Blueprint FL 1

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"morphine within"--natural, opiatelike neurotransmitters linked to pain control and to pleasure. Interaction with the anterior pituiarty


"salt-retaining hormone" which promotes the retention of Na+ by the kidneys. na+ retention promotes water retention, which promotes a higher blood volume and pressure increase sodium reabsorption in the distal tubule

Core component of emotion

1) Physiological Arousal (how your body reacts to emotions, emotional influence or stimuli) 2) Expressive Displays (how you express your emotion) 3) Subjective Experience (how you feel and interpret emotions, which is extremely personal and subjective)

Factors affecting boiling point

1) Relative strength - Ionic > H Bonding > Dipole Dipole > Van Der Waals Alcohols and carboxylic acids have higher melting/boiling points than aldehydes and ketones. Amines, Imines, and enamines are nitrogen containing compounds with medium melting/boiling points that can act as weak bases. 2) Boiling points increase as the number of carbons increases 3) Branching decreases BP

Colligative Properties (4)

1) vapor pressure reduction 2) boiling point elevation 3) freezing point reduction 4) osmotic pressure

Tetrahedral bond angle

109.5 degrees

limbic system

A doughnut-shaped system of neural structures at the border of the brainstem and cerebral hemispheres; associated with emotions such as fear and aggression and drives such as those for food and sex. Includes the hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus.

tumor suppressor genes

A gene whose protein product inhibits cell division, thereby preventing the uncontrolled cell growth that contributes to cancer.


A neurotransmitter involved in arousal, as well as in learning and mood regulation. Secreted by adrenal medulla

Adaptive Immune System

B-Cells, T-Cells,

Transmission mechanism for the passage of Leigh Syndrome from parent to child

C) Mitochondrial DNA Mitochondrial disorders are transmitted via mothers only.

Calcium Sulfate

CaSO4 Calcium cation has a 2+ charge, while sulfate anion carries a 2- charge. These ions can thus be combined in a 1:1 ratio to balance charge, leading to CaSO4

Why did the researchers choose to study pediatric, rather than adult, thryoid cancer patients?

Children receive a higher relative dose of I-131 at the same contamination level. The most likely reason for the use of pediatric cancer cases is that these cases are more likely to be caused by I-131 than those in adults. Because children weigh less than adults, the same quantity of external I-131 would result in a higher concentration of the Isotope of the body, making DNA damage and cancer more likely.


Drugs (such as caffeine, nicotine, and the more powerful amphetamines, cocaine, and Ecstasy) that excite neural activity and speed up body functions. Increase arousal in the nervous system, often through the release and inhibition of the reuptake of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. This effectively increases arousal, increasing heart rate and blood pressure, and creating effects of anxiety, delusions of grandeur, euphoria, hypervigilance, and decreased appetite.


Erythrocytes (also known as red blood cells or RBCs) are responsible for carrying oxygen to the different tissues of the body, and also aid in carrying carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it can be exhaled. Erythrocytes can do this because they are packed full of hemoglobin, a polymer of 4 proteins and iron that binds oxygen. Erythrocytes are created in the bone marrow in response to erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that is released from the kidney whenever erythrocyte levels are low. During development in the bone marrow, erythrocytes lose their membrane-bound organelles, including their mitochondria and nucleus. As such, they only engage in anaerobic metabolism and have a limited lifespan of only about 100 days. Their lack of internal organelles contributes to their characteristic biconcave shape, which helps them travel more efficiently through capillaries and maximizes their surface area, which assists in gas exchange. Erythrocytes are degraded by the spleen, which is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen.

acronym for anterior pituitary hormones

F (follicle stimulating hormone) L (Luteinizing Hormone) A (adrenocorticotropic hormone) T(Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone), P (Prolactin), E (Endorphin), and G (Growth Hormone)

newton's third law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction Here the force of the earth pulling on the book is equal and opposite of the book pulling up on the earth

In miRNA-directed gene silencing, a small RNA binds to an mRNA and directs degradation of the mRNA or prevents translation of the mRNA. Which of the following terms describes the process through which binding occurs?

Hybridization - this is a question of definition. only hybridization describes a process of binding through complementary nucleotides

Compound with three aromatic rings would have a low solubility in a hydrophilic media, why?

It is a nonpolar compound with multiple hydrocarbon groups, lots of electron delocolzaiton, and no charge, meaning that is poorly soluble in polar (hydrophilic) solvents like water. Because blood and the cytosol are largely made of water, the drug likely has trouble traveling in the bloodstream.


Lithium aluminum hydride is a very strong reducing agent. It will reduce aldehydes, ketones, esters, and carboxylic acids to alcohols, and amides and nitriles to amines. It will also open epoxides.


Neurotransmitter secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress. Also known as adrenaline.

Mediating Variable

One which explains the relationship between two other variables.

RNA Polymerization

Polymerization is the process by which nucleotides are strung together to form a single-stranded RNA strand, not the joining of two complementary strands.

Boiling point =

Pvap = Patm (the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a solution is equal to the atmospheric pressure. A decrease in vapor pressure makes this point more difficult to achaive, resulting in a higher bioling temperature. Adding salt reduces the vapor pressure. More solutes present acheives a higher bp or lower freezing point.

Mitochondria - all about it

The mitochondria, often known as the energy powerhouses of the cell, are organelles where the citric acid cycle, beta-oxidation of fatty acids, and oxidative phosphorylation take place. In combination with the products of glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation allow 30+ molecules of ATP to be obtained from a single molecule of glucose, which is at least a 15-fold increase from what is possible using glycolysis alone. This was a transformative evolutionary leap in the history of life, and the mitochondria are therefore essential to the functioning of all eukaryotic organisms. The mitochondria are separated from the rest of the cytoplasm by two membranes (an outer membrane and an inner membrane), both of which are composed of a phospholipid bilayer. The structure of mitochondria can therefore be subdivided into the outer membrane, the intermembrane space, the inner membrane, and the mitochondrial matrix, which is the innermost part of each mitochondrion. The mitochondrial matrix is the site of the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation takes place via the action of protein complexes embedded in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. As part of oxidative phosphorylation, the electron transport chain causes a buildup of protons in the intermembrane space, and the resulting proton gradient is used to power the activity of ATP synthase. Mitochondria are also unique in that they are self-replicating organelles. They contain their own DNA (mitochondrial DNA, or mtDNA), which is circular in structure and inherited maternally, and undergo binary fission. This remarkable fact has been explained through the endosymbiotic origin hypothesis, according to which mitochondria derive from an original prokaryotic cell capable of aerobic metabolism that became engulfed in another cell, resulting in an endosymbiotic lineage.


The number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time.


The number or rate of new cases of a particular condition during a specific time.

Transcription Initiation Site

The part of a gene's promoter where synthesis of the gene's RNA transcript begins. RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region upstream of the start codon with the assistance of transcription factors

Assuming that ECP was named for its electrical charge at physiological pH, which of the following must be true?

The primary structure of ECP contains more basic residues than acidic residues. At physiologcal PH, a typical protein will have a -1 charge on its deprotonated carboxylic acid terminal and a +1 charge on its proonated amino terminal, for a total net charge of 0.

Stem Cells

Undergo self renewal. supported by the statement in paragphrah 1 that cancer stem cells may be responsible for recurrence after chemotherapy, which implies that they can resist chemotherapy, replicate, and then differentiate as needed.

Disulfide linkages

When two cysteine side chains are oxidized, a (-S-S-) disulfide linkage can form. When not linked, the cysteine (C) groups contain a thiol group. Through the process of oxidative folding, two thiol groups can connect. Linkages are important for tertiary and quartenary structure.

Innate immune system

a collection of nonspecific barriers and cellular responses that serve as an inborn first and second line of defense against pathogens Macrophages, Mast Cells, Granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils), Dendritic Cells, Natural Killer Cells


a compound produced during the breakdown of glucose in anaerobic metabolism


a drug, often smoked, whose effects include euphoria, impairment of judgment and concentration and occasionally hallucinations; rarely reported as addictive Finally, marijuana has qualities of a stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogen. Marijuana, which is the name used for the leaves and flowers of the plants Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, has an active chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which affects certain receptors in the brain. Additionally, THC increases the production of GABA and dopamine. Physiologically, THC can cause an increase in appetite, dry mouth, fatigue, eye redness, lowered blood pressure, and increased heart rate.

confounding variable

a factor other than the independent variable that might produce an effect in an experiment

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

a method of brain imaging that assesses metabolic activity by using a radioactive substance injected into the bloodstream (typically using labeled glucose) and easy comparison of glucose movement towards cancerous cells.

Liquid remaining in the round-bottom flask at the end of the procedure was most likely... (cpd with highest BP)

carboxylic acid


catalyzes the rearrangement of bonds within a single molecule, convert a molecule from one isomer to anohter.


code for proteins that stimulate normal cell growth and division


describes any abnormal proliferation of cells


drugs (such as alcohol, barbiturates, and opiates) that reduce neural activity and slow body functions Alcohol is the most commonly used depressant. It works by stimulating the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter associated with reduced anxiety, and dopamine, which promotes euphoria. Alcohol slows the activity of the frontal lobe, reducing judgment and lowering inhibitions. While drinking, people can become unable to recognize the consequences of their actions, and their speech may be slurred and motor skills diminished.

retinol synthesis first step enzyme

first step shows beta-carotene being oxidized. Thus, the monooxygenase can best be classified as an oxidoreductase


gain of electrons which is the gain of bonds to hydrogen or the loss of bonds to oxygen.


genes that cause cancer by blocking the normal controls on cell reproduction. Function to promote abnormal growth and proliferation Can arise from the mutation of other genes termed proto-oncogenes


growth of new blood vessels

Lowest deltaHfy

means the cations will form most quickly from loss of a hydrogen ato.


nitrogen gas, inert gas. Makes up approximately 80% of the air we breathe, yet has no significant chemical reactions with your lungs - or with anything other than nitrogen=fixing plants. As such, it would serve as a good artificial atmosphere when working with reagents that might react with oxygen or other gases.


opium and its derivatives, such as morphine and heroin; they depress neural activity, temporarily lessening pain and anxiety derived from the poppy plant and include such drugs as morphine and codeine. Opiates cause a sense of euphoria and a decreased reaction to pain by binding to opioid receptors in the nervous system. Opiate overdose can cause death when the brain stops sending signals for respiration. After prolonged use, these drugs can cause the brain to entirely stop producing endorphins, meaning that withdrawal is very painful.

Boiling Chips

provide nucleation sites that give the liquid a place to start forming bubbles to prevent superheating


psychedelic ("mind-manifesting") drugs, such as LSD, that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input. stort perception, enhance sensory experiences, and cause introspection, all while increasing heart rate and blood pressure, increasing body temperature, and dilating the pupils.

Adding salt to water _________ the boiling point.

raises.... requiring a greater average kinetic energy of the liquid to produce a vapor pressure equal to the external pressure.

H2 with Pd

reduces aromatics/removes double bonds all the way down to alkane


removal of groups of atoms without hydrolysis, break molecules into two smaller molecules without using water or redox ractions.

Vacuum Distillation

separation technique is used to separate liquids with very high boiling points, over 150C

Muscle types that contain troponin complex

skeletal muscle and cardiac muslce (not smooth)

Acetone hybridization

sp2, bond angles of 120

Hybridization of NH3


Hybridization of XeF4


The preferred ion configuration of many elements on the periodic table is determined by:

the electron configuration of the nearest noble gas; elements will gain or lose electrons until they have the same valence electron configuration as this noble gas Elements will often adopt a configuration iwth a complete octet (8 valence e).


the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity


transfers a functional group from one molecule to another. Such as kinases


tumor formation and development - first step

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