BIO202: all exams

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Polycythemia is associated with the following

High erythrocyte count Hypertension

Choose all the white blood cells that are in the granulocyte category.

Neutrophils Basophils Monocyte Eosinophils

Plasma contains

Plasma proteins Nutrients (amino acids, glucose, and lipids) Dissolved gases Water

Protein digestion occurs in which area(s) of the digestive system?

Stomach and small intestine

Effects of Growth Hormone

breakdown of fat for energy growth of long bones growth of skeletal muscle building of proteins from amino acids in the liver

Secondary messengers


Sucrase digests sucrose into

glucose and fructose

primary source of oxytocin


A steroid hormone binds to the ------------------ on the intracellular receptor protein.

ligand-binding domain

When oxygen is bound to hemoglobin, that hemoglobin is called ----------------------.


The kidneys are located:


At the top of everest the percent of oxygen in the air _________.

stays the same

Which of the following are functions of the urinary system?

temporary storage of urine in the urinary bladder filtration of blood formation of urine regulation of blood volume and blood pressure

Your patient begins to exercise and increases his cardiac output to 30 L/min and his heart rate to 150 beats/min. What is his stroke volume (SV)?

(3000 ml/min)/(150 beat/min)= 200 ml/beat

A nurse has been standing on his feet all day long during his 12 hours shift. If his hydrostatic pressure on the venous end of the leg capillaries is 30 mm Hg and his colloid osmotic pressure 25 mm HG, what would the net pressure be and what would that due?

+5 mm Hg, increased filtration causes edema

Spinning a sample of whole blood in a centrifuge results in the separation by weight of the components of blood. Place the following components of blood in proper order, from heaviest (at bottom of sample) to lightest (at top of sample.)

1. RBC 2. WBC + platelets 3. plasma

The partial pressure of oxygen in the systemic arteries is typically _______, while the partial pressure of oxygen in the systemic veins is ________.

100 mm Hg, 40 mm Hg

The osmolarity at the bottom of the loop of Henle is:

1200 mOsm

Your patient is an endurance athlete and has been training to run 17 miles up a steep grade from Telluride to Ouray, Colorado. She has a total lung capacity of 6400 ml, an inspiratory capacity of 4000ml, and a residual volume of 1000 ml. Her expiratory reserve volume is --------------------.


Calculate the partial pressure of oxygen when the atmospheric pressure is 300mmHg (choose correction equation)

300mmHg * 0.21

Calculate the partial pressure of nitrogen when the atmospheric pressure is 450 mmHg (choose correct equation)

450 mmHg * 0.78

Your patient, Coventina, has been experiencing difficulty breathing. You decided to test the functionality of her lungs with a spirometer. Coventina's inspiratory capacity is 4000ml, her inspiratory reserve volume is 3500, expiratory reserve volume is 800ml, her functional residual capacity is 2000 ml, and her residual capacity is 1200ml. What is Coventina's vital capacity?

4800 ml

Your patient, Georgiana, has been experiencing difficulty breathing. You decided to test the functionality of her lungs with a spirometer. Georgiana's inspiratory capacity is 3500ml, her inspiratory reserve volume is 3000, expiratory reserve volume is 500ml, her functional residual capacity is 1500 ml, and her residual capacity is 1000ml. What is Georgiana's total lung capacity?

5000 ml

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) utilizes the cAMP pathway to activate its target cells. From the following, choose the description that best describes the cAMP pathway from start to finish.

ACTH binds to a GPCR, which activates the G protein, causing the G protein to mobilize and activate the enzyme Adenylate cyclase. Adenylate cyclase converts ATP into cyclic AMP. Cyclic AMP then converts an inactive protein kinase into an active protein kinase, thereby bringing about changes in the cell.

Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone AFTER fusion of the growth plates results in


John is receiving high levels of exogenous (not produced by the body) cortisol as a treatment for his Crohn's Disease. While on the medication what is likely to happen to his other hormonal levels?

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) and Corticotropic Hormone (CRH) levels will decrease through negative feedback mechanisms.

What hormone is released in response to stretching of the atrial wall and functions to decrease blood pressure?

Atrial natiuretic hormone

Professor Sumner was rescued by a student who administered the EpiPen when she went into anaphalatic shock. The epipen worked immediately to stabilize her blood pressure, but her breathing is still being obstructed due to throat constriction. A student in the class opens their pen dropping out the ink inside and then creates an emergency airway for her to breath. What area does the student create the airway in?

Between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages

A patient has an EDV (end diastolic volume) of 140ml, an ESV (end systolic volume) of 70ml, and a heart rate of 70 beats/minute. What is his cardiac output?

CO=SV*heart rate (140-70)*70 4.9 L/min

Parafollicular cells (sometimes called C cells) of the thyroid gland make


Adrenogenital syndrome is:

Caused by over production of androgens in the adrenal gland


Cell fragments Formed from megakaryoctes Involved in coagulation (blood clotting)


Cold intolerance Low basal metabolic rate Weight gain Physical lethargy Mental lethargy Puffy face Dry skin


Collapsed lung that occurs after the intrapleural pressure becomes equal to atmospheric pressure due to rupturing of the thoracic cavity

Opiate use delays gastric emptying during digestion leading to longer transit times in the digestive tract. What issue does this commonly cause?


arteries have compared to veins

Contain elastic element Thicker walled Smaller lumen

What capillaries are found in the blood-brain barrier?

Continuous capillaries

Hyperventilation leads to what effect in arterial blood?

Decreased PCO2, Decreased H+, Increased PO2

Hyposecretion of Growth Hormone in childhood results in:


Your patient has an EDV (end diastolic volume) of 180 ml, an ESV (end systolic volume) of 90 ml and a heart rate of 90 beats/minute. What is your patient's ejection fraction (in percentage)?

EF= (EDV-ESV)/EDV (180-90)/180 =50%

After years of denying using any performance enhancing Lance Armstrong admitted to using blood doping throughout his career. He was able to increase his oxygen carrying capacity by increasing the red blood cell count by taking ________ artifically. This replicates the natural adaptations that occur at _____ altitude.

Erythropoietin; high

Intrinsic regulation of the kidney is the ability to maintain -------------------------- regardless of fluctuations in mean arteriole blood pressure.

Glomerular filtration rate

Which of the following is/are produced by the pancreas?

HCO3- lipase amylase glucagon insulin trypsinogen

The parietal cells of the gastric glands secrete --------------------------- and the chief cells secrete --------------------------------.

HCl; pepsinogen


Heat intolerance High basal metabolic rate Weight loss Nervous and agitated behavior Rapid heart-beat Inability to relax

Peptic ulcers are most commonly caused by:

Helicobacter pylori

John went on a vacation and forgot his hydrocortisone medication, what is at risk of occurring?

His cortisol levels will rapidly decrease, decreasing his blood pressure putting him at risk of going into shock and dying.

Choose all the parameters that will have an effect or response of decreasing blood pressure to maintain homeostasis when an individual has hypertension (input signal).

Increased parasympathetic nervous system activity Atrial natriuretic peptide release

Carolina discovered she has high levels of prolactin. This led to a decrease in her gonadotrophic releasing hormone (GnRH). What effects would she have given the increase in prolactin and decrease in GnRh?

Low libido (sex drive), decrease of sex hormones and reduced fertility

The white blood cell responsible for aquired (adaptive) immunity is:


Which white blood cell(s) are found in lymphatic tissue?

Lymphocytes macrophages

Fat digestion occurs in what area(s) of the digestive system?

Mouth, stomach, and small intestine

Which of the following muscles are responsible for producing passive expiration during normal quiet breathing?

No muscle activity

Norepinephrine binds to special receptors on the SA node of the heart and generates a second messenger pathway. Which of the following best describes the pathway utilized by norepinephrine?

Norepinephrine binds to Beta-1 receptors, which activates a G protein, causing the G protein to mobilize and activate the enzyme Adenylate Cyclase. Adenylate Cyclase converts ATP into cyclic AMP. Cyclic AMP then converts an inactive protein kinase into an active protein kinase. Active protein kinases cause prolonged opening of calcium channels, allowing calcium to enter the cell and increase rate of depolarization.

Type ___ blood is the universal donor, while Type ____ blood is the universal recipient


Peptide hormones

Peptide hormones interact with receptors on the surface of their target cells. Peptide hormones are first synthesized as prohormones Peptide hormones remain in circulation for relatively short periods of time

________________ is the wave-like muscular contractions of smooth muscle that causes the movement of a bolus of food through the digestive tract.


Clusters of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue found in the distal part of the small intestine (ileum) are called:

Peyer's patches


Prolactin is released from mammotropic cells and acts on mammary glands

Functions of the lymphatic system

Protection against invaders Transporting dietary lipids Draining interstitial fluids of excess fluid

Which of the following statements regarding the short and long reflexes that regulate GI function is true?

Reflexes that originate and are integrated in the enteric nervous system are called short reflexes.

Smoking immobilizes and with long term use eventually kills the cilia in your respiratory tract. Without working cilia what function is compromised?

Removal of pathogens and debris

Choose the correct order of blood flow through the heart, starting with the vena cava and ending with the aorta

Right atrium, Right ventricle, Pulmonary Trunk, Pulmonary arteries, (Lungs), Pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle

Which of the following is the correct path of electrical conduction in the heart?

SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Bundle Branches, Purkinje fibers

What hormone stimulates bicarbonate (HCO3-) secretion?


The epithelium in the mouth and anus are ____________, while the stomach and intestines are ________________.

Stratified squamous, simple columnar

Endocrine cells in parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone as a result of a simple endocrine reflex. PTH raises blood calcium levels. Which is true (select all that apply)?

The sensor is an endocrine cell. The signal is decreased calcium bound to receptor

Cynthia is going through menopause. Her circulating estrogen levels have plummeted. How do the cells that estrogen normally "talks to" respond to this decrease in estrogen levels?

The target cells would up-regulate estrogen receptors to create a greater response to estrogen.

Fibrinogen is converted to its active form fibrin by ________. This leads to the formation of the clot during the common pathway of the coagulation (clotting) cascade.


The epithelium in the urinary bladder, urethra and ureter is:

Transitional epithelium

Crohn's disease is an autoimmune disease that causes damage to the intestinal mucosa, most specifically the distal ileum. In some patients this progresses to them requiring removal of the distal ileum (the remaining GI tract is intact). In those patients what would be required for them to maintain normal health?

Vitamin B12 injections

You are home for Thanksgiving and as you're outside hanging up holiday twinkle lights, you catch a whiff of your grandmother's famous secret-recipe stuffing. Your parasympathetic nervous system is then activated and _____________ gets released from the postganglionic neurons. This neurotransmitter binds to muscarinic receptors on G cells of the stomach causing increased release of _____________. The neurotransmitter also binds to muscarinic receptors on ECL cells of the stomach, causing increased release of ______________.

acetylcholine; gastrin; histamine

primary source of aldosterone

adrenal cortex

Short term stress is handled by the ------------------------, which releases epinephrine and norepinephrine.

adrenal medulla

primary source of epinephrine

adrenal medulla

Which of the following hormones are released from the anterior pituitary?

adrenocorticotropic hormone luteinizing hormone growth hormone prolactin thyroid stimulating hormone follicle stimulating hormone

The proper order of vessels supplying blood to the nephrons is

afferent arteriole → glomerulus → efferent arteriole → peritubular capillaries/vasa recta → venule

Which of the following hormones are released from the posterior pituitary?

anti-diuretic hormone oxytocin

_______ are located on red blood cells, _________ are located in plasma.Type AB blood has type A and B ______.

antigens; antibodies; antigens

Closing of aortic semilunar valve

arterial pressure is greater than ventricular pressure (dicrotic notch) D

In the diagram of an ECG, the P wave represents

atrial depolarization

Opening of left atrioventricular valve

atrial pressure exceeds ventricular pressure

The "lub" of the heart beat represents the closing of the ------------------------ valves and the "dub" of the heart beat represents the closing of the ------------------------ valves.

atrioventricular; semilunar

------------------------ release large, histamine containing granules that make blood vessels leaky and attract other WBCs to the inflammatory site. These are associated with allergic reactions.


---------------------- is needed for rapid conversion of CO2 + H2O into H2CO3 in RBCs.

carbonic anhydrase

T lymphocytes regulate ________, while B lymphocytes regulate _________.

cell mediated immunity; antibody (humoral) immunity

When high protein and fatty chyme enters the duodenum, it causes the opening of the Sphincter of Oddi (at duodenal papilla) and the release of --------------------------- from the I cells., which ultimately causes increased release of bile and pancreatic juices into the duodenum. Bile ----------------------- fat into smaller fat clumps and ---------------------- chemically digests the fats into free fatty acids.

cholecystokinin (CCK); emulsifies; lipase

The epithelium in the majority of the upper respiratory tract (excluding the nasal cavity) is:

ciliated pseudostratifiied columnar epithelium

The primary function of the vasa recta is to serve as a --------------------------------- to allow for the movement of ----------------- and water from the ISF space into the blood.

countercurrent exchanger; salt

An increase in total peripheral resistance (afterload) causes a(n) ------------------------------ in stroke volume. An increase in end diastolic volume (preload) causes a(n) ------------------------------- in stroke volume.

decrease; increase

The parasympathetic nervous system causes a(n) ------------------ heart rate when acetylcholine binds to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, which causes the opening of --------------------------- channels.

decrease; voltage-gated K+

Resistance to blood flow will increase with --------------------------- blood vessel radius and ----------------------------- blood viscosity.

decreased; increased

Functions of the liver

detoxification of blood production/secretion of bile protein synthesis lipid and carbohydrate metabolism

The epiglottis is a flap of -------------------------- that protects the superior opening of the larynx. It --------------------------- when we swallow food.

elastic cartilage; closes

Which enzyme converts trypsinogen into trypsin?

enteropeptidase (enterokinase)

The most superficial layer of the ventricular wall of the heart is called the


The process of RBC formation is known as ------------------------- and is under the hormonal regulation of --------------

erythropoiesis; erythropoietin

During prolonged hypoxemia, low oxygen delivery is sensed by the liver and kidneys. This results in increased secretion of the hormone ---------------------, which stimulates the red bone marrow to undergo accelerated erythropoiesis, to -------------------- RBC production and increase oxygen transport.

erythropoietin; increase

What type of nutrient passes into the lymphatic system after digestion?


Within the capillary fluid exchange occurs between the blood vessels, extracellular fluid, and lymphatic system. At the arterial end net __________ occurs where as at the venous end net ________ occurs.

filtration, absorption

It is late on a Saturday night and you can't sleep. You get a taco from the Dia de los Tacos food truck and watch re-runs of "Magic School Bus." In this episode, Ms. Fizzle takes her students on a magic school bus ride into the cardiovascular system of a human being. The magic school bus travels in the blood vessels where there is plasma and WBCs and proteins and RBCs. You notice that in each RBC, there are 250 million hemoglobin. You remember from A&PII that each hemoglobin can bind ------------------- oxygen molecules, thus each RBC can bind ------------------- oxygen molecules.

four; one billion

The stomach is bordered on each end by different sphincters. These are called the ------------------------- and the -----------------------------.

gastroesophageal sphincter; pyloric sphincter

Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone BEFORE fusion of the growth plates results in


Persons who are lactose intolerant, have deficiencies in the lactase enzyme. Lactose is the main carbohydrate in dairy products, thus a deficiency in lactase causes bloating and GI irritation due to the small intestine's inability to break lactose into ------------------- and ---------------------.

glucose and galactose

Janice is a deep-sea welder. She repairs underwater pipelines and oil rigs, sometimes diving 100 feet below sea level. At this altitude (-100 feet), you expect the total pressure to be --------------- the pressure at sea level.

greater than

In order to expire, we create a situation in which the pressure of air in our lungs is ---------------------- the pressure of air in the atmosphere. We do this by ------------------- the size of the thoracic cavity.

greater than; decreasing

Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) is released in response to ------------------- blood osmolarity (remember, osmolarity is a measure of concentration) and it causes a(n) ---------------------- in urine output.

high; decrease

Type 1 diabetes is characterized by having ______ blood glucose levels and _______ insulin levels. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by having ______ blood glucose levels and ________ insulin levels.

high; low; high; high

Which of the following is released from ECL-cells in response to proteins entering the stomach and release of ACh from the Vagus nerve?


The hypothalamus is a key regulator of:


A -------------------- is a chemical secreted into the ---------------------- via a ------------------------ endocrine gland.

hormone; blood; ductless

When an endocrine gland is activated by monitoring the blood (for example, to "measure" blood glucose levels or blood calcium levels), this is called ------------------------------------.

humoral activation

The trachea includes C-shaped rings of ------------------------- that keep the airway open, even when the esophagus pushes the posterior portion of the trachea forward during swallowing.

hyaline cartilage

Cushing's Syndrome is a pathology that results from a ---------------------- of glucocorticoids (such as cortisone and cortisol) from the zona ------------------------.

hypersecretion; fasciculata

Professor Sumner accidentally consumes mango juice while proctoring the exam. She is highly allergic to mango and within a few minutes begins going into anaphylactic shock. She falls to the ground while reaching for her epipen but thankfully a kind student was able to administer it in time for her. The anaphylaxis led to severe _________, which the epipen counteracted by __________ blood pressure.

hypotension, increasing

The name of the fiber tract that connects the hypothalamus and the neurohypophysis is called:

hypothalamic hypophyseal tract

The name of the blood vessel network that connects the hypothalamus and the adenohypophysis is called:

hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system

Vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole will -------------------------- its resistance and will act to ----------------------------- GFR.

increase; decrease

A person with hypercortisolism due to a tumor on the adrenal gland would have

increased cortisol and decreased ACTH and decreased CRH. (CRH causes release of ACTH)

The sympathetic nervous system causes venoconstriction, which ---------------------- venous return, thereby -------------------------------- end diastolic volume, and ultimately --------------------------- cardiac output.

increases; increasing; increasing

Increased firing of baroreceptors acts to ------------------ the sympathetic nervous system cardiovascular control centers of the medulla oblongata.


The role of the pituitary hormone follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in males is to

initiate sperm production in the testes.

The proper order of steps of PASSIVE expiration are:

inspiratory muscles relax → thoracic cavity volume decreases → elastic lungs recoil passively → intrapulmonary volume decreases → intrapulmonary pressure increases → air flows out of lungs down its pressure gradient

In the pancreas, --------------------- is released to decrease blood glucose levels. And ------------------- is released to increase blood glucose levels .

insulin; glucagon

Gap junctions are found at the dark-staining ---------------------- between cardiac myocytes.

intercalated disks

Which of the following are muscles of active (forced) expiration?

internal intercostals abdominal muscles

Steroid hormones travel in the blood bound to carrier proteins, freely travel across the plasma membrane, and then bind to a(n) --------------------------- receptor. Together, the receptor and steroid hormone enter the nucleus and bind to the ---------------------- and activate --------------------.

intracellular; hormone response element; transcription

A deficiency in ---------------------- results in decreased absorption of vitamin B12 and is a causative factor for pernicious anemia.

intrinsic factor

The large intestine is primarily

involved with absorption of water, electrolytes, vitamins B and K, and folic acid

Which of the following IS/ARE part of the alimentary canal (but ISN'T/AREN'T an accessory organ of the digestive system.)

large intestine small intestine pharynx mouth esophagus stomach anus

Carbon monoxide exposure increases the affinity (binding strength) of hemoglobin with oxygen, thus decreasing oxygen delivery to the tissues. Another way to say this is, carbon monoxide exposure results in a --------------- shift of the hemoglobin saturation curve.


Intrapleural pressure is ______ intrapulmonary pressure

less than

The lymph vessels are extremely permeable and can suck up cellular debris, proteins, bacteria, and viruses. Before dumping its contents back into the blood, what must lymphatic fluid first pass thru, in order to protect the body?

lymph nodes

amino acid derivative hormones

melatonin norepinephrine epinephrine thyroid hormone

Numerous enzymes called brush border enzymes are located on the _____________ of duodenal intestinal cells. These enzymes include disaccharidases which digest _______________ and peptidases which digest ____________.

microvilli; carbohydrates; proteins

An increase in ADH levels would cause a person's urine to become ----------------- concentrated, thereby ------------------- blood volume.

more; increasing

What hormone stimulates the migrating motor complex?


The digestion of starches begins in the ------------------- with the release of ----------------------------------.

mouth; salivary amylase

From most interior (lumen side) to the most exterior layer, what are the four basic layers of the alimentary canal

mucosa submucosa muscularis externae serosa

Increased stretch of the afferent arterioles of the nephron causes a reflexive vasoconstriction known as ------------------------------. This, in turn, intrinsically regulates ------------------------------.

myogenic constriction; glomerular filtration rate

The ---------------------- is the functional unit of the kidney and it forms urine from ----------------------- blood.

nephron; filtered

When the nervous system directly activates an endocrine gland, it is called ------------------------------------.

neural activation

These WBCs are mobile phagocytes that act at acute infection sites to ingest foreign substances and pathogens


A -------------------- hormone is made of amino acids and ----------------------- cross the plasma membrane so it needs a ----------------------- receptor to have an effect.

non-lipid soluble; cannot; membrane

As air passes from the nose, into the body, it travels along specific structures in order to get to the alveoli. Place the following in correct order, from the nose to the alveoli.

nose pharynx larynx trachea primary bronchi secondary bronchi tertiary bronchi bronchioles terminal bronchioles respiratory bronchioles alveoli ducts/sacs alveoli

-------------------------- blood travels from the lungs to the heart through the pulmonary --------------------- and moves between the upper and lower chambers of the left side of the heart through the ---------------------------- valve.

oxygenated; veins; mitral (left atrioventricular)

_________ is released during orgasm and _________ is released after orgasm.

oxytocin, prolactin

When one hormone prepares a target tissue for the arrival of a second hormone (often by causing the target tissue to express receptors for the second hormone), we say the hormones are ------------------------.


You fly to Thailand to volunteer at an AIDs hospice for the summer. You know that the 30 hours of travel will take a toll on your body, especially on the circulation in your lower extremities. Luckily, your body has "built-into-it" the following to aid in the return of blood to your right atrium from the lower extremities:

presence of one-way valves in the veins respiratory pumps skeletal muscle pumps

Isovolumetric contraction

pressure in ventricles falls below the pressure in the aorta

The liver ________ bile and the gall bladder _______ bile.

produces; stores

Glucose is reabsorbed in the ---------------------------- of the nephron tubule using a symporter with sodium. This secondary active transporter is on the apical side of the cells.

proximal convoluted tubule

Hormones act on their target cells by controlling

rates of enzymatic reactions. transport across cell membranes. gene expression and synthesis of proteins

T cell lymphocytes begin developing in the _______ and then finish maturing in the ________.

red bone marrow; thymus

An increase in rectal pressure results in the ____________ of the internal anal sphincter and feces enters the anal canal. The decision to defecate is mediated by _______________ action and the subsequent relaxation of the external anal sphincter.

relaxation; voluntary

Darlene Etienne miraculously survived being trapped in earthquake rubble for 15 days (true story.) When found, she was alive, but her body was severely dehydrated. Her body's physiological functions battled this dehydration by trying to prevent water loss and preserve water. Which of the following is/are a logical explanation of a physiological process her body likely used to minimize water loss?

renin-angiotensinogen-aldosterone system gets activated and causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels and increased water and salt reabsorption at the nephrons antidiuretic hormone gets released from the posterior pitutiary and causes increased water reabsorption at the nephrons of the kidney

When blood pressure drops significantly, the kidneys sense the drop in blood pressure and respond by releasing the hormone ------------------. This hormone works to convert the preprohormone angiotensinogen into ---------------------------, which then gets converted to angiotensin II by -------------------------.

renin; angiotensin I; angiotensin converting enzyme

Lymph vessels from the right arm, right thorax, and right side of the head drain into the ------------------------ whereas lymph vessels from the rest of the body drain into the --------------------------.

right lymphatic duct; thoracic duct

The ascending limb of the nephron loop (the Loop of Henle) is permeable to -------------------------- and impermeable to -------------------------.

salt; water

Of the following structures, select all structures that are part of the conducting zone:

secondary bronchi terminal bronchioles nose trachea primary bronchi

Type I alveolar cells are made of ------------------------------ epithelium and make up the majority of the alveolar cells. Type II alveolar cells are fewer in number than Type I cells and Type II cells secrete ------------------------------.

simple squamous; surfactant

Lymph vessels have very low pressure. What structures are used to help deliver lymph back to the blood?

smooth muscles of large vessels, which contract rhythmically respiratory pumps

The internal urethra sphincter is composed of ------------------------------ muscle and the external urethral sphincter is composed of --------------------- muscle.

smooth; skeletal

Which of the following are muscles of active (forced) inspiration?

sternocleidomastoid external intercostals scalenes diaphragm

When two hormones work together to produce a larger effect than each hormone individually, we say the hormones work ------------------------.


To understand ventilation, one must understand that the internal thoracic cavity and the lungs are connected by the serous membrane. As such, which of the following statements is true regarding the serous membrane of the lungs?

the lungs are covered with the visceral pleura and the inside of the thoracic cavity is lined with the parietal pleura

If you were to examine an Action Potential from a cardiac muscle cell from the ventricle and an Action Potential from an SA nodal cell, which of the following would be true?

the ventricular cell would have a plateau within its action potential while the SA nodal cell would not have a plateau the ventricular cell would contract when stimulated by an action potential; the SA nodal cell would not contract the ventricular cell would have a resting membrane potential; the SA nodal cell has a pacemaker potential

You and your bestie celebrate a successful anatomy & physiology exam by delighting in an ice cream sundae from Cold Stone Creamery. After devouring your pumpkin spice ice cream sundae, you note that your -------------- gland must be releasing a ton of ------------------ in order to take some of the calcium in your blood and store it in your bones.

thyroid gland; calcitonin

The two ureters enter into the urinary bladder on the inferior-posterior aspect. Together with the urethra, these two ureteric orifices create the ___________ which is clinically important, for it is the access point for bacteria and a common location of bladder infections.


From start to finish, the three steps of hemostasis are:

vascular spasm; platelet plug formation; coagulation

Angiotensin II causes ------------------ of blood vessels and release of ------------------------ from the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal glands. Both of these actions result in an increase in blood pressure.

vasoconstriction; aldosterone

You and your friend Athena are ice climbing in the San Francisco Peaks. You are near the peak of your ascent when you loose your grip and begin to fall. Luckily, Athena is an excellent belayer (spotter) and is able to catch you mid-air. Your SNS, however, is hyper-activated. This increase in SNS activity causes ------------------------- of the afferent arterioles of your kidney, which in turn causes a --------------------------------- in glomerular filtration rate.

vasoconstriction; decrease

You go for a long run up Mount Elden. As you zig-zag up switch-backs, climbing higher and higher, your legs create local metabolites. These local metabolites (decreased oxygen, increased CO2, high acid concentration) cause the blood vessels supplying your legs to ------------------------, thereby -------------------------- blood flow to your legs.

vasodilate; increasing

The small intestine has a huge surface area for reabsorption. Which of the following is/are anatomical feature(s) that contribute(s) to that large surface area?

villi microvilli plicae circularis

The inner layer of the pericardium of the heart is called the

visceral pericardium

The descending limb of the nephron loop (the Loop of Henle) is permeable to -------------------------- and impermeable to -------------------------.

water; salt

Aldosterone is a mineralcorticoid released by the ------------------------ and it works to ----------------------- blood pressure and salt retention through its actions at the kidneys

zona glomerulosa; increase

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