DNA directs the production of RNA, what does RNA make?

RNA makes proteins

ATP is a very effective molecule in terms of carrying and storing energy for a short time. Where, exactly, does the large amount of energy come from?

The energy is found in the phosphate bonds because all three electrical charges of the phosphates repel each other greatly.

An electron in a photosynthetic pigment that is excited to a higher energy state generally has one of two fates. The first option is the electron can return to its resting, unexcited state and, in the process, energy is released. Some of this energy can be transferred to a nearby molecule, bumping electrons in that molecule to a higher energy state. What is the other possible fate?

The excited electron itself can be passed to another molecule.

During gene flow, where do the genes flow to?

The genes flow into and out of the population due to migration of individuals from one population to another.

Which of the following statements could not arise from making scientific observations?

The quartz crystal I had in my pocket today increased the likelihood of life being discovered on other planets by ten times.

A dog and a pig attempt to mate. We are aware that these are two different animal species. But what is the best explanation for the barrier that makes it impossible for them to successfully mate?

There is a prezygotic barrier between the two animals: the male's reproductive cell cannot fertilize the female's reproductive cell.

Which of the following is true of all animals?

They are capable of movement at some stage of their life cycle.

Which statement is false regarding prokaryotic cells?

They contain cytoplasm but never a plasma membrane.

In the Urey-Miller experiment, the electrical sparks served what purpose?

They were used to simulate lightning in earth's early atmosphere

Which statement is true? 7 atoms

This atom will likely react with other atoms.

Answer whether the following statement is true or false: Using CRISPR to edit genes in the gametes (sperm or egg) allows for a permanent change in the genome that can be passed on to offspring.


What characteristic of water accounts for the fact that coastal regions do not experience such large temperature variations as landlocked areas?

Water has a large heat capacity.

The basilisk lizard (also called the "Jesus lizard") is capable of running across the surface of water. What property of water would make this possible?

Water is cohesive and has a high surface tension.

Which of the following statements correctly describes osmosis?

Water moves from an area of high solute concentration in our extracellular fluid to an area of lower solute concentration in our cells.

Which statement best describes evolution?

a change in allele frequencies in a population

Which of the following choices illustrates an example of potential energy?

a concentration gradient of protons across a membrane within a living cell

Which of the following is not a function of proteins?

form the membrane that surrounds the contents of cells

A diploid cell undergoes meiosis. What are the products of this division?

four haploid cells

Water has a lower density as a solid. Given that information, the figure on the left illustrates ________________, and the figure on the right illustrates

frozen water; liquid water

A new animal is discovered with a prominent muscular foot that attaches to underwater rocks. The animal also has a one-piece shell. To which of the following animal groups does this new animal belong?


Which one of the following is not an agent of evolutionary change?

genetic shift

Which of the following would not be classified as an arthropod?

giant clam

Glucose ingested in your diet enters the bloodstream at a concentration of about 0.1%. If there is more glucose circulating in your blood than is necessary to meet your current energy needs, which of these serves as easily accessible, temporary energy storage?

glycogen stored in the liver and the muscles

Chlorophyll a and b are green-colored molecules. What color(s) of light do they reflect?


A diploid individual with two identical alleles for a particular gene is said to be:

homozygous for that gene.

The four most abundant elements in living organisms are:

hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon.

In a phospholipid, the head is _____, and the fatty acid is _____.

hydrophilic, hydrophobic

If a cell is put into a solution with a higher concentration of solute than is present inside the cell, the solution is ____________. The cell will __________. If a cell is put into a solution with a lower concentration of solute than is present inside the cell, the solution is _____________. The cell will _________.

hypertonic; shrink; hypotonic; swell

One important difference between covalent and ionic bonds is that:

in covalent bonds, two atoms share electrons, whereas in ionic bonds, one atom gives one or more electrons to the other atom.

Cancer cells differ from normal cells in two important aspects. They are:

indefinite cell division and the loss of contact inhibition.

Which stage of the cell cycle is illustrated here?


A mutation that involves the addition, subtraction, or substitution of a single base is known as:

a point mutation.

What is fiber?

a polysaccharide

Horses and donkeys can breed and produce sterile offspring known as mules. Horses and donkeys remain separate species because of this hybrid sterility, which is:

a postzygotic barrier to reproduction.

During translation, chain elongation continues until:

a stop codon is encountered.

Which of the following statements best describes a sex-linked trait?

a trait that is controlled by a gene on a sex chromosome

Charles Darwin spent time on the Beagle

after graduating from college, while serving as the companion to the captain on the surveying ship.

This is an image of:

an RNA strand.

The figure represents an evolutionary tree of the:


A population:

is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same geographic region.

Proliferation of the smooth ER is likely in an individual who:

is addicted to prescription painkillers.

In the 1790s, Georges Cuvier found the fossil remains of mastodons. This conflicted with the prevailing worldview in Europe because:

it meant that extinction must occur, since nothing resembling mastodons existed on earth at that time.

.The unique part of the structure of an amino acid is:

its side chain.


lack a nucleus.

Which of the following is not necessary for the evolution of a trait by natural selection?

large population size

Which phenomenon accounts for the fact that most people with red hair have freckles?

linked genes


lower the activation energy needed for a reaction to occur.

An air environment, gravity, and desiccation are three challenges that were addressed in the evolution of reptiles. What three evolutionary innovations addressed these challenges?

lungs, better limb support, and the amniotic egg

What is the primary product of the transcription of eukaryotic genes?


Which of the following characteristics is common to all mammals?

mammary glands

An allele is dominant when it:

masks the effects of another allele.

Which term and definition are correctly paired?

matter: any type of material that takes up space and has mass

Which stage of the mitotic cell cycle is illustrated here?


In passive transport:

molecules move spontaneously from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

The origin of all genetic variation is:


In dry years in the Galápagos Islands, finches had to eat large, hard seeds. In wet years, however, finches could eat smaller, soft seeds. The alternation between dry and wet years in the habitat of these Galápagos finches illustrates that:

natural selection does not march simply toward an optimized endpoint.

Background extinctions occur mostly due to:

natural selection.

Water molecules are V-shaped. The oxygen atom at the bottom of the V carries a slight _______ charge, whereas the hydrogen atoms at the top of the V carry a slight ______ charge.

negative; positive

Which node in this diagram represents the most recent common ancestor of mice, rats, humans, and birds?

node B

All lipids are:

not soluble in water.

In eukaryotes, where can one find most of an organism's DNA?


The ________ is the largest structure in eukaryotic cells. It is surrounded by a membrane structure that consists of two ________.

nucleus; bilayers

Although cells tend to be spherical, several factors influence cells to assume other shapes. Which of these does not influence cell shape?

number of mitochondria

Scientific study always begins with:


Directional selection favors:

one extreme phenotype.

A company wants to determine the effect of an herbicide on a species of a common weed. Thirty total plants are tested. Fifteen plants are treated with the herbicide, and 15 plants are not. Which of the following would describe a controlled variable in this experiment?

only one species of plant is used in the experiment

A water molecule is said to be "polar" because:

oxygen has a greater pull on electrons than hydrogen.

Which terrestrial problem correctly matches its evolutionary solution?

oxygen in the air: lungs

The inputs of cellular respiration are sugar (and other energy-packed food molecules) and ________; the outputs are _________, water, and energy in the form of ATP.

oxygen; carbon dioxide

Which characteristic is unique to lobe-finned fish?

pelvic and pectoral fins

What are the three types of endocytosis?

phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and receptor-mediated endocytosis

The impact of a single gene on more than one characteristic is called:


Complete the sentence: __________ evolve; ___________ do not.

populations; individual organisms

Crossing over takes place during:

prophase I of meiosis only.

One potential consequence of protein denaturation is that the:

protein loses its functionality.

The DNA you inherited from your parents provides the instructions to make:


If, when in a heterozygous state, one allele masks the effect of the other allele, the masked allele is referred to as:



refers both to the process by which organisms become better matched to their environment and to the features of an organism that make it more fit than other individuals.

Which groups grow by molting?

roundworms and arthropods

What type of molecule carries amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis?

short proteins

All of the following are cells that undergo mitosis, except:

sperm cells.

All of the following are carbohydrates except:

spider's silk.

Which is the only animal phylum to not possess true tissues?


Which illustration depicts an unsaturated fat?

squiggle tentacles

The function of DNA is:

storing information.

What inputs are required to carry out photosynthesis?

sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide

Evolution can occur when certain individuals in a population are born with characteristics that make them more likely to:

survive and reproduce compared to other individuals in the population.

Which of the following types of worms include species that are internal parasites?


The "synthesis" portion of photosynthesis consumes energy from ATP and NADPH, which are products of:

the "photo" reactions

Crossing over means the same as:

the process by which pieces of homologous chromosomes are exchanged.

What is the primary site of protein assembly within eukaryotic cells?

the ribosomes

The bulk of a plant is made from ________.

the sugars made in photosynthesis, which were made from carbon dioxide

Atoms become stable when:

their outermost electron shell is filled to capacity.

Sponges are sessile organisms as adults. They are classified as animals because:

they exhibit movement as juveniles.

The difference between macroevolution and microevolution is that:

they take place on different time scales.

In DNA, which nitrogenous base pairs with adenine?


What is the function of the electrons carried to the electron transport chain by NADH and FADH2?

to provide the energy that pumps protons across the inner membrane of a mitochondrion

Covalent bonds are bonds in which:

two atoms share electrons.

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