Biol 175 Exam #4

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Homo sapiens evolved in Africa ~200,000 years ago, then spread and displaced the 2 H.e. ~70,000 years ago evidence: Homo sapiens idaltu (fossil discovered in Africa, has more morphological similarities to early modern humans than H. neanderthalensis) mitochondrial DNA shows that they are direct ancestors of modern homo sapiens sapiens

"Out of Africa" Hypothesis

fish that change gender are known as

"sequential hermaphrodites"

Subphylum Vertebrata (aka Craniata): "vertebrates", includes:

-fish -amphibians -reptiles -birds (if count) -mammals

why do amphibia need to be near water

-skin needs to be moist for gas exchange -need to lay eggs in water or damp areas (prone to desiccation)

Similarities between Birds and Reptile

1. single occipital condyle (point of articulation) between skull and backbone 2. single ear ossicle 3. similar lower jaw, other skull features 4. feathers and reptilian scales both made of β-keratin 5. nucleated red blood cells 6. similar liver and kidney structure / functions 7. shelled eggs 8. similar behaviors, including: nest making, caring for young, moving in groups, etc

-from ancestral Sarcopterygii to early tetrapods, ave. orbit size tripled from _______ in ~12my

13 to 36+ mm

When did tetrapods evolve?

365 mya (Devonian)

Tetrapods have how many limbs and digits?


how mant chambers does a bird have in its heart?

4 chambers

estimated that_________ of plastic waste are fed to albatross chics on Midway each year

5 tons

-vision works about _____ better in air than water


C. Actinopterygii: other features many populations is at _____ of historic max due to over harvest, pollution, destruction of habitat, global climate change, etc. -ranges in size from 8mm (Paedocypris) to 5000+ pounds (Ocean Sunfish) to 25+ ft long (Giant Oarfish)


32) During chordate evolution, what is the sequence (from earliest to most recent) in which the following structures arose? 1. amniotic egg 2. paired fins 3. jaws 4. swim bladder 5. four-chambered heart A) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 B) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5 C) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 D) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 E) 2, 4, 3, 1, 5

A) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5 paired fins, jaws, swim bladder, amniotic egg, four-chamberd heart

47) Which of these species was apparently the first to craft stone tools? A) Australopithecus garhi B) H. erectus C) H. ergaster D) H. habilis E) H. sapiens

A) Australopithecus garhi

28) At the end of which era did most dinosaurs and pterosaurs become extinct? A) Cretaceous B) Permian C) Devonian D) Ordovician E) Triassic

A) Cretaceous

13) Which of these might have been observed in the common ancestor of chondrichthyans and osteichthyans? A) a mineralized, bony skeleton B) opercula C) bony fin rays D) a spiral valve intestine E) a swim bladder

A) a mineralized, bony skeleton

67) In coelacanths, a swim bladder is present, but the swim bladder is full of adipose tissue (fat), which is there on a fairly permanent basis. If such a swim bladder is used by coelacanths to affect buoyancy, then it does so in much the same way as does the A) liver of a shark. B) physoclistus swim bladder. C) physostomus swim bladder. D) lung of a lungfish.

A) liver of a shark.

31) Why is the discovery of the fossil Archaeopteryx significant? It supports the A) phylogenetic relatedness of birds and reptiles. B) contention that birds are much older than we originally thought. C) claim that some dinosaurs had feathers well before birds had evolved. D) idea that the first birds were ratites. E) hypothesis that the earliest birds were ectothermic.

A) phylogenetic relatedness of birds and reptiles.

Match the extant vertebrate groups with the descriptions. 40) Which of the following are the most abundant and diverse of the extant vertebrates? A) ray-finned fishes B) birds C) amphibians D) nonbird reptiles E) mammals

A) ray-finned fishes

26) Which of these characteristics added most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments? A) the shelled, amniotic egg B) the ability to maintain a constant body temperature C) two pairs of appendages D) bony scales E) a four-chambered heart

A) the shelled, amniotic egg

based on a famous chimpanzee-like fossil nicknamed Lucy upright posture (bipedalism), arms still longer, brain size 500cc, ate plants and scavenged 3.5 million years ago

A. afarensis

Found in Ethiopia in association with tools and dating to 2.5 m.y.a.

A. garhi

Ray-finned belongs to which class? pharyngeal slits, a nerve cord, and body wall muscles arranged in myotomes, or segmented blocks has poisonous stingers


vertebrates are divided into those w/out jaws

Agnatha superclass

Which group of tetrapods whose living members are all other tetrapods (reptiles, birds, mammals) Terrestrially adapted egg **unranked**


Which class of tetrapods: ~6150 spp aquatic larval stage w/ gills undergoes major body changes (metamorphosis) to become adults includes ◦Salamanders, Frog, Caecilians


Tetrapoda contains 3 Classes*:

Amphibia, Reptilia, Mammalia

-elasmobranchs have "_________": pits in the anterior end ("nose" area) used to detect electromagnetic fields -used for finding prey and also for determining migration routes

Ampullae of Lorenzini

Which order of Amphibia contain: frogs and toads


Which order of amphibians includes animals that lose their tails as adults


Which order of Amphibians included animals that are legless and what are they called?


Which order of amphibians are legless, are nearly blind, and resemble earthworms -very small eyes (limited to light perception) or nonexistent lack all limbs, snakelike


Which type of bird lived during late Jurassic, ~150mya considered to be a link bet. modern birds and feathered dinosaurs shared many features w/ dinosaurs


"southern ape"; appeared in Africa 4-5 million years ago; stood upright and walked on 2 legs; brain was only 1/3 the size of our brains today -all fossils >1.5 mya are from east and southern Africa


Which class of vertebrate include Birds ~10,000 spp appeared ~160 mya crocodiles/alligators: are the closest living relatives only animal w/ feathers


Which species of Urodela are completely aquatic and never lose gills:


42) Arrange the following taxonomic terms from most inclusive (most general) to least inclusive (most specific). 1. apes 2. hominins 3. Homo 4 anthropoids 5. primates A) 5, 1, 4, 2, 3 B) 5, 4, 1, 2, 3 C) 5, 4, 2, 1, 3 D) 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 E) 5, 2, 4, 1, 3

B) 5, 4, 1, 2, 3 Primates, anthropoids, apes, hominins, and Homo

46) Which of these species was the first to have been adapted for long-distance bipedalism? A) Australopithecus garhi B) H. erectus C) H. ergaster D) H. habilis E) H. sapiens

C) H. ergaster

21) A trend first observed in the evolution of the earliest tetrapods was A) the appearance of jaws. B) the appearance of bony vertebrae. C) feet with digits. D) the mineralization of the endoskeleton. E) the amniotic egg.

C) feet with digits.

63) Which shark structure is most analogous to a swim bladder full of gas? A) its lateral line system B) its spiral valve C) its liver D) its dead-end nostrils E) its gills

C) its liver

Paedocypris belongs to which class

C. Actinopterygii

Which class of fish contains "ray-finned fishes" -27,000+ spp (by far the most diverse fish group) -originated during Silurian -bony "rays" support fins

C. Actinopterygii

Which class contains: "lobe-finned fishes" 8 spp: 2 spp of coelacanths (sw), 6 spp of lungfish (fw) -fins attached to fleshy "lobes" (limb-like structures) -more numerous and longer bones, extends away from body

C. Sarcopterygii

Sharp, pointed canineteeth and molars forshearing; carnivorous including Dogs, wolves,bears, cats,weasels,otters, seals,walruses


Neuronal development in chordates: subphylum of lancelets retains dorsal nerve cord as adult, anterior end is slightly swelled, but does not develop into "brain"


whales, dolphins, and porpoises 89 extant spp brain: have spindle neurons (processing social, emotional, judgmental behavior), *hominids are only other group to have them thick layer of blubber, nostril = blowhole


known informally as ghost sharks, rat fish, spookfish, or rabbit fish A small, odd, group of cartilaginous fishes Have a single gill cover Mostly eat mollusks they are largely confined to deep water in the coast of California and Hawaii prefer rocky habitat


Which class has the following? ~900 species -skeleton made of cartilage (made of chondrocytes, collagen, etc) -including: sharks, rays, skates, sawfish (collectively "elasmobranchs") and ratfishes ("chimaeras")


Which phylum has bilaterian animals that belong to the clade of animals known as Deuterstomia

Chordates (phylum Chordata)

Hagfishes belong to which class?

Class Myxini

Latimeria -thought to have become extinct 70 million years ago -specimen caught in 1938 by a fisherman off coast of SouthAfrica -found along coast of Indian Ocean and Indonesia in 1998 (two different spp) - ovoviviparous


These primative fish have a low metabolic rate and reach around 6ft (2m) in length The largest population known is in the surrounding waters of Comoros Islands They retrieve in their caves at night


Which fish have an extra lobe on their tail? Their pectoral fins have strange limb-like bases and their body is covered in heavy scales Their paired fins move in the same fashion as arms and legs


Which fish have been observed standing on their heads, hovering only a few inches above the sea floor?


Which fish have their vertebral column as underdeveloped? very slow swimmers that tend to drift with the current


Which fish use the electrosensitive organ in their snout to help located prey like cephalopods? When prey is near they use their tails to propel forward and seize the prey


Which animals have webbed feet prominent, replaceable teeth They share a unique body form that allows the eyes, ears, and nostrils to be above the water surface while most of the animal is hidden below


Which order of reptile include Crocodiles, Alligators, Caimans, and Gharials ~23 extant known spp distribution: US / China for alligators, world wide for crocodiles


hidden-neck turtles; neck bends in vertical plane; completely retract head into shell Turtles that bend the neck in a vertical plane to retract the head into the shell.


Which snake venom can causes cell death


20) Arrange these taxonomic terms from most inclusive (most general) to least inclusive (most specific). 1. lobe-fins 2. amphibians 3. gnathostomes 4. osteichthyans 5. tetrapods A) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 B) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1 C) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1 D) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 E) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2

D) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 gnathostomes, osteichthyans, lobe-fins, tetrapods, and amphibians

18) The swim bladder of ray-finned fishes A) was probably modified from simple lungs of chondrichthyans. B) developed into lungs in saltwater fishes. C) first appeared in sharks. D) provides for regulation of buoyancy. E) Two of the options listed are correct.

D) provides for regulation of buoyancy.

37) In which vertebrates is fertilization exclusively internal? A) chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and mammals B) amphibians, mammals, and reptiles C) chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and reptiles D) reptiles and mammals E) reptiles and amphibians

D) reptiles and mammals

Which fins of Chondrichthyes function as stabilizers

Dorsal fins

23) Which of these are amniotes? A) amphibians B) fishes C) egg-laying mammals D) placental mammals E) More than one of these is correct.

E) More than one of these is correct.

Hagfish or Lampreys? parasites that feed by clamping their mouth onto a live fish and have cartilaginous segments surrounding the notochord and arching partly over the nerve cord


Hagfish or Lampreys? skeleton made of cartilage -28 spp, marine and fw-live in fw as larvae (filter feeders) -~1/2 of spp migrate out to sea or lake, mature, and become parasites (mainly on fish) Free-living species feed as larvae for several years and then mature, reproduce, and die within a few days have a notochord and cartilaginous skeleton


Which clade has the only chordate to retains all chordate features as an adult


Evolution of fins with rod-shaped bones supporting muscle

Lobe-fin fish

What type of fish all fw, live in Africa, South America, Australia -have both gills and lungs -long life span: one specimen in captivity lived 84 years


Which fish can live in suspended animation, called aestivation, without food and water for three to five years ?


Which fish forms a crude lung, including the ability to breathe air, and ancestral structures within Sarcopterygii ?


Which fish swallows mud and pass it out through the gills? Coat itself with muccous and seal their body from the drought can live inside bricks and can come out atfer three to five years when drought stops


Which class of veterbrate include mammals


Which group of mammals include pouched mammals -300+ spp (kangaroos, opossums, koalas, wallabies, wombats, etc) born very early, nurses/grows in mother's pouch found in regions around Australia (~70%) and also N, C, S America


Which subphylum contains: -fish -amphibians -reptiles -birds -mammals vertebrates

Subphylum Vertebrata

Which order of reptile is overlapping, pointy scales in some spp, scales shed collectively in one piece many can automize tail (detach and sacrifice tail to confuse / deter predators) has two Orders

Super-Order Lepidosauria

Reptile orders

Super-Order Lepidosauria Order Testudines Order Crocodilia

Which superclass contains "bony fishes" -28,000+ species (over half of all vertebrates) -skeleton made of true bone tissue 28,000+ species (over half of all vertebrates) -marine, fw, and brackish (mixture of swand fw) water oldest known fossils: from 420 mya-two classes: C. Sarcopterygii, C. Actinopterygii

Superclass Osteichthyes

Which order of reptile are Turtles and Tortoises 350+ known spp 100 are marine many spp are heavily harvested for food, pet trade, about half of all are listed as "threatened" or "endangered"


Albatross birds

The plight of plastic on Albatross birds on Midway Island, an Island on the North Pacific Ocean, 2000 miles from the nearest continent. The island is littered in plastic, which the inhabiting albatross population ingests, causing a shocking and painful death.

Neuronal development in chordates dorsal nerve cord degenerates by adulthood "tunicates" Larvae are fish-shaped, adults not. Filter feeders. No cephalization.


Which order of Amphibians included salamanders two pairs of small, weak limbs elongated body w/ distinct post-anal tail still retained on adult


Neuronal development in chordates: dorsal nerve cord develops into the spinal cord, anterior end develops into brain (3 regions -forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain)


Animals with a backbone


Shark eggs are fertilized internally, but embryos can develop in different ways The embryo develops within the uterus and is nourished from the mother's blood through a yolk sac placenta


Which type of bird include ducks, geese, swans, etc webbed feet many are good divers, and some spp can dive over 200 ft typically 10,000 to over 20,000 feathers on a single bird (provides insulation in colder habitats) many "preen" their feathers using fluid produced by oil gland at base of tail


enlargement of eye has minimal effect in improving vision in water, but provides significant improvement in ______


birds have an unique respiratory system: consists of lungs w/ _________ this unique system allows birds to efficiently obtain oxygen and release CO2 during flight (sometimes during long migration routes) as exchange occurs during exhalation (occurs during inhalation in other vertebrates w/ lungs)

air sac

Which structure of amniotes is "sac-like" structure -also important for gas exchange, and aids w/ removal of liquid waste -allows absorption of O2in amniotes w/ hard egg shell -in most mammals, helps form umbilical chord


Which structure of amniotes protects embryo, contains amniotic fluid fluid helps growth of embryo/fetus produced from maternal plasma, fetal urine contributes later mostly water, contains electrolytes and various molecules amnion can break during labor: "water break"


Amniotes embryo are surrounded by ?

amnion, chorion, allantois, yolk

Which class of tetrapods have the following lungs simple, fairly inefficient, consists of two "sacs" w/ some convolutions (increases surface area for gas diffusion) metabolic rate is relatively low, and they can also obtain O2through skin and also, since air is higher in O2than water, they do not need very efficient lungs


Other Elasmobranch Features: produce _____________ (angiogenin recruits blood vessels to tumors, thus promotes tumor growth)

angiogenin inhibitors

tail-less, typically larger than monkeys w/ larger brain broad chest and shoulders w/ more movement for swinging from trees (while monkeys tend to have narrower chests and are more adapted for running on branches than swinging) includes gibbons, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, gorillas, and humans


What are tadpoles?

aquatic larvae of frogs


baleen whales.

Primates have _________, two eyes w/ overlapping field of view, provides stereopsis (enhanced depth perception) and binocular summation (enhanced contrast, better flicker and brightness perception)

binocular vision

Which tetrapod limbs are pectoral limbs evolved into wings


Other Elasmobranch Features: elasmobranchs are also very resistant to________ (a disease)


Testudines have _________ bony shell that develop from ribs for protection the hard upper shell of a turtle, crustacean, or arachnid.


Which cytotoxins of snake can prevents contraction of myocardium


Crocodilia are _________, feeding on variety of fish, birds, and much larger prey (deer, zebras, etc...)


Like other members of the class Chondrichthyes, chimaera skeletons are constructed of ________


Which supphlum contains Lancelets Suspension feeders named for their bladelike shape -32 spp, all marine, shallow / sandy areas -the only chordate to retains all chordate features as an adult -suspension feeders (filter feeds on suspended organic material)


three lineages of jawed vertebrates survive today

chondrichthyans, ray-finned fishes, and lobe-fins

Which structure of amniotes is outer to amnion, develops from outer fold of yolk sac -in reptiles and birds, fuses w/ allantois and aids w/ gas exchange -in most mammals, aids w/ gas and nutrient exchange, as well as elimination of waste products


Chimaeras Features: Many similarities to elasmobranchs (ex. claspers, Ampullae of Lorenzini), but 5th major difference: placoid scales only found on ______


males use _________ (extension of pelvic fin) to transfer sperm


Chimaeras Features: Many similarities to elasmobranchs (ex. claspers, Ampullae of Lorenzini), but 4th major difference: separate urogenital and anal openings (no ________)


The reporductive tract, excretory system, and digestive tract empty into a common _____ a muscular cavity at the end of the large intestine through which digestive wastes, urine, and eggs or sperm leave the body


both monotremes and marsupials lack ________: thick, broad band of nerve fibers connecting two hemispheres of brain

corpus callosum

Chimaeras Features: Many similarities to elasmobranchs (ex. claspers, Ampullae of Lorenzini), but 2nd major difference: jaw fused to ________


veterbrate features: vertebral column terminates in skull

cranium and mandible

a bird's food is stored in the _____ before digested can allow parent to store food for young


Neuromasts contain special "sense hairs" covered by a gelatinous mass called the ______. A gelatin-like structure containing a tuft of hairlike sensory receptor cells in the semicircular canals.


long neuronal tissue, develops into central nervous system (CNS: brainand spinal cord) in Vertebrata

dorsal hollow nerve cord

is a bird ectothermic or endothermic?


Other Elasmobranch Features: also possess pair of ___________: site of T-cell maturation, therefore important for immune function and detection/removal of cancer cells

epigonal organs

placentals (eutherians) do not have _______________, unlike monotremes and marsupials

epipubic bone

used to stiffen torso during locomotion -absence provides larger opening for birth of larger baby (*which is an adaptive trait thought to increase survival rate of offspring)

epipubic bones

Lungfishes can burrow in mud and _______ (become dormant, lower metabolic rate) -down to 1/60 normal metabolic rate


better vision may have allowed aquatic ancestors of tetrapods to focus on hunting on land (near shoreline): thus, evolution of robust limbs may have followed ________

eye evolution

the California Sheephead are all born which gender


Crocodilia nest temp. above 44 degree produce more


Crocodilia nest temp. below 31.5oC (88.7oF) produce more


What is sexual dimorphism in raptors ?

females often larger than males

Frog or Toad? usually more aquatic


however, only Australian lungfish can breathe w/ _____


the _____ is a muscular, thick-walled part of a birds stomach where partially digested food is ground up ften contains pebbles, stones, other hard material for grinding food (mechanical digestion)


all other vertebrates (including all other fish) are


Other Elasmobranch Features: -for many (especially sharks), teeth are replaceable, and attached to ____________ instead of jaw bone (can replace 30,000+ teeth in lifetime)


Hagfish or lamprey? skull made of cartilage and reduced backbone -30 spp, all marine, deepwater -produces high amounts of very thick slime - remained unchanged for 300 million years Jawless vertebrates that have a cartilaginous skull, reduced vertebrae, and a flexible rod of cartilage derived from the notochord


Which fish has a velvet skin that lack scales and slithers? It has a skull but no spine


Which fish has no fin, but has a paddle-like tail? tie themselves in knots to escape predator Has a multiple mincing mouths and two rows of tooth-like structures made of keratin that they use to burrow deep into carcasses.


Which cytotoxins of snake can causes swelling, rupturing of red blood cells


what kind of bones do birds have?

hollow bones, makes skeleton light

Crocodilia only have one type of teeth known as


Hominids ("great apes") include

humans, orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas

flightless birds

includes ostriches, emus, and kiwis some birds have lost ability of flight

The Peregrine Falcon

ingested DDT by eating smaller birds, which had eaten contaminated prey. The pesticide caused the shells of the bird's eggs to thin and resulted in nesting failures. Removed from the list of endangered species by the Fish and Wildlife Service in August 1999. Fastest moving Rome, Italy Falconiformes Falconidae forms trail of turbulence acute vision, can spot a mile a away

Gnathostomes are

jawed vertebrates

What is the infant stage in marsupial call?


The hair of mammals are made up of what?


Salmonids Males typically develop a hooked jaw ________ and sometimes a pronounced "hump" on the back.


some, however, have hypothesized that evolution of ________ was what led to the evolution of limbs, and therefore tetrapods (hint: vision)

larger eyes

Ocean Sunfish

largest bony fish in the world

Other bony fish features (*found in most, missing in some) for detecting vibrations (therefore prey/predators) sense organs of fish to detect disturbances in water; a line running the length of fish specialized sensory organs that detect vibrations and current directions in the water

lateral lines

What is the largest turtle? over 6ft long, 2000lbs

leatherback sea turtle

List the adaptations for reptile

leathery eggs not tied to water (helps prevent desiccation) well developed lungs scaly skin (helps prevent desiccation) -uric acid waste product (eliminated as solid, no need to produce urine which results in water loss)

scientists have long hypothesized that evolution of _______ was the first significant evolutionary adaptation for vertebrate transition onto land


Snakes evolved from _______ with legs


adult stage of anura

long hind legs, short bodies, no tail, webbed feet

In California Sheephead, often the dominant female will turn into a _____________ when the dominant male dies.


Crocodilia nest temp. above 32oC (89.6oF) would produce more


Three inner ear bones of mammals

malleus, incus, stapes

Which class of tetrapods have the following lungs large, complex, very high surface area due to numerous small pockets called alveoli(alveolusis singl.) -need to maintain body temp requires higher metabolic rate, and therefore increases O2 demand need large, very efficient lungs -humans: ~300 million alveoli in each lung


What do mammals use to produce milk?

mammary glands

What major group of mammals is viviparous with a short development period in the mother and an external pouch where the young develops to maturity?


Homo sapiens

modern humans

Anthropoids include:

monkeys, apes, and humans

Which group of mammals lay eggs?


What are the three major groups of modern mammals?

monotremes, marsupials, placental mammals

Other bony fish features (*found in most, missing in some) covers skin/scales for protection (against infections), reduces drag specialized membranes that line the body cavities first physical and chemical barrier against pathogens, thus playing an important role in fish health


-extension of muscle, notochord, and nerve cord past anus -used to propel body in some aquatic chordates -used for body balance and other specialized functions in some -reduced or degenerates/lost in others

muscular, post-anal tail

vertebrate features: group of cells present in folds of closing neural tube during embryonic development these cells migrate away to rest of body, can differentiate into different cells types, including bone, neurons, glia, and smooth muscle cells

neural crest

Lateral line: consists of slightly raised row of scales, a lateral line canal filled w/ water underneath, and special sensory structures specialized receptor organs in the lateral lines of vertebrates that detect the direction of water movement These structures are called ______


Prehensile tails (to grasp) are found among

new world monkeys

Can all birds fly?


Skate fishes have

no stinger, have ridges along back

elasmobranch features

no swimbladders (large liver instead) -5-7 pairs of gill openings no swimbladders (large liver instead) -upper jaw not fused with cranium-rigid dorsal fin (if present) -males use claspers(extension of pelvic fin) to transfer sperm -cloaca: single digestive, urinary, and reproductive opening

where do birds go when they migrate

north in the spring and south in the fall

flexible rod (material similar to cartilage) for body support, becomes part of vertebral column (backbone) in Vertebrata


Chimaeras Features: Many similarities to elasmobranchs (ex. claspers, Ampullae of Lorenzini), but 1st major difference: how many gill openings ?


Other bony fish/ osteichthyans features (*found in most, missing in some) single gill covering (gill plate) consists of slightly raised row of scales A protective flap that covers the gills of fishes


Tetrapod evolved ___________ for obtaining O2 and removing CO2 (from/into air, not water)

paired lungs

Which fins of Chondrichthyes function as maneuvering

paired pectoral and pelvic fins

"grooves" along outer surface of pharynx(section of digestive system posterior to mouth -"neck region") - allows water to exit in chordates that are suspension feeders -modified into gills for gas exchange in some chordates -slits close, develops into parts of ear/neck in some chordates

pharyngeal gill slits

Which cytotoxins of snake can breaks down phospholipids, therefore cell membranes (dead cells may release content which can also be toxic to surrounding healthy cells)


a temporary organ that allows nutrient absorption, gas exchange, waste removal, and thermoregulation through mother's blood


earliest gnathostomes in the fossil record that are an extinct lineage of armored vertebrates are called Over time, dorsal, ventral, and anal fins stiffened by bony structures called fin rays evolved Fin rays provided thrust and steering control for pursuit of prey and avoidance of predators


elasmobranchs have ____________: small, pointy scales that all face one direction (pointy end faces posterior end) -makes the skin of elasmobranchs very rough (used as sandpaper in the past)

placoid scales

on Midway Atoll, thousands of young Laysan Albatross die each year from consuming ______________


What are two examples of monotremes?

platypus and echidna (spiny anteaters)

side-neck turtles; neck bends in horizontal plane; cannot truly retract head into shell


Nemo (clownfish) is ______.


male first fish


Testudines can retract necks into shell Thought to be mainly for feeding (extension, then suction), but also for _______


C. Actinopterygii: other features #1 source of _______ for humans world wide


female first fish




Chimaeras Features: Many similarities to elasmobranchs (ex. claspers, Ampullae of Lorenzini), but 3rd major difference: -three permanent "tooth plates" instead of ___________

replaceable teeth

Which class of tetrapods have the following lungs larger, more convolutions to increase surface area metabolic rate is higher than amphibians have thick skin (to limit desiccation), so cannot obtain O2 from skin have much more developed lungs


supplied by complex blood vessel system: _______ provides to or takes away gas from the swimbladder) system of countercurrent heat exchange in the blood of fish that helps keep core temperature up more effective muscles for better swimming

rete mirabile

tetrapods are descendants of ?


Other bony fish features (*found in most, missing in some) covers skin for protection overlapping plates that protect the fish


Crocodilia have non-overlapping scales known as


Vibrations in the water in the canal are detected by the sense hairs, and this triggers stimulation of _______ that send messages through nerves to the fish's brain.

sensory neurons

Which tetrapod limbs are all limbs "lost", only remnant (vestigial) structures remain


modified saliva with toxins (neurotoxins and/or cytotoxins)

snake venom

What is the structure in crocidlia that is broad in alligators, but narrow in crocodiles


no swimbladder: depends on large liver (up to 30% of body weight, takes up most of volume in body cavity) containing _________ (type of lipid) for buoyancy


tetrapod ears structure varies, but all use small bones _______ to amplify/transmit sound waves from air into the inner ear. -sound travels differently through water vs air; therefore structures evolved to transmit sound in air


Other bony fish features (*found in most, missing in some) for buoyancy (gas filled chamber to control vertical movement) balloon like organ that gives bony fishes buoyancy


Archaeopteryx shared many features with dinosaurs such as

teeth, digits w/ claws on wing, extended tail w/ many vertebrae

Crocodilia determination of sex is _____

temperature dependent

Limbs with digits are considered


Which veterbrates are diversified greatly following the colonization of land


only two lineages of jawless vertebrates remain today Members of these groups lack a backbone

the hagfishes and lampreys

Neocortex and its 6 layers

the phylogenetically newest cortex, including the primary sensory cortex, primary motor cortex, and association cortex

reason for crocodilia temperature dependent

thermosensor proetins


toothed whales

Turtle or Tortoises ? terrestrial have legs


Other Elasmobranch Features: -Smithsonian has 1000s of fish with ________ in their collection only 15 of them are from elasmobranchs! -among the 15, only 2 are malignant


Turtle or Tortoises ? aquatic (sw, fw) have flippers


a flexible cordlike structure containing blood vessels and attaching a human or other mammalian fetus to the placenta during gestation. develops from chorion (of fetal origin) and endometrium (of mother, inner lining of uterus

umbilical cord

Other Elasmobranch Features: retains________in blood and body tissue to remain isotonic/sw (*____________ is made from ammonia and eliminated in urine in other organisms)


vertebrate features: (backbone) made of vertebraethat encloses spinal cord

vertebral column

Chordates include all ___________


Which tetrapod limbs are pectoral limbs evolved into fins (w/ no functional digits)


what do the front of birds limbs form?


Paedocypris is

world's smallest fish

Do all birds have feathers?


Which structure of amniotes is membraneous -sac containing nutrients for embryo -high in lipids and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) -also rich in some minerals and proteins

yolk sac

Feathers are made up of ______ a type of protein and thought to have originally evolved for insulation (not for flight)


Embryo or Veterbrate develops from a plate of ectoderm that rolls into a tube dorsal to the notochord


Which group of mammals is considered placental" mammals? 4000+ spp females develop placentawhile pregnant fetus develops lot longer in mother (compared to marsupials)


Differences between Birds and Reptiles leg

Birds bipedal (walks on two feet) Reptiles quadruped (unless legless)

Differences between Birds and Reptiles bones

Birds bones w/ pneumatic cavities Reptiles solid bones

Differences between Birds and Reptiles Body temperature

Birds endotherms (can generate internal heat to maintain stable body temp) Reptile ectotherms (can't generate internal heat, doesn't maintain stable body temp)

Differences between Birds and Reptiles egg shell

Birds hard, brittle egg shell Reptiles leathery egg shell

Differences between Birds and Reptiles place to store food

Birds have crop Reptiles no crop

Differences between Birds and Reptiles lungs

Birds lungs w/ air sacs Reptiles -lungs w/ no air sacs

Differences between Birds and Reptiles scales

Birds scales only on feet Reptile scales on body

Differences between Birds and Reptiles type of stomach

Birds all have gizzard Reptiles only alligators / crocodiles have gizzard

53) The oldest fossil remains of Homo sapiens found so far date from about A) 6 million years ago. B) 1.6 million years ago. C) 195,000 years ago. D) 60,000 years ago. E) 16,000 years ago.

C) 195,000 years ago.


Humans and their immediate ancestors

Which fish have one eye migrates to the other side during early development? (ex. halibut, sole, flounder, etc) ther features, such as jaw structure also changes.

In flatfishes

Which order of Lepidosauria is tuataras 2 sub spp, no external ear opening, primitive skeletal features only on New Zealand


Which have the male often dramatically changes body shape and even color during spawning season? (ex. salmon, trout, char)


Which order of Lepidosauria is 9000 spp, snakes (legless), lizards (4 legs, external ear opening) 17% of snakes have venom (neurotoxins, cytotoxins)


48) Which of these species was the first to have some members migrate out of Africa? A) Australopithecus garhi B) H. erectus C) H. ergaster D) H. habilis E) H. sapiens

B) H. erectus

24) Why is the amniotic egg considered an important evolutionary breakthrough? A) It has a shell that increases gas exchange. B) It allows deposition of eggs in a terrestrial environment. C) It prolongs embryonic development. D) It provides insulation to conserve heat. E) It permits internal fertilization to be replaced by external fertilization.

B) It allows deposition of eggs in a terrestrial environment.

25) Which era is known as the "age of reptiles"? A) Cenozoic B) Mesozoic C) Paleozoic D) Devonian E) Cambrian

B) Mesozoic

The lamprey species whose larvae live in freshwater streams, but whose adults live most of their lives in seawater, are similar in this respect to certain species of A) chondrichthyans. B) actinopterygians. C) lungfishes. D) coelacanths. E) hagfishes.

B) actinopterygians.

Jaws first occurred in which extant group of fishes? A) lampreys B) chondrichthyans C) ray-finned fishes D) lungfishes E) placoderms

B) chondrichthyans

Match the extant vertebrate groups with the descriptions. 41) What is the single unique characteristic that distinguishes extant birds from other extant vertebrates? A) endothermy B) feathers C) an amniotic egg D) flight E) a four-chambered heart

B) feathers

30) Examination of the fossils of Archaeopteryx reveals that, in common with extant birds, it had A) a long tail containing vertebrae. B) feathers. C) teeth. D) Three of the options listed are correct. E) Two of the options listed are correct.

B) feathers.

The earliest known mineralized structures in vertebrates are associated with which function? A) reproduction B) feeding C) locomotion D) defense E) respiration

B) feeding

107) Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials A) lack nipples. B) have some embryonic development outside the uterus. C) lay eggs. D) are found in Australia and Africa. E) include only insectivores and herbivores.

B) have some embryonic development outside the uterus.

16) Which group's members have had both lungs and gills during their adult lives? A) sharks, skates, and rays B) lungfishes C) lancelets D) amphibians E) ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs

B) lungfishes

Match the extant vertebrate groups with the descriptions. 39) Internal fertilization, leathery amniotic egg, and skin that resists drying are characteristics of A) amphibians. B) nonbird reptiles. C) chondrichthyans. D) mammals. E) birds.

B) nonbird reptiles.

22) What should be true of fossils of the earliest tetrapods? A) They should show evidence of internal fertilization. B) They should show evidence of having produced shelled eggs. C) They should indicate limited adaptation to life on land. D) They should be transitional forms with the fossils of chondrichthyans that lived at the same time. E) They should feature the earliest indications of the appearance of jaws.

C) They should indicate limited adaptation to life on land.

56) Which of the following is the most inclusive (most general) group, all of whose members have fully opposable thumbs? A) apes B) Homo C) anthropoids D) hominins E) primates

C) anthropoids

57) Which of the following is the most specific group that includes both the Old World monkeys and the New World monkeys? A) apes B) Homo C) anthropoids D) hominins E) primates

C) anthropoids

109) As hominins diverged from other primates, which of the following appeared first? A) reduced jawbones B) language C) bipedal locomotion D) the making of stone tools E) an enlarged brain

C) bipedal locomotion

Match the extant vertebrate groups with the descriptions. 38) Their scales most closely resemble teeth in both structure and origin. A) amphibians B) nonbird reptiles C) chondrichthyans D) mammals E) osteichthyans

C) chondrichthyans

Terry catches a ray-finned fish from the ocean and notices that attached to its flank is an equally long, snakelike organism. The attached organism has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth surrounded by a sucker, and two small eyes. Terry thinks it might be a marine leech, a hagfish, or a lamprey. 81) Terry detaches the snakelike organism from the fish and uses a knife to cut off its head. In doing so, its brain slides out onto the deck of the boat. Terry peers into the cut end of the head and notices that the brain had lain in a sort of panlike structure that only partially surrounded the brain. What is the structure Terry is observing, and what is it made of? A) skull, made of bone B) cranium, made of bone C) cranium, made of cartilage D) vertebral column, made of bone E) vertebral column, made of cartilage

C) cranium, made of cartilage

105) Some animals that lived 530 million years ago resembled lancelets but had a brain and a skull. These animals may represent A) the first chordates. B) a "missing link" between urochordates and cephalochordates. C) early craniates. D) marsupials. E) nontetrapod gnathostomes.

C) early craniates.

52) Which of these statements about human evolution is correct? A) The ancestors of Homo sapiens were chimpanzees. B) Human evolution has proceeded in an orderly fashion from an ancestral anthropoid to Homo sapiens. C) The evolution of upright posture and enlarged brain occurred simultaneously. D) Different species of the genus Homo have coexisted at various times throughout hominin evolution. E) Mitochondrial DNA analysis indicates that modern humans are genetically very similar to Neanderthals.

D) Different species of the genus Homo have coexisted at various times throughout hominin evolution.

49) Which of these species is currently thought to have coexisted (at the same time and places) with H. neanderthalensis? A) H. erectus B) H. ergaster C) H. habilis D) H. sapiens

D) H. sapiens

35) Which of the following represents the strongest evidence that two of the three middle ear bones of mammals are homologous to certain reptilian jawbones? A) They are similar in size to the reptilian jawbones. B) They are similar in shape to the reptilian jawbones. C) The mammalian jaw has fewer bones than does the reptilian jaw. D) These bones can be observed to move from the developing jaw to the developing middle ear in mammalian embryos. E) Mammals can hear better than reptiles.

D) These bones can be observed to move from the developing jaw to the developing middle ear in mammalian embryos.

15) Which of these statements accurately describes a similarity between sharks and ray-finned fishes? A) The skin is typically covered by flattened bony scales. B) They are equally able to exchange gases with the environment while stationary. C) They are highly maneuverable due to their flexibility. D) They have a lateral line that is sensitive to changes in water pressure. E) A swim bladder helps control buoyancy.

D) They have a lateral line that is sensitive to changes in water pressure.

notices that attached to its flank is an equally long, snakelike organism. The attached organism has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth surrounded by a sucker, and two small eyes. Terry thinks it might be a marine leech, a hagfish, or a lamprey. 82) Terry takes the body of the snakelike organism and slices it open along its dorsal side. If it is a hagfish, what should Terry see? A) a well-developed series of bony vertebrae surrounding the spinal cord B) a well-developed series of cartilaginous vertebrae surrounding the spinal cord C) a tube of cartilage (surrounding the notochord) with dorsal projections on both sides of the spinal cord D) a notochord, located underneath the spinal cord

D) a notochord, located underneath the spinal cord

29) Which of the following are the only extant animals that descended directly from dinosaurs? A) lizards B) crocodiles C) snakes D) birds E) tuataras

D) birds

27) Which of the following is characteristic of most extant reptiles and most extant mammals? A) ectothermy B) diaphragm C) shelled eggs D) keratinized skin E) conical teeth that are relatively uniform in size

D) keratinized skin

45) Which of the following are considered apes? A) lorises B) New World monkeys C) Old World monkeys D) orangutans E) tarsiers

D) orangutans

34) Which of these would a paleontologist be most likely to do in order to determine whether a fossil represents a reptile or a mammal? A) Look for the presence of milk-producing glands. B) Look for the mammalian characteristics of a four-chambered heart and a diaphragm. C) Because mammals are eutherians, look for evidence of a placenta. D) Use molecular analysis to look for the protein keratin. E) Examine the teeth.

E) Examine the teeth.

44) Which of the following statements about human evolution is correct? A) Modern humans are the only human species to have evolved on Earth. B) Human ancestors were virtually identical to extant chimpanzees. C) Human evolution has occurred within an unbranched lineage. D) The upright posture and enlarged brain of humans evolved simultaneously. E) Fossil evidence indicates that early anthropoids were arboreal and cat-sized.

E) Fossil evidence indicates that early anthropoids were arboreal and cat-sized.

33) Among extant vertebrates, a sheet of muscle called the diaphragm is found in A) birds. B) monotremes. C) marsupials. D) placentals. E) Three of the options listed are correct.

E) Three of the options listed are correct.

104) Vertebrates and tunicates share A) jaws adapted for feeding. B) a high degree of cephalization. C) the formation of structures from the neural crest. D) an endoskeleton that includes a skull. E) a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord.

E) a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord.

50) Which of these species had members who moved out of Africa? A) H. erectus B) H. ergaster C) H. habilis D) H. sapiens E) both H. sapiens and H. erectus

E) both H. sapiens and H. erectus

7) Lampreys differ from hagfishes in A) lacking jaws. B) having a cranium. C) having pharyngeal clefts that develop into pharyngeal slits. D) having a notochord throughout life. E) having a notochord that is surrounded by a tube of cartilage.

E) having a notochord that is surrounded by a tube of cartilage.

60) The presence of a swim bladder allows the typical ray-finned fish to stop swimming and still A) effectively circulate its blood. B) be highly maneuverable. C) use its lateral line system. D) use its swim bladder as a respiratory organ. E) not sink.

E) not sink.

43) Which of these traits is most strongly associated with the adoption of bipedalism? A) fingerprints B) enhanced depth perception C) shortened hind limbs D) opposable big toe E) repositioning of foramen magnum

E) repositioning of foramen magnum

19) Which of the following belongs to the lobe-fin clade? A) chondrichthyans B) ray-finned fishes C) lampreys D) hagfishes E) tetrapods

E) tetrapods

17) There is evidence that ray-finned fishes evolved A) in response to a crisis that wiped out the chondrichthyans. B) directly from lampreys and hagfish. C) early in the Cambrian period. D) directly from lancelets. E) the swim bladder from a lung.

E) the swim bladder from a lung.

Tetrapods have some specific adaptations

Four limbs and feet with digits, a neck which allows separate movement of the head, fusion of the pelvic girdle to the backbone, the absence of gills (except some aquatic species) and ears for detecting airborne sounds

Swallowed stones in the stomach that aid in digestion


vertebrates are divided into those and w/ jaws

Gnathostomata -infraphylum

earliest fossil of a lobe-fin fish (~420 million years ago )

Guiyu oneiros

(the two maybe same species), similar size to current humans but heavier skeleton, brain size 1100cc, made multi-purpose tools, first to use fire, first out of Africa movement 1.7 million years ago

H. ergaster and H. erectus

handy-man", tool sharpening behavior, brain size 750cc

H. habilis

probably descended from H.e. in Europe, buried dead with flowers, adapted for cold, brain size 1500cc 300K to 30K years ago

H. neanderthalensis

advanced tools, cooperative hunting, spoken language, reduced sexual dimorphism, culture and art, brain size 1350cc 50k to 10K years ago

H. sapiens

What major group of modern mammals is oviparous and is only found in Australiand New Guinea? Females lack nipples and secrete milk from glands on their bellies; the baby sucks milk from the mother's fur


Which group of mammals are the only land mammals w/ electrolocation ability (usage of electrical fields to locate objects)


Which group of mammals have no teeth?


Which snake venom can (inhibits normal neuronal function, causes paralysis) some are ion channel blockers some are neurotransmitter receptor blockers others block enzymes that break down neurotransmitters (this causes over stimulation of nervous system)


Four characteristics of chordates

Notochord, dorsal hollow nerve chord, pharyngeal slits, and a muscular, post-anal tail

3 orders of Amphibia

O. Urodela, O. Anura, O. Apoda

Which subpylum contains: - 3000+ spp, all marine-sessile (tunicates, aka "sea squirts") and planktonic (salps) forms -bilateral, free-swimming larvae-tail, notochord, and nerve cord all degenerate and lost in adult -pharyngeal gill slits become prominent and used for suspension-feeding Marine suspension feeders; larvae display the derived traits of chordates

Subphylum Urochordata

Shark eggs are fertilized internally, but embryos can develop in different ways Eggs hatch outside the mother's body are called


Shark eggs are fertilized internally, but embryos can develop in different ways Eggs are retained within the oviduct; young are born after hatching within the uterus are called ?


Lampreys belong to what class?


lemurs, tarsiers, monkeys, apes, human and anthropoids reduced snout most w/ opposable thumbs(eventually allowed for evolution of tool usage) large brain


What types of birds are hawks, falcons, eagles, owls, vultures etc feed on relatively large prey keen eye sight (some can spot medium prey from a mile away)

Raptors / Birds of Prey

Which type of bird have prominent hooked beak (for tearing flesh and skin) ?

Raptors / Birds of Prey

Which type of bird have sharp, strong talons(for catching and also killing pretty -ex., some use talons to break necks of prey)

Raptors / Birds of Prey

The fins, supported mainly by long, flexible rays, are modified for maneuvering, defense, and other functions Yellow fin tuna (Thunnusalbacares) Red lion fish (Pteroisvolitans) Common seahorse (Hippocampusramulosus) Fine-spotted moray eel (Gymnothoraxdovii)

Ray-finned fishes

Which class of vetebrate included ~10,500 spp (*20,000+ if including birds, which some scientists do) found in all continents, except Antarctica (unless birds are included)


extinct sarcopterygian from ~375 million years ago Believed to be "transitional species" from fish to tetrapods. A fish, w/ some reptilian features such as flattened skull and sturdy interior limb bones.


Frog or Toad? more terrestrial, dry/bumpy skin, typically larger than leathery skin


Which clade has nerve cord all degenerate and lost in adult


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