Biology 1120 Exam 3

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a small insectivorous, tree-dwelling, nocturnal primate with large eyes, a long tufted tail, and long hind limbs, native to the islands of Southeast Asia.

Consuming even a single mushroom of the genus ____ can be fatal.


Which chordate group has the most species?

bony fishes

There are about ____ identified species of vertebrates.


About ____ species of birds have been described.


Which was the last continent to be inhabited by monkeys?


Members of phylum ____ are the most primitive of the fungi and were previously classified as protists.


• Three classes of tetrapods

Class Amphibia- frogs, toads, salamanders • Class Reptilia- lizards, snakes, turtles, alligators, birds • Class Mammalia- mammals

• Six classes of fishes

Class Myxini- hagfishes • Class Petromyzontida- lampreys • Class Chondrichthyes- sharks, skates, rays • Class Dipnoi- lungfishes • Class Actinistia- lobe-finned fishes • Class Actinopterygii- ray-finned fishes

sexual dimorphism

Differences in physical characteristics between males and females of the same species.

Based upon today's molecular evidence, Homo sapiens appear to have originated from:

East Africa

Which skeletal features enhanced hominin bipedal locomotion?

broader pelvis foreman magnum at the center base of skull complex curvature of the spine alignment of the toes

Yeasts reproduce asexually by:


The hominoid genus Pongo includes which animals?


Most reptiles are ____ and their fertilization is ____.

oviparous; internal

The larvae of some cnidarians are known as ____ larvae.


Which process marks the start of the dikaryotic stage (n + n) in the fungal reproductive cycle?


When bread gets moldy with visible black or blue spots, you are looking at masses of the colored:


The function of cotyledons in many plants is to:

store food reserves

sea star feeding behavior


What is the first part of the seedling to come out during germination?


The modern human skull lacks which primate feature?

supraorbital ridge

characteristics of arthopods

1. Exoskeleton 2. Segmented 3. Dorsal heart, Ventral Central Nervous System 4. Open Circulatory system 5. Small bodied

There are ___ living primate species


3 orders of amphibians

Order Urodela ("visible tail") • Salamanders, mud puppies, and newts • Order Anura ("no tail") • Frogs and toads • Order Apoda ("no feet") • Worm-like caecilians

two clades of modern mammals

Protheria: egg-laying mammals (monotremes) Theria: mammals that bear their young alive

If adult sponges are sessile, why can they still be classified as animals?

Sponge larvae are motile

What distinguishes the gorillas and chimpanzees from the orangutans and gibbons?

They walk on their knuckles.

H. floresiensis fossils found on the Indonesian island of Flores have been dubbed "hobbits" by the media because of what feature?

They were only 1 m tall

a transitional form between fishes and tetrapods

Tiktaalik (375 mya)

nauplius larva

a larval stage (planktonic) in the life cycle of many crustaceans (ex: shrimp, crabs, lobster)

Fruits that develop from a flower with many separate ovaries are referred to as:

aggregate fruits

a characteristic of tapeworms?

apeworms have bodies that consist of hundreds of reproductive segments.

Sometimes plants produce embryos in seeds without meiosis and fusion of gametes. This process is known as:


An examples of a plant disease caused by an ascomycete is:

chestnut blight

DNA sequence analyses indicate that the nearest living relatives to humans are:




The common ancestor of all animals is/are the:


Hermaphroditic earthworms reproduce sexually by connecting their bodies by their ____. This allows transfer of ____ from one worm to the other.

clitellum; sperm

Production of ____ is a means of rapidly propagating new mycelia when environmental conditions are favorable for ascomycetes.


A nauplius larva is characteristic of:


Diploblastic animals, such as cnidarians and ____, have only two germ layers, ectoderm and ____.

ctenophores; endoderm


deuterostomes with bilateral symmetry, a tube-within-a-tube body plan, and three germ layers

Fungi parasitic on plants produce specialized hyphae, called ____, that penetrate the host.


The amino acid sequence of chimpanzee hemoglobin is identical to that of ______


Most flowers are pollinated by which method?


A marine invertebrate placed into freshwater would have difficulty surviving because:

it would have difficulty with osmoregulation.

Urochordates are odd chordates, as typically only the ____ show(s) the basic chordate characteristics.


The monotremes are an unusual group of mammals because they:

lay eggs

Reduction in ____ growth is used as a sensitive indicator of air pollution.


Color pigments produced by ____ are used to dye woolens and litmus.


The ____ gives rise to muscles, bones, and the circulatory system.


Complete ____ reduces competition among insects within the same species; larval forms do not compete with adults for food or habitats.


Arthropods with mandibles, a single pair of antennae, and two legs on most body segments are:


Determinate cleavage takes place in ____ and is characterized by a pattern of development where the ultimate fate of each cell is ____.

protostomes; fixed early in the developmental process

Deuterostomes are characterized by ____ and ____ cleavage.

radial; indeterminate

Which of the following is an adaptation that enables cephalopods to escape from their predators?

rapidly changing colors

Flower parts are borne on the tip of a stalk referred to as the:


Mammals evolved from mammal-like ____ known as therapsids more than 200 mya.


Australopithecus was the first hominin to feature which distinguishing characteristic?

sexual dimorphism

The diploid portion of a plant life cycle is known as the:

sporophyte generation

A ____ is an underground stem that is greatly enlarged for food storage.


sac fungi phylum


Salamanders are members of the order:


Allomyces Phylum


Members of the phylum ____ are the simplest organisms with a separate mouth and anus.


Which fungal group is coenocytic and reproduce asexually via blastospores?



Group of cnidarians,all marine, polyp stage is greatly reduced, free swimming medusae is up to 2 m in diameter. (Jellies,sea nettles)


Human like primates

Deuterostomes evolved during the ____ eon.


Which of the following is thought to be most closely related to the anthropoids?


Which suborder do Tarsiers belong?


Order ____ includes the turtles and tortoises.



The class of the phylum Mollusca that includes clams, oysters, and mussels.

How do leeches differ from other annelids?

They do not have setae or parapodia

three subphyla of chordata

Urochordata, Cephalochordata, Vertebrata

The most closely related animal to vertebrates are the:


mushroom phylum


Fungi that lack septa are called:


____ is an anticoagulant used by leeches.



producing living young (not eggs)

The term for physical damage to a seed coat that induces germination is:


Which structure is used to help regulate buoyancy of fish?

swim bladder

Hagfishes are differentiated from lampreys and all other fishes in that:

they lack vertebrae

What is an example of a plant disease caused by a basiodiomycete?

wheat rust


An animal that possesses a true coelom (a body cavity lined by tissue completely derived from mesoderm).


Animals in which the blastopore becomes the anus during early embryonic development

sea star phylum


____ is an example of a plant that produces detachable plantlets in notches along their leaf margins.


An animal found in the rocky intertidal zone has eight overlapping plates and is tightly adhering to the rock with a muscular foot. This animal is most likely a member of the class:


The absorption of water by a dry seed is known as:


Snakes are most closely related to


Ribbon worms have a unique ____ that is used to capture prey.


Evidence shows that humans began to cultivate crops from approximately ____ years ago.


Apes and Old World monkeys diverged ____ to ___ mya

25 mya to 23 mya

Neanderthals appeared how many years ago?


The coelacanth is found in the class:


Which hominoids may have given rise to the apes and humans?


Anthropoid primates arose in______ during the Middle Eocene epoch (45 mya)

Africa or Asia


Animals with mouths that develop from or near the blastopore

The immediate ancestors of the genus Homo belonged to which genus?



Bristle-like structures that help segmented worms move

All the sepals of a flower are collectively known as the:


The diverse body plans seen in Animalia apparently developed during the:

Cambrian period.

Which pair of words is incorrectly matched? A. mesoderm − muscles B. deuterostomes − radial cleavage C. tail end − posterior D. coelom − nο body cavity E. triploblastic − bilateral organism

D. coelom − nο body cavity

Movable spines are found on ____ of the phylum Echinodermata.


Acheulian tools, e.g., hand axes, choppers, borers, and scrapers, are associated with which group of hominins?

Homo erectus

The two groups representing the "jawless" fishes are:

Myxini and Petromyzontida.

Neanderthals were first discovered near and named for the:

Neander Valley in Germany.

5 characteristics of chordates

Notochord, dorsal hollow nerve chord, pharyngeal passages, muscular post-anal tail, endostyle


Paddlelike appendages that assist aquatic annelids in locomotion.

The earliest hominin discovered to date, in a dry lake bed in Chad, belongs to which genus?


Characteristics of echinoderms

The fall on the eumetazoan branch of animals. They fall within the group Bilateria. They develop as deuterostomes. They fall within the group Deuterostomia.


The process by which an organism takes shape and the differentiated cells occupy their appropriate locations.

The first animals to show cephalization have several characteristics, name some

These animals were in phylum Platyhelminthes. These animals are placed in the group Lophotrochozoa. These animals were triploblastic. These animals followed the protostome pattern of embryonic development.

Which is a characteristic of ribbon worms and flatworms?

They are acoelomates.

bread mold phylum


The head end of an animal is known as its:

anterior end

As adults, ____ are the only sessile crustaceans whose external anatomy is completely different than its fellow crustaceans.


The club fungi typically reproduce by producing:


Mushrooms that we eat are technically referred to as:


One significant difference between anthropoids and other primates is the size of their:


An elongate uniramid with many legs as well as poison claws is known as a(n):


Which arthropods have mandibles, gills, excretory glands, and statocysts?


Indeterminate cleavage takes place in ____ and is characterized by a pattern of development where the ultimate fate of each cell is ____.

deuterostomes; not fixed until late in the developmental process

Paleoanthropological evidence indicates that Australopithecus afarensis probably:

did not construct tools nor used fire

Sea anemones, unlike scyphozoans, have a partitioned gastrovascular cavity. This serves as a means of:

digesting very large food items.

Spiny echidnas are unlike other mammals in that they:

do not have nipples.

The epidermis of a nematode is derived from the:


Sea cucumbers will ____ when environmental conditions deteriorate.

eject their digestive tract, respiratory structures, and gonads

The lining of the digestive tube is formed from:


The prolonged low temperature exposure required for the germination of some seeds:

ensures that the seeds germinate in spring, rather than in fall.

The union of gametes is called ____ and takes place within the ____ of a flower.

fertilization; ovary

One ancestral characteristic remaining in representatives of the Chytridiomycota is:

flagellated cells.

To include your eyes and ears in the same section, you would need to cut your body in which plane?


Cells of the blastula undergo ____, a process that forms and segregates the three germ layers.


Lichens are most typically formed by the symbiotic association of an alga or cyanobacterium and a(n):


One characteristic of the class Holothuroidea is that they:

have a reduced endoskeleton consisting of microscopic plates embedded in the body wall.

The Portuguese man-of-war is a colony of hundreds to thousands of:


A ____ is a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi.


In angiosperms, the gametophyte generation:

is nutritionally dependent on the sporophyte.

Order Squamata

lizards, snakes, worm lizards

In scyphozoans, the ____ is the dominant body form.


A grasshopper belongs in the Ecdysozoa clade because of its ability to:


What is the key characteristic that defines the Ecdysozoa clade?


Hyphae of a basidiomycete's primary mycelium consist of ____ cells.


In most protostomes, the blastopore develops into the:


Most fungal spores are ____ reproductive cells that are produced ____.

nonmotile; sexually or asexually

Notocord is a characteristic of which phylum?

phylum Chordata


phylum of comb jellies

One characteristic of class Bivalvia is that they:

possess two shells with a hinge.

The amphibians are believed to have arisen from ancestral:

sacropterygian fishes.

Adult tunicates resemble ____and are ____.

sponges; filter feeders


term used to refer to animals whose young are born alive after developing in eggs inside the mother's body

First primates appeared by (time period)

the Early Eocene

Genes for self-incompatibility usually inhibit:

the growth of the pollen tube

The heart of amphibians has ____ chambers. The hearts of birds and mammals have ____ chambers.

three; four

What makes up most of the mass of an individual mushroom?

underground mycelium

Which unicellular fungus is probably in most kitchens?


The earliest fossils of anatomically modern H. sapiens in Europe and most parts of Asia date to:

~40,000 years ago.

Arrange the following going from the earliest to the most recent according to the time they evolved from a common ancestor. 1) New World monkeys 2) Orangutans 3) Humans 4) Gibbons 5) Gorillas

1New World monkeys, 4Gibbons, 2 Orangutans, 5 Gorillas, 3 Humans


42 mya. The earliest known anthropoid. Small, insectivorous, diurnal.

The first land animals likely moved onto land how long ago?

450 million years ago


Eggs hatch outside the mother's body


Endosperm tissue

The oldest known anthropoid fossil is ____, found in China and Myanmar.


What is a disadvantage to having an exoskeleton?

Exoskeletons do not prevent desiccation.

Who were the first hominins thought to wear clothing, build fires, and live in caves or shelters?

Homo erectus

What molecular evidence have been found in cnidarians, which have radial symmetry, that is evidence to indicate cnidarians share a common ancestor with bilateral animals?

Hox genes

You are given a box of bones, which includes a tall narrow pelvis and a foot with non-aligned toes. Which statement can be supported by these bones?

The bones belonged to a quadrupedal organism.

Which statement about microsporidia is FALSE?

They have mitochondria and Golgi complexes.

Characteristics of mycorrhizae

They increase the uptake of nutrient minerals by the plant. They are symbiotic associations between a fungus and a plant root. Endomycorrhizae are intracellular. Members of the Glomeromycota may be involved


concentration of sense organs and nerve cells at the front of an animal's body

Hyphae that contain two genetically distinct, sexually compatible nuclei within each cell are described as:


Which is the correct sequence of embryonic development in eudicots?

proembryo → globular stage embryo → heart stage embryo → torpedo stage embryo

Which group of organisms display radial cleavage during development?


The fusion of a sperm cell with two polar nuclei in the ovule forms the:


Phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota are considered ____ because they share a more recent common ancestor with each other than either does with any other group.

sister taxa

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