unit 2 javascript
What is the value returned by the following expression? // (0 > 1) ? x : y
Which of the following statements declares a variable whose value can't be altered throughout the script?
const x = 5;
What is the data type of the value of myVar after execution? // var myVar; myVar = confirm("continue?");
What is the return type of the confirm() method?
Boolean (either true or false)
Which of the following statements is true of JavaScript keywords and/or reserved words?
You cannot use reserved words as names for objects.
Which of the following methods let you convey information to a user and doesn't record the user's response?
alert( )
What is the value of testValue after execution?
What is the difference between myVar1 and myVar2? // var myVar1 = "25"; var myVar2 = 25;
The data type
Which JavaScript operator indicates concatenation?
Which among the following operators is of highest precedence?
Which of the following operators is an assignment operator?
What is the output of this statement? // document.write(8 / 4 * 2 + 2 / 2);
Which of the following data types is a non-primitive data type?
What will be the result of this code snippet when run in the browser? // Consider the following JavaScript code snippet:
Which of the following statements is true of the undefined data type?
It is the value taken by the variables that don't have any value assigned to them.