CH 30 Learning Curve

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What did Patrick Buchanan mean when he talked about a "culture war" in the 1980s?

A struggle between liberalism and Christian morality

What conclusion can be drawn from this graph, which illustrates changes in Americans' economic productivity, family income, and wages during the period from 1970 to 2004?

American workers were more efficient between 1970 and 2004, but their hourly wages increased very little.

What was the first state to have a "majority-minority" population?


Which nation quadrupled its gross domestic product (GDP) between 2000 and 2008?


What contributed to the expanding role of China as the manufacturer of America's cheap consumer goods?

China's deliberate decision to keep its currency weak

Which pair of terms describes China during the first decade of the twenty-first century?

Communist government and capitalist economy

In the 1990s, conservatives believed that multiculturalism would have what impact on the United States?

Confer preferential treatment on minority groups

Why did conservatives oppose affirmative action in the 1990s and later?

Conservatives argued that it promoted "reverse discrimination."

Why did profits of the American financial industry rise from less than 10 percent of total national business profits in the 1950s to more than 40 percent in the 1990s?

Financial deregulation

Petra Mata, a Mexican immigrant, wrote, "On January 16, 1990, Levi's closed its plant in San Antonio, Texas, where I had been working, leaving 1,150 workers unemployed, a majority of whom were Mexican-American women. The company moved its factory to Costa Rica." Mata's story provides evidence to support which of the following conclusions?

Globalization has encouraged American companies to seek cheaper sources of labor outside the United States since the 1990s.

How did the new immigrants from the Western Hemisphere help shape the emerging global economy in the late twentieth century?

Immigrants' remittances increased the flow of dollars outside the United States.

By the 2010s, the major Islamic fundamentalist threat came from which group?

Islamic State

How did the massive immigration from Asia in the 1970s influence U.S. foreign policy?

It helped reorient U.S. attention on Asia.

What is the significance of the 2016 presidential election?

It was the first election in which a woman was the candidate for a major political party.

Who was Barack Obama's Republican challenger in the 2008 presidential election?

John McCain

The multipolar world that has emerged since the early 1990s is characterized by what?

Multiple major centers of power plus rising regional powers

How did the Clinton administration address the growing Al Qaeda terrorist network in Afghanistan?

Ordering air strikes on their bases

What position did the Supreme Court take on affirmative action in its 2003 decisions in the University of Michigan cases?

Promotion of diversity was a legitimate goal.

What proposition won overwhelming support by California voters in 1998 to eliminate bilingual education in the state's public schools?

Proposition 227

Why did Karl Rove encourage activists to place antigay initiatives on the ballot in some states during the 2004 election season?

Rove hoped to draw conservative voters to the polls in key states.

Which country was part of the initial Group of Eight (G8)?


This map shows the growth of the European Union (EU). Which statement does this map support?

The EU expanded to the former Soviet bloc after the Cold War.

What was the name of the organization formed by more than twenty member nations in Europe in 1992?

The European Union

In 1995, the regents of which university voted to abolish its affirmative action admissions policy?

The University of California

In a 2000 press release, the World Trade Organization (WTO) concluded, "Trade can play an important part in reducing poverty, because it boosts economic growth and the poor tend to benefit from that faster growth." What conclusion can be drawn from this statement?

The World Trade Organization saw free trade as the remedy for poverty.

What is one example of how states took immigration control measures into their own hands?

The barring of undocumented immigrants from public schools, nonemergency care at public health clinics, and all other state social services in Arizona.

Why did 50,000 protesters gather at the annual meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle in 1999?

They were protesting unequal distribution of the costs and benefits of globalization.

What impact did financial deregulation and the increased global power of multinational corporations (MNCs) have on American workers and families?

While corporations increased their profits, American workers experienced stagnating wages, and families struggled.

What is the significance of the United States having a "majority-minority" population between 2040 and 2050, as demographers predict?

Whites will no longer be the most numerous racial group.

In 1998, Silicon Valley software entrepreneur Ron Unz sponsored a California initiative calling for an end to

bilingual education.

British voters decided to leave the European Union in 2016 due to

concerns over national sovereignty and immigration.

The diversity in gender, race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual preference that became a popular social policy in the United States is known as


During the 1990s, the people of the state of California expressed their anxieties over multiculturalism by

passing a series of laws and regulations ending affirmative action.

Globalization advanced due to corporations' quest for new markets and their

search for ever-cheaper labor sources.

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