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Which of these fungal phyla is most closely associated with the commonly envisioned "mushroom" (what most people call mushrooms)?


Which of these phyla, commonly known as the club fungi, has a variety of shapes including the shelf?


Select all true statements about seeds.

They protect growing embryos. They provide nourishment. They may be dormant in unfavorable conditions.

During the evolution of land plants, the gametophyte has

become progressively smaller.

Match each description to the major group of plants it describes best. Ferns/Pterophytes

the first plants with microphylis and vascular tissue includes club mosses (lycophytes)

Club mosses (lycophytes) and ferns are considered seedless vascular plants because they produce

windblown spores.

Phylum Ascomycota is a group of fungi that includes

yeasts and some forms of mold.

The flowering plants all belong to a group called the


Categorize each flower structure or description based on whether it belongs to a carpel or the stamen. Carpel

Female portion of the flower Stigma Style Ovary Ovule

Categorize each flower structure or description based on whether it belongs to a carpel or the stamen. Stamen

Male portion of the flower Anthers Filaments

The predominant reason that fungi used to be classified with plants was their

inability to move.

Match each of these descriptions to the associated fungal phylum. Zygomycota

includes bread molds zygospore fungi

Which of these is a benefit of megaphylls over microphylls?

increased photosynthetic output

Which of these is an adaptation associated with greater photosynthetic output in the evolution of land plants?

The evolution of larger leaves

Which fungal phylum includes the bread molds and parasites of insects?


Which of these fungal phyla is believed to have multiple evolutionary pathways rather than descent from a single protistan ancestor?


Which of these phyla does not currently have any species on the threatened species list?


In seed plants, what is the ovule?

a female gametophyte

DNA evidence contradicted the historical classification of fungi with the plants, showing

a more recent shared common ancestor with the animals.

Seed plants produce

both spores and seeds.

Which group of plants is entirely dependent on water for reproduction?


In a lichen, the fungus provides minerals and water while the algae provides


During asexual reproduction in fungi, which structures produce sporangia?

each mycelium

In alternation of generations the gametophyte produces

egg cells. sperm cells.

The angiosperm seed protects the plant's


The seeds of gymnosperms are not enclosed in a ______, which is why they are called gymnosperms, or "naked seed" plants.


A mycelium consists of a network of long branched ______.


During sexual reproduction in fungi,

hyphae from different mating types fuse to create a reproductive structure.

The bodies of multicellular fungi are composed of filaments called


Select the defining characteristics of megaphylls.

large efficient for gas exchange greater photosynthesis output

The pollen grain is the ______ in flowering plants.

male gametophyte

Fungi are known to form beneficial symbiotic relationships with

many plant species. many algal species.

A large leaf with a protective coating, efficient gas exchange, and greater photosynthesis output is called a ___________________.


Small, narrow leaves that prevent water loss but limit the amount of photosynthesis in a plant are called ___________________.


Because it is the only generation of the plant that evolved vascular tissues, which are necessary for successful life on land, it is important that

most plants have evolved to have a dominant sporophyte.

The fungal life cycle includes

mostly haploid stages, with the exception of a diploid zygote stage.

Which of these are characteristics shared by all plants?

multicellular autotrophic eukaryotic

Which are characteristics of plants?

multicellular make their food

Fungi are best described as

multicellular eukaryotes

Structures that produce asexual spores in fungi are called


Which of these provides increased surface area for better absorption of water and nutrients for a plant partner?

mycorrhizal fungi

Which of these are symbiotic relationships formed by fungi?

mycorrhizal fungi and plant roots fungi and algae, which form lichen

Fungi get their nutrients from

organic material.

What benefit do mycorrhizal fungi receive from their plant partners?

organic nutrients

In seed plants, this structure matures into a seed.


Seed plants have a significant adaptation in that the female gametophyte is produced inside of an _____________________.


Fungi are known to be _________________ of both plants and animals but are also capable of forming beneficial symbiotic relationships.


In the alternation of generations plant life cycle,

produces haploid (n) spores by meiosis

Seeds are a significant adaptation over spores because seeds

protect an embryo and nourish it.

What does the pollen grain in seed plants produce?


During asexual reproduction in fungi, each mycelium produces


Sporangia are structures, produced by fungal mycelium, in which ________________ formation occurs.


In vascular plants, which generation is dominant?


Which generation of a plant carries out the majority of photosynthesis?

the dominant generation

It is important which generation of a plant is dominant because

the dominant generation carries out the majority of photosynthesis.

Tissues in the vascular system of plants

transport nutrients and minerals. transport water. allow the plant to stand erect on land.

Although seedless plants require water for fertilization, seed plants can survive in arid environments because their sperm

travel directly to the egg via the pollen tube.

The endosperm is a

triploid structure in plants that acts as a food storing tissue.

The vascular system in a plant functions in ______ for the plant.


Which describes mycelium?

A multicellular structure formed from connected hyphae

Which roles are associated with mycorrhizal fungi?

Aid in water uptake Increase nutrient availability

Which of the following phyla of fungi generally form symbiotic relationships with algae to form lichen?


Which of these fungal phyla includes the highly prized, edible sac fungi known as the morel mushroom?


What is the most abundant group of gymnosperms?


Plants with seeds in cones are called


What is the best description of the function of plants with regard to humans?

Humans rely on plants for almost everything, including food, fuel, and shelter.

How would you describe the effects of the current extinction crisis on fungi?

Hundreds of species of fungi are threatened by the current extinction crisis.

Select all of the following that are components of a seed produced by a gymnosperm or angiosperm.

Stored food supply Dormant plant embryo Protective outer coat

Select all adaptive features of seeds.

They nourish the embryo. They protect the embryo.

What benefit do microphylls have over megaphylls?

They prevent water loss.

Many fungi are saprophytic, meaning that they _______________ dead or decaying organic material.


During ________________ reproduction in fungi, fungal mycelium produce sporangia that form spores, which can be dispersed into the environment where they may germinate when they encounter moisture.


Select the reproductive role of flowers in angiosperms.

attract pollinators provide nourishment in fruits and seeds protect the embryo

Match each of these descriptions to the associated fungal phylum. Basidiomycota

club fungi the "mushroom" most people envision

Select all characteristics of fungi.

decomposers saprophytic heterotrophic structurally diverse

A feature of the life cycle of many fungi is the presence of a 2n zygote stage, called a _______________ stage.


During the fungal life cycle, the fungal zygote is _______________, while all other stages are ________________.

diploid; haploid

Match each description to the major group of plants it describes best. Mosses/Bryophytes

do not have vascular tissue have a dominant gametophyte liverworts Hornworts

Gymnosperms are characterized by

exposed, rather than enclosed, seeds.

In flowering plants, seeds develop from

fertilized ovules.

What are fungal hyphae?

filaments composed of fungal cells

One of the benefits of _____________________ (found only in angiosperms) is that they give rise to fruits that cover seeds.


Which structure in an angiosperm attracts pollinators and protects the embryo?


A lichen is a partnership between green algae and a


In nonvascular plants, which generation is dominant?


Select the two multicellular individuals that alternate during the alternation of generation life cycle of plants.

gametophyte sporophyte

Match each description to the major group of plants it describes best. Seed Plants

have vascular tissue the most abundant and diverse land plants includes the flowering plants (angiosperms) includes the gymnosperms

Predominantly because of their inability to move, fungi were historically classified with


Match each of these descriptions to the associated fungal phylum. Ascomycota

sac fungi includes yeasts

Select the metabolic capabilities of fungi.

saprotrophic heterotrophic decomposer

Hyphae from different mating types combine and fuse during ________________ reproduction in fungi.


All fungi have a life cycle that includes

sexual reproduction. asexual reproduction. a haploid state. a diploid state. mating types.

Select the defining characteristics of microphylls

small limit photosynthesis prevent water loss narrow

Which structure, produced during sexual reproduction in fungi, differentiates the different phyla of fungi?

the reproductive structure formed by the fusion of two hyphae

During the plant life cycle, called an alternation of generations, which two multicellular individuals alternate?

the sporophyte and gametophyte

Fungi have historically been classified with the plants, though now they are part of

the supergroup Opisthokonta, because genetic evidence indicates that animals and fungi are more closely related than fungi and plants.

Plants can be described as playing an important role in almost every ecosystem because of their roles in which of these processes?

the water cycle the nitrogen cycle the phosphorus cycle the carbon cycle

Which stage in the life cycle of a fungus is diploid (2n)?

the zygote

In the alternation of generations of plant life cycle,

there are multicellular haploid and diploid structures.

Which of these is a benefit of flowers?

they attract pollinators

The sporophyte generation of land plants is dominant because of the evolution of _______________ tissue.


The sporophyte generation of plants is dominant in ______ plants.


Lycophytes (club mosses) resemble true mosses, but club mosses possess which of the following that true mosses lack?

vascular tissue

Select the adaptations that are associated with the evolution of land plants.

vascular tissue leaves flowers seeds

The production of a pollen tube eliminates the need for

water during fertilization.

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