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What law went in effect in 1920 that banned alcohol?

18th Amendment

What Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment?


KKK grew to over_________ in 1925.

5 mil. :(

By 1929 about what percent of americans living in towns or cities have electricity?



A large organization especially a gov., staffed by appointed with many departments & levels of administration


A new Idea or way of doing something

In June 1919, a bomb exploded outside of the home of Attorney General?

A. Mitchell Palmer

To help sell all those new products in the 1920's, What industry boomed back then?

Advertising Industry

Who did the Democrats nominate for president in 1928?

Alfred E. Smith

What baseball player shattered homer records?

Babe Ruth

Who was one of the leading blue singers of his time?

Bessie Smith

Organized criminals were called__________?


What american became the first to fly across the Atlantic ocean (New York-Paris) in 1927?

Charles Lindberg

Where did a race riot in 1919 leave 38 dead?


What was the area that did not follow the 18th Amendment?


Smith's campaign focused mainly on _________ dwellers?


What 3 careers in the 1920's were still difficult for women to enter?

Doctors, Lowers, Architects

Between 1921 and 1929, U.S. manufacturing nearly__________?


Whose "Big Band" sound blended many instruments together in songs such as "Take the A Train"?


What lost generation writer wrote The Great Gatsby?

F. Scott Fitzgerald

What 3 pop things were promoting youthful freedom?

Fashion Magazines, Advertising, Movies

What was the name for women who cut their hair short and wore short dresses?


What experience enabled many young U.S men back then to see European Coulter?


What artist from the 1920's was well known for her detailed paintings?

Georgia O'Keefee

What american swimmer became the 1st woman to swim across the English Channel?

Gertrude Ederle

What was a period of African American artistic accomplishment?

Harlem Renaissance

What does Domestic mean?

Having to do with a country's international affairs

What invented and business leader from Detroit developed an assembly line that could manufacture automobiles for an affordable price?

Henry Ford

Who did the Republicans nominate for president in 1928?

Herbert Hoover

Who won the 1928 presidential election?


What was the Kellogg Brand Pact?

It outlawed war

What was another nickname given to the 1920's?

Jazz Age

What hispanic organization was formed in Corpus Christie Texas


What Harlem Renaissance writer incorporated African American slang and jazz rhythms?

Langston Hughes

Writers who criticized American society in 1920's were called?

Lost Generation

Name a famous Jazz trumpet player from the 1920's?

Louis Armstrong

Who encouraged black people around the world to express pride in their culture?

Marcus Garvey

What car did Ford build in 1925 that cost $290?

Model T

What became a national passion in 1920's?


What civil rights organization placed adds in the newspapers telling truth about KKK?


List 2 national radio stations that started in 1920?


What law banned immigrants from east Asia entirely?

National Origins Act

In 1924 what group of Americans were granted citizenships?

Native American

Where did Jazz develop?

New Orland's

What 2 architects were executed for robbing a factory?

Nicola Sacco, Bartolomeo Vanzetti

Did the 18th Amendment stop Americans from drinking Alcohol?


Was it easy for the Government to enforce laws about alcohol?


List4 Carrers that opened to women in 1920

Nurses, Teachers, Librarian, Social Workers

With more young adults living on their own before marriage a new youth culture developed. List 4 activities of that youth culture?

Parties, Pop-music, Dance Clubs, Fast Cars


People who leave their home or country to live elsewhere

Why was Smith's catholic faith an issue with some people? Some people thought Smith would be controlled be the__________?

Pope and Church officials

What law was passed to limit the amount of immigration to the U.S?

Quota Act 1921

What scare began in 1919?

Red Scare

What was the area that followed the 18th Amendment?


Name a famous negro league star from back then?

Satchel Page

What Gangster gained control of the alcohol trade in Chicago?


What innovation did Louis Armstrong start?

Solo #'s

What is a Critic?

Someone who makes judgement on the value of obj. or actions

What were illegal bars called?


In 1925, who became the first 2 women elected as governors in the U.S? List their states

Taylor Ross, WY; Mariam Ferguson, TX

What caused unemployment to rise after WWI?

The Government no longer needed war supplies

List one of the dances that became popular with Jazz?

The Toddle, & The Shimmy

What does restrict mean?

To confine; to keep within a certain boundary or limit

What does analyze mean?

To critically examine an idea or obj. separating it into parts


To place a bourdon on something or somebody


To slowly collect; to increase the amount over time

What 3 things led to large strikes in early 1919?

Unemployment, Inflation, Labor Disputes

What 2 features did General Motors offer to cell more cars?

Variety of colors, & More power

List 3 electrical appliances that were sold well in the 1920's?

Washing machines, Vacuum Cleaners, & Refrigerators

Many young people moved from farms and small towns to a)_________. By 1920, for the first time more than half of Americans population lived in b)_________ areas?

a) Cities b)Urban

Why did business leaders love the radio?


What is a moving assembly line?

conveyor belts that move parts and partly assemble cars from one group of workers to another


to take part in; to share in an activity

What 2 things did Henry Ford do to keep his workers from quitting$

1. Raised wages to $5 a day 2. Lowered work day to 8 hours

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