BIO Final Exam

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Which is a density-dependent factor?


A few years after a predator species population increases, the ____.

predator population will increase

A plant with wind-dispersed seeds is most likely to grow in a ____ distribution.


When a population reaches its carrying capacity, its growth rate will

slow and remain near zero.

Which behavior would most likely result in a uniform distribution pattern?

territorial and nesting behaviors in birds

A scientist wishes to examine a beehive for information about where forager bees have been. What would be a key factor in this research?

the pollen in the honey/hive

What inhibits fossilization of a dead organism?

the presence of microbes

The fossil record could be improved with more of these.

transitional fossils

If honey bees become extinct, which food supply will NOT be negatively affected?

wind or self-pollinated plants

The predator species on Isle Royale is the


Every night when you put on your pajamas, you put that day's pants in the laundry basket first, then that day's shirt. You wash all your laundry on Sunday. After undressing on Friday, you realize you left your driver's license in your pants pocket on Wednesday. If each shirt is one layer and each pair of pants is also one layer, how many layers do you have to remove from the laundry basket to find Wednesday's pants?

Remove 5 layers, and the pants are layer 6.

Which of the following most accurately describes the population cycles of moose and wolves on Isle Royale?

Moose and wolf populations rise and fall, but wolf populations peak a few years after the moose population peaks.

Put the following in order, based on the fossil record and our understanding of evolution: birds, prokaryotes, reptiles, amphibians, fish, colonial protists, single- celled protists.

Prokaryotes, single-celled protists, colonial protists, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds

Which would NOT be examined in the study of a community?

Rainfall and Drought

Which crop relies exclusively on honey bee pollination?


Hardened tree sap that often contains fossilized organisms is called


Food abundance is an example of a(n) _________ factor that is also a density- __________ factor, and a hurricane is an example of a(n) ________ factor that is density __________.

biotic; dependent; abiotic; independent

Which of the following conditions would lead to the fastest population growth?

birth rate > death rate; immigration > emigration

Why is Tiktaalik considered a transitional fossil?

It is a hybrid of an aquatic and terrestrial vertebrate.

Which is NOT necessarily true of a keystone species?

It is the most abundant species in the community.

A decrease in the predator population that consumes herbivorous animals will cause ____.

a general increase in food plant populations

Which would least likely become fossilized?

a invertebrate on the sea floor

How do predators reduce the impact of disease on prey species populations?

-predators have a little impact on prey populations because they only attack individuals. -ex: carnivores attack old, young or sick individuals. usually predation of females and younger individuals will have a greater impact on population growth.

What percentage of the total energy is lost due to metabolism, heat, and waste between trophic levels in a food chain?


In the United States, how many crops are dependent on bees for pollination?


An ecological niche is best defined as: A) the space a species requires. B) the environmental conditions a species requires. C) the food a species requires. D) the other organisms on which the species depends. E) All of the answers are correct.

All of the above

As a result of competition, A) one species may go extinct. B) both species may divide resources and survive. C) one or both populations are likely to decline. D) biodiversity may increase. E) All of the answers are correct.

All of the above

Why have honey bees become the most useful pollinators to farmers? A) They do not stray too far from their hives. B) They are the most efficient pollinators. C) They can be transported easily to farms. D) Over 40,000 bees can live in one hive. E) All of the answers are correct.

All of the above

Climate change and warmer temperatures may: A) alter vegetation growth patterns. B) affect food sources of populations. C) increase a population's disease susceptibility. D) increase pest populations. E) All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

Climate change can affect: A) communities. B) populations. C) biomes. D) ecosystems. E) All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

If honey bees become extinct, which food supply would also be negatively impacted?: A) apples B) oranges C) melons D) pears E) All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

Which might NOT be considered a keystone species in its habitat?: A) a prey species B) a predator species C) plants that feed insects D) insects that pollinate plants E) All of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

Given what you know about moose and wolf ecology on Isle Royale, would you consider one of these species to be a keystone species? If so, which one? Explain your answer.

Both are keystone species because they both dramatically impact the ecosystem in which they live.

A report based on the interactions of wolves, moose, ticks, and trees on Isle Royale describes a(n)


Although many factors influence moose population density, predation is likely to be a density-__________ factor, and a harsh winter is likely to be a density- _________ factor.

Dependent / Independent

In a geographically isolated habitat, DNA analysis of a population can document: A) DNA inbreeding. B) loss of genetic diversity. C) identification of individuals by DNA profiling. D) changes in allele frequency of a gene. E) All of the answers are correct.

E) All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following can be used to monitor the health of a wild animal? A) scat B) bones C) urine D) DNA E) All of the answers are correct.

E) All of the answers are correct.

A researcher who investigates how flooding affects the different populations on an island is most interested in which level of organization?


You are interested in the population size of two species of caterpillars. One caterpillar has a very specific diet, feeding exclusively on only three species of tree, whereas the other has a very broad diet, feeding on 15 species of tree. Which caterpillar species will be easiest to count? Explain your answer.

The caterpillar that feeds on only three species of trees will be easier to count because only those trees provide appropriate habitat therefore if you were trees need to be searched and those that are searched will yield a fairly accurate estimate of population size.

Is the fossil record complete? Explain.

This is because many species that die or go extinct do not become fossilized so we can not get a full idea of what organisms used to walk the earth. Because sedimentary rocks only form in bodies of water, animals in the desert and other regions may not ever become fossils after death.

The discovery of a transitional fossil is important because

Transitional fossils are important because they are visual evidence of one type of animal evolving into another type of animal. A transitional fossil always contains features of one type and features of another. For example, Archaeopteryx is a transitional fossil that is a cross between a dinosaur and a bird. It has a bony tail, teeth, and claws like a dinosaur, but it has feathers and is able to fly like a bird. It is an important link in the evolution from dinosaurs to birds.

A flock of birds represents a _________ distribution pattern, whereas birds on a power line with six inches of space between each bird represents a _________ distribution pattern.

clumped; uniform

A decrease in natural resources will ____.

decrease the carrying capacity

Which is a density-independent factor?


Velociraptor, of Jurassic Park fame, was one of many genera in the group of animals called dromeosaurs. The organisms in this group share characteristics of both dinosaurs that lived before they did and of birds, which evolved later. As such, they are

excellent examples of fossil intermediates that both support the predictions of descent with modification and help us understand the evolution of birds from their dinosaur ancestors.

The four-toed ancestor of the modern horse would have been well suited to life in the


The oldest ancestor of modern day horses had how many toes?

four toes

Which of the following lists members of a food chain in order from bottom to top?


From studies of predator/prey relationships, it could be predicted that an increase of zebra on a savannah would be followed by a subsequent

increase in lions

Select one of each pair in italics: As temperature increases, tick populations increase/decrease, which make moose easier/harder for wolves to catch, so wolf populations temporarily increase/decrease.


Put the following in order from simplest to most complex.


The ____ were the intermediates between ray-finned fish and tetrapods.

lobe-finned fish

All of the following are tetrapods, EXCEPT: A) ray-finned fishes. B) amphibians. C) reptiles. D) birds. E) mammals.


In the absence of a predator species, herbivores like moose _____.

may exceed carrying capacity and have a fast die-off

The driving force behind the evolution of horses is

natural selection.

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