Ch: 21 Care of the maternal newborn

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Which newborn assessment finding requires the nurse to take immediate action? A.Glucose level of 40 mg/dL B.Axillary temperature of 37°C (98.6°F) C.Mild yellow tinge to skin at 32 hours of age D.Mild inflammation of conjunctiva after eye prophylaxis

A EX: A glucose level of 40 mg/dL requires an action. The nurse should follow agency policy and health care provider orders regarding feeding infants with low glucose levels. A common practice is to feed the newborn breast milk or formula if the glucose screening reveals a level of 40 to 45 mg/dL or less to prevent further depletion of glucose. Infants with severe hypoglycemia may need intravenous feedings to provide glucose more rapidly. A normal temperature for a newborn is 36.5 to 37.5°C (97.7 to 99.5°F). Mild jaundice at 32 hours of age is physiologic jaundice and does not need an action by the nurse, just further monitoring. Some infants develop a mild inflammation a few hours after prophylactic eye treatment.

A yellow crust has formed over the circumcision site. The mother calls the hotline at the local hospital 5 days after her son was circumcised. She is very concerned. Which response by the nurse is most appropriate? A.The yellow crust should not be removed. B.This yellow crust is an early sign of infection. C.Discontinue the use of petroleum jelly to the tip of the penis. D.After circumcision, the diaper should be changed frequently and fastened snugly.

A EX: Crusting is a normal part of healing. The normal yellowish exudate that forms over the site should be differentiated from the purulent drainage of infection. The only contraindication for petroleum jelly is the use of a PlastiBell device. The diaper should be fastened loosely to prevent rubbing or pressure on the incision site.

The nurse is evaluating a newborn's circumcision 30 minutes after the procedure. The nurse notes excessive bleeding coming from the circumcised area. Which priority intervention should the nurse implement at this time? A.Apply pressure to the site. B.Continue to observe for another 30 minutes. C.Apply the diaper tightly over the circumcised area. D.Apply petroleum jelly to the site with a small piece of gauze.

A EX: If excessive bleeding occurs after a circumcision, pressure is applied to the site. The nurse notifies the physician, who may apply Gelfoam or epinephrine or suture the small blood vessels. A small amount of blood loss may be significant in an infant, who has a small total blood volume. Continuing to observe could mean additional blood loss. Applying the diaper tightly will not stop the bleeding. Petroleum jelly is applied to keep the diaper from sticking to the circumcised area. It will not stop the bleeding.

In which position should the parents be instructed to place their newborn for sleep? A. On the back B. On the left side C. On the right side D. On the abdomen

A EX: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that mothers and fathers be taught to place infants consistently on the back for sleep. This position is associated with the lowest rate of SIDS. The side-lying position is not advised because of the possibility that the infant might roll to the prone position. The newborn should not be placed on the abdomen except for short periods under supervision in order to prevent plagiocephaly.

22. Infant immunizations should begin at which age? A.Birth B.2 months C.3 months D.4 months

A EX: The schedule of infant immunizations calls for the initial dose of hepatitis B vaccine at birth. The first set of immunizations is given at birth.

The nurse is teaching new parents how to avoid and treat newborn diaper rash. Which should the nurse include in the teaching session? (Select all that apply.) A. Keep the diaper area clean and dry. B. Do not use talc-based powders in the diaper area. C. Cleanse the diaper area with a scrubbing motion. D. Apply a thick layer of zinc oxide to prevent further outbreaks. E. Remove the diaper and expose the perineum to warm air if a rash develops.

A,B,E EX: Diaper rash is primarily treated by keeping the diaper area clean and dry. Talc-based powders should not be used because they can cause pneumonia if they get into the infant's lungs. Removing the diapers and exposing the perineum to warm air help healing. Parents should gently wash the perineum with mild soap and warm water but should avoid excessive washing or scrubbing. Applying a thin layer of zinc oxide or petrolatum may speed healing and help prevent further outbreaks. The nurse should tell parents not to apply the ointment too thickly because it may be difficult to remove.

The nurse is preparing a newborn for a circumcision. Which prescribed interventions should the nurse implement to alleviate pain? (Select all that apply.) A. Oral sucrose during the procedure B. Bright lights after the procedure C. Adequate stimulation before and after the procedure D. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) postprocedure, as needed E. EMLA cream (eutectic mixture of local anesthetics) before the procedure

A,D,E EX: Nonpharmacologic pain relief methods during and after the circumcision include pacifiers, oral sucrose, soothing music, recordings of intrauterine sounds, decreased lights, and talking softly to the infant. Acetaminophen may be given throughout the first day for postprocedure pain. EMLA cream (eutectic mixture of local anesthetics) may be applied to anesthetize the skin before the procedure. Bright lights and stimulation would not be methods to reduce circumcision pain.

When an infant's temperature drops from (37 to 36.3°C) 98.7 to 97.4°F, the nurse should A.instruct parents on the risks of cold stress. B.determine the time and amount of last feeding. C.increase the temperature in the mother's room. D.evaluate infant for the presence of a blood sugar level higher than 50 mg/dL.

B EX: Temperature instability in the neonate may be caused by a decrease in blood glucose levels. Infants who do not maintain adequate intake will not have adequate energy to maintain temperature; instructing parents on cold stress and increasing the temperature in the room are interventions to maintain a stable temperature but will not correct the underlying problem. A blood sugar level higher than 50 mg/dL is a normal finding.

The nurse is teaching new parents strategies to help with newborn colic. Which interventions should the nurse suggest? (Select all that apply.) A. Increase the number of feedings. B. Feed the infant in an upright position. C. Burp the infant frequently during feedings. D. Allow the infant to cry for a period of time. E. Increase carrying time by use of a front carrier pack.

B,C,E EX: Feeding the infant in an upright position and burping frequently may help relieve discomfort from swallowed air, which can cause colic. Increasing the time spent carrying the infant often produces some improvement for colic. Feeding techniques such as overfeeding may contribute to colic, so the number of feedings should not be increased. Allowing the infant to cry excessively will cause the infant to swallow more air and will exacerbate the colic. White noise such as a fan in the background or car rides may also help reduce crying episodes.

Which statement by a parent suggests that the nurse intervene with further teaching? A. "I put my newborn baby on her back when she goes to sleep. I understand this is the best position." B. "Jennifer's eyes sometimes cross, but I know that this is normal in 1-month-old babies." C. "My 5-month-old infant has been drooling, biting, and running a fever for the past few days. I think he's teething." D. "My neighbor has been giving her baby solids since he was 8 weeks old. I think I'll wait until my baby is about 5 months old."

C EX: Although drooling and biting are signs of teething, a fever should always be considered a sign of illness. A back position is the appropriate position for an infant to sleep. Eye crossing at this age is a normal deviation. Infants should not be started on solids until they are 4 to 6 months old.

Which intervention should be included in the home care of a high-risk infant? A.Feeding the infant on a strict schedule B.Keeping the infant in the supine or prone position C.Providing continued respiratory support and oxygen D.Cleaning the umbilical cord several times daily with alcohol

C EX: High-risk infants may continue to need assistance with respiratory function after discharge. It is unnecessary for the infant does to be kept on a strict schedule so as not to disrupt the sleeping patterns of the infant. A high-risk infant should be placed on the side or back as appropriate positions. Cleaning the cord several times a day with alcohol prep is not necessary for any infant.

Which intervention will be most helpful to parents in identifying problems with an infant car seat? A.Questioning the parents about the instructions B.Providing the parents with current laws on infant and child safety C.Asking the parents to demonstrate how to secure the infant in the car seat D.Allowing the parents to ask questions and express feelings about infant restraint

C EX: If the nurse observes the parents demonstrating the use of the car seat, any problems or misunderstandings can be identified. Questioning the parents is not a helpful way to identify problems with a car seat; a return demonstration is preferable. Providing information without a return demonstration will not prove that the parents are comfortable with the car seat for the infant. A return demonstration is the best way to ensure that the parents understand car seat safety. Parents should also be encouraged to attend a local car seat fitting station.

During a prenatal education class regarding infant home care, the nurse is reviewing the simulated setting created by new mothers for putting the baby to bed. Which observation indicates to the nurse that the new mothers understood the nurse's teaching about infant safety? A. The crib is lined with a bumper pad. B. Stuffed animals are placed in the crib. C. The baby mannequin is in the supine position. D. The baby mannequin is covered with a handmade quilt.

C EX: Infants should be positioned on the back for sleep. The nurse should explain that the prone position has been associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). No pillows, blankets, or soft stuffed animals should be allowed in the crib because they could cause suffocation. Infants can be placed in a zippered blanket sleeper for warmth.

As the nurse assists a newly discharged patient and her infant to the waiting car, the nurse notes that the infant seat is in the front seat of the car facing the front and secured by the seat belt. The nurse should explain to the parents that the car seat should be placed A. in an upright position. B. at a 30-degree angle. C. not secured by the seat belt. D. in the back seat facing the rear of the car.

D EX: A car seat in the back seat facing the rear of the car provides the best protection by keeping the infant from being hurled forward on impact. The car seat should be in the back seat, facing the rear of the car. New recommendations suggest a rear facing car seat at a 45-degree angle for up to 2 years of age.

Which statement made by a parent indicates a need for the nurse to provide instruction on safety and accident prevention? A."I always take the phone off the hook when I give my baby a bath so I won't be disturbed." B."I'm going to buy a backpack for my 2-week-old baby so I can carry her in it whenever she gets fussy." C."I've been reading about what new things my baby will be learning to do in the next month or two, so I'll know what to expect." D."I make sure I always place the baby in her own crib after feeding her in my bed."

B EX: Backpacks should be used only for infants old enough to support their heads well by themselves. Ideally parents should obtain an infant carrier designed specifically for carrying a baby. "I always take the phone off the hook when I give my baby a bath so I won't be disturbed," "I'm going to buy a backpack for my 2-week-old baby so I can carry her in it whenever she gets fussy," and "I make sure I always place the baby in her own crib after feeding her in my bed" are all appropriate statements regarding newborn safety.

A new mother asks what she can do to help her infant sleep through the night. Which should the nurse suggest? A. Bring the infant into a well-lit room for the feeding. B. Avoid talking to the infant and keep the room quiet during night feedings. C. Play with the infant after the feeding before putting the infant back into the crib. D. Change the infant's diaper after the feeding to prevent waking the infant later in the night.

B EX: Decreasing stimulation of the infant during and after the bedtime feeding will assist the infant in establishing a normal sleep pattern. Keeping the baby in a quiet, dimly lit room is a better option for a feeding during the night. The baby should be put right back into the crib after a feeding; it is not the time to play with the infant. The infant's diaper should be changed before the feeding is started or can be skipped so as not to disturb the infant too much.

Which statement is true regarding growth and development during the first 6 months? A.The infant will grow 1 cm in length per month. B.The infant will gain about 2 lb per month. C.The infant will regain weight lost after birth within 1 week. D.The infant will have a 1-inch increase in head circumference per month.

B EX: Each month the average infant gains 2 lb. Infants grow about 3.5 cm each month. Birth weight is usually regained in 14 days. An infant's head circumference increases about 2 cm a month.

Which of the following guidelines should the nurse implement to prevent the abduction of a newborn from the hospital? A.Restricting the amount of time infants are out of the nursery B.Questioning anyone who is seen walking in the hallways carrying an infant C.Allowing no visitors in the maternity area except those who have identification bracelets D.Instructing the parents not to give the baby to anyone except the nurse assigned that day

B EX: Infants should be transported in the hallways only in their cribs. In many facilities babies are cared for in the mother's room, rather than a well-baby nursery. Infants need to spend time with the parents to facilitate the bonding process and facilitate learning. It is impossible for one nurse to be on call for one mother and baby for the entire shift; therefore the parents need to be able to identify all of the staff that will be caring for them. Most maternity units have special identification badges unique to that area. All patients should be oriented to these identification badges.

Administration of medications after birth is the topic of discussion during a prenatal education class. Which statement indicates to the nurse that the pregnant patient understands the primary indication for the administration of vitamin K? A."The nurse will draw blood to determine if vitamin K is needed." B."Vitamin K prevents the possibility of bleeding problems in my baby." C."My baby will receive medication by mouth when the nurse administers the vitamin K." D."Vitamin K will be administered shortly after birth, generally within the first hour."

B EX: This indication is the reason for vitamin K administration. Vitamin K is given to neonates because they cannot synthesize it in the intestines without bacterial flora. This places them at risk for hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (vitamin K deficiency disease). One dose of vitamin K intramuscularly after birth prevents bleeding problems until the infant is able to produce vitamin K in sufficient amounts. Vitamin K is not routinely given by mouth. Although the injection is usually given within the first hour after birth, it can be delayed until the infant has finished breastfeeding shortly after birth.

The nurse has just completed discharge teaching to parents on newborn bathing. Which statement made by the parents indicates a further need for teaching? (Select all that apply.) A."We will clean the diaper area last." B."We will use cotton-tipped swabs to clean the ears." C."We will use an antibacterial soap during the sponge bath." D."We can submerge the baby in a tub of water after the cord falls off." E."We will shampoo the baby's head using a football hold before unwrapping."

B,C EX: Soap is not necessary for the young infant but if used, it should be gentle and nonalkaline to protect the natural acids of the infant's skin. Do not use cotton-tipped swabs in the infant's ears or nose because injury may occur if the baby moves suddenly. Clean the diaper area last. The cord generally falls off in about 10 to 14 days. Some care providers suggest waiting for the cord to fall off before tub bathing. Before fully undressing the baby, use the football position to shampoo the baby's head.

The nurse is calling a new mother to schedule a routine home visit planned for 48 to 72 hours after discharge. What is the nurse's priority question to help determine the best time for the visit? A."When will the baby's father be home?" B."Do you plan on having any visitors in the day or two?" C."At approximately what time do you think you will be nursing your baby?" D."When will your home be presentable enough for me to come and visit?"

C EX: A feeding session should be observed, especially if the mother is breastfeeding. Establishment of milk supply, adequacy of the breast milk, and general support are important topics to discuss for the mother who is breastfeeding for the first time. During the home visit, the nurse performs a physical examination of the mother and infant. Family adaptation to the addition of a new member and the adequacy of the mother's support system is also assessed. Cleanliness of the home environment is only a concern when the baby's health is at risk.

An hour after birth, the nurse assesses a newborn's temperature and notes that it is 36.2°C (97.2°F). The next activity planned for the newborn is the bath, and the new mother and father are invited to participate in the procedure. What is the nurse's next action? A.Take the infant's temperature rectally. B.Ask the father to test the water to determine if it is too hot. C.Delay the bath until the newborn's temperature is above 36.7°C (98°F). D.Explain to the new parents that no soap should be used to cleanse the eyes.

C EX: A temperature of 36.7°C (98°F) or higher is often used to determine when to bathe the infant. The infant can lose heat in the bath through the process of evaporation. Rectal temperatures are avoided because they can traumatize the rectal mucosa. The water temperature should be approximately 38 to 40°C (100.4 to 104°F). The nurse should determine if the bath water is the correct temperature to avoid scalding the newborn. Explain the process of giving a bath during the procedure. Informing the parents before the procedure may result in loss of information.

The nurse is explaining the procedure of newborn screening to parents prior to discharge. Which statement by the parents indicates a need for further teaching? A."We understand the tests are performed at 24 to 48 hours." B."We're glad all the tests can be done on one blood sample." C."We wish the tests would screen for congenital hypothyroidism, it runs in our family." D."We know that if the tests are done before 24 hours, the tests will need to be repeated at 1 to 2 weeks."

C EX: Common disorders often included in newborn screening are phenylketonuria (PKU), hypothyroidism, galactosemia, hemoglobinopathies such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The parents require further teaching if they suggest that congenital hypothyroidism is not screened. The newborn screening tests are performed at 24 to 48 hours after birth. Newborn screening requires a blood sample taken from the infant's heel, and only one blood sample is needed for all tests. Tests performed within the first 24 hours of life are less sensitive than those performed after 24 hours. Infants tested before 12 to 24 hours of age should have repeat tests at 1 to 2 weeks of age so that disorders are not missed because of early testing.

A 38 weeks' gestation fetus is delivered via cesarean birth and transported to the newborn nursery in an isolette. Apgar scores were 8, 9, and 10. At this time, the infant is receiving an initial assessment in the newborn nursery. Which is the priority nursing diagnosis? A.Risk for injury related to potential equipment malfunction of radiant warmer B.Altered tissue perfusion related to use of medications during delivery process C.Ineffective airway clearance due to mode of delivery and use of anesthetics D.Risk for ineffective thermoregulation related to gestational age

C EX: Delivery via cesarean birth may affect the newborn's ability to remove excess fluid secretions because the infant did not move down the birth canal and thus may be at risk for airway concerns. There is no evidence to support that the equipment is malfunctioning. Although the use of medications may affect the newborn in terms of respiratory, cardiac, and neurologic depression, Apgar scores do not indicate any immediate deficit. The infant is at term based on reported gestational age and therefore is not a risk for ineffective thermoregulation because of this fact.

Which of the following is the appropriate treatment for miliaria? A.Application of oil B.Removal of wet clothing C.Removal of excess clothing D.Application of soothing lotion

C EX: Miliaria (heat rash) develops in infants who are too warmly dressed. Infants should be dressed in the same amount of clothing as the parent plus a receiving blanket. Oils and ointments should be avoided. Wet clothing is not the cause of miliaria. Lotion should be avoided. Often a bath will assist in cooling the infant, especially in hot weather.

During the first 6 months of life, the infant should have well-baby checkups at which interval? A. 1 to 2 weeks B. 2 to 4 weeks C. 1 to 2 months D. 3 to 4 months

C EX: Most pediatricians schedule well-baby checkups every 1 to 2 months (4 to 8 weeks) to assess the infant's growth and development, answer parental questions, observe for abnormalities, and give immunizations. Checkups are scheduled for every 1 to 2 months. Two to 4 weeks are too soon between visits, and 3 to 4 months are too long between checkups.

A nursing student has been caring for a patient and newborn all morning. After taking the newborn to the nursery for hearing screening, the student is returning the infant to his mother. Which procedure is correct for identifying the newborn? A.Ask the mother to state her name and the name of her infant. B.Call out the mother's full name before leaving the infant with her. C.Have the mother read her printed band number and verify that it matches the infant's number. D.Return the infant with no special procedure because the student knows the mother and infant.

C EX: The mother and infant should have identifying armbands with matching numbers. Both of these bands should be reviewed to determine that the mother has the correct infant. The other actions do not adequately verify the identities of mother and infant.

Which information should the nurse teach to new parents regarding the use of a bulb syringe? A.Use it only once per day. B.Suction the back of the throat vigorously. C.Insert the syringe into the sides of the mouth. D.Always suction the mouth before suctioning the nose.

C EX: The syringe should be inserted into the sides of the mouth rather than the back of the throat to avoid a vagal response and bradycardia. Suction can occur as needed. Vigorous suction of the back of the throat may stimulate the vagal nerve and produce bradycardia. The mouth should be suctioned first to prevent aspiration.

Parents ask the nurse, "How many wet diapers a day should we expect and how will we know the baby's stools are normal?" Which response should the nurse make if the infant is being formula fed? (Select all that apply.) A. The stools should be watery. B. The stools should be dry and hard. C. The infant should have at least one stool a day. D. The infant should have at least six wet diapers a day. E. The infant will only have a bowel movement every other day.

C,D EX: Formula-fed infants generally pass at least one stool each day. The infant should have at least six wet diapers by the fourth day of life. Stools that are dry, hard, and marble-like indicate constipation. Watery stools indicate diarrhea.

In providing and teaching cord care, which guidance is most appropriate? A. Cord care is done only to control bleeding. B. Alcohol is the only agent used for cord care. C. It takes a minimum of 24 days for the cord to separate. D. Keeping the cord dry will decrease bacterial growth.

D EX: Bacterial growth increases in a moist environment; therefore keeping the umbilical cord dry impedes bacterial growth. Evidence-based practice guidelines show that cleaning the cord with water when necessary and keeping it clean and dry is the best method of care. No other agents are necessary to facilitate drying of the cord. The cord will fall off within 10 to 14 days.

Which statement made by a new mother should be a cause of concern to the nurse? A."I will start my baby on solid foods at 5 months." B."I usually keep the temperature in my house at 22.2°C (72°F)." C."I plan to position my infant on his back when sleeping." D."I don't intend to spoil my baby by picking him up every time he cries."

D EX: Infant crying often indicates an unmet need. Parents should be cautioned about ignoring crying. Infants whose parents intervene appropriately for crying are less likely to cry excessively as they grow older. Solid foods should be started no earlier than 4 to 6 months. A house temperature of 22.2°C (72°F) is appropriate for a newborn. The appropriate position for a baby is on his or her back.

A new mother is preparing for discharge from the birthing center and relays to the nurse her concerns about how she will handle the baby's episodes of crying. What is the nurse's best response? A. "I hear your concern. Is there someone in the household who cannot tolerate hearing a baby cry?" B. "It is okay to just let the baby cry from time to time. You don't want to risk spoiling the baby too soon." C. "Infants only cry when they are hungry or if they have gas. If you don't eat any gas-producing food, your baby will cry less." D. "Crying is the way your baby communicates with you. It is important for you to meet your baby's needs consistently and promptly."

D EX: Infants cannot signal that they have unmet needs in any way other than crying and are not spoiled when parents meet their needs. In fact, their needs must be met in a consistent, warm, prompt manner for the development of trust to occur. Infants who are consistently held when in distress cry less at 1 year and are less aggressive at 2 years of age. Therefore parents should be taught the importance of consistently and quickly answering infant cries. The response to the assessment of intolerance of crying is a leading question and nontherapeutic communication. Infants cry for many reasons, including hunger, discomfort, fatigue, overstimulation, and boredom. Parents can often identify the problem based on the type of sound made during crying. Sometimes no specific cause can be determined. There is no mention in the stem of the question that the new mother is breastfeeding.

Which clinical finding indicates a sign of illness in the newborn? A.A yellow scaly lesion on the scalp B.More than two soft stools per day C.Regurgitating a small amount of feeding D.An axillary temperature greater than 38°C (100.4°F)

D EX: Infants commonly respond to a variety of illnesses with an elevation in temperature. Yellow scaly lesions on the scalp are normal findings and are probably cradle cap. More than two soft stools per day are appropriate for a newborn. Regurgitating a small amount of a feeding is a normal variance.

An infant who eats very rapidly may experience problems with swallowing excessive air. What should the mother be instructed to do? A.Use a nipple with a smaller hole. B.Place the infant on the abdomen after feeding. C.Provide the infant with water between feedings. D.Begin the feeding before the infant becomes too hungry.

D EX: Infants eat rapidly when they are very hungry. If fed before becoming excessively hungry, the infant will eat at a slower rate. Using a nipple with a smaller hole will not prevent swallowing excessive air. Infants should be placed on their back; however, can be put on their 'front to play' for short periods under supervision. Water should not be given in between feedings. All infants should be burped frequently throughout the feeding.

Which infant should be seen immediately by a health care provider? A. A 1-week-old infant with a diaper rash B. A 1-month-old infant with an axillary temperature of 37.7°C (99.8°F) C. A 3-week-old breast-fed infant who has had two loose stools D. A 2-week-old infant with nasal congestion and respirations of 64 breaths per minute

D EX: Normal respiratory function is a high priority in the newborn. Any situation in which respiratory function in the infant is impaired should be evaluated immediately by a physician. Diaper rashes are a normal variant. A temperature of 37.7°C (99.8°F) is still within normal limits. Breast-fed infants have loose stools, this is a normal finding.

Which statement by the parents indicates the need for further education with regard to pacifier use? A."We will discard the pacifier if it becomes torn." B."We will replace the pacifier every 1 to 2 months." C."We will be sure to cleanse the pacifier frequently." D."We will keep track of the pacifier by tying it to a string around the baby's neck."

D EX: Pacifiers should never be placed on a string around the infant's neck. The string could become tangled tightly around the neck and cause strangulation. If parents make this statement, they need further instruction. When infants use a pacifier, parents should be instructed to examine it often to see if it is in good condition. Cracked, torn, or sticky nipples or nipples that can be pulled away from the shield should be discarded. Pacifiers should be replaced every 1 or 2 months because they may come apart as they deteriorate and cause aspiration of parts. Pacifiers should be kept clean by frequent washing, and parents should buy several so that one is always clean when needed.

A new mother asks, "Why should I bring my baby in for a checkup? He is not sick." Which is the nurse's best response? A."Please ask your pediatrician to explain this to you." B."He may have a problem that you haven't identified." C."These visits are required by law to identify communicable diseases." D."Well-baby visits allow the doctor to determine whether your baby is growing and developing normally."

D EX: The pediatric provider utilizing well-baby checkups to observe for abnormalities, answer parental questions, give immunizations, and observe the normal growth and development of the infant. Checkups are done to allow for the provider to identify problems, not for the mother to identify problems. The nurse can answer this question; it does not need to be answered by the provider. Checkups are not required by law.

Most newborns receive a prophylactic injection of vitamin K soon after birth. Which site is optimal for the newborn? A.Deltoid muscle B.Gluteal muscle C.Rectus femoris muscle D.Vastus lateralis muscle

D EX: The vastus lateralis muscle is located away from the sciatic nerve and femoral blood vessels. Gluteal muscles are not used until a child has been walking for at least 1 year to develop these muscles. The rectus femoris is used only if absolutely necessary because this muscle is located closer to the sciatic nerve and blood vessels, which poses a greater danger. The deltoid is not a recommended site for newborn injections.

An infant's temperature is recorded at 36°C (96.8°F) during the morning assessment. Which action should the nurse take? A.Note the findings in the electronic health record (EHR). B.Unwrap the infant and inspect for abnormalities. C.Provide the infant with glucose water. D.Make sure that the infant is wrapped securely with a blanket and recheck temperature in 15 minutes.

D EX: This temperature potentially indicates hypothermia, so the infant should be wrapped securely in a blanket and reassessed after that intervention. Findings should be documented in the EHR; however, this is not the priority intervention. Unwrapping the infant would lead to further compromise and additional risk for the core temperature to drop. Feeding the infant with glucose water may eventually be used as an intervention if the infant shows additional signs of hypoglycemia, which may accompany hypothermia.

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