Biology II Test 21 q/a
a polysaccharide found in cell walls of fungi is known as
not affected by climate
crop damage by fungal disease is
dark fuzz that grows on a bread is an example of
fungal spores produced in structures called
digestive enzymes
fungi break down complex organic matter by releasing ____
carry out photosynthesis
fungi do not
both living and dead organisms
fungi feed on
fungi that absorb food from decaying organic matter are
produce medicine such as penicillin, used in cooking such as mushrooms in salad, break down dead/decaying matter consuming poisonous mushrooms or bread with black mold can make you sick or kill you
how are fungi helpful and harmful to people
release digestive enzymes that break down rocks and produce soil
how do lichens encourage soil formation on barren rock
the book only contains 4 phyla of fungi, combining the glomeromycota and chidriomyctoa as 1 phyla called deuteromycota
how does the book list of fungi differ from the notes
hyphae of opposite mating types (+ and -) meet, each hyphae forms a ____ or structure that forms gametes
in mushrooms, the basidia are found in the
zygomycota, glomeromycota, basidiomycota, astromycota, chidriomycota
list the 5 different types of fungi
mushrooms sometimes grow from the trunks of trees so what would likely be embedded in the tree's bark
basements, shower drains, sink drains, showering with cold water, humidifier, cleaning with bleach
name three places unwanted fungi are found in your home and what methods prevent fungi from forming in these places
in a ring at the outer edges
over time nutrients at the center of a large underground mycelium become depleted, causing new mushrooms to sprout
penicillium reproduces asexually but otherwise resembles a
root like hyphae that penetrate the surface of bread and anchor a fungus to the bread, release enzymes, and absorb and digest organic material are known as ____
sporangia are found a the tops of specialized hyphae called
the association of plants and fungi in mycorrhizae illustrates a type of
the basidiospore of ____ fungi are scattered by the wind
the cyanobacterium or algal layer of the ___ performs photosynthesis
ringworm and athlete's foot
the fungus that form a mycelium within the outer layers of human skin causes
the hyphae that push up into the air and from sporangia at their tips are known as
the root like hyphae that penetrates the surface of the sliced bead are known as
the sporangia reproduces asexually by producing
the stem like hyphae that run along the surface of the bread are known as
the tangles mass that makes up the body of fungus is the
tiny one celled filaments that compose most fungi are
two hyphae from different mating types come together and form
decomposers which realize digestive enzymes that break down dead and decaying material. This is important because it prevents the mass amount of dead organisms that could be ruining the ecosystem
what is the most important role of fungi in natural ecosystems and why is this role important
they are composed of an algae or a cyanobacterium and a fungus living together
what is untrue about lichens
when hyphae of different mating types meet, each hypha forms a
which of the following is NOT a single organism
no because it Is located underground
would if be possible to easily detect the presence of a mycelium underground if no fruiting bodies were present