CH 6: Schools

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Today's secondary schools are geared almost exclusively toward ______.

college-bound youngsters

The 1920s marked the birth in the United States of what came to be known as the high school __________ , an educational institution that promised to meet the needs of a diverse and growing population of young people.


In the 1920s, classes in general education, college preparation, and vocational education were all housed under one roof. This was known as ______.

comprehensive high school

(Family background/School quality) is a far more powerful influence on student achievement.

family background

Shelly has always excelled at math and science. As a freshman, Shelly is taking senior-level advanced placement classes in both math and science. She has won state awards for her scientific discoveries and is already receiving offers from major universities throughout the country. Shelly's abilities in math and science classify her as ______.


(Low/High) -achieving students, when mainstreamed, end up comparing themselves to students whose performance is better.


According to national surveys, levels of student engagement and excitement in American schools are (low/high)


Tracking has negative effects on ______ students.

low track

The United States has the (lowest/highest) college completion rate in the industrialized world.


Common Core is a set of standards in ______ that schools across the country would be expected to use to evaluate whether their students were learning what they ought to learn in each grade. (Select all that apply.)

mathematics English language arts

One advantage of separate special education programs is that they can be tailored to ______.

meet the specific needs of students

Today, the ______ school replaces the junior high school in many districts.


Today, the __________ school replaces the junior high school in many districts.


school violence is especially common in ______ schools.


Students who are disengaged from school are more likely to _____. (Select all that apply.)

misbehave engage in substance use

Schools are among the (safest/riskiest) places for adolescents to be.


Students achieve and are engaged more in school when they attend ______.

schools that are responsive and demanding

Subdivisions of the student body within large schools created to foster feelings of competence are referred to as ______ _____ _____.

schools within schools

Students and teachers are more satisfied in classes that combine a (low/moderate/high) degree of structure with high student involvement and high teacher support.


Generally speaking, victimization is (less/more) common in overcrowded schools in poor urban neighborhoods.


High school and junior high are part of the __________ education system


During the early high school years, students' ______.

self-esteem increases

According to research, which of the following teenagers is most likely to become disengaged from school during early adolescence?

J.R., who is Black

The Obama administration tried to build more flexibility into NCLB through a competition called ______.

"Race to the Top"

At the turn of the twentieth century, only ________ in 10 young people ages 14-17 were enrolled in school.


According to recent statistics, nearly ______% of U.S. secondary schools are overcrowded.


Among 8th graders in the United States, 61% of Asian students and 43% of White students are proficient in math, compared to ______% of Hispanic students and ______% of Black students.

19; 13

About ______% of American adolescents are homeschooled.


Compared to teens with similar backgrounds who attend traditional schools, homeschooled adolescents with weak religious ties are ______ times more likely to be behind their expected grade level of achievement tests.


Each year, nearly ______ American teachers are threatened with violence, and in about half of these incidents, the teachers have been physically attacked.


In a national survey of American secondary public school students, 1 out of every ______ students has been a victim of violence in or around school.


Students' attachment to school is weaker in larger schools, particularly when the number of students in a grade exceeds ______.


About 1 in ______ school-age children is at risk for a learning disability


In 1930, about ______ of young people ages 14-17 were enrolled in secondary education.


The ideal size of a high school is between ______ and ______ students.

600; 900

About ______% of the connection between teacher expectations and student achievement results from teachers having accurate perceptions.


Today, more than ______% of high school students graduate on time.


_____ is a general term for a difficulty with academic tasks that cannot be traced to an emotional problem or sensory dysfunction.

A learning disability

______ is a general term for a difficulty with academic tasks that cannot be traced to an emotional problem or sensory dysfunction.

A learning disability

In which schools will students from a low-income neighborhood fare best?

A school where most students have low socioeconomic status

Which of the following most reduces the incidence of violence among students who are at risk for misbehavior in school?

A sense of connection with the school

Which of the following parenting styles is most often associated with adolescents' academic success?


Several studies report that (Black/White) and (Latino/Asian) students perceive their teachers as having low expectations and holding stereotypes about their likelihood of misbehaving.

Black; Latino

How did "Race to the Top" compare to No Child Left Behind in terms of improving high school student achievement?

Both programs were equally effective.

according to the American Psychological Association, which of the following policies work best for dealing with student misbehavior and violence? (Select all that apply.)

Carefully train staff in how to respond to disruptive behavior. Reserve suspension or expulsion for only the most serious disruptive behavior. Require school police officers to have training in adolescent development. Define infractions carefully.

Students profit from the social capital associated with attending a ______ school, because the lessons taught in school are reinforced at home, at church, and in the neighborhood, and because the links between home and school are stronger.


Which of the following have been linked to lack of school engagement?

Cheating Depression Stress

Which of the following statements is true?

College graduates earn substantially more than individuals who attend college but do not graduate.

Which of the following best describes cascading effects?

Either positive or negative

True or false: In the United States, the goal of schools is limited to education.


True or false: With the transition to secondary school, students' scores on standardized achievement tests decline.


Which student is especially likely to say that he or she is bored at school?

Gary, who is a sophomore in high school

Which U.S. president signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act?

George W. Bush

Which of the following high school students is likely to be viewed most positively by White teachers?

George, who is Asian

Which of the following factors helps students adapt more successfully to school transition?

Having friends before and during the transition

During the late nineteenth century, social reformers expressed concerns about the dangers children faced working in factories, and labor unions sought to protect both the welfare of children and their own job security. Which historical/social trend does this primarily reflect?


Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with providing instruction to children with learning disabilities in separate classes?

It may foster social isolation and stigmatization.

Which of the following students would be at greatest risk for social promotion?

Jerome, who is African American

(Black/Latino/White) students are most likely to report that family obligations and responsibilities, in combination with commitments to school and work, can make the transition to college especially stressful.


Among ______ and ______ students, transitioning to a school where the proportion of students from the same ethnic background is lower than it had been at their previous school is associated with greater disengagement from school, lower grades, and more frequent absences.

Latino Black

(Magnet/Middle/Private) schools were established to create diversity by drawing students from different neighborhoods.


Which of the following is a concern associated with use of stimulant medication by adolescents?

Many individuals share it with their nonafflicted friends.

Which of the following is an unintended consequence of zero-tolerance policies?

Many students end up with arrest records for acts that would have been treated as disciplinary infractions in the past.

Which of the following are considered to be part of secondary education?

Middle school High school Junior high school

Which of the following students is especially vulnerable to the effects of teacher expectations?

Montel, who comes from a low-SES family

Which of the following best describes the high school completion rate in the United States in the early twentieth century compared to today?

Much lower

The ______ Act mandated that states ensure that all students, regardless of their economic circumstances, achieve academic proficiency.

No Child Left Behind

In ______, when educators increased the number of years of schooling it required adolescents to complete, the average IQ of the adult population increased significantly.


How do high parental expectations affect teacher expectations?


Identify the three subtypes of ADHD.

Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive Predominantly inattentive Combined

Which area of the brain sometimes shows deficiencies in adolescents who are diagnosed with ADHD?

Prefrontal cortex

Which of the following has been linked to ADHD?

Prenatal brain damage

What are the five key aspects of school organization?

Public versus private schools Different approaches to age grouping The ethnic composition of schools School and classroom size Tracking

Which of the following adolescents is likely to use stimulant medication to improve his or her test performance during the school year?

Rhianna, who comes from an affluent family

To what type of schools do students typically have the deepest attachment?

Schools that are in their neighborhood

Which of the following statements about class size is true?

Small classes benefit young elementary school children.

About half of all community college students have which of the following characteristics?

They are working toward a specific certificate or associate's degree.

Why do critics say that students who do not go to college should receive more attention and funding?

They make up about one-third of the adolescent population.

How do students' perceptions of teachers change between 6th and 8th grades?

They see teachers as less supportive.

In urban areas, the availability of private schools contributes to ______.

racial segregation

True or false: Black students are more likely than others to be suspended or expelled, even though they are no more likely to commit the sorts of acts that would warrant these responses.


True or false: Many states that signed onto the plan to adopt Common Core have since broken from it.


Which school characteristics contribute to the likelihood of bullying occurring? (Select all that apply.)

Unsupportive teachers Frequent disrespect for students Harsh punishments for students

Which of the following medications has been shown to be effective with adolescents who have both ADHD and some sort of mood disorder?


Many adults believe that adolescence is ______.

a difficult time for teenagers and those who work with them

Marissa's teenage daughter Kelli has been attending a junior high school that ranks among the lowest in the state in standardized reading and math achievement test scores. Because the school consistently performs the state and national average, Marissa is sending Kelli to a private school. To help pay for tuition, Marissa has applied for ______.

a government-subsidized school voucher

In schools in which students' peers do not value ______, students are less likely to achieve grades that match their ability.

academic success

In general, schooling affects adolescents' (cognitive/achievement) scores more than their performance on tests of (cognitive/achievement) skills.

achievement; cognitive

As a result of Brown v. Board of Education, many school districts ______.

adopted measures designed to make schools more diverse

Classes that ______ make students anxious, uninterested, and unhappy.

are too task oriented

The big fish-little pond effect has been documented ______.

around the world

Where are American children most likely to be killed?

at home

Students who had been doing poorly adjust (better/worse) if they enroll in a different school than their friends.


When students compare themselves to their high-achieving classmates, they don't feel as competent as they would if their point of comparison were students who were not so smart. This phenomenon is called the ______ effect.

big fish-little pond effect

Learning disabilities are more common among (boys/girls) .


For some students, academic and behavioral problems in elementary school lead to more problems during the transition into middle school. This is referred to as ______ effects.


As students move from elementary into middle or junior high school, their academic motivation and school grades tend to drop. Nevertheless, scores on standardized achievement tests don't decline. This may be due to ______.

changes in grading practices and student motivation

Public schools that have been given the autonomy to establish their own curricula and teaching practices are called ________ schools.


ADHD is usually diagnosed during ______.


If it were not for the effects of school on ______ development, the discrepancy between affluent and poor youngsters' achievement would be much greater than it currently is.


Nicholas feels a lack of connection to his school. His mother just found out that he has skipped three days in one week. When she confronts Nicholas, he tells her, "I'm just not into it. It's boring. I don't like my teachers. The work is stupid." Nicholas's comments are an example of (emotional/cognitive) disengagement.


No Child Left Behind required that schools ______.

create and enforce academic standards by annually testing all students and reporting the results of students' performance to the public

Educators pointed out that standardized tests under No Child Left Behind could not assess _______ ______ skills, which involve analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting information rather than simply memorizing it.

critical thinking

Proponents of tracking note that ability grouping allows teachers to ______.

design class lessons that are more finely tuned to students' abilities

In one program, parents participated in an 11-week program designed to increase their understanding of adolescent development and their effectiveness as parents. The children whose parents participated ______.

did not show the decline in functioning often associated with the transition to middle school

Students in different tracks have (similar/different) opportunities to learn.


Changes in school climate create a mismatch between what adolescents need and what their schools provide. This leads many adolescents to ______ school.

disengage from

Students in urban schools report less of a sense of "belonging" to their school, which leads to ______.

disengagement and poor achievement

students in urban schools report less of a sense of "belonging" to their school, which leads to ______.

disengagement and poor achievement

Studies of classrooms indicate that variations within the typical range of classroom sizes (do/don't) affect students' scholastic achievement once they have reached adolescence.


One way of assessing the contribution of schools to adolescents' intellectual development is by comparing changes in knowledge _______.

during the school year with changes during the summer

_______ is a learning disability in which one has impaired ability in arithmetic.


Corbin has a learning disability in which he has an impaired ability in reading and spelling. Corbin has ______.


Dropouts are likely to show achievement problems (early/late) in their education.


Quinton has started feeling disconnected from school. As a result, Quinton has been skipping school. Feeling disconnected to school is an example of ______ disengagement, whereas skipping school is an example of ______ disengagement.

emotional; behavioral

Students who are just (emotionally/behaviorally/cognitively) disengaged report the highest rates of depression.


Good schools in the United States _____. (Select all that apply.)

encourage students to be active participants in the learning process have teachers who are committed to students are well-integrated into the communities they serve emphasize intellectual activities

Academic functioning and psychological adjustment affect each other, so that a positive school climate enhances adolescents' psychological well-being as well as achievement, mainly by strengthening their ______.

engagement in school

Schools with more than 50% ethnic minority students are ______ likely to be overcrowded than schools with a lower percentage of ethnic minority students.


True or false: In most American high schools, the prevailing peer culture emphasizes academic success as a route toward status and popularity.


Students who are unusually talented in some aspect of intellectual performance are called _______students.


About ______ or more of all children diagnosed with ADHD continue to have the diagnosis in adulthood.


Due to neglect of inner-city schools, just 10% of the high schools in the United States produce ______ of the country's dropouts.


High-ability students who attend schools where the student body is more diverse ______.

have higher career aspirations

Among (lower/higher) SES students, academic progress during the school year is comparable to that during the summer.


Some studies have found that students' test scores are (higher/lower) in private schools.


For high-ability students, within-classroom ability grouping results in ______.

higher expectations for academic achievement

The idea of universal compulsory education for adolescents gained widespread acceptance in the early 1900s. This was in part a result of ______.


In adolescence, the defining feature of ADHD is generally ______.


The education crisis, and its implications for the labor force, is especially urgent within ______ schools.

inner-city public

The ______ school is an educational institution designed during the early era of public secondary education in which young adolescents are schooled separately from older adolescents.

junior high

Junior high schools are (larger/smaller) than elementary schools and are (more/less) personal.


Researchers agree that in good-quality schools, ______.

learning is more important to students than athletics or extracurricular activities

Adolescents with learning disabilities are (more/less) likely to participate in school-based extracurricular activities.


Compared to elementary or high school teachers, teachers in junior high or middle schools are (more/less) likely to feel confident about their teaching ability.


Compared to elementary school teachers, teachers in junior high schools are ______.

less likely to trust their students

Research shows that student performance and interest in school improve when schools are (less/more) bureaucratic and (less/more) intimate. Listen to the complete question

less; more

Teacher expectations have a cumulative (short/long) -term impact on student achievement.


Today, ______ of high school graduates enroll in college immediately after graduation.

more than two-thirds

In a small school, (most/few) students find themselves on a team, in the student government, or in an extracurricular organization.


Students at community colleges tend to be (older/younger) than students at four-year institutions.


Recent surveys of American high school students indicate that nearly ______ of high school students carry a gun, knife, or club.


Nearly ______ of students who enter full-time, two-year college programs drop out after 1 year.


A strong predictor of high achievement and reduced dropout rates is ______.

parent involvement

It is possible to enhance low-income students' adjustment to middle school through interventions targeted at their (peers/siblings/parents)


One factor that helps protect low-income students against the impact of low teacher expectations is having high expectations for achievement from their ______.


Standards-based reform refers to ______.

policies designed to improve achievement by holding schools and students to a predetermined set of benchmarks measured by achievement tests

Studies show that students on lower education tracks who need the most help often have the ______ instruction.


One key aspect of school organization is the ______ of classrooms and schools.


(Large/Small) schools report higher student achievement.


Strong communities generate what has been called _______ ______, which includes interpersonal resources that, like other financial capital, give "richer" students advantages over "poorer" ones.

social capital

The interpersonal resources available to an adolescent or family are called ______.

social capital

Moving students from one grade to the next automatically, regardless of their school performance, is known as _______ _______ .

social promotion

Moving students from one grade to the next automatically, regardless of their school performance, is known as ________ ______

social promotion

The past three decades have been dominated by what is called ________ -________ reform, which focuses on policies designed to improve achievement by holding schools and students to a predetermined set of benchmarks measured by achievement tests.


The most common treatment for ADHD is ______.

stimulant medication

Involvement in school-based extracurricular activities (strengthens/weakens) students' attachment to school.


_____ _____ is the extent to which students are psychologically committed to learning and mastering the material rather than simply completing the assigned work.

student engagement

Tracking can polarize the student body into different ________ that are often hostile toward each other.


A possible disadvantage of schools within schools is that schools may inadvertently create ______.

subschools that vary in educational quality

The achievement gap between White and non-White students is (substantial/minimal) .


Over time, most youngsters adapt (successfully/unsuccessfully) to changing schools.


One concern about No Child Left Behind was that teachers might ______.

teach to the test

School transitions, whenever they occur, ______.

temporarily disrupt the academic performance, behavior, and self-image of adolescents

Standards-based reform gave rise to the proposals that American schools adopt ______.

the Common Core

An advantage of schools within schools is that they lead to ______.

the development of a more positive social environment

To understand the effect of classroom climate on student achievement, we need to better understand ______.

the extent to which students are psychologically committed to learning and mastering the material

A good way to understand how adults want adolescents to change is to look at ______.

the ways that schools have been reformed over the years

Children with a learning disability are defined as those who perform significantly poorer in school than ______.

their expected performance

Young people who drop out of high school before graduation are at risk for ______. (Select all that apply.)

unintended pregnancy substance abuse unemployment delinquency

Raul, Clayton, and Willie all attend Lincoln High School. Raul takes classes that are challenging and rigorous. Clayton takes remedial classes, as he has had academic difficulties in the past. Willie, an average student, takes the same classes as most of his peers. This example of separating students into different levels of classes within the same school is called ______.


The process of separating students into different levels of classes within the same school is called ________.


True or false: Schools can contribute to student bullying.


About ______ of students in American schools are not fully engaged.


There is considerable (stability/variability) among charter, for-profit, and private schools, as well as among homeschooling environments, just as there is among public schools.


School _______ can be used for private school tuition.


The increase in college enrollment has been especially dramatic among (men/women)


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