Botany Chapter 1-5 Exam

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Which of the following accurately describes the main feature of metaphase in a plant cell?

Chromosomes become aligned in a circle half-way between the two poles, in a plane, which was previously occupied by the preprophase band.

A taxonomist may conduct an analysis of shared features among plant species, a technique called


Plant taxonomists are using ____ (an analysis of shared features) and molecular techniques to refine our knowledge of plant relationships.


Plant taxonomy involves describing, naming, and ____ organisms.


______ is a hard, rock-like, fossilized plant material used for fuel.


While Rhizobium bacteria fix nitrogen in root nodules, what part of the plant produces new cells to form the nodules themselves?


In a cell wall of a plant cell, cellulose fibers are held together by a glue-like substance called ___________.


What are the types of water that are found in soils?

Hygroscopic water Capillary water Gravitational water

One of the principal ways in which plant cells organize their metabolism is by enclosing specialized enzymes in small membrane-bound vesicles called __________. Peroxisomes are an example of these vesicles.


These small, spherical organelles contain enzymes that can perform specialized functions, like converting fats to carbohydrates.


Which fibers of the cytoskeleton are responsible for moving organelles and vesicles within the cell? These fibers also control the addition of cellulose to the cell wall.


During cytokinesis in plants, carbohydrates in the dictyosome-derived vesicles are synthesized into two new primary cell wells and a _______ _________ (2 blanks)

middle lamella

Often called the "powerhouse of the cell," this organelle is where energy is released from organic molecules through the process of cellular respiration.


the _______ are cellular organelles inside of which chemical energy stored within the covalent bonds of organic molecules is harvested for use by the cell.


Haustoria are produced by ______.

parasitic plants

Some chlorophyll-lacking plants possess these roots so that they can steal food from other plants.

parasitic roots

Chlorenchyma cells are a specialized type of which of the following?


Many plants can be vegetatively propagated by inducing a cutting of the stem to grow. In such cases, it is ______ cells that divide and give rise to new roots.


The most common tissue type in plants is


The root cortex is composed of what kind of cells?


The root cap is composed of ______.

parenchyma cells

Soil formation begins when rocks are broken down into __________ material.


As roots become suberized through secondary growth, some endodermal cells called Blank 1Blank 1 piths , _________ cells remain thin walled.


Which of the following are typical components of plant cell walls? (there are 4)

pectin glycoproteins cellulose hemicellulose

The main food conducting tissue in plants is called the


In order to convert the sun's energy into a form they can use, plants perform _____


Parenchyma cells function in ______.

photosynthesis and storage

Water can flow from tracheid to tracheid because, wherever two tracheids come in contact with one another, they usually form pairs of lateral ______ through which water can pass.


The semipermeable outer boundary of the cell's protoplasm that helps regulate the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

plasma membrane

Tiny strands of cytoplasm, which extend between adjacent plant cells though minute openings in the cell wall are called ______.


Though the morphology of this organelle varies based on what kind it is (e.g. chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts), its responsibility remains the same—to manufacture and store carbohydrates


The final stages of cell division in plant cells involve the formation of a flattened, hollow structure called the cell _______, This structure is located at the cell's equator.


Plants that grow in wet areas may produce spongy outgrowths on their roots called _______.


The roots and shoots of plants increase in length as their apical meristems produce new cells. This type of growth is known as __________- growth.


_________ examined cork under a primitive microscope and named the compartments he observed "cells."

Robert Hooke

Which of the following are true of lipids?

They typically store twice as much energy at similar amounts of carbohydrates. They are fatty or oily substances insoluble in water.

Knowledge of plant anatomy can help in determining past climates and in forensic science.

True I watched a lot of forensic files this summer so I got this one

The nuclear envelope is composed of which of the following?

Two phospholipid membranes

As a cell becomes bigger, it's ________ grows much more than its ________ area, which makes diffusion of substances into and out of the cell proceed at an inadequate rate.

Volume, surface

In endodermal cells, thick bands of suberin found on cell walls perpendicular to the root surface are called ______ strips


The science of cell structure and function was once known as cytology but is now referred to as______ biology.


Which of the following could be described as cytoplasm bound by a very thin membrane?


In multicellular eukaryotic organisms (for example, an oak tree), the production of new cells follows a highly regulated sequence of growth, DNA replication, and division. This sequence is referred to as the ______ _____ (2 blanks)

cell cycle

In growing roots, cells in the region of maturation are differentiating into specific ______.

cell types

Which of the following is the main function of the mitochondria?

cellular respiration

In dicots, the primary xylem consists of a core at the ______ of the root.


Classify each feature listed below as unique to plant cells or to animal cells. Animal cells:

centrioles small vacuoles (or absent)

When a hypothesis is tested in an experiment, bits of information called ___ are gathered.


Humus is composed of ______.

decomposed organic matter

Living organisms contribute to the soil in what ways?

decomposing organic material adding carbon dioxide adding to organic material through wastes

What process in the soil is carried out largely by bacteria and fungi?

decomposition of organic matter

This organelle can modify and/or assemble substances and then package them for transport to locations inside and outside of the cell.


Stacks of flattened sacks of membranes scattered throughout the cytoplasm of a plant cell are known as _______


These organelles consist of a stack of flattened membranes, each enclosing a single compartment.


members of the madder family


Sieve-tube members are arranged ______, forming sieve tubes.

end to end

The one-cell thick inner layer of the root cortex is called the


Ectotrophic mycorrhizae are associated with plant roots, but do not invade plant cells, whereas -------- mycorrhizae do invade their host plant's cells.


Plants can increase the absorptive surface area of their roots by making root hairs. The root hairs are tubular extensions of ______ cells.


The protoderm gives rise to the cells of the


T or F, Tropical rainforest is the only vegetation type that is being negatively impacted by human activities.



fatty acid molecules with AT LEAST ONE DOUBLE BOND between two carbons and thus fewer hydrogen atoms attached

Polyunsaturated :

fatty acid molecules with THREE OR MORE double bonds between the carbons

Saturated fat definition:

fatty acid molecules with hydrogen atoms attached to EVERY available bonding site of the fatty acid carbon atoms

When making textiles, ______ are a useful type of sclerenchyma to choose.


A taproot system is characterized by a single large root with smaller branch roots, whereas a _____ root system is characterized by many smaller roots of similar diameter.


After a rain, some of the water in soil drains by gravity. The amount of water left is called __________ capacity.


Certain plants such as sweet potatoes produce roots with extra parenchyma cells that are full of carbohydrates. These roots are called _______ ________ (2 blanks).

food storage

Found in plants like sweet potatoes, these roots store large amounts of carbohydrates (e.g. starch).

food-storage roots

Name two Monosaccharides:

fructose and glucose

Nodules are specialized tissues that surround beneficial bacteria. This symbiotic relationship enables plant to utilize ______.

gaseous nitrogen

Cellulose is a polymer of the monosaccharide


Root _______- are tubular extensions of epidermal cells that greatly increase the surface area of roots available for the absorption of water and nutrients.


The absorptive capacity of a root is enhanced by the large surface area provided by root


Soil is organized into layers or _______


Water and minerals absorbed by the roots are transported throughout the rest of the plant by a specialized complex tissue known as


The procambium gives rise to the cells of the ______.

xylem and phloem

Which of the following are the two types of conducting vascular tissue, useful in transporting water, ions, and soluble food throughout the plant?

xylem and phloem

Based on cell structure, all life forms can be placed into two categories called ________ and _____.

prokaryotes and eukaryotes

These roots are found at the base of aerial stems that developed from adventitious buds.

propagative roots

Spindle fibers develop during the ______ period of mitosis


What are the two most important functions of the cell wall in plants?

protection, support

a seed's store of ________ is used during germination and its development into a seedling


Epidermal cells come from the meristem known as the


The cell wall surrounds all the living components of the plant cell, collectively known as the ________.


The main function of collenchyma cells is to _____.

provide support for plant organs

The contractile roots of some bulb plants ______.

pull the plant deeper into the soil

These tiny bodies are the sites of protein synthesis, or the linking of amino acids together into chains that will eventually form large, complex protein molecules.


Two other names for the region of maturation are ______.

root-hair zone region of differentiation

What part of a plant serves in anchoring it firmly in the soil?


Sclerenchyma cells that are about as long as they are wide are called _________. These cells are responsible for the hardness of nut shells and stone fruit pits.


The two types of sclerenchyma cells are

sclereids and fibers

Tissues laid down by the vascular cambium and the cork cambium are called ______ tissues.


Tissues laid down by the vascular cambium and the cork cambium are called __________ tissues.


The increase in shoot and root diameter is called

secondary growth

The cytoplasm of adjacent sieve tube members extend from cell to cell through regions filled with small pores called ______ plates.


Companion cells help to direct the activities of ______.

sieve tube members

Sands are particles that can be seen with the naked eye, whereas ___________ contains particles that can be seen with a lens or a light microscope.


sassafrass, licorice, and anglica


The numerous small pores in leaves are called ______.


Many of the enzymes involved in photosynthesis are located in the colorless fluid matrix of chloroplasts, known as the _________


Many of the enzymes involved in photosynthesis are located in the colorless fluid matrix of chloroplasts, known as the______


What is the fluid matrix inside the inner membrane but outside the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast called?



sweet potato

A _____ has a dominant root with smaller branches


What type of root system do dicots usually have?


A botanist who specializes in identifying, naming, and classifying plants is called a plant ________


A dividing plant cell has entered _________ when nuclear envelopes form around the daughter chromosomes at each of the poles and nucleoli become visible in specific regions of the daughter nuclei.


The reforming of nuclear envelopes around the daughter chromosomes, and the formation of a cell plate, are features of which phase of mitosis in plant cells?


The spindle is broken down and replaced with a phragmoplast during which of the following phases of mitosis in a plant cell?


True or false: offspring always resemble their parents

true reason: While offspring won't be identical replicas of their parents, they will resemble them. A petunia seed will not grow into a rose bush.

True or false? The field of genomics focuses on genes and their function.

true (?)

Though it primarily serves as a storage space for cell sap and dissolved substances, it can also aid in the recycling of cell materials and the breakdown of organelles.


In a mature plant cell, 90% or more of the volume is often occupied by one of two very large central


All tissues interior to the endodermis are collectively referred to as the

vascular cylinder

Two types of conducting cells found in the xylem are ______ elements and ______.

vessel and tracheids

The xylem of plants contains long tubes known as vessels. Vessels are composed of individual cells called

vessel elements

Plants absorb ___________ and minerals from the soil through their roots


Common in Cucurbitaceae species growing in arid regions, these roots store water for later use.

water storage roots

_______ are lipids that consist of very long-chain fatty acids bonded to a very long-chain alcohol.


_________- are solid at room temperature and found on the surfaces of plant leaves and stems.


Where do branch roots and part of the vascular cambium of dicots arise?

within the pericycle

__________ discovered that all living things are made up of cells.

Robert Brown

The study of the form and structure of plants is called plant ____.

Anatomy or morphology

There are pictures of the Root and shoots from chapter 4 you should prolly look at


There's a plant cell diagram in the Chapter 3 HW that I can't put here but you should look at it. You probably got it though.


there are diagrams in the chapter 5 homework too about the root systems of the plants you should take a look at those.


the true statements about plant anatomy

- Plants can be used to solve crimes - Plants can be used to determine info on past climates

Certain cellular structures are only found in plant or animal cells (but not both). From the list below, choose all structures that are correctly paired to the type of cell (animal or plant) they are unique to.

- cell plate: plant cells -plastids: plant cells -centrioles: animal cells -cell wall: plant cells

Identify features of each simple tissue. Parenchyma:

- function in photosynthesis or in food/water storage -live in cells with thin, pliable cell walls -important in tissue repair

Categorize the following descriptions and examples as representative of either simple or complex tissues. Simple Tissue:

- made up of 1 cell type - parenchyma -collenchyma -sclerenchyma

Xylem/Phloem Chapter 4 homework venn diagram Just Phloem:

-conducts dissolved sugars -sieve tubes -companion cells

Xylem/Phloem Chapter 4 homework venn diagram Just Xylem:

-conducts water and minerals -vessels -tracheids

Identify features of each simple tissue. collenchyma:

-function is to provide flexible support -often occurs just below the epidermis -live cells with unevenly thickened cell walls

Identify features of each simple tissue. sclerenchyma

-function is to provide rigid support -dead cells with thick, tough, lignin-impregnated secondary walls

Categorize the following descriptions and examples as representative of either simple or complex tissues. complex tissues:

-made up of 2 or more cell types - xylem -phloem -epidermis -periderm

Xylem/Phloem Chapter 4 homework venn diagram Xylem and phloem share:

-parenchyma -fibers -ray cells

From the list below, choose activities that occur during telophase in plant cells.

-spindle fibers disintegrate -a cell plate forms at the cell's equator -nuclear envelope reforms

Two ways in which plants are well suited to help humans survive include (you'll be given a lost of options to choose from, I just didn't write them down sorry lol)

-the use of cultivated plants for food and their use in the removal of pollutants from air, water, and soil

Complete the following paragraphs to describe the three major types of plant meristems. _________ increase the girth of roots and stems as they create new tissue. There are two main types:____________, which produces secondary xylem and phloem, and _--_____________ which produces the outer bark.

1. Lateral meristems 2. vascular cambium 3. cork cambium

Complete the following paragraphs to describe the three major types of plant meristems. ___________ are located at or near the tip of plant shoots and roots. These tissues exhibit primary growth (increases in length) and produce three types of primary meristems: _______ (produces the epidermis), ___________ (differentiates into the primary xylem), and _________ (produces all the primary tissues other than the epidermis and vascular tissues.).

1. apical meristems 2. protoderm 3. procambium 4. ground meristem

Matter constitutes everything around us, or "the stuff of the universe". All matter occupies space, has _________ (some sort of weight is associated with it) and is composed of _______ such as carbon, sodium, and hydrogen. There are three states of matter, including ________ (tightly packed group of atoms arranged in an organized pattern), _________ (a group of atoms that are spaced far apart and have no particular arrangement) and __________ (a group of atoms that are closely spaced but display no particular arrangement).

1. mass 2. elements 3. solids 4. gases 5. liquids

3 traits of carbohydrates:

1. most abundant organic compound 2. 3 types, monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide 3. composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a ratio of 1C: 2H: 1 O

3 traits of nucleic acids

1. necessary for normal cell communication and function 2. composed of nucleotides 3. 2 types, DNA and RNA

3 traits of lipids

1. non-polar (insoluble in water 2. includes fats, oils, waxes, and phospholipids 3. functions as long-term energy storage and cell structure

Through this process, light energy is used to obtain electrons from water and produce _____ , and subsequently combine ____ molecules that will eventually contribute toward production of sugars. Consequently, all _____ organisms are dependent upon green organisms for both energy and the air they breathe.

1. oxygen 2. carbon dioxide 3. aerobic organisms

Place the events in the formation of lateral roots in the correct order, starting at the top.

1. pericycle cell near the outside of the xylem arm begins to divide 2. dividing pericycle cells bulge out into the cortex and the endodermis 3. the new root pushes and crushes the cortex cells 4. the new root breaks through the epidermis

3 traits of proteins

1. regulate chemical rxn, major component of protoplasm 2. made up of 1 or more polypeptide chains 3. exhibit 4 levels of structure (1,2,3,4)

Order the four regions in a developing root starting with the tip of the root at the top of the list.

1. root cap 2. region of cell division 3. region of elongation 4. region of maturation

Put the soil particles in order starting with the largest at the top and the smallest at the bottom.

1. sand 2. silt 3. clay

In plant cells, the _____ microtubules are broken down during telophase, and, in their place, the ________ is formed, a keg-shaped set of fibrils located along the equator between the daughter nuclei.

1. spindle 2. phragmoplast

If a catastrophe destroyed all green plants and algae on land and in the water, animal life would be able to survive for approximately __________ before suffocating due to lack of oxygen.

11 years

The reaction of a plant to a wound can occur in as little as __________ seconds.


A typical plant cell contains ______ dictysome(s).

5 to 8

Most plant growth results from new cell production and can be influenced by a plant's genetic makeup and it's ____________


Which of the following accurately describes the endoplasmic reticulum of a plant cell?

A network of membranes (flattened sacs and tubes) that enclose a space throughout the cytoplasm

Which of the following best defines aerenchyma?

A parenchyma tissues with extensive connected air spaces

Which of the following accurately describes the plasma membrane of a plant cell?

A semipermeable barrier, which can allow, inhibit, or regulate the movement of substances in and out of the cell

Which of the following organisms might form an aster during mitosis?

Algae Animals Fungi

Predict what could happen as a result of the discovery of a new plant species.

All of the choices are correct. I was really lazy the day i took these notes, sorry

Classify each feature listed below as unique to one of the four root regions. region of elongation

Area where cells grow in width and length vacuoles occupy over 90% of its cells' volume

The term subsoil refers to the ____ horizon.


________________ combines biology, statistics, and computer science in order to analyze huge datasets generated by DNA and RNA sequencing efforts.


Two common types of leucoplasts are _____ which synthesize starch, and __________, which synthesize oils.

Blank 1: amyloplasts Blank 2: elaioplasts

When a sieve tube element is injured, for example by an aphid, its pressure drops, causing callose to precipitate. Together with phloem proteins, the callose forms a ______ _____ (2 blanks), which prevents the leaking of fluid from the sieve tube element.

Blank 1: callus Blank 2: plug

The periderm is made of somewhat rectangular, box-like _____ cells. These cells are dead at maturity because their cell walls are impregnated with ____________.

Blank 1: cork Blank 2: suberin

Tracheids can sometimes form bordered pits, through which water flow between individual tracheid cells can be regulated. Bordered pits, which resemble donuts, are comprised of a pit _____ and a thickened region called a _________.

Blank 1: membrane Blank 2: torus

The end cell walls of sieve-tube members contain many small pores through which the cytoplasms of adjacent cells connect. These porous regions are called ________ _________ (2 blanks)

Blank 1: sieve Blank 2: plates

When sieve-tube members line up end to end, forming a long series, they produce structures called ______ _________ (2 blanks)

Blank 1: sieve Blank 2: tubes

______ is the scientific investigation of the biology of plants.


Yellow, orange, or red plastids, which synthesize and accumulate carotenoids are called __________.


Which of the following is considered a major component of cytoplasm and its included structures

C and N

In response to an injury of its food-conducting tissue, a plant can form an unorganized mass of cells called a ___ that slowly forms at the sight of a wound


The Swedish botanists who produced the elements of our present system of naming and classifying plants in the 18th century was

Carolus Linnaeus

In endodermal cells, thick bands of suberin found on cell walls perpendicular to the root surface are called _________- strips


The basic structural unit of life is the ___ which is made up of cytoplasm (a gelatin-like substance) surrounded by a thin membrane.


How do plants grow at their tips?

Cell in apical meristems divide and produce new cells.

Classify each feature listed below as unique to plant cells or to animal cells. Plant Cells:

Cell wall, plasmodesmata plastids large vacuoles

Select all features of fibers.

Cell walls contain lignin They have secondary cell walls They are elongated

How does the region of elongation contribute to the lengthening of roots?

Cells in the region of elongation become several times longer than wide.

Humans have dumped pollutants into surface waters and release them into the atmosphere, thereby disrupting the _____ and ultimately impacting our own ability survive

Delicate balance of nature

The genetic material found in cells that controls their development and activities is called DNA which stands for ____ acid.


Which type of light microscope would allow the observer to see a 3D image of an opaque object?

Dissecting microscope

The study of the interaction of plants with one another and their environment is known as plant _____.


Which of the following is concerned with the practical uses of plant and plant products?

Economic botany, ethnobotany

If covered with ribosomes, this organelle is involved in the synthesis, secretion, or storage of proteins. If few or no ribosomes are present, it is involved with lipid secretion.

Endoplasmic Reticulum

Plants respond to various components of their ___ such as air, light, water, and soil.


Dendrochronology is the science that deals with determining past _____ by examining the features of tree ____.

Events/climates, rings

A change in plant distribution will not affect animal populations


True or false: plant geography is concerned with plant adaptations in different geographical areas of the world.

False Plant geography = plant population distributions, not adaptations

Paleobotany is the study of plant ____ helping us understand how plants evolved.


A plant cell increases in size primarily during which period of interphase?


A scientific principle is defined as a useful ____ based on the accumulation of data.


Plant ___ is the study of how and why plants are distributed where they are.


Select all functions of the pericycle.

Gives rise to lateral roots Gives rise to parts of the vascular cambium of dicots

_______________ are unique to grasses. Located at the nodes (leaf attachment areas), these tissues add to stem length.

Intercalary Meristems

Which of the following are true of the cuticle?

It determines how much water is lost through evaporation. It is exceptionally resistant to pathogens, including bacteria and viruses.

Which of the following accurately describes mitosis?

It is a continuous process, which we divide into four arbitrary phases, primarily for convenience.

What is a hypothesis?

It is a suggested explanation for something that has been observed.

Which of the following statements are true of plants growth?

It is an increase in mass and usually volume, it can be controlled by a plant's genetic composition and the environment in which it is grown

Choose all features of the A soil horizon.

It is darker than other horizons. It is rich in organic matter.

Choose all features of the B horizon.

It is lighter in color than the soil above it. It contains more clay than the soil above it.

What is Cell biology?

It is the science of cell structure and function The development of electron microscopes spurred advances in this field

How does the cuticle of root hairs compare to that of stems and leaves?

It is thinner

The scientist responsible for establishing plant physiology

J. B. van Helmont

__________- stated that all living things are made up of cells.

Jean Baptiste de Lemarck

Which of the following are examples of substances that are secreted by secretory cells or tissues in plants (choose all that apply)?

Latex Mint oil Pine resin

Which of the following are the three major groups of organs found in most plants?

Leaves Stems Roots

________________ disproved spontaneous generation experimentally and showed that yeast was necessary for natural alcoholic fermentation.

Louis Pasteur

Which ions are likely to interact with clay particles in the soil?

Magnesium (Mg++) Potassium (K+)

Which of the following scientific pioneers established the study of the internal structure of plants known as plant anatomy?

Malpighi and Grew

_______ researched the form and structure of plant tissue and single-celled organisms they called "animalcules."

Marcello Malpighi and Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Which of the following are characteristics of matter?

Mass, occupies space, made of elements

_______________- developed the cell theory.

Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann

In roots, tissue differentiation occurs in which region?


Which plant tissue is characterized by small, six-sided, boxlike cells which usually lack vacuoles and have a centrally located, relatively large nucleus?


________is the collective product of all the biochemical reactions taking place within an organism.


Which of the following are small enzyme-bearing membrane-enclosed vesicles found in plant cells?


The cytoskeleton of plant cells is composed mainly of which two kinds of fibers?

Microtubules Microfilaments

Which of the following are the two components of the solid portions of the soil?

Mineral matter Organic matter

Select all features of parenchyma cells.

Often contain starch grains, oils, tannins and other secretions Thin cell walls The majority of them have 14 sides

Which of the following is considered a finite and nonrenewable resource?


At which point during plant cell division can the two new daughter cells be clearly distinguished?

Once the middle lamella forms and grows towards the plasma membrane

The current human population is estimated to be ____

Over 7 billion

__________ cells are very common in plants. They can assume various shapes and sizes, but most of them have 14 sides. They can contain starch grains, oils, tannins, crystals, and other secretions.


Which of the following cells are very important in tissue repair, when a plant is damaged, because they retain their ability to divide long after they have been produced by meristems?

Parenchyma cells

When ________ are exposed to water they arrange themselves into a two layered sheet. They are therefore important components of all membranes found in living organisms.


Which of the following are considered metabolic activities undergone by living organisms?

Photosynthesis and digestion

This subdiscipline of genetics has improved the quality of crop plants as well as crop yields.

Plant breeding.

Which of the following is a fundamental difference between plant and animal cells?

Plant cells have cell walls, whereas animal cells do not.

Which of the following scientists would more likely be concerned with the rate of photosynthesis in leaves?

Plant physiologist

Which of the following is a branch of plant science responsible for developing methods for grouping organisms?

Plant systematics

You are designing an experiment that will test the effect of nitrogen fertilization on plant growth. Which of the following describes a potential control group of plants?

Plants grown without adding any nitrogen to the soil.

The field of botany involves the study of _____


The outermost boundary of the living part of a plant cell is the ___________.

Plasma membrane

___________ are specialized openings in the cell walls of plant cells where the cytoplasm of adjacent cells is connected for communication.


Unique to some swamp plants, these spongy roots increase gas exchange between the atmosphere and the water-submerged roots they are connected to.


Fatty acid molecules are said to be ________, if there are three or more double bonds between the carbon atoms.


Which of the following is found in large amounts in the nucleolus?


Root nodules form in members of the pea family in response to bacteria in the genus


Which of the following can be found in the stroma of chloroplasts?

Ribosomes Starch grains A circular DNA molecule

_____ is a search for knowledge in the natural world.


When energy doesn't enter or exit a given system and is converted from one form to another, energy flows from a high to a low state. This is the _______ law of thermodynamics.


Choose all components of phloem.

Sieve-tube members Companion cells

Plant tissues are classified as simple and complex. What is the basis of this classification?

Simple tissues are made of a single cell type, whereas complex tissues are made of two or more cell types.

Which of these will affect how much water a soil holds after a rain, also known as field capacity?

Soil texture Soil organic content

Related to plant taxonomy, plant ___ is the science of developing methods for grouping plants.


Choose the two main features of prophase.

The nuclear envelope dissociates. Chromosomes condense, becoming thicker and shorter.

Predict what would happen to plants if microbes were not present in soil.

The soil would no longer be a healthy environment for plants.


These mycorrhizae are found inside the root cortex, but do not invade their cells.


These mycorrhizae penetrate the cells of the root cortex in their plant host.

Which of the following describes loam soils that are good for agriculture?

They are a mixture of sand, clay, and organic matter.

Select all features of collenchyma cells.

They are alive at maturity. They have unevenly thickened cell walls.

Where are the intercalary meristems of grass found and how do they contribute to plant growth?

They are found in the vicinity of stem nodes and add to the length of the stem.

Which of the following accurately describes the presence of centrioles in different types of cells?

They are not present in most plant cells.

Select all features of sclereids.

They are sometimes found in specific zones (for example, the margins of leaves). They can be randomly distributed throughout other tissues. They are about as long as they are wide.

How are tracheids typically arranged?

They are tapered at each end, and the ends of a tracheid overlap those of other tracheids.

Select all features of meristematic cells.

They are usually box-like and six-sided. They are typically small. They have a proportionately large nucleus.

From the list below, choose all features of cork cells.

They are waterproof. They are found in the periderm of woody plants. They are dead at maturity.

Which of the following are features of chromoplasts (choose all that apply).

They are yellow, red, or orange in color They can develop from chloroplasts, which undergo internal changes (for example, loss of chlorophyll).

Select all types of cells that can be found in xylem.

Tracheids Vessels Parenchyma cells Fibers

True or false: if all photosynthetic organisms died, animal life would eventually suffocate due to lack of oxygen


The cambium typically extends throughout the length of stems and roots in the form of ______.

a thin cylinder made of brick-shaped cells

Roots that develop from a stem or a leaf (and not from another root) are called ______ roots.


Suckers are aerial stems with rootlets at their base that are produced by _________ buds.


These roots appear in many forms (e.g. velamen roots of orchids, prop roots of corn), and serve a variety of purposes.

aerial roots

Most agricultural soils have ________ that stick together, giving the soil texture.


What are groups of soil particles that are held together by colloidal particles?


Pore spaces in the soil are shared by variable amounts of _________ and _________.

air and water

In conifers and ferns, sieve cells have ______ cells, which are the equivalent to companion cells.


Which phase of mitosis involves the separation of the sister chromatids and the movement of the daughter chromosomes to opposite poles?


Classify each feature listed below as unique to one of the four root regions. region of cell division

area of actively dividing cells (produces the root cap) made up of apical meristem

Classify each feature listed below as unique to one of the four root regions. Root Cap:

area that perceives gravity and protects the root tip from damage by soil made up of parenchyma cells

Classify each feature listed below as unique to one of the four root regions. region of maturation

area where cells mature and differentiate into different types site of numerous, hairlike protuberances called root hairs

A radial array of microtubules that extend from centrioles toward the plasma membrane in fungal, algal, and animal cells is collectively called a(n)


The English physicist Robert Hooke is credited with ______.

being the first to observe cells under a microscope

Many important root crop plants such as carrots, turnips, and rutabagas have a _______ strategy, which means they store energy the first year, then flower and complete their life cycle in the second year.


Large communities of plants and animals that occur in areas with distinctive temperature and precipitation patterns are called _____ .


This photo shows a tropical tree that has grown several ________ roots from its branches, giving it extra support.


These roots provide increased stability to tropical trees growing in shallow soil.

buttress roots

Secondary xylem in roots is produced by the vascular _______.


During prophase, the chromosomes become thicker and shorter. At that point, it is evident that each chromosome is made of two strands called sister


The association of DNA and proteins in a non-dividing eukaryotic cell is called ______.

chromatin (because it's DNA + proteins)

Soil formation is influenced by the interaction of parent material, topography, vegetation, living organisms, and _________ over time.


Living, flexible, cells with cell walls thicker and more uneven than those of parenchyma cells, are called ____ cells.


Physically, clay is a ______, or a suspension of particles that are larger than molecules but do not settle out of liquid.


Found in plants like lilies and dandelions, these roots pull plants deeper into soil.

contractile roots

cork cambium gives rise to

cork tissue

The ground meristem gives rise to the cells of the ______


The tissue just inside the root epidermis is called the


Which is the strongest bond type?

covalent (in biological systems)

The protective cutin layer covering the epidermis is called the


Composed of microtubules and microfilaments, this structure facilitates movement within the cell.


The cytoplasm of a plant cell is made of a souplike fluid called the _______, in which all of the various organelles are dispersed.


barbasco plant


Grasses don't have vascular or cork cambium. However, they have other meristematic tissues typically located in the vicinity of their nodes. Those meristems add to stem length and are called ______- meristems.


In actively dividing cells, the G1, S, and G2 phases are collectively known as which of the following?


During prophase, the ______, on the outer surface of each centromere, becomes directly attached to spindle fibers.


during prophase, spindle fibers become attached to the __________.


Secondary growth refers to increases in the diameter or girth of roots and stems as a result of tissues produced in _____ meristems.


Unsuberized cells in the outer bark which allow gas exchange to continue in the stem are called


Colorless plastids that can synthesize and store various substances, such as starch and oils, are collectively called ______________


All of the following substance are secreted by a plant's secretory cells (or tissues) except ______.


Sclerenchyma cells have rigid cell walls impregnated with a polymer called


Casparian strips are bands composed of which two of the following?

lignin suberin

Farmers commonly adjust the pH of their acidic soils through a process called


Complete the following paragraphs about the development of agricultural soils. Certain environmental conditions aid in the development of a good agricultural soil: (1) A climate with ______ rainfall and a large temperature range is preferable, as it allows rocks to be ________ and broken up, but doesn't cause nutrients to be ________ out. (2) Area should have topography that permits ________ without leading to a lot of soil _________.

moderate weathered leached drainage erosion

"Fungus-roots," or a mutualistic relationship between fungi and plant roots.


In soils with extreme pH, the root associated fungi known as _____ , Correct Unavailable cannot survive.


During telophase, the nuclear envelope re-forms to produce two separate ______.


In the cells of most organisms, DNA is housed in the _____, a spherical structure suspended in the cytoplasm.


The repository of the genetic information that enables the synthesis of nearly all proteins in a living eukaryotic cell is called the ______.


This organelle contains the cell's genetic material (i.e. DNA) and is vital to the regulation of all cell functions.


Complete the following paragraphs about the development of agricultural soils. There are also certain characteristics that are desirable in agricultural soils: (1) The ________-_______ in the soil should be approximately 1/1000th of the soil's total weight. (2) Soil structure should be granular with _________ that occupy 40-60% of the total soil volume. (3) Typically the best soils are ____-_, which contain _____-, clay, and organic matter.

organic matter pore spaces loams sand

As soil dries, there is less and less water available for plants to use. Once there is not enough water to meet a plant's needs, the soil is at ______.

the permanent wilting point

What part of the root protects the young root tip as it pushes through soil particles?

the root cap

stacks of _____ produce grana in the chloroplasts of plant cells.


The membrane surrounding the plant cell vacuole is usually referred to as the ______.


The vacuolar membrane, also known as the _____ , is the membrane surrounding the vacuole in plant cells.


The epidermis of aboveground plant parts form outgrowths consisting of one or several cells. Theses hairs are usually referred to as


True or false: After many generations of natural selection, living organisms are genetically adapted to their environment.


true or false, Enzymes are organic catalysis that speed up a chemical reaction without being used up in the reaction


true or false, Our understanding of plants can be used to sustain life on earth and possibly other planets.


true or false, Plants respond to stimuli such as injury, light, temperature, and gravity differently than animals.


true or false, When organisms reproduce, the offspring tend to resemble the parents more so than other individuals of the same kind.


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