ch 3

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Law of segregation

A gamete has only one copy of each gene. Which of Mendel's laws defines this fact? Particulate theory of inheritance Law of independent assortment Law of segregation

The tall allele is dominant to the dwarf allele.

A pea plant will be tall if it has a least one tall allele in its genome. A plant will be dwarf only if it has two alleles for the dwarf phenotype. What conclusion can be drawn based on this information? The dwarf allele is dominant to the tall allele. The tall allele is dominant to the dwarf allele.

Single-factor cross

A tall pea plant is crossed with a different tall pea plant. What type of cross is this? Single-factor cross Monohybrid cross Dihybrid cross Two-factor cross

Monohybrid cross Single-factor cross

A tall pea plant is crossed with a short pea plant. What type of cross is this? Dihybrid cross Monohybrid cross Single-factor cross Two-factor cross

Single-factor cross Monohybrid cross

A tall pea plant is crossed with a short pea plant. What type of cross is this? Two-factor cross Single-factor cross Monohybrid cross Dihybrid cross Rate your confidence to submit your answer. High Medium Low

Dihybrid cross Two-factor cross

A tall pea plant with purple flowers is crossed with a short pea plant with white flowers. What type of cross is this? Dihybrid cross Single-factor cross Monohybrid cross Two-factor cross


A tall pea plant with round, yellow seeds, heterozygous for all three traits, is allowed to self-fertilize. How many of the offspring would be expected to be dwarf with wrinkled, yellow seeds? 1/64 27/64 3/64 9/64


A tall pea plant with round, yellow seeds, heterozygous for all three traits, is allowed to self-fertilize. How many of the offspring would be expected to be tall with round, yellow seeds? 1/64 9/64 3/64 3/4.

Two-factor cross

A tall pea plant with white flowers is crossed with a different tall pea plant that also has white flowers. What type of cross is this? Monohybrid cross Rationale: A monohybrid cross is a cross between two parents with different variants for a given character that produce single-character hybrid offspring. Dihybrid cross Rationale: A dihybrid cross is a cross between parents with variant characters for two traits. Single-factor cross Rationale: A single-factor cross is a cross between parents in which the experimenter observes a single character or trait. Two-factor cross


A trait that is expressed with either one or two of the same alleles is dominant. recessive.

Law of independent assortment

Alleles of two different genes will be randomly distributed into gametes during the formation of haploid cells. This statement summarizes which of Mendel's laws? Law of segregation Principle of dominance Law of independent assortment Law of probability


An alternative form of a gene is called a(n) ___________.

Mendel's law of independent assortment

An organism's genotype is RrYy and it produces gametes with the genotypes RY, Ry, rY and ry with equal frequency. Which of Mendel's laws explains this fact? Mendel's law of segregation Mendel's law of independent assortment

1 AB : 1 Ab : 1 aB : 1 ab

Based on Mendel's law of independent assortment, an organism with the genotype AaBb should form gametes with which of the following ratios? 9 AB : 3 Ab : 3 aB : 1 ab 1 AABB : 1: AABb : 1 AaBB : 1 aabb 1 AB : 1 Ab : 1 aB : 1 ab 1 AA : 1 aa : 1 BB : 1 bb 9 AABB : 3 AABb : 3 AaBB : 1 aabb

100% RY

Because of independent assortment an individual with a genotype of RRYY will produce which of the following types of gametes? 100% RR 50% RY:50% ry 50% RR:50% YY 100% RY 100% YY


Determine the possible gametes that could normally be formed from an organism with the genotype AABbCc. aBc AbC Abc ABC AABbCc ABc


Determining whether data from a specific genetic cross is consistent with a particular pattern of inheritance is called ______ testing. genetic hypothesis deductive empirical inductive

42% [n!p^(x)q^(n-x)]/[x!(n-x)!]

Ectrodactyly, also known as "lobster claw syndrome," is a recessive disorder in humans. If a phenotypically unaffected couple produces and affected offspring, what is the following probability? Any two out of the next three offspring will be phenotypically unaffected.


Hippocrates proposed a mechanism for inheritance in which all parts of the body produced "seeds" that were collected and transmitted to the next generation. His proposal was called __________.


If a genetic study began with your grandparents, which generation would represent you and your siblings? F2 P F3 F1

such a parent could make two types of gametes, Ty and ty, in equal proportions.

If a parent plant is Ttyy, how many different types of gametes can it make

b. anaphase of meiosis I

If a plant is Tt, at which stage do the T and t alleles segregate from each other? a. anaphase of mitosis. b. anaphase of meiosis I c. anaphase of meiosis II none of the above is the stage at which segregation occurs

P generation.

In a genetic study that begins with you and your mate, you and your mate would be considered the F3 generation. P generation. F1 generation. F2 generation.


In carrying out experiments to uncover the relationships governing hereditary traits, Mendel was following an _______ approach.


In humans, broad thick eyebrows are dominant to smaller more slender eyebrows. Separated eyebrows are dominant to joined eyebrows (unibrow). If a male with a slender unibrow mates with a female with a thick unibrow what is the likelihood that they will produce children with thick, separate eyebrows? 100% 0% 25% 33% 50%


Mendel studied many morphological characteristics such as pea pod color, flower color and plant height. Today, these "characters" that Mendel studied are known to be influenced by units of heredity called zygotes. genes. gametes. hybrids.


Mendel's approach to using observations and experiments to study heredity is described as a(n) ______ approach. inferential practical empirical intuitive scientific


Mendel's law of ________ can be explained by the homologous pairing and separation of chromosomes during meiosis.

Law of segregation

Multiple Choice Question Which of Mendel's laws explains why a gamete only has one copy of each gene? Law of independent assortment Law of segregation Principle of dominance

25% PpYy:25% Ppyy:25% ppYy:25% ppyy

Purple flower color (allele P) is dominant to white flower color (allele p) in pea plants. Yellow seed color (allele Y) is dominant to green seed color (allele y). If you cross a pea plant with purple flowers and yellow seeds that is heterozygous with a pea plant with white flowers and green seeds, what would be your expected genotypic ratio? 100% ppyy 100% PpYy 50% PpYy : 50% ppyy 25% PpYy:25% Ppyy:25% ppYy:25% ppyy

The plant has distinct varieties. The Pisum sativum plants that he used were true breeding with two distinct genotypes and phenotypes. Cross pollination was simple due to the large flower size.

Select all of the reasons that the common garden pea, Pisum sativum, was an ideal species to study genetic crosses. The plant has distinct varieties. Cross pollination could not occur. The Pisum sativum plants that he used were true breeding with two distinct genotypes and phenotypes. Cross pollination was simple due to the large flower size.

Mendel is regarded as a pioneer of genetics. Mendel initially failed the licensing exam to continue teaching. Mendel was an Augustinian priest/monk.

Select all of the true statements regarding Gregor Johann Mendel. Mendel is regarded as a pioneer of genetics. Mendel initially failed the licensing exam to continue teaching. Mendel's published findings were immediately recognized as significant findings in the field of genetics. Mendel was an Augustinian priest/monk.

The homologs segregate during meiosis I and the sister chromatids separate during meiosis II

The behavior of chromosomes during meiosis explains Mendel's law of segregation. Specifically, a gamete contains only one copy of each type of chromosome because of which of the following? The homologs segregate during meiosis I and the sister chromatids separate during meiosis II The homologs segregate during meiosis I and then again during meiosis II The sister chromatids segregate during meiosis I and then again during meiosis II The sister chromatids segregate during meiosis I and the homologs separate during meiosis II


The idea that heredity depended on all parts of the body producing "seeds" that were collected and transmitted to the offspring is called the chromosomal theory of inheritance. the law of independent assortment. pangenesis. the blending hypothesis of inheritance. the law of segregation.


The offspring of a pea plant with purple flowers and a pea plant with white flowers would be called hybrids. true-breeding. homozygous.

the product rule.

The probability of independent events is calculated by multiplying the probability of each event. This is an example of random sampling errors. the sum rule. binomial expansion. the product rule.

the product rule.

The probability of independent events is calculated by multiplying the probability of each event. This is an example of the sum rule. the product rule. binomial expansion. random sampling errors.

predict the probability of independent events.

The product rule can be used to predict the probability of dependent events. predict the probability of both independent and dependent events. predict the outcome of multiple unordered events. predict the probability of independent events.

independent assortment

The random arrangement of homologs along the metaphase plate in meiosis I is consistent with Mendel's law of __________ _________.


The term to describe the basic unit of heredity that influences an organism's traits is ________.


True or false: A tall plant that was produced from a tall plant and a short plant is true-breeding. True False


Two plants each have a gene that determines pea pod color. One plant has a gene that produces plants with yellow pea pods. The other plant has a gene that produces plants with green pea pods. What are these variant pea pod genes called? Alleles Zygotes Hybrids Gametes


Using statistical tests to determine whether data from genetic crosses are consistent with a specific pattern of inheritance is called _________ testing.

Independent alignment of different homologous pairs along the metaphase I plate

What aspect of chromosome behavior is consistent with Mendel's law of independent assortment? Movement of sister chromatids to opposite poles during anaphase II of meiosis Independent alignment of different homologous pairs along the metaphase I plate Replication of chromosomes during the S phase prior to meiosis Production of genetically identical daughter cells during mitosis

A family history of genetic traits How a gene is inherited

What information can be obtained from a human pedigree? The type of mutation that produced a variant allele A family history of genetic traits Where a gene is located on a chromosome How a gene is inherited


What is the expected phenotypic ratio when a plant with the genotype RrYy is allowed to self fertilize? 9:3:3:1 3:1 2:1 9:7:5:1 1:1

Binomial expansion equation

What is the name for the following formula? P = n!x!(n−x)!n!x!(n-x)!pxqn-x Binomial expansion equation Chi square test Degrees of freedom Punnett square Multinomial expansion equation


What is the term that describes an individual that has two identical copies of a gene? Homozygous Heterozygous

Law of segregation

Which law states that two copies of a gene separate from each other during transmission from parent to offspring? Law of segregation Law of thermodynamics Law of independent assortment Principle of dominance Cell theory


Which letter denotes the F1 generation? C B A

Law of segregation

Which of Mendel's laws accounts for the genotype of the gametes as shown in the figure? Law of independent assortment Law of segregation Particulate theory of inheritance

A strain of tall plants with purple flowers that have produced the same phenotype for several generations. A strain of short plants whose parents and grandparents were all short.

Which of the following are examples of a true-breeding strain? A strain of tall plants that produces both tall and short offspring. A strain of tall plants with purple flowers that have produced the same phenotype for several generations. A strain of short plants whose parents were all tall. A strain of short plants whose parents and grandparents were all short.

The offspring a pea plant with yellow seeds and a pea plant with green seeds.

Which of the following is an example of a hybrid? The offspring a pea plant with yellow seeds and a pea plant with green seeds. The offspring of parental pea plants both with green seeds. The offspring of parental pea plants both with yellow seeds.

c. chromosome replication occurs during S phase of the cell cycle.

Which of the following is not one of the tenets of the chromosome theory of inheritance? a. Chromosomes contain the genetic material that is transmitted from parent to offspring and from cell to cell b. chromosomes are replicated and passed along, generation after generation, from parent to offspring. c. chromosome replication occurs during S phase of the cell cycle. Each parent contributes one set of chromosomes to its offspring

Chi square test

Which of the following methods would best be applied to determine if the observed phenotypic ratios of a two-factor cross fit the expected ratios by Mendelian inheritance? Chi square test Sum rule Product rule Binomial expansion equation

Product rule

Which of the following methods would best be applied to determine the probability of having two babies and getting a female each time? Chi square test Product rule Binomial expansion equation Sum rule

d. chi square test

Which of the following operations could be used for hypothesis testing a. product rule b. binomial expansion c. product rule and the binomial expansion d. chi square test

True-breeding parents that are crossed

Which of the following would be classified as the P generation? True-breeding parents that are crossed The offspring of true-breeding parents The offspring of self-crossing the F1 generation

Binomial expansion equation Product rule Punnett square

Which of these would be used to determine the probability that a certain proportion of offspring will be produced with particular characteristics? Chi square test Binomial expansion equation Product rule Degrees of freedom Punnett square

To see if the observed reality matches theory

Why might we want to determine the probability of a given outcome?

The Pisum sativum plants that he used were true breeding with two distinct genotypes and phenotypes.

Why was the common garden pea, Pisum sativum, that Mendel used in his genetic experiments an ideal specimen to study genetic crosses? The Pisum sativum plants that he used were true breeding with two distinct genotypes and phenotypes. Pisum sativum produces hybrids with intermediate phenotypes. Pisum sativum produces offspring with identical phenotypes.


__________ describes the combination of alleles an individual has.

1 tall : 1 dwarf

a Tt plant is crossed to a tt plant. What is the expected ration of phenotypes for the offspring from this cross.

a. product rule, 1/32

a cross is made between AA Bb Cc Dd and Aa Bb cc dd individuals. Rather than making a very large punnett square, which statistical operation could you use to solve this problem, and what would the probability that the cross produces an offspring that is AA bb Cc dd a. product rule, 1/32 b. product rule, 1/4 c. binomial expansion, 1/32 d. binomial expansion, 1/4

3 round, yellow : 1 round, green : 3 wrinkled, yellow : 1 wrinkled green

a cross is made between a pea plant that is RrYy and one that is rrYy. What is the predicted outcome of the seed phenotypes

metaphase of meiosis I, T and t, R and r

a pea plant has the genotype TtRr. The independent assortment of these two genes occurs at ____ because chromosomes with the ______ alleles line up independently for those with the _________ alleles

1 rY : 1 ry

a pea plant has the genotype rrYy. How many different types of gametes can it make and in what proportions

c. its genotype is Tt, and its phenotype is tall

a pea plant is Tt. which of the following statements is correct? a. its genotype is Tt, and its phenotype is dwarf b. its phenotype is Tt, and its genotype is dwarf c. its genotype is Tt, and its phenotype is tall d. its phenotype is Tt, and its genotype is tall

anaphase of meiosis I

at which stage do homologous chromosomes separate from each other

all of the above were advantages

experimental advantages of using pea plants include which of the following? a. they came in several different varieties b. they were capable of self-fertilization c. they were easy to cross d. all of the above were advantages

c. both recessive and dominant

for the pedigree shown here, which pattern(s) of inheritance is/are possible? Affected individuals are shown with a filled symbol a. recessive b. dominant c. both recessive and dominant d. neither recessive nor dominant

homologous meiosis

fundamental principle of the chromosome theory of inheritance involves the chromosome composition of cells. Most eukaryotic cells are diploid, containing chromosomes that are found in ___________ pairs. During the process of ____________, the two members of each pair segregate into different daughter nuclei.

a. the white squirrels are pp, and the p allele is a loss-of-function allele

in a population of wild squirrels most of them have gray fur but an occasional squirrel is completely white. If we let P and p represent dominant and recessive alleles, respectively, of a gene that encodes and enzyme necessary for pigment formation, which of the following statements do you think is most likely to be correct a. the white squirrels are pp, and the p allele is a loss-of-function allele b. the gray squirrels are pp, and the p allele is a loss of function allele c. the white squirrels are PP, and the P allele is a loss-of-function allele d. the gray squirrels are PP, and the P allele is a loss-of-function allele

0.13 or 13% use the binomial expantion

in dogs, brown fur color B is dominant to white b. A cross is made between two heterozygotes for fur color. If the litter contains six pups, what is the probability that half of them will be white a. 0.066, or 6.6% b. 0.13 or 13% c. 0.25 or 25% d. 0.26 or 26%

the male gamete is found within pollen

prior to fertilization, where is the male gamete located in a plant

a. the gametes come from different individuals

the term cross refers to an experiment in which a. the gametes come from different individuals b. the gametes come from a single flower of the same individual c. the gametes come from different flowers of the same individual d. both a and c are true

b. remove the anthers from immature flowers.

to avoid self-fertilization in his pea plants, mendel had to a. spray the plants with a chemical that damaged the pollen. b. remove the anthers from immature flowers. c. grow the plants in a greenhouse that did not contain polinators (e.g. bees) d. do all of the above.

horizontal lines connect two individuals that have offspring to gether, and they connect all of the ofspring that are produced by the same two parents.

what are the two different meanings of horizontal lines in a pedigree

a true-breeding strain maintains the same trait over the course of many generations

what do we mean when we say a strain is true breeding

the extent to which observed data match the values expected by theory.

what does "goodness of fit" mean?

b. two affected parents have an unaffected offspring

which of the following would not be observed in a pedigree if a genetic disorder was inherited in a recessive manner a. two unaffected parents have an affected offspring b. two affected parents have an unaffected offspring c. one affected and one unaffected parent have an unaffected offspring d. all of the above are possible for a recessive disorder

independent assortment allows for new combinations of alleles among different genes to be found in future generations of offspring.

why does independent assortment promote genetic variation

segregation means that the T and t alleles separate from each other so that a haploid cell receives one of them, but not both

with regard to the T and t alleles (in a punit square), explain what the word segregation means

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